• Breaking News

    Friday, September 3, 2021

    Legal Advice My brother's death is being used for profit, do I have options?

    Legal Advice My brother's death is being used for profit, do I have options?

    My brother's death is being used for profit, do I have options?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    I'm writing this because I saw a book about my deceased brother being sold on amazon and I'm afraid it'll blow up and turn into a movie or something down the road. My brother died 15 years ago and his story is being sold by a woman he never liked, and who barely knew him. The rest of the family isn't aware yet but would be incensed if they knew because we all know he would've never consented to having his experiences/tragedy be used for profit, ever, let alone for her profit. Is there anything I can do about this? She uses his actual name and everything.

    Edit: locations, TX, Oklahoma, and Colorado

    submitted by /u/throwaway812731
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    I may have to undergo anesthesia for a possible surgery. If I specifically request that my doctor(s) don’t perform a pelvic exam while I’m under, can they still due to the law? (Missouri)

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    I am located in Missouri, USA. I (21F) recently found out that in Missouri (as well as 30 other states), it is legal for doctors/medical students to give women pelvic exams without their consent or knowledge while they are under anesthesia for other, unrelated procedures. This really freaks me out. I am a survivor of multiple SAs and have had some negative experiences concerning this within the medical field. I have some ongoing medical issues that may result in surgery requiring anesthesia. Is there any way I can make it so that they can't give me a pelvic exam without consent while under anesthesia? If I specifically note that I do not want this done, would they be able to go against my wishes?

    Tagged NSFW since there is mention of SA and I guess pelvic examination.

    Edit just in case it's asked: My health issues have nothing to do with sex/reproductive organs/pelvis and there would be no medical need for a pelvic exam.

    submitted by /u/exulants
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    NYC Basement Flooded during Ida — how much is my landlord responsible for with cleanup?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    We're all physically okay but had 5" of standing sewage water in our basement from ida's floods. Lots of my personal property is destroyed but hopefully covered by renters insurance. Anyways, my landlord is sending regular handymen to clean but it's going to require specialized work because of the sewage.

    I live in the basement, (it's not a legal room, but my landlord knows and doesn't care) and without the specialized cleaning it won't be a habitable space. I suggested that if if it's not sufficiently cleaned, I will schedule restorative cleaning out of pocket and deduct that from rent.

    Is my landlord required to cover disaster cleaning, or is that on me? My lease doesn't mention floods or natural disasters.

    If my landlord doesn't get it together, is this grounds to break our lease early? At this point, I could finish out my lease next spring (assuming the flood/septic/mold is adequately repaired) or leave now.

    submitted by /u/gnickolascarlin
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    [US - TX] Can I get an abortion in another state without worrying about getting reported?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    So I'm kind of freaking out. I took a home pregnancy test today and it was positive. Thinking back, I'm honestly not sure when it would have happened. It could have been 3 weeks ago, but it might have also been around 7 weeks ago. I don't know which. I'm only 23 and I don't want kids yet. I do have a job and insurance, but I haven't been to a doctor yet, because I'm afraid of getting reported.

    What do I do? What can I do? Can I just drive to New Mexico and get an abortion there, and then come back without having to worry about getting reported? I don't go to the doctor often and don't have much experience with clinics. I'm really not in a place where I can handle kids either. I live alone in a 1 bedroom apartment with no support from my family, and I basically live paycheck to paycheck.

    I don't want kids, but I also don't want to get reported. I'm really not sure what to do.

    Edit: thank you so much everyone for the suggestions and links! I'm still going through all the comments, but I've gotten some really great advice. To clarify, I haven't spoken to any doctor in Texas about this and don't plan to. I know a few people who will definitely report me if they catch wind of this, so I haven't told anyone and don't plan to. Not sure if the fetus has a heartbeat yet, but I'm not going to be checking that in Texas. Money is tight, but I have enough for this and a comfortable stay somewhere for a few days. Thanks again for all the advice and resources, I think I have what I need to handle this. I've taken multiple home pregnancy tests at this point but still haven't seen a doctor. I wish I could, but if I end up being ineligible for an abortion I don't want to risk getting reported, or getting my doctor in trouble.

    submitted by /u/Unlikely_Melinda1515
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    Sellers on Etsy claiming made in USA when actually made in China

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    The first one I noticed was a seller of rings many years ago. These rings that could be purchased on AliExpress for 5 to $10. Selling for $300 to $500 in their shop. I sent the seller a message asking if they could make a ring from a sentimental piece of wood that I sent them. They responded that they couldn't do that because some bs reason.

    There are many others doing the same thing with thousands of products. Can anything be done about this?

    submitted by /u/GreenRangers
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    I was banned from my friends house, what are my rights?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    My friend (who I will call Stacy) recently got breast cancer a few months ago and she has now gotten to the point of being bedridden. I would stop by every day to visit her and take care of her bills and whatever else she needed, but recently her power of attorney (who I will call Jane) came in to make the finial preparations whenever it comes to the will and everything else. Now this Jane is Stacys niece and was made her power of attorney around five years ago when Stacy's son died. However, after Jane set up the will she left back to her state and never so much as talked to Stacy for those five years until now. Jane also set up the will so that she would get everything when Stacy passes. Stacy isn't happy about how things were and wanted them changed, she wanted to change things so that she could give it to people who was there for her, and she asked me for help on that. I told her that she really needed to talk it over with Jane if she had issues but she was afraid of Jane. So I went around asking some lawyers what would her options be. Jane was told about what Stacy and I were trying to do and has now banned me from coming into the house. I never wanted anything from Stacy and i just wanted to be there for her as a friend. I guess the question i want to ask is can Jane keep me from entering the house? Stacy has a touch of dementia but still has most of her mind there. I also am in the state of West Virginia.

    submitted by /u/Zuxtian
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    Found out exactly who skimmed my debit card. Do I have any recourse?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    Located in AL.

    Last week while traveling, I got an alert for fraudulent charges on my debit card. Sure enough, I was not attempting to spend $80 at finish line. I had the card in my possession and the charges were in Virginia, so it was clear someone skimmed it and created a new one. My credit union canceled the card and we found several other fraudulent charges, including a restaurant and a salon. They're currently in dispute.

    I checked my email and found a receipt from a salon in Virginia. Turns out the place this person used my duplicate card at has the Square POS system, and being a frequent shopper at small businesses, I have automatic email receipts from Square tied to that debit card. So I automatically got the receipt for their service—with the salon name and phone included.

    I figured fuck it, why not? Called the place and asked about an $80 XYZ service the day prior (the receipt is itemized). The woman on the phone confirmed the charge, and I asked if she could tell me who had the service. She actually gave me this person's name and cell—said it was a regular who was there the day prior and, shocker, turns out they used a different card that time.

    I googled the cell # and found a matching name and address in Virginia. Is there any recourse I can take against them? Money is tight and they spent hundreds on my card, and it's not the first time this has happened. Do I have any options that will actually result in this person facing consequences? (ETA: Where should I file a police report, since I'm in AL and theft was in VA?) TIA.

    submitted by /u/eclextic
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    I've been educationally neglected for (almost) my entire life, how do I get help? Should I? Is it too late?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    (This is my first time posting anything on reddit (much less this subreddit), so bear with me.)

    Ever since I was born (or can remember), I haven't been 'educated' on anything, with the exception of little homeschooling sessions here and there in my childhood (>9). I'm very sheltered, with me being "homeschooled" not helping anything; my parents use the label as a way to draw attention away from our family regarding educational issues. We aren't homeschooled and never have been, with the exception of the first week we left foster care.

    I have only been to one school and attended for a little less than a year; when we left, we (my parents) immediately moved and hid us from the public once more, this time with even more restrictions. I'm 15 now and have only been to third grade and have zero friends or ways to communicate with people in the real world.

    When we (siblings and I) tried to get help, our parents shoo'ed law forces away with the excuse of us being upset with internet, devices and being moody teens mad at our parents, convincing me that any choice I make regarding this is irrational, wont work and will dig the hole deeper, and now I'm afraid I can't do anything and am completely helpless in this situation, much less with covid fucking shit up.

    Now don't take it the wrong way, my parents DO want to homeschool us; however, it is virtually impossible due to familial issues. And the choice to homeschool us is (allegedly) due to my *mothers* spiritual beliefs, that "God told [her] we cannot be sent to public school" and other things regarding socialization (and apparently vaccines? Which doesnt make sense when you consider that I'm already autistic.). However, none, and I mean none, of us are religious in the slightest, not even my father. (He *does* want to send us, but every time its brought up in conversation, it ends in argument.)

    How do I get help? Is it too late? Should I get help? This whole thing is taking a toll on my life and I don't know how to deal with it.

    If it helps to mention, I live in Kentucky.

    submitted by /u/burner_135
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    My former roommate keeps extending a lease for a place I haven't lived at for a month. Is there anything I can do to get off the lease?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    So I moved out of an apartment I shared with a roommate on 8/7. However, the roommate keeps extending the lease without telling me and extra charges keep showing up on the rent payment website. I don't know how much longer she will be extending the lease, but it's stressing me out that the property managers keep hounding me for the money that she owes.

    I've spoken to them and explained that I'm not living there anymore, but they said that they can't take me off of the lease because she doesn't make enough money on her own to equal 3x the amount of monthly rent (that is their criterion for accepting a tenant). So they keep me on the lease just to keep their paperwork simple.

    It's been almost a month now and she just extended the lease another week. Is there any way I can take legal action to get my name off of the lease without having to pay a ton of fees? If it is important, the apartment was in Alabama and I am now living in Oklahoma.

    submitted by /u/mattsapopsicle1901
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    Can I charge someone for Assult if they are special needs?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 02:51 AM PDT

    I am a high school senior in Ohio who is taking college credit plus classes (this will be important later) and was recently assulted at my high school.

    It all started 3 days ago when I was in my high school Career class at the end of the day. I had my personal laptop out to check my University Email, since class instruction was over and I was awaiting a response from my professor on a question. A Few minutes after getting my laptop out a classmate (who i'll call John, for privacy's sake) approaches me with a box of orange juice in hand, which I dont think much of, since our teacher had just given them to a few students. But I'm shocked when he proceeds to take the straw out of his juice box and squeeze his juice all over my laptop. We're separated for the rest of the day and he is forced to "apologize", im told by the principal that John thought it was unfair that I was allowed to have my laptop out during class and he wasn't. My laptop was fine, save for being sticky.

    I thought it was over at that point, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

    I enter the building the next day, still upset about the lack of punishment towards John, but I shrug it off and say to myself to just try to have a better day today and ignore John. I enter my first period English class and noticed, much to my chagrin, that the only available seat is right behind John, I attempt to hide my displeasure at this and sit down. 10 or so minutes pass uneventfully until I ask my English teacher a question, when John unprovoked shouts "shut the F*** up", I, being as snarky as I am, reply "ooh, ballsy today, aren't we?" At which point he says "thats why you have braces because you suck so much d**", I respond "your mama ain't raise you right" at which point he turns around and punches me square in the nose shouting "DONT TALK ABOUT MY MOM YOU F*" (being an outed homosexual, this really angered me, but, being a pacifist, I resisted the urge to hit him and tried to leave the situation.) He was then restrained by the teacher and taken to the principals office, while I'm taken somewhere else, given an ice pack, and questioned about what happened. I explain what happened, am told he will be suspended, and sent to my next class

    At this point I think everything has to be over, but am once again proven wrong.

    After another period, I ask the teacher if I can go to the bathroom. Once I get in there, I see another student and confuse them for John, but it isn't him, okay, false alarm I carry on with my business, while I'm washing my hands I hear someone approach me from behind, and am swiftly kicked in my legs. Apparently John was in the stalls while I walked in. Being a pacifist, I yell for the principal while trying to avoid John, he keeps attacking me, throws a trashcan at me, and rips my glasses off my face while the principal restrains him, stomping on and breaking them in the process.

    I go in the office, barely able to see, my mother is called, and I go home.

    I want to press charges, but am worried him being special needs will complicate things, what should I do?

    Edit:Snarky, not sparky

    submitted by /u/GeneticEmo
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    Mom crushed by machine at work and being denied proper treatment by workmans comp

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    Who has experience with workmans comp? My mom is getting seriously fucked over. Workmans comp is telling her she will not be compensated for pain and suffering or any scaring from her accident, personal injury attorney's won't accept her case because it happened while she was at work.

    My mom was on her SECOND day at her new job, was PINNED DOWN BY A MACHINE, and BOTH OF HER LEGS WERE SHATTERED FROM THE KNEES DOWN. She broke her tibula AND fibula in BOTH legs, MULTIPLE compound fractures, fractured BOTH of her knees, and broke her right heel AND ankle in her right leg. My mom BLED OUT ON THE FLOOR FOR OVER AN HOUR BECAUSE NO ONE WAS TRAINED FOR A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. SHE LOST SO MUCH BLOOD SHE HAD TO HAVE A BLOOD TRANSFUSION. She was in the hospital and a nursing home for TWELVE WEEKS. Since she has been released from the hospital workmans comp has denied her appropriate medical attention, denied counseling for her PTSD from the incident, denied providing transportation, and her legs ARE NOT HEALING. She is scheduled for her THIRD MASSIVE LEG operation next Thursday.

    DHL was fined over 30K for the 3 SERIOUS violations they received from my mom's accident. 1 for no one being trained on staff to deal with a medical emergency, 1 for her not being properly trained, and 1 for the machinery she was using endangering employees.

    Who does she need to sue? She can't sue DHL because of workman's comp, she can't file a personal injury case because of workmans comp. I have a workmans comp attorney and it IS NOT helpful. Do I need to sue on her behalf? Do I need to become her power of attorney to sue them? Do I need to sue the property owners or the company who provided the machinery? Do I call Fox 4 Problem Solvers? This is absolutely pathetic if this is what every person who is on workmans comp has to endure. I am begging for guidance at this point we are desperate to get some help. I am carrying this well but we are not ok. She is not ok and I am not ok. We need help. Please someone help us.

    submitted by /u/ManifestingA1
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    What should I do?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    So I used to live with my boyfriend's family and they had a dog. This dog was kept in a cage all day, only let out for food and to go to the bathroom while the other dog got to be a normal dog. I would try to take him out but the sister (22F) would say the dog gave her anxiety. His whole life was in a cage. Months passed and they left and it was just me, my boyfriend, and one other person. We let him out and he was amazing, which was confusing because his mom told me the dog has anxiety. He was so happy to be out that when we moved 3 states away, we took the dog with us. Now she wants the dog back and says it's mean to have him outside of his cage because she's going to put him in it again. No dog deserves that and I can't let it happen but it's her name on the papers for ownership. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/graciecaitlyn
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    Trustee paid himself, allegedly wrote checks for preliminary distribution over a week ago but no one has received a check.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    This is in CA. Trustee is a professional fiduciary who in the past has been forced to resign as a Trustee at least twice in previous cases because of multiple breaches of his duties. He bankrupted one couples estate, assaulted an attorney in another. In one case he was forced to resign because he paid himself 65k, the lawyer 35k and didn't distribute to beneficiaries which were charities like he was ordered to do by the court. judgement was entered against him for 138k. I've been in forests less shady.

    Anyway in May of 2020 he liquidated my grandmother's trust assets, sold her house in December 2020 and he still hasn't made any distributions and when asked he gives vague answers such as" shortly" and "were almost done". Debts have been paid. Creditors have been paid. Taxes have been paid. He's been sitting on close to 700,000. Why? BTW this is an irrevocable trust.

    I finally had it and wrote the estate attorney on 8/23 asking for accounting and distribution and or i wouldd take to them to court. The lawyer got right on it and sent accounting which was dated 8/25 and I received 8/28. The money LOOKS Like it's all there. We don't know for sure because no supporting documents were sent. But had a general idea of what grandmas assets were.

    In the accounting it shows on 8/24 he paid the lawyer 5k , his wife 2500 (she's the cpa) and paid him self 29k. No records of his time spent or hourly charges were included. Couple of pages later it shows checks written to beneficiaries (theres 6 of us we get equal shares) on 8/25 for 25k each, but as of today no one has received anything. And why such a low amount?

    With the accounting he also sent a letter with a NOPA citing probate code 16502 asking us to consent to him NOT filing accounting with court for approval and if we object the lawyer will file petition with court to approve accounting. Isn't that required unless we waive our right to it? I never did.

    The notice also so stated pursuant to probate code 16501 that it not cannot be used for certain actions. So I look up the statute and it says plain as day that he cannot use the NOPA for accounting and compensation. what's the point of that?

    clearly I'm going to object. I don't want to go to court because this POS Loves going to court and dragging cases out for years. I feel like he is trying to bait me or taunt me into litigation. I will submit my written objection to him and the lawyer.

    So in conclusion, Is this guy messing with us or is this par for the course? What can I do to get this guy to stop playing games and distribute the rest of the estate? TIA.

    submitted by /u/queen_snek
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    Our work has no power, running water or restrooms. In Louisiana.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    It is very hot in the store, no running water, no power, no restrooms. Is it legal to make employees work under these conditions?

    submitted by /u/ReallyGoodRaman
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    No carpooling

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 04:36 PM PDT

    My boss just told us that we are not allowed to carpool with coworkers during our unpaid lunches. While they do not care what we do during that 30 minutes of not being paid they are now saying I cannot be in a car with someone I have already been around at work. Something about this just feel wrong and like they have violated my rights. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/Dwobbles123
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    Random Person On Street Accused me of Kidnapping my Own Son [NY]

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I was leaving the park with my son who was throwing a tantrum. I was trying to get him to come along and a woman came up to me asking "is this your kid? Is this your kid?"

    I ended up getting to my car, put my son in and when I passed her told her to mind her own f'ing business next time.

    Do I have anything to fear from her? I wasn't breaking any laws just trying to get my toddler home.

    submitted by /u/ak2197
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    Can a bill be sent to collections before the bill due date?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    I owed an apartment complex $200 for damages. I got the notice and it said pay by 9/30/21 or the account may be sent to collections.

    Well, I got a notification on my email that my bill was sent into collections on 9/2/21.

    Can they do that?

    Located in Florida.

    submitted by /u/mattm72
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    Family trying to take over property (WI)

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    Hello, my Grandpa (GP) has a property that was passed down to him by his mom. GP is currently on the outs and has been being taken care of by the family for the past couple years, mostly an aunt. This aunt has lived on GP's property while taking care of the bills and things associated with it. Recently, her kid and her husband moved in with their two kids and basically kicked her out of the house as she now lives with my grandpa for full-time care. These kids have now allowed two more people into the house who have been there for over a month and as I understand it they all have tenant rights. None of them pay rent, and are trying to fix the place up (repainting, light fixtures, etc.) however, they are trying to use this as leverage to get the house when GP passes. They are saving receipts and things like that in an attempt to say "we did x amount of work, we should get the house for x less" is my understanding.

    They are using a financial advisor (same one my GP and the aunt uses) to organize receipts, etc. and I feel they are trying to take advantage of someone who no longer really has a say.

    My questions are:

    1. There are three other people involved who also have a say in the house when that time comes, and as far as I'm aware, they do not know what's going on so I'm trying to fill them in, what would be a good place to start in regards to protecting themselves when the time comes?
    2. I understand the tenants would have to be evicted as they have been there long enough to establish residency, but what about in regards to the non-rent payments vs. potential sales price?

    Sorry if I missed anything as I'm kind of flustered over this all, but any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/AskingAndQuestioning
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    I just discovered my employer has been rounding down our hours worked

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    Our employer has been hesitant to give us access to our time sheets since the beginning now that they have I've discovered that I'm missing anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour from every day I worked for the last 2 years, and every single punch is rounded to benefitthe employer. For example I clock in at 7:15 is rounded to 7:30, if I clock out at 7:14 it's rounded down to 7:00. My other co workers are all in the same boat and this has been going on since the company opened 2 years ago.

    From my research the 7 minute rule cannot be used to benefit the employer explicitly and they are in violation of the fair labor standards act. An I correct in this assumption?

    I should note in in Texas and our HR guy is real shady, they've already had to shell out several thousand in back pay over him deducting lunches when we were supposed to get paid for them. Should I contact the DOL, the type of people I work for will likely find a reason to fire me if they figure out I was the one who did it and I'm concerned about that. I really like the job and don't want to screw it up, but I'm out thousands over this. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/friendlyfire883
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    [NY] Can an employer take back a direct deposit from your checking account without notice?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    Posting on behalf of non-reddit using colleague, with permission. New York City area, non-union. We were paid via direct deposit on September 1. We are salaried employees paid biweekly. On September 1, my colleague notified management of her intention to leave the position, with 10 day notice. According to our handbook, we are supposed to give 4 week notice, and if we don't, we forfeit being paid out remaining PTO. No other ramifications stated. My colleague knowingly gave less than 4 weeks notice due to their new job situation and accepted the loss of PTO payment. Management never acknowledged her notification of resignation (we're remote) on September 1. Yesterday, September 2, my colleague noticed a negative balance in their checking account. Our workplace, without acknowledging their resignation or notifying them, took back the most recent paycheck. Is this legal? Additional info: we are salaried and receive the same payment every other week. However, due to our work calendar we have been on recess since beginning of August. Would this affect the situation? Since we technically didn't "work" in the last pay period? I believe our checks should just be our yearly effort divided by 24 and therefore this should be irrelevant , but I'm not the expert and this is why we're here. TIA.

    submitted by /u/marissaplayssims
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    My brothers girlfriend is living with us at our parents house and it's a nightmare

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    Fully grown adults in their mid twenties. My dad and brother split costs on the house, his girlfriend pays for Wi-Fi. She's not on the lease. They share a room and keep two dogs and a fish tank in there and the smell is getting out of hand. Every time I walk down the hallway I smell nothing but shit and piss, and those dogs are lucky to get out of their cage once a week if she's feeling generous. I think she has a hoarding problem because you can barely see any floor in that room. It's gotten to the point where she hoards all of our dishes in there and we have to demand them back, she even threw some away to avoid cleaning them. She refuses to do any chores or housework but has a job and uses that as an excuse to not do anything. Could I sue her? Or call the fire department or something? I don't have a lot of power here since my name isnt on the lease and my brother pays for half of everything. Please help! I'm tired of this shit! (Literally)

    submitted by /u/Belltower_Bat
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    Apartment complex claims I can't display a flag on my balcony. The lease says I can. What rights do I have?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 01:23 PM PDT

    Today is the first college football game of the season, so I thought I'd be festive and hang a flag of my college logo over my balcony railing. It took about an hour for the leasing office to email me stating that the placement of the flag is against my lease and that I have to take it down. I read through the lease and found Clause 20 that states,

    "Tenant(s) may not install any antennas, satellite dishes, or flags on any exterior areas of the building or grounds. Tenant(s) may install these items on the interior of their apartment, balconies, or terrace areas which are under the exclusive use and control of the Tenant(s)."

    The flag was hanging over the railing of the balcony. I see their point and move the flag to the "interior" of the balcony by anchoring it on the inside of the awning and the inside of the railing.

    They emailed me back saying that the clause really means that I can't have a flag hanging anywhere outside at all, and refused to define what "interior of the balcony" means per the clause. They have not given me any concrete policy information that states that I can't display a flag here, just that our balconies need to look "uniform" and it's "community policy". They dodge my question when I ask them to show me the community policy.

    To make things worse, a neighbor has a flag hanging in virtually the same location that I do on their balcony. I asked them why they can have their flag there but I cannot. They responded by saying the generic "community policy" statement and that they'll be asking that tennant to remove their flag too.

    Am I interpreting the clause of the lease correctly? What grounds do I have to keep my flag up? What grounds do they have to force me to take it down? Will any legal consequences come of this?

    submitted by /u/grittyfanclub
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    MI. I'm buying a small piece of land tomorrow. How do I know I am not being scammed?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    I'm buying a small piece of land for a campsite. I am purchasing this from an individual on craigslist. He is the individual listed on the counties GIS system. I plan on checking his ID to make sure he is the land owner. What else can I do to not get screwed over? What kind of paperwork should I be signing? What should I ask the county? It's a really cheap piece of land so I don't want to get a real estate agent or lawyer. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/yourewrongbud
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    Tennant turned basement into a moldy swamp

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    So my friend (32F) let her friend (35M) move in last summer as covid was starting and needed to get out of his living situation. She provided a safe place for him in her basement apartment. Hes been there since.

    When she went down to check on everything, she found there was a horrible smell, there was mold and rancid water and bird droppings everywhere. He has huge potted plants like banana trees and such down there that he waters, and the water has become brown and stinky. She has a dehumidifier but was never informed that it was getting that out of hand.

    Shes a really good person and has trouble admitting everything that's happened, but I dont want to see her taken advantage of. There's probably more damage then shes letting on, so I'm trying to get her to take pictures. For her records and so I can share it here.

    She does say that one room (a room used for photo development) had some dank, but no mold, and that it's a basement in a area with heavy rainfall.

    Are there any steps she can take incase the guy decides to run off? Anything she can do, considering they never made a formal lease or anything?

    submitted by /u/A_Fiddle_of_Skittles
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