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    Sunday, January 7, 2018

    Startups How does an entrepreneurial developer protect themself from deadbeat partners

    Startups How does an entrepreneurial developer protect themself from deadbeat partners

    How does an entrepreneurial developer protect themself from deadbeat partners

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 06:03 PM PST

    Excuse my title, I wasn't exactly sure how to phrase the question. I have a history of what I will call "deadbeat partners."

    Often coming to me with an idea which excites me and then I build the idea. Only to see them not come through on the sales and marketing side. While I have a good business mind. I am in general not a sales guy, not very outgoing. That's not to say I am timid or unwilling to talk. But being a rah-rah sales person is just not my forte. My preference is to be in the background writing code, keeping the books, and managing the product.

    I have been speaking with someone who has a very promising idea, but the idea of sinking several months of labor into an idea and then not seeing them pull their part is not very appetizing. How would you protect yourself in my situation? I know startups are a risk and nothing is guaranteed, but I would at least like effort guaranteed.

    Your thoughts and experiences are welcomed. Thanks.

    Edit: Some ideas I've thought up:

    1. Require them to do a full on business plan to start. If they can't be bothered to do some work up front, why should I?

    2. Require them put money into an escrow. If they don't meet some sort of metric then I get the money, otherwise they get their money back.

    submitted by /u/systematical
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    How long does it take to setup US bank account for LLC for non residents

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 12:24 AM PST


    We are an Australian company in the process of setting up an LLC based in the states. As part of this we will need to attend a bank inside the states to complete the application process due to the 'Know your customer' laws.

    The issue we are running into is that we have only a limited time during which we can visit the US and aren't certain as to how long this process may take. In our prior experience opening a business bank account in Australia required numerous on-site visits and the process took over a month.

    Could anyone that might have gone through a similar process give us any insight into their experiences? How long did it take you to setup your LLC bank accounts? What was the process like? Did you run into any obstacles that we should be prepared for?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/UrDoctor
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    Checking in on trying to obtain a government grant [post 2]

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 12:24 AM PST

    First post: Trying to obtain a government grant that "I was a shoe in for" and now the committee is pulling back.

    Okay so I'm here as a follow up to my first post. In short I'm having a list of troubles trying to obtain a government grant for a startup. To sum it up quickly, I'm now fighting back.

    I have had many people review my business plan and I have made my draft structured in a way that is clear and understandable to the reader. My hunch has been that they don't want to give me a grant because I'm a tech company and not a brick and mortar.

    What was happening was I was being given generic criticism that didn't necessarily apply to my business plan. I went and tackled that criticism and rewrote part of my plan and an outline to point to where critical questions of my business plan lay. Now I'm doing the key thing, asking them to be specific. I sat there and line by line went over any concerns that could come up in reviewing my business plan to the committee that will be assessing if my company is grant worthy.

    Now the thing that people around this subs parts keep telling me is that since this is government they can tell me to get lost and I'll have no say. Not exactly. This is a program to help small businesses that is being paid for by the taxpayer. In completion of this program I then apply for a grant with the business plan they've helped me make. The reason that their job exists is to help people formulate a business plan that is worth a committee review. Just like a teachers job is to teach a kid in school. In short, they can't just tell me to get lost if I politely keep coming back for review as they are bound by the taxpayer to give me an equal shot. I now know this and in the last meeting I felt like I was on the enforcing end to get them to name specific things in my business plan instead of them getting off topic and giving me generic criticism that didn't pertain my company much at all. I'm forcing them to drop the "you're structuring this for you" and forcing them to tell me how to structure it for them and forcing them to admit the new standard of business practices that they don't know.

    They are mandated by the taxpayer to give me my fair chance and I have to enforce it so I get my fair chance. It seems to be working and there was progress the last meeting. I am sticking to this strategy when dealing with them.

    Will come back for a progress report in a few weeks.

    submitted by /u/corbinthecoder
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    Looking for someone to join me on an adventure.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:13 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    It's my first post here... I have an idea that would require the skills of someone relatively experienced in app design/development. It would also require then to give up what they are currently doing and buy into the idea I had in mind.

    Now I understand that it's pretty vague, but I wasn't looking to make a sales pitch... I'm just trying to figure out if a platform exists to connect like minded individuals who are interested in jumping on board with an idea and have the skill set that is needed.

    submitted by /u/_NowYouSeeMe_
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