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    Saturday, October 3, 2020

    ALWAYS sign a contract - Business partners stole our concept, forced us out and now we’re opening several locations across the state while 1 faces jail time. Entrepreneur

    ALWAYS sign a contract - Business partners stole our concept, forced us out and now we’re opening several locations across the state while 1 faces jail time. Entrepreneur

    ALWAYS sign a contract - Business partners stole our concept, forced us out and now we’re opening several locations across the state while 1 faces jail time.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    I am sorry if this is long winded, it's been a very long, stressful 4 years and I kinda made this into a middle school diary entry 😬

    Back story- My husband and I were living our best lives in SoCal for a few years when we decided to try our luck in the coffee business after his company was bought out and they were all laid off. We spent years building on our idea, branding, ingredients and checking out every cafe we could find for inspiration. We ended up moving back to the east coast after my parents decided to go in on this business venture as our financial backers. Shortly after moving back, my parents backed out because they "decided to buy a house instead", we later figured out it was all bs to get us to move back closer to them 🙄. At this point we were still determined to open our concept so we exhausted every available option until we finally found a financial backer who AGREED to be our SILENT partner. At this point there are now 3 partners, 1- us, 2- Silent Partner and 3- Molester Partner (he came with the silent partner, and a wife, the bookkeeper, we'll get to that later). Silent partner also came with a daughter, we'll call her Sneakybeech. Silent and molester also refused to sign papers because that meant we "didn't trust them", everything was done by their word and a handshake. Dumb. (Always sign a dam contract!)

    Story story- We finally got this shop open (we'll call it Coffee Hell for the sake of the story). We couldn't afford staff yet so husband worked 5am-11pm with an hour commute each way, 7 days a week for around 6 months in a row. At his point he is just exhausted and needs help from someone reliable. I was working full-time with 2 side jobs to make up for the lack of money he was being paid so my availability was close to none. We decided to hire Sneakybeech since she had no clear career path yet, as she was still in her early 20s, and had vested interest being the daughter of an owner. Molester partner did not like this. He and his wife, the bookkeeper, fought to keep her out because "she was going to take over everything". Little did husband and I know, that was the secret plan of silent partner the entire time. 9 months in, we're turning a profit, 12 months in numbers across the board are on a steady rise and people keep approaching us to franchise, that's when they hired a 'consultant' who walked in off of the street offering his services (I had baaaad vibes from this POS).

    Now, molester partner. I was invited on a boat for a birthday party, bookkeeper invited herself. After the boat docked we decided to go get some food then go to the bar. Molester partner showed up to the bar, had one drink and played the drunk card. This is a 6ft tall, 200+ pound dude we're talking about and 1 very weak drink. Bookkeeper wife, wife friend, molester and I are all chatting when he feels the need to bring up how good he is at "fucking". At this point I'm uncomfortable as hell and try to change the subject. That didn't work, he kept talking about gross shit then for some reason grabbed both of my boobs, full palm grab, and started bouncing them around. I didn't know how to react so I walked away, found my friends, he followed and DID IT AGAIN. Yes, his wife saw, no she didn't care. I decided to leave, as I'm saying bye to my friends, he proceeds to whisper in my ear, several times, "that does your p***y look like". The only thing going through my head is how badly I want to kick this mf in the balls then bash his face on my knee, but, business. On my hour long drive home I'm battling with what I'm going to do, if I tell my husband, he's going to murder this fool and the business is going to suffer but if I don't, I would never be able to live with myself. Who else has he done this to? What has he done or said to the young girls we had on staff? Why doesn't his wife say something? Why does he think he's entitled enough to touch me??...I decided to tell husband. Molester was ripped a new asshole and kicked out of the business.

    Circling back to the consultant. Consultant claims to have been in the restaurant business for years and wanted to help us because he loved our branding and wanted to see the place take off, 🙄. Silent partner and sneakybeech fell for his nonsense and hired him basically as HER consultant. Consultant knew how to manipulate silent partner by using sneakybeech, that's when we started getting pushed out of meetings, decisions and even who our coffee vendors were. WE chose our coffee roaster because they had the perfect bean, THAT'S the coffee we started Coffee Hell with that put us on the map so quick but they wanted to cut costs. Gradually over a year we were pushed out. They changed the account passwords, security system code and the Square pos system password. This caused a lot of tension between husband and I because I wanted to fight these f*ckers for what was ours and he just wanted to get as far away from the headaches as possible. 1 1/2 years later (almost 3 years in and haven't been paid 1 cent), in March of 2020, right before COVID hit the east coast HARD, we signed the documents over to silent partner with an agreement that they would pay us back our investment in installments. We just wanted to be free of the drama. 2 weeks later they got hit with karma round 1 and I was happier than a pig in shit. Silent partner decided to try and sell masks at a 400% markup and is being sued, charged with wire fraud and also could be facing 30 years in prison.

    Fast forward through quarantine and here comes karma round 2 for the knockout. One Saturday I received a random friend request on LinkedIn. I didn't know the guy so I shrugged it off and completely forgot about it until Monday when LinkedIn reminded me (thanks LinkedIn 👍🏼). I decided to just add the guy, 5 mins later he sent me a message stating that he was waiting for me at Coffee Hell for over an hour. Obviously it wasn't me, I want nothing to do with that place. A phone call was made, 1 hour later husband is in a business meeting with him that lasted 3 hours. Sneakybeech dropped the ball. While he was sitting there waiting for her to show up, he researched the place, found what her father did and who the real creators of the brand were thanks to the local papers who wrote up an article about us when we opened. That's how he found me on LinkedIn. This man reached out with the most epic business proposal anyone could receive and wants us to help with concept ideas. We will now be opening our original concept with a REAL businessman AND a contract. Moral of the story, shitty things happen to shitty people 🙃 stay honest.

    TLDR- Business partners stole our concept, forced us out and now we're opening several locations across the state while 1 faces jail time.

    submitted by /u/Boober88
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    Following your Purpose sometimes requires you to NOT have a back-up plan so you can give it your everything

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about what it can take to be successful at something you care about. Often, there's the regular things like hard work and sacrifice, but sometimes it can also require jumping into the deep end to truly give yourself a real shot.

    So many of us are often trying to minimize risk and split our focus between various ventures when sometimes, your purpose requires your complete and undivided attention in order to turn it into something substantial.

    This is where the notion of not having a back up plan comes in. I get it. It sounds even more risky than it needs to be, but sometimes, subconsciously, it may just give us that added push that we need.

    I've learnt this after several conversations with individuals who've found success in their chosen unconventional paths, and it has helped me a great deal. I dive into this more in depth here - https://youtu.be/2YrPs1bmMtE. It's just an interesting thought that I felt might be helpful for some of you.

    submitted by /u/BladeV-Cash
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    Man makes £100k+ with 2 hours of photoshop. The trick was exposure

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    I saw this post from MKBHD.

    He made a video featuring some icons that a chap made in apparently 2 hours.

    Those sold for $23-$28 a pop.

    A week later £100k. Crazy stuff. Just shows you the power of influencer marketing.



    submitted by /u/wayneio
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    Any of you opened 2 startups at the same time?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    I have an incredible opportunity to start 2 companies, both in the f&b industry and both profitable ideas. I'm wondering if its manageable or not, and if not, how to choose which one to go for when I'm passionate about both.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/xLilMiax
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    How do i manage success in a saturated market. It seems every business idea i have there is already a saturated market for it. Honestly, sometimes that fact makes me want to give up. Any tips??

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Like the title says.

    submitted by /u/CevekOne
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    Starting a HVAC business

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone, I'm thinking of starting a HVAC business. I have my EPA certification and I've done the work before. I'm wondering if I should start an S corp or an LLC. Also I was wondering about the taxes of each and what might be better. I am also interested in software that might help manage the business. I live in Indiana and will be forming the business there. Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/idontreallycare2019
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    Doubt about trademark similarities

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Hello readers,

    I just have one doubt regarding trademark. Suppose an business uses the similar trademark name as of other will it be ok? Is it legal?

    Eg- MacDonald <->makdonalds (just an example for better understanding) Now in this case the trademark/business names sounds same but have different spellings so they are different in one way. Is this valid/legal..?

    submitted by /u/Alia270
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    I've launched my first launch page

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:31 AM PDT


    This is my first post here. I've been planing to implement a mobile app for some time now, but I lack motivation. Hopefully, this launch page will boost it and turn this project into a complete app.

    Today I managed to implement a simple launching page and I wanted to get some feedback on it. As far as I know, I should keep it simple and I think I did.. maybe too much.

    Here is the link: Clippings launch page

    Thank you and I'm looking forward to getting some feedback.

    LE: Looks like I really missed to describe the product, so here it is: an Android app meant to be used by Kindle users. Clippings are the quotes you highlight on Kindle. I will add a short description of what the app does in the next version as it seems mandatory.

    submitted by /u/grrigore
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    Is it illegal to ask about the salary of an interviewee in US or UK?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Recently some of friends have been interviewing at some big companies as software engineer, and the HR of one company asked them about their current salary, even asking them to show their payslips to her.

    What the heck is this?

    And the company is a big one (and its name occurs a lot in recent tech news), so I think the HR should be professional practitioners, and should know what can be asked or what cannot bed asked.

    Then I'm confused, because I thought a person's current salary or total compensation is confidential information (as clearly described in offer letter), why the HR could ask for it now?

    submitted by /u/loganecolss
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    That email that validates all the hard work and sacrifice

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    It all started about a year ago. I have an idea for some user customizable print on demand products. I don't know how to code, and this idea will require quite a bit of programming. 10 months ago, I sit down and watch a "learn JavaScript for beginners" video. With lots of sweat and tears I develop a custom Shopify app, crate a product preview generator, and an API to serve up the custom images. I'm ready.

    I know I still need better product photography, better copy, etc, but I figure why not go live and work on that later. Last night I remove the password from the Shopify store and start a small google ad campaign. Exhausted, I shut the laptop down and go to bed.

    This morning I get a PayPal transaction email. It must be my first order. I open the email with nervous excitement. My hard work has paid off! It was my first… nope. It was my adobe creative cloud auto payment going through.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    submitted by /u/_Kaze_
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    I've relaunched our "business podcast for the rest of us". I'd love for you to check it out and I'd love to answer your questions on the show!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Hello! I used to run a podcast called Weekly Collective - A Business Podcast For The Rest Of Us. The idea was to have a show that discussed more relatable topics in a more casual environment (avoiding giant tech companies, buzzwords, self-promotion, weird flexing, etc) - something I couldn't find when I was looking for a show to listen to myself. I stopped doing the show pretty early on, but my newly-found free time has given me another opportunity to take a stab at it! I personally work better and stay more motivated when I have something relevant playing in the background, but I couldn't find anything that I clicked with - and that's how the show was born. I'd love for you to check it out if this seems like something you'd be interested in.

    What I'd also really like is to answer any questions you might have (to the best of my ability) on the show - as well as host interviews with relatable business owners!

    If you have any questions that you'd like answered on the show feel free to comment or PM them!

    Thanks for reading, and I hope this doesn't feel self-promo-y (even though it very much is). I'm here to share the show, but I assure you this isn't one of those big complicated roundabout ways for me to try to make a sale/promote my course (lol) in the very end. Thanks again!

    You can find the show here:

    [Anchor] [Apple] [Spotify] [YouTube]

    submitted by /u/Valaroza
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    Please share your business knowledge

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Greetings and thanks for stopping by.

    Myself and 3 other close friends of mine want to finally start the business that we've been talking about since high school. Currently 3 of us are Active Duty military, and one is in the Reserves, we have been saving & will continue to in order to pool our money together for startup costs. We hope in the next 4 to 5 years we'll be ready to open our store. (In that time we'll be doing our market research and learning about business)

    We have the idea for our business but without the technical knowledge of business we're a little overwhelmed. We've only been researching the obvious things such as:

    • Best location (For our business)
    • Target range
    • LLC information
    • Insurance
    • Permits
    • State taxes

    Looking for more general advice or seasoned business owners for some advice on how 4 young guys can start a business and grow it into something more.

    (I'll be copying & pasting this in other business threads, so don't be alarmed if you see this again)

    submitted by /u/Moonlightprodigy
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    PSA: Wellness Living cost me over $10,000 in lost revenue.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Moved to MindBody this time last year because of the sales pitch and I wasn't happy with how clunky MindBody was.

    I have a software engineer as a member who's helping dig through things because while I know enough about software/programming, that's not my expertise.

    Even this dude is confused by why they do what they do ... "There are like 7 ways to do what you want, but WL doesn't tell you which one is correct according to how their system works. If you don't choose the correct option, you fuck up everyone's contracts."

    He found $9800 worth of random contracts that just plain weren't charged, despite being on auto pay.

    25 leads that were never talked to... Because we didn't know they even existed.

    Run a report for all members: 36 people show up.

    Go to a different "all clients" tab... 344 show up.

    Its literally names the same fucking thing...

    I spent 12 months with these asshats, and experienced nothing but problems. If you're running a membership type business (gymnastics, martial arts, a gym etc...) You're more likely to accurately track things in a spreadsheet.

    This was our 3rd attempt at using "middle ware" and each time its ended up costing me money because of billing errors within the software.

    To put in in more perspective: If 1 of the 25 leads finished our most basic contract, its a loss of $2500. I'd they finish our second tier contract (most do) its a loss of $8500.

    If just 1 got to the last contract, the total amount lost would have been over $30,000.

    All because WL didn't notify us of their existence.

    submitted by /u/-QuitYourShit
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    Is it worth moving to Thailand to be closer to suppliers?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:53 AM PDT


    I'm considering moving over to Thailand to get me closer to the heart of production and have a change in scenery. If you have any experience living in Thailand what's it like out there?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/soundextv
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    Entrepreneur here conducting a survey of parents / weight loss market. Please help! :)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I am working on creating a weight loss coaching program, geared toward busy parents, and I'm doing a survey to learn more about my target market 😄. If anyone (who's a parent interested in losing weight) can help, that would be awesome and I can send you a small gift if you would like. I am not trying to sell you anything unless of course you opt in for that. Here is the survey:https://surveys.hotjar.com/5f73cdc6-7211-4455-86d7-bfdcca9cbbce . Quick background on me and my weight transformation here: https://cleancookingcaitlin.com/about-me/

    submitted by /u/enduranceeats
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    Bringing a product to market that uses the same "flavour" branding as Monster.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    Monster energy will just state "Red" or "Blue". It does not discribe what it tastes like because it has created a new flavour. Another brand would be more descriptive like "Sweet herbal melange" or whatever Would Monster energy's strategy work with a new brand? Or would a consumer be more hesitant to buy at first as it doesnt really know what to expect? Would love to hear your arguments.

    submitted by /u/ColoradanDreaming
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    Paranoia in pitching ideas

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Hello, so i have this tiny issue that is always on my mind. I have always had an entrepreneur mindset and wanted to achieve something with it. I always get great ideas but never know where to go from there. Something that kinda worries me is what if i had a great idea and i go to a potential investor, and i pitch the idea to him. What guarantees me what he won't just take the idea for himself ?especially since you cant really patent an idea.

    So my question is as follows. How do you go on about pitching an idea to potential investors. Do you sign a contract prior or how does it really work?

    Another example is, a while back i had this great idea for an app. (however i have no experience in developing or coding etc) so i wanted to hire a coder to work with me in developing the said app. But I had this paranoia that what guarantees me that the coder won't just take the idea himself and develop the app and sell it himself. So yeah i just felt to ask here about advice regarding this. Like how does it work exactly. Thank you very much.

    (Please note that it might seem like a stupid question/concern, but please keep in mind i am still new and learning and any advice/feedback will be greatly appreciated from the community)

    submitted by /u/Mroddfigures
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    I don’t know how to find customers, please help

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    I am a software developer, I have subscribed to UpWork, Freelancer.com, Freelance.nl and Freelancer.nl. I don't get any reply at all. How can I find remote software projects?

    submitted by /u/finanx
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    I’m attempting to simplify and minimise the workload on a solo entrepreneur? I need hear some first experiences and issues of being an solo entrepreneur.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    I too am a solo entrepreneur. I don't desire to go it alone forever, but at the early stage this is a necessity.

    I'm looking to understand the barriers to entry, for wantrepreneurs and entrepreneurs alike.

    The barriers I have discerned are:

    • Due to the difficulty of Validating a problem, people just jumping into developing idea assume people will try it without a clear benefit.
    • Coming up with a business idea, that they are capable of making a success (bad example. Ed tech platform, without any associated skills or experience).
    • Finding people of their target audience to interview, note the phrase "go out and speak to people". Questions the entrepreneurs ask: Where? To which the response is do your research.
    • The cost of running a cloud platform (bootstrapping the business), whilst attempting to iterate the product.
    • The time it takes to develop an MVP, especially with a full time job.
    • And so much more

    Is anyone available to take the time to participate in an interview, about their personal reoccurring issues being a solo entrepreneur?

    submitted by /u/PrepxI
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    Feeling stuck in my online tools website.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    I have made an online tools website since Jan 2020. I keep adding new tools into the website. You can imagine my website is like this one but in smaller scale and non-English.

    I only use SEO to drive traffic. Since my website is not in English, the competition is not tough. It got 10k pageviews in last month.

    However, more than 85% of the traffic goes to a particular tool page and this page ranks very well. I made this successful tool (I name it Tool A) in Feb 2020. After that, all of the other tools I have made cannot drive any significant traffic. The problem is twofold. Not rank well and low search volume

    Since Tool A can solve users' problem completely, the visitors is not likely to go to another tool pages after using it.

    Regarding those people who search for Tool A, I cannot think of another problem that they would like to solve too. Therefore, I cannot make another tools related to Tool A.

    I have done keyword research and SEO thing for every tools but I have no luck to make the next success.

    Question 1: I start feeling discouraged and am not sure how to develop this website. Any advice is appreciated.

    Question 2: One website with multiple unrelated online tools Vs multiple websites with single tools. Which strategy is better for SEO?

    I am now using Google AdSense to monetize this site. The earning is not great but reasonable.

    Question 3: I would like to start a SaaS affiliate blog to earn more. Should I add a blog in my existing online tools website? Or make it in a new website?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/whynotfart
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    Would you go into business with this person?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    Two of us are going to launch an app. One is a surgeon, the second person is me with marketing and filming skills within this area of surgery. It's the biggest no brainer in history and the only question is who else is doing this. There will likely be other people developing this and I suspect it'll be a race to see who can get out to market first.

    The market is super limited but incredibly high value and extremely specialised. The surgeon is one of the best in the world and when we tested the concept with a couple of specialists in this field, the reaction was instantly positive. They told me they'd use this without hesitation as it would condense 3 - 4 days of medical work each year into 3 - 4 hours. It would make it much easier for them to do their jobs as it would enable them to do this part from home.

    There is a third person we are thinking about bringing on board. This person runs a small tech business. They could build this and reduce build and maintenance cost to zero. The issue is he overcomplicates things, is bad at explaining tech to non techies and has an ego. We can absolutely trust him commercially in that he won't run away and develop it himself or try to fuck us over. But he's difficult to deal with because he has an ego and wants to do things his way.

    So the benefits are we could get up and running very quickly at zero cost, trust him not to mess us around commercially but he's painful to deal with. He will miss deadlines, overcomplicate and his ego means he can't deal with criticism. Would you take him on board?

    submitted by /u/WannabeeFilmDirector
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    In dire need of a true story that showed the importance of a business plan !!!! Pls??

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    It's for school and i can't find anything on the internet help pls im:(((

    Are business plans really that vital?????

    submitted by /u/cant-lyn
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