• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 3, 2020

    Stocks - Tesla to acquire German battery assembly maker: source

    Stocks - Tesla to acquire German battery assembly maker: source

    Tesla to acquire German battery assembly maker: source

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:58 AM PDT


    (Reuters) - Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) has agreed to acquire German ATW Automation, a supplier assembling battery modules and packs for the auto industry, a source familiar with the transaction said on Friday.

    ATW, a subsidiary of Canadian ATS Automation Tooling Systems Inc (ATA.TO), was on the brink of liquidation due to a slump in orders, German media reported in September.

    ATW, based in western Germany, has about 120 employees and has completed more than 20 battery production lines for international automakers, according to ATS' website.

    submitted by /u/coolcomfort123
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    Trump Hospitalized at Walter Reed Hospital for Coronavirus. Given Experimental Drug.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    This story is developing fast and a rollercoaster is coming.

    "The White House also provided a brief update on Trump's treatment Friday. Dr. Sean Conley, the president's physician, says that President Trump received an experimental drug made by Regeneron, which contains two antibodies against the coronavirus. The medicine is currently in clinical trials and isn't approved by the Food and Drug and Administration. How the president's medical team got the medicine wasn't disclosed in the statement. In response to NPR's query, Regeneron declined to comment specifically, citing patient confidentiality. But Regeneron said it can make the drug available outside a clinical trial through a "compassionate use program," subject to the OK of a review committee. The drug, called REGN-COV2, is given as a single dose by injection (an infusion). The president received the high dose being tested by the company – 8 grams."

    submitted by /u/LeanTangerine
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    Stocks that should be performing extraordinarily but aren't...

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    The stock price of Flir (FLIR), a specialist manufacturer of thermal imaging systems should be booming at the moment. But when I look at the stock price timeline on Yahoo - the stock price, despite a high in mid-Feb 2020, is now performing worse than in 2019.

    This makes no sense to me. Surely, thermal-imaging systems should be booming at the moment because thermal-imaging is being used to detect possible carriers of SARS-CoV-2. And while this imaging might be just a token measure used for security theatre, I just cannot understand why this stock price of this company has fallen instead of increased?

    submitted by /u/astillero
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    Wall Street Week Ahead for the trading week beginning October 5th, 2020

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    Good Saturday morning to all of you here on r/stocks. I hope everyone on this sub made out pretty nicely in the market this past week, and is ready for the new trading week ahead.

    Here is everything you need to know to get you ready for the trading week beginning October 5th, 2020.

    Trump's health and fiscal stimulus fight will steer the markets in the week ahead - (Source)

    President Donald Trump's health and the state of a fiscal stimulus package will be the main focus for markets in the coming week.

    In the early morning hours Friday, President Donald Trump tweeted that he and the first lady tested positive for Covid. Stocks sold off hard, but the S&P 500 came off its lows in Friday trading and closed down just under 1%. It was up 1.5% for the week.

    The market was helped by signs that a stimulus package is still a possibility, after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked airlines not to furlough workers. She promised either a stand alone aid bill, or a bigger negotiated relief legislation that would help the industry.

    "The market is going to watch health updates from the White House medical staff, and it's going to watch how the president communicates with the public," said Julian Emanuel, head of equities and derivatives at BTIG. "Will we see him in person in the next week in any form? What's his volume of tweets? All as a way to first gauge the severity of the case."

    Trump and Melania Trump are reported to have mild cases, but as time goes on the market will turn to how the illness could impact the presidential election.

    Former Vice President Joe Biden gained slightly in the polls after the first debate Tuesday night, and now the calendar for further debates is in question. The market has seemingly warmed to Biden, and even though he would raise taxes, it is assumed Democrats would quickly pass a major infrastructure package if there is a Democratic sweep of Congress.

    Trump, however, is widely seen on Wall Street as stronger on the economy and better for markets.

    "What you've done from a campaign perspective, is you've taken away the thing that gives him the most energy - his ability to interact with crowds," said Emanuel. "The president had wanted to paint the economic recovery of the last three or four months as the cornerstone, and this basically puts the virus back as topic number 1, number 2 and number 3. And it's all the more so because the data is coming in weaker than expected."

    The market is fixated on the prospect of stimulus to help business, the unemployed and state and local governments. The House passed a $2.2 trillion package this week, but there is still no agreement with Republicans. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has pushed for a $1.6 trillion package.

    "I think there's an underlying bid under the market because nobody wants to be super short if we get a stimulus approved, but you can't be too long in case his mild symptoms turn into severe symptoms," said Scott Redler, partner with T3live.com. "We're in a tough spot but overall we're still pretty constructive."

    Emanuel said the fact the president is now ill could hurt confidence and slow down some of the improvement in the economy.

    "The underlying tone is, again, whether its directly or later, there's going to be stimulus," Emanuel said. "'Whether it's this month or November, this reinforces the need for stimulus because the president falling ill signals to, at the margin, the person whose thinking about going out to dinner to think again. It's a significant economic and psychological hindrance."

    Also coming up in the week ahead is a speech Tuesday by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell to the National Association of Business Economists.

    Powell is also expected to push for the stimulus package to boost the economy so the recovery does not stall.

    "I think his whole objective is to try to get Congress and the Administration to sign onto a fiscal rescue package," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics. "He'll all but come out and say [the recovery] is not a 'V.' Without additional support from lawmakers, risks are pretty high that we backtrack. I think that's the kind of outlook he's going to give. It's going to be full-throated."

    September's employment report, released Friday, was seen by some as a warning that the economy is not rebounding as expected. There were 661,000 jobs added in September, well below the 800,000 expected.

    Besides Powell, there are a half dozen other Fed speakers. There are also minutes from the Fed's last minute released Wednesday afternoon.

    This past week saw the following moves in the S&P:


    Major Indices for this past week:


    Major Futures Markets as of Friday's close:


    Economic Calendar for the Week Ahead:


    Percentage Changes for the Major Indices, WTD, MTD, QTD, YTD as of Friday's close:


    S&P Sectors for the Past Week:


    Major Indices Pullback/Correction Levels as of Friday's close:


    Major Indices Rally Levels as of Friday's close:


    Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for this week:


    Here are the upcoming IPO's for this week:


    Friday's Stock Analyst Upgrades & Downgrades:


    Make Up Your !@#$%&* Mind!

    We've all had versions of this conversation where you or the person you were talking to just couldn't make up their mind. At the end of the day, it only causes trouble and plans are ruined.

    The market is having its own back and forth this year trying to decide between growth and value. Just today, growth stocks are getting slaughtered while value stocks are up marginally. As an example, the Russell 1000 Growth index is down 1.8% on the day while the Russell 1000 Value index has managed to rally 0.25%. The chart below shows the daily performance spread between the Russell 1000 Growth index and the Russell 1000 Value index for each day in 2020. Today's performance spread between the two indices marks the ninth time this year that value has outperformed growth by more than two percentage points. At the other extreme, there have also been eight trading days where growth outperformed value by more than two percentage points.


    So how does this year's frequency of days where the performance spread between the two indices was more than two percentage points stack up to other years? The chart below shows the daily performance spread between the two indices going all the way back to 1990. Over the last thirty years, the only two periods where we saw a frequency of these large daily dislocations was back in 2008 and the period spanning 2000 and 2001. In fact, with 17 days this year where the performance spread between the two indices was greater than two percentage points, the only other years that saw a higher frequency of large dislocations were 2000 (54) and 2001 (28). If you think the market has been indecisive this year, in 2000 we saw these types of daily dislocations an average of once per week.


    Election Anxiety Weighs on October Market Performance

    October often evokes fear on Wall Street as memories are stirred of crashes in 1929, 1987, the 554-point drop on October 27, 1997, back-to-back massacres in 1978 and 1979, Friday the 13th in 1989 and the 733-point drop on October 15, 2008. During the week ending October 10, 2008, Dow lost 1,874.19 points (18.2%), the worst weekly decline in our database going back to 1901, in percentage terms. March 2020 now holds the dubious honor of producing the worst, second and third worst DJIA weekly point declines. The term "Octoberphobia" has been used to describe the phenomenon of major market drops occurring during the month. Market calamities can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, so stay on the lookout and don't get whipsawed if it happens.

    But October has become a turnaround month—a "bear killer" if you will. Twelve post-WWII bear markets have ended in October: 1946, 1957, 1960, 1962, 1966, 1974, 1987, 1990, 1998, 2001, 2002 and 2011 (S&P 500 declined 19.4%). However, eight were midterm bottoms. Over the last 21 years, October's performance has been solid. Average gains over the last 21-years range from 1.3% by Russell 1000 to 2.4% by NASDAQ. Small caps have still struggled though with Russell 2000 gaining a modest 0.5%


    Election-year Octobers rank dead last for Dow, S&P 500 (since 1952), NASDAQ (since 1972), Russell 1000, and Russell 2000 (since 1980). Eliminating gruesome 2008 from the calculation provides a moderate amount of relief, as rankings climb to mid pack. Should a meaningful decline materialize in October it is likely to be an excellent buying opportunity, especially for any depressed technology and small-cap shares.

    What Have Democratic Sweeps Meant for the S&P 500?

    Headed into the first presidential debate Tuesday night, betting markets (ElectionBettingOdds.com) placed Democratic candidate Joe Biden as the slight favorite to take the White House in November. The debate resulted in Biden gaining another 5 percentage point chance of winning the Presidency. As of this morning, Biden's odds to win are at 59.8% versus Trump's odds of 38.9%. Additionally, Democrats are slight favorites to win control of the Senate (58.4% to 41.5%) and big favorites to maintain the House (82.8% to 17.1%). Given these odds, in the chart below we show the average performance of the S&P 500 from the three months before Election Day through three months after Election Day for all election years post-WWII that resulted in a sweep of the executive and legislative branch by the Democrats.

    As shown, on average the S&P 500 has been on the decline in the weeks leading up to Election Day, though in the days just before the Election there has been a small rally that sharply reverses once the results come in. After the initial post-Election drop, the market has trended a bit higher, but by three months after the Election, it has only found itself around the same levels as Election Day; on average a 2.6% loss versus where the index stood three months prior.


    The composite shown above is comprised of six different years: 1948, 1960, 1964, 1976, 1992, and 2008. While on average the S&P 500 has traded lower, it is not necessarily a sure-fire thing. For example, 1948 and 2008 were the only years that saw the S&P 500 trade and stay significantly lower in the wake of the election. In 1976, there was similarly a sell-off in the immediate aftermath of the election, but the index did make its way back up to the highs of that six-month time frame later on albeit no new high was put in place. Meanwhile, 1960, 1964, and 1992 all saw the S&P 500 run higher after the election even despite some periods of consolidation after initial moves higher. In our B.I.G. Tips report from Tuesday, we show these same charts for all Presidential election years post WWII including a look at the average performance given every potential election outcome.


    How Current Returns Stack Up to History

    Even after September's weakness, the S&P 500's trailing 12-month total return stood at an impressive 14.9%. Given the events of the last 12 months, one could even say that performance is remarkable. What's even crazier is that the S&P 500's performance over the last 12 months is more than three times stronger than the 12 month period before that (+4.25%). The chart below compares the S&P 500's annualized total returns over the last one, two, five, ten, and twenty years and compares that performance to the historical average return of the index over those same time periods.

    The S&P 500's historical average 12-month return is 11.7%, so the current 14.9% gain exceeds that average by more than three full percentage points. Over a two-year window, though, the S&P 500's annualized return of 9.4% is more than a full percentage point below the historical average. Looking further out, the S&P 500's trailing five and ten-year annualized return has been much stronger than average, which makes sense given the long bull market we were in. Over a 20 year window, though, the S&P 500 is only just starting to work off some of the declines from the dot-com bust and as a result, the 6.4% annualized gain is a four and a half percentage points below the long-term average of 10.9%.


    Below we show how the current performance of the S&P 500 in each of the time frames shown compares to all other periods on a percentile basis. The S&P 500's performance over the last year, ranks just below 56th percentile of all other periods, while the two-year performance ranks just below the 42nd percentile. Even as the five and ten-year periods have seen well above average returns, they still rank in just the mid-60s on a percentile basis. The S&P 500's ranking over a 20-year time period is a completely different story ranking in single-digits on a percentile basis. Even with the equity market right near record highs, the last two decades have been forgettable for US equities.


    Seasonals Are Back In Style Again

    There is no denying that market seasonality has not worked so well this year. But we have been here before and history is on our side. Over the long term, intermediate term and short term market seasonality has suffered brief periods when seasonality was overridden by more powerful forces. The COVID pandemic and economic shutdown certainly qualifies. But it is only a matter of time until repetitive human behavior patterns and people and institutions return to moving money around in the usual daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and seasonal patterns.

    The return of perennial September weakness is emblematic of a return to normal market behavior and a reflection of the fact that despite the continuing concerns about surges in coronavirus cases life is beginning to return to normal. In our area, about 25-30 miles north of New York City, our kids are beginning hybrid learning, playing rugby, lacrosse and other sports (yes with some COVID protocols, but tackling and facing-off), golf outings are happening and people are going to restaurants and out and about.

    The chart here shows the historical One-Year Pattern of the S&P 500 Since 1950 versus 2020. The black line shows the seasonal pattern since 1950. The blue represents the pattern since 1988. We use 1988 as it is the first year after the 1987 Crash when the market underwent a major systemic change with the implementation of downside protection circuit breakers and collars. It is noteworthy how the seasonal pattern persists during both the 70-year and 31-year timeframes.

    2020 is plotted on the right axis due to the magnitude of the move this year. The yellow box highlights the rebirth of seasonality this September, especially during this notoriously negative Week After Triple Witching Week as detailed page 108 of the 2020 Almanac, indicated by the two black arrows

    Years like 1980, 1982, 2009 and 2016 with unseasonably early weakness and bear markets like 2020 returned to normal seasonal patterns in short order. And years like 1954, 1958, 1980, 1982, 1995 and 2009 that exhibited double-digit gains in the Worst Six Months still proceeded to deliver further sizable gains in the subsequent Best Six Months (page 52, STA 2020). We believe the return of market seasonality is upon us. So remain cautious through the end of September and be alert to Octoberophobia, but remain ready to pounce on our Best Months Seasonal MACD Buy Signal, when it triggers.


    STOCK MARKET VIDEO: Stock Market Analysis Video for Week Ending October 2nd, 2020



    STOCK MARKET VIDEO: ShadowTrader Video Weekly 10.4.20



    Here are the most notable companies (tickers) reporting earnings in this upcoming trading week ahead-

    • $DPZ
    • $PAYX
    • $RPM
    • $HELE
    • $AYI
    • $LEVI
    • $LW
    • $LNDC
    • $SAR
    • $EXFO
    • $RGP


    Below are some of the notable companies coming out with earnings releases this upcoming trading week ahead which includes the date/time of release & consensus estimates courtesy of Earnings Whispers:

    Monday 10.5.20 Before Market Open:



    Monday 10.5.20 After Market Close:



    Tuesday 10.6.20 Before Market Open:


    Tuesday 10.6.20 After Market Close:


    Wednesday 10.7.20 Before Market Open:


    Wednesday 10.7.20 After Market Close:


    Thursday 10.8.20 Before Market Open:


    Thursday 10.8.20 After Market Close:



    Friday 10.9.20 Before Market Open:



    Friday 10.9.20 After Market Close:



    Domino's Pizza, Inc. $433.78

    Domino's Pizza, Inc. (DPZ) is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 7:30 AM ET on Thursday, October 8, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $2.73 per share on revenue of $944.53 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $2.83 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 76% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 33.17% with revenue increasing by 15.07%. Short interest has decreased by 31.5% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 7.4% from its open following the earnings release to be 22.3% above its 200 day moving average of $354.71. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. Option traders are pricing in a 7.3% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 8.2% move in recent quarters.


    Paychex, Inc. $79.43

    Paychex, Inc. (PAYX) is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 8:30 AM ET on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.56 per share on revenue of $895.39 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.57 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 49% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 21.13% with revenue decreasing by 9.74%. Short interest has decreased by 9.7% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 2.8% from its open following the earnings release to be 6.0% above its 200 day moving average of $74.91. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release. On Friday, September 18, 2020 there was some notable buying of 1,269 contracts of the $90.00 call expiring on Friday, March 19, 2021. Option traders are pricing in a 4.8% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 2.1% move in recent quarters.


    RPM International Inc. $82.64

    RPM International Inc. (RPM) is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 6:45 AM ET on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $1.21 per share on revenue of $1.49 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $1.26 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 65% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 27.37% with revenue increasing by 1.17%. Short interest has decreased by 39.7% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 3.3% from its open following the earnings release to be 12.4% above its 200 day moving average of $73.51. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. Option traders are pricing in a 4.4% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 2.3% move in recent quarters.


    Helen of Troy Ltd. $199.83

    Helen of Troy Ltd. (HELE) is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 6:30 AM ET on Thursday, October 8, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $2.39 per share on revenue of $451.26 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $2.57 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 62% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 18.91% with revenue increasing by 9.00%. Short interest has decreased by 6.4% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 4.4% from its open following the earnings release to be 12.8% above its 200 day moving average of $177.13. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. Option traders are pricing in a 5.7% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 8.9% move in recent quarters.


    Acuity Brands, Inc. $105.61

    Acuity Brands, Inc. (AYI) is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 8:40 AM ET on Thursday, October 8, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $2.01 per share on revenue of $814.63 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $2.12 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 46% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 28.21% with revenue decreasing by 13.16%. Short interest has increased by 62.6% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 5.6% from its open following the earnings release to be 4.1% above its 200 day moving average of $101.43. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. Option traders are pricing in a 5.8% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 9.0% move in recent quarters.


    Levi Strauss & Co. $14.15

    Levi Strauss & Co. (LEVI) is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:00 PM ET on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. The consensus estimate is for a loss of $0.27 per share on revenue of $766.84 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is ($0.20) per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 40% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 187.10% with revenue decreasing by 47.01%. Short interest has increased by 3.9% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 7.3% from its open following the earnings release to be 3.5% below its 200 day moving average of $14.66. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Friday, October 2, 2020 there was some notable buying of 8,166 contracts of the $14.00 call expiring on Friday, October 16, 2020. Option traders are pricing in a 10.6% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 6.9% move in recent quarters.


    Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. $67.93

    Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. (LW) is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 8:30 AM ET on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.30 per share on revenue of $877.60 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.28 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 36% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 62.03% with revenue decreasing by 11.26%. Short interest has decreased by 21.7% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 4.1% from its open following the earnings release to be 1.8% below its 200 day moving average of $69.17. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release. On Friday, October 2, 2020 there was some notable buying of 1,580 contracts of the $70.00 call expiring on Friday, October 16, 2020. Option traders are pricing in a 8.3% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 6.7% move in recent quarters.


    Landec Corp. $9.43

    Landec Corp. (LNDC) is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:20 PM ET on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. The consensus estimate is for a loss of $0.11 per share on revenue of $127.86 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is ($0.09) per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 41% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 31.25% with revenue decreasing by 7.82%. Short interest has decreased by 5.1% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 12.3% from its open following the earnings release to be 8.4% below its 200 day moving average of $10.30. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release. Option traders are pricing in a 16.7% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 10.6% move in recent quarters.


    Saratoga Investment Corp $17.27

    Saratoga Investment Corp (SAR) is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:00 PM ET on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.47 per share on revenue of $12.95 million. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 48% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 30.88% with revenue decreasing by 6.75%. Short interest has decreased by 60.5% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 6.3% from its open following the earnings release. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release.


    EXFO Inc. $3.24

    EXFO Inc. (EXFO) is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:00 PM ET on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.07 per share on revenue of $64.85 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.07 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 30% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 40.00% with revenue decreasing by 7.59%. Short interest has decreased by 17.5% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 14.7% from its open following the earnings release. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release.



    What are you all watching for in this upcoming trading week?

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a great trading week ahead r/stocks.

    submitted by /u/bigbear0083
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    Oil stocks

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    What are your prediction for oil stocks next week? (XLE, XOM, PBF, CHV) And as well as oil tankers... as some of them are all time low.

    It looks like if Biden wins the presidential election, renewable will surely soar and these stocks will be on the down trend. I am all up for the value play but unsure of entering into these markets right now. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Willing_Visual_8406
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    What are your favorite under 60$ long term (1-3 yrs) picks and why?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Basically, I am very heavy in green energy (lots of ICLN, ENPH,IBDRY) and want to diversify cheaply. (Own some NET too) what are your favorite stocks under 60$ right now, and why are you bullish on them? Looked at INTL and a few others. Any suggestions??

    submitted by /u/Thefishman1
    [link] [comments]

    $TFFP a great play

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    With all the hoopla over the President taking $GILD Remdesivir this weekend, I thought it would be a great time to bring attention to TFF Pharmaceuticals. TFF stands for "Thin Film Freezing" They have patented the process of taking drugs that could only be given intravenously and can make the drugs into a powder form that can be inhaled. This will allow treatment directly to lungs and the infection area. They recently finished a successful trial using Remdesivir and are currently in talks with $GILD to create a partnership. If this happens, which I expect, $TFFP will be a huge gainer. They already have deals and are receiving royalties for two other drugs they recently reformulated into the dry powder. Keep an eye on this one!!

    submitted by /u/JRC_1979
    [link] [comments]

    Why LAC?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    A ton of movement in the EV space the past couple weeks. Tesla teams with PLL, No new gas cars in cali 2035, news from australia that the EV reality is coming sooner than expected.
    I get why there's a big boom. I know LAC has 2 mines, a HUGE one in Argentina, and one in Nevada, which is also very big in terms of what's available in the states. But wtf is going on with this stock. Is it because PLL has a new price tag and now the whole sector is coming with? LAC was down 8 pts friday premarket and shot up to a 20 percent day after a full week of ridiculous gains. I don't get it. Thanks for your insight.

    submitted by /u/justjoshin12
    [link] [comments]

    Thoughts on EVRI?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I am planning on buying 100 shares as soon as the market settles after the President getting COVID. They provide to casinos and I am in hope that it will get a boom similar to NASDAQ: CZR who made a 700% increase.

    This is my first week investing and I'm wondering if you think there will be a boom after COVID is over

    submitted by /u/Lemonpathic
    [link] [comments]

    Thoughts on PEIX?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    It's an ethanol and carbon neutral fuel producer, its increased 1048% over the last 12 months, it has a mean target price of 18.25$, an increase of 183% in the next year.

    What are your thoughts about the company and do you think it has value long term?

    submitted by /u/Thefishman1
    [link] [comments]

    Did anything in particular cause REGI to spike up so massively during september?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Seriously its insane. It went up from 36$ all the way up to 56$ in only a month. Did anything specific cause this or is it just the market being the irrational machine it is?

    I really feel like I missed out on this one.... do you think it will continue its climb or drop in the coming weeks? Why or why not?

    submitted by /u/Thefishman1
    [link] [comments]

    What are your arguments against HYLN

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I'm enthusiastic towards this company, everything I've seen / heard about it makes sense.

    I'm already 132 shares and thinking of putting everything else i can with hopes of decent returns within 18-24 months.

    I feel "too enthusiastic "

    Someone pls be devil's advocate.

    submitted by /u/Caramelman
    [link] [comments]

    Looking for long term growth stocks!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    I am looking for input on but and hold growth stocks, I want too dump money into a few etfs or companies and forget about them for a year or more. Preferably anything above 5% roi. And no not Tesla, lol.

    submitted by /u/highwayking324
    [link] [comments]

    My thoughts on PTVE Pactiv, hear me out.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    I'm very new to investing and haven't done much research into Pactiv. I do know a few things I like about them. I used them as a packaging supplier when I worked at Albertsons as the bakery manager. They were everywhere then as they are now. They're Reynolds Wrap. Their customers include Walmart, Kroger, McDonald's, Wendy's and Starbucks, just to name a few.

    My thoughts on this are, if we're investing in the companies Pactiv supplies, then could pactiv also be a contender? Almost every container I investigate has their brand on it. I did pick up 75 shares so far. It just IPO'd two weeks ago. I feel like it isn't doing spectacular because some may think it a boring stock. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/acridboomstick
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    EXPI - eXp World Holdings, Inc. - Seeking Thoughts

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT


    DD1 Momentum and outlook

    DD2 Solid balance sheet

    DD 3 Intrinsic calculation suggests it's 23% undervalued

    DD4 Canada-based Invidiata moves to join eXp Realty

    eXp World Holdings is a cloud-based realty that does not operate among traditional brick and mortar. They offer VR home tours online... perhaps ideal among a pandemic, with folks looking for rural living escapes, etc. The company is adding realtors at a rapid rate, and recently expanded from the USA to Canada and England, with more countries to follow. It's worth a look, methinks. Perhaps a good stock for a medium-to-long term hold?

    2.997B market cap, and it is still a small company with plenty of room for growth.

    $20B+ company in less than five years?

    I'm keen to hear where the discussion leads among more experienced traders. Thank you for your time in pursuing my post and its details.

    submitted by /u/amorversal
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    has anyone taken a wealth program to improve your long term trading?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    I'm wondering if anyone here has taken any programs for long term wealth. I personally like to watch Oliver Velez YouTube channel and have always been interested in his wealth building program, long term. I'm always very weary with programs. At the same time, you got to pay for a good mentor. what is your opinion on Oliver Velez? do you have any suggestions? thanks

    submitted by /u/schuler556
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    Looking for advice

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    I am 19 yrs old and about to start investing a chunk of my savings (about 20k) I am using vanguard and putting 80% into a stable ETF or Mutual fund and the rest into one stock most likely. Any suggestions on what ETFs or Mutual funds would be best for retirement account or just to take out in 30-40 years from now? For the individual stock was planning on going EV but just feel like it's so much more risky than putting it into ETFs and Mutual funds. Let me know your takes!

    submitted by /u/Spooontang__
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    Software That I can use Ichimoku on?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Quite new to chart reading, but was wondering if anyone knows any software (or even sites) that I can use to look at Ichimoku clouds? Ideally I'd prefer a free source (because im a uni student lmao) but any relatively cheap options would also be something I'd consider :)

    submitted by /u/NiceLolBro
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    ICLN: no one knows for certain what will happen in the future, but do you think it will continue its rise of the foreseeable future?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    (Disclosure, I have 100 shares)

    Yeah, basically asking if yall think it's going to continue its rise, and what price do you think it'll be at then end of 2020? It's done quite well so far, hope it continues the momentum, but when di you see it breaking mid 20's?

    submitted by /u/Thefishman1
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    Is BPY still worth holding?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    My average price is 13.2ish and I have been waiting for it to finally pass the 11-12 mark. I know owning REITs atm is still somewhat risky. I am debating on selling it once I break even to reinvest into ETFs and renewable energy. Is keeping it the smart play or selling off to reinvest?

    submitted by /u/Reagorn
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