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    Tuesday, October 6, 2020

    Marketplace Tuesday! (October 06, 2020) Entrepreneur

    Marketplace Tuesday! (October 06, 2020) Entrepreneur

    Marketplace Tuesday! (October 06, 2020)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to post any Jobs that you're looking to fill (including interns), or services you're looking to render to other members.

    We do this to not overflow the subreddit with personal offerings (such logo design, SEO, etc) so please try to limit the offerings to this weekly thread.

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My house painting business has skyrocketed thanks to Covid. I work 15 hours per week at home and sell all the jobs over the phone. Here is how to dominate on the phone

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    An often overlooked aspect of sales, and business in general is mastering the phone.

    If you have a strong phone game, your sales game will explode. I'm here to give you some tips, advice, and strategy to help you master the phone.

    We've all heard of the famous Wolf of Wall scene where a young Jordan Belfort is surrounded by his colleagues as he closes a hesitant customer on a penny-stock "Aerodyne" deal worth thousands of dollars…his colleagues look on in amazement as he finessed the seemingly impossible deal.

    See Video Here

    If you break down the scene, he did a few things well here.

    The first words out of his mouth are:

    "Hello, John, how are you doing today?"

    This line right here is designed to bridge the gap between unknown and known, essentially he's lowering the barrier by making the conversation personal.

    The most common mistake many cold-callers and even warm-callers make is saying:

    "Hi, is John there?" Or "Hi, may I speak with John?"

    Without any phone sales etiquette, the average person wouldn't see anything wrong with this. If you've gotten cold calls before, you know whenever someone starts with this, your DEFENSE barriers go way up…

    "Who's calling?" "Can I HELP you?!" "What's this in regards to?"

    By starting with the first name, he's overcoming that potential barrier without a flinch. He's building trust with "John" and getting "John" to do one very important thing:

    Say "Yes?" … It works 99.9% of the time.

    Let's continue onto the scene:

    Next, he identifies that John has in some way requested information - he's doing this to get his second "yes"

    In my time selling cars, there would be days where we would get handed a stack of "Leads" which were customers who had brought their car in for service within the last 6 months. The sheet had the car they drove (Year, Make, and Model) along with their current car payment.

    Here's the dialogue I would use to sell cars to these leads:

    Me: "Hi, John?"

    John: "Yes?" (First Yes)

    Me: "It's Tanner, with Toyota. Real quick, I'm reviewing your file and I noticed you brought your car in for service about 3 months ago, does that ring a bell?"

    John:"Yes, it does…" (Second Yes)

    Me: "Fantastic. Listen, I'm calling in regards to the new "amnesty" program we have. My sales manager pulled up your file and asked me to call you personally. He's telling me that we can upgrade your vehicle to the newest model year, and keep your payments the same. He's wondering if you'd be able to make it in the dealership today for a test drive?"

    **I'd pause here…and let him mull over this. The silence usually triggered the 3rd yes**

    Now before I go any further, the strategy is basic marketing 101 (because that's what we're doing...we're marketing. The selling happens when we actually close the deal)

    Hook, Story, Offer. (Thanks Russel Brunson!!)

    • I hooked John first by getting his attention, and building trust…
    • I told John a story about who I am, and why I'm calling
    • I then created an irresistible offer

    Now, in most cases, people would be turned off by this and a little intimidated, which I understand…

    But the most important aspect of prospecting is understanding that phone calls (especially cold/warm) is all about numbers.

    I kept a small sheet next to my list and started tallying each phone call. Every time I booked an appointment for someone to come into the dealership, I'd stop tallying. I'd then count how many calls it took me to get to an appointment.

    From there, when the calls got rough, or I got hung up on too many times in a row (or cussed out), I had the staying power to hang in there. Knowing the law of averages would take effect.

    I used this same exact strategy when I sold Life Insurance. I broke the record for a very large nationwide brokerage for sales as a new rep in my first month, and had broken top 10 agents in the nation in closed business. The secret? I had a CRAZY high appointment setting rate.

    More appointments = More sales

    The phone is a powerful tool, and if worked right, can lead to massive success.

    When I started my painting business, I carried these skills with me and have since achieved tremendous success all thanks to this prior training.

    I purchase leads from all sorts of lead generation companies, and generate my own through Facebook. You wouldn't think this to be true, but when people submit a request for an estimate, most of the time they second guess themselves, and have to be sold on actually receiving the quote. (We buy the leads from a company and they send the information to a few other contractors, the people do not know us...so to them, we are calling cold, even though they are a warm lead, they did not request any information or an estimate from us directly)

    Here's some of the kickback I get:

    "Oh, I'm sorry. We were just looking…"

    "Oh, we didn't meant to submit a request…"

    "Oh, that wasn't us"

    Being quick on your feet when you hear an objection like this can easily turn this into an appointment, which will lead to a sale:

    "No problem, I completely understand…many people actually do the same exact thing you did! The good news is, our estimates are free and sometimes only take 15-20 minutes. We're going to be in your area this Tuesday around 1PM, does that work for you?"

    The question is closed-ended, there's only one way out: "No." Which is WAY harder for someone to say than "Yes."

    Does it work for everyone? No of course not, some people will flat out say - "No, we're not interested…" But most of the time, they'll give in and give us the appointment.

    I use and implement this strategy every single day in my painting business. I'm fully removed from the operations and am not in the field whatsoever. I'm in the office on the phone prospecting clients, and closing the deals. If you want to read about some things relating to my painting business, you can find them in my post history.

    I don't want this to be entirely too long, and I know most of this was mostly about the initial part of the sale not so much the close - if the feedback on this post is positive, and you'd like me to write something up on the closing aspect of the phone, I'd be happy to do so. Just let me know in the comments! I did a video on this on my IG if you're interested in learning a little more about this aspect. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Byobcoach
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    How Two Irish brothers turned 7 lines of code into $40B+ company in 9 years

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    The story of Stripe's founding has a lot of lessons on building a company.

    What Patrick & John Collison have done over the last decade is truly mind blowing!

    Prior to Stripe, the Collison brothers started Auctomatic, an online auction management company.

    They sold Auctomatic to Live Current Media for $5M.

    They thought they'd just start a company with this $$$ but quickly found out that it wasn't nearly enough.

    With the idea of creating a PayPal alternative to power online payments, the Collison's realized they needed something that can't be programmed.

    To convince people that they are qualified to handle money, they needed "credibility".

    Selling a company for $5M wasn't enough.

    Knowing that credibility could come from partnering with top tier firms, they raised a $2M Series A from the likes of Peter Thiel, A16z, and Sequoia.

    Stripe is built by developers for developers.

    This made sense since developers were the ones tasked with implementing payment technologies.

    Because they allowed developers to integrate Stripe with 7 lines of code, they created a raving fan base.

    Developers fucking love stripe!

    Stripe won over the hearts of their users (including me).

    And in 10 years they turned 7 lines of code into a $40B+ invaluable business! 🤯

    submitted by /u/JamesSkylor
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    Since I started planning my business, I have lost motivation and interest in my studies and fear I will fail a paper, but I'm overconfident my business will work..

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Lately I've been planning on my business for few months, overtime I got more and more involved in planning and daydreaming of it I started studying less, I have a exam for maths related paper coming up and I don't think I'll be passing it.

    I have been working on the branding aspect, made website landing page, posters, product description etc. Also setting up the insta page and getting the pages cleaned up.

    I have found weak points of my product, worked out alternative materials, design etc I need to get in contact with a agent who talk to manufactures regarding my design etc(my product is being manufactured by many companies, finding a company to work with my choice of materials should not be a issue).

    Product packaging has been designed, will need to source a manufacturer, but I think I'll package them myself atleast for the first few months.

    The niche is big but overlooked. I know my product is quality so I'll be focusing on branding and connecting with the consumers directly, I have some marketing/video ideas I plan on running, along with getting people to sign up to my launch.

    If I can collect 1000 email or responses on social media, I believe that would be a good way to see if my business would work?

    Also the initial stage of business I'll have 3 products, but after few months I plan on introducing 10-15 new products, one-by-one

    submitted by /u/Not-as-unique-name
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    Is it possible to successfully build a business/brand with depression?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so I've always wanted to build my own business/brand and have always hated school and I hate working jobs where I feel like I waste my time. I understand that making a income is important so I force myself to work full time because money is needed to fund whatever I want to do on the side. But a problem I've come across is that I feel like my depression is working completely against me. I don't know what I want to do because I find no pleasure in doing anything. So it's hard for me to find a business idea that I feel passion about. I've always been someone that's talks a lot about entrepreneurship. And for the past 3 years of preaching about it, I realize that I've not done anything to become a entrepreneur. My question is have any of you with depression are able to build a successful business/brand or YouTube channel while struggling with depression? If so any advice is appreciated. I know entrepreneurship is a long journey to success in most cases so it really keeps me doubting myself because I don't can't really see me being here long term.

    submitted by /u/fpsgamer45
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    Anyone here who went from procrastinator to a productive/disciplined person? I want to change myself.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Most people I know IRL are naturally disciplined/productive since I know them. I personally don't know anyone who went from one end of spectrum to another and hence asking this question here.

    I want to change myself and am gonna do it by fixing one issue at a time.

    I tried listing problems that I have and I'm unable to find solution for some of these, if anyone could please help me I would be grateful.

    1. Sleeping on time and waking on time: The first thing I have to fix in order to get my entire day in order is to first figure out this. I'm unable to sleep at same time on a regular basis sometimes few hours early and sometimes late. I just can't find any solution to this problem and because of this my entire day is screwed and I end up not doing anything.
    2. Cognitive bandwidth: I recently learnt about this, what happens is I wake up late (or on a irregular time) and find myself already being late on starting my day properly so I end up watching YouTube which takes away my mental capacity to do things. I should be doing the most important thing at the beginning instead of useless things.
    3. Constantly thinking about something else while working: This is probably the biggest challenge I have. I just want to be 100% focused on work and not think about other random things. I just want to be fully involved in work and no useless thought should cross my mind, but am not able to do this.
    4. Being consistent: There have been times when I would work non stop and my heart and soul knows that I left nothing on the table but I am not able to do this consistently. How do I consistently be productive at what I do? I can obviously google this, but am looking for inputs from people who have been there and done that.

    Any productivity tips you would like to share and help me improve myself?

    I found one recently from Kevin O' Lery from shark tank. What he does is he sticks sticky notes on his desk and write tasks that he needs to complete. If he is able to complete 3 out of 5 in a day. The next day when he comes to his desk he naturally looks at that note and his mind tells him to finish those remaining 2 tasks before anything else and it worked for me.

    I thought why not try it myself and see if it really worked and it did. To an extent I was able to solve #2 problem mentioned using this technique because my mind keeps telling me, hey you gotta finish this one first before anything else and it literally keeps me stick to it that I have to finish it there's no way out of this.

    Thanks a lot, brothers.

    submitted by /u/geeky_ninja
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    Can anyone on here genuinely tell me that freelance digital marketing IS a thing?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    And if so... can someone like me, (no website, no product, no experience) be able to do that with just the right knowledge and some help from others who could maybe share this "secret" information and instruction? These advertisements all say they're making money this way, WITHOUT having aforementioned things....

    If you have, could you share with me some of your strategies? I'm desperate to get out of the "9-5" grind; getting nowhere, being broke, etc..

    Please and thank you for any advice 🙏🙏🙏☺️

    submitted by /u/EudaimoniaBound
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    Tire removal service

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:42 PM PDT


    Recently got laid off due to recent situations and was wondering, what would be the process of opening a one man tire removal service? I am located in Florida and was wondering if there is anyone that has insight on this? Ideally one would have a truck and take the tires to either a recycling center or repurpose the tires. What permits/ licenses would one require? how would someone make it a legit business? asking due to the area I am located around has plenty of tires just thrown around sometimes and they just sit there and rot most of the time, some people throw tires next to furniture here and they don't make a pretty sight just sitting in the neighborhood.

    submitted by /u/TheGringoGuy
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    Need help looking for Manufacter in Indonesia.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, i'm preparing a start up selling organic made bedsheets. I have the fabric supplier ready but i'm having trouble looking for a manufacturer in Indonesia to produce the finished product. The reason why Indonesia, because the fabric supplier is there and i want to make the logistics very simple.

    I have tried multiple brokers in my country but i really want to know if theres anyone that knows a reliable and trustworthy manufacturer that i can work with. It's embarrassing to still be stuck. I have one shot to do it right and i want to at least get the finished product correct.

    Thanks for any inputs.

    submitted by /u/HeroIndustries
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    Expanding exist Engr biz with proposal to install certain high tech equipment for existing clients

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    Suggestions on crossing the line into installer? Would also expand us into a long term data analysis/cloud service. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/WorkfromhomePE
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    Is Owning a Franchise, buying a job?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    I always hear people say that franchises are high risk and are basically buying a low income job and they provide a low return on investment considering the initial capital required.

    My family says it's only a profitable business if you own multiple franchises. Apparently it has something to do with Economics and how you ideally should have more then 3 franchises.

    How true is this?

    Would you be better off buying local business then established franchises?

    Let's say someone wants to get into Business and has two options, buy a franchise and scale it and eventually have multiple or buy a local Businesses and do the same and eventually have multiple.

    Which is more lucrative? Thanks to anyone that could provide insight🙏

    submitted by /u/217wave
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    How to run a virtual conference for 1k people with various educational paths

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    If you were tasked with helping a client run a virtual conference, what things would you be considering? What tools would you want to use?

    submitted by /u/MyNameIsYeffff
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    Hit nearly $15k MRR in September

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Covid-19 hasn't been the most generous of times. However, last month was pretty good for our productized design & code service.

    Here are some open stats to look at:

    MRR: $14,769

    Total Customers: 38

    Unique visitors: ~2500

    This has been the highest ever MRR we have achieved.

    How is your product/services performing during this pandemic?

    submitted by /u/JunaidBhai
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    David Dobrik sold $250k+ worth of perfume in 72h

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    Some of you who follow David Dobrik on social media might have already noticed that he released his very own branded perfume. The product launch surprised all of his fans. He's one of the most influential people on Instagram, and this made me curious. I wanted to know how much he could possibly sell within 72h. So I did this little test. If you don't know who he is, a quick Google search will give you the answers.

    8am in the morning I went to his website, and added 9999 units of both perfumes (he's selling 2 variations) to the cart. Because this amount was larger than they had stock at the time, it automatically updated the cart and said "8912" and "8656" units available (because two variants). So I waited 72h and went back and did the same test again. Then the results were quite a bit different. After adding 9999 units to cart, it updated the cart and said "7146" and "6085" units available. Quick calculation shows that within this time period they sold 4337 units, and with a product price of $60, it comes to a total of $260k.

    Now the first time I checked it was quite a bit after he had posted the story (showing the product for the first time - basically launching it). I assume they started with 8,000 - 10,000 units of each variation of the perfume. Selling this amount of .. perfume (who really needs it?), is quite impressive.

    submitted by /u/goatandlamb
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    Advice and Feedback Requested! Students Passionate about Solving Problems

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    Hi fellow entrepreneurs,

    My name is Cole, and a couple of students and I are creating a startup that rents and delivers home office equipment. With COVID-19, there's an unprecedented amount of people working from home. We created a super quick, 1-minute survey to gather some data. It would be fantastic to get your feedback and thoughts. Would also love to hear what you think in the comments. We are super excited about this!

    Thank you so much!


    submitted by /u/coliozenobio
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    what are busuiness ideas that could/would change the world?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    can someone give me a general idea?

    submitted by /u/xChrisner
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    Manufacturing in China- help

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I run a small business making lingerie/swim, I sew and manage everything myself, my products are also unique to keep in mind and in high demand. My brand is growing and I do not have the time to make everything myself, it's draining. I've looked at local manufacturers here in LA that charge anywhere from $40-$60 a set. I noticed a lot of other brands are manufacturing in China, at crazy low prices. To say China as a whole produces "cheap" quality product is not true or fair to say so please do not comment that. I found this manufacturer who seems very eager to work with me, he is now making a sample of one of my designs. I brought up how much I fear my designs to be duplicated and he assured me they would never do such thing. I was thinking I could make money budgeting with China and eventually have my designes manufactured locally when i can afford to buy big quantities to lower the $ per set. I would much rather be local to where my garments are being produced but I simply can't afford it. My question is, should I trust China to not steal my work?

    submitted by /u/msskittycatt
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    Opening a taco shop post-covid

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    I left my previous career because of personal issues and I'm now looking to work for myself.I have capital, I have idea, but I have weak financials to lease/buy location, and have 0 experience in this industry. Am I stupid to even consider this ? I'm located in Orange County, CA. Anybody else have a similar path that can help me with some advice ?

    submitted by /u/PotcoinPapi
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    How much do you pay your accountant?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:21 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/rodlandey
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    Tips on building a fan base in a small community

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    I've begun selling tie dye clothes and I'm currently only doing it at a local level. Any tips on how to build a fan base in a small community? I've been posting on social media but I'm not sure how to get people I haven't talked with in years to want to purchase. Most of my purchases are people I had been close with in the past.

    submitted by /u/bubbalilahlarry
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    Anyone Interested in answering some questions fo my entrepreneurship class?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Im taking an introductory course in entrepreneurship and I have to interview someone who has started a successful business. Its about 25 questions and It can be done completely over email. I would also need to see your website or a form of social media. PM me if interested, Thanks

    submitted by /u/aleaidan
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    Where Can I Go To Create Packaging

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Not looking for someone to design the artwork im looking for a firm to design the actual packaging wrapping. What material it's made out of , shape of the packaging, any extra add ons etc

    submitted by /u/birdwatchinghero
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    Have an idea for a paid group platform and could use some advice!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I coded a paid group platform over the weekend, works well. It let you create a Facebook type group but with the detail that users that want to join the group you create will have to pay a small monthly fee. For those who run Facebook groups, you will understand this means you won't have to deal with Spam, trolls, or sockpuppets, as the fee takes care of them.

    Is this a really bad idea? I don't have a marketing plan or front-page for it, and not sure if I should take the time to work on that.

    What advice can you give me for this idea? Would anyone be interested in creating a group of say diets for everyone and charge $2 or $3 a month for users to join your group?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/estebansaa
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    What are some of the best ways to find clients?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    I recently started an online SaaS company to help people streamline creative production for advertising. I have always been on the engineering / design side and have a ton to learn about sales. I am currently reading as much as I can but wanted to ask the community about some of the best ways to find clients. Are there certain websites I should be aware of, strategies or techniques to try? I have recently hired my first sales person and I'm excited about the possibilities. Any advice would be very much appreciated as I am trying to learn as much as I can, thank you. 🙏🏻

    submitted by /u/hapsize
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    Should I bring my business to E-commerce Automation?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    I currently running a website on Shopify. Should I expand it to Amazon, Walmart and other marketplace? I do not have the resources and thinking to outsource it to third party.

    I also came across ProfitShop.net

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/zixuan86
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    Is there a point even entering a field that someone else is doing well?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    I live in a small city and I believed that I had thought of the best idea in town but after a quick search I realized that there is another company already doing the same thing. Should I bother with trying to compete with him or just scrap the idea?

    submitted by /u/a-twist-of-plot
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