• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    Legal Advice Dog went into kennel for 2 days and came out with large burns. Store owner denying responsibility. Advice on what to do next?

    Legal Advice Dog went into kennel for 2 days and came out with large burns. Store owner denying responsibility. Advice on what to do next?

    Dog went into kennel for 2 days and came out with large burns. Store owner denying responsibility. Advice on what to do next?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Hello all -

    Quick backstory. In United States.

    We left our chocolate lab at a very well known large pet chain for kenneling from Friday to Sunday night. When we got back and picked him up, we noticed he had some matted fur but assumed it was sap as he rolls around in the trees a lot.

    As we were washing him we realized it was blood. We took him to the vet (Monday) and the vet told us they were heat burns and they can take a while to show up on dogs as their skin is so thick so this almost certainly happened over the weekend.

    Called the store manager of the kennel location and he gave a story that says their heaters don't get hot enough to burn human skin (let alone dog skin). Says he must have received it else where.

    I honestly don't believe the store owners story and assume it's a CYA move. Wondering what legal moves I can take next?

    Thanks for reading this!

    submitted by /u/Trunkschan31
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    Grown ass man texting my daughter

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    My daughter (17) and her friends went to a coffee shop on Saturday and a worker approached them and told her she won free coffee for Sunday. He asked for her name, number, and email and wrote it down on a clip board. The next morning around six he text her "hey good morning " she responded asking who it was. He responded and told her and then asked if she slept well. She blocked him and told me about it. I called the coffee shop and told them. The manager said she would look at the cameras but I'm not sure if there will be any consequences or anything. Is there anything else I can do ? I am worried about him looking her up or starting to email her now that she blocked him.

    submitted by /u/Cindy_Lou_Hoo
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    Just found out that our HOA is evicting us by December 1st. Can an HOA legally evict tenants?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    This is in a town called Bow Mar, Colorado. We are six graduate students living together and we signed a lease until August of 2021. Our landlords never told us that there was a 2 unrelated persons maximum per household. We got an email from our landlords saying that the HOA needs us gone and we have until December 1st.

    We're all at a loss here and are worried about having to move during the semester (around finals). We also don't even know what our legal situation is here. Who's in the right? Do we have any say, or are we just screwed over because we weren't told about the HOA rules?

    UPDATE: This might not be coming from the HOA. After emailing our landlord, it appears it is coming from the town we live in. However, this still doesn't change that the occupancy limits were not displayed on our lease.

    submitted by /u/Imgonnagetgrapes
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    Renters told me to keep the deposit, they trashed the house

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Edit: forgot to add property is in NJ. I apologize, I'm super emotional and frazzled, and heartbroken. I never raised their rent, never charged them late fees, and never hounded them for anything. I feel very taken advantage of. The house is ridiculously disgusting and I'm ashamed they left it in such a state. To add, I tried to sell before taking tenants. The house was completely remodeled and prepped for sale. I inherited when my mom died, and she owed a lot. The market was pretty bad then, and my realtor talked me into renting until the market flips back.

    I had tenants at my property for 8 years. They recently moved out and when returning the keys they told me to keep the deposit. Turns out there's a ton of damage.

    I knew I'd have to replace the carpet regardless,- and even though there was crystallized dog piss under I'm letting it go.

    However, the fridge, oven and toilet are trashed and not usable even after deep, deep cleanings. There's mold in the bathroom, where AC units were in windows,- and honestly,- I don't think they cleaned once since they lived there. Literally scraping off dirt off of every surface. The yard was kept up until months before they moved where they seemed to just stop taking care of it.

    Since they told me to keep the deposit, and I screwed at this point? Any damage that exceeds the deposit amount is all on me now?

    submitted by /u/ThrowRA03102020
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    Property manager loses key wants to charge $300 for replacement

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    (San Diego, CA)

    My girlfriend and I moved out of our apartment three days prior to the end of our lease. 15 days later, the property manager emails me saying that I need to return a complex key (1 of 2 that we were given) and that I would be charged $300 if the key is not returned. Because of Covid, we were asked to return the keys by dropping them off in the mail slot of the main office. I don't have proof that I returned all of the keys, so it is the property manager's word against mine.

    Is there anything I can do to prevent the landlord from charging me $300?

    submitted by /u/OWAILAH
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    Great grans will can’t be claimed by family as I’m the last one.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I have a difficult situation and reddit is always the best answer for these matters.

    My great Gran has left her estate and money to my Grandma and mum. However the start of this year my grandma has passed away, then followed by my great Gran very closely, and recently my mum has had an accident that has left her with brain damage so she's in critical condition and she was the next to kin of my Great Grandma.

    How do I chase the will down and make sure it doesn't just disappear into oblivion since I don't have any relatives capable of claiming their shares, my mum has agreed in the past that she was going to pass her shares to me so I am doing this in good faith (there are no dads, grandads who could assist, my mum is my last living relative)

    submitted by /u/Memeaphobics
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    Can a landlord compel me to conform to a certain diet?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    My landlord and I live together and we generally stay out of each other's way. My landlord is a vegan for health and religious purposes and I generally try not to cook any sort of meat-based products when he's near the kitchen, out of respect.

    I was stopped by my landlord today and was informed that as of this day, I am no longer allowed to use the kitchen stove or the microwave to prepare any meat-related food, including takeout. It's one thing avoiding cooking meat out of respect and another being outright forbidden from doing so. I feel uncomfortable being "banned" from cooking what I want to eat, in a house that I paid rent for.

    I read through the lease, which wasn't very long nor comprehensive, but does cover these clauses which I think may help:

    USE OF THE PREMISES: The Tenant may use the Premises only as a single family residence.

    QUIET ENJOYMENT: The Tenant may live in and use the Premises without interference subject to the terms of this Lease.

    These clauses seem pretty standard though and I'm not sure how these could help me. Is there any way to push back from this new rule that my landlord is unilaterally imposing?

    Location: CA

    submitted by /u/dos_127_0_0_1
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    I am not making enough money to pay the child support my ex is demanding.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Between COVID impacted wages and the normal life expenses, rent, utilities, phone, groceries, transportation, etc. I cannot pay what she is asking for and pay my bills. She denied my petition to modify child support. She is threatening to have my wages garnished. I'm not trying to get out of paying child support, I just don't have the financial means to do what she is demanding. What can I do? What do I do? Any help to get me through this, please. I live in PA and she lives in MD. This is court ordered. It used to be informal, but she wasn't happy with the amount I was giving her, so she got a lawyer and went to the courts. It's St. Mary Courts in MD.

    submitted by /u/npjpkac
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    When I was 15 I dated my 39 year old teacher for a year and a half -FL-

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    So, when I was a sophomore in high school I got into a sexual relationship with a 39 year old teacher. For reasons I don't need to elaborate on I was able to move in with him for a year without my family knowing. I was young and vulnerable and stupid and he was horrible and when I was 17 I left him and moved to Massachusetts, I'm currently 19 and in contact with his ex wife and mother of his child and she thinks I should go to the police or a lawyer because he has shown a pattern of pedophilia and abuse. This all took place in Florida and I'm currently in Mass and don't even know where to start, I don't know if I have to call the Florida police department or if I can file a report from mass or if I need a lawyer from fl or from mass. I'd love some advice

    submitted by /u/AzazelSkye4
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    Post-derecho issues in IA, mom having issues with neighbor over his fence panels that blew into her yard

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    For those who are not familiar, Iowa had a major wind storm called a derecho that caused major damage to my mom's city.

    At mom's house, her neighbor's fence panels all blew into her yard - all of them except 2. A volunteer group helped mom clean up and they assumed the neighbor would want the panels back to reassemble his fence, so they stacked them on his side of the property line.

    The neighbor angrily banged on mom's door, yelled at her and handed her a printed out copy of a website talking about how in an act of god situation like a storm, what lands on mom's property is her responsibility to clean up and it's not his problem to dispose of "her" storm debris. He then spent an hour moving all the fence panels back to mom's side of the property line.

    Mom tried talking with her insurance to see if they could help with the cost. They said they don't cover it but confirmed that legally it's her responsibility to deal with what lands in her yard unfortunately.

    Mom was initially crushed as she cannot afford to pay a company to deal with it. She posted on a Facebook group asking for help. She had a stroke of luck: there is a shortage of fencing materials since the storm destroyed just about every fence and people are trying to get them back up before winter, and a total stranger on Facebook offered her $500 for the lot and hauled them away. Win/win - fence panels gone and gave mom enough money to have a company finish her cleanup.

    Well, the neighbor apparently found this Facebook post and has now shown up at Mom's door again demanding $500 saying those were his fence panels she sold. She pointed out that she tried to give them back and he literally put them back on her property and he said that was before he knew they were worth something. He is threatening to sue in small claims.

    Mom is now terrified that she's going to get sued and owe this guy money. Just wondering how likely that is. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/hopelessinhopetown
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    Work wants to make us use a fogger but provides no masks or anything

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Edit:this is in South Carolina. I'm in need of advice. At my job we have these pump pressure spray things. Then we have a back pack fogger. They do the same exact thing except the fogger obviously makes a thick fog. And we fill both with that yellow peroxide cleaner. Well our work is convinced that we should only use the fogger even though 1)we'd need multiple extension cords with a probability of the ground being absolutely soaked. 2)They also do not provide masks which I'm pretty sure is something they could get into trouble with osha. It's being used in gated small field. Is there any way to get them to either let us use the simple sprayers or provide mask when using the fogger. Cause I feel like I'm inhaling more peroxide than it is getting on the Turf.

    submitted by /u/oblivious132
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    Can I be made to take a paternity test and if I’m the father will I be responsible for 7 years of child support in this situation?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Im not sure I picked the right flair. I tried to pick the one that most closely fit.

    So I (m30) recently got contacted by an old college friend, Fiona (f27) who I had been sleeping with on and off during my senior year of college. Found out that she had a son, Sam (m7) after I graduated. He would have been conceived around that time we had been sleeping with each other and honestly Sam does look eerily like me.

    Fiona couldn't get in contact with me at the time (I sort of went off the grid for a couple years after college), but she decided to keep the pregnancy. She and her parents also decided they would legally adopt him, so she could continue with her life how it was and still be in Sams life. I know the adoption is real because she showed me his birth certificate to prove his birthday was what she said it was and both her parents were listed as his mom and dad.

    Fionas dad had some medical issues and passed away years ago and now her mother is also having medical issues. So Fiona will likely have to take full custody of Sam soon.

    So because of that and some money issues Fiona now wants me to pay child support and help out raising him. She says if I don't get involved she will sue me for 7 years of child support which I imagine would be a very substantial amount of money that I cannot afford. I'm not sure I could even afford regular child support payments.

    I'm really not sure how all this works in this situation, so I did set up an appointment later this week with a lawyer, but I'm really nervous and would like some other input sooner. Basically my questions are:

    Would I be responsibly for 7 years of child support?

    Would I be responsible for monthly child support now?

    Would I be responsible for taking care of this child now?

    Can I be compelled to take a paternity test?

    Also we're both in the U.S. but I'm living in California and Fiona is living in Georgia if that changes anything.

    submitted by /u/amirespnsblthrowaway
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    [US/AL] Survivorship not removed from deed after divorce and co-owner died

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    My mother divorced her second husband ~25 years ago. The divorce decree ordered that each of them owned 50% of the house and that survivorship on the deed be removed, and my mother believed her ex-husband when he said he did it. She was given possession of the house to raise their son, and once he came of age she simply continued living there as her ex-husband had long since moved out of state. My mother died a couple of weeks ago, and her ex-husband is now asserting that as the survivorship was never removed, he owns the house free and clear and has already reached out to an investor to sell it to. I became aware of this when the investor called asking to be let in to take photographs. I am fine with involving a lawyer as needed, but I want to be sure I'm not just wasting my money. If the survivorship still being on the deed is all that matters despite the divorce decree ordering it removed, then I don't want to pay thousands for a lawyer just to point at it and tell me I'm out of luck. Can I get a suggestion as to whether this is even worth fighting?

    submitted by /u/http_401
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    My daughter's best friend (M 20) was killed in a car accident on Friday in a head on crash with a city vehicle. The police department won't return his phone and have been pressuring his family for passwords, which they haven't given. Is this legal?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    In Ohio, and the PD has told the family they need it because the crash involved a city vehicle. In addition it seems like they may actually have gained access to his phone, because people have reported that snaps they've sent to his phone have been opened. This is secondary obviously to the question of what the family can do to get his phone back and allow them to grieve without the police pressuring them. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/brav_
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    [VA] Uncle refusing to give back vehicle in my name

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    My grandmother sold me her car earlier this year and it was in possession of my uncle. Bill of sale written, signed, several witnesses at the time. I also have the title. My called my uncle initially and he said give him a few weeks. Several weeks go by and I call again and he requests a few more days. Then he starts ignoring my calls. I have called and called again, left messages, nothing. I'm unsure of how to get my car back, do I file a police report for a stolen car? Is this something I need to take up in civil court?

    Virginia code says

    "Any person who shall take, drive or use any animal, aircraft, vehicle, boat or vessel, not his own, without the consent of the owner thereof and in the absence of the owner, and with intent temporarily to deprive the owner thereof of his possession thereof, without intent to steal the same, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony; provided, however, that if the value of such animal, aircraft, vehicle, boat or vessel shall be less than $200, such person shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The consent of the owner of an animal, aircraft, vehicle, boat or vessel to its taking, driving or using shall not in any case be presumed or implied because of such owner's consent on a previous occasion to the taking, driving or using of such animal, aircraft, vehicle, boat or vessel by the same or a different person. Any person who assists in, or is a party or accessory to, or an accomplice in, any such unauthorized taking, driving or using shall be subject to the same punishment as if he were the principal offender."

    He clearly does not have my permission to keep using the vehicle, he has shown no true Intent of giving it back. I don't necessarily want to bring charges, but I will do anything in my power to get the vehicle back.

    How should I go about getting it back? What happens if the vehicle is unreasonably damaged if I get it back?

    submitted by /u/throwwayy77
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    The retaining wall behind our townhome broke, the HOA got contractors to repair it, during the repairs, due to the lack of the retaining wall, our kitchen flooded and we don't have flood insurance. What should we do?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    For some more context: our townhome is connected to two other units. The retaining wall forms the back wall of all of our properties. One day, the huge wooden retaining wall collapsed on itself, and almost destroyed a part of our home. The HOA hired contractors to remove the wall and replace it with another wall. As a result of the construction, our home had no protection from flooding in case of heavy rain. We were told it would be fine in case of heavy rain.

    One day it rained really hard and our kitchen flooded. The water came up a few inches off the ground and caused some water damage to our flooring and walls. Because our home isn't in a flood plain, we didn't have flood insurance (our home had never been in danger of flooding), and neither did the HOA. State Farm said that the water damage to our home counts as rainwater damage due to flooding, and denied our insurance claim.

    As a result, we have to pay for all the damages out of pocket, but we don't think the damage to our homes was our fault. What can we do?

    Location is Marietta, Georgia, USA

    submitted by /u/TheJuciestPixel
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    The city destroyed my trees and foliage with zero warning, and apparently plans to continue

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    (I am located in Central FL) I feel like I'm going nuts here, I can't sleep so I feel like this is the next step I am going to have to take. I bought a house in August. And apparently this week the city lot next door is being developed. Not entirely a huge deal for me, until I saw they shredded all of my plants on one side of my property, I've had some back and forth with contractors, to which they don't care about this at all and all they said was that they would lay down sod. I have a massive hole next to my driveway where there was an established series of young palm trees, well within my property line. They were out today not even an hour after I told multiple of them I am NOT giving any sort of permission for any of these plants or trees. Then proceed to tell me a large, established oak butting up to the property line, STILL on my side, is going down. I feel so stressed about this and I have to wake up early to attempt to catch the surveyor and have a forester coming out. I just feel so invaded and disregarded and like both me and my property are being entirely disrespected. I'm not sure what to do from here. I cant sleep cause I can't stop thinking about trying to park my car under the tree so they can't cut it down incase they try to before I wake up. At this point I don't even know if anyone is going to listen to me if I try to have them tresspassed

    submitted by /u/imissmyflowers
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    Can my wife's contract hours be legally changed after/due to FMLA/CARES Act?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Edit 1: Location is Houston, Texas

    My wife is a teacher (private school) who's contract hours have always been 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM. With our daughters' public school moving to virtual learning until October 19th, she took leave to care for them while they were at home learning virtually.

    She was just told that when she goes back, she will no longer be a kindergarten teacher, but rather a 3rd grade teacher. This is fine, except that her contract hours are now 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM. She needs to leave at 2:30 to pick our daughters up from school. She will also not receive an increase in pay, despite working longer hours.

    I'm no lawyer, but it seems like she has not been provided with the same or similar job if she is now required to work longer hours at the same pay, which I believe was covered under the CARES Act since she took leave to help kids in virtual school. I plan on setting up a free consultation if/when I can, but in the meantime, I'm curious my instincts could be right? Is there any way to force the school to keep her contract hours the same as before leave? Note that kindergarten teachers at the school are still 8:30 - 2:30; the kids stay longer starting in 2nd grade, I believe.

    submitted by /u/ShortPretzel
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    Doing my own In Forma Pauperis divorce, Judge left a not stating "the facts of [my] deposition are weak".

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    First off I live in Arkansas, and recently got all the paperwork in to get my divorce going. Last week however, I got an email from the judge's assistant saying that "the facts of your deposition are weak". I was just wondering how to right a deposition with strong facts. We are divorcing because we both decided that the marriage was making each of us miserable and I'd rather not put anything in the deposition that disparages her. It's a mutual divorce but Arkansas is a state that requires a stated reason for divorce which I chose "General Indignities that made marriage irreconcilable" or something along those lines.

    Thanks for any help you can give!

    submitted by /u/dappel2007
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    Day 4 of toilet not flushing. 2 weeks now with loud humming in bathroom wall.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    I asked my landlord in my apt complex to take a look at the humming in the wall. He came in and visibily inspected it, said "That's definitely a wierd sound. I'll look into it." Fast forward 2 weeks. The humming is now louder and my toilet won't flush. I called him Saturday and got no response. I texted him Sunday, still no response. He finally messaged back yesterday with 2 very brief messages asking the apt location (I guess because he owns multiple complexs). It is now present time and I still haven't gotten any sort of response indicating a plumber will be sent or anything...

    Is there any thing I can do about this? This seems like negligence at minimum.

    submitted by /u/bobnoxious2
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    Philadelphia, PA abandoned car / private driveway

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    My bf is out of work because of corona and ran into some trouble with getting his car inspected. It ended up getting towed on the same day he renewed his registration. When I looked things up it said that cars could only be towed without notice if the registration AND inspection were out of compliance. He paid to get it back, but because he had to pay that, he couldn't afford to get it fixed and inspected. So it's been parked in his driveway with current registration. He just received a $301 abandoned vehicle ticket. This doesn't seem right to me. Is there anything he can do? He's hopefully going back to work in November, but his place of work hasn't been allowed to open yet, so his income is fixed.

    submitted by /u/TinkerBell3130
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    help! OnlyFans Scammer

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I had a customer on my OnlyFans tip me money for a video call, and now it says "reversed by customer" after he sent me over $600 for multiple calls. I've looked it up and it seems as if he had done a chargeback-- but he got the content and he should have gone through the merchant (me or OF) first. Is there any way I can get that money back or anything I can do?? I've already lost $200 that he tipped me :/

    submitted by /u/jinpark02
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    An odd legal question; my car was shot in a shooting

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Edit 2: I think my post is pretty well answered thanks everyone

    Alright so let me preface by saying I have no idea if this is the right place to post this but I can't think of anywhere else.

    Alright so yesterday evening (long story short) some kids scheduled a fight in the parking lot of my condo, and ended up shooting a bunch. They hit my car twice (that I know of so far) that broke my windshield and put a hole in the roof of my car, and popped one of my tires.

    My insurance only covers liability, I know the condo complex hoa has insurance but I have no idea if that's covered (odd situation), and even if the police caught the people (there was probably 15 of them), I don't think they would end up paying for my car. Can anyone explain how this works with the police and if I am going to have any recourse over fixing the car myself?

    The police gave me a case number, but nothing else. Do I need to follow up on this, is there any point?

    Edit: I'm in IN, United States

    submitted by /u/evanhuttonfc
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    Traded my truck in for a car. Took old plates off truck, put them on new car. Pulled over for failure to stop, arrested for Class 1 misdemeanor and court is tomorrow. Details inside of course.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Hey all, just wanna get a general idea of what too expect.

    So, I was pulled over a few weeks back for failure to make a complete stop at a stop sign. Sure, no problem!

    I immediately told the officer of my concealed carry, and where it was. He went around and grabbed it. I also immediately explained that my plates (I am an ex cop myself, military cop anyway....but still I did run NCIC etc...). I told the sheriff that my plates would come back to my old truck as I had just traded vehicles a month back and had yet to receive the title for my newer vehicle, but showed him the old registration, the current insurance on my new vehicle, and the purchase agreement from the new vehicle.

    I legit had ZERO clue that this was illegal to swap your own plates over. Why? Because years ago I was a car salesman and this was standard practice, however that was in Omaha Nebraska and not South Dakota.

    Anyway, I was so co-operative and polite and straight forward that the deputy himself didn't want to have to arrest me, but stated he was forced too from higher ups. Have to make arrest on a class 1 misdemeanor. Once again, I understand and comply. They tow the car, was told it'd be like 100 to 150 dollars to get the car back. Ended up being 200$ because they had closed and I was in desperate need of access to my car because it had my wallet, my backpack with my laptop in it, and all of my medication I need. Anxiety, blood pressure etc...

    Anyway, the sheriff spoke with who ever sets the bonds, and since I was so damn nice and c-operative they released me on a 0 dollar bond. Self recognizant or what ever it's called.

    Although I couldn't go get my car since it was across town. They kicked me out in the cold with only a T-shirt, as my arresting officer was dealing with a meth head who went to the hospital. He also still had my gun, and my keys. My keys were on the roof of his car FYI. These are keys to a National Park. I would have been up shit creek had he lost those. So I stood around for two hours waiting for him to come back, freezing my ass off, and they wouldn't let me into the building to warm up. I couldn't go straight to a hotel because my wallet, was five miles away in my locked and impounded vehicle. I started walking towards where my car was, or where I thought it would be, so I could see if it was unlocked so I could get my stuff. Then I spotted the sheriff and literally jogged back, about a half mile, so not the end of the world. Caught him pulling out again, and we laughed a bit about it.

    We stood around, and he was very nice to me. Called in to the towing company and got them to release my car, but I had to pay 200$ this time since they were closed. I was able to retrieve my car, take the plates off and then drive it with out plates, as I had already been ticketed for "plate swapping" per the arresting officer. He also gave me a ride so I didn't have too walk. And was shocked to find out I was confined to the county.

    I wasn't allowed to go home until I got permission from the court/sheriff office on Monday morning. I was arrested on a Friday afternoon at around 1730 on my way home, I live in Nebraska. So I was confined to the county, and if I left I would be arrested again. Needless to say I was pissed because other medication I take is at home, because I take them at night. But yet I was still confined to the county, and I live only 10 miles out side the country.

    Anyway, long story short. What can I expect? I have never been in trouble, I have had two speeding tickets in my entire life and I am mid 30s.

    Do I go in early and talk to the prosecutor? Do I plead not guilty? and try to fight it?

    I was never misleading anyone intentionally, I told the officer immediately what the situation was, and how had I was waiting on the title, out of my hands. Had I had just been driving with no plates, it was simple ticket, but since I "plate swapped" that was a major offense. He was even shocked.

    They were my plates. On my car, they just hadn't been registered yet because I had not received the title. That is all, I didn't steal them, I am a federal employee, and I have never been arrested or in trouble in my entire life, outside of two speeding tickets.

    Wanna know the best part? My title arrived the very next day. FML

    Anyway, thanks for reading. Any advice would be fantastic. I am kind of worried, and also broke so I hope I can get this shit dropped or reduced or something.

    Edit: I was charged with Substitute Plates 32-5-103 Definition below

    32-5-103. Trafficking in license plates or decals--Counterfeiting--Unauthorized transfer to another vehicle--Misdemeanor.

    Any person, other than a public official designated by this title to do so, who buys, sells, or deals in the license plates or decals provided by this chapter during the time such license plates or decals are valid, or deals with license plates or decals issued by a foreign state, or counterfeits any such license plate or decal or substitutes any marker, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

    Any person, other than a public official designated by this title to do so, who transfers any registered license plate or decal from the motor vehicle to which it is registered to any other motor vehicle is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

    EDIT 2: At no point was I read my rights, or offered a public defender. I wasn't interogated either, I was just brought in, booked, and released. When I was a cop, every time we arrested someone, we had to sit them down and go over the rights with them and then have them sign them. Even for a DUI.

    submitted by /u/SouthDakotaFuckup
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