• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 3, 2020

    Legal Advice Mental health facility using unethical tactics to coerce "voluntary" treatment

    Legal Advice Mental health facility using unethical tactics to coerce "voluntary" treatment

    Mental health facility using unethical tactics to coerce "voluntary" treatment

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    This is in central Florida. My significant other has had a recent traumatic experience and took an excess of prescription drugs. She was taken to a mental health facility under a 72hr baker act. At the end of the 72hr involuntary window, they would need her consent for voluntary treatment or file a BA32 through the court to continue involuntary treatment.

    She has repeatedly made it clear to everyone there, including the psychiatrist, that she has a safe environment to return to, family nearby, and she would continue treatment with her therapist and psychiatrist. They got her to sign a paper agreeing to voluntary treatment under threat of "re-baker acting" her if she did not sign, saying things like "you are a smart girl, work with me on this." They told her she would be "giving up her rights" by not signing. Every time I call the supervisor to request a date for her discharge from involuntary treatment, they tell me she has agreed to voluntary treatment.

    After having red flags raised from the general shadiness of this place and the unprofessional employees, I checked reviews and there are pages saying the same thing. Prematurely removing patients who clearly need further care because they do not have insurance. Prolonging the stay of people begging to leave because they do have good insurance. Coercing people to agree to voluntary treatment under threat of keeping them there longer if they do not.

    Different people there have given us different dates of release between yesterday and Tuesday, with the release repeatedly pushed back. Do I need to get a specialized lawyer involved? Can I call the police and claim false imprisonment to put pressure on them to release her?

    TL:DR; Significant other was brought to mental health facility under 72hr involuntary hold, they are using unethical tactics to get her signed consent for voluntary treatment beyond 72hrs. I believe this is to continue charging insurance as long as they deem reasonable.

    submitted by /u/Tgknight
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    Staff at a group home i was at as a child drunkenly told everyone my history. Is this legal?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    As a kid i had pretty rough start. Dad was violently abusive and dipped. Mom was abusive/ addict and would disappear for weeks, leaving me completely alone. I bounced from shit situation to shit situation until i eventually found somewhere to live. At 13 i was caught doing some illegal things to support myself and was given grouphome or jail options. I chose group home. It was hard, but they helped me get my shit together and become somewhat educated and successful.

    I ran into one of the staff members ( licenced social worker) at a bar in a town i currently live in (very far from the group home, and over a decade later, it was an odd coincidence) . She was messy drunk so i excused myself. All of a sudden i see her talking to people and pointing to me. It was weird, but whatever. It kept happening with other groups of people! She was def talking about me. Iapproached her about it, she slur screamed that i was a crack addict and everyone needs to know the truth, then left!

    The next week, i had people texting and calling asking me if im ok because this woman told them that im a drug addict and a prostitute and shouldn't be trusted because i am a street person raised by no one and ill rob them. (I had never robbed anyone and haven't done drugs in a long time, not even pot) Word spread. I was randomly let go from my job a few days later (had for 5 years) . I am certain this is the reason why.

    I am 33 years old being punished for behavior i used to have when i was homeless, underaged, wild, and trafficked. Im not that person anymore. What can i do? Is this illegal? She is a licenced social worker, but not MD so idk if this is a hipaa thing or if this is legal. I sent her a Facebook message about it and she said she was drunk and sorry, but i shouldn't hide the truth. (Whatever that means)

    I lost my job and likely career because of this, is that legal? Im freaking out.

    submitted by /u/bigcatbutthole
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    Bought an iPad from a pawn shop in Georgia

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    The pawn shop seems to be legit. They have a second business selling supplies to police officers in the same building. They said they checked the police database and held the iPad for thirty days before selling it. When I got home I erased and reset the iPad and during setup there was a message about remote management from a communications company in Utah. So I do research and it turns out it is a sign language company that lends/leases iPad to clients. The iPad still belonged to them and should never have been sold to the pawn shop. They asked for the pawn shop's information and said they would be in touch. It's been four days and I'm worried I'm going to lose the money I spent on the ipad. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/ask_a_glass_of_water
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    Covid Wedding with Positive Bridesmaid in SC

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    A girl I know is getting married in SC. She is having her wedding today. Last night was the rehearsal dinner. They stated to bridesmaids no mask can be worn walking down the aisle. Also a Covid Positive Bridesmaid showed up to the rehearsal with a mask. However did not go to the dinner. They still plan on having a covid positive bridesmaid in the wedding. Additionally the bridesmaids family who is also covid positive is planning to the ceremony. IS THIS EVEN LEGAL?

    submitted by /u/CovidWeddingTHROWAW
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    Pharmacy gave out information to unauthorized persons. California.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    I use a big corp pharmacy, one in a particularly popular chain department store, my mother who I have a difficult relationship with, called the pharmacy asking about what medications i'm on and how much I pay, I'm 21 years old and havent been in care of my mother for 5 years due to her mental abuse. Is there anything I can do? Does this violate anything in California? How do I get this to stop? The pharmacy said they can't control what info gets privatized.

    submitted by /u/Raven_TW
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    There is nothing between my vent and my neighbors. I opened my vent and am able to clearly see their entire vent cover in their bedroom.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    My girlfriend and I just moved into a condominium in Kansas a few months ago. The other day we were walking up to the door when my neighbor stopped us and aggressively told us that they could hear "Literally Everything" and "Every word in your bedroom clear as day." They live alone and are usually not around, so I never heard anything from them.

    I went upstairs to see if I could figure out what they were talking about, and when I removed the vent cover, about 2 feet directly across from mine I could see their entire vent cover with literally nothing in between. I went into the other room across the hall to check that vent and it is the exact same thing. It looks like there might have been insulation at one point, but it's totally gone now.

    My questions would be: 1. Shouldn't there be some sort of insulation, fireproofing, or soundproofing between literal holes in our walls? 2. What steps should I take to get this fixed? 3. Am I responsible for getting this fixed or is this on HOA?

    Edit: Here is a picture. Sorry for the confusion.

    submitted by /u/dkp1613
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    Sold a car to a guy and the trans blew. Does he have grounds to sue?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    So I sold a car to this guy and after 500 miles he says the car wont move. The transmission is shot according to him. This was a private sale on a 2005 volvo. He says he is going to take my mom (I was selling the car for her) to court under the pretense of lemon law. To the best of my understanding he doesnt have the grounds to use lemon law as the vehicle is not new nor does it have a warranty. He says that it's been less than 14 days since the date of sale and he bought it under the understanding that the transmission was good. Does he have a case in small claims court? Edit: I should add this is taking place in the state of michigan.

    submitted by /u/AmishMafiaBoss
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    HELP DEALERSHIP FRAUD! Same vehicle sold twice

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:44 PM PDT

    Purchased a vehicle online for $37,900 in the state of Texas. I financed through my CU, once paperwork was finalized (bill of purchase, etc.,) the check was sent overnight by fedex to dealership. The problem starts when the transport company I hired contacts me that the unit is not at the location. I reached out to dealership and the GM notifies me that they are working on figuring things out. I googled the VIN number and discovered the pickup truck was sold the following day at an auction. I contacted my CU, and the check had been cleared and cashed by the dealership. I reached out to corporate and the receptionist notified me that the vehicle was not sold to me, the system indicated different owner. Since the information of new owner is online I reached out to the dealership in Arizona that now has the unit in their possession, turns out they hold the same paperwork I do, same VIN number and they refuse to return unit. The manager of corporate office is either "on another call, will return my call (never does), left for the day, or out putting gas on units." I'm so desperate for answers, stuck with a debt for a truck I don't have in my possession, and I'm asking for any helpful advice? Is this even legal? What are the possible outcomes in this situation? Is this fraud?

    submitted by /u/Old_Big459
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    Received an email demanding I give up my domain name

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    I have had a domain name for about 13 years that is based on my name. It's literally my name with a hyphen separating my first and last. The company has a name that sounds the same, but the spelling of the first part is different. They also separate these parts with a hyphen like I do. My spelling happens to be the more common one. What occasionally happens is that I will receive email destined to someone who works for that company, because they likely were not clear on the correct spelling of their domain. I happen to have a catch-all forwarder set up so I get anything sent to my domain (makes things easier) In the past I would often reach out to the sender to inform them of their error. But more recently I found there was a person who did this on a routine basis. I could have ignored it, but that seemed like the jerk thing to do. So I forwarded one of the messages I received and explained what was going on. I did this about four more times after the initial forwarding.

    I just got an email demanding that I give them my domain name because it's a trademark violation. The stuff on my domain has zero to do with their line of business. I didn't respond and don't plan on responding, but I am wondering if they are just blowing smoke, or can they actually do something? I've had this domain for 13 years and have a lot stuff tied to it. Their domain registration is about 20 years old if that matters.

    I'm in the united states (Texas) and so is my registar. The same goes for the company in question, except they are from Washington state.

    *Also, to clarify. This wasn't an official letter from a lawyer or legal department. It was an informal email sent from what linkedin would suggest is their IT guy.

    submitted by /u/sp0rkEngineer
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    (US)Falsely accused of rape, please help

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    14 years ago I was accused of rape by the US Army. The girl and I were at a party and hooked up. Some of the guys at the party burst into the room and started taking pictures. This upset her. Upon her departure from the party, someone called the MPs. The context of the rape was that she(we) were drunk and she could not consent. I was charged with rape.

    After the fact, the girl and I hooked up on numerous occasions. We were not exclusive, and she had other partners. One partner came forward (an NCO) and testified that she told him that I did not rape her. The prosecution stood firm and the case moved to an article 32 hearing. At the hearing she denied ever having contact with me after the fact. Now I had numerous texts with her confirming our relationship, and my lawyer verified the number I was texting was her number. She lied at the hearing and my lawyer wanted to withhold the text messages until the general court martial. I didn't want this and opted for a discharge in lieu of court martial.

    I was granted the discharge, I received an OTH and am barred from military and federal employment. Really any employment that requires a fingerprint check.

    I've finally hit rock bottom and I need to finally beat this. How do I move forward? Is this a Military Appeals thing, or is it a discharge upgrade thing? My research hasn't yielded any definitive answer.

    By the way, I still have the phone with the texts as well as the transcripts witnessed by my lawyer.

    submitted by /u/mildishelp
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    Landlord withholding significant part of security deposit for cost of disinfecting house, what can I do?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    So my former roommates and I recently received our security deposit check for our former house we lived in until August of this year. Most of the deductions were small enough for us not to dispute anything, but by far the largest was a $525 "cleaning" fee. We had spent the better part of a week cleaning the house prior to moving out, and the property manager even noted how spotless it was when we did our walkthrough. When we brought this up to her she said they needed to hire a cleaning service to disinfect the house for the next tenants due to covid and the they're "finished negotiating". Logically it seems pretty obvious that disinfecting for future tenants shouldn't be something we should have to pay for, but what are our legal options?

    Edit: sorry, forgot to mention this is in Indiana, USA.

    submitted by /u/weirdfishes99
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    Mail carrier hit a retaining wall on my property then left

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Yesterday afternoon my mail carrier hit a 2 foot high brick retaining wall that runs in front of my mail box, they smashed it pretty badly then left. I have everything on security camera and have made a complaint with the USPS. I don't check my mail that often only noticed it when I left this morning plus it's not that easy to see from the front window of my house. My cameras recorded everything with the audio so there is no denying it was them. My question is should I call the police to get some kind of a police report just in case?

    submitted by /u/capt_evil
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    Apartment maintenance entered my apartment without prior knowledge, left a mess and my cat in my bathroom

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Backstory first: So I live in a decent apartment with my roommate. We're on the 3rd floor and complained that our AC bill was outrageous and that our place never cooled down properly, maintenance calls a few weeks back and asks to come take a look. We weren't home but I said "Sure, not an issue". They come out to take a look around 5pm on a Friday while both my roommate and I were out of town for the night visiting a friend. I get a bad feeling and make the hour drive home and get there at almost 1am and find my cat trapped in the bathroom and piss in my toilet. Cat would've been trapped in there for about 18+ hours had I not come home. I was livid but not didn't want to start any issues.

    Fast forward to last night, I get done working a 3pm-1am shift (uber driver) and come home to my house being at 66°, dishes pulled out of my sink and a bunch of what I assume was dust and bugs in my toilet. They never called or told us that maintenance would be coming by, confirmed with my roommate as neither of us had been home since about 3pm. I know generally it's unlawful to enter a dwelling without 24hr notice or prior approval. I'm planning on talking to the management in my complex but not sure what other steps should be taken since I am absolutely livid.

    Hall County, Georgia for anyone who needs it.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/JProssAudio
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    Apartment management is letting police dogs walk through the hallways

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    So I live in a nonsmoking apartment community and as you probably can guess, not many people abide by the non smoking policy. That doesn't bother me in the slightest because it doesn't affect me. What I am slightly concerned with is that yesterday my apartment management put a note on my door saying they've "partnered with our local police force to have them randomly come to our buildings weekly and have canines walk through the halls" How is this allowed? I can think of so many things to go wrong. Not even including the fact that the levels of distrust in police are at an all time high in this country.

    Firstly being that drug dogs are equivalent to a coin toss. They're only right about 50 percent of the time according to a bunch of different studies. There are plenty of times that I walk outside my apartment and smell cigs and weed and even physically see people smoking most of the time. So how can I protect myself from having some cop think it's my apartment because my neighbors smoke? I can't/don't smoke because my job drug tests me and I have nothing to hide, I'd just rather not have some cop tear my apartment and belongings apart because the dog was wrong. There are also a ton of dogs and other pets in this complex, including my own, which would further complicate things because in order for drug dogs to ACCURATELY do their job, there needs to be no other animals around. This will surely cause some type of complication because there are other dogs all over this complex.

    I've looked through even inch of my lease and can't find anything saying that they're allowed to have cops come search our apartments randomly without a warrant. So if anyone does try I know I can tell them to come back with a warrant. Just wondering what other people think of this? What do I do?

    EDIT: I live in Texas

    submitted by /u/mad-loud
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    I'm not a real person any more thanks to "Real ID".

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I've had a driver's license in my state for 20+ years. Recently, my license expired (blame it on failing eyesight, yes, a 7 looks like a 9). When I went to renew it they refused. Apparently my last name on my birth certificate is different than the name I've always gone by. My mom and dad weren't married at the time of my birth so they wouldn't allow her to put his name as my last name. I contacted the social security office and they told me that my first card was issued with my dad's name on it, but that they had a note if the legal birth name. So, now I can't get my license. DMV said, "just get the name changed on your birth certificate". Yeah... you have to have a valid legal ID to do that. What the heck do I do now??? I can't even have a job because I have no legal ID. Please please help me.

    submitted by /u/PersephoneJae
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    Renting a house that falsely advertised central air conditioning

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    I recently rented a house through a property management company. The Zillow listing specified that the house did have central air conditioning - and when i toured the property I made note of the thermostat on the wall. Once summer came around I realized that there is in fact no central AC installed in the house. The thermostat doesn't connect to anything.

    I have asked my property management company to reduce my rent, as I do not believe it to be fair that I pay the listing price for an amenity that is not included in the listing. I feel that the property management company was negligent in touring the property accurately and as a result falsely advertised the house.

    When i asked the management company for a negotiation, they said that the owner was willing to install a $300 window unit next June.

    submitted by /u/namawag
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    Overtime loophole

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    I live in the state of North Carolina My employer had me sign a paper that said I would agree to be paid by another company after I got 40 hours so I get a 1099 check from another company for a dollar more an hour than my pay rate from the first company is this legal if not what's my best course of action

    submitted by /u/eremajames
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    Moved out of state, landlord not returning the security deposit for over a month

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:55 AM PDT


    I moved from California to Iowa over a month ago. My old landlord in CA is not returning the security deposit. He said that he would send me the check within 21 days, but didn't send me anything. And he stopped responding to emails.

    I'm about to send him a demand letter for the security deposit.

    If I end up suing him for the deposit, does it mean that I need to travel all the way to CA, possibly multiple times, to show up in small claims court?

    submitted by /u/SuddenSoup
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    Can I sell my deceased parents house if I don’t have a copy of their will? (New Jersey)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    My father passed away two months ago (not covid related) and my brothers and I can't find a copy of the will. He had dementia, so I think he might have torn up a lot of his papers when he was confused. We asked the lawyer who drew it up, but he said he doesn't have a copy since it was several years ago. The will was a simple boilerplate splitting everything equally between their kids. The will is uncontested and my brothers and I are all in agreement about selling the house. My question is - can we sell the house without a copy of the will? If we can't, what are our options?


    submitted by /u/ibkeepr
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    (CA) Signed bail, defendant FTA. Possibly shady bailsbondsman who ignored my warnings that he would run. What happens now?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    So this isn't the best of situations... and yes I am aware I made a mistake, am stupid, and I'll never do this again.

    For some backstory. I thought I was in love with this guy. Who had a friend in the county jail. I had been told he was in there for something small, and I had met his sweet older, non English speaking family, and my heart broke for them. My boyfriend vouched for his friend, and they even had a bails person friend who vouched. And I thought I was helping this poor family.

    So this is the first bail I've signed. And I'm now seeing so many red signs. Will try to summarize timeline below.

    -paid in cash

    -bailsbondman came to my house with forms

    -I never received a copy. When I asked they said it would be emailed several times.... and I honestly forgot about it

    -court set for June

    -boyfriend and I split in March

    -in May defendant reached out to me asking to take ankle monitor off

    -I didn't like that. Immediately told bonds guy that I thought he might run. He was thinking of taking the monitor off. That I think we should take him back in or do something.

    -bails guy said he talked to defendant. Everything fine

    -June come. I can no longer call defendant

    -bailsguy finally calls me after court date has passed, saying that Defendant took the ankle monitor off a month ago

    -why was nothing done when he took the monitor off????

    -why have I never received forms

    -what does this mean for me now

    -bails person has stated "(defendant) has a warrant from (city) and prob from (city) so he's just a fugitive. I'm not going to go out looking for him.

    I never received original bonds papers. Am I liable? I have all text proof of conversation w me pleading w the bails guy I think defendant would run. And that he wouldn't show up. It is months after his initial court date. And they still haven't sent me the original forms I signed. And when I asked what does this mean for me and the bond, he never replied.

    (Sorry. Had posted on wrong account originally and reposting on right one).

    submitted by /u/510lurking
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    Landlord used all $5k of our security deposit and we still owe $700

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT


    I was living in a townhouse with three roommates. Our lease was supposed to be up in July of this year. The owner offered to let us out of our lease a month early. She said we had to do certain things and we could move out at the end of June. We were naive and did not ask for an addendum to the lease asking to break the lease, so they charged us for July rent when she realized no one was interested in renting the house. Note that she didn't put the house on the market until June 22nd. We told them that we couldn't pay this due to Covid and two of us weren't working, but they ignored us and told us we needed to pay immediately to avoid them reporting the money to the credit bureau.

    Anyways, we paid our July rent despite the fact that we didn't have access to the house since we had turned in our keys and the final inspection had already been conducted.

    We finally received our security deposit. All $5,250 had been used, plus we owe $700. The painting was about $3k, there was a stain on the fireplace, and they replaced the blinds. The rest of the charges were unaccounted for on the itemized list.

    They also charged us for trash removal including a TV stand, filter replacement, and the repair for a broken toilet paper holder. I asked why we were being charged for those things when the trash was taken out on the 30th, our move out day, I removed the TV stand and replaced the filter, and I had asked the vendor who replaced the toiler paper holder for an invoice at the time of service and she said the property management company paid for it.

    We found out that an inspection had been conducted on our move out day, not on July 2nd as they had notified us prior. Our lease says that any obligations had to be completed by midnight of our lease, so how could we have been charged for things found during an inspection during the day of our move out day? Regardless, June 30th wasn't even the last day of our lease.

    I'm also confused about the painting charges. We did not purposely damage the walls. We did not try to patch up paint. There was water damage due to leaks we reported. I reported a patch that was damaged to due to an adhesive antenna... would that warrant the whole room being painted?

    Could we take the owner to small claims court? Would we be able to get anything?

    submitted by /u/Pinacarola
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    Curious about correcting a birth certificate.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    More than a couple decades ago I knew a girl who got pregnant. She wanted to give the baby up for adoption but needed the fathers agreement or signature or whatever it was. We both knew who the father was, but he was missing or possibly in jail at the time. She asked me to put my name on the birth certificate as the father so that they could get the adoption over with. I agreed.

    I now regret doing that because I've been thinking about possible implications of that. My question is, can I correct this? Should I even worry about it? I'd like to set the record straight. If I put some effort in I could probably find the last name of the father and he might be alive today, hopefully not in jail. Anyways, thanks in advance for any help and opinions.

    This was in the state of Nevada. I'm not in the same state today.

    submitted by /u/nopie101
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    Got scammed by an EIN filing website and now fake charges are showing up on my debit Master Card. (NJ-USA)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Last month I went to the IRS website to get an EIN for my small Sole Proprietorship to open a bank account with my local bank. Somehow I got sent to a third-party website and I think I gave them my SquareUp card details.

    Now I am getting fraudulent charge attempts on that very same card that I used. In fact I have gotten at least 8 this past week, 7 just from today. After going through all my transactions on my card, except my prepaid ATT phone and a CloudWays.com hosting charge, all other transactions were done in person.

    While I already filed claims with SquareUp how do I navigate this, situation?

    submitted by /u/MisterUnknown
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    Received an automated ticket for speeding in Washington DC, violation T119 I was not driving my car at the time

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    A friend borrowed my car to visit a friend in DC & apparently was speeding & my car was caught by a camera. It wasn't fast enough to get points on my license, but it's a $200 fine & it shouldn't go on my record since I wasn't driving. I contested the ticket submitting evidence that I wasn't in DC at the time (emails I sent from work around the time of the violation, screenshot of location history from my phone for that day, letter from my supervisor etc), but left out that I knew who was actually driving at the time. A week later I get another letter that seemed to say "the vehicle was identified correctly, you're at fault" pic attached)

    Where do I go from here? I'm willing to point them to my friend who borrowed the car, but at the same time I completely disagree with their reasoning that I'm at fault even though I wasn't driving when the ticket was issued. just because it's my car I shouldn't be on the hook for the actions of whoever is driving it. plus I don't want an erroneous speeding ticket on my record. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Environmental_Box_14
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