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    Sunday, February 13, 2022

    Do not use Stripe. Stripe processing won't release 3k to me or back to customer. This seems fairly common. small business

    Do not use Stripe. Stripe processing won't release 3k to me or back to customer. This seems fairly common. small business

    Do not use Stripe. Stripe processing won't release 3k to me or back to customer. This seems fairly common.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 01:15 PM PST

    Edit: I have not really used reddit or the internet much in the past. I used reddit on and off for years before and it appeared to me as a good way to challenge corprate misconduct, that is why I posted this. However I have been met with mostly posts saying that it didn't happen to me so it didn't happen to you and everybody on the stripe sub must also be lying. So I think I have failed here. I thought comments would lean more to advice on my potential legal approach and how to maybe recover the funds. I admit naively I had hoped for perspective on how this was possible legally and what if any movement against stripe was possible. Sadly I might as well have just posted this to Facebook or Twitter and gotten the same they haven't stolen from me so you must be a lying response. The response has been mostly negative. I understand that this post was pointless. While 3k being stolen may not sound like much, I am just a drop in the bucket. I will have the card just do a charge back thanks reddit.

    Second Edit: This sub has opened my view to the subject and I am willing to accept that I am wrong. Maybe I just wasnt smart enough and didn't do my research. We live in a world where the smartest and sharpest survive. I think the lesson I have learned here is that instead of going on reddit to bitch I should take it as a lesson and be smater next time. To sum up what this reddit has taught me about business. Stripe had the power to take my money and they did. It happens in business all the time. I shouldn't seek out sympathy because there is none. Maybe this is obscure but I'm sure we can all remember a time when we were too trusting and ended up scammed. Instead of complaining any further here I will use it to learn for next time. The stong win and the rest can cry into the void. END

    First off I want to ask and advice businesses not to use stripe. They can steal any amount of money from you at any moment and you will have no power to stop them. If I was a new small business having 3k essentially stolen by stripe would be deadly.

    Stripe closed my account after a 3k transaction. This was done before the 3k could be withdrawn. Now I am unable to withdraw the funds due to account closure. Stripe said it would be refunded back to the customer card but now this can't happen because of the fee they charged making the balance 100usd short. I cannot add funds to the account to process a refund either due to account being closed. I also feel that they won't process the refund even if I were somehow able to add the money as I am not even allowed to process refunds. I cannot add a debit card to do direct withdrawal, nothing. My 3k funds have been in limbo for about 6 weeks with them now and I do not know what to do as they seem adamant about keeping the money. I have the full support of my customer as they are luckily a close family member and are working with me. Is the only option to just have them do a charge back? Thanks in advance. END

    I sell building materials and have only done 10k in business with stripe. However my company did around 5 million last year. I would be willing to put a decent amount into a lawsuit just to make a point to them would this be worth it if I cannot get a refund to my customer? This seems to be fairly common maybe some sort of class action lawsuit could be made? Their repeated offense seems to be allowing an account to open then accepting a charge to be made. After taking the fee of that charge they close the account then proceed to hold the funds hostage likely using it as working capital indefinitely. Keep in mind they say they will refund back to a customer's card but they already took a fee so your balance can't cover the refund and you can't add funds with the closed account to cover the difference the fee made. This means they end up holding your money indefinitely. What a coincidence they don't investigate and close accounts until they already made a charge and paid fees.

    Here is the reason for closure after they asked for verification a few days following a 3k charge. My account was over two years old with a few multi thousand dollar charges. The sub for stripe is rife with posts telling the exact same story multiple times per day with even larger amounts by multitudes.

    Thank you for completing our verification process. Unfortunately, after conducting a further review of your account, we've determined that we still won't be able to accept payments for (deleted).

    Stripe can only support users with a low risk of customer disputes. After reviewing your submitted information and website, it does seem like your business presents a higher level of risk than we can currently support.

    As mentioned before, refunds on card payments will be issued in 5–7 business days, although they may take longer to appear on cardholders' statements. Please refer to your Dashboard for a list of the charges to be refunded. If there are insufficient funds on your account to cover any refunds, these refunds will not be processed and any outstanding funds will remain on your account. Any customers waiting on unprocessed refunds should contact their bank.

    We're sorry that we can't offer ongoing service, and we wish you the best of luck with your business.

    — The Stripe team]

    submitted by /u/SpunLikeSpidrMike
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    Customer wants me to stay out of their space

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 11:21 AM PST

    My largest customer is threatening to terminate our contract because I am planning to attend a conference in "their" industry. They are saying if I market myself in the industry I am a competitor. If I do business with one of their competitors, I am a competitor, etc. They are 200+ times my size...

    Is it normal to restrict small vendors from your industry?

    I've worked in the industry before. I can certainly scale faster by marketing there, but losing this contract would be a huge setback.

    Should I let them go, or stay out of that industry?

    submitted by /u/LoadedRhino
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    Client: Did you make some change to the campaign? The leads seem to have slowed down.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 07:12 AM PST

    I got off a call with my client 30 minutes back and this is what he said on the call.

    He is a new client and we just started working together 2 weeks back.

    My client is in EU and I'm in India and thanks to GDPR and Facebook's new policies, I can't see what kind of results he is getting with my marketing campaigns and I have to rely on his feedback.

    I could try other types of campaigns but this one was getting him results so I had told him we'd try the others in a couple of weeks.

    Anyway, he said the leads have slowed down, so I opened up Ads Manager, went through the stats and remembered that I can't see the most important ones.

    I asked him if he is available later today so that we can share his screen and I can try to figure out what's happening. He is available tomorrow and we decided to catch up tomorrow to do it.

    And that's when I remembered, he asked me to reduce the ad budget by half, a week back because he was getting overwhelmed.

    Welcome to small business marketing :)

    He is a nice client but he had me worried for a while.

    submitted by /u/bizidev
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    My dad and his window washing business

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 07:56 PM PST

    My dad has made his own window washing business and it's been around for a few years. However he is near the retirement age and due to a divorce taking most of his income until I recently turned 18, he hasn't been able to build a retirement fund except for the 401k he had while teaching. Before he becomes too old I want him to feel success with his business. As of right now the only people he can get as customers are friends and friends of friends. He's used yelp, yellow pages and a bunch of apps to advertise himself. He's even printed out pull out tag advertisement and put them at a lot of stores. I'm going into the military soon and I would like to help with his business before then. I could really use some ideas that could help his business get off the ground. Like contracts or how to get his business noticed, recognized etc.

    submitted by /u/ch1m3rachaos
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    starting a small construction company...i'm a moron...give me tips

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 05:34 PM PST

    my friend is a really good carpenter and ran his own construction company when he was 19-21. he did great work but he did a horrible job of actually running the company. now he's 27 and i'm 29 and we both hate where we work.

    we've been considering starting a contracting company and splitting it either 50-50 or 45-50 going his way.

    he has the professional tools, the truck, and the know how. he knows how to hire guys for jobs and to try to get work.

    my responsibility is supplying the initial costs(not much we have most of what we need), bookkeeping/managing our taxes(i'm currently taking a course on this), managing finances, helping deal with customer calls, marketing, and just helping as much as I can.

    we know it's not going to be a perfect start up but we really want to do this so any tips would be really appreciated.

    submitted by /u/betterAThalo
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    Would it be considered disrespectful to send my resume to a family owned and operated business?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 06:00 PM PST

    There's a small specialized retail store in my area that I love going to. I have massive knowledge of their products and I have past retail experience selling those same products. I think I would be a great fit to work there and I would absolutely love doing it, but I'm nervous to bring it up because I don't want to offend them by crossing any boundaries. Any thoughts would be appreciated here and if this doesn't fit within the rules please delete!

    submitted by /u/headofthedickclub
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    "Profit first" by Mike Michalowicz

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 11:43 AM PST

    I've preparing to start a business this year, plumbing service, and ran across this Profit First method by Mike Michalowicz and was wondering if anyone had any expirenece with this concept or insights into it.

    submitted by /u/skipthroughthedazey
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    Website platform for scheduling

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 06:40 PM PST

    Service based business, customers need to easily book appointments online. Called in appts i would need to be able to book them into the same calendar and updates online in real time. Would also work as pos system.

    Similar to how a salon might operate where you can call to book an appt but also can book your own appt online. Recommendations?

    submitted by /u/_perfectly_adequate
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    Very beginner questions about opening a diner

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 02:34 PM PST

    I've had an idea of opening a diner in a small town pretty close to where I live. the town has a population of about 10,000 and if you want a burger and a shake your only options are Culver's and mcdonalds, if you want something a little nicer it's about a 30 minute drive and because of this I think a diner would do great there. The problem with this idea is I have no idea where to even start with this idea and what some of the cons might be of opening a diner. I'm almost positive a diner would do extremely well in the location I have in mind since it would be right by a highschool and I could have it open later then all the fast food places which usually close around 10. So anyways I was making this post to ask if this something that is even worth pursuing and if so what would be some basic stuff to look into in order to make this happen? Sorry if this kind of post isn't allowed but I just want to know if this idea is something I should put anymore thinking into or if I should just drop it. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/jlenzen070
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    Starting a fry cart business

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 09:47 PM PST

    So the place I work is a mall/outlet with little food places and many complain about that. I have heard a few times people say they wish there was somewhere that sold French fries and in doing some research the area the place is in list one of the most popular foods as French fries. So I want to make a French fry cart similar to a hot dog cart. I've been looking into it and I'm still not sure on a lot of options like if I should get a small food trailer for a few thousand or just an outdoor fryer for a thousand, what I'll do with it on bad weather days when the place is dead, etc. and as I look more into it, I'm starting to feel it'll be hard to make a profit. Mainly just hiring employees as I don't want to work long term at the place as I have a lot of other things I want to work on. It'll be my first business so I feel it'll be good experience but I'm not sure if I should run it as a business then hire employees or rent it out as many hot dog stands do both options.

    submitted by /u/HereForHelp24
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    Growing pains:Inventory dilemma and contractors , should I get a company vehicle?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 02:02 PM PST

    I apologize for being a bit vague about my biz and field but I don't want to out myself. Lol.

    Before our process was something like: coaching session, measurement and product selection, install .

    In the past we would measure and then I would create a product guide for the clients tailored to their aesthetics and most importantly —their measurements. They would order product , and when product arrived we would return to install.

    Very time consuming to hunt down items, my contractors don't love doing it that way and if I'm honest neither do I. While it worked, it's not an efficient strategy long term or when we're juggling multiple projects at the same time. I bill clients for that time, but it's not cost effective for the client, and not good for my own sanity.

    The tricky part is we don't know what inventory we will need in advance. Everyone's spaces, needs, and styles are so different and in the middle of the coaching we create solutions on the spot . Some projects can be completed in one day, all phases in maybe 5 hours. Some take multiple days.

    To save time we are now starting to bring inventory on the job and if it fits the specs we are leaving it and only doing smaller tailored product guides for specialty items or missing touches.

    We're not big enough to take on the expenses of switching to employees yet. Also, business is not consistent enough to bring on our team full or part time. There are seasons. My people are so committed to my vision, they believe in us/me and love the work. They are sticking around for the ride because they believe we'll get there and they genuinely want to be a part of this!

    I was thinking of getting a cargo van (one we can stand in) and having it wrapped for advertising when we're in those double gated high end communities, etc. AND to hold some of this inventory (and as a bonus other supplies that we currently haul in my car).

    My issue: My team needs to operate without me and I've worked hard toward scaling and that goal, that's the only way we will continue to scale. We're in this growth process.

    I feel like me physically having to bring the van to the job sites kind of defeats all that scaling work!

    •Do I make contractors drive to my house to pick up this cargo van with the inventory in it? •is that even allowed lol? •Should I just avoid a vehicle purchase until we have employees due to logistics? If we keep doing things the old way without inventory we could avoid a van.

    I need creative input about how to work around this so I can make my next move. Thanks for reading about our growing pains!

    submitted by /u/FloridaManLife
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    Want to start but...ideas?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 04:08 PM PST

    Want to make this very simple. I've been interested in having my own business since high school. I don't have technical skills (web dev, accounting, trade certifications, etc). Currently working in Sales. The best part of the job has been the unique opportunity to meet biz owners and learn how they started.

    I definitely sell my abilities short; not that confident I guess. Highly conscientious, enjoy making people happy, and definitely a dreamer without following through. I don't want my life to be soured with regret for not taking a shot at entrepreneurship but I have issues finding ideas that seem like they'd work for me. How did you discover the right opportunity and what did you do to follow through instead of settling. I'm happily married with three kids in an apartment late 20's.

    submitted by /u/idunnoanything12
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    Product into shops.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 11:02 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for advice.

    We're a small company (digital detox in the UK) trying to get our activity cards into craft shops and tourist centres etc. As it's our first product, we are finding it hard for owners to believe in the product as we don't have sale numbers to back up the product yet.

    How do we go about it? What techniques or sales tips could we use to get the product into the shops?

    submitted by /u/Mediocre-Football-51
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    How much is normal to pay per person per month for staffing company, who hires your workers, like they work for them, so no need to deal with w2s and all that at all?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 10:38 PM PST

    They would from i understand charge a fee per worker and taxes. Will provide 401k and insurance.

    submitted by /u/plasticorpaper1
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    Exploration of Organic Marketing

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 10:18 PM PST

    Hi,I own an organisation with a few of my friends called Negotium which is active on Instagram,Twitter and YouTube.Our twitter growth has been good but our Instagram has stagnated a bit of late.What avenues of organic marketing can we explore to further expand our reach and optimise it?

    submitted by /u/Powerful_Age_6473
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    Hey guys, I just made my first Etsy sale and I'm so confused on shipping!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 12:16 PM PST

    Hey all, i dont know if this is allowed but maybe someone here has been doing this for a lot longer and can give me some guidance that I desperately need. The story here is that I had a lady or two items off of my Etsy page, she paid 8.70$ for shipping but the only box I can fit this product in is one the USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Medium box, but it says that I have to pay 14 bucks for that label. The items arent heavy or that large, they're just oddly shaped and I can only fit one into the smaller mailing boxes.

    If anyone has any guidance I would appreciate it so much! and if there is more info that needs to be given please let me know. Thank you guys!

    submitted by /u/Swimming_Ad4895
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    Business Bank Account

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 09:35 PM PST

    What are your recommendations? I looked into the big banks. I looked into Bluevine, Novo, Mercury and smaller banks in my area. The smaller bank that seems to be comparable in features to bigger banks would be Parkway Bank. I am in Illinois. What are your experiences with some of these banks? What are pros & cons that you have experienced?

    submitted by /u/kylamo08
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    Can you have one company car for three of you businesses?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 01:36 PM PST

    I'm going to be purchasing a new vehicle over 6000 GVWR

    I have three businesses...

    I have a Travel/Tour operator S-Corp

    Boat charter business - LLC

    Photography Business - Soleprop

    I have a quickbooks for each of them and just wondering how to claim this on my taxes for the $25,000 tax break. I will use the car mainly for towing the boat to and from the launch ramp and for performing maintenance. For my photography business, any time I go on a photoshoot or go out collecting content to sell on my website (this will account for the majority of the trackable milage)

    For my Travel agency, it's just a commuter car to and from meetings. My S-corp travel company is my cash heavy business...

    It's an EV also and get's the $7500 tax credit. Is it better to lease it or buy it out? Retail on the truck is $72k if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/NeillDrake
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    Employee Time-Theft issue

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 08:56 PM PST

    Staff get a 35 minute paid break and 25 minute optional unpaid break.

    I know I need to switch systems, but at the moment our time-clock software logs all breaks as unpaid. Because of this, they are only to log breaks if they cut into the optional unpaid time. For example, if you take a 45 minute break, you mark down a 10 minute break on your time sheet.

    I was reviewing the time-sheets and noticed two employees, whom always take their breaks together, haven't logged any unpaid breaks recently. I found this rather odd as they often take the full hour. I went back and saw that they were correctly marking the unpaid break portion on their time sheets up until about 3 months ago, where they both simply stopped marking it down at all.

    This policy is made very clear, I double checked the sheets and no other staff member is making this mistake.

    I have already confirmed with a few other staff that they have in fact been taking the full hour breaks still.

    There was a single day last month where one of them did mark the 25 minute unpaid break portion. I inquired with my manager, who noted that day they took the full hour, but left something at home, so their break was about 1:25 that day. So, this more or less confirmed that this employee suddenly seemed to think that the full hour was paid for since this was the only time they bothered logging their break.

    Not quite sure how to proceed. It seems pretty clear I'm supposed to fire them, but I'm absolutely baffled why they would do this intentionally. It's not enough money to try and steal as I'll find out sooner or later. It seems they're going to claim ignorance, however since they were doing it correctly for 5+ months before suddenly switching, and not a single other person was "confused"... I just don't know how I'm going to believe their story.

    I'm going to confront them next week, though I really don't know what answer I'm looking for. Is there anything they could say that would prevent you from firing them? I'm not going to audit their previous times and demand repayment, idc about the money, just want to figure out how to handle the employees.

    submitted by /u/Professional_Map8321
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    First time: how difficult to buy a vehicle through a LLC?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 05:05 PM PST

    I have a nice full-time job but am also a contractor with a LLC that I've been stockpiling my side money into. The LLC isn't that old so doesn't have its own credit line. My personal credit is excellent. How hard is it to purchase the vehicle through a LLC? Any gotchas?

    submitted by /u/ElBigBad
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    Vendor Issue

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 08:50 PM PST

    One of the leading vendors I have been doing business with for two years now seems to be going out of business. I placed a large order which I understood would take longer than usual, and have been very understanding of the situation due to the current supply issues. They have kept pushing back the ship date for the last four months. When I checked the website over the weekend, it was not connected....I'm starting to get worried that they have taken my money and will take a huge hit because of it. I have taken some blows as we all do being business owners, but this one will hurt.

    Does anyone have any advice? Or is this one of those take the hit and bounce back business moments.

    submitted by /u/The_Bad_0
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    Time to sell?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 08:42 PM PST

    In order to get a sense of the "big picture" better, I'm going to ask this question to all of you with as little detail as possible. Kind of like a survey.

    Covid has been rough, we're exhausted, but were fortunate enough to have seen growth throughout this time. We lack the funds needed to get the business to where it needs to be long term. Our biggest earner could be done mobile/ home shop. Were not sure if this current business suits us or not.

    So with just that should we;

    1. Sell the store, keep our house, put profit into house and mobile business?

    2. Sell the house, live on store property, invest in business to make it great?

    3. Sell both, start fresh somewhere new with a refined, ideally more mature, next step?

    All opinions welcome

    submitted by /u/4SeasonWoodsy
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    Do you primarily get your business via networking?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 08:10 PM PST

    And if so, do you have a website, and is it actually helpful? What strategies do you use to get your website to support your networking efforts?

    If your website isn't helpful to you, maybe someone here can share how to make it more helpful?

    submitted by /u/Agile-Finding-2027
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