• Breaking News

    Friday, June 18, 2021

    Legal Advice [USA -- CA] I got a great deal on a guitar from a pawn shop -- now they're calling me and saying that they gave me someone's property by mistake, and I need to bring it back

    Legal Advice [USA -- CA] I got a great deal on a guitar from a pawn shop -- now they're calling me and saying that they gave me someone's property by mistake, and I need to bring it back

    [USA -- CA] I got a great deal on a guitar from a pawn shop -- now they're calling me and saying that they gave me someone's property by mistake, and I need to bring it back

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    [CA, USA] Hi, so as the title says I bought a guitar from a pawn shop the other day, it wasn't cheap, but as a guitar enthusiast/collector I knew that this particular instrument was worth much more than what they were asking, so I bought it.

    The shop seemed pretty nice as far as pawn shops go, and I ended up giving the guy my contact details in case any more guitars rolled through the shop (greedy, I know) so he could reach out to me.

    Just yesterday I get a call from him: I need to bring the guitar back, and he'll pay me my money back +$200 for my trouble. Apparently the original owner came back for the guitar, and while he was "late on payments" he had not yet forfeited the guitar to the pawn shop. A clerical error on the pawn shop's end meant that the guitar was listed and sold incorrectly. When he called me, he said that legally the guitar is still property of the original owner and so I should bring it back.

    So what are my options here?

    Further context on my perspective: -I'd obviously love to keep the guitar I got a great deal on, but I'd hate to have the original owner report it as stolen and then I lose it. -It would also leave a bit of a bad taste in my mouth to hold on to someone else's guitar that they really want back. - I'm conscious the pawn shop may be lying about this story and they just realized the guitar they sold to me last week was worth much more than they sold it for, though I doubt they'd go through all this trouble and generally believe the story

    Thank you!

    So: what are my options?

    EDIT: for clarity, I paid ~2k for the guitar and would probably be able to sell it for 4~5k

    submitted by /u/seanicboom1
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    In a car accident, confused about the different insurances.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    So, I was t-boned yesterday at an intersection, and broke my ankle pretty bad. The woman came out, admitted fault immediately, and I was told she received a citation.

    I was brought to a hospital, treated for multiple fractures, and sent home pending an appointment with a surgeon on Monday.

    I called my car insurance carrier, they started the ball rolling for a claim. I tried to call my health insurance provider for advice but the person on the other end spoke pretty broken English that was difficult to understand, I politely said "okay, thank you," but I have no idea what the next steps are. I've never been in an accident like this, never been in this sort of pain while trying to navigate a situation like this. Should I call a lawyer? Should I just wait? I'm not sure.

    From Wisconsin.

    submitted by /u/ChampionMental3975
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    [USA-VA] Neighbor's dog have attacked ours- for the second time

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    Hi r/legaladvice, this morning our dog was attacked by our neighbors and is currently in critical condition at the vet. This isn't the first time this has happened and while I'm dead set on notifying the police I'm wondering how I should best proceed.

    For context our neighbors own three larger dogs (the one in question being a german shepard, the other two don't seem aggressive) and we own two, a large golden retriever mix and a little rat terrier mix. We share a fence in our back yard and both of our dogs are at the very least territorial, so we try not to let them out at the same time, and we take pains to avoid doing so, but our neighbors don't seem to care and let them out pretty much whenever without checking if we're currently walking ours.

    A few months back, our golden retriever got pulled under the fence by their shepard and her back leg mauled. We took her to the vet where she got stitches and has since been mostly fine. We didn't call the police or make a report or anything because we found, after getting her treated, she was a few weeks overdue for her rabies shot, and we were afraid of the legal implications. Three people in our household work full time and the fourth is in school, and frankly, we were also afraid our neighbor would have much more money to fight us in court if it came to that. They only said they would eventually put up a real, wooden fence (we currently only have a weak chain link fence that's more for show than function) and they didn't even do that. As a temporary solution we (as in my family- the neighbors did not help) put logs along the bottom of the fence where there's a gap to at least discourage it from happening again. After the winter and the current rainy season took their toll though, they evidently stopped being much of a deterrent.

    Just this morning our dad let our dogs out and again, our neighbors let theirs out shortly after. Our retriever tends to stay away from the fence after her altercation but our rat terrier did not, and the same thing happened to her, but she is much smaller- she was pulled completely under the fence. She's currently at the vet in critical condition, I can give updates if it matters- I'm getting the police involved either way.

    I didn't personally witness either of these attacks, only the aftermath. Both of our dogs came away bloodied and mauled, the neighbors dogs didn't have a scratch on them. This post is probably difficult to parse but I was just trying to get a grasp on anything I should do before getting the state/county involved before anyone else gets hurt. Our other neighbors have a little boy and chickens that I can't imagine would fare much better than our dogs if anything were to happen. My dad was witness to both but he is very 'go along to get along' and is hesitant to even talk to our neighbors about it but I'm not waiting any longer.

    Edit: She did not make it.

    submitted by /u/ScreenWeirdo
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    HI - Sold my car to dealer, dealer won't pay

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    Sold my car to a large dealership in HI 8 weeks ago and they still have not paid me. I had the title in hand when I signed it over, so no banks to deal with. I've been contacting them regularly over the past month and it's a toss up between being ignored, "let me check", or "it'll be deposited on x date". I'm not longer in the state (out of country actually), otherwise I'd be going in face-to-face. I've filed a dealer experience complaint on the manufacturer website as well hoping that would create pressure, but nothing heard on that end in ~1 week. I'm tired of playing their games - is it reasonable to consider legal action at this point? Never been in this situation before so not sure how to proceed.

    submitted by /u/onetrackmind18
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    craigslist buyer starting to wage war

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    I recently sold a boat to a neighbors older brother (probably in his 60's)who saw the boat on craigslist. He looked at the boat two separate times and decided to buy it. The next day he asked if he could return it for a full refund and I said no. everything seemed fine until yesterday when he texted me, demanding that I give him a new bill of sale. I agreed and drafted a bill of sale but when I asked for his address, he refused to give it to me and I figured that I would look up his address on whitepages so I could mail him the bill of sale.

    Today, I woke up and he left the boat right in front of my house. WHAT SHOULD I DO? the bill of sale is in the mail as we speak but he just left the boat on my property and just doesn't seem to understand how craigslist works and refuses to accept those terms.

    submitted by /u/ChetManly6996
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    Can You Be Fired For Not Shaving Your Legs

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    My girlfriend works at a local pizzeria and restaurant. Her boss received complaints from customers about her legs not being shaved, and asks that she wear jeans or shave them (these complains are not of hair being in the food, just that the appearance is 'unsightly'). The work attire isn't anything aside from: "If you wouldn't wear it to church, don't wear it to work." Admittedly, shaving isn't necessarily difficult, though she is typically busy with other things and doesn't get around to it. Her work environment consists of being around multiple 400 degree ovens, and she would rather not wear jeans, though she does so because she is afraid of getting in trouble. Can she be fired for wearing shorts and unshaved legs? Is it wrongful termination? Is it just how it is? I haven't been able to find too much on this very specific situation.

    submitted by /u/Jimmoney
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    Please help me. I have been suffering from 6 months now

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Hi all

    I worked in a company at Pune, India. The guys haven't paid me my pending salary from over 6 months now. The main guy over there who calls the shots (Boss) is a foreigner currently outside India. There are 2 directors but they are nowhere to be seen. Only this boss used to dictate things. The people on the company say that the 'Boss' needs to give approval after which my salary will be paid immediately. They are not denying to give salary but just are saying approval is needed , we will give you updates and all.

    I need your help as to what my course of action should be. I know about Labour Commissioner and Labour Court but am afraid that they will bring out some loophole or it may take much more longer.

    Can you guys please help me out here I am much stressed and I even cannot sleep at nights due to this.

    Please kind redditors kindly help me please. Anything such as your thoughts, advice, or contacts of people who can handle this kind of things can help me out in a very big way.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Helperandhelpee
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    [CA] Husband is a millionaire, forced me and our 2 kids out of the house

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:23 PM PDT

    I filed for divorce 2 years ago. He withdrew all the money from the bank, forced me and my two kids out of the house. I used loans and credit cards just to make ends meet. I can't afford an attorney. I still haven't even had a hearing for temporary orders bc he has fought and delayed everything. Found out that he makes about $900k per year and sold one of his companies for $7million.

    Not only is he refusing to pay any child support, but he is actively trying to get me fired from my job.

    I literally cannot afford a retainer fee and the judge refuses to give me the time of day. My legal question: are there any options for someone who cannot afford a retainer for a family law attorney? I have proof that he lied on his income and expense declaration and I now have proof of his income.

    submitted by /u/Casual_Bitch_Face
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    Neighbor wants to build a pool, while using my property for heavy equipment/damage?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    As above, neighbor wants to build a pool in their back yard.

    We have a fence. When the neighbor built their house, they built an oversized house for the lot size effectively leaving only 6 feet or so between the edge of their house and our property line.

    Root of my question - simply because they "want" a pool does not give them the right to indiscriminately damage my property with heavy machinery, etc?

    Edit - Ohio

    We've checked with both the city and the HOA, they have confirmed this hunch. Appreciate anyone's prior experience, expertise, etc. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Steele-M
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    My mom is getting divided checks made out to her father's living trust, but she doesn't have the trust documents; what can she do?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    My mom's dad died almost twenty years ago in Michigan; she lives in Oregon. Her dad had set up a living trust. At one point, she had the trust documents, but doesn't know what they are now. She didn't understand how important they were. There's a chance they're somewhere in storage, but she may have also just recycled them.

    She also doesn't know if she is a co-trustee or not; I'm assuming the answer is no. Her brother may have been the trustee, but her brother has now also passed away. She's gone through probate with her brother so does that mean she has inherited his status as trustee?

    If she can find the trust documents, can she set up a bank account in the name of the living trust and deposit the checks?

    If she can't find the documents, does that mean she'll have to go through probate to access the contents of the trust?

    submitted by /u/AwesomeEverett96
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    My unlicensed brother who’s a convicted dwi driver. Took my unregistered vehicle on a drive and got pulled over

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    [New York] He lied to the officer and said he was me. Even forging my name on the ticket. I give the officer an F because he believed my brothers story. Even going as far as telling the officer he didn't know my social. And the cop still believed he was me. So I have a possession charge, loud exhaust and no registration fines under my name. My court date is Tuesday this coming week and I'm pleading not guilty. What happens from that point? My record was perfect until then

    submitted by /u/Big-Dimension-4718
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    Only paid $2.13 for hours worked when closed

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    I was working at a restaurant a couple weeks ago and we had a concert. I had to clock in at 2:30 pm and the business was closed from 2:30pm until 6:30pm. During those 4 hours, I helped set up tables, chairs, prepped the bar, and set up the outside bar. However, I was only paid $2.13 an hour for those 4 hours I worked while we were closed. My question is, is that legal? I thought that a tipped employee could only be paid $2.13 an hour if they worked during hours that the restaurant was open. I feel I should have been paid $7.25 an hour for those 4 hours, especially considering that the work I did during those hours was very physical work out in the heat and I wasn't able to get tips. I live in South Carolina

    submitted by /u/mandarawrr
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    [USA] Have no access to circuit breaker on property I am leasing, have to call landlord that makes us wait hours to days to flip a circuit breaker if we blow a fuse. Landlord now threatening to charge for every fuse blown now that one has blown a third time. Is this legal?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    Hi I'm wondering if this is legal since my friends are saying it isn't. No where in the lease is there anything stated for the fuse box or fees for flipping the circuit breaker. I think my landlord is just angry at us for having to come to the property to flip the circuit breakers. I don't understand why we can't access them though, and we don't have an on call maintenance man, this is a simple duplex home with the breaker in the basement. I don't think it's normal for tenants to go hours or days without power in a room.

    I'll note that it is an old house and it has been mundane things that blew the fuses, like a blow dryer and an AC. Both of which we now found out can only be hooked up in the kitchen safely.

    At the same time, natural gas is used to heat the home and we have no access to the gas shit off either. I think this is an illegal or unsafe situation to not be able to access either of those things.

    What can I do? Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/gooonplatooon
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    My boyfriend’s boss is abusing him and breaking laws (VA)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    TL;DR at the bottom :)

    My boyfriend just got a job at a very popular lock-smithing/roadside assistance company that wears bright orange shirts at the end of May, and I feel like they are breaking laws and abusing him. For starters, this job does not pay hourly, mileage, or even provide benefits. He is on call for 12 hours each day, with 2 days a week that are off. Not even to mention the fact that they keep him after sometimes, which is against state law (VA) to my knowledge. It is a restricted on-call job, meaning he can't rely on other things to supplement pay like doordash and uber. He has driven 2100+ miles over a course of three weeks for this job and still has only been paid for one week. We seriously hope to not be as outrageously disrespected by the next paycheck, given that the last one worked out to be less than minimum wage.

    Also, the pay system itself seems extremely flawed and unfair. We aren't sure exactly how much he will make from this next check, but we hope it is at least a few dollars more than what he would make at a minimum wage job. As I've said, the job is call-based, and they do not do mileage or hourly pay. He gets paid around $10 per call, and he has to use his own car that he just bought to slave away for this company, working 60 hours per week to make money not only to live put to pay for the additional upkeep of his car. Don't jobs like this have to pay at least minimum wage per the FLSA, since he is restricted, and cannot do other things to make money?

    The dispatchers also seem to send him very far away and to often dangerous places, when the original terms would be that he was to stay on this side of town. Their excuse for this is that there is "not enough people", but they seem to be hiring new people every day. There are a handful of employees who say they've been working there for years, but they are also the management/dispatchers. They can also do lock-picks, which pay way more than roadside assistance calls. I also think that they do get benefits or other kinds of compensation, as why would you stay at this job if you don't make any money?

    Do not even get me started on his downright disrespectful boss. He has been expected to work for pennies, when she knows he pays the rent in our household. Their expectation is that he is just some kid with no expenses living at home with his parents, but that's besides the point. She makes the schedule for the following week on a Saturday night, apparently, but is to give him at least a 24 hour notice before making a major change to the general schedule. However, she does not do that, and we found this out with a "wake up call".

    Last Sunday, she sent out the the schedule at 1am, and in it, my boyfriend was scheduled at 9am, which is in fact 2 hours earlier than normal. That is a notice of 8 hours, and of course we were under the impression that he was working later, so we were already asleep in bed with alarms set for 9am. At around 10:20am, 40 minutes before he was supposed to work, there was a knock on the door. My boyfriend was in the shower, and I'm disabled, nervous, and frankly I do not like to answer the door to complete strangers. But I did peek through the peep-hole, and saw an orange shirt. My boyfriend was already almost done in the shower, and he got dressed (the guy stood there for a few and didn't give up) to answer it. It was another employee (one he'd never even met, and in fact, just quit) who was sent over to, I guess, wake us up. I could not believe that. Not only was she going to make a change to the schedule with no notice, but she sent another employee there to investigate? I suppose he was told to not let up on the knocking, and what if he'd been grocery shopping or something? And not only the biggest question, why didn't she just call? Does this break any sort of privacy laws?

    This would also prove to not be the first time his boss made a major change to a schedule like that with no notice, as she tried to schedule him for 6am this Sunday, with notice of 10 hours. She defended that by saying she always makes the schedule late, and that lock-smithing duties are hard work, so she has no other opportunities. Oddly enough she has plenty of opportunities to complain about her job to the employees. For some reason, she is the main boss, but she also schedules herself to do calls. Unfortunately, she has a problem with her back and cannot do tire changes. The logical way to schedule would be to ensure that there is someone able to do a tire change in the lower part of the city, and not force my boyfriend to drive 40+ miles round trip.

    Apparently, his boss can also dispatch calls to my boyfriend when she is not even working. She sent him a call to a military base that was 20 miles away, and he contested, because maybe $10 for a 40 mile round trip is insane. But he had to take the call, and the military base was closed. In situations like that, he gets only a portion of pay. In this case, it was $4. He would make more taking no-tip doordash orders. We don't understand why it wasn't sent to other employee, who lives on that side of town. And $4 for 40 miles, how does that not break any laws?

    One of the only things holding him back from quitting is, when they started him, they said that their "training" is worth $800, and if you quit before a year, you get that prorated from your check. They never actually trained him though, and he never signed anything saying so. Is there any legal power we have there?

    One more question I had was, how companies and franchises determine pay like this. It seems as though he gets paid directly from the insurance companies who hire his company to perform a service. He doesn't seem to get much pay from the company directly, unless it's for a cash call. He phoned his boss this morning to inquire about the problems of the pay system, and recorded the conversation, she was incredibly rude, but she explained that she has been trying to get her franchise some other kind of compensation, but it's okay the way that it is because it has simply always been this way, and my boyfriend is the only one to have complained. I was wondering if this is even true, as it was within my understanding that franchisors are the ones who determine pay for their employees. She also insinuated that my boyfriend needed to "do more research" about tax laws, because apparently the optional 56 cents for mileage (this figure is from IRS personal driver laws), can only apply to truck drivers. As long as I'm not completely misunderstanding how English works, quick google search proves her wrong.

    TL;DR: My boyfriend's (who works in roadside assistance) boss sends him to far places for little pay, keeps him after when he's on call for 12 hours, and is probably breaking laws. She sent someone to our house without our permission to release our address, makes major changes to the schedule the day of without notice, and is shady about business practices and pay. He uses his own car 60 hours a week for less than minimum wage, but is scared to quit because they will take his last paycheck for their $800 "training" program.

    Thank you so much for reading/skimming and I'm so sorry for that impossible wall of text. Thank you all for your advice!

    submitted by /u/rosybxbie
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    [TX] My former employer withheld money from my paycheck because a drop from the register into the safe was lost.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    Hey - so I recently saw this thread, and realized I had a very similar situation happen to me and wanted to know if the same things said in that thread applied to mine.

    So I used to work at Subway. It was a good job, and I actually really enjoyed the monotony of it, idk. Makin sammiches, dicin' up vegetables, kinda fun.

    Anyways one shift I was working the register and to avoid our register ever having enough cash to make it worth robbing us whenever we get like $250-$300 in there we put all the 20s into an envelope and drop it into a safe that is just below the register.

    Well anyways there's a security camera that is trained right on the register, and one day the owner who I almost never saw called me in and showed me a video of myself pulling the money out of the register, putting it in an envelope, and then I put it on the counter underneath the toaster and forgot about it.

    He said he kept watching the video and he never saw anyone come back for it or anything (obviously I know I didn't), but that it isn't there now. This conversation was happening like a week later.

    So he said that he was going to take the $140 from my next paycheck to make up for it since I was the one who caused it to be lost.

    Is this something he was legally allowed to do?

    submitted by /u/Corwinator
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    [USA- - GA] we are being sued because of bed bugs

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    I'm 19F and my boyfriend is 23M, we have 2 roommates, they're a couple and we've never had a problem with pests until they moved in.

    Bit if backstory not super important to story but definitely helps understand.

    From January to beginning April I didn't get bitten by anything or didn't see any sign of bugs on anything in my house. April rolls around and my boyfriend and I got our new roommates. I believe they started sleeping on our couch around mid April because they told us that they had a bed bug situation in their old place and it was getting bad and they were tired of living with it. We opened our doors and let them crash on our couch with the condition that they don't bring bugs to our house, for the remainder of that month until they decided they wanted to live with us the next month. I started to notice I was getting bitten by something here and there, to the point I started to suspect it was a bed bug or something. Every time we checked we couldn't find anything and no one but myself was getting bitten.

    May rolls around and still nothing can be found, I get bitten maybe once or twice here and there. I work 12 hour shifts 4 days a week so it's not really often I'm on my couch. On my days off I spend it in bed sleeping or doing errands.

    So finally June 4th or 5th rolls around and I finally am fed up. I was sitting on the couch and I got bitten 8 times all in different but aligned spots. I take out my phone's flashlight and search for something and after 30 minutes. There it is. One bed bug at its final stage. That bug bit me 8 times and I guess it was waiting to get more until I found it. We took apart the sectional and both me, my boyfriend and one of my roommates see it with our own two eyes. We kill it and dispose of it then immediately spray with a high potent pesticide our roommates had bought for their old apartment. Since then we sprayed daily and avoided contact with the couch. When we did sit on it we stripped naked and microwaved our clothes in the dryer before entering any other room. We still did this until present day. We have now gotten rid of (on June 15th) our couch and we don't get bit anywhere Not on our bed or anything. We've checked and sprayed daily.

    We had inspection on June 10th I believe. My boyfriend was present for it but I wasn't. The man that came checked for 2 hours I believe, he checked my sectional, both my bed and my roommates, any other furniture and couldn't find a single bug. He was so confused and concerned that he even asked if we had found anything at all. He asked my boyfriend if he had seen any with his own eyes. The inspector checked and found nothing, he said we don't have an infestation, but said if we wanted to treat the couch that he will gladly set up a time to do so, we just had to talk with our landlord.

    So we talked with her and she said that the company that came to inspect didn't treat furniture.. odd but understandable. That's why we threw away the couch.

    The issue..

    one of my boyfriend's friend is allergic to bed bugs, we knew this since we met her. She and her boyfriend run a pathfinder/dnd campaign which my boyfriend has been a part of since the beginning. I've only gone over to her house maybe 3-4 times before we even knew about our bed bug problem. The pathfinder campaign was canceled the week we found out about our bed bug problem so my boyfriend went the next week and before entering informed his friends whom one is allergic and her boyfriend isn't, that we were dealing with a bed bug problem and that he had taken all proper precautions to ensure he hadn't brought any to their house. He had showered before, microwaved/heat dried his clothes and even sprayed his bag with treatment. They agreed that he was safe to come in. A few hours later and no bites or signs my boyfriend comes home and we go to sleep. The next day I wake up around 9am to find him sitting up, distressed and looking at his phone frustrated. I see a picture of his friend and angry text messages from her saying that we brought bed bugs to her house and that we were going to cover any and all costs to get rid of them. The picture showed she had gotten bitten around 3 times, once in the face, once in the arm and one in the leg? I only saw her swollen face. In the messages I see my boyfriend telling her that he will take responsibility and that he is sorry this has happened. He called her boyfriend and apologized multiple times and asked him how he could help besides financially if he could; her boyfriend said not to worry about it. My boyfriend insisted but before he could get another word in and ask if they were okay her boyfriend said he would talk with us later as he was at work. We understood and left it at that. No less that maybe hours or a day later she texts my boyfriend that inspection for bed bugs in her apartment costs $97. Odd since her boyfriend said we won't have to pay and our inspection was free, but we still understood and my boyfriend decided later to pay for that.

    For a couple a days all I hear is radio silence until my boyfriend gets a call at work from her and the exterminator telling us what they had found. They tell him found 3 bugs and multiple eggs; and since that's the case they can infer/conclude that if there's one there's a 100 more to come or that they can't see. He was at work so again he couldn't talk for long but heard the inspector say that the costs were going to be around $2000 because they don't only have to treat his friend's place but also the neighbors place right next to theirs. They live in apartments like we do but they're bigger. On that phone call she said that if she pays this he has to pay back her college fees which is $2000. They both agree and again radio silence until Monday or Tuesday this week. She calls him again angry and tells us how much the bill is gonna be, he lets her know he's at work that if possible can she send us the itemized bill. We are still confused and frustrated knowing that we could've brought these bugs to them or that they've had them before. So I prompted my boyfriend to ask for an itemized bill and to ask a couple of questions before we pay $2000 to them. She types up the bill and my boyfriend redoes the math because her numbers weren't adding up. So at that point knowing that the bill isn't only $2000 but instead $3000 we messaged her asking her questions about the situation as I feel we have the right to do. I prompt my boyfriend to ask again how many bugs they found and how long did the exterminator thought they'd been there; Because I know that a good exterminator can tell how long pests have been around. Her reply after was "we found 3 and eggs, do you need me to take you to court for this? Because this is all your fault and you aren't being helpful etc. etc." immediately I felt my stomach turn and anger rise. I had tried to be civil and calm the entire time but after reading that all I could think was, something isn't right here. I understand her fear, I understand her allergies, I understand the frustration but she wasn't alone dealing with the pests. We were dealing with them too! So the attitude was fairly uncalled for. My boyfriend tried to calm her down in a way and assured her that as her friend he wasn't backing down but the bill being $1000 over what they had agreed on isn't something he'll be able to pay immediately. She then went on to say that they weren't friends; that he was just somebody that fucked her over and that they have never been friends. My boyfriend, a diagnosed sociopath, then snapped inside and said, "alright if we aren't friends then fuck it, take me to court and they'll decide if I have to pay this or not. But in the meanwhile I will not be paying you a single cent, and with you being so irrational and uncooperative we will be keeping contact through your boyfriend." After this she went one to try and have the last word and say we will pay her $2500 back by paying $50 every 20th of the month. My boyfriend said no and since then we haven't really heard anything from her.Since then it's been hell getting in contact with her boyfriend since he's the only one who works in their household, so I don't really blame him for being unavailable. It's broken up the campaign and his friendships because she has taken charge of their social platforms and kicked him out of any and all group chats they have been in together. My boyfriend is banned from their house and so is everyone from the campaign until the bed bug problem is fixed. But my boyfriend isn't allowed back at all.

    I am an empath so this situation has just left me heartbroken that my boyfriend is getting kicked out of discord servers she is mod in as well as messenger group chats with his friends because she manages them.

    If someone can give me an input on what they think she might be going through or so please let me know, I want to know if I can understand her situation better. We've yet to get served with papers if she truly is taking us to court.

    My questions truly are, if she does take me and my boyfriend to court; What can she take us to court for and why? Is there laws in Georgia for bed bugs or something? Will this really go anywhere if she tries to sue or will they just dismiss it? Are verbal agreement contracts in Georgia? And finally is this situation Petty and stupid? Badly explained? What can I do to make this situation go smoother?

    TL;DR found bed bugs in our couch approximately 3 weeks ago, allergic to bed bugs friend says we brought bed bugs to her house, we don't have an infestation but they do. The cost is $3000 and she wants us to pay for it by paying $50 every 20th of the month for the next 4 years or she will be taking us to court. Her reasoning for suing us is still unknown in my eyes, and we we've yet to get served.

    submitted by /u/nanamibaby
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    [AR] Can my old landlord charge full replacement cost of appliances that didn't need to be replaced?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:39 AM PDT


    I moved out of an apartment, and my old landlord wants to charge for replacement of a stacking washer/dryer combo (looks kind of like this) that had a good-sized dent in the front of the washer, but was otherwise in petty good working condition. I can verify this by the fact that I did several loads of laundry 2 days before moving out and experienced no issue. Is my old landlord allowed to charge the cost of brand new appliances that didn't necessarily need to be replaced?

    submitted by /u/throwaway_87657812
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    I Rear Ended Someone & They Drove Away?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    I was on the highway and the girl in front of me slammed on her brakes, so I did too. I still made contact and immediately put my car in park & turned on my emergency lights. She looked in her rearview mirror and made eye contact with me, then continued to drive. Obviously, we were on the highway, so I was very confused. Do I sit here with me emergency lights on while she drives away? Do I follow her? At this point I followed her for maybe about a km after she continued driving and my exit came. I exited because I didn't know where she was going/what she was doing and I was on my way home from work. Upon exiting the highway, I'm thinking maybe she will follow me and we can exchange info. I look in my rearview mirror and sure enough I notice her exit behind me, but maybe 5 or 6 cars behind. Upon turning right off the exit there is alot of traffic and construction, I get into the left lane as there is a hospital I was going to pull into but I noticed she remained in the right lane. So, I got back into the right lane (still about 5 cars in front of her and turn onto the next empty street. As I am driving down this street I look in my rearview to see if she will come but she continues to drive straight instead of turning down the empty street with me. I got her licence plate, car make, model & colour, but am not sure what to do in this situation. My car is very damaged, hers has a little damage. I reported it to my insurance company but should I notify police? I live in Ontario, Canada btw.

    submitted by /u/bbypthadon
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    Can I sue the seller’s real estate agent for misrepresentation of lot location in Riverside California?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    I closed escrow on a vacant plot of land about 3 weeks ago. When I visited the land, I saw the realtor's sign, and 4 stakes clearly defining the odd shaped plot, and it matched the map on the realtor's listing, including how he showed it lining up with the houses across the street. The assessors maps are completely off in this area, so all real estate listings go out of their way to show the exact plots, and this listing was no exception.

    After speaking to the neighbor across the street, I found out that the images on the realtors website, his sign, and the boundary steaks all are off by about 80 feet, straddling my land and the neighbors' plot. I still want to keep the land, however, the 80 foot difference in location places my land firmly in a wash and a flood zone, whereas, the lot boundaries that were shown on the realtor's website would have been 95% out of the flood zone. There are also 3 invasive trees on this plot which need to be removed before installation of the septic system.

    These differences will add to the cost of building due to:

    -Needing a raised foundation, instead of a cheap pad foundation as planned (at least 5,000 more according to local builder)

    -Removal of 3 invasive trees (around 2,000 each)

    -Yearly flood insurance (don't have a price yet)

    And here is the main point: The realtor is related to the seller and never disclosed that fact. I feel as if I got played by a bait and switch. The land has also been in his family's hands for about 20 years, and it's in his hometown, not far from his own home. Hard to believe they didn't know the exact location.

    An identical lot next to mine, which had the correct boundaries listed, just sold for half the price of my land, which I think is a fair price for land in a flood zone. Can I sue the real estate agent for the damages I will incur due to his misrepresentation?

    Any advice will be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/socaljerr
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    I'm not sure if I have a case for medical malpractice, or something along those lines

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    So here's the backstory. My mom has dementia, and has lived in an assisted living facility for a bit over a year. She for the most part is pretty good. Her short-term memory isn't great, she gets confused, and some days are worse than others, but for the most part she is pretty alert, comfortable, and calm. Also, she has seizures regularly, which throws her off for a couple days, being more confused and stuff. She has been on a combination of several medications for a few years, with the occasional adjustment here and there to help with seizures.

    So about 2 weeks ago, she went in for a seizure, which is very common, but for some reason the doctor she saw at the hospital completely changed up her meds. He took her completely off one of them, and raised the dosage on some other ones. She has been out of her mind ever since, and back to the hospital 3 times since. Yesterday, she was left alone at the assisted living facility and attacked a client, and then 2 of the workers there. That has never happened, and that is not her at all. She is back in the hospital, but I have just learned the facility she has been in has decided she can't come back unless a doctor can sign something saying this was an isolated incident, which seems like a difficult task to me. Also, my mom's quality of life the past 2 weeks has been anything but pleasant, and she doesn't deserve this.

    I can understand the position of the assisted living facility in regards to letting her come back. I'm hoping that will get worked out. The problem that I have is with the doctor totally switching up her meds, which has obviously caused terrible side effects. Every medical professional I've spoken with has said that it makes no sense that they switched up her meds so drastically. She has been on the same combination for sometime, and then they just switched everything up completely throwing her off kilter.

    I feel like this doctor should be held responsible in some way for what has happened, but I don't really know if we have any kind of case. All I know is my mom has suffered drastically for 2 weeks, and not to mention has possibly lost her home, which she actually likes. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it. Like I said, I have no idea if there's any action we can take, but if so I'd like to try. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/dph8777
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    [Ohio] Landlord trying to collect on a bill

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    My friend recently moved out of her apartment to escape an incredibly abusive situation with her mother and stepfather. The landlord of that apartment informed the family that they needed to vacate March 30th. Her mother was the leaseholder in that apartment. However, the electric bill was in my friend's name (her mom forced her to do this). When my friend moved out, she let the electric company know that not only was she leaving, but her whole family was as well. So the bill reverted to the property owners.

    After my friend was already gone and in her new apartment (she moved mid-March, rest of family was due to be out end of March, friend paid bill for ALL of March), that landlord allowed the remaining family members to stay an additional 5 weeks -- into May.

    That landlord then sent that bill to my friend for payment -- despite the fact that she was no longer the account holder, was not the leaseholder in that apartment, did not live there into May and use that electricity, etc. And that landlord is threatening to take her to small claims court to recover the money.

    As my friend and her mother parted ways in very negative circumstances, it's unlikely that her mother is going to do the right thing and pay that bill. In fact, it was the mother who gave the landlord her daughter's new address in the first place to try to get her to pay.

    Does she have any options here? Would the landlord win that in court, given those circumstances?

    She's living on her own for the first time in her life and is already stretched so thin with funds as it is. She simply can't afford to pay hundreds of dollars for an electric bill that should have gone to the mom and husband (who can certainly afford to pay it). She has texts from her mom discussing the electric situation and her mom acknowledging that once my friend was gone, they'd need to handle electricity themselves. But now that the bill is actually here, the mom is changing her tune.

    Any input would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Chrimish
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