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    Monday, August 2, 2021

    Legal Advice Neighbor pushed their fence onto our property unknowingly

    Legal Advice Neighbor pushed their fence onto our property unknowingly

    Neighbor pushed their fence onto our property unknowingly

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    Hi all, for starters, I think it's important to note that I live in Massachusetts.

    My mom purchased my childhood home almost 20 years ago, and everything was perfect. We had a nice backyard, but always noticed that ours was not in line with our neighbors to our left and right, who have identical homes to ours. We never thought much of it as that's how the house looked when we moved in.

    About 5 years ago, my mom decided she wanted to build a big white fence around our home because the house right behind us (our backyards touch), always had this giant ugly handmade shed that would attract all kinds of gross animals and bugs. The man was already living there when we moved in and suspect he had lived there for quite a while before too.

    When we went to city hall for permits and all that, the person helping us was confirming the dimensions of the perimeter around our home. We noticed our measurements were way off and asked him if he was sure that he had the right numbers. He said absolutely, and showed us the map of our block. Lo and behold, our property was right in line with our neighbors to the left and right of us. The man had pushed the wooden fencing at some point to build the shed.

    We went to talk to the man with the awful shed and tell him what the city hall had told us, but his daughter was a total…. well you know. She said that the property is now theirs through squatters rights.

    I've always been extremely upset about this. It's not right. My mother busted her butt to buy this beautiful home for some low lives to just claim a substantial portion of her property? All I want is to know if there's anything we can do. There is record that that property belongs to us. My mother purchased it, pays taxes on it, and should have the rights to it.

    I would love some guidance or help on what I can do to help my mom with this.

    submitted by /u/colorsandlights
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    My great aunt pressured my grandmother into selling a shared property for a low price. It was secretly sold to my great aunt’s son and he stands to make over a million from it. Can anything be done?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:17 AM PDT

    My great aunt approached my grandmother quite distraught. She claimed she was having serious money problems and desperately needed to sell some property they co-owned. My grandmother was not interested in selling but she genuinely cares for my great aunt so she agreed to consider.

    Within a week, a realtor called out of the blue with a lowball offer from a buyer who wished to remain anonymous. The buyer was actually my great aunt's son. He had established a trust with help from the realtor and got a buddy to act as the trustee.

    The realtor refused to entertain any counter offers and acted as if my grandmother was unreasonable in asking for a better offer. My great aunt kept calling my grandmother applying immense pressure and guilt on her to accept the offer. Unfortunately, my grandmother caved and sold. Each seller barely made six figures from the sale.

    Less than two months later, my great aunts's son sold a small chunk of the property for almost twice the price of the initial sale. If he gets his asking price for the remainder of the property, he will have walked away with close to two million. This is rural land in a small town in central Florida btw. Developers have been approaching and making ridiculous offers for years.

    I don't know if my great aunt knew her son was the buyer. My gut tells me yes but I can't be certain. I know the realtor helped orchestrate the whole thing and continues to do so.

    Is there any recourse? My grandmother would have never sold had she known what was really happening.

    Edit: My grandmother is in her 60s but was not a senior citizen at the time of the deal.

    submitted by /u/Aardvark_Adventure
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    Got unsolicited nudes. Now being told it was from a minor.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    In California. Matched with an 18 year old on Hinge. After a few messages she asked for my number because the app was being weird supposedly.

    We started texting and I brought up her age a few times. She never denied being under 18. A few days later she starts blasting my phone with nude photos and videos without me asking for them. At that point I directly ask if she's 18 and I get a yes. At no point did I meet her, talked on the phone, share anything she sent, or send her any nudes myself.

    After a few days of silence I get a call last night from a guy claiming to be her dad and that she's actually 17. He's calm but angry. Eventually threatens to go to the police because she supposedly mentioned her age. The conversation steers towards her having to go to rehab and that if I pay for it, he'll forget about this whole thing. Now this is where it starts sounding like a scam. He even offers for me to do a lump payment for half the cost just to get this whole thing over with.

    What's the best course of action if this somehow ends up being real? Do I have a legal liability despite having asked multiple times about her age and never having asked for the pictures?

    submitted by /u/thrwy55236921
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    I got so drunk that i fell asleep on someone’s porch and got taken to the station by the cops. I was charged with trespassing. Is this something i need to go to court over to try to get it off of my record?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    I'm a 23 year old male and while at the shore in New Jersey this weekend me and my friends all went out for a night at the bars. One thing led to another by the end of the night I was severely intoxicated ended up pulling the Irish exit move at the bar and tried to walk home by myself but apparently i didn't make it to my house and ended up falling asleep on some random families front porch. I'm guessing the homeowners had a ring doorbell or something because the police told me i didn't try to get into the house i simply walked onto their porch laid down and went to sleep. Anyway after sobering up for a few hours at the station they let me leave and go home. On the paperwork i got it says ive been charged with trespassing and I'm curious if this is something that i can just pay and not have to show up for the court date, or is it more serious than i think? My record is clean besides this violation and i know i need to get my drinking under control. Please anything helps just didn't know who else to ask

    submitted by /u/JimChitwood15
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    Neighbor took weed whacker to my bushes

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    I live in New York State.

    Last night I heard my neighbor using his weed whacker along the fence which he does time to time as his driveway is right against and it weeds sometimes grow. (Note: His fence is on the property line, I have my own privacy fence that is set a couple inches in from the line. There is a five foot gap between his fence/property line and my house).

    This morning I was driving to work and noticed the plants that consists of daylillies and ornamental grasses have been mowed down. The neighbor reached over my fence with his weed whacker and buzzed them down. They were about 4 ft. tall. They were not overgrown to the point they were encroaching their property and at most a blade or two of grass may have been resting on the fence. I have had multiple issues with this neighbor since they've moved in last year. What kind of recourse do I have?

    submitted by /u/LargeTrainer
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    My apartment was leased to me possibly knowing that everyone would be vacated in 6 weeks due to a sagging foundation, no alternative housing solution given.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    Hi all- please let me know if I have any type of case here. I know that Connecticut has very strong renters' rights, but this is a huge corporation who I would suspect has dotted their is and crossed their ts.

    On April 1 I moved into my apartment. It is an old factory and is absolutely beautiful, everything I could ever want in a home. On May 31, we receive an email stating that the foundation of the building is sagging, and 2 out of the 3 buildings in the complex will need to be vacated by July 31. No further information was given. In hindsight, it is VERY possible that the apartment was originally leased to me with this knowledge.

    I immediately went to the leasing office, and was promised that I would be placed in the third, unaffected building. Over the next several weeks I visited the leasing office multiple times per week, called, and emailed to ask what unit I would be moved into and on what date. Everyone around me was vacating their units, but I had not yet received a response. Each time I was assured that I would get a unit, but they didn't know which yet.

    Finally, 10 days before I was expected to vacate, I went to the property manager to ask her where I would be placed. I was met with the response, "Oh, you haven't been matched yet? Oh no. Someone will get to you shortly."

    Soon after, I was contacted by a leasing agent (with 6 days to go until move in) and informed that there was only one unit left. The square footage was significantly smaller, but I would be expected to pay the same rent, AND begin a new 12-month lease. After protesting, they offered me the alternative to move into a sister property a few streets away. I would need to sign a new 12-month lease, but I would get one month of free rent, they would pay the difference in rent for the remainder of what would be my current lease, and cover my moving expenses. Not a bad deal.

    I visited the sister property and the leasing agent contacted my building to see what unit was comparable. She confirmed the available unit in front of me, showed it to me, and I confirmed that I would take it. I was told to call her after I finished my application so she could process it and send me a lease. I did just that- but there was no answer. I called, emailed, even had the doorman leave a note on her desk, and absolutely no response.

    With 3 days left until move in, she finally responds telling me she cannot send a lease without a signed addendum from my old property saying they would be covering the difference in rent and security deposit, etc. I request said addendum. My old property responds that they have now decided that this is NOT, in fact, a comparable unit, and they will not be approving the transfer. Despite confirming that it was. And that I can stay in my sagging building in which I would be the only resident until construction begins, no date given, which proposes more than one safety concern.

    Then throughout the weekend, I received emails from my old property to confirm my move-out date of August 1, and finally yesterday, was asked to pay rent for my old property for the month of August.

    What can I do here? I feel like I've been put in an extremely precarious position and taken advantage of. There must be some legal action I can take, right? Please, r/legaladvice, I am a 25 year old woman living in my first apartment alone with absolutely no idea what to do here. I'm begging for some sort of clarity.

    submitted by /u/lilwaynker
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    Tattoo cancelation

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    I paid a tattoo artist to give me a tattoo and we set 3 appointments for it due to the large size and in case of a rescheduling need. The morning of the first appointment, I notified him I was running a little late to my appointment (I live in a smaller city) and he replied that he wouldn't be able to tattoo me that day after all. I messaged him the night before my second appointment and he didn't reply. I went up and waited in front of his shop and tried to contact him via phone call, Facebook, and text, but was unable to connect with him. My fiancé called from his number and he answered. I spoke to him and he basically tried to "make it right" by rescheduling me. I told him this was the second time he did not notify me and that I wanted my $610 refunded to me. He told me he would, but it has been over a week. I reminded him and asked for a possible repayment date, and he informed me it wouldn't be until he could start tattooing again. He then explained that his shop was burglarized.

    So... what now?

    submitted by /u/imontheedge247
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    Airbnb host locked us out, won’t let us access belongings

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    We had a 3 day booking, and after the first night we had people meet us at the Airbnb to ride to a concert there. The host contacted us during the day and sent screenshots of each person from the security camera, stating we had exceeded the 10 person limit. The first night we had not, and we told her we were happy to ensure we only had 10 for the 2nd night as well. After the concert (at 12:05am), the host canceled our reservation. We contacted her to inquire and she was irate and said she went through the house while we out and found a bong (not illegal in CA) and that we lied, and she's going to fine us $10k for any damages she finds (there is absolutely nothing broken). She then says 2 people need to come and get our things from the Airbnb, and her and her husband will meet us there. After numerous attempts to speak rationally to the woman, we finally agree to her terms (at 1am now). When our 2 people arrive to remove our things, the house code is changed, and she sends a text to "get the f* off my property". We wait 2.5hrs, and ask her what time she will be coming, to which she says we're "threatening her" and never gives us an answer. At this point, we have numerous wallets, bags, car keys, and personal belongings in the house. We all ended up getting an Uber back to our homes at 5am yesterday, and still awaiting word from the host.. Do we have any recourse here? She literally has our stuff hostage, and people need work computers and cars, and the cost of this action is starting to add up. Airbnb has now closed the account the reservation was placed under and said the situation will be assigned a "specialist" during normal business hours, and didn't give us any reassurance of helping. Reservation account had 15x 5star reviews, and the host just started renting 1 month ago and we're the third group to rent from her.

    TLDR: host went through our things and found a bong, canceled our reservation and now has our things (car keys, wallets, bags) locked in her house with no communication on when we'll get access. Airbnb has offered no help, and closed our account

    submitted by /u/I_WANT_YOUR_EYES
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    Can my employer switch my pay to hourly whenever I don't make 80 hours each pay period even when Im salary

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    At my job I'm a salaried employee but whenever I don't make 80 hours for the 2 week pay period. They switch my pay over to hourly and I make much less. They even do this when I make 79.5 hours for the period too. I also never receive overtime pay for working extra hours. This seems a little messed up to me. Is this legal?

    This is in Georgia forgot to specify

    submitted by /u/Tyudo
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    Family moved and forgot several Rx meds under their sink- legality in mailing it to them.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    My in laws just moved to NC from FL (I am also in FL). The new homeowners found somewhat important NON-CONTROLLED prescription medications (blood pressure, cholesterol, abx, etc.) under the sink of the master bath because for some reason they didn't do a full sweep before leaving the house for the last time that morning in all the chaos of moving day. Luckily the new homeowners are nice, and were able to get ahold of them who then got ahold of me to pick the stuff up from the old house.

    My family is now requesting that I mail them the medication, but after a quick look on the USPS and FedEx websites, I'm not sure about the legality of doing this and I'm a good noodle and don't want this to be the reason I get into trouble for the first time, lol

    The websites say to look into the state and federal laws but I can't seem to find that. Also it says that only pharmacies and stuff can mail drugs. I'm just a simple family member trying to do this the right way without having to drive a couple days there and back😵

    Thanks in advance for any answers!

    submitted by /u/SingForMaya
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    Charged 100x authorised amount

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    Last week I bought a gift card for a restaurant online to the value of $100 dollars. The restaurant uses a third party company to process their online gift card orders so it wasn't purchased from the restaurant directly. Later that day my husband checked our bank accounts and $10,000 had been charged to our account by that third party company for the gift card.

    It took 2 days to get a hold of that third party company (these places never make finding a direct line of contact easy 😒) and notify them of their error. They said they had to contact their credit card processing company to issue a refund and that could take 48 hours.

    4 days after that conversation we still have not been refunded. During that time we settled on a house which we needed that $10,000 for. To say we were stressed is an understatement.

    I followed up with the company today and they said because $10,000 is a large amount the credit card processing company put a hold on the refund transaction to verify it was correct, therefore delaying it. Funny how they can take $10,000 from someone else's bank account happily, but as soon as it's coming out of their own bank account they need to verify it…

    In short, is there any legal action we can take against the parties involved?

    submitted by /u/Individual-Ad2489
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    I’m an artist. Client wants to hold me and my services on retainer - what do I do now?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    Hello all! I am an architectural artist and I have a client that would like to keep me on retainer. I feel like I should have something for him to sign…? And I have no idea where to start with rates…? I am at a total loss. I have been working for myself for about 18 months and haven't encountered this situation yet.

    Any advice is welcome! Thanks everyone! 🙏❤️

    submitted by /u/Jess_Wright_Artist
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    Neighbor is using his driveway and garage for motorcycle storage. The sounds are driving me nuts. (KY)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    My neighbor has a large detached garage in his driveway that happens to be right next to my bedroom window and home office. He has always had a motorcycle but he generally just rode it during the day and it has never been an issue. Now, he has his girlfriend and 4-5 others storing their bikes in the garage.

    Bike owners will arrive or be dropped off sometimes as early as 7am to work on the bikes or ride them out. This morning my dog and I were woken up at 6:45 by about 15 minutes of engine revving right outside my window. Less than 5 minutes after they left another owner arrived to ride out, but also stayed to chat and perform loud maintenance for about half an hour.

    They will sometimes wake me up by the friend group leaving and coming back from 7-8am rides before work. The other night two owners returned at 3am with their bikes.

    It is becoming pretty regular that it wakes me up very early or in the middle of the night and has become disruptive for my work from home job, which has me on the phone with clients who can hear the bikes (usually 2 or more) right outside the window during the day.

    As well as trying to soundproof my house further, I have tried to discuss with my neighbor, who is a 35 year old newly divorced man who is very eager about the bikes and his girlfriend's love of them, and these friends who bike. He seemed understanding about quiet hours and me working from home but has made it clear that he will not be changing behavior, and that soon more bikes will be coming to be stored there. He was dodgey as to if this is a business, favor to friends, a club hangout or what.

    I called the non emergency who say it is a civil issue. They will come during quiet hours 10-11 but they sometimes take more than 2 hours to respond to the call, and it is usually done by then.

    When it was just 1-2 bikes it was fine. 6 bikers coming and going is a lot of noise throughout the day. Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/bellacquas
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    PA Inheritance Tax

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    I got a letter from the IRS Pa department of revenue that I owed inheritance tax on a bank account that I had had with my mom. She died last summer. As far as I know, this was a childhood saving account she started for me when I was a baby and just transitioned into my full adult account.

    She never contributed to this account and I received no financial support from her in this account, just was just listed as the guardian on it. I tried going to the bank to have her removed, but since she wasn't present, they would not let me remove her.

    I know I can appeal the tax, and in going to try, but is there any supplimental information I can provide to the court that could help prove that the bank wouldn't remove her and that she never contributed to the account?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Serrahfina
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    Landlord sent a lease with monthly rent at $2,400, a price agreed upon a long time ago. After signing electronically, they emailed me back saying it was sent "in error". They then sent a new lease for $2,700 a month and will not send me the lease I have signed, though acknowledging i did sign it.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Hi all! I never thought I would be a poster on r/LegalAdvice. I would really appreciate a response if you have the time.

    About 75 days before my lease expires in New York City, my landlord sends me a new electrotonic lease to sign through appfolio, the online portal where we pay rent and our documents like leases, renters insurance, etc. is held. The rent increased from $2,200 to $2,400. They informed us last year that this year's lease would be $2,400, so this was no surprise and was expected, even if I think the $200 jump is steep as we have been here for about 5 years and it has never been close to that much of a jump.

    The lease was sitting there ready for me to sign for a bit over two weeks before I signed it on Friday, June 30th. Once I signed the document sitting there in the "shared documents" tab so I did not think to print it or anything as all of my leases have always been there. I see now that this was a mistake on my part.

    About 20 minutes after signing the lease (which was about 2-ish weeks after they sent it in the first place) the company sent me an email saying "Please review the revised lease renewal as the previous one was sent in error." I follow the link and the NEW lease and THIS lease is for $2,700 a month. The first thing I do when I see this email is go back to the tab that held the lease I just signed and it was gone. They obviously pulled that document off of the website. They followed up again saying that "That lease was overwritten by the correct one." Without trying to let emotion into the situation, this really feels like bullshit to me.

    I have had about 10 emails back and forth before I stopped responding because it wasn't helping. Here are my major issues/ points of contention:

    • They acknowledge that they quoted me the price of $2,400 and I have the emails to prove that. (so this was NOT a typo, that has always been the handshake price.)
    • I signed the lease they sent for $2,400. They acknowledge I signed it at that price and they are refusing to send me that paperwork.
    • They are raising my rent over 20% without 90 days notice, illegal in NYC as far as I can tell.

    So my biggest questions are:

    • Are they contractually obligated to honor the lease that I have signed @$2,400?
    • Being that they sent it to me, that means they would have signed their half of the contract, right? ("Countersigned"?)
    • Is there any way to get that lease from them? I am unsure of I should email again one last time or just hold off.
    • I did not have more than 90 days notice that my rent was being raised over 20%. Is this illegal in NYC?
    • What happens if I ignore? We are currently in a stalemate where they won't send me back the $2,400 lease I signed and I will not sign their $2,700 one.
    • Is this lawyer worthy? 2,700 is not an option - if I just send some legal jargon back to them will I be able to stand my ground on my own?

    I would have to move if we do not solve this problem and I really really do not want to have to jump through those hoops. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks so much.

    TLDR: I signed a lease but landlord reneged on price saying the first price they offered was a "typo", even though that was the agreed upon rent price for over a year. They are now trying to get me to sign a new lease but I do not have access to the new one I just signed.

    submitted by /u/NoDetective3267
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    Lease changes after signing

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    This is happening in South Carolina.

    I signed a lease stating that the owner of the premises would pay all utilities except electricity way back in October. The lease was agreed upon and signed by both parties. Then, a few month later the company comes out with an addendum stating residents are now required to pay their own water bill through a third party company in exchange for $10 off of rent, and that we had to sign it. I have NOT signed this addendum. I have been pestered ever since, saying I was required to sign it as it was company policy ect.. ect.., to which I have simply stated that I was not going to sign the new addendum. However, it is now August and the first round of rent for the new lease have come through, and sure enough I was billed $10 less than the lease states. I paid the right amount by custom changing the echeck, but I'm worried the water bill is still going to come. At this point I have talked to employees and gotten nowhere, I'm tired of being pestered, and I'm tired of worrying about a possible eviction or trouble I could get into.

    I'm almost certain that this counts as a breach of contract on their end, but I'm just a college student without the funds or the time to go to court. What do you think I should do? Anything helps, Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Throwitaway738
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    I'm being robbed by a collections attorney, is there ANYTHING i can do?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    Greetings. I hate that I even have to ask, and hate even more that I know what the probable answer is but here it is...

    I live in a Home Owners Association neighborhood and missed last years dues payment of $200. A couple weeks ago I got a letter from a collection agency saying I owe the $200 plus an extra $700 in attorney and collection fees. How is this even legal? I honestly feel like I did when I was robbed years ago, completely violated and angry. I don't mind paying a $30 late fee or something, but wow. The problem is, the HOA is saying they sent multiple letters and final warnings etc., but I never got a single one. I know they have the right address because the attorney sure had no problem finding me. LOL

    Is there ANYthing I can do? It's not a hardship thing, I can easily afford it, it's a feeling like I'm paying an extorsion fee to someone and I have zero choice in the matter. It just hurts and makes me physically ill thinking about paying him anything.

    submitted by /u/gremlinjuice
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    Private seller refusing to give back $1000 deposit for used car. Can we take him to small claims? [New York City]

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    On Saturday my boyfriend and I went to look at a $8000 used car on OfferUp. The ad said that the seller was the original owner, which was a big draw for us. When we arrived, the car looked clean, but the seller seemed to be in a big rush, and spoke very fast in poor English (his friend acted as an interpreter). He quickly flashed a picture on his phone of the "new" title with 0 miles on the odometer. He grumbled about letting us test drive it, and refused to let us take it on the highway. We ultimately got to drive it for about 10 minutes and it seemed OK. All the while he was selling another car to some other people, and constantly running back and forth between us.

    In the end he pressured us to either buy it or leave a deposit, saying other buyers were ready to come get it. We didn't have the cash on hand but didn't want to lose the car, so after taking a picture of the title we sent the interpreter a $1,000 deposit on Venmo (we wanted to give less, but he refused).

    On Sunday, we looked at the picture of the title and it turns out it was not actually the "new" title. It was a "used" title that had been registered to him two months ago. We texted the interpreter, who explained the first owner was actually the seller's uncle, who died recently and left the car to the seller. That, along with the stressful experience, set off too many red flags. We decided that instead of burning even more time trying to suss out this car, that we'd rather just let it go.

    First thing this morning (Monday) we called the interpreter and said we were sorry for taking up their time but just wanted our money back. The interpreter initially said no problem, but a few minutes later called back in a much more aggressive tone, saying the seller would not refund any money and "we had a deal."

    At this point we just want to move on, but we also don't want to lose that $1000. We even offered to let them keep $200 for their time and they still said no.

    Would we have a case in small claims court?

    submitted by /u/Objective-Apple-9021
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    CA confidential marriage question

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    With a confidential marriage who would I legally have to inform of my marriage other than IRS/who would be able to find out about my marital status?

    For example, is this something my financial institution or insurance provider would have easy access to?

    submitted by /u/throwaway23311137
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    Background check

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    I'm going through a federal background check for TSA. My girlfriend that lives with me has a warrant. Due to her living with me, I have to put her down as a cohabitant. I'm just wondering if her warrant will show up and affect my application. I've been told maybe or maybe not regarding privacy policies they can't search her background. I'm just worried because I had to list her SSN as well and I was told they might look into her due to possible financial debt or ties and I know she has court fines but they're not connected to me or under my name. She's been on a straight path and not involved in any type of criminal activity. But I'm not sure what to do. Help.

    submitted by /u/supufakaz3
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    Ex served me papers

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    Pennsylvania, USA

    Going to make this short as possible, my ex girlfriend whom I have 2 children with served me court papers today looking to get full custody of our children. She did this because for 48 hours I was being harassed and threatened by her current boyfriend. I told her I had enough and that I am taking it to the police. I also found on social media that he is selling fake state inspection stickers. This was yesterday today she went to court and filled a petition for special relief,

    In that petition she states that I and the family I live with (at home with my father, step mother and 4 siblings) are known to smoke weed. Recreational use of marijuana is still illegal in my state, but I can pass a drug test.

    Would the court order everyone I live with to take drug tests? Only 2 people actually smoke but they smoke outside and not around the kids. I would hate to get them in trouble because of my ex.

    She also wrote the wrong address (my address) 3 times in the document and signed her name the part that says "I hereby swear all this information is correct" will the court see that as a typo or what? There was also a dozen spelling errors and she states the house isnt sanitry enough for children then states the house is sanitary 2 sentences later.

    Before all this she didnt have a problem with my living situations and in fact has been pushing me to take the kids more. The only reason she is doing this is because I'm going to the police to report her bf for illegal activity and report the harassment I recieved because someone like that shouldnt be living with my children. He has a record already. I'm 26 I have no record, I work a full time job my managers and owners of the business can voucher for me being responsible and respectful individual.

    I already have an appointment with a lawyer in 2 days but I just wanted some advice from you guys, thanks a bunch!

    submitted by /u/dizzyfeast
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    I'm seventeen, and my father is helping me change my name. My mother is deceased, but apparently being dead is not one of the criteria for foregoing consent in my state. What should I do?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    I realize that this is an extremely stupid question with what is probably a very obvious answer, but the language is making me confused and, since I've never had to deal with anything legal before, I don't know how to proceed.

    In Indiana, there are two name change forms for minors, one with the consent of both parents or guardians and the other without the consent of both so long as any one of the factors in Indiana Code 31-19-9 can be applied to the relation between the parent and the child.

    Like the title says, I only have my father. My mother is deceased and my stepmother has no official legal guardianship over me. Because of that I'd assume that we should fill out the form for the name change without consent...but for some reason, in Indiana Code 31-19-9, the parent or guardian being deceased is not listed as one of the criteria, meaning that if I were taking it literally I would still technically be required to get consent from my mother despite her being dead.

    Which form is the one that I should complete? Does my stepmother count as a guardian in this case?

    submitted by /u/HylianHylidae
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    Nurse accused of stealing drugs.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    So this all just happened and we have no idea where to go from here. My mom is a nurse and this morning she was grabbed by administration and the security guard and held for 2 hours after her shift. (She works nights) They accused her of stealing drugs from the med carts, taking them right in the hallway. They said they have her on camera. They also accused her of being drunk at work, and refused to let her take her car home. My sister had to go and pick her up because the security guard would NOT let my mom get in her car.

    They made her take a drug test, and they made her take an alcohol test. The alcohol came back negative, as it should have. They put her on unpaid administration leave until this is all resolved.

    Here's the thing. I know my mom. I can't even get that woman to drink a glass of wine with me at dinner when I visit, let alone any thing else. What kind of lawyer is needed for this? We're having her go get an independent drug test from a different facility, and I'd very much like to see this video.

    submitted by /u/red_wild88
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