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    Tuesday, October 6, 2020

    Personal Finance Changing Jobs Pays Off

    Personal Finance Changing Jobs Pays Off

    Changing Jobs Pays Off

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Changing Jobs Every Few Years Pays Off

    I, like many of you, am always looking to increase my income and contribute as much as I can to one day become financially independent. Every 2-2.5 years I search the market and pleased with the results. This time I was able to find a company that besides their share purchase program (matched at 15%), they also provide managers with $8000 in restricted stock (+/- Price Movement) every year. I think I'll be sticking with these guys for a little while.

    2010 to 2015: Avg $40K-50K Salary

    2015 to 2016: 38% Wage Increase

    2016 to 2018: 29% Wage Increase

    2018 to 2020: 34% Wage Increase

    Latest and previous offers.

    submitted by /u/throwaway071317
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    GF got a bill from collections for $2259.50 EZ Pass

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    My gf recently got a letter from the mail from a collection agency saying she owes the said amount. She explained to me that she was paying the bills that she received from EZ Pass themselves from the mail since they stopped having actual people in the toll booth due to COVID. There were signs saying that drivers can go through, but a bill will be sent to them via mail.

    Before she let me look at the bill, she sent it back to dispute it and highlighted the ones she wanted to dispute. Any tips from the community is much appreciated. Should we ask for an itemized bill because she told me that the bill has some where it says $0.50 (cost of toll) and others that are in the hundreds. She only takes the ones that cost $0.50.

    State: NJ

    Update: So I just found out that my girl gave the letter to her father to mail yesterday but he didn't so I told her good and to show me it before it goes out. I realized that there are admin fees on it that range to some being $50 and others being $100. She took it upon her self to pay the toll portion ONLY to collection and not the admin fees. I tried to explain to her that she shouldn't have done that because she now is in charge of paying the rest since she basically admitted she at fault. Is she screwed?

    submitted by /u/jose_smilez
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    My father passed away at 63 but was not receiving his SS benefit yet, will mom (surviving spouse) receive survivor benefits?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    Basically what the title says. We all know social security is a difficult one to navigate. Basically my father passed away unexpectedly at 63. He was eligible to take social security but was still working and planning to wait until full retirement age to draw from SS. Will my mother (his wife, age 59 about to be 60 next month) be able to receive survivor benefits even though he was not drawing at the time of his death?

    If not will she just receive the $225 benefit? I sure hope not as the only reason my father was working was to max out out his SS benefit.

    Also as the one handling all the affairs, do I just pick up the phone and call SS to set up the benefit for my mother? There was no will but majority assets are either joint or direct beneficiary so i am the one handling everything.

    Thank you!

    Edit don't know how to change the flair....

    submitted by /u/Recent-Station-2396
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    Car Dealership pulling fast one PLEASE HELP

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    Hey first time posting on here so please excuse formatting. Yesterday I went into a car dealership to look at a 2016 Subaru WRX with about 40k miles. I was offered a test drive with one of the sale members coming with. I drove it for around a total of ten minutes and maybe a few miles around the block. I am somewhat new to manual transmission which I stated before the test drive and they said that was totally okay. I drove very carefully and did not redline the car at all or stall it once. Once or twice I struggled to find my gear but that was it. Upon returning we talked numbers and I ended up buying the car and doing the 3 plus hours of paper work included. They said they were going to go fill the car up with gas and that I was good to take it. At this point all paper work was signed, and I had also put on a lifetime "bumper to bumper" warranty on there that they said would cover anything beside cosmetic damage for the life of the car.

    Anyway I wait for probably another hour before someone comes up to me and says hey there's been an issue and the clutch is stuck on your car. After some discussion they say they are loaning me a rental car for free and will have the clutch replaced soon on it. I ask them if they are covering the repair and they say yes of course we are. Well that was yesterday and today I get a call from one of the managers saying that the clutch is repaired but that I have to pay for the repair (3000$) because they claim it's my fault it broke. I told them that a ten minute harmless test drive that one of your reps was along for certainly could not have caused the clutch to go out. I told them I wouldn't be paying for it. They said they'd call me back with a solution but then never did. I feel trapped into this contract and have already put a lot of money down on the car. Am I fucked? Is there anyone to turn to for this? This was my first experience it at a car dealership and it's honestly become a nightmare. Any advice helps thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/jonsredditaccnt
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    I need to get into a higher paying career and want to go back to school but worried about getting into more debt

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    I work at a warehouse making $34k a year. I have had a college degree in marketing for many years but despite putting in hundreds of apps I can't seem to get hired anywhere ( I graduated in 2007). I don't have any student loan debt but have 10k in credit card debt.

    I am not getting ahead at all. I get a lot of overtime in the summer but now with it being fall and winter coming up overtime opportunities will be scarce for a while. My rent keeps going up and up every year, like most people but I don't get sufficient raises to be able to keep up. I live in a suburb of Atlanta... a working class suburb.

    I REALLY want to change careers and at least double my income. Currently I barely have money left over to put in savings or do much with.

    I have been thinking of going back to school but not sure what area or degree to pursue. My undergrad gpa was below a 3.0 so I don't know if I could get in grad school for something. I was thinking of going to school for something tech related, possibly .

    Is that a good idea ? I have been applying for other jobs but since I have been doing warehouse work for so long , it is hard for me to get a job doing something else and other warehouses pay less than what I'm making now but I am making the max pay I can make in my current position.

    I want a white collar job. How can I improve my financial situation and make it possible to go back to school? I would have to borrow money to go to school as I can't afford any out of pocket costs.

    submitted by /u/AUfan36
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    I can’t work in-person because of an accident. My savings are quickly running out (I haven’t worked since mid-August) and I need to create income online, where do I begin?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    If you're viewing this, thank you for reading my post and for any comments, I really appreciate any help I can get right now!

    I broke a part of my foot and have not been able to work since mid August. I have a knee scooter and am willing to work on that but because of my weight, I've been advised not to as it'll put that pressure on my knee. I'm honestly welcoming this time off to focus on my weight and I know that I'll forever be happy for this wake up call that's forcing me to dramatically change my habits. I've lost almost 50 lbs. this year, but it's not been enough apparently and the stress of working demanding eight hour shifts on my feet and of being overweight most of my life, finally took it's toll.

    I backspaced about five paragraphs of my slightly distressing story and instead of boring you with, I want this to be a more upbeat post because that is what I need to find and not dwell on what I can't change.

    Here are the facts:

    -I probably won't be able to work until mid-February or March, after I get surgery and finish physical therapy.

    -Because I only recently decided to attend college (I'm 21), I do not have many credentials for a job. (I have always believed in self education, but no matter how much I learn, it doesn't have much significance without a degree.)

    -I have never held a job that I could transfer to an online position. The job I was working at was in store customer service and I had only been working there for a couple weeks when my accident happened.

    -I have less than $1k in savings left and because I opted to pay out of pocket for four college classes, $1.8k in out of pocket costs to cover before early December.

    -My expenses for the rest of October, November and December add up to $1.5k.

    -I am making some money selling things online but it's a game that is tiring and not really profitable other than for showing you how little you actually need.

    I don't drink or smoke and if I'm not a fucking minimalist by the end of this, something is wrong with me.

    -I learn quickly.

    Like I said in the beginning, your advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/AliceHamiltonn
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    laid off before closing on a mortgage

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Hi PF, I found out i'll be laid off today, and i have a condo i'm supposed to close on at the end of the month. The twist is the lay off is not effective until the end of November. Do I need to inform the bank of this or not since i'm still employed when closing? I'm fairly confident I can find a new similar job by the end of November.

    Edit: called the loan officer and informed them. We'll see what happens now.

    submitted by /u/slapplebags
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    What's the most effective strategy to fix my credit?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    I'm trying to come up with a strategy to fix my credit score so I can purchase a home in the near future. I recently had my Transunion credit report pulled by a lender and it was a disaster compared to my annual free credit report. It's citing 4 reasons why my credit is bad:

    1. Serious delinquency, and public record or collection filed.
    2. Time since delinquency is too recent or unknown.
    3. Proportion of revolving balances to revolving credit limits is too high.
    4. Length of time since Derogatory public record or collection is too short

    As far as I believe these are between three accounts.

    I have two open accounts, they are both deferred student loans:

    1. $3329 with a limit/hc of 3500, deferred until 08/10/2021
    2. $2246 with a limit/hc of 2334, deferred until 08/10/2021

    I have 3 closed accounts:

    1. JPMCB Credit Card: Closed with a balance of $3943 of $4000

    -This is my mom's credit card. My name is on it so she could help me build my credit, as you can see neither of us were responsible enough to handle that situation. She's making monthly payments on it. We have had me removed as an authorized user and had this removed from my report, should take up to 45 days to reflect that change.✊

    1. Conserve: Paid Collections on May '18, $0 balance of $181 originating from Jun '16
    2. Medicredit: Paid Collections on Sep '19, $0 balance of $69 origination from Mar '20

    The credit card has something like 80 on time payments and 4 late payments. The loans have something like 20 on time payments and 10 late payments.

    I have 12k in savings. I'd like to keep an emergency fund. I make a decent salary.

    What is the best strategy to come out of this mess with the highest (rofl) credit score possible given my history?

    What's the most effective way to generate credit off my deferred loans?

    What's the most effective way of dealing with the derogatory chase card account?

    I'm trying to come up with a strategy to generate credit, not necessarily paying down loans effectively. I'm assuming I need to open a secured credit card at my bank asap and get a clean line of credit started.

    Any and all advice appreciated. I can provide more info if necessary.

    submitted by /u/GagMyCredit
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    My dad is terrible with money, I'm anxious about the future. Any advice?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    My dad and I live together in a rented house. I'm 25 years old and only make about $40k/yr. I just finished paying off my student loans and now just trying to save up as much as I can.

    I stay living with my dad partly because I can't really afford my own place on my income (HCOL area...), but also because I don't think my dad can afford the house on his own. My dad receives social security and also works part time. I don't know how much money he gets every month but I'd guess around 2,500. He handles the household bills and I just pay him $500/mo. I believe the rent is $1,200/mo so after factoring in utilities etc. he probably pays about $1,000 towards the household expenses.

    So here's the problem. My dad is apparently in a massive amount of credit card debt. I don't know exactly how much, he won't tell me. Just the interest payments on this money is apparently several hundred dollars every month. I don't know where the rest of his money is going but he's seemingly always broke and can't get ahead of his debt. He just recently bought a used car at like 15% interest (because he has bad credit) even though I told him repeatedly how bad of an idea it was.

    I don't know where to go from here. I've seriously considered just packing my stuff and moving to somewhere more affordable so I can be independent, but I also don't want to leave my dad because he's basically the only family I have and I also don't want him to end up homeless.

    I don't know what advice I'm expecting, I feel like this is just a hopeless situation and don't know what to do. I know it may not be the ethical thing to do but I told him to consider bankruptcy if he can't get out from under this debt.

    submitted by /u/fgtthrowaway666
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    Car dealer serviced my car but there was never an official quote. Dealer invoice at time of car pick-up was for $0.00. Just received a bill in the mail from them for "cashier mistake".

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    I purchased my Nissan 2017 from a Hertz 2 years ago. The forms they provided stated the car had no issues and all necessary services were up-to-date. Fast forward to some weeks ago (edit note: originally wrote months but turns out my concept of time is failing me today...) go when my engine light came on, so I stopped by an Autozone to get the code read (catalytic converter) and was told I'd need to go to a dealer since the car is fairly new and it shouldn't have that issue.

    I go into the dealer some days later and get told I'd need to get a diagnostic done to be sure. I sign for the charge ($150) and wait. Results come back as the issue not being with the catalytic converter but with the transmission needing replaced. The dealerships sends me via e-mail the recommended service detailing the issues (a few recalls, and said issue with transmission existing before my purchase of the car) as well as the cost (well over $3K). I wasn't and still am not in the best financial situation because of the current state of the world just like many others... And I told the rep as much, to which he advised I call Nissan corporate and ask for help covering the service amount since my car was about 6K miles past the warranty.

    This is where things get a little wishy-washy with the company vs the dealer. The dealership rep pretty much said I would get it waived, almost guaranteeing it and saying he would work it out with the company once the the dealership was in contact with them for the process. I call Nissan and the request for waiving the fee is put in. I get a call back from the company stating the best they can do is an 80% discount and that the dealership would be in charge of quoting me... so I then call the dealership to ask about what they originally assured would be a waived fee. I was told by the rep on the phone (different to who I originally spoke to) that I would receive a quote with what was to be charged and to sign off the service/cost; and that the parts would take a while to order so my car would be ready to pick up the following week. This was on a Friday - I never received such a quote, not even over the weekend or the following Monday. So I call on Tuesday to ask for the quote and the rep I originally spoke to dominated the conversation, saying the service had already been performed and that the car would be ready by that afternoon. I go in and ask that same rep about the quote for the final cost and he said he was able to work it out with the company, and he even managed to get the catalytic converter changed as well with the fee waived. (Turns out the catalytic converter had problems after all, but I didn't even know about it until that day I picked up my car.)

    I was pretty shocked and overjoyed, and a little in disbelief when I went to the cashier and saw the invoice for $0.00. So I signed the invoice, kept my copy, and then gave the guy a pretty decent tip afterwards before leaving.

    About 3 or 4 days later I get a call from that rep saying that the invoice I signed and the amount of $0.00 was the cashier's mistake, and that Nissan called their dealership stating that I need to pay the original agreed upon amount after the 80% discount... I thought, no way, this has to be a mistake. If it's legit then they should send something in the mail. Two weeks later, aka today, I receive a letter from the dealership saying I have to pay the new amount or get charged the full amount before the discount...

    I feel like I was duped by the rep who helped me at the beginning and end of the transaction, and that if I confront him about it he will maybe say he never said anything about waiving the fee or talking to Nissan to negotiate...

    ----Is there anyway I can fight this? The bill is from the dealer, but I never received a written quote nor did I sign off to approve the service - most of it was vague verbal discussion with no proper follow-up from the dealership.

    Full disclosure, I've never had my car service for anything big like this (just the usual oil/air filter/tire care at a local car shop) and this was my first time going to a dealership which was nerve-wrecking and happened way too fast...

    >> TL;DR: Car needed a new transmission, I never got a quote to sign off and was told by a rep it would all be waived. Invoice came out to $0.00 at time of car pick-up which I signed for, then I received calls saying it was a cashier mistake and got sent a bill for an amount I was never quoted.

    submitted by /u/linkhasleftthetown
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    Preparing to be fired

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    I've been working as a business analyst for 4 years now and was hired out of college. I was never good at this job and was given a lot of easy tasks just to keep me busy. There has been a ton of organization changes since I started and I finally think that I'm in trouble. The management is requesting I do a lot of reporting that I've failed at time and time again. I think I may finally get the ace. I've been saving a lot over this time I started with 80k in student loans and now that's paid off and I have a positive net worth of about $85k. I'm 29 years old and make around $65k, so not sure if this would have any effect on your approach to this situation. However, I never left any money in cash. Pretty much everything is tied up in retirement accounts. I have maybe 3k on hand that is accessible. What should I do if I'm likely going to get fired in a month or two?

    submitted by /u/Prudent-Sherbet
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    Thinking about closing one of my oldest CC accounts.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    I've been using the Walmart Rewards card for 3 years. I got approved when my Credit score was in the mid 600s making <$20k a year (university student at this time) and I was awarded a limit of $200. My score is now out 750 and I am making over triple what I was making in college and I've only gotten my limit raised to $400. I'm thinking about just canceling the card altogether almost of my other credit cards have limits above $3,000. But Walmart is being stingy! What should I do?

    submitted by /u/TrevTrevy
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    Public vs Private sector as a 40 yearsold

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    First time posting in the sub. I'm 40 years old. I got laid off because of COVID about 4 months ago. I feel very fortunate that I'm able to find two jobs at the same time but I'm on the fence in which one I should take and would like your opinion with the break down below.

    1 - Public sector. $70k. 15 miles from home. 35 hrs/week with awesome health benefits and pension for retirement (50% of salary every year after 65). Job pretty secure.

    2 - Private sector. $120k. 50 miles from home. 40 hrs/week. Job security unknown.

    Also, am I still too early to think about retirement and pension at my age? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/raptorz_15
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    Can your employer pass their social security and medicare taxes to you?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    I understand that employers and employees evenly split the taxes owed for Social Security (12.4%) and Medicare (2.9%). I would expect to pay 6.2% of my paycheck to Social Security. However I see that this 6.2% is deducted twice, with one line saying `Social Security Employee` and the other `Social Security Company`. The same for Medicare. I am assuming my company is passing this tax on to me.

    Is this acceptable/legal?

    EDIT: I did the math and it was just to show they were paying. Thanks for keeping me from making a fool of myself to HR

    submitted by /u/SamTheGreatest
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    28 years old. 100% in VTSAX?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Transferring all of my accounts from my financial advisor (he had me in high fee loaded mutual funds the last 2 years, UGH). Going to put my SEP IRA, Roth IRA, and single-401k in 100% VTSAX since I can't touch the money for 30+ years anyway. Are there any other funds I should be looking into for retirement accounts?

    submitted by /u/scratchgolfer17
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    Why is it difficult to get an estimate on a medical bill with insurance?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    I viewed my insurance's network app notifications and noticed I was due for flu and tetanus shots. I called and made an appointment but was curious what the out of pocket cost would be. I was told they don't know the cost until the bill is out. So already done and no way to prepare or know in advance.

    Why is this the case? Even for something as simple as vaccines that are expected.

    Do all doctors or medical offices do this? Do i have a choice to go to a place that has information available. It seems to me that I should do business with entities that actually have this information since I have been surprised with a few $50-200 bills in the past (but for unrelated issues that were not vaccines).

    submitted by /u/CitizenCinco
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    Overseas Credit Card/Credit Bureau phone agents & identity theft

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    Recently I have had to deal with credit bureaus over the phone to inquire about security issues regarding my personal information. Usually when you call them they ask for your SSN and some other information to confirm it's you.

    Now, I'm a little wary of giving out this information after previously having my information stolen. But I figure I'm somewhat safe because I'm the one initiating the call, and I'm assuming I'm speaking to someone at this big company.

    Well, last few times I've called one of the main credit bureaus, I've spoken to three different people/phone operators/customer service agents who have accents and sounds like they could be from Pakistan or India. All three had very generic American-sounding names like "Jack," or "Derrick."

    Then I read this excerpt from the LA Times about US companies that outsource their call centers to other countries:

    There's no harm in asking a service rep where he or she is located, but that won't always produce a satisfactory response. Many overseas service reps are trained to adopt American-sounding names and mannerisms to fool callers. Don't be surprised if you're told there's a policy against revealing the center's whereabouts.

    This just sounds sketchy, even if they are officially hired and working for the company. What's to stop a phone agent located in the US from stealing my private info that I give them over the phone, let alone someone in another country who adopts an "American-sounding name"?

    I'm hesitant to give any phone agent my info, whether they have a Missouri accent or an Indian one. I just wish there was an actual office for these places where I could speak to someone directly, who I can see is a manager or someone high up, and then provide them with the necessary info to check this stuff all out.

    submitted by /u/HopToIt2005
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    I Inherited $25,000 - Should I Buy a House or Invest in the Market?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    I am 25 years old and recently inherited $25,000 - I'd like to put this money somewhere where it can grow long-term, but accessible in the event of an emergency or better investment opportunity (catch 22 I know) Should I use this for a down payment on a house or invest elsewhere?

    I'll start by saying that I recognize I am extremely fortunate to be in a comfortable position financially, and because of that I am not taking this situation lightly. I have no debt and roughly 50k total in "savings" / easily liquidable assets, 12k of which is in a investment account that I had established to use as a long-term growth account. I contribute to a employer 401(k) regularly (~13% of pretax income).

    I would need to use 75k - all of my savings and the inherited 25k - for a down payment on a house. The real estate market is extremely hot (i.e. inflated ?) in my city and I feel like its only a matter of time before the next crash / dip. I would be looking for a property that needs some work and has fixer-upper potential opposed to something newly renovated. Should I hold on to the money and wait out the market until prices stabilize before buying? What should I do with the money in that unknown amount of time?

    Conversely, would I be better suited opening a roth/traditional IRA and max it out for the next ~4 years? Or spreading it out across several accounts with different investment goals?

    Or is my entire financial outlook completely backwards? I'm open to any and all advice about how to best manage this- Thank you in advance for any help!!!

    submitted by /u/nhthrowaway12345
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    What to do with wife’s 401k?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Wife was laid off recently and has a 401k at her former employer. I've always moved my 401k's from past employers into an IRA I have with E-Trade (also have a regular brokerage acct there). Should I open up a new IRA there for her?

    submitted by /u/blipsman
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    Buying a house? Read the Warranty before making large purchases!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    I closed on a house and spent $1K repairing the garage door, $700 on termite protection, and $100 changing all of the locks.

    The warranty covered all 3, and because I didn't go through them, none of it is reimbursable.

    Learn from my mistake!

    submitted by /u/mouthofrandom
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    401k contribution; near yearly limit - what happens if I go over?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    I work a job with a base salary + commission component to it. Currently I am contributing 18% of my pay to 401k; company matches 50% up to the first 6% (which for calculating the $19,500 I believe does not count; someone please verify if I understand correctly?)

    The automated "maximizer" tool from Vanguard suggests upping my contribution to 20% will put me right at the $19,500 threshold for the year; but with a sizable portion of income being variable commission; what would happen if I went over the $19,500 yearly limit? I can't predict with certainty what my gross pay will be, for example, for October.

    submitted by /u/theotherredmeat
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    [TN] I inherited an acre and am thinking about building something small rather than continuing to rent out apartments.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    I recently inherited an acre of land in eastern Tennessee relatively close to Maryville and It's actually closer to my job than my insane commute is.

    One of my friends recently closed on a tiny little 500 sq foot house (with a basement that doesn't factor into the sq ft) over in Johnson City for just 60k. It was built in 2018, and the land for it apparently went for 3k. It's pretty much an apartment for a fraction of the cost that he's actually putting equity into. I really like that idea.

    How much would it cost to build a small house like that on the land? I actually have a fair amount of cash I could put up front. Could I build something around 500-1000 sq ft for around 100k? It would be so nice to ditch the apartment bills altogether since I already have the land.

    submitted by /u/derpyderpy22
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    Rollover Pension to a new 401k?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    I would greatly appreciate any input on my idea to rollover my pension into my 401k with my new employer. I worked almost 3 years with a municipal gov't and the fund is currently at around $25k. Because of the terms of the pension due to my leaving, the pension won't start paying until I am 70y/o (currently in my mid-30s) and the monthly benefit would be about $350/mo (before tax) and then if my wife is still alive when I pass, she would continue to get about about $210/mo.

    I know that at 5-8% avg annual return with a 401k would leave me with more money for retirement, but this does involve some risk, versus the guaranteed monthly income from the pension. I'm on the fence since I do have money in the 401k already and plan to make ongoing contributions, so this isn't an either or situation, but curious what input you all might offer on whether to stay conservative and leave it in the pension or roll it over to the existing money in my 401k and hope it grows to a an even bigger amount. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/thenutt1
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    Stuck in a spiral loop of debts....

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Title is pretty straight forward, In my 20's, recently unemployed after the company I was at closed b/c of COVID-19. I have been doing odd job work to bring in what income I can while I job hunt, and my fiance (a nurse) has been pulling the majority of the weight. I'm talking 65+ hour weeks regularly. We started our life together 5 years ago, renting a small (but very old) home and building our inventory of furniture, appliances, etc. Typical first place stuff. I'd like to say after 5 years we have our feet planted firmly in the ground, but this year has been devastating. Not only did I require a $12k dental surgery, but I lost my job almost immediately after. To follow this up, we both have accumulated a bit of a Tax debt this year, which isn't typical for us. Now, at this point I would have gone and gotten a loan, however having a car we share that we are paying on, student loans, and credit card payments that have accumulated due to 2020s hellish wrath, we are not in any position to take on debt. Well, tonight we just learned that we have had a massive pipe leak running under the shower for days. This has resulted in a HUGE water bill, severe damage (extent not yet known) and a Landlord claiming that we caused the damage. How he can claim that, I do not know. We are terrified. To put it simply, we are literally one more bill away from losing our place. I can't put all of the bills and now our failing, ancient house in front of our ability to eat and thrive. I'm trying to find a way out of this without accumulating more debt. If anyone knows of any assistance programs, or advice for someone as deep in the hole as I am, that would be so greatly appreciated. I'm old school, I appreciate hard work, but I'm at a loss and with unemployment the way it is in my state, we are looking for any advice we can to keep the small home we've worked so hard to build.

    Best of luck to everyone out there, this year has shown me how much we need to change and prepare for long-term events like this, and come together more as a community. Seeing all of the struggle, and hardship people have gone through would typically have me out and helping in any way I can. Having experienced it first hand, I hope anyone who reads this has set themselves in a better position than we have, and if you are still unsure of the future, prepare now. You never know what life can throw at you, and this year has shown us it can flip on you in a heartbeat.

    submitted by /u/Rocketkt69
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    Can anyone recommend a bank that provides gap waiver built into their auto loan?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    Please note there is a difference between gap insurance and gap waiver. I want gap waiver, which Statefarm Bank has always provided, but they no longer offer banking services. Unfortunately, every possible way I've googled this the only results I get are "do I need gap insurance" etc. I'm trying to find out which banks actually provide it.

    submitted by /u/The_Comanch3
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