• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    An open-source alternative to Twilio Entrepreneur

    An open-source alternative to Twilio Entrepreneur

    An open-source alternative to Twilio

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    I'm having a lot of fun building this tool and I hope is useful to someone. Please star the project and share with friends if it resonates with you:

    Repository: https://github.com/fonoster/fonos

    PVA Demo: https://github.com/fonoster/fonos/tree/master/examples/dialog

    submitted by /u/sanderspedro
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    Be a creator, not just a consumer

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    I sit down every weekend to write. It's a routine I've deliberately cultivated for myself during this year as a way to get out of my own head and put my thoughts on (metaphorical) paper.

    It started with this post on cultivating a daily writing habit, which I moved away from after 25 days into a weekly schedule.

    Some of my writings go out as tweet threads, others as blog posts on this site. Invariably, I am creating and publishing week after week.

    It's not just to achieve end goal (follow systems, not goals) that I write every week. I thoroughly enjoy the process of creation, the act of sitting with lo-fi or synthwave tunes in the background and punching away at the keyboard brain dumping onto a notepad.

    I've managed to get Sankalp (my co-founder) onto writing as well. He's still working out a schedule that helps him create and publish good content consistently, but he's started walking the treadmill which is the important part.

    Recently I've been engaging with my team at DelightChat to get into a regular publishing routine. Akash already writes occasionally, Deb published his podcast on SaaS content marketing, and Niraj is setting up his blog as we speak.

    However, I didn't want to be some old fart, a preacher who is saying "get on the horse" without explaining the why.

    So here goes.

    Reasons to write

    Before proceeding further, I must make one thing clear. While I personally prefer writing, the message here is to create stuff.

    Create art, design album covers, shoot vlogs, record podcasts, write code. The focus is on creation, and becoming a creator in a world where most people are only consuming.

    Here's how I explained the importance of writing and being a creator to my team.

    The whole world and everything in it, people and entities, are connected by invisible strings. You can visualise it like a web, an interconnected web with billions of points.

    Yes, I'm describing the model of the internet. Yes it's more relevant than ever, because until recently majority of the world wasn't online and connected to each other. With over 4.57 billion people on the internet, we are literally living in the interconnected web. And hence it's important for you to visualise and grasp the enormity of it.

    Back to reasons.

    You can take this giant web of interconnected beings and entities, and splice it in any direction you want. And you always end up with a subset of people.

    A map of the internet. Which cross-section will you splice?

    Example of a large splice - people who enjoy listening to music.

    Example of a smaller splice - people who enjoy alternative rock music.

    Even smaller splice - people who enjoy alternative rock and compose tracks and sing in a band in the same genre.

    You can take this concept and apply it to any idea and pull at the strings.

    With this blog post, I'm pulling at the strings that connect people who want to create stuff, have the ability to create stuff, and want to get started but haven't yet. More specifically, my blog might appeal to people who have the ability and desire to write.

    Anyway, now you have identified a splice or subset. What next?

    The question really becomes, how do you make yourself a valuable entity in a given subset or splice of this giant interconnected web? How do you become a valuable node.

    And there's only one answer to it.

    The only way to become a valuable node is by pushing/publishing/releasing value into the web. But like an ocean, a drop won't be noticed by anybody. You need a pond where you can make a splash.

    You need to narrow down and focus on a small enough splice, such that when you tug at its strings, you have a real chance to get noticed. That way the value that you create in the form of written, video, audio, code, etc about topics that your narrow splice of the web cares about has a chance of earning their attention.

    There is no other way. It's not going to be easy. Many others are trying to grab the same splice of attention.

    But, life is not a zero sum game.

    Multiple people can win. You can win too.

    And that's brings me to the #1 reason to write or create stuff.

    You can't win if you don't participate.

    Common obstacles to writing

    From my conversations with people, I've found the most common obstacles to be

    1. You don't know why to write or create stuff
    2. You don't know what to write about
    3. You don't have a schedule or consistency
    4. Procrastination (the human mind is marvelous)

    I've already solved the first problem by explaining the why.

    Create a consistent writing schedule

    The third problem can be solved by committing to a schedule. James Clear published on Mondays and Thursdays for three years until his blog finally took off. The rest we already know about.

    I committed to a daily writing schedule at first, which was hard but it helped me get out of my rut. This commitment was made in public and to my girlfriend in person.

    The two factors combined pushed me enough to get over my mental barriers and keep writing daily, especially on days I didn't feel like. Back then I was writing shorter posts, which I've traded for longer thought pieces once a week.

    You too can set a simple but achievable routine.

    Set a reminder on Fridays to think of a topic to create about, spend a few hours on Saturday punching the keyboard furiously until you've dumped all your thoughts on paper, and then edit it before hitting publish on Sunday.

    The DelightChat team has a recurring event on the calendar to help maintain a consistent creator schedule.

    Remember to set a target that's easy enough to achieve. You're not aiming for the pulitzer prize, you are trying to create a habit that's super easy to do, thereby reducing chances of failure.

    Overcome writing procrastination

    Here are a few common procrastination arrows your brain is going to shoot at you. I'm going to make you aware of them so you can dodge them.

    "I don't have time to write."

    Create a schedule, commit to it, tell your friends, family or someone who will ask you and therefore hold you accountable.

    "I don't know what to write about."

    I've answered that in the next section.

    "Ding! New notification from WhatsApp."

    Pour oil on your phone, throw it in the dustbin, and light it on fire.

    Or, you could put it on silent and place it exactly behind your laptop screen (out of eyesight). Has served me well.

    "I don't have something interesting to say. I only want to write if I have something unique to say."

    You are a unique person with a unique perspective and thoughts about life due to your unique circumstances and upbringing and the hundreds and thousands of experiences you've had up until now.

    You have something unique to say. The topic might be old (it always is), but your unique perspective, your anecdotal experience, all add up.

    "But I need to setup my blog, set up markdown, and more."

    No, you need to write. Writing is the goal, not integrating markdown.

    "But the text editor I use isn't friendly. It doesn't integrate with my blog."

    Google Keep or Apple Notes works perfectly and is very distraction free.

    Blow up the font size until you can't see anything else on the screen. It's what I do and it works.

    Your real challenge, and the only one that matters is sitting down and penning your thoughts, or creating stuff. You can do it on a piece of paper (but do it on Google Keep or Apple Notes, seriously).

    "But should I publish on Medium, on Substack, how do I format it into a tweet thread, etc."

    The medium can come later. The medium is a constraint.

    Constraints can be walked around of using creativity. But it's not a limiting factor by any means.

    Your goal is to write or create.

    There is no perfect moment, the right time to start, or a sign from the universe where you suddenly kick procrastination in the face and get started. There is only the here and now.

    Hopefully these prompts I've written will help you dodge your brain's procrastination bullets.

    What to write about

    Throughout the week I gather ideas on what to write about

    • from conversations with my co-founder, team and other people,
    • by observing what others have written about and if I have a perspective to share,
    • thoughts circling in my head,

    and so on..

    There's infinite sources for gathering ideas, but it's important to have an eye for catching ideas (similar to how one can train themselves to spot business or startup ideas).

    And it's equally important to jot down those ideas somewhere safe and easy to access.

    I have a private WhatsApp group to drop ideas whenever I have them.

    Sankalp was facing a problem with coming up with topics to write about. Here's what I told him.

    Take the next 1 hour to generate ideas you can write about.

    1. Think about topics you like reading about, or talking about, or you know enough about to write.
    2. Plug in the topic keywords on Twitter and Google, or HN even. Find what others have written about it. Pick the headlines you liked jot down 20 article ideas. Write about them. Make them yours. They don't have to be your original ideas.

    Since Sankalp is a programmer, he could even browse through open source repos, find that he had written a similar one but more simply or elegantly or using a different language or framework, and decide to package and publish them, and write a short note about it.

    Apply the idea above to your own craft.

    Whatever it takes.

    Get started creating stuff this weekend

    All of us have the same tools available to connect with the rest of the web.

    We all have our smartphones or computers, access to the internet, accounts on the social media layer of the web (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) where we can publish, and the ability to tap into code layer (websites, products, apps) by learning to code or using no-code tools.

    By publishing even a tiny tweet thread about a super specific idea or topic, you play the game.

    You could open source some old code you had written, share a design template in Figma community, or share that home workout and fitness video that you've been meaning to record on Instagram.

    The key is to participate..

    ..and to give your tiny splice of the massively interconnected web a reason to look at you.

    So, what's it gonna be?


    Originally published here

    submitted by /u/takingcontrol_xyz123
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    Why does it always seem like there are a million + 1 things to do?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    And with every new thing I get done, there are another 10 things to follow up with. The cycle never ends!

    I'm not quite there yet, but I'll finally be able to hire the first employee soon. God I can't wait.

    submitted by /u/jaesung2061
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    How do you overcome feeling self-conscious about your dreams/endeavours?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I know it's common to have family critique and not believe in what you're doing.. I have that to an extent, but I also am really struggling with feeling self-conscious about my business content and would love to hear how some of you have moved past that and any resources that have helped you!

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/sbcurr
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    Sending Free Product Samples to Influencers

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Hi guys, has anybody here ever sent their product to popular YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, blog etc. channels in exchange for a shoutout/review? I would like to do this for the product I am currently working on.

    submitted by /u/TheESTest
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    Do you think there is a market for "humane" platforms?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    I keep reading about the horrible treatment of uber drivers, upwork, the whole "gig" economy. People are plugged in and out of a system.

    Do you think there could be a opening for a gig platform that treats its workers right?

    Or will people just go for whatever they have/whatever is cheapest?


    submitted by /u/Affectionate-Reason2
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    Review your website or Idea

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I've worked in the tech and startup industry for a few years and would love to give back. I'm a web designer/developer by trade and I've built over 100+ websites. Let me know your website or idea and ill give you advice

    submitted by /u/moham225
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    How Can I Expand As a Teenager?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    So, I'm a 15 year-old girl that loves doing pretty much anything creative!

    I've been freelancing for a bit, and I think it's safe to say I average $1000 a month ($500 on a bad one, and $2000 if business is really going well)!

    I also just started thinking about giving piano lessons. I've played for 10-11 years, and have the Grade 8 ABRSM certificates for Piano and Music Theory. I've found success charging $30/hour in the past, and think I can even up to $40/hour since I've just gotten a grand piano.

    I now have even more free time and am looking for some potential new things to take on, or ways to expand what I'm currently doing.

    Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/freya_vdl
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    Is it possible for non US resident to open Business Bank account in the US online?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    I have already registered LLC in Texas.

    I have received my EIN number.

    For the majority of banks EIN and SSN both are required and i need to be physically present there. Is there any other bank that allow me to open withot being physically present there using only my EIN (I don't have SSN).

    Currently i am using Payoneer as a temporary solution.

    submitted by /u/Nepali_Thor
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    Hey one question?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I am young highly motivated individual who would like to succeed in life through hard work and consistency. I like to hustle. I consider myself as a highly reliable person who does what it's agreed upon every single time. I am asking if anybody is here offering some work I could through the internet. I am writing this post because I would like to earn some money. Any offer is good. You can ask me down below:)

    submitted by /u/djjcinthehouse
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    [UK] Local restaurant business/lease available for rent since April 2019 at £22500pa with £7-8kpw turnover. This seems like a good deal, so what am I missing? Link in post.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Life Hacks - No. 9 - Be Consistent

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Here's another of my Life Hacks. I have around 50.

    Here's my previous hack... [Be A Problem Solver}(https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/j2okec/be_a_problem_solver/)

    This sounds so simple, yet is much more difficult in practice. Even though I've known about this for many years, I still struggle with it.

    I remember going for a health check-up about ten years ago, where the doctor I saw specialized in sport health and injuries. As part of the health check-up, he took me to the hospital fitness room to test my fitness, and then gave me some exercises to follow over the coming months.

    As part of this, he asked how many times a week I could exercise. Being all enthusiastic, I said I could commit to five times a week. He looked a bit doubtful, as he'd probably heard his patients say this many times in the past and then not stick to it. At that point he advised me that it was better to do less but to be consistent. He said I'd have better health overall if I exercise twice a week for the rest of my life, rather than for five times a week for a while, followed by a break because I was busy, followed by another spurt of enthusiasm, etc. He said that consistency wins every time.

    Over the years I've come to understand that he was right. If I overdo things in the gym, I tend to need a few rest days, and then those days can easily turn into weeks, and sometimes months. I know this because I've done it multiple times. Some things are just harder for me to learn. So now I promise myself to go twice a week, and a third time if I feel like it. The result is that I rarely miss a session now, and as far as my fitness goes, I am very consistent.

    It's also the same in other areas of your life. Take writing for example. I've written a few books i the past, and always just sat down and wrote as much as I could. I thought the books would be done in ten days if I kept that up. But what happened. The next day I wrote another, smaller amount. The day after I decided I needed a rest. Then life got in the way and I put them aside. It was months later before I got back to them.

    Then I read something about being consistent, and remembered what the doctor had told me. I decided to try it with the last book. I broke the book down into chunks and decided to write one chunk every Monday to Friday. The result was that I actually stuck to it, because the chunks were small enough to not out off. It also meant the book got finished in record time.

    If also done similar things with other aspects of life, and it works quite well. I'm not always perfect though, and at times it's still a struggle.

    But being consistent works with so many aspects of life, that this is something that can really propel you forwards.

    submitted by /u/travelguy23
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    How Airbnb founders used election season to kickstart their idea and earn $30k within a week selling cereals - relevant, especially right now. Treat as a creative inspiration ��

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    🥊Strategy & Tools

    September 2008:

    • In order to raise enough seed money to sustain their business, Airbnb (back then "Air Bed & Breakfast") founders had an idea to use election season to produce and sell election-themed cereals - "Obama O's, the Cereal of Change," and "Cap'n McCain's, a Maverick in Every Box".
    • They designed, printed, and glued the cereal boxes themselves. They filled them with common cereals from a local shop.
    • Brian (one of the founders) started to advertise their cereals to crowds at a supermarket, telling them where they physically sell these election-themed boxes. Unfortunately, not many people were interested.
    • They contacted the press trying to pitch their cereal boxes.
    • It worked! A week later they got featured on CNN.
    • Cereal boxes started to sell at crazy rate - every 3 minutes.
    • Within a week they sold $30k worth of cereals - almost 4 times what the Airbnb core business had made before this moment.

    Be resourceful
    Airbnb founders were broke, and needed money to sustain their business.

    They created a small side project somehow connected to their original product "Air Bed & Breakfast" - cereals were a good fit.

    They designed the boxes artwork themselves and convinced a student at UC Berkeley to print 500 units of each box at a bargain price.

    Later they bought the cheapest cereal in the market and fill up the boxes.

    They hand-folded the boxes and sealed them with a hot-glue gun.

    Airbnb founders used the press contacts they obtained during their previous gig.

    The founders sent both emails and cereal boxes (1 of each kind) to hundred of the reporters.

    The boxes worked as bait, and it worked!
    Within a week Obama O's & Cap'n McCain's were featured on CNN.

    They pitched the cereals as a limited-edition collector item.
    Each box was numbered.

    The high price of $40 for each box worked as a validation for its exclusivity.

    Limited supply of 800 units also played a part.

    Approachable Design
    The cartoonish design of boxes fit perfectly the cereal theme.
    No one wouldn't be surprised to see this kind of boxes in any shop next to other cereals.

    This humorous design made the boxes of a serious political matter more approachable.

    Genius Copywriting

    • "O YES! We can have breakfast",
    • "Enough with cereal as usual; It's time for the breakfast of change."

    Doesn't it sound familiar? That's the modified version of presidential campaign slogans from 2008.

    U.S. elections evoke a lot of emotions among people.
    Elections in 2008 were no different, or were even more aggressive than usual.

    • The American public wanted the change from the policies of President Bush.
    • 2008 was a time of economic crisis.
    • Barack Obama was the first African-American candidate for the position of president of the United States.
    • States achieved record voter turnout numbers of African-Americans and Hispanics.
    • Obama raised more money in this election than any candidate in history.




    FOMO & Exclusivity
    By pitching the cereals as a limited-edition collector item, suddenly they became an instant hit.

    You couldn't get them anywhere else, and the supplies were getting short.
    If you weren't fast enough to buy it, you might have missed it.

    People were always interested in collecting things, especially the ones of value or exclusivity.

    U.S. elections of 2008 weren't a usual one, and so did those cereals.
    Obama O's and Cap'n McCain's worked as a small "bank of memories" of this historic event.

    Political Elections
    Political beliefs have become a bigger part of our personal identities.

    Our political views have become more connected to our identities than ever before, similar to things such as race or ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, job, and location.

    We're more polarized than ever, from politicians down to voters.
    It's human nature to align with a group, community, or a team and root for them to win.

    Airbnb founders by tapping into political elections harnessed the highly engaged audience ready for their cereals.



    1. The Obama O's sold like hotcakes. They even had to give out Cap'n McCain's for free with each purchase.
    2. The founders of Airbnb got accepted to Y Combinator (startup accelerator) thanks to the story of Obama O's & Cap'n McCain's cereals.
      Their Airbnb business pitch didn't impress Y-Combinator's co-founder Paul Graham much, but the cereal story sealed the deal.
      Graham was so impressed with the resourceful approach of the founders, that he ended up funding them with a $20k in exchange for a 6% of the company.


    🔥Window of Opportunity

    Timing is the single biggest reason why startups succeed according to Bill Gross from Idealab.

    Timing among the other four factors of startup success (the idea, the team, the business model, and funding), is actually the single biggest reason why startups succeed or fail. The other four don't even come close.

    We are at the end of the election season. But there are also other easy-to-plan events in the upcoming weeks and months that you could take advantage of, e.g.:

    • Halloween
    • Thanksgiving
    • Black Friday
    • Christmas
    • New Year's Eve


    This is one of many viral case studies I share in my Newsletter
    If you liked it, You're welcome to join 😎


    submitted by /u/Limejhit
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    Is it a good idea to take an operating lease for a vehicle through my LLC?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Hello people,

    As the title says, is it worth it? The benefit are, i get a brand new car. The lease payment include insurance, road tax, registration, servicing & maintenance and no down payment. After 3 years, i return the car and get a new one. Also expensed from pre-tax corporate revenue.


    submitted by /u/vincess
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    Online selling

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    What makes a good product to sell online on sites like offer up , eBay , and Facebook marketplace. I'm just looking for some insight as I'd like to try my hand at it to make some extra cash . Thanks in advance, keep on hustling!

    submitted by /u/villotzi
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    (For Indian entrepreneurs out there) Do you have to pay taxes twice?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Newbie here... If you're a shareholder of a company and it earns say 'x' in profits. So your company pays taxes on 'x'. Now after that, when the money lands in your hands, do you have to pay taxes again? That would mean that you would have to pay taxes two times on the same amount. And you would be left with only about a third of 'x'... Is this the case or am i missing something?

    submitted by /u/Kniobium
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    Thoughts on amazon FBA?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Hey what do you guys think about amazon FBA? Is it still a good idea? What are some advantages or disadvantages? What should i know before starting?

    submitted by /u/TheAttorneyGeneral1
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    How van i get help to make my invention real.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Hello, i have many product ideas for radiological and chemical devices that i believe will make for a great product to sell to the military. However i lack the mayerials to create protypes of these devices and i alsp need help from a team lf people to create prototypes of these devices. Where would i go to find other people like me who want to turn these product ideas into real life.

    submitted by /u/KingSF
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    Website name struggle

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    We are trying for the past few months to come up with a website name starting with Learn or Learning.
    All the good ones are already taken and we are struggling to get a good catchy available name in domain and social marketing.
    Any advise or suggestions are appreciated much.

    submitted by /u/riy86
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    Guys, here is a very interesting article about China's battle with Global Warming

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Following environmental roundtable discussions during several G7 summits, the participating countries have agreed to minimize greenhouse gas emission by all costs, and encourage technological innovation through performance-based incentives.

    China, while not a G7 member, also has an obligation to invest in low carbon economic growth, including partnerships and collaborations with G7 nations on environmental projects.

    How did the Chinese government decide to tackle the issue besides more regulations on factories?

    According to the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations, the cattle industry alone generates 10% of the entire proportion in the global greenhouse gas emissions, while the total livestock industry is responsible for 5.0 gigatonnes CO2, which represents 14% of global emissions.

    Therefore, the Chinese government has declared on 2016 that it plans to cut meat consumption by 50% until 2030. China's population of 1.4 billion is ranked first globally, and it consumes 28% of global meat consumption.

    The Chinese government has outlined an ambitious plan to reduce its citizens' meat consumption by 50%, in a move that climate campaigners hope will provide major aid in the effort to avoid runaway global warming. Dietary guidelines drawn up by China's health ministry recommend that the nation's 1.4 billion population should consume between 40g to 75g of meat per person each day. The measures, released once every 10 years, are designed to improve public health, but could also provide a significant cut to greenhouse gas emissions.


    Xinergy's local analysts are reporting a gradual increase in interest of the Chinese populace in plant-based meat, "In China, for its rapid economic growth in the recent decades, when eating meat is not a luxury anymore – it is very difficult to make Chinese change their eating habits. However, in recent months a reduction of meat consumption is visible, with a healthier way of living. It is also considered to be a rising trend, mostly influenced by the growth of brands such as Beyond Meat and other popular meat substitutes that can be found in popular brands in China such as KFC, Starbucks, and Pizzahut. One key milestone is the TacoBell release of the OmniPork (Plant-Based meat, made by Hong Kong meatless meat firm Green Common).

    After the Covid-19 outbreak in China and fear of pandemic related issues, multinational food chain stores have begun using plant-based meat substitutes. Our experts suggest that 2020 is marked with a gradual growth of the Chinese consumer interest, which is visible on the Baidu search engine. For example, the keyword 植物肉 (plant based meat) has over 40 Million search results. Our analysis shows that the trend is rising, with a huge leap forward in May 2020.


    While China consumes 28% of global meat consumption and 50% of global pork consumption, China still lags in per capita meat consumption. The average American or Australian consumes twice as much meat per capita as the average Chinese.

    "China's move to cut meat consumption in half would not only have a huge impact on public health, but it is also a massive leadership step towards drastically reducing carbon emissions and reaching the goals set out in the Paris Agreement", said James Cameron in his interview to the Telegraph.

    As recently reported, Beyond Meat is building two production facilities in China's eastern province of Zhejiang to manufacture its plant-based meat products, including vegan beef, pork, and chicken, intended for the Chinese market. Beyond Meat is the first multinational plant-based meat brand to bring its own major production facility to the country, and it is expected to be one of the company's biggest markets for both production and R&D in the near future. Trial production is scheduled to commence within months, with full-scale production to start in early 2021.

    Read more here: https://www.xinergy.global/chinas-battle-a-unique-solution-for-global-warming/

    submitted by /u/xtinababy2692
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    What industries have a lot of disorganized data? I’m trying to monetize a tool I built currently used at non-profits and academia.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    At my old job, it seemed like every few weeks I'd have a new project with a new dataset in a different data source. The hardest part of my job was understanding the data not completing the project. I built a software platform to solve this problem, and now I'm trying to decide what markets to target.

    Currently, we have a few non-profits and research projects (about 1,000 users) using the tool for free to organize their meta data. I'm curious if anyone has suggestions for additional businesses or industries to target? I'm looking to start generating some paid users.

    submitted by /u/lblip123
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    Mystery box supplier

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Hey! I looking for mystery box suppliers in the gaming niche and cant find... is there any way to look up for this kind of suppliers at any niche? Would really appriciate the help😅

    submitted by /u/HybridToxic
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    Anyone Has Experience With Making A Game Studio?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    So I plan to build a game studio in the future and I want to know if anyone has any experience with the gaming industry.

    My goal is to make a game prototype and use Kickstarter to get funding, build a game studio, and finish my game.

    Based on my progress so far, I should be ready within a couple of months but I wanted to know your opinion. Any ideas on how to improve my plan?


    submitted by /u/Noursaidana
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    How to Make Money from Photography Without Selling

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    How to Make Money from Photography Without Selling

    Hi Everyone, On Online There lots of websites available for making money on Photography, But the most sites are Earn money from selling Photos, but in this video, you'll learn the steps to make money sharing their images by using Google AdSense and accepting donations from users via Paypal and Skrill. The Stockvault is one of the google ads hosting partners they provide our profile to the ads to make money!. But You need a complete approved AdSense account.

    Full Tutorial

    submitted by /u/AANGame
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