• Breaking News

    Friday, February 11, 2022

    Legal Advice I am going into foster care. What are my rights? Can I go home to my parents?

    Legal Advice I am going into foster care. What are my rights? Can I go home to my parents?

    I am going into foster care. What are my rights? Can I go home to my parents?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 06:30 PM PST

    I am a teen guy for the record. Like I am literally sitting in a social workers care right now on my way to a ducking foster home. I told my teacher that my parents were restricting my food so cps investigated and found other problems at my house like abuse. I am freaking the fuck out. We are 10 minutes from the foster house. I have never done this and I am scared. What will happen when I meet them?? When can I see my parents?

    submitted by /u/aitason12
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    Seller accidentally included 2nd property in deed/contract

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 06:57 AM PST

    Hello, I'm in KY where my girlfriend and I bought a house in January. When we were signing the documents, we noticed the deed said something about two parcels of land and we were confused about the descriptions but the agent told us the house was split into two parcels and we were just getting both. So be it.

    A month later we get a call saying there was a mistake and actually the 2nd parcel was the neighboring property with a big garage on it which belongs to the seller. They are saying that "technically" it is ours but not legally which I think is BS. The deed clearly lays out both parcels and says the sellers relinquish all rights to us. Not saying that we're going to fight them on this as I don't want to evict someone from their space, but would the deed hold up in court?

    Edit: Just to be clear, before signing, we were told that parcel 1&2 in the deed ONLY contained the house and land that we had toured and gotten a mortgage for, it wasn't until later that we were told that parcel 1 was actually the house and land we toured, and parcel 2 was an entirely new piece of land and structures.

    submitted by /u/admiralbonesjones
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    Signed papers and gave deposit to dealership for a brand new car purchase. Showed up today to pick it up and the car is covered in scratches. I walked. Now they're saying I can't get my deposit back.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 03:09 PM PST

    I signed some papers yesterday and made a $1,000 deposit on a brand new car from a Chevy dealership. Car was in perfect condition when I saw it.

    I arrived today to pick it up and finalize signing, and it's covered in scratches. The salesman called me after I walked and said I won't get my $1,000 deposit back. I have not signed the final documents that I was supposed to sign today for the sale to be done.

    What can I do to get my money back? Are they allowed to do that?

    I'm in Ohio.

    submitted by /u/oceaneyes244
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    Professional squatter help [Oregon]

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 06:24 PM PST

    Long story short, my grandfather passed a couple months ago. House was a mess have been cleaning it out. Changed locks got alarm system set up. Apparently alarm company does not notify you of tripped alarms for the first 72 hours (so owners can get used to the system?) Go there today to continue cleaning up the place to find the locks changed and 2 people video taping us when we come in all smug saying they have squatters rights. We called police and they gave us information for a court date. Does this sound right? They been in the house less than 72 hours. Does squatters right kick in that fast. We can provide proof of a breakin. Do we really have to start the squatters eviction process? Thank you for your input. Portland Oregon.

    submitted by /u/majaba1999
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    My friend and I wrote “pee pee poo poo” and drew a heart in the dust on a classmate’s car, with our fingers, obviously as a stupid joke. This person is now online threatening to go to campus police to find out who “vandalized” her vehicle. Can we actually get into trouble for this?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 10:12 PM PST

    No, we did not scratch her car. We're all in nursing school and we're only allowed to have very short finger nails.

    submitted by /u/takeitupwithcthulu
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    URGENT! Rescue wants dog back after PayPal dispute on neutering

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 07:52 AM PST

    Hi, in a tough situation. Rescued a dog last Monday 1/31and paid via paypal for $300 which I was told included neutering the dog. After 12 days of trying to get this scheduled the rescue lady stopped responding to me until I put in a PayPal dispute. She called the next day screaming and says shes driving 3 hours to come pick up the dog with the police saying that I signed a contract to return the dog. The contract was never signed though. Everything on the adoption forms were entered except for the signature and date for the contract. I have call logs and text messages asking to setup the appt and her making excuses and ignoring it.

    I tried reasoning with the lady to setup the appt today and I'll cancel the dispute with paypal but she wasn't listening. I'm going to find out if the dog has a microchip now.

    What recourse does she have to take the dog? I love this dog and would have just paid for the neutering myself had I know it would go this direction.

    submitted by /u/Sk8tboar
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    PA - moving company moved my planters, enabling cars to damage my property

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 01:09 PM PST

    Today, a moving company blocked our one way street (apparently with a permit to do so). In order to let cars go by, they moved my planter so that cars could drive onto the sidewalk to get by. The planter was placed there in order to stop cars from rolling over my egress grate (which is like half of the sidewalk). For those who don't know, an egress grate is basically a grate that allows light into the basement - so just imagine a steel grate over a 10 foot hold right in front of my house wall.

    Since a bunch of cars have run over it, it is now HEAVILY dented and probably structurally compromised. Any one of those cars could have broken through, causing it to crash straight through my front wall. I have all of this on video - them blocking the street, moving my planter, cars rolling over the grate, etc. Can I file a claim against their insurance to get it replaced?

    Photo of the planter placement (dark circle is where it used to be) and the now dented grate: https://imgur.com/a/6WRbbrX

    submitted by /u/Forward_Start
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    University sent debt collectors for final semester even though I have documentation that the tuition was paid. Now I can't get scholarships or apply to med school as all my documents are on hold and University "can't settle debt that was already sent to collections." What recourse do I have?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 03:47 PM PST

    To clarify, bureaucratic options have failed. I have contacted people in multiple departments and they all hand me off to someone else. I come here hoping for advice on hard legal recourse that the university cannot ignore.

    I am at a large research university in the mid-atlantic US with a long history of legal missteps and reputation for a very shady but capable general counsel.

    I was on a government scholarship and the university said my last quarter's tuition was not paid. Out of nowhere I start getting debt collector calls. However, the govt finance department indicated the very day my tuition was paid, complete with identifying transactional information. My scholarship sponsors indicated this has happened with multiple students with my university.

    Despite that, I have debt collectors repeatedly calling me suggesting legal action.

    This is all very distressing as I need transcripts and tax documentation from my university, and the institution has put a hold on all of it. I'm in a very tight spot financially. I was hoping to have them lift their hold ASAP, and also wanted to know what other compensation/recourse I could have.

    There is no bureaucratic accountability and I know this has happened to multiple people so I feel motivated to pursue justice to the fullest possible extent. My main hope is for them to lift their holds so I can get my transcripts. But I was also thinking of pursuing something in small claims court as their level of negligence, not just to me but others, has been ruining lives.

    Thank you all in advance.

    submitted by /u/EtOHbro
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    Landlord sent huge estimate bill for replacing flooring after we moved out. We found out they haven't replaced the floor, instead it has been cleaned well and the house is ready for occupancy. What can we do to in this situation?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 08:56 PM PST

    We moved out of our apartment recently and after about a week or so we received in email a final account estimate from the landlord. The estimate showed that they will be charging us for $8K for replacing stained floor. When we spoke to the landlord the next day, they said work on replacing the floor had already begun. Couple of days ago we learned that the landlord hasn't replaced the floor rather it has been cleaned well and the house is ready for occupancy. We are now waiting to receive the final bill from them which was supposed to be there by now and the landlord has not responded to our emails about it. If the flooring charges do get included in the final bill, what can we do so that we don't pay for them? We can't give any proof that the flooring hasn't been replaced, but we do know that it hasn't been replaced. Also, there were other charges on the estimate which were final and we were told to pay them by a certain date. Considering that the landlord has been't truthful (so far) about the flooring we are not sure about the veracity of these charges as well. How can we ensure that the charges are valid?

    submitted by /u/renter_ca
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    Dr. won’t tell end why she gave me narcan in the ER.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 03:46 PM PST

    So a few weeks ago I went into the ER with a dislocated elbow/head injury late at night. When I arrive, they gave me morphine to put me to sleep for reducing my elbow back into place. The next morning, they gave me a paper with descriptions of injuries I sustained and ways to treat them, and the paper also said that I was prescribed narcan. I have never taken any opiates, so I was confused. When I asked the Dr. , she said that a different doctor treated me, but based on what she sees, she has no idea why.

    I then go back in for checkups/to get my cast off with the Dr. that treated me the night of my injury. I asked her why I was prescribed narcan, and she said she doesn't know why because a different Dr. did it (idk how that could be). She then says something like "wow are you a worrier? You shouldn't be a worrier. You were so brave when you came into the ER, are you not brave anymore? You should just take this completely out of your mind. Forget about it. It's fine. Ok?" It was super weird. I honestly just asked this out of curiosity, but after she said that I kind of felt like she was trying to hide something. The only reason I could think of that I was prescribed narcan would be that they gave me enough morphine to OD and then used narcan to reverse the effect. Is this legally actionable against?

    Also, I'm going back in a couple days and I want to get more information about what happened. What info do I have a right to? After I asked the Dr. what happened, she asked if I had a copy of the ER notes before responding. Do I have a right to see these notes? What other documents can I request if she still won't give me an answer? I live in California btw.

    submitted by /u/Sentientlog
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    Left behind on Alcatraz, charged with trespassing on federal property

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 09:34 PM PST

    I recently took a trip to Alcatraz for the first time, at no point in time was I made aware or informed by any staff member that the island closes at 4:00PM sharp and the last ferry goes out for the night. The only area where that info is posted to inform you is on a small sign nearby the entrance of the island where everyone crowds around and congregates as they're immediately leaving the ferry, the sign is very small and lower than waist height. Not possible to be easily seen amongst a crowd of people. Apart from that no staff member from the ferry nor rangers on the island ever mentioned or informed anyone that they must be out by 4 or they'll be left behind. So naturally I'm walking around checking out the island when I realize that nobody is there at all and something seems off, I check the time and it's 4:30. I head back to the front of the island only to realize that the island is now closed, everyone is gone and I have no way of getting back. Apparently they did a walk of the whole island to sweep everyone off for the night yet somehow they missed me, they also made an announcement over a loud speaker that I was too far out of range to hear. So yet again they've failed to properly inform their guests and failed to do a proper sweep to make sure nobody was left behind. Upon realizing I'm stuck here with no way out I frantically search for a number to call anyone who works for the island or the ferry service, there was absolutely nothing posted. So I resort to calling the coast guard/police to inform them that I got left behind and I'm now stuck on the island and can't get off in an effort to hope they maybe they can help me. They inform me that yes I'm not supposed to be there but as long as I stay seated at the docks that I should be okay and they won't ticket me. Fast forward to 8 or 9pm I'm still on the island just barely getting picked up by a water ferry who drops off the night security guard. They drop me off at the docks back in SF where 2 officers are waiting, they "investigate" me by asking a series of questions like where was I, what was I doing etc. I answer everything truthfully and honestly because it was a true mistake, I had got left there and had no desire to be there. Yet they still end up giving me a 130$ ticket for trespassing on federal property, I'm considering showing up to court to fight this ticket. Is that a smart thing to do? Do I have a reasonable chance to fight this ticket? Or should I just pay it. I truly believe that I was not in the wrong. I immediately had called them and followed all the instructions they gave me. Really need advice on what to do.

    submitted by /u/SiNiSTERworkings
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    Wedding venue harassment.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 08:07 AM PST

    Owner and employee have been outright racist

    My fiancé and I were planning on getting married at this venue. They have events all throughout the month which leaves the place scuffed up, badly painted and other noticeable blemishes.

    We talked to the site manager about these concerns and he seemed positive and reassuring he could handle this. My fiancé later that day gets a nasty call from the owner talking about us just showing up and harassing his employee, causing all this trouble. He said he's basically fed up with her and offers us a refund verbally.

    We have 2 receipts that show the refund plus a text from him saying "refunded." Hours later he calls my fiancé saying "i won't give you a refund, I looked you up and know who you are and all about your DACA status" (which is true, but not like she's an illegal immigrant regardless) like it's a threat or he has a position of power over us was a very clear message.

    So obviously, we decide to find another venue regardless of losing the money or not at this point. She posts the story on her Tiktok and Facebook. She does mention the name of business and people review bomb it. (She does not tell people to do this) This was a week or so ago and now, today, I receive an email from his employee to my work email which I've never given out to anyone.

    You come from a good family. She is from the gutter. You can get her out of the gutter, but can't get gutter out of her. She is hateful and vicious. That's because of her upbringing. Growing up with a face that looks like a monkey must not be easy for her. Stop doing reviews and attacks online. Move on with your life. She has listed you and your family everywhere online. named family member and other members in New York. She is nasty and vicious. If she is doing this to us, I can guarantee there are countless others. Put as stop to fake reviews and online attacks.

    This really put me over the edge. I was already in the mindset of this money is lost and just move on so I could enjoy my wedding but this is too far and I'm curious what I have and what I'm up against as far as a civil suit or anything else, sorry I didn't know where else to start.


    Edit: state is North Carolina

    submitted by /u/PLA1401
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    Landlord refused rent check, sent legal notice, then ghosted all communication (and a bunch of other BS) [AZ][Civil]

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 07:07 AM PST

    Posting here because I haven't been able to get any concrete answers online or find any lawyers to consult with. I dont know if what's happening is a blatant attempt at a scam or incomprehensible incompetence. Thanks in advance for help! [Arizona | Civil matter]

    TLDR: Landlord refused rent check and waited until way past grace period to notify me, failed to provide 30 day notice of rent/housing cost increase, refused to cash new reissued check and is attempting to collect late fees on it, has completely ignored all attempts at communication via many different communication mediums.

    I'll preface by saying I mail a cashier's check the 2nd week of every month for the next months rent, effectively paying rent weeks in advance (eg. Mailing out February's rent check the second week of January). I have never missed a rent payment, or even a bill payment in my life. I have no problems paying rent and can easily afford a housing cost increase, thus I would have no reason to suddenly refuse paying rent. I've been paying rent weeks in advance my entire multi-year tenancy.

    Recently I received an envelope that contained a 1) letter of housing cost increase, 2) a notice of failure to pay rent on time, and a 3) "payment history" document with entirely inaccurate payment and account information. These documents were all together in the same envelope, hand-delivered to me approx. a week after rent due date.

    1. The letter (not a notice) of housing cost increase was delivered after the new rent amount was due (and after I had already paid that month's rent), with no prior notification, violating ARS 33-1342 B. For a housing cost increase, landlord must provide a notice which includes tenant's current rent amount, new cost, and new total owed, a minimum of 30 days in advance via hand delivery, certified mail, or posting on door (none of those occurred). This letter was backdated two months. (Note: they also altered an electronic invoice to show an earlier date than which they sent the invoice (backdating), which was still not 30 days in advance either).
    2. The legal notice cited ARS 33-1371 Partial Payment 5 day notice. This states failure to pay full amount and rejection of rent monies. (Remember, rent increase letter was provided at the same time this legal notice was provided and I had already paid rent nearly two weeks prior).
    3. The "payment history" document has a lot of incorrect information. Incorrect tenant code, incorrect move in date, incorrect and varied monthly rent amounts, incorrect deposit amounts (they zeroed out all my deposits). Again, this document was provided a week after rent due date in the same envelope as late rent notice.

    Lastly, the "late fee" they tacked on to my account far exceeds legal limit and thus violates (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 33-1414(C)). Late fees must not exceed $5 per day, regardless of what agreement says. Again, they refused my first rent check, forcing me to reissue a new one now late with no time to verify receipt, they still have not cashed it, and have issued a significant late fee. I was not notified of late fees. They altered an electronic invoice after I had already paid again (the one referenced above).

    I have attempted contact immediately and every day since, via all their emails, voicemails, handwritten letter in the mailslot and by proxy to non-office staff. I have records of all attempts to communicate.

    They have not attempted to contact me and still have not cashed my last rent check.

    I am worried they will continue to add late fees and perhaps set in motion eviction or judgements.

    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. I can pay my landlord twice, but I can't make them accept the money/cash the check.

    Here's where it gets interesting... This incident also happened to several other tenants in the building. A bunch of us got these envelopes the same evening. Also, clearly posted on their website they are attempting to sell the apartment complex. Also, new management.

    Am I correct in my above assessment of their infractions? What should I do? Send an email and certified letter contesting everything as I've done here in this post? Wait for another legal letter and then hire a lawyer, or hire a lawyer now? Then what?

    I'm worried about eviction and damaged credit score.

    Anyone have any input?

    submitted by /u/mmchml
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    Partner (M27) is buying a house, I’m not on the mortgage, but wants me to look at splitting costs 50/50

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 12:28 PM PST

    Hey there, so title says it all really, we're due to get keys in a week and my partners done everything himself, deposit solicitors everything. I know I'm not entitled to anything if we split, but could I/would I get costs back if we did split up if we had something in writing? I just need to know how to protect myself in case something goes sour and I'm paying for somewhere I don't have a claim too. Sorry if this doesn't make sense

    submitted by /u/DisneyinDisguise
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    "Laid off" three days after informing my job that I'm pregnant, gives alternative reasoning.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 04:28 PM PST

    Hello there!

    I'm just gonna dive into this, this takes place in the US.

    I was working for a small mom and pop restaurant as a server, I was informed about the opening for the position by a friend (important later). I worked at the restaurant for around 5 months and never had any issues, I even volunteered some extra time, unpaid, to help come prepare for the business to be on TV, I was never late and only had one call out for a medical emergency that left me out of work for a week as I required surgery. I had amazing reviews and always have a great can-do attitude.

    Prior to me being let go, I did have an altercation with the friend who I got the lead from who was my coworker, this altercation happened outside of work and I still came to work and was completely civil if we had shifts together. The altercation was that I had gifted him a piece of art, which he had another artist alter, if you know anything about art, that's extremely disrespectful. He then used the art for his promotion business he was starting. He told me since the art work had the company name on it that it belonged to the business and I have no rights to it, along with some VERY nasty words towards me... So I bought the LLC for the business name to reclaim my art. Considering the business was in the early stages (obviously since he hadn't even purchased the LLC), he was able to progress under a new name with no true set backs and was now operating legally. Petty? Yes, but you don't treat people like that and not expect them to do something about it.

    Work isn't the place for petty friend drama, leave it at the door and do your job has always been my approach. Said (now ex-friend) approached me on shift and demanded my physical address so they wouldn't have to get a "menacing charge" trying to get it. This friend knew where I lived, as we only lived a block apart and he had been to my house a handful of times, so this approach was completely unnecessary and just an attempt to rile me up on shift. I gave it no mind but did inform the owner of this and he decided to just not put us on shifts together which was fine with me.

    A week or two go by with no issues and then I find out I'm pregnant. I wait around a week after I find out (seven weeks pregnant) and then inform the owner of my pregnancy considering I'd need reasonable accommodation. Three days later, I'm called into his office and told I'm being "laid off" due to the issue with my coworker, that he was also being let go and then it was lack of hours even though we were always understaffed. He told me he'd approve me for unemployment and provide me severance.

    This is where things make me mad. I found out that the ex-friend was never let go, my unemployment was denied, I never received my severance and have proof of them hiring from postings about it by the manager on Facebook. I even went in to pick up my W2 and the ex-friend was literally on shift and working. To say I'm angry is an understatement. I haven't been able to get unemployment, nobody wants to hire me because I'm pregnant (I'm having twins so it's been physically apparent since I was around 9 weeks pregnant but I can't prove that so whatever). I did get assistance with Medicaid, WIC and SNAP.

    I have struggled through my pregnancy financially and my partner and I have been surviving solely on his income which doesn't completely cover all of our monthly expenses. My mom stepped in two months ago to help with a new place and is covering some bills until the babies are three months old, has purchased or helped us acquire almost everything the babies will need, so I can just be pregnant without a ton of stress and I don't have to leave them super early which has been an extreme blessing.

    I am angry. I feel as though me being let go was unjust, unfair and not due to anything other than a cover up that he didn't want to deal with me being pregnant and me taking time off for it when I give birth. My life completely derailed and caused a ton of stress on me while pregnant. My question is, can I sue him for discrimination? Would I even have a case? How would I even go about that? I'm now 27 weeks along and my twins are thriving, thankfully, but I feel as though I'm owed some justice in this situation. I have proof of the ex-friend still being employed, that they were hiring directly after me being let go, the denial letter for unemployment, etc. Can I do something with this?

    Any advice would be amazing. Thank you for reading.

    Update: I have a phone appointment with a local employment attorney this afternoon (02/10/2022). They offer free consultations and do not charge unless we win. Thank you all for the great advice and really the push I needed to move forward. I will update once more with what happens and the results of everything.

    submitted by /u/motherofthebuns
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    Just found out I'm being underpaid.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 01:26 AM PST

    Petsmart Keyholder in Kentucky, pay was supposed to be raised to $16.50... except the checks always looked a little off. I always assumed it was taxes. I finally downloaded the pay app our company uses, turns out I'm actually being paid $16.

    It's not a crazy difference, and I'm not done calculating everything yet. But I've had this pay for 20 weeks, and out of the 14 I'm up to $212 in missing wages.

    I know if I talk to my store leader about this, he won't do anything about the missing money. He hates conflict and is petty, so he would either cave and give me the $16.50 or gaslight me to convince me I was mistaken.

    The assistant store leader was there when he told me about my raise, but I don't think she would remember. She works in a few days, so I'll discuss it with her then. I've scrolled back through messages with both of them, and can't find written proof that $16.50 was my pay.

    If he doesn't do anything I'll go to our HR, but I'm afraid of losing my job. I've been here for a few years and feel comfortable, I just feel cheated.

    Should I talk to them first, or go straight to HR?

    submitted by /u/exhaustedkraken
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    [CA] Boss told me I have write a letter of resignation if I want my paycheck, but "doesn't want to work with me anymore".

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 08:24 PM PST

    I [25 F] went to pick up my pay stub today from my Employer who told me that I needed to "write a letter of resignation" or agree to work 8 hrs a week starting next week if I wanted my pay check. We spoke in a public setting (middle of the showroom floor with mall music/customers talking in the background + my coworker Brian and my boss's wife could fully over hear everything so this was not private by any means) where I audio recorded the conversation in which he clearly stated that he does "not want to work with [me] anymore", but wants a letter of resignation if I want my check. His wife suggested accomodating my new 8 hrs a week schedule with another part-time job if I want to get one and he said "I'm not interested, I want an employee and I'm not going to be told what to do. I don't want to work with her anymore." He eventually cut the check, but I'm not sure if I still have a job or not.

    Does this mean my employment was terminated today?

    Can I stop going into this horrible workplace now?

    Edit for Context: I told him that I was not resigning and still able to work, but told him that those were very short hours. But, explicitly said I was not resigning. And then his wife offered to accomodate my schedule with another job if I wanted to get another one plus still work the 8 hours and he said "No, I dont want to work with her anymore. So, she needs to write a letter of resignation." I did not write a resignation letter.

    submitted by /u/AppleGummyDrop
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    Girlfriend signed a lease for an apartment with the expectation there would be no security deposit. After signing, they hit her with a $1,000 deposit she couldn't pay. Now they are requesting the full 6 months of rent ASAP

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 09:10 PM PST

    Location is Mississippi in the US. Girlfriend was moving to college town in order to be closer to her school, so she searched around for apartments and found this one student apartment (I don't know if I can mention specific names or not, so I won't) that was perfect, so she went through the lease-signing process. She had to have a guarantor as she has no income, so her dad signed that part for her. She expected no security deposit as the spot for it on the lease was left completely blank. Then, they turned around and said due to her dad's low credit, she owed a $1,000 security deposit. Well, my girlfriend didn't exactly agree with that, so the apartment complex said they would let her out of the lease OVER THE PHONE. She agreed, again over the phone. We have since learned out lesson to get everything IN WRITING, but it's too late for that now. To her horror, they sent her an email last week letting her know her rent was past due and she was being charged all of her rent for the whole term due to their early move-out policy. So she couldn't even use the apartment for a storage space if she wanted to, she will never have access to it due to their move-out policy. There's no way we can afford the $3,500. She's never even stepped foot on the property. We've already tried talking with the property manager, and she basically said, "Sorry. tough luck." Is there anything we can do besides take out a loan to pay it off? Anything and everything is appreciated. I've already looked through the lease itself, and there's no way out of it besides reasoning with the property manager.

    submitted by /u/323lavablock323
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    Truck ripped power lines off my parents house - transport company refuses to give up driver for insurance claim (Sydney, NSW)

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 12:56 AM PST

    Last Friday a delivery truck ripped the power lines off our house when leaving a factory directly across from us. Ausgrid were called and when they arrived they told my mum that she would have to get an electrician at her own cost, $7000, before they could reconnect our power - they also did up a report to say basically this was a hit and run and completely the drivers fault, our power lines are at regulation height etc. I contacted the company across the road on my mums behalf to identify where the driver came from as they took off straight away after the damage - that in itself was like pulling teeth they kept trying to tell me they didn't know where the truck came from and they had no records to say what deliveries come in??? so after 4 calls and giving them the ultimatum of either you can give me the company details or we can forward the costs to your business they finally told me who the transport company was. I gave my mum the details and she called them and that's where everything has really gone down hill. Even after saying over the phone "you're not the first people to call up saying one of our trucks have damaged property and you certainly won't be the last" and them seeing the footage provided by the company in our last conversation with them, so far they will still not admit responsibility and will not give the drivers name/number for our insurance claim. Today the police contacted them to follow up and they are still deadset that they should not have to pay for this? Police will continue to follow up however this is delaying the claim and we are still out of pocket. We have a witness statement, a report from ausgrid and footage of the incident, is there anything else we can do legally to move this along? Personally I feel like something dodgey is going on here and the transport company have been quite aggressive with us since first contact.

    TL;DR truck driver ripped power lines off our house, transport company will not give driver details or accept responsibility for insurance claim even though we have sufficient evidence.

    submitted by /u/ahmonkeh
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    A Label Artist Used My Beat Without Paying Me

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 10:05 PM PST

    Background info: Loop = a melody for a beat (another producer takes your loop which is just a melody and adds drums to it to make it a full beat)

    Hey guys just wanted to come here ask for some advice. An artist who is signed to Epic Records which is owned by Sony just released a mixtape. He is not an unknown artist he has 26k monthly listeners and some songs with 1m+ on YouTube. Here is a link to the song in question: https://open.spotify.com/track/0OjK38w6WE1gdLye7UGfpx?si=FukhUhRMQzu1iGCJptH2pg

    I was contacted by a producer who used my loop multiple months ago, I was told I would be paid 500 dollars and 10% publishing. I later was contacted by an Epic Records representative and they asked me for direct deposit information and a bunch of other paperwork. I completed it all and then was told they needed to contact the artists management in order to create a new contract because the contract we had provided was between me and the producers who had used my loop (it was supposed to be between me and the artist, not sure how I was supposed to do this when I was not given contact info for the artists management or any sort of contract to sign that would have fit these requirements).

    The song dropped about 30 minutes ago, coincidentally the same day that I decided to email the artists management because the Epic Records representative still had not heard back from him. Do you guys think there's any chance I will even get paid? I checked the credits on Spotify and sure enough the producer who used my loop had been given credit, and my name was nowhere to be found, even though in the contract I signed with him it explicitly said I was to be credited.

    Very frustrated with how I have been disregarded and not paid at all. Taking some sort of legal action is probably out of the question because it would probably not be worth it to hire a lawyer over 500 dollars. Not really sure what to do and if there's anything I can even do.

    submitted by /u/Beck69420
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    My Exgf took my dogs, both of whom are legally mine. I have filed a replevin action because police won’t help, but courts are years delayed due to pandemic. How can I see my dogs again?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 09:03 PM PST

    NYC - She has admitted in writing that she doesn't have legal ownership of either of them. I own their microchips, licenses, paid their adoption fees and have always been responsible for their food and medical bills, all documented. My ex and I were never married and although we shared an apartment lease, we shared no property. She has had her lawyer try to convince me to sign an agreement transferring ownership to her, and wants $30k for emotional distress, with no proof. I left the relationship after being physically abused by her and mentally abused for years. I left the dogs in her care while I attended a trauma recovery for 5 weeks. I continued paying my beloved dogs' food, medicine, rent and insurance. When I returned she had changed the locks and fled the state with them. I filed a police report and pressed charges for her abuse. She evaded arrest for 2.5 months and upon being arrested filed retaliatory charges against me (5 months after the alleged event and after her lawyer told me in writing that if I pursued civil action (Replevin action) for the dogs, that she would file charges against me and also counter sue me for $50k in civil court to delay proceedings. She has followed through on her threats and for now we have mutual restraining orders against each other. I am desperate to have my two dogs again. I have all their paperwork. This is non matrimonial. I'm a 30s F with no criminal history. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Plenty_Leg5181
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    Amazon is claiming i did not come into work, and has not paid me.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 09:00 PM PST

    i was there 15 minutes early, like i always am. i did every step properly. i worked the full shift and finished on time.

    now they sent me an email telling me i didnt come into work at all. despite the fact that there is most likely cameras at the warehouse that saw i was on time, and all of the pictures i sent of all of the packages at customer's doors.

    a friend of mine told me this is wage theft. what can i do about this?

    i feel like it is probably important to mention i work for amazon flex, which is one of those independent contractor things. i cant imagine that allows them to lie and keep the money they guaranteed me though.

    edit: i also have a check in. i checked in 15 minutes early as i am allowed to. so i even checked in and marked arrived at the location (warehouse) 15 minutes early. this is so ridiculous

    submitted by /u/No_Trust696
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    Threatened with a claim for reselling products

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 07:49 PM PST

    I work at a store, let's call them Mal-Wart, as a part time stocker, usually a few times a week. I also have a side business selling items on a website, let's call them D-Bay. For the last several months, I have been buying things from Mal-Wart, usually on clearance, and selling them on D-Bay. I would like to clarify that I pay the normal price (no employee discount), and I do this on my own time, off the clock, although sometimes while I'm working I will keep an eye out for items that might be suitable.

    One of the managers asked why I stay after work and buy so much stuff, so I answered that I sell it on D-Bay, not thinking that I was doing anything wrong. She said that this was not allowed and I had to stop. I agreed to stop, and I thought that was the end of it.

    Then about a week later she approached me and asked for my D-Bay username. Apparently she contacted D-Bay customer service and they said they need my username to look into it. I told her I wasn't going to give it to her.

    Two days later she called me back into the office and said that I would have to pay back tte difference between the normal price and the clearance price for everything I bought to resell, which she calculated at $687 and some cents. Even though I didn't use my employee discount, she apparently could track my purchases because I always used the same debit card. If I don't pay within 30 days, Mal-Wart is going to pursue charges for unjust enrichment.

    Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this? I didn't realize I had done anything wrong, and I feel like I shouldn't have to pay for this. I don't really care if I get fired, but that's not going to happen because they are short staffed.

    submitted by /u/TelephoneTemporary37
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    I’m 17F and I need some legal advice to help my mother financially. This looked like the most appropriate subreddit to ask for help.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 10:31 PM PST

    TL;DR: My mom married my ain't shit stepfather and I need help protecting her financially.

    Context: They had a huge fight (mostly caused by his nonsense alcoholism) and now she's standing up for herself. (Go mom🥳👏🏾). We live in the Puget Sound region so the laws here are alright but I'm having trouble understanding some legal laws.

    My mom (age 39/40) is also an East African immigrant for 10+ years, and her country's second language is English so she's well established and following the divorce of my father 8+ years ago, is capable of taking care of herself.

    So I thought I'd put some bullet point questions where people can help me find answers. Thank you for your help and consideration, it really means a lot right now 🙏🏾 ok here we go:

    1. If my mother stars putting away money in a separate bank account, what would be the best option?

    2. In the event of a divorce, how can we make sure none of that money ends up in that dunderhead's pockets?

    3. Any other legal ways that can benefit my mother financially?

    4. Any other things that can prevent her from getting screwed over in the event of a divorce?

    Thank you for listening, I'm praying for better days.

    submitted by /u/s0n_der
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    Copyright implications of the bookbinding community destructively scanning books they own to reprint and bind

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 02:02 AM PST

    Long story short, I've gotten into bookbinding lately and I've seen a common practice all over the community of scanning books to reprint them on better paper/with a better binding. Though I doubt any small individuals making them for personal use will be involved in litigation over this, I'm curious about what US copyright law technically says about this situation as I get more involved in the community. I am in Virginia.

    It seems like the typical scanner bookbinder:

    • Buys a paperback copy of some Great Book
    • Pays a book scanning service to destructively scan the book (e.g. take the spine off, pass it through a scanner, produce a PDF, and throw out the pages from the original)
    • Prints the PDF out and proceeds to bind exactly one copy intended for personal use

    It seems like there's no clear consensus on this online, and lots of case law gets thrown around on Quora by people that seem pretty unqualified to be discussing it. Specifically, I'm seeing a lot of mentions of precedent that supposedly allows this copying without redistribution, and some people claiming that since you purchased the original work and destroyed it, you're in the clear.

    I'm also wondering what this means when the bookbinder is clearing out their shelves before a move. Normally, selling/donating books you purchased is no big deal, but if you want to ditch your specially bound copy of Great Book doesn't that constitute a violation of copyright due to distribution of what's technically a copy of a protected work?

    To stray a bit into the hypothetical here (happy to delete this section if it infringes on sub rules): it seems widely accepted that simply performing repair work on your copy is allowed. Let's say your dog eats a couple pages out of Theseus' Ship and you acquire copes of those pages from a second book you own, replacing the eaten pages in book number one. Let's further say this happens slowly over time to all pages of the book. Do you now effectively have a copy in violation of copyright law, or was it a violation the second you started replacing pages?

    submitted by /u/Tambien
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