• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    Legal Advice Need advice on recourse: Police employee and had a direct supervisor both spread rumors of and accuse me openly of drinking/doing drugs at work Ohio).

    Legal Advice Need advice on recourse: Police employee and had a direct supervisor both spread rumors of and accuse me openly of drinking/doing drugs at work Ohio).

    Need advice on recourse: Police employee and had a direct supervisor both spread rumors of and accuse me openly of drinking/doing drugs at work Ohio).

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Old throwaway for reasons

    I work as non sworn employee of a large police department. On my last shift I was taken into the conference room with my direct supervisor, my union rep and God knows why, two police officers. Again, I am not an officer and they are nowhere in my chain of command except for my commander.

    After being told a story about how my boss used to get drunk at work before her intervention 11 years ago, I was asked point blank what help she could offer me and accused of drinking and also being seen "nodding" from alleged heroin abuse. This is because I spend my breaks and lunch in my car (away from them) and I sometimes seem "agitated." I have not once ever fallen asleep at work (we work overnights).

    For the record, I have not done drugs since smoking pot in 2012 and spending six hours in a panic attack and have not ever done anything stronger than that. Not to mention that due to stomach issues I don't even drink at all and haven't for almost a year. I offered right then to go get tested to which she replied that opiates only stay in your system for 3 days and the complaint that started this (made by one of the supervisors) was over a week ago and one of the officers pointed out that my offering it made it not a random, no idea how the fuck that matters. So they refused to test me.

    After defending myself (pretty angrily but professionally) I left the room and within minutes found out that she and other supervisors had been having a little bridge club and had spread this rumor by asking all my friends if I do drugs.

    So they have essentially ruined my name, both in my department and with the officers. Everyone in the room "knows" that I am either drunk or high at work thanks to their spreading this rumor instead of just taking me for a drug test straight off the bat and squashing this the right way like they do in every other case.

    Chances are good I am done there, they openly told me they are "watching me like a hawk." I want to reiterate, I do NOT do drugs and I don't even fucking drink, ever.

    My union rep is filing a formal complaint, but do I have any other recourse? This supervisor has done this before but never in such a public way, always one on one and she has never been right. I want to prevent them from retaliating on me for defending myself (they are petty and vengeful) and from ever doing this to someone else.

    Thanks, sorry if this is convoluted, I am still a little angry and fired up.

    edit: I want to thank you all for your input. Reddit will never cease to amaze me with what a resource it is for so many diffrent things, and the fact that so many of you who do this for a living will take your personal time to answer these and put so much thought and effort into it, well I feel very lucky and grateful.

    submitted by /u/ProtectAndVerve
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    Cease and Desist on Me Too Post

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:51 AM PDT


    I made a me too post on my ex boyfriend and so did his other ex. We were both served with a cease and desist for defamation on claiming sexual assault, cheating, and emotional abuse. He is wanting a written apology also.

    We have hard proof of all of this, except the sexual assault. We only have police files for the sexual assault which never went to court. What should we do? Should we take down the posts? What type of lawyers should we seek? In case he does sue? How do defamation cases even go, am I to prove everything I said is indeed true? Do i get myself a civil lawyer or defamation lawyer or some other type of lawyer?

    submitted by /u/bananawaggle
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    Can I go to civil court for stollen, falsely surrendered dogs?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    I owned 2 dogs when I unfortunately got taken into police custody, I couldn't come up with bail right away so I spent just 4 days incarcerated. During this time my sister was supposed to take care of them. Behind my back she signed my dogs away back to the rescue they came from, because she said she was too busy for them. However she forged my signature and claimed it was me returning them. Anyway when I got out I reached out to the rescue asking for them back, and told them the signature was forged and I could prove it. The rescue said no, refused to show me the paperwork, and blocked my phone number. I'm 100% sure they know it wasn't me who signed them away. They were being fostered at the time I got out asking for their return. They have since been foster failed (the guy fostering them adopted them. I will note the guy who now has them is the owner/ head of the rescue) They were just that great. I was a vet tech and have years of vet records for them to show proof of ownership and great care. Do I have a case to take the rescue to court and get my dogs back? I don't want to press charges on my sister. I still have the text exchanges with the rescue asking for them back explaining the situation. I just want to take the rescue to court and get my dogs back. I miss them so much and its been 5 months and still cry multiple times a week missing them.

    TL;DR- dogs were given away by someone dog sitting, the rescue was aware and refuses to give them back.

    Edit- this is in North Carolina

    submitted by /u/memewatcher2323
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    PayPal sent themselves 7,000 USD from my account for “PayPal’s damages”

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Throwaway because I don't want personal money posts on my main account.

    I've had a PayPal account for nearly 10 years. It's been great, until now.

    I'm a personal trainer. I've turned half my home into a gym which is where I train my clients.

    I also sell supliments to my clients through a local supplement store including: protein powder, creatine monohydrate, and metabolic spike.

    Without warning, my PayPal account was "limited" in April for reasoning that was never explained to me. I had 7,000 USD in the account at the time. I tried PayPal phone support for months and was just told to wait until 180 days from my "limit" and then I could withdraw the money.

    Well, it's been 180 days and I went to check out my PayPal account and there's a transfer "to PayPal" of the amount of everything that was in my account. The memo line says "PayPal's damages caused by Acceptable Use Policy violation."

    I checked PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy and there's nothing against selling training sessions or workout supplements, so I'm completely lost.

    I need this money to pay my rent and bills plus not to mention feed myself and my dog. I marked my calendar for the date I was supposed to get this money and I expected and needed it. I don't know what to do!

    Edit: my city/state/country is Denver, Colorado USA

    Edit2: I called PayPal and they said they can't provide any more information other than the fact that I violated their AUP and they have in their terms they can fine me for that and they did and that it's final. They wouldn't provide more.

    Edit3: Both people I spoke to with PayPal were very clear they couldn't provide info on how I violated the AUP or what the damages were for or how the amount of damages was totaled, but it was coincidentally exactly my balance

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayHelpMe3947
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    Curious about legality of my employer's "on call" demands - Michigan

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    I recently started a new job working swing shifts and found out that once every couple of months you are required to be (what they call) on call for 7 days or nights. Their rules are that if they call you any time before the shift starts, you have an hour (or two, can't quite remember) to make it in to work. Employees are not paid for any of the time they should be expecting calls.

    I tried looking into the laws in MI about this, but they weren't very clear to me. I'm about to be on call for night shifts, and the thought of getting called at 4pm to work for 12 hours all night is kinda shitty. I also like to spend time with my family, so not being on edge all day about being called in would be great too.

    Does anybody understand MI laws better than I do and can shed some light on my situation?

    submitted by /u/Aggressive_Champion
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    My stepdad was the beneficiary of $400,000 from his ex-wife. The lawyer in charge of handling their case failed to give him the paperwork in time, and the money was passed to someone else. Can my stepdad pursue any legal action against the lawyer, or is there any way to reclaim that money?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Please forgive my limited knowledge of how this stuff works, but I'll try to be as descriptive as possible: In November of 2019 my stepdad received a letter that his ex-wife had passed and was leaving him $400,000. He was obviously very emotional, but my parents have been in a financial rut for a long time and really needed the money (even if they didn't, it was supposed to go to my stepdad). My parents had already employed a lawyer for another case in which they were trying to reclaim about $15,000 from a relative who had cheated them, so they reached out to him to handle this situation.

    The lawyer said my stepdad needed to retrieve his original marriage license and some more paperwork to finalize the funds being sent- which my stepdad next-day shipped the following week after a trip to the town he and his ex-wife were married, and the lawyer said he received it....in November. (My parents live out of state, and the lawyer they're using is based where I live in Oklahoma).

    Cut to February. The lawyer contacts my parents and says that he's sorry, but he meant to inform them that they only had 60 days to "fill out one last form", and that they missed their opportunity to receive the money; stating the funds were now being transferred to the next beneficiary on the list. He had apparently had some health issues, but completely dropped the ball on finishing what was needed to get my stepdad the money.

    My parents have been so overwhelmed and had no idea that there was an expiration on them retrieving the funds, and under their lawyers guidance, believed that they had done everything they needed in order to get it. They have no idea what to do, and are not even sure there's a way to recoup the money that was owed them- so I thought I'd ask... Is that not negligence? Could the lawyer be sued for not relaying all of the information and failing to do all that was required to get my stepdad his money? Is there anything at all that can be done that wouldn't put my parents in worse financial crisis?

    submitted by /u/tejeti
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    Teenage son found drugs in dad's house

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    So, my teenager told me that he found pot and hard drugs (small baggies of what sounds like crystal meth) at his dad's house.

    I've suspected dad was on meth because of stories (vacuuming the walls at 3 in the morning because bugs, kids say dad doesn't sleep during the week, and most recently scabs/ bandaids on his face)... but now kiddo has told me.

    So, what's my next step? Go to family court? Call the cops? CPS?

    I don't want to send kiddo over for next scheduled visitation.

    Ex and I are not on speaking terms if that matters.

    In Texas.

    Edit: typo of-> if

    submitted by /u/Pandemicteacher
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    A 18-year old renter secretly installed nanny camera in our guest bathroom. Need advice on how to move forward.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm in a predicament and urgently needing advice on next steps. I have a young 18 years old renter in my home. He has been living with me for ~4 years, when he was still a dependent. We were not his legal guardian. He pays for a bedroom and uses the guest bathroom. The rest of the family (women and young kids) also uses this bathroom.

    We discovered a nanny camera installed and hidden behind a canvas. We checked in his room and found 2 cameras and 2 sd cards. I haven't have the gut to open the sd card to see what's in there.

    How should we go from here? Is this a minor misdemeanor or a felony? Should we call the police? Would this be in this record?

    submitted by /u/tln12
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    Neighbor Wants to Take Strip of My Land Thru "Adverse Possession"

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    I have a gravel RV pad that runs along side my house. The other side of the RV pad runs parallel to my property line and is nicely edged with bricks. Being neighborly, I set the edge of the bricks 12" over on my side of the property line. Between the bricks and the neighbor's house is a strip of grass.

    My neighbor informed me he wants to build a fence right up to the bricks which would entirely be on my side of the property line. He said he assumed the brick edge was the property line (even though all property marker pins are very visible). I tied a string between the markers when I put the bricks in.

    Normally the fence wouldn't be an issue (even though it's useless to me), but I actually need access right up to my property line (beyond the brick edge) to fit wheel barrows, equipment, etc along my RV (that's my access route between the front and back yard).

    My neighbor said that 12" strip between the RV pad edge and MY property line is HIS because of "adverse possession" and he mows that strip. My position is that I actually use that extra 12" often moving stuff back and forth to the back yard. Therefore he hasn't had exclusive use of the land which is a requirement of adverse possession - from what I read.

    We've had a good relationship up to this point. I feel he's taking advantage of the situation. I live in Washington state.

    submitted by /u/Bitter-Basket
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    Contractor used excavator to smash our home ONTARIO

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    In Ontario- We hired a young contractor to renovate our basement apartment. Quote included basement floor, drywall repair, and final paint. The young man explained that the water damage we were repairing could be fixed with a French drain and offered to fix said problem by installing one. In order to excavate around the home our deck needed removal, this was all end of last year. While pulling the deck off with a rented mini excavator, he mis-operated and collided with our home, pushing the wall in and breaking a patio door frame. He said it would be fixed at his expense, verbally. He also claimed the deck replacement and new retaining wall could be covered by our agreed upon budget. I'll add there is no contract so this is more a personal liability than a business claim. An entire year has passed, I've been blocked on our messenger, but contact with my husband remained. He has in writing promised this would be done by thanksgiving weekend, here we are and no communication or new door being installed. And he's openly said he won't put a new deck on anymore. Claimed COVID was the reason but continued on all summer installing decks and fences around town posting photos, so I know this is a lie. Since the incident he has reneged his obligation to pay for his mistake of smashing the house and now wants us to pay for the door. I'd like to to go to small claims court, but am not sure if it's worth my time. What are our options and do we have a leg to stand on should I try to demand he replaces the door(and deck in my opinion) at his cost.

    submitted by /u/halesandbales
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    Was almost shot in my own bed...

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask, however, I'm wondering what can be done legally.

    A couple mornings ago (while I was not home thankfully) the person living in the apartment behind us accidentally discharged his firearm (which are not allowed in the complex) into our bedroom wall.

    The bullet pierced the wall above the bed, right where my head would have been if I was asleep/home at the time which I normally am which is honestly terrifying. It struck across our bedroom damaging some clothes and a bag, thankfully nothing else.

    The cops had to search our apartment for the bullet and take photos of the scene, all while we weren't home yet which is okay, however, I am wondering who is legally liable for what and what can be done relating to the whole situation?

    I'm pretty sure the person has been evicted already (at the time of the "accident"), however, I am not sure what else has been done and can be done. Any advice would be awesome!


    submitted by /u/InOneFowlSoup
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    My new car caught fire. Insurance and manufacturer don’t want to replace my car and I have questions.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    I am located in Florida.

    This is all very convoluted and confusing, so I apologize if the following is difficult to read.

    Throughout the following, the manufacturer and my insurance company have not been in contact with each other. They appear to be working independently.

    My brand new car recently caught fire. There were no mods to the car and the car was up to date with oil changes which were done by a dealership.

    After this incident, I immediately called the manufacturer. They said they would have to escalate this to the corporate customer service office. I didn't hear anything back from them for a few weeks.

    While I didn't hear anything back, I contacted my insurance company. My insurance company initially took my car to an independent auto repair shop. They told me that my car couldn't be repaired. They then took the car to a local dealership. They believe the car could be repaired. They estimated the value of my car to be $20000 and the repairable cost to be $6,000. I asked them to not fix my car as I expect to get a new car from the manufacturer.

    During this time, a recall was sent out for fires but my car WAS NOT involved in this recall. Kind of weird and shady.

    Finally, I spoke with the manufacturer. They told me my car was repairable and they would fix my car. I told them I feel as this car is not fixable and let them know a previous auto repair shop told me so. I asked them to replace my car with a new car. They continued to push it was repairable. The manufacturer said they would have to talk to their supervisor about possible options. I have not heard back in a couple of weeks.

    Since I last spoke with the manufacturer, my insurance company sent me a check for $6,000 dollars without anything else in the letter.

    My questions are:

    1. If the manufacturer does not replace my vehicle, what are my options? Should I contact an attorney? Should I contact an attorney now?

    2. Should I cash this check they sent for $6,000?

    3. Should I contact an attorney for compensation due to stress and inconvenience of this entire event?

    submitted by /u/TACarHelp
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    Custody after child is born

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    I'm in WA state. Not married to father of baby.

    I'm not due for another 9 weeks. I'm afraid to leave my child with his bio father because he has sleep disorders, the house he lives in is disgusting, he possibly exposed me to STDs(and potentially the baby) and he's planning to raise this kid with his ex who admitted their last fight got physical. He hasn't allowed me to get to know his family yet but one time I've heard his mom yelling at his other children and cussing them out. (We were hanging outside the house) I've also heard him fight with his mother and they scream/curse. I am curious what I can do to ensure my child has the best situation and is safe at all times. Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/HorrorConfusion
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    I've been naturalized as a citizen but haven't had a chance to change my status at Social Security Office and DMV. Can I register to vote in CA?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Basically what the title says.

    Was naturalized as a citizen. Had an oath ceremony and was issued the certificate. I am applying for a passport and my naturalization certificate is with State Travel Gov. Haven't had a chance to change my status to citizen at SSO and DMV due to covid.

    Can I register to vote in CA now or do I need to change my status with DMV CA and SSO first?

    submitted by /u/meiondit
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    Being sued for property damage that occurred more than 10 years ago but have no money

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Location - NYC

    Being sued for damage to property that occurred more than 10 years ago.

    Listed as a principal in the business that no longer exists.

    Wasn't actually a principal, since the other principal (husband) was abusive and made all the decisions (had a restraining order and order of protection against him)


    1. Isn't the statute of limitations up for this?
    2. What happens if I can't pay?
    3. Is it possible to say that the onus shouldn't be on me since the relationship between the principals was an abusive one, where the other principal clearly had all of the financial benefits and executive power?
    submitted by /u/lasercannonbooty
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    [OK] Can I get in trouble for my neighbor using my electricity?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I live next door to a mentally ill drug addict. He is squatting in the house right next to me.

    He has been in jail for the last 35 days for attempting to murder his girlfriend with a hammer. I am a 23 year old single woman and I am living in constant fear because he is always coming to my home, asking me for things, coming up to me when I'm getting out of my car in the driveway, asking for cigarettes, food, drugs, etc.

    Well, he's apparently out of jail now. Here is what happened:

    Last night he approached me while I was getting out of my car from a grocery trip. I could tell he was high and I was very scared. It was dark and there was no one else around. He told me I needed to let him run an extension cord into my house so he could have a light on in his house. I obeyed and then locked all my doors and went to a friends house because I was so scared.

    Will I get in trouble if the police find out I allowed this to happen? I know I shouldn't have. I have anxiety and I just obeyed him because he literally went to jail for beating the shit out of his girlfriend. I was scared he would do something to hurt me so I just did what he said. What should I do? The police are here every few days because he harasses all the neighbors. He beat the shit out of another neighbor recently and I'm so scared of him doing something to me. I don't want to live here anymore but I know I can't get out of my lease just because this person is harassing me.

    submitted by /u/anxiousthrow_away_20
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    Have not recieved paycheck after about 8 months [NJ, USA]

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    hi r/legaladvice. in february 2020 i worked at a fast food restaurant for a short time and quit because i couldn't handle the speed of the orders during peak hours. i opted to recieve a physical check in the mail and i still have not recieved a paycheck for my time worked. here are the times i have worked:

    2/15 4pm-8pm, 2/16 12pm-8pm 30 minute unpaid break, 2/17 7pm-12:30am 30 minute unpaid break, 2/18 3pm-6pm.

    a total of 19.5 paid hours. my pay rate was $11.50 per hour so that should be, before taxes, $224.25. which is somewhat of a significant amount of money to me right now.

    now, there are a few problems that are making me wonder about the legality of my paycheck:

    • i did not complete the employee onboarding paperwork before starting. their computer was having issues and they couldn't sign me up as an employee and just had me start working. they had me come in at a later date after i had already quit and complete the onboarding paperwork.
    • this means that i could not clock in and out when working so there's no actual record of the time i worked besides where i wrote down the dates and times that i worked there on a private discord page.

    so, i can't really just call them and say "send me my paycheck" because they don't know when i worked.

    was it a violation of some sort for them to have me work without clocking my hours? will it help to contact corporate and tell them about my situation? i don't want to get anyone in trouble but i do want my money for the absolute hell that was the 4 days i worked there.

    submitted by /u/fig_art
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    Father is abusive and withholding custody, mom can’t afford representation

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Hello away, this is a throwaway because of how personal this is. I'm asking for advice on behalf of my mother. This custody battle has been going on for ages, and it's way to lengthy to explain everything, so in short my father isn't a good person in the slightest. He's been physically/emotional abusive to my other siblings and I growing up, from strangling me, to being the cause both my sisters were committed to the psych ward for suicidal thoughts and actions. That was years ago, and that entire time the judge assigned to my parents always sided with my father, no matter the police reports, no matter what evidence, even still saying I needed to see him half the week only a week after bringing in everything showing he strangled me.

    Unfortunately that judge is still doing the same thing today when it comes to my little brother(8 y/o), he currently has full custody. Recently me and my other sibling tried to let him back into our lives but it became to toxic to quick. Since then he's been sending my sisters abusive emails, and even threatened to "beat my ass again" over Facebook messager. He's also been feeding my little brother these made up stories, example being he deleted my little brothers Minecraft world's and told him my sister did it. She doesn't have access to his account. Now because my sibling and I don't want contact with him, he's withholding custody against the court order from my mother. He's not showing up, with no explanation. My mother can't afford legal representation but also isn't qualified for any free lawyers. She's not sure what to do, honesty no body is that I talked to, so I'm hoping some internet strangers can help us out. If it helps this is in the Pittsburgh area of Pennsylvania. Title is the TLDR

    submitted by /u/Throwawaybluesnow
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    [California-SF Bay] Rules on not renewing lease during pandemic? Involves bankrupt cohousing company

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Long story short, we rented from a cohousing company that rented large houses from a homeowner, then subleased individual rooms. They just went out of business so we were having the leases transferred directly to the homeowner. The cohousing company was NOT paying the homeowner during the pandemic but WE, the house, was paying the company in full.

    Problem is the lease we just got from the homeowner is just for ONE MONTH and says it cannot be renewed under any circumstance. Is this legal given the pandemic? We don't know if homeowner plans to take it off the rental market or jack up the price for new tenants. Both of those come with their own set of legalities which we would like to gently threaten her with.

    Our goal is to stay at least to mid-January.

    This is a horrible time to find new housing b/c BF and I are in the midst of a school quarter (engineering school!) We also really want to keep the housemates together to stay sane so we need more time to find new housing.

    {UPDATE} homeowner said the house will be "back in her private use" so I think she needs a 120 notice, no? She has to let us stay for that long I think.

    submitted by /u/MiaouMixe
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    Bought private party vehicle out of state, can't get seller to send me title.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Purchased a car from private party in GA (8 hours away). GA doesn't give sellers titles if they have a lien. Seller did pay off vehicle as his lien-holder sent me the title directly. My state said send it back to him for him to sign the back of it. I sent it three weeks ago and he won't return texts since.
    We both have have notarized bill of sale but just wondering what my options are.
    The guy wasn't the most communicative person throughout the process so maybe it's way down his priority list. Anything I can mention to get him to get it sent back? Fines, etc?

    submitted by /u/aparis99
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    Patient Dumping laws?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    I am in residential treatment for mental health in California. What are my legal rights with patient dumping? Does it apply to residential or just hospitals? Can they just discharge me out the door? Do they have to provide a medical transfer? Please tell me my rights because I think its about to happen to me again. I am unhoused at the moment

    submitted by /u/JustChelseaThings
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    [NJ] I am receiving spoof calls and my number is being spoofed for political purposes. What are my options?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    I'm going to try and give as much information as I can without identifying myself. So I'm in politics, and politics brings out the absolute worst in people. About a year ago I started receiving phone calls from random numbers. I never answer if I don't know the number and usually google it afterwards. Most of the time it's just spam. However, when I would google some of these numbers, they would trace back to some politicians, people in my circle, police officers in my town, etc.

    When I would dial the numbers back and actually get in touch with the person, they'd say they never called me and some of them told me they actually had a ton of missed calls from my number. On the few occasions that I have answered the spoof calls, it's a clear set up to try and get me to say something compromising, probably to be used for blackmail or attacks against me later (again, this is the life of a politician 🙃) and clearly not the person who's phone number it actually is.

    I think I've caught the culprit, but I don't have concrete proof. It's an ex police officer in town, also a politician, who is now a PI. He was also a friend of mine, and when I figured out it was him, I told him about the spoof calls and told him I was going to report it to the FCC. Suddenly, the phone calls stopped.... Needless to say, he definitely is capable of spoofing numbers. My proof would probably compromise my identity and probably wouldn't hold up in court, but it's enough to convince me that it's him.

    I don't really care so much about receiving spoofed calls, but I am concerned about my own number being spoofed. I made the report to the FCC months ago and never heard anything, but I still want this taken care of. Would local law enforcement be capable of doing anything? What are my options to prevent this besides changing my number (which I really don't want to do)? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayNJ201901
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    Does Mom Have a Claim to My Deadbeat Fathers Estate/Property/Assets

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Born in OH, USA. Father left my mom before I was born. They never married. Recently I discovered my dead beat biological father passed away. This happened when I found, through white pages, that my biological family is now living at his house in Louisiana. He has never paid child support.

    Does my mom have a claim to his Estate/Property/ or Assets?

    And can any legal action be taken against the family members who live at the estate now?

    I presume they [the bio. family living in LA] have known for some time where his exact location has been.

    Anything that we can get from him would be great so I can put it towards starting my life.

    Thank-you for your time, any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ContentTangerine2850
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