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    Friday, September 3, 2021

    Offered promotion - I respectfully declined Sales and Selling

    Offered promotion - I respectfully declined Sales and Selling

    Offered promotion - I respectfully declined

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 04:30 AM PDT

    So My current title is basically Senior Account Executive. My brand new interim sales director says in our first meeting "I need someone to manage the team and we would like to give you a bump"

    We proceed to dive into organizational strategy part of this includes his vision for sales commission plan. OTE 100k for our low value target team and OTE 150k for our enterprise team. Holy shit I think I'm about to make a lot of money!!!

    Official offer comes in at an 12% bump to 68k and title of Senior Lead Account Executive. 50% of my income is commission and they want 50% of my time dedicated to managing and 50% to selling. The managing part doesn't have a bonus plan in place and they'll figure it out later.

    Doing the role the week from our first meeting until formal offer managing took up 85% of my time being inundated with meetings constantly.

    So I'm supposed to take a significant pay CUT for an mountain of more responsibilities and still be expected to be top sales performer.

    I have a family who I like spending time with and the only way this works is if I work long days every day and work over the weekend too.

    What else it's the hottest job market of my lifetime - Working my rolodex and every one has glowing things to say. Two days of shopping and meetings are coming out of my ears.

    "I have to respectfully decline"

    submitted by /u/lurkylurker420_69
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    Have you ever been stood up by the same client multiple times in a row? Do you keep trying or just write them off at a certain point?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    I'm in advertising sales, and I booked an appointment with a prospect last week (whom I have met with before, years ago, and pitched a campaign to). He's a nice guy, has never come across rude or inconsiderate of my time in the past.

    We agreed upon a time, and 10 minutes before the appointment he asked to reschedule. No biggie. Then on the date we rescheduled for, earlier this week, he was a no-show.

    He apologized via email and said something unexpected came up, but asked if we could do this Friday at 11am. And sure enough, I'm sitting in the Zoom lobby waiting and 11:10 rolls around and I'm like, wow, he literally did it again!

    So I'm wondering if you guys have dealt with situations like this before and how you handled... do I keep trying or just take it as a lack of commitment / interest and move on? I know people get busy, but in my opinion it's just rude and inconsiderate to not even take the time to give a heads up -- especially when you've already done it once before, and twice if we count the first rescheduling which was very last minute.

    I'm not angry, or frustrated, just kinda perplexed at how unprofessional and disorganized people can be with their time management. Like I said above, the guy was always nice in the past and super down to earth and friendly, but if I stood someone up once i'd feel so bad -- let alone multiple times. Just blows my mind.

    submitted by /u/paulrudder
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    Follow-up on my substance abuse thread from a couple of months ago - Thank you

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    Two users in particular kicked my ass out of a hole to at least start making changes. I sat down with my boss the next week and took off a while. I took some time in nature and detoxed hard-core. When I got back I found a therapist to start helping my mental state. I'm having to forgive myself for my past and live for myself instead of the money.

    I don't have much advice for anyone because I'm very much still struggling daily. I will say that it's worth getting help and taking time off. I used to tell myself when I woke up every morning, "Money solves all probelms", I wish I hadn't lied to myself so long.

    Special thanks to these two guys, you're words resonated well. I hope you both appreciate that you helped keep a 23y/o on track. If either of you are in Texas at some point, hit me up for a steak dinner on me.

    /u/philosofather85 And /u/Learner743

    submitted by /u/Forscience13
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    Just missed out on promotion, any advice? Feeling low !

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    Just missed out on a promotion interview from BDR to AE and feeling very kicked in the teeth about it all.

    The reason I'm feeling kicked in the teeth is because people who've have awful performance (some only achieved 10% of last quarters target) have been given final interviews. I have asked for feedback on why I was not selected for interview, so that advice should be really useful!

    I know it's not all about performance but I've always had good reviews from people in the sales organisation and have impressed when presenting etc.

    Anyone got advice on how to stay motivated? Feels like all the work I've put in towards target and going beyond my role to help others means nothing.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Alex-Lloyd98
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    Does LinkedIn prospection work for you? I have sent a message + friend requests to a target list of 100+ profiles. 35% acceptation rate but no answer. What can I do to catch their attention? How many messages should I send! Thank you all!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    Thank you all for your help, I'm new on Sales!

    submitted by /u/pacmanpill
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    How do you attract more prospects?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 03:50 AM PDT

    Getting someone on the phone or replying to your messages has become a tougher goal to achieve recently for me and I'd like to learn from you guys what's worked for you in terms of attracting more prospects, getting more conversations.


    submitted by /u/cuentanro3
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    Adding Value

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    For a lot of us in sales, its easy to be beat by a competitor's price. Of course every boss you ever has is going to tell you "Add value!" without going into detail, gotta love manager speak! So what makes us more valuable to the customer? Better yet, what would make you want to spend 10-20% more for a comparable product from a bigger company with larger overhead?

    submitted by /u/Jaded-Performance894
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    Need advice on a role I’m being offered

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    I work in the payments/POS industry and net around $140k per year. Base is $50k - OTE $90k, so a sickness or extended vacation can easily ruin my earnings for the year.

    I'm an engineer by education, and a recruiter connected me with an engineering startup (hardware) in a somewhat niche environment, to join as the first sales hire. I had a great chat with the CEO, and he was candid about not knowing anything about BizDev or the difference between marketing and sales functions. So it will all be self directed.

    I will be creating the brand strategy, seeking partnerships, targeting top prospects, and increasing our presence in the market via marketing.

    All of this except for the classic sales approach is new to me, and I'm excited to grow, and I'm starting to feel burnout in my current role.

    Anyone have any experience dealing with something similar, or know anyone who has?

    How much should I ask for? I'm thinking $100k base $150k OTE.

    What should my title be? Director of Sales? Sales and Marketing? Head of BizDev?

    Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bloomer2020
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    Does Fear Sell?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 05:23 AM PDT

    There seems to be very mixed views on whether fear sells or not.

    When you think about it, the very foundation of many business models in sectors like cybersecurity and insurance is based on fear.

    So in your experience, should fear be explicitly used in your sales communications or is this strategy likely to backfire?

    submitted by /u/astillero
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    When to Tell a Company to Kick Rocks? ~ Interviewer No Showed 3x

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    A headhunter (recruiter from a recruiting company) contacted me about a business development role recently and asked if I was interested in a role at a startup SAAS company. I agreed that yes, I was interested at the potential to make much more than I'm making now in base and commission.

    So, first the interview was pushed out because the interviewer was out traveling. I get an interview set and a half hour before the interview he calls me and says hey my sales meeting is going way over can I push back your interview. I say sure what time. He says 4pm. I reply and say no I'm working at that hour, but have some time at 5pm. At 5pm I show up at the Zoom interview and he no shows. I get an email later that evening with an apology and an invite to a new interview today at 11am. Again no call no show for the interviewer at 11:00am.

    If I did this as a candidate I wouldn't get a second thought. What would you do in my shoes? This is the most unprofessional interview experience I've ever had.

    submitted by /u/devindares
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    Successful AE's: How do you balance the art of listening versus taking notes?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    Successful AE's:

    How do you balance the act of listening and taking notes? I have to keep my opportunities in Salesforce up-to-date, and we have rigorous MEDDPIC and needs/justifications fields in our CRM that required filling out for opps $10K and up.

    I actually really enjoy listening deeply to a customer and figuring out which thread to dive deeper on. But, I struggle to balance it with taking notes. So I am typing 100 miles per hour, while at the same time, trying to stay present and take notes. And I feel like this distracts me even more.

    Can anyone relate? What's the best way to go about this? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/UnsuitableTrademark
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    How to stop talking over people?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    So I have this really bad habit of speaking over other people. I cut them off constantly and feel really stupid/rude afterwards. Might be because of the natural delay with VOIP communication but has anyone ever dealt with and remedied this?

    I know it seems like a stupid question but I struggle with this a lot. Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/DixieNormoussss
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    Inbound SDRs, do you deal with a lot of spam MQLs?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    I work at a medium - large sized SaaS company as an inbound SDR. I would venture to say a good 40% or more of our overall MQLs are spam/bad data.

    I'm curious how many other SDRs at similarly sized companies deal with spam?

    submitted by /u/maroongoldfish
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    Is this normal?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    Just started for my first sales job 4 months ago at a home improvement company. I was really excited at first, the product was quality and the people seemed great. Fast forward to today and I'm an absolute wreck. I've made my quota 2/3 months I've been. With the one I didn't have being a cancel after the month was over. I'm closing 40% of the leads I see and I felt that I had a great last month compared to the rest of the reps at my office. I had my 90 day review the day after I made quota and my boss who I've liked for the most part basically told me I'm below average and need to be a lot better. That I need to quit buying to my customers lies they tell me. Honestly it killed my confidence that I was starting to pick up.

    The company motto is one call closes and it just feels like the ones I don't close my manager wanted to pressure them into buying that day. I get trying to overcome objections and help the buyer make a decision, but to just "drop prices" and basically pressure them in that day when they say they want to think about it or get 3 other quotes just feels wrong to me.

    My first job got installed this week and the customer is absolutely pissed on how the installation went and threatened me to come to his house to see all his problems. I've never been this stresssed out in my life, I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/wellthatsdope
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    Where To Focus?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    I started my agency thinking I will get clients if I did some email marketing directly to sales heads and CEO,s of the organisations by finding emails thought LinkedIn.

    Turned it not to be working as I planned. But I need clients. Any ideas on how to get clients as a sales closer. I need help it's serious. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Time_Television151
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    Which SaaS has a brighter future?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    I have a couple job offers from two companies. One from an Apache Kafka full service subscription company and another from an automated full stack APM (app performance monitoring) company. Not being a software engineer, I'm wondering if I could get some opinions on the future potential of these technologies. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Clambucket1
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    Sales on salary without commission? Can it work?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    I have my own strong thoughts on this, but I'm curious what you all think about salary-only sales compensation plans and if it can be effective - pros and cons?

    All other roles in a company (engineering, marketing, product, etc.) perform without having any large incentive structure like sales commission.

    So in theory, why does sales require a base + bonus to incentivize maximum effort? Should they not perform their best for a salary like the rest of the organization?

    submitted by /u/DogUsingInternet
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    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    First of all, I'd like thank this community because I learned a lot. I learned a lot about how to apply for a job to getting the job. People here are really helpful. Thank you to the strangers who reached out to me and send a helping hand. I appreciate you all! Lets go hit those quotas!!

    If you need help, reach out to me, I will be happy to share my experience.

    Happy to be a salesperson 😊

    submitted by /u/Content-Charge1504
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    Calling all Sysco and PFG or other food distributor reps

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    Hi I am looking to apply at a food distributor as a sales rep. I have experience . I was hoping to ask some questions to someone who works at one or has in the past Thank you

    submitted by /u/Traditional-Honey580
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    Solid side hustles

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 02:02 AM PDT

    What are your solid side hustles that make you a lots of cash and how did you get into it? And are you doing it secretly? How are you keeping it secret without your employer knowing?

    submitted by /u/kosmopolitanthey
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    Seamless.AI & Brandon Bornancin

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    Seamless.AI & Brandon Bornancin: With the amount of promotion he/they do on LinkedIn, is it me or is a Brandon's background quite fake? He claims in a post today to have been privy to IBM Watson tech as part of why Seamless is "AI". Meanwhile a quick fact check on his profile indicates he worked for a company that was acquired by IBM long after he was gone. Coincidentally he claims to have worked for Google, when he was actually just a reseller at Fathom, a marketing agency. If you never received a W-2 from either company, then how do you use that as the story behind your books, posts and company? The product reviews are very substandard and in some cases appear blatantly made up by employees, so the whole success preach seems like smoke and mirrors, infomercial marketing to me. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Reddit082080
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    Business Development Practical Interview Questions

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    Hello everyone

    I applied for a BD Manager role at large Non-profit in Southern Africa and scored an interview with them. Is there anyone who can give tips on what a practical Interview entails and how to pass it successfully?

    submitted by /u/Nyembesi
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    What are the leading sales enablement platforms/crms? What is it like to work there in a sales role?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    I've worked with several, many are industry specific, some are not. A major one I've worked with was Salesforce on the client side both being sold and implementing many millions in implementation/consulting costs.

    I'm trying to network into the industry and am curious what some of the leading platforms are to work for and what the day to day is like specifically in a sales role for a sales enablement SAAS.

    submitted by /u/achinwin
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    How to find a lead for selling CRM?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    Could you help me to understand how can I find relevant leads to sell the CRM system?

    I know about the way when a lead registers himself on an official site, gets a free plan or trial period, and then Sales Person tries to convert the lead to a payable client.

    Is there another way when Sales Person knows that a Company uses Google Spreadsheets, for example? And that is the lead in fact. Sales Person knows about it and tries to outreach the lead and sell him a free plan or trial period.

    I'm interested in how can I find this "cold" lead? How to know does a Company use Excel or Google Spreadsheets as a CRM, and is it ready to move to CRM? What ways exist?

    submitted by /u/mr_andymitrich
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