• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 15, 2022

    Can you use insurance money for other things? More details below Insurance

    Can you use insurance money for other things? More details below Insurance

    Can you use insurance money for other things? More details below

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 08:01 AM PST

    For example, a storm hits your house and you lose 50k worth of stuff from furniture to kitchen appliances. Insurance pays you 50k to replace those items. If you got married and were gifted a lot of those kitchen things that you have money to replace, do they care if you simply use that money for whatever you want?

    I can't imagine insurance companies doing much accounting once they pay you out because that would be exhausting.


    Edit: my policy says "personal property replacement cost"

    submitted by /u/agjjnf222
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    I was side swiped, insurance said 50/50??

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 07:29 AM PST

    I was side swiped in Florida about 2 weeks ago we called the cops and they determined she was at fault. I filed a claim with her insurance. We've been back and forth with the insurance and she wouldn't respond to her insurance and when she finally did after 2 weeks she basically contradicted everything we said saying it was all our fault. However, that same day they determined 50/50 liability. They explained to me because they had yet to receive the police report that said it was her fault, they just decided 50/50.

    My question is why didn't they wait for the police report? We informed them that there was a police report the day after the crash and that we were in the process of trying to obtain the security footage nearby. Her insurance is State Farm.

    We're appealing the decision. Any advice would be helpful Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/glorificiousostrich
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    Driver hit my parked car. Their insurance is saying there's no coverage?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 11:01 AM PST


    Edited: This is in CA

    Someone hit my car while it was parked. they left a number and insurance information and I filed a claim. I received a letter in the mail from their insurance saying my claim was denied for no coverage. I contacted the adjuster that sent the letter a week ago to clarify what exactly "no coverage" meant in this case as they didnt clarify and I havent heard back

    I texted the guy and he said "We are trying to get it resolved on our end because they're stating I wasnt insured on that car and we're both insured" SO....no idea what this can mean? is he insured but not on the particular car?

    all I know is that he is on the policy but he is not the policy holder. this is AAA. I keep trying to get in contact with the adjuster but she wont return my calls or emails.

    I'm guessing at this point I should just look to get this repaired by the guy's out of pocket?

    For reference, I do not have collision, but I do have Un/under Insured motorist coverage that I could tap into I think? The car is drivable but the driver side rear tire well/bumper area is smashed in

    Would appreciate which one of my options would be best. Thanks

    submitted by /u/NicoMart87
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    car insurance cancellation notice

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 11:45 AM PST

    i don't know much about insurance at all and i recently received a cancellation notice for my car insurance considering i was low on money after paying other bills. my friends told me i would be able to ask for a couple more days since i get paid literally a few hours after it'd be cancelled. i called and they told me there wasn't anything they could really do other than waiving a renewal fee for me once i get my paycheck in. how will this reflect on me though? and could i possibly get my car taken? is there anyway i can avoid this at all im just confused how they cooperated with others i've known but

    submitted by /u/cunt-ly
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    Need help dealing with adjusters after fiancée involved in serious accident (other party admitted fault)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 07:52 AM PST

    Fiancée was t-boned by a driver who ran a stop sign and admitted fault. Fiancée just got out of lengthy hospital stay and had multiple surgeries. Haven't received medical bills yet, but I expect them to be substantial. From the research I've done, the at-fault driver is likely under insured (he has an insurance for high risk drivers and my adjuster suspects his liability is the state minimum liability). Fiancée has substantial coverage for medical bills and underinsured drivers. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and feel ignorant on how to deal with insurance. We have filed a claim with her insurance, but I could use some guidance and advice on what questions to ask/what steps to take to ensure that my fiancée's bills are covered and she gets all the money entitled to her. I'm happy to share her insurance company and the state if that is helpful. Any and all help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BorisDiawisGod
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    Insurance adjuster struggling to find work

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 11:37 AM PST

    I started adjusting last year in may and worked up until November, but now even though I'm on 50-75 rosters I'm struggling to find a job. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/stankypeg
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    Non-Owner Car Insurance Question

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 11:34 AM PST

    I don't own a car but I will occasionally drive my parents car when I am visiting their house. Maybe 1-2 times a year I will take their car on a trip for the weekend. Do I need to get non-owner car insurance just for these 1-2 times? Are there any alternatives?

    submitted by /u/Imaginary-Gap-8332
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    Graduated University and am moving out into my first apartment, what insurance(s) should I get and what agencies?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 10:50 AM PST

    Moving to Baltimore, MD and as the title say, I'm looking to get advice on which insurances I should be getting and recommendations on trusted agencies, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Rosolino351
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    Is there such a thing as a "medical bill fighter?"

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 10:09 AM PST

    (New to the sub.)

    I'm in 'Murica -- Where a simple trip to the doctor, coupled with administrative incompetence, can land someone in financial ruin.

    I don't have any chronic illnesses, and neither does my spouse. But, EVERY SINGLE TIME we go to the doctor for (relatively normal, yet costly) procedures (colonoscopy, spouse breast exams, podiatry, etc,) I have to spend a significant amount of time fighting to correct medical bills.

    Either the insurance rejects something that should be covered;

    Or the hospital uses the wrong procedure code;

    Or the doctor who saw us didn't update their "in-network certification," (even though we confirmed they were "in-network" before the visit;)

    Or, they just rando billed us for shit that never happened;

    Or, the hospital added on charges for non-covered stuff that are required for part of the covered stuff,

    Sooo, I call them or email or go in person to sort things out. (Whatever it takes.) But, that's a pain too.

    The doctors say "talk to billing."

    Billing says: "We just bill what the doctor says. If you question the procedures we're charging you for, you need to talk to the doctor."

    When arguing about procedure codes, billing says: "We can't tell you what billing codes your insurance will reject/accept."

    Meanwhile, insurance says: "You need to ask your doctor for procedure codes so we can tell you if it is covered."

    It's frustrating. So much so that I'd be willing to PAY somebody to sort out medical bills whenever I have these problems.

    Is there such a job? Is that a thing? Can I hire someone to be my "medical bill gal/guy," and just tell them: "I just got another BS bill, can you confirm it's legit or sort it out for me before I pay?" (Are lawyers these people?)

    submitted by /u/Thunderbird_12_
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    Medical Bills After Car Wreck

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 09:43 AM PST

    My daughter and I were in a car wreck at the beginning of November. Our car was hit by another driver. I took my daughter to the ER immediately after the wreck then again a few days later as she was complaining of more pain. The insurance agent I am working with told me in November that the insurance company would pay for the medical bills from the ER visits. I sent him the bill in December and he requested an itemized bill so I got that and sent it about two weeks later and didn't hear anything back from him. I asked him in January if the bill would be paid and he said that they would be paid that week. Now, the bill is still unpaid and the hospital we went to contacted us and said they were sending us a medical authorization form so that the insurance agent could speak with them. We received the forms and the insurance agent is asking for us to give him permission to access all of our medical records entirely (our whole family, all hospitals and clinics). I've asked him twice through email why this is needed and he said he would call me. I am still waiting on that call. Is this normal? I have nothing to hide, but I don't want to release my family's entire medical history to an insurance agent because of a car wreck. Why would he need to see all of our medical records if my daughter was the only one with an injury from the wreck? Why would he need to see her entire health history? He also said he would pay the hospital bills directly rather than issuing me a check. Is that normal too? I don't have any experience with this sort of situation, but it seems like this would be wrapped up by now especially since my car repairs were completed and paid for by the insurance company in December. Does the medical side usually take longer?

    submitted by /u/kristinainar
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    Health Insurance Payments - USA

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 09:31 AM PST

    My doctor asks for full payment upfront after service. It becomes a long wait afterwards for claims to get processed and then eventually the health insurance company sends them a check for the services covered since I usually hit my deductible. This results in me having a huge credit on my account with the doctor, which becomes a headache for both of us. Is there a way to get the payments to come to me directly instead? Any advice appreciated, we're trying to avoid the credits or refunds we're constantly dealing with. Since the doctor outsources the billing it takes a while for the claims to be submitted so thats why payment is requested immediately after service rather than waiting for insurance claims to process before billing me the adjusted amount.

    Edit: doctor is out of network

    submitted by /u/throwaway6374839284
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    Questions concerning insurance claim

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 09:25 AM PST

    So I was recently t boned at a 4 way stop. The person that hit me ran straight through without stopping and was found fully at fault. My car is totaled I believe but is currently sitting at a wrecker. I have a lawyer for my personal injuries but I have to handle the damages to my car. It's been a week and they still haven't updated me about it. I called and left a voicemail today. My main question is my license is currently suspended due to a unrelated issue, I've heard I will receive money for a rental but how is that money usually received? I can't get a rental at the time so will I still get paid for that? Or will I be looking at just for the damages for my car? Thanks

    submitted by /u/ohmyglob44
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    Yesterday I made a huge mistake

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 09:48 PM PST

    I'm a Lyft driver, and I was on my way to pick up a passenger from a local nightclub. As I approached the pickup location, I turned onto the club's private street that led to the entrance, a one-way street with parking on the left-hand side. The parking lot was full.

    Stopped in the middle of the street, blocking most of the access, was a red Mercedes. I'm not an expert on car makes but it looked new, and it looked expensive.

    I flashed my high beams at the Mercedes, trying to get it to move out of the way. The Mercedes does not respond. The passenger I'm trying to pick up starts calling me, looking for me. I make the decision to try to drive around the Mercedes.

    As I am passing the Mercedes on my right, I get nervous about hitting a parked car on the left, miscalculated how much room I had. Just before I clear the Mercedes, I feel the back-passenger side of my car bump and scrape the Mercedes to my right.

    The entrance of the club is 200 feet away and there are about a dozen witnesses. My heart sinks.

    I pull over in front the Mercedes, and the driver gets out, visibly upset.

    After threatening to call the police at first, I talk him out of that and thankfully settle on just exchanging insurance information.

    Most of the damage is done to my car, but the Mercedes has a very visible scratch on the corner of the rear bumper. The driver tells me he might be able to buff that right out, he might not even need my insurance.

    Today, I get an email from my insurance carrier that a claim has been made on my policy.

    Assume I know nothing about the consequences of insurance claims. I am terrified at what is going to happen next.

    I have a generally clean driving history, though I had one minor fender bender for which I received a reckless driver citation about 10 years ago, and a speeding ticket about 6 years ago.

    Worst of all, I haven't told my wife, who I share a car insurance policy with, and am also terrified as to how this might affect her.

    My question is, how bad is this going to get for me? What can I expect from this situation?

    Thank you for listening to me. 🙏

    TLDR: I scratched the bumper of a Mercedes and the driver has made a claim on my insurance. How bad will this get for me?

    submitted by /u/jmr786
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    How should I explain why I quit my job as a claims adjuster within 3 months?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 04:39 PM PST

    Not sure if this is the correct sub for this, but anyone who is/has worked as a claims adjuster knows how overwhelming and soul sucking this role is. I am not usually one to quit a job so soon and can handle tough challenges but this job was just a whole different beast; I knew this wasn't a job I could see myself doing long term, so I called it quits after 3 months and went back to my old job. If I was asked why I had such a short stint at this job, what's the best way to explain this to a hiring manager without coming off like I'm "weak" or a job hopper? I wouldn't expect anyone who's never been in this role would understand how mentally draining the role is, and I don't know how to articulate it in a way that doesn't reflect too poorly on me, some jobs just aren't a good fit I guess.

    submitted by /u/klaroline1
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    Car insurance - Multigenerational household

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 07:43 AM PST

    My father lives with me and my wife. We have three cars, one in each of our names. He primarily drives his car but will drive one of ours if his is in the shop or he drops us off at the airports. Dad's credit card changed and he didn't pay his car insurance so it was canceled. The agent over the phone said getting his policy reinstated would take a while but we could add his car to our policy and get him covered right away. We live in Florida. Dad is 80. Wife and I are in our 40s.

    Now I'm having second thoughts because the insurance cards showed up and they only list my and my wife's name. He is insured on all cars but not listed on the card.

    I called the insurance company and spoke with two different people. One said that he should have his own policy with us as additional insured and another said it was fine that way it is.

    I'm not sure what is best. Can anyone give me the pros and cons of each way? Thanks so much.

    submitted by /u/jason-8
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    (UK) I was uninsured after I had a car accident

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 07:36 AM PST

    I lost control on ice and my car rolled onto its roof. I was uninsured since I had undeclared modifications on My car which I should have told them about even though I was in the process of removing the parts since they looked terrible. Anyone have any advice or will I basically be unable to drive for 5 years?

    submitted by /u/alexjlaver2407
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    A question for underwriters.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 07:37 PM PST

    I'm a claims adjustor and at least once a week I run across a insured with a really shitty claims history spanning years, yet they are still with us. Why are they not non renewed.

    Here's an example. Today I worked a claim where the insured claimed that someone stole all 4 tires and wheels and left the vehicle in blocks.

    Simple enough claim, until the started demanding money for replacement of the rotors and calibers.

    There was no damage to the rotors and no damage to the concrete right under the rotors that would indicate the vehicle was dropped.

    All hand written invoices.

    So...that's some red flags for me, so I go a digging.

    Since 2020 they have had 6 claims. The first one had a partial denial by SIU with a permanent NCIB alert next to their name.

    Another 3 with max UM payouts, "hit and run" claims.

    Another HO claim with SIU involvement where they withdraw the claim after asked for a EUO.

    So....How in dafuq did they get renewed 5 times since that initial claim?! This is a LA POLICY. is there some rule that says we have to keep them? Doesn't underwriting get alerted when a claim is marked as SIU denial?

    I recommended the one I'm working on now for SIU, but.....damn. they shouldn't even be with us at this point.

    submitted by /u/DietBig7711
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    Will I get dropped?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 01:00 AM PST


    First time posting here.

    Need to give a bit of context before asking my question:

    My family and I own a multifamily building in Los Angeles, California under an LLC.

    It's over 16 units and built in 1920s and 1940s.

    I've been using an insurance broker to find insurance companies and compare rates.

    In the last 5 years or so, I've been dropped 3 times even though we have never had a claim of any kind since owning the property in the early 90s.

    We have steadily been updating the units but my broker says that most insurers just don't want a building of this age on their ledger. And I'm sure the pandemic didn't help things either (although we've had no issues with rent payments or vacancy).

    So late last year I had a tenant back their car up into another tenants apartment causing about $20k of damage to a wall.

    This was done by a tenant who is an unlicensed underage driver without an adult in the car.

    I've made the repairs but the tenants are not reimbursing me and have involved a lawyer.

    Been told by multiple lawyers that going to court over $20k isnt a good idea, especially if the defendants don't have the money.

    So my other option is to pay my $2,500 deductible and make an insurance claim on my insurance.

    So here ia my question, finally:

    Will my insurance go after the tenant's car insurance? Or go after the tenants themselves?

    And in these scenarios (or if they arent successful with either), well my premiums go up and/or will I be dropped by my insurer?

    I've tried calling my insurance company several times. Left several messages and sent several emails to multiple departments, but they absolutely refuse to talk to me because I am not the broker but the customer. They said they literally aren't allowed to talk to me about this unless I'm filing a claim and even then they couldn't tell me what will or won't happen.

    My broker is equally unsure, he says they may drop you regardless of whether they recoup their losses. In other words: just having this claim could likely lead to being dropped or raised premiums for the next 5 years.

    Can anybody in multifamily insurance give me some insight?

    submitted by /u/drop-seoi-nage
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    Car got scraped, hit and run (OR)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 11:13 PM PST

    Hello, my car was parked at an underground parking lot where it was scraped on the passenger side bumper by the suspect who was trying to fit their van in a compact parking spot. Fortunately, the security cameras caught it all along with their plate. From what I heard from my friends, going through insurance may not be the best move for me as it will raise my premium and also go on my record. After all, it's a new car with an above-average premium already. From the looks of it, it seems that the only thing that they need to do is replace the bumper. I've contacted the police and they told me that the best move is to contact their insurance and if it does go on my record, the best thing I could do is document the accident and explain to the future buyer why there was an accident record. However, that's something I don't want to do. Is it possible to get some sort of compensation without anything going on my record?

    tldr: car got hit and run while parked in a parking lot. I have their license plate but no contact info. will going through their insurance cause it to go on my record?

    submitted by /u/Saving_Private_Le
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    Where to go with Corporate State Farm?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 07:27 PM PST

    Hey guys, I just started working at corporate SF as a care center support answering calls regarding policies etc, when the agencies are closed. I have to stay in this role for a year before I can apply for other roles. My salary is 40k, and I want to know what a good role to transfer into would be after my year of incumbency is over. Current SF employees I can bounce some questions off via inbox would be cool. Thanks! Let me know!

    submitted by /u/babychrist_
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    Hit & Run- Other Party Won't Response

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 01:21 PM PST

    Tldr: hit and run. Got the at fault vehicle plate. Filed a claim w their insurance. The other person is not picking up the phone from the adjuster so the claim can't move forward. What should I do?

    State : IL

    My street parked car was hit. the damage was extensive enough to make it undriveable. Probably only a few thousands in repair, 2-4k so not worth getting a lawyer. It was parked completely legal.

    The other vehicle front plate broke off after the accident and was left at the scene. I also got door cam footage showing the accident. They were basically speeding on a side street, lost control and rammed into the my parked vehicle. The police came out, wrote a report basically agreeing the other person is at fault, hit and run, based on the video and broken plate left behind.

    I called my insurance. I don't have collision. So they give me the other person insurance info to file a claim.

    I filed a claim w the other insurance. They got the pic of my damaged car, the plate that was left , the video, the police report . They said they need to get a statement from the other driver, which I understand, but the other driver has not respond or pick up the phone from the adjuster after over a week. What should I do now ?

    EDIT 1: seems like it's a waiting game at this point. Though some ppl pointed out that this could take months.

    Couple of questions:

    1. Should I go ahead and file a small claim against the owner of the other vehicle? Other than the filing fees, is there any other downside? Will it slow the claim down in anyway ?

    2. I have the name that the plate is registered to. I don't have an address. I need an address to file in the small claim court. How do I get the address ?

    3. This is not my only mode of transportation. I can be out of the vehicle for a few weeks. I can use public transport/hitch a ride in the mean time. I wfh so it's not a must. Though, if this is gonna be a few months afair, it's just not worth it for me to wait around. I rather pay and have it fixed to driveable first. If I choose this route, what the correct way to do it ?

    The insurer has not towed or inspect this due to pending investigation. Should I inform the insurer that I will fix it myself/ get it fixed / saved the receipt and hope & pray they may eventually pay for it ?

    submitted by /u/Sk731
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    Getting ready for P&C License Exam

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 11:10 PM PST

    Any tips on how to pass the Indiana P&C license exam? Or how to study.

    submitted by /u/JFrazier6000
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    Lent car to friend who totaled it without insurance. Dealer is asking for what I think is 10k over the cars actual worth. What do I do? 19 male

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 07:16 PM PST

    I am liable because I lent my rental car to a friend who then totaled it. Tried to do a good thing face palm. My insurance canceled 2 weeks before because auto pay was turned off.

    Rental Dealer is intimidating me in not getting a lawyer involved and is threatening me with storage costs and "loss of business" cost of having one less car. Roughly 3k per month. I also think I am getting ripped off because there is no way this car is worth 30k as a used car is being treated like a new one. He wants to take care of it 'man to man' and I have no idea where to start. Do I wait to get sued since I want to have a lawyer oversee repayment ? Which lawyer do I even seek out?

    The car is a 2020 Nissan Rogue sport. 15k miles

    submitted by /u/Coconut-Upset
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    Do no-fault policies carry over to accidents in an at-fault state?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 07:14 PM PST

    I have car insurance in a no-fault state (MN). Got into a car accident in MO today.

    I want to try and claim against the other driver's insurance if possible. They pulled out of a driveway and T-boned me in the middle of the road, claiming they didn't see me — so I think I have a good case to make that I'm not at fault.

    Regarding fault, what applies here—the laws of the state where I hold the policy, or of the state where the accident took place?

    I don't have collision so there's no way I could get anything from my own policy.

    submitted by /u/toomanyplants314
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    Agent and claims adjuster wrong - ShouldI report this?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 10:50 PM PST


    We have our first homeowners claim in now (after 20 years of homeowners insurance with this same company with 3 houses. 2 current). We are legal domestic partners (opposite sex) in the state of CA. My policy clearly states my partner (I am the named insured) is covered as well under my policy as the state of CA recognizes all domestic partnerships. It's easily found in my policy. Our adjuster said he would look into it with underwriting. When discussed with our agent she said my partner is not covered and we would be wasting our time seeking any counsel around this. We then received a rejection letter from our claims adjuster for this. Mind you this is after I told him where to look in our policy for the documentation 2x and cut and pasted and screen shotted the policy to him.

    After the rejection letter I then called him and left a vm reading the policy to him and asking him to specifically address given the policy info why she was rejected. He sent me an email asking for the proper domestic partnership forms from the state of CA "if I have them". I sent them to him. He then told us she was covered.

    If we would've taken both our agent and our adjuster at their word we would have not received the benefits of our policy (a big deal with most our content not salvagable). I feel this is awful because they seemingly lack policy knowledge and were arrogant enough to assume they know all and not even ask other people in their company such as underwriting. Both bad or even more sinister being devious.

    Should I report this to the state insurance commissioner? The executives at this company?

    submitted by /u/bardwallace
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