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    Thursday, September 9, 2021

    What happens if you crash a leased car without insurance? Insurance

    What happens if you crash a leased car without insurance? Insurance

    What happens if you crash a leased car without insurance?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:19 PM PDT


    A guy recently crashed into me driving his gifted BMW for his 17th birthday. Given that it is brand new leased BMW, I suspect that he is not on the insurance because him and his dad were asking me to A) Say that his dad was driving, not him or B) Say that accident happened at a later time than it did (to include him in insurance really quickly I suppose)

    Through car fax I found out that the car is leased. Obviously, 17 year old can't lease a car and I suspect that his requests to participate in the insurance fraud are because of the consequences that will follow them.

    What can possibly happen to them? From insurance side and from the dealership that owns a car? The guy is a spoiled d@ck so i have no remorse for them. Literally the first thing he told me after the crash is that "my car is more expensive than yours"

    Edit: For the context the 17 year old guy lives with his father, so I know for a fact that he without ANY exception should've been on insurance policy. I suspect, however, that putting 17 year old on insurance policy for BMW would be very expensive

    submitted by /u/alxsvstn
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    Collection after Subrogation? Sacramento, CA

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    My wife was involved in a very small fender bender with a city of sacramento parking enforcement vehicle. A police report was taken and we called our insurance agent (USAA). Based on the report as well as the city of sacramento worker's statement, our insurance agent at USAA claimed that we were not completely at fault. It seemed reassuring that the our agent was on our side.

    Our main problem has been in the aftermath. The city is claiming no fault and has been constantly harrassing us for an extremely high amount of money for the incident. They even included a fine for vandalism. The police report that was shown in their report was extremely biased as well. After receiving two of these letters we called the city a few months ago and they explained that the claim was under subrogation and that they would not be applying any late fees etc. Today my wife's father received a call from the city asking for payment and so we called our insurance agent.

    The biggest problem has been this: we've been told by both the city and by our own insurance agency that if after subrogation, we are found at fault for only 30% of the damages and the city is at fault for 70% of the damages, after the subrogation process has been concluded, the city would be allowed to come to us to pay their 70% in damages. This just seems so wrong and backwards. Am I understanding this correctly? Is this possible and should I call a lawyer?

    submitted by /u/_paperface
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    Old employer never cancelled my health insurance policy, I was covered through the market at the same time.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    So this is a bit of a pickle. I was fired on Feb 2021, was told I'd lose my health insurance in march. So like a responsible adult I picked up a plan through the market place, they said I qualified for a 300 dollar a month credit so I didn't pay very much due to being on unemployment.

    Except, I got a new job, qualified for their coverage, cancelled my market place coverage and come to find my old insurance policy is still active. I have to get it cancelled so I can even be enrolled in my new plan.

    Problem is they let it run while my market place policy was running, does that mean I didn't qualify retroactively for that credit I used to pay for my health insurance policy? I'm calling my old employer and instructing them not only to cancel it, but backdate the cancelation to when I should have been cancelled in the first place, they said they'd get back to me.

    I don't relish the idea of owing the government 1500 for a health insurnace policy I never even used, This entire situation is so kafkaesque, what should I even do?

    (In Florida)

    submitted by /u/DariusIV
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    Unable to find neurosurgeon who accepts my insurance and who will consult with me due to having been involved in a car accident. What are my options?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:42 PM PDT

    Over 2 years ago I was injured in a MVC. Since then I've experienced discomfort and pain from what turned out to be a disc extrusion / herniation at C5-6. For about 2 years I received conservative treatment for it in the form of physical therapy and injections. I'm only able to receive injections every 4 months and even then I only get partial relief for about a month. About six months ago the physician I see for pain management recommended surgery as an option and at the time I was opposed to it, but it's gotten worse so now I'm considering it.

    Due to having an open MVC claim, I've had 3 doctor's offices tell me they wouldn't be able to see me. There are no more neurosurgeons in my area who accept my insurance. Should I just settle in hopes that whatever they pay will be enough to cover any potential surgery? This way I could be seen by one of the doctors who accepts my insurance and after copay/deductible it would hopefully be less than $5,000. The other option would be to find a doctor who doesn't accept my insurance, but will see me despite having an open claim. My concern with this is the out of pocket cost. I'd have to look into taking out a loan, and on the off chance the car insurance doesn't cover the cost I'd end up paying a lot more than with the first option. The thing is I might not even go forward with surgery, but I have no way to know until I have a consult. I'm also not really expecting to get much from the car insurance. I ended up getting a lawyer to protect the statute so a portion will go to the lawyer, and as of now between what I've paid out of pocket for medical costs and what I owe my health insurance it's already at about $15,000. Thanks.

    Edit: Just in case it changes things I'm located in Texas.

    submitted by /u/medredmed
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    Florida - negotiating a settlement without a lawyer - questions

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:49 AM PDT


    I just recently finished treatment in July after being in a collision in Florida in 2019.

    The driver that hit us was insured with a policy of 300k. Since we were a passenger in a Lyft, the Lyft driver received 100k payout shortly after the accident, leaving a maximum 200k payout towards me through insurance, but Lyft UIM can cover if they think the claim will go above 200k.

    The collision:

    We were at a stand still in traffic and hit by a suv at 40MPH. Our car was severely totalled. The driver that hit us was ticketed for operating a MV in a careless matter.

    My Injuries:

    I had shoulder surgery for a partially torn tendon due to the accident, I have medical documentation proving this shortly after the accident. I did physiotherapy for several months prior to surgery and several months after surgery. I was off work for a total 6 months. I had several cortisone shots to my shoulder.

    Since I'm out of country, I'd like to try and settle this without a lawyer. I've been forwarding all my medical documentation to the insurance adjuster, and hope to hear a settlement offer soon… it's been 3 months since I had any contact.

    I have no medical expenses since I'm based in Canada.

    How exactly can I calculate a settlement I think is reasonable? For example: Pain and suffering, inconvenience, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life. Since I injured my dominate shoulder, this obviously affected my life tremendously as I'm an outdoors person.

    If I were to make a demand of:

    Lost wages: 6 months of wages value

    Shoulder injury tendon repair: 80-100k?

    Pain and suffering: 1.5 years suffering with a partially torn tendon, 3 extremely painful cortisone shots to my shoulder and sprained neck: 30-50k?

    Emotional distress: Avoid driving and have anxiety while in vehicles, especially as a passenger: 20k?

    Inconvenience: ruined family vacation, tons of medical appointments…

    Would I get laughed at?

    The insurance company said they are given a payout guide for each injury, but I have no idea until they offer the settlement offer. I asked them about an attorney, they said that's fine, but won't change the settlement offer given as each injury has its guideline for a settlement.

    Will the insurance company automatically calculate pain and suffering and emotional distress based on how devastating the car collision was? Or will I need to fight for this myself?

    Once I have my settlement offer, if I think it's an embarrassing offer, I will contact a attorney.

    Thank you, any advice would really be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway12847372
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    CA- Can you use your collision deductible to cover damages to your car if it’s hit by an uninsured motorist who is at fault?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    Uninsured motorist hits your car. Damages to your car exceed your $500 deductible. You don't have UM (uninsured motorist coverage). Can you use your collision coverage here, i.e. will your INS provider cover the repair costs once you pay for the first $500?

    submitted by /u/FlyingAces
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    [USA-CA] Questions about auto insurance and fiancée's travel for school

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    Hi! My Fiancée and I have been living together for a few years, and currently have an auto policy on a car we co-finance. Her school is largely online, but as part of this year's curriculum she will need to travel to do onsite work. From October through December, during the week she will be an hour away in a room she rented. From January until May she will likely be in 2-3 different locations, probably in hotels.

    I talked to my agent and he said there are no problems with this, that none of that qualifies here as changing her permanent address. But I was wondering if I should update the garaging address.

    I just wanted to get a double check here, as this all makes me anxious. I've never had to deal with the oddities of "living" at a separate address for months at a time, while dealing with auto insurance.

    submitted by /u/760515402
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    Question about Illinois auto insurance

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:55 PM PDT

    I recently moved to Illinois for school and my auto insurance policy is in another state. My permanent residence is also listed as in that state. My driver's license, plate, registration, etc are all for the other state (it's Michigan).

    I don't plan on staying in IL after I'm done with school, it'll be some years, so I was going to leave my permanent residence in Michigan and keep my Michigan license and stuff.

    Can I still get Illinois auto insurance with a Michigan car? I ask mainly because Michigan is a no-fault state and Illinois isn't, so Michigan insurance is more expensive.

    I'll be in IL for most of the year but I'll likely be in MI for breaks, holidays, etc.

    submitted by /u/icedcoffeeandbirks
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    Homeowner's insurance cancelled without notice?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    I'm not sure this is the right sub but I hope I'm in the right place...

    I bought a house 2 years ago in Louisiana and use a company, "Clover Play" that is a subsidiary of a company called "Straight Arm" . My agent, Jake, called me about three weeks ago and said that the rates were going up and if it were them, they'd shop around and find something cheaper. I said "ok, thanks for the head's up", but then things got spicy at work and I didn't have time.

    Jake called again two weeks ago and asked if I'd found anything and I said I hadn't had time to look. I thought to myself, "All's good, my renewal isn't until Aug 30". I figure if I don't get around to it my rates will go up and that will suck but I didn't have time. Since there are 31 days in August, I thought they needed 2 days notice (August 30 and 31) if I wanted to cancel for renewal starting September 1.

    Then Jake called me back again about three days later and said another option is let it roll over and pick a new insurance later and I told him that's probably what will end up happening (pick something later) because I've been busy.

    Then Jake called again Thursday (Aug 26) and reminded me I had until Monday the 30th and to hurry up and tell them if I've found something else. I'm thinking at this point Jake is pretty pushy and I appreciate him trying to save me some money but damn.

    The next day, Jake calls and says it's too late, there's a hurricane in the Gulf and I'm locked out. My policy expires Sunday night (when the hurricane is supposed to hit) and after that I have no insurance. Apparently Jake told "Clover Play" I was shopping my options and to put the policy on hold, but DIDN'T TELL ME THEY PUT THE POLICY ON HOLD. I'm over here thinking if I don't do it by 8/30 then shame on me and my punishment is higher rates when it rolls over.

    Jake told my bank not to send the escrow because I was shopping policies. I had no idea I'd have to sign paperwork (I never have before for annual renewals and this is my 3rd house with Jake as my agent going back 20 years). I'm also upset my bank didn't call to confirm I was about to lose insurance.

    So now, in the middle of hurricane season, I currently have no homeowners insurance in SE Louisiana. And once I do get it, I've got a 30-day window before it is in effect. Do I have any recourse?

    Edited to add: They just called - they won't issue a "new" policy until we fix the roof damage from the storm. Let's be honest, that could be months.

    submitted by /u/outofnamesiam
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    CAD: Adjuster flips on who's at fault 3 weeks after accident

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:58 PM PDT

    I live in Toronto and was rear ended (minor) August 20th. I called in and reported the accident the same day after filing a police report.

    The following week an adjuster calls in and asks for my story to be repeated. After speaking to her, she confirms that I will not be placed at fault for this incident and will be offered a free rental and 0 deductible.

    Fast forward another week. Car is in the shop and I'm happyily driving the rental. A different adjuster calls asking for my story again and pictures. I tell them my story and she is telling me that the dude who crashed into me is now claiming I drove into him.

    As of today, I received an email stating that I am now at 100% fault for crashing during a lane change as stated by a witness who I've only just learned of 3 weeks after.

    1. Why would my insurance change adjusters?
    2. Am I now liable for my rental (was not included in my plan)?
    3. Can I fight this?

    Thanks, Anything helps!!

    submitted by /u/amd_air
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    is it normal for my car insurance company to tell me to call the other party’s insurance to open a claim after a collision that was not my fault?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:28 PM PDT

    Non-owner solo auto insurance policy while living at the same address as my parents?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:01 PM PDT


    I'm a 25 year old male near Tampa, FL insured under my parents' policy via GEICO. I recently learned that being removed from their policy will save them about $120/mo and so I asked about breaking out into my own policy. as I don't own a vehicle, I was quoted something around $40/mo for a non-owner policy with minimal property damage & bodily injury coverage (as required by my state). now, this is significantly cheaper than paying my apparent portion f my parent's plan, but I feel as though there's a catch I'm missing--would I still be fine to continue driving family cars as I already do? since my residential address is still my parents' , would I need to still be listed as a driver to their policy anyhow, and would it preclude the aforementioned savings ($120/mo)? is a $40/mo non-owner policy a good deal, and is it worth it in this context?


    submitted by /u/printervouchersermon
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    Advice on settlement

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm in alberta, canada. My car was recently deemed a total loss. it's a 2013 chevy cruze with about 131,340 mileage and it's a bit modernized with a backup camera etc. However this is where i'm unsure what will happen, it is a rebuilt title and I am waiting to hear from insurance to start the settlement process so I am just wondering what is the approximate payout I can expect on this car seeing as it's a rebuilt title. I have read that some insurance companies won't know/deduct value based on title and I've read the opposite as well. For reference I am with sonnet and this is my first claim so any info helps ease my anxiety, thank you

    submitted by /u/mmp_09
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    Question about Home Insurance

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    I have a friend who inherited a house with a mortgage. Technically the house is not in his name. It's in the name of Joy Smith's Heirs. The friend lives in the house and continues to pay the mortgage. He now needs to get insurance on the house to make the mortgage company happy. How does he do this?

    submitted by /u/AsheboroWoman
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    Hello everyone, so I need help, advice.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    So I was in a small car accident in Maryland USA and it wasn't my fault, the other person insurance accepted full responsibility (geico), when the accident happened my phone was in the gps stand on my car (iPhone XS) and my phone ended up flying an landed on my tools where I have really sharp and metal tools and the phone cracked, I uploaded the photos of the phone and they said that there was no way the damage happened in the accident( which it did) and I have already bought one on Amazon for $1,200 new ( not refurbished because I bough my new) and they said they could refund me only $200 because you can get one for $200-400 ( of course used conditions or refurbished, and that's not fair because I got my new 2 years ago) so I need help trying to figured out how to go about this 😅 I mean I'm telling the true and even tho they say the damage it has is too much for that small accident, they where not even there so how can they say that ? Does the law applies here that it's true until proven otherwise 🤷‍♂️

    submitted by /u/5164511331sS
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    Auto Insurance Claims Help- SoCalifornia

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    Hi, so my car's engine in the undercarriage was punctured on the fwy by sliding debris. I have already opened a claim with my insurance and originally they said that I needed to pay the $1000 deductible which was fine until they slapped me with a betterment charge ($998). I fought them on this betterment charge because I only had the car for a year and I made sure to maintain the car after purchase from a rental agency. So my car (2018 Nissan Sentra S) is in need of a new engine. This car was supposed to be temporary, so I don't want to spend more than $1000 on it. I have been trying to sell the vehicle as-is, but I still owe money on it (Approx 10 grand), the mechanic can't buy it (due to insurance contract) and the car is undrivable. My insurance offered me an alternative program named claimbuyout, but being that company is new, I have not been able to find any new information than what has already been found. My insurance company won't give me anything in writing to say that they will be responsible if this offer from claimbuyout falls through. I am stuck as to what to do and can do. What would any of you do in this situation?

    submitted by /u/ViktoryRathian
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    Have you maxed out on your dental insurance?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    Question about Car Flood and Car Insurance

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. I'm in NJ where my 2021 Honda Civic EX-L was affected by what they call a level 2 flood. The carpets got wet because the dirty water was sitting about halfway up the tires. The Honda dealer came back with an estimate:

    Would need to replace front and rear carpet to correct:

    Parts: $550.84 Part # - 83301-TBA-A11ZB Labor: $894.00 Total: $1,444.84

    Technician also found water present in canister vent valve: Could potentially cause check engine light in the future:

    Parts: $374.87 Part #'s - 17077-TBA-L01 & 17310-TBA-A01 Labor: $298.00 Total: $672.87

    State Farm says this could still possibly be totaled due to potential issues down the road. I'm just waiting on the virtual inspection. I'm almost hoping it's totaled considering it's a brand new car and I don't want the headache of corrosion or other issues in the future. What is the likelihood that this will be totaled?

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Taro911
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    Truck theft with two moto bikes in the tail of the truck. Need advice if these moto bikes would be covered with insurance with the truck. This is for my buddy . He’s still waiting for the cops to show up. Thanks in advance !!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    Utah, Salt Lake City

    submitted by /u/Metzenger
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    Renter’s insurance: leak from a roof ruined my stuff

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    Hi, I have renters through Geico/Assurant in NYC. During the hurricane the roof leaked and it soaked all the way through to my basement, which ruined a lot of things, including an antique leather couch, instruments, equipment, etc.

    I have $50k policy, and I'm confused about the different definitions of "water damage" and what is covered. Should this be covered through mine? I've read conflicting things about if it would or I'd have to claim something with landlord.


    submitted by /u/transmisssion
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    Question about flood damage

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. Sorry to be a pain. My husband's ten year old car qualifies automatically for a total loss. Though my car doesn't (2021 Honda Civic). They may want to try to fix my car now they're saying. After all of your advice I don't want the car back. First, they can't get the parts for months. This means that mold will grow inside the car during that time. The inspection is still planned but I'm concerned they'll want to try to fix it and I'll be plagued with issues down the road. I don't want to keep a brand new car that could have long term issues in the future. I don't understand why mine wouldn't automatically qualify considering there are so many electronics that could fail due to corrosion. Honda also said I'll experience rusting earlier on. Is there a way to fight the insurance company if they refuse to total the car? What can I do? I am in NJ.

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Taro911
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    Affordable health insurance recommendation for someone who is POOR and has a variety of mental health issues?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 04:15 PM PDT


    edit: I move around a ton but am living in Utah/Idaho. I go to college in Utah, but am living in Idaho the next three months just taking classes online.

    Original: I am going off of my parents insurance policy in November, because I will be turning 26. I am a broke college student, with debt, and I make probably anywhere from $10,000-$15,000 a year. I still have to pay for rent, food, a car payment, car insurance, student loans etcetera, so I am very VERY poor.

    I have been working on my mental health ever since I was diagnosed with PTSD in 2018 and a variety of other things. I haven't been on any medications or vitamins this past year besides quetiapine for insomnia (I did a ton of therapy and other drugs to get better, so I went off a lot of my meds). However, I am having problems/triggers again....so I will be going on antidepressants once more...

    I am feeling very scared and stressed because I do not know how I will be able to afford any medications if I can't find a good health insurance that will help cover some of them, or the regular doctors visits for checkups.

    I also move around. So getting insurance through a work company is unlikely because i won't stay in the job long, and it is also unlikely because I would have to be full-time to qualify. I cannot work full time and go to school full time, it makes my mental health worse. Part time jobs usually do not qualify you for health insurance.

    Does anyone have any insurance companies they can recommend that would fit my situation?? Ideally it would be something that is less than $100 a month, can be done online/individually (ie not tied to a job I am working) and that covers medications for mental health and doctor checkups.

    Please let me know,

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/feral-kit
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    Am I double dipping?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    I live in Nebraska and my parked vehicle was hit by an uninsured motorist. I have collision coverage but have a high deductible of $1000. I didn't do my research and made a private verbal negotiation with the at fault party to simply pay me $1000 so that I could use it towards my deductible. After explaining this to my insurance adjuster, they told me that it would be considered "double dipping" if I take their money and open a claim through my own insurance. I guess I was just wanting confirmation that this is actually not allowed. I tried to do some searching on Google but couldn't find anything that discussed my specific circumstance. I personally didn't see any wrong in doing so as I wasn't trying to commit fraud or anything illegal, I just simply dont have the $1000 and wanted to find a way to get my car fixed.

    submitted by /u/TheTurfMonster
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    Daughter got permit, I want to get her insured on her car but not ours.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    We have two cars. A 2008 Lexus RX350 and a 1998 Chrysler Sebring. The RX has full coverage and the Sebring has liability because it's worth maybe $800.

    I want to get coverage for my daughter to drive the Sebring (she'll never drive the Lexus) but all policies I have found including my own is just "cars and drivers at the garaging address", not who is using what.

    Has anyone dealt with this? When I added her my insurance tripled, but when I added her and removed the Lexus, it only went up a little bit.

    Details: Indiana, daughter is 15.

    submitted by /u/CarComp101
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    Insured low mileage truck stolen from Mechanic

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    California, USA
    Late last night the truck was stolen from my mechanic. They parked it outside their lot thinking the club I had would be enough to deter any thief's but it wasn't. I've gone ahead and filed a police report and triple checked that it wasn't towed. I'm in the process of getting everything signed by the police department before I call my insurance but I wanted to see what I should expect? I do have comprehensive insurance through Geico but I'd hate to pay a $1000 deductible if they appraise it for not much more than that. Quick google search shows that the trucks are currently selling for much higher than whats listed.

    I was in the middle of restoring it ('87 Toyota pickup with 110k original miles). Im familiar with what these trucks sell for second hand--worth about 10-12k in its current condition but places like KBB will probably value it at 2k. Would I have to get the shops insurance involved or is this something my insurance will handle? These trucks are almost never recovered and I would rather have it replaced than take a payout.

    Appreciate any feedback

    submitted by /u/CyberspaceAggressor
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