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    Saturday, June 19, 2021

    The "passion" cliché? Entrepreneur

    The "passion" cliché? Entrepreneur

    The "passion" cliché?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    Is it just me or this thing of "you should start a business because you're really passionate about a cause or purpose" is a bit too hyped and exaggerated? You hear it a lot around vc guys, like YC.

    Did Jeff Bezos have that strong of a passion for books/selling books when he started Amazon?

    Were Peter Thiel and the other guys that passionate about online payments?

    Was Brian Chesky passionate about renting air mattresses?

    Was John Rockefeller passionate about oil refining?

    Was Amancio Ortega passionate about fashion?

    I find these all somewhat hard to believe. I think they might have had a passion (I would actually call it motivation) for trying to succeed at what they were doing, but their business didn't exactly originate from a passion, but from spotting business opportunities and perhaps then falling in love for the potential benefits of the company being successful.

    What do you think? What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/P_Days
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    I am happy to announce that I have made my first official perfume sale! A great feeling so much stress but finally we have started the race.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    My name is Trill Noel and I began perfumery during the time of covid (Sounds like a cheesy movie... love in the time of cholera lol) after finding out that my wife was pregnant with our daughter Auroriscia. I am a long time lurker of this sub who has had very wholesome moments take place because of the advice many of you provide.

    I decided to further advance my knowledge by diving into aroma chemicals. These are isolated single molecules that are used in major perfumes like Chanel or Giorgio Armani. Eventually, along the way, I found inspiration to begin building a business from the ground up.

    I still need to make final decisions on packaging and labels but as of now r/xarmony is starting to bring joy to so many people.

    It is truly a remarkable feeling to watch others feel better about themselves because of something you created. The customer today was so overjoyed by her purchase that she offered to make a video. She walked away eager to show them off to her sisters and coworkers.

    Nothing has been more satisfying as a chemical artist than to hear the words "I love this" or "I have never smelled anything like this before."

    Hearing her interpretation of the 3 scents she picked out... hearing someone call something you made "sophisticated and classy" it truly is a wonderful feeling. She even talked about how she fell asleep wearing the sample she tried one day and had been waiting for her "precious bottles."

    I know sometimes it feels like: Why am I doing this crazy thing? Why didn't I pick an easier business? How will I be able to compete with all those big names that have been around for x amount of years?

    You have to silence that. Just start. Quit asking yourself questions. The reward is waiting for those who will chase it. It took me a moment to see that but now I have the corner piece that will eventually lead to a full puzzle. So to anyone reading this, please, just focus on finding your four corner pieces and start from there.

    submitted by /u/trillnoel
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    Do any of you have satisfactory but atypical asleep/awake patterns(non 24 hour cycles)? Like 20 hours awake 9 hours asleep, 36 awake 12 asleep? What are the pros and cons?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    I researched this subject but most resources presume staying awake 20 hours equals 4 hours sleep. I know sleep deprivation harms you dramatically and I also like sleep so deprivation isn't an option. Does staying awake 20 hours or more hurts you like you are sleep deprived even if you sleep good amount? Do you have any experience in this kind of lifestyle? I feel like 15-18 hours of awake time is not enough for us mortals to be productive and also enjoy leisure activities thoroughly. Thank you for reading and possible answers.

    submitted by /u/eiaueiau
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    How do I deal with non responsive team mates?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    I'm running a start up and a few members in the team hardly ever respond to emails or slack messages. It's really disheartening and frustrating having to constantly message them to get a reply. Currently none of us are paid workers so how do I motivate people to get involved?

    submitted by /u/mrmowwowmow
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    Should I go at it alone longer? Reach into my pocket to hire a tech lead? Or Fundraise while not in the strongest position with metrics?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    Background: Non-technical solo founder that used an outsourced team to develop MVP.

    Stage: MVP is live and garnering some actionable user feedback. Iteration on feedback is slow due to the outsourced nature of talent as well as a reduction in allocated hours (I communicated to the team that I wanted to slow down development to have user feedback direct subsequent releases)

    Issues: There is nobody in my immediate circle I can bring on as a technical co-founder, CTO, tech lead. I am hoping to hire someone for a 6-month contract who will PM with the outsourced talent as well as bring some of the development in-house. The intention of this 6 month period is to find my technical partner. I plan to list the job at a competitive market rate as I am very eager to not be alone in this, but I would greatly prefer someone innately passionate about the problem as I am.

    I would like to focus on user growth, monetization, and fundraising. The rate I plan to advertise for the 6-month prospective stretches my personal budget.


    -As desperate as I am for a cofounder, should I instead advertise a more average market rate to filter for potential applicants that might be more passionate about the project and interested in equity? My worry is if it's just purely an attractive salary, I cannot sustain it past 6-months and their continued employment would be contingent on fundraising.

    -The product is financial planning with social and content features, the latter being underdeveloped. As a result, retention is low due to the fact that financial planning is something you do infrequently. The idea to boost leads and retention is to have content published on and using the platform. I plan to do this in the next few months - get content creators to produce their videos using the product, publish our own content, grow users. I want to fundraise, but the underwhelming retention and engagement lead me to believe that I shouldn't do so until I fix this issue. Would you agree?

    -Monetization is down the line as I didn't want obstacles to user growth. Given it is an MVP with known bugs on production, it feels early to monetize via subscription for premium features. Given I don't have a direct customer value, it feels like I need to just guerilla market as opposed to paying for help since my short-term CAC is far greater than my non-existent CLV. Keep in mind, there is no external funding at this point. Is it far too early to do paid marketing for the product?

    Sorry if the above is rambly. It seems like a bunch of chicken and the egg problems and I was just looking for guidance as I'm somewhat uncertain of the next steps.

    -I want to fundraise to pay for technical talent and marketing (getting hard on my personal budget)

    -I want to do paid marketing to improve user count and get better feedback. (I have barely begun marketing on my own, but I am not a natural talent at it)

    -I want technical talent to improve iteration time on user feedback, and reduce friction points that hurt user acquisition and retention. ( I can see where in the user journey people are sticking, I wish I could fix them faster and work on developing features that not just improve the user's experience, but make it easier to grow)

    -I want user growth, retention, and engagement to fundraise better.

    Anyway, thanks for listening to that somewhat rambly post. If anyone can see a clear path forward or thinks any details to focus on would provide such clarity, I'm all ears. It's tough being solo sometimes without someone to bounce ideas off of.

    submitted by /u/peercents
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    Sold my business, should I disclose valuations in resume and job interviews?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    I sold my business, and I'm looking for a new opportunity in the coming months. I'm trying to figure out how to give a sense of the size of the acquisition to fully leverage that. I've historically thought that this is tacky, but I sold a YouTube channel with 2 million followers and content production software, both of which I built in the early days of YouTube. YouTube channels can be sold for $1000 or $1 million and most people assume the former.

    Say I sold it for $500K.

    Should I include (Acquired: $500K) in my resume, LinkedIn, conversations?

    Would a $XXXK work to share it was a six-figure deal? Or leave it out completely?

    Perhaps just including "six figure" in a press release and attaching it there.

    Edit: Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/fadisaleh
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    Really starting to love cold calling. Looking for a potential collaboration with someone who has a great product with a fabulous track record, and deep knowledge about the industry they are in.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    This post is for someone who has a fucking great product with case studies, client ROI statistics, deep knowledge of their target industry, and open-mindedness to exploring potential collaborations, but doesn't want to deal with reaching out to biz owners at all. I mean the business owners who have money..I recently started cold calling, and to tell you the truth, I'm starting to love it.


    My second day of cold calling I set an appointment, I haven't gotten hung up on once, and have maybe had two "nos" when it comes to contacting the decision maker or getting their direct contact info. Happy to share my cold calling approach with anyone who messages me so you know I'm not bullshitting you. You can give it a try yourself, if you really want. And you WILL get compliance. Pretty much guarantee it.


    Anyways, I'm looking for someone who is in a spot where they are like "yeah, we've got a good product, and we are experimenting with how to get it to business owners who have $$$ because marketing is a pain in the ass".



    My role would be completely dependent on the conversation I have with you, and if I even love the product you have. I need to love what you're selling, and it has to be valuable, for me to be motivated to make calls for you.

    .But in any case, I would be making cold calls and get appointments set for you. I would NOT be closing, at this point.


    Also completely depends on the situation, who you are, if I like you, you like me, and the nature of what we are selling. Maybe it will be commission based. Maybe it will be hourly. Maybe it will be just be a flat monthly rate, I don't know. Or maybe it won't be paid at all. It all really depends on our dynamic and what makes sense to both of us, if we are a fit..



    If my above approach to negotiation and open-ended mindset turns you off, annoys you, or triggers you to put a highly critical comment in this thread without substantiation or a direct question like a high school keyboard warrior, this is not for you.

    Not because I don't like you, but people who judge a potential opportunity without directly connecting with me or asking a direct question/voicing their concerns in the form of a question in the thread, are not the kind of people I'd like to work with.


    I like working with individuals in any project who are curious to explore potential outcomes in a space of creative brainstorming.


    If you need someone to strictly set "x appointments" in a week, I don't want to work with you. If you're in an experimental phase where it wouldn't' be a waste of your time to let me try to sell this thing for you while you keep doing what you're already doing, this is for you.

    .I want to experiment to find the exact approach that works for YOU, document it, process it, and give it to you. I promise I WILL find what works, as long as you have

    1. Case studies/testimonials
    2. knowledge of the industry/data you can pass on to me to help me understand who you're working with. If you don't, I MAY be able to do research with you (I'm already doing that...interviewing a business owner on Monday who is enthusiastic about helping me out).
    3. Client ROI statistics
    4. I DON'T need you to hand me a list of prospects..


    .IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, well articulated concerns, etc. please post them below and I'll answer to you directly in the thread..If you are curious to explore a potential opp, send me a message directly, saying "hey...I am curious to explore potentially working with you, if we are a fit." Everything will go on from there, and it won't be awkward, weird, etc. It will be fun. I promise.

    submitted by /u/brakeupzsuckz
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    Starting a Marketing agency for cleaning businesses. Question about market research

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Made some cold calls today and I already have an interview with a business owner lined up to get to know their primary problem areas with regards to sales and marketing. They were really open, enthusiastic, we set a specific time for Monday, and it's happening.
    But, I just wanted to know what all your suggestions are for questions I should ask. I have my own list right now, but basically, I need insight to: 1)Be able to speak the lingo these business owners speak in, 2)understand the problems/challenges they are having, and 3)What they would pay money for to invest in, with regards to marketing and sales services.
    PS if you wanna know how I got this interview lined up, and how to cold call without getting hung up on, shoot me a message and I'll give you input based on your specific situation. No catch there or anything (not a bait and hook thing). I'm just a beginner, but I'm learning a lot and I'm certain how I do things works really well, so I want to share that. Maybe I'll make another post for that, I'm not sure.

    submitted by /u/brakeupzsuckz
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    Low Risk/Reward passive business/side hustle ideas ?.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 01:00 PM PDT

    I'm 24 and in the IT field. I work and go to school full time. I currently have 40k saved and I'm looking for ways to make more money. I know people will say " put it in an index fund ", I'm not interested in putting 10k in an index fund/mutual fund just to see a 1k yearly return. What I want is a low-risk/reward business model that's easy to pick up. Something where I cant invest 1-5k and make $500-1k monthly in passive income.

    I was originally thinking of doing Amazon FBA. After doing some research it seems that it is way more complicated than finding a desired product and selling it. From what I learned from FBA sellers, you can have a desired product but still have a failed launch due to the amount of competition, etc. It seems Amazon isn't like eBay where you can just sell products willy nilly.

    There's an auction company in my area that basically buys amazon trucks of new unsold items. then they auction them off. So for example, my 40Inch 4k TV retails for $700 but I won it for $300. So I was thinking of buying products from this auction and reselling them on eBay, etc with an upcharge. Does this sound like a good idea ?. If not does anyone have any business ideas that might work ?.

    submitted by /u/SillyRecover
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    Thinking about switching to a 4-day work week

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    Hello fellow entrepreneurs!

    I run a general contracting business and currently have 10 full time employees. (9 in the field and 1 in the office)

    I have been seriously considering switching over to a 4-day work week. I have read a few articles and studies online that are in support of this, but was hoping to hear about some real-world experiences from other business owners who have implemented this.

    submitted by /u/joeusedtobecool
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    Looking for the Right Survey Software

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    I am looking for the right survey software. Specifically, one that will ask questions with skip logic. More importantly, which I have not found yet, it will specify which answers each user selected and put it into a presentation/data sheet.

    For example the survey could be like:

    1. Name?

    2. Make of Car? (multiple choice)

    3. Model of Car? (multiple choice)

    For instance, skip logic would specify what answer choices would appear for question 3 based on the answer to question 2. Now I am just hope to find a survey service that would list their name, what Make they chose and what Model they chose. So that I could find out what each person selected to figure out what they specifically want. Now my survey won't be use the same questions as the example, but it will be similar. Also I need it to list the date and time the question was answered.

    Anyone know of a survey software that can do this? So far I have checked Survey Monkey and QuestionPro. Problem is a lot of these softwares require you to pay to more accurately see what they have to offer.

    submitted by /u/Monkeydfdg
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    How did you create a Team?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 04:09 PM PDT

    Hi there, I've heard that a lot of businesses start off with creating a team. If you have created one or about to, How did you go about it/plan to go about it?

    PS. Not saying that being a sole trader and going solo is bad is just that is an interesting topic I came about while reading.

    submitted by /u/xSentin_l
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    The 100 Year Old Ford Assembly Line showed me the key to Automating my life for more Efficiency

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    The Ford Assembly Line is legendary for how it changed the workflow in car manufacturing. The reason for its effectiveness was its constant auditing of areas of improvement and elimination of repetition. These principles can also be extended to personal productivity through the DRY Principle.

    The DRY principle or Don't Repeat Yourself initially came from computer programming and was used to avoid repetition in the code. It can be used in our lives to seek ways that we can automate our work and avoid constant time wastage on repetitive tasks.

    In practice, I've been able to utilize the principles behind the Assembly Line and DRY to audit how I spend my time, whether it's the way my email is managed or how my calendar is planned out. There are always going to be amazing ways you can discover how to make your life more efficient. I share more about these principles and share a bunch of examples that might be helpful too right here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OprWei4m6sg

    Let me know ways that you prefer to pursue automation or efficiency. Would love to hear from you…

    submitted by /u/BladeV-Cash
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    Manufacturer partnerships... What % of product price should we allocate to manufacturing? What do they expect?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    Let's say the product is a teardrop camper that sells for $10k and I'm looking for a US manufacturer to make it. What would a manufacturer expect to get out of this? Do they expect like a 20% profit over their costs? Do they want the same profit as the product owner/company who sells it? How would we go about negotiating?

    We thought the manufacturer would just come up with a price, then we'd negotiate based on what we bring to the table, but some have asked the cost we're looking for before they begin quoting, which seems like they're just trying to get the most out of us as possible. Like if we say $5k, and they would have offered $4k, they'll still take the $5k.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/anonjamesbon
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    Give me your best free time activities app name

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    Hey guys I am looking for a rebranding for my app that helps you figure out what todo with all the spare time in town after our 9-5 job or school :P

    submitted by /u/Mojomoto93
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    Angel Investors vs. Venture Capitalists Explained

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    It can be tricky to navigate the world of funding your startup/business, and that's why I made the video that is intended to help at least one entrepreneur. I hope you find this useful: video:

    Let me know in the comments if you have any questions :)

    submitted by /u/avishaibitz
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    how to grow mini business at 14

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    So i recently i started garden work like levelling mounds getting weeds out and mowing lawns and just some other task that are quite tiring at the weekends and some week days i work about 3 days a week and the most i make a day is like £35 and the lowest working day like £15 .

    How can i improve my profit / find more people that want some garden work done so far I'm just getting jobs by recommendations is this the best way to go should.

    I've been thinking about hiring a few freinds and paying them 60-70% of what they make and finding them the jobs but i dont have enough customers to do this.

    tl;dr how can i improve my amount of customers and profit

    submitted by /u/dittulps
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    What Is The Secret Formula To A Successful Email Autoresponder Series

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    Hi Guys,

    Was wondering if I could get some help. I feel like I've pretty much got a good understanding of lead generation and how to build an email list but feel like I'm kind of falling at the final hurdle a bit.

    So I get people to my email series but even after many different attempts I still feel like this is not exactly working for me as well as I would like.

    What advice would you give in regards to links in emails and making the conversion from lead to customer?

    BTW if anyone is feeling extra helpful I have a google doc with the first 10 emails of one of my campaigns. If anyone would be up for taking a look to give me some pointers I would really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/chivs86
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    Please Help! How often online sellers upload new products? And What's the best time?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    Hi Guys,

    Hope it's the right place to solve my confusing questions now. Wondering how often the online store sellers upload their new products/items? What's the best time frames per day and per week? I know there has no rule and no fix answers, but I want to get an initial basic idea and suggestions.

    Thanks so much. Best, Stay Safe.

    submitted by /u/nikiyostudio
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    Has anyone recently started doing Private labeling in 2021? how is it going?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:22 AM PDT


    been thinking of doing a PL business to try it out but many sites i have been on are saying the failure rate is huge like 70 to 80% or its not worth it anymore, is this even true?

    what's your experience been like so far?

    submitted by /u/blueeyesdragon92
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    Business Struggle!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I have been trying to ask for some help regarding a business that I started last year.

    Currently, I am selling t-shirts purchasing them in Mexico, and shipping them to the USA. I have been doing this since last year in 2020 when I started helping my brother-in-law.

    I was able to save 200 dollars and invest them and I have been making 260 dollars in profit each week that I re-invest my money.

    Now at the beginning that was not the case since I used to stay with the merch for like a month until I could sell them all.

    Now I make 260 dollars in profit each week if the sales are good or I will sell them all in 2 weeks the max. I would like to scale and sell more make 500 each week if possible.

    Now, this is where my issue comes from. The t-shirts are imitations of big brands and they are popular among the Hispanic community every time I tried to make an ad on Facebook it gets rejected of course.

    I just want to make this clear I know what I am doing is wrong since selling counterfeit merch is not legal in the USA but I am just trying to grind and make some extra income and since my brother-in-law was making a good decent amount I follow his steps.

    I want to stop selling this kind of merch but is the only extra income that I have plus my full-time job as well but I still need that income to come in.

    Please share your opinion with respect and thank you.

    submitted by /u/Entrepreneur_Guy92
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    I feel like my business partner is holding me back

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    He was a top salesman at a company we both worked for years ago. I brought him on in a sales role but we approach sales very differently and I know the industry much better.

    I'm extremely confident I can scale this company fairly fast, but his lead follow up is slow, closing rate is fair but not great. Client interactions with him have resulted in headaches and refunds.

    He is my best friend and I'd love to continue working with him but we have completely opposite views and even though I've clearly expressed how I want the company to operate he understands but doesn't take much action.

    How can I have a conversation with him about this somewhat delicate topic?

    Thanks all

    submitted by /u/Terpenes
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    How to progress in digital advertising/SEO?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    Hi guys, really new to the advertising/SEO space. Due to the whole working from home stint, I've recently taken the Google ads display certification during my free time and intend to take the other certifications by skillshop (shopping, analytics, etc). What opportunities could I possibly reap from these certifications in terms of job opportunities wise/personal side hustles? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Substantial-Tear9121
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    Travel to Italy with your tongue

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Welcome aboard 🙂

    Faraway in the Northwest region of Italy, in a state called Romagna, the traditional special flat bread used to make tasty and yummy sandwich took it's origin.

    Piadina is seen not only as food but as the lifestyle of an Italian; It can serve as a normal home meal or as food on the go whether in the bus, while sitting in the Park or enjoying the breeze out doors.

    Their product prices ranging from $5.99 for a pack of 4 counts to $76.80 for a carton of 16 packs (64 counts) and have over 200 happy returning customers.

    Check out the link below to find out more about the brand that sells piadina and the products that have. frescopiadausa

    Welcome to Italia 😊

    submitted by /u/MarziBravesoul
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