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    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    Marketplace Tuesday! (October 13, 2020) Entrepreneur

    Marketplace Tuesday! (October 13, 2020) Entrepreneur

    Marketplace Tuesday! (October 13, 2020)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to post any Jobs that you're looking to fill (including interns), or services you're looking to render to other members.

    We do this to not overflow the subreddit with personal offerings (such logo design, SEO, etc) so please try to limit the offerings to this weekly thread.

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I asked MD of an MNC with 1500 employees about the quality that is becoming rare in people nowadays

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    A while back I asked Nishant Khade, Director of Offshore Engineering Pvt Ltd. who is specially-abled to share a quality that is becoming rare in people.

    Here is what he said,

    " I travelled to 44 cities in the country and realised that most people lack compassion when it comes to helping others in need. People are so busy in their own world that they do not find enough time to wait and extend a helping hand to others. "

    In the quest to become the most demanded or skilled person for a particular sector, we are forgetting the basic qualities which make us human.

    Compassion is what he considers paramount, which is very important to know. Because if you are a good human, you can achieve everything else.

    A very important point to think about!!! Isn't it? As an entrepreneur, what do you have to say about it? Let's have a discussion about it.

    PS: Reference to the post on my platform Goodvitae where he said it - [1]

    submitted by /u/ketanpande
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    Getting laid off at the end of the month and turning it into a positive

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    I've been selling software for the last 5+ years and I've made good money, but I'm completely burned out from working totally remote and making cold calls all day long. I've got an emergency fund to live off of for about 14 months plus a little over $60,000 to invest immediately if necessary. I live in a well populated area in Texas and was curious how to research or brainstorm ideas for how to make an average of ~$250 a day?

    I don't have any professional tech skills like web design or SEO so I'm assuming I'll be best suited for a more hands on or dirty type of service.

    submitted by /u/asdf420yolo
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    I'm 18 and I need to hone in on something specific to educate myself on so I can start making money

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    So I've been reading (nonfiction) for just over a year and I've learned alot. The thing is I have a broad overview of a bunch of things regarding business, social skills, psychology and self-improvement but I'm not knowledgeable on anything specific that I can use to make money. Been thinking I should read a book (or books) on something specific like for example: trading stocks or options os whatever, or running a blog I can hopefully monetize, or building and growing social media accounts, or coding. Even cooking (as have always naturally been pretty good at it) so I can sell food at this market place thingy near us. Basically I need to get educated on some skill that allows me to make money even if just a little bit at the start (I know there aren't any shortcuts in life and building wealth and anything for that matter takes time, that's why I am eager to start as soon as I can) does anyone have any advice or suggestions for me?

    submitted by /u/Ihave2manyquestionss
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    UPDATE: We started manufacturing face masks in Brownsville, Texas. Wish us luck!

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    www.america-care.com I have redesigned the website, unfortunately, I can't go off Wix. I'm thinking of migrating everything to a server with Flask to add more interaction with the potential customers. Some people contacted us and wanted samples of our product, thank y'all, we hope you got your samples on time! I forgot to mention in the first post, we have social media accounts, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We've tried to sell on amazon and eBay but they reject our listings. Also, I approached Walmart to sell online on their market as well as on their physical stores but it seems they're flooded with products from foreign companies. Sam's club is on the same boat. I thought HEB would be easier since they're from Texas too, but apparently they're in the same situation as Walmart. If anyone is in the Rio Grande Valley area and wants to comes to visit us, you are welcome in here!

    Any advice is appreciated. Wish us luck!

    submitted by /u/RedPillOnGear
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    Let me write your product descriptions for free

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    Edit: I have had an overwhelming amount of responses, thank you!

    For now, I have taken on enough projects and will post again soon when I am taking more.

    submitted by /u/TeamThiem
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    Is it a bad idea for me to quit my Web Development job to become an entrepreneur?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    I'm 26 years old, no wife, no kids with $140k in savings, and I make about $50k per year. I have 2 years of experience as a web dev, but I'm considering quitting my job to become an indie hacker or start my own dev company.

    I have a part time job lined up as a web dev tutor, so I'll make like $1000 per month, and then I plan on dedicating the rest of my time, learning technologies and building SAAS platforms. I have several ideas that I want to deploy that I'm confident could become successful, but my current job demands so much of my time and energy that I just want out at this point. I'm also hardly learning anything at my current job.

    I also don't care if I never get married or have kids. It's my dream to be an entrepreneur. I'd honestly be content living off $1000 a month for the rest of my life. I'm debating whether I should quit in May where I get 1000 shares in stocks at my current company, which could be worth $48k+ one day, or maybe even just quitting now because to be honest, sometimes, I dread going to work some days. But I would say 90 percent of the time, I enjoy my job but I just feel unfulfilled. If I leave this job, I'm essentially giving up $220k-$270k over the next four years.

    But it makes me wonder how much more could I make if I actually ran my own business.

    submitted by /u/dragoonhog
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    Clothing Brand Name

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I'm Phoenix Abernathy. I'm 16 and make my own clothing. I'm stuck about what name to sell under. I wanted to use the word "Nudiustertian" or just "Phoenix Abernathy". Do you think that because Nudiustertian is such a unique and rarely seen word that people would have trouble finding my business because of spelling errors, mispronunciation or they couldn't remember the name? Or do you think that since the word is so unique it will grab people's attention and really imprint it into their heads? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/i-got-reddit
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    Contact wholesale on AliExpress? How to contact wholesale?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Hi Guys!

    Im planning on reselling materials that I buy from AliExpress. Is there any way to contact wholesale or the "company"/ supplier of the shop Im buying the materials now so that I can get it cheaper?

    If so how should I do it?

    I tried to google the name of the "brand" that is on the package ( they are mobile batteries), but all I could find was the same shops on AliExpress... pretty much every electric shop sell the same items, same names and brands but I wasnt able to find the supplier where they get it.

    Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/RaidenHUN
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    How to attract recurring customers that buy my services for a long time?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    I have a little business that I do on the side, it doesn't generate huge profits but at times it was a great way to make some extra cash.

    I live in Belgium and I am one of the few that speaks the 2 national languages perfectly (yes, our country is somewhat split and most people don't understand the language of the other community or at least not perfectly.

    Most french speaking people want to learn dutch mainly for job-related reasons, especially if they work in the capital of our country where bilinguism is highly demanded but very few speak both languages correctly.

    At some moments I went to the customers and didn't ask money for the ride to go to their place.

    The demands were varied, some students wanted me to correct their homework and didn't care to learn the language, others wanted an exchange of conversation where I corrected their mistakes and others needed help to prepare for their exams.

    In the end I noticed all people gave up, some after a long cooperation and others after 1 lesson, I know it isn't easy for them to acquire the knowledge and I can't do magic either.

    This time I'm looking for regular customers that I would perhaps teach once a week, I also decided that I'm going to focus on what's easier to plan for me, that is; Online conversation on Skype.or
    Phone conversation (where I call the customer).

    The reasons are simple, it takes zero time to meet-up at a place, so we both gain lots of time and it demands zero preparation from my side (preparing a personalised course for every type of student is no joke).

    That way I could afford to teach for lower prices, before the online switch I teached for 25€/hour which is a normal rate in this field, but if I can attract customers for Online or Phone conversation I am ready to lower the prices because I gain time because I don't go to the customer and I don't have to prepare specific courses, that's a huge gain of time.

    I'm just wondering how I should announce my rates, it would be interesting if "the more the person uses my services, the cheaper I teach", every way I can make the client take more hours would be great.

    I could for example give them a 30 minutes free trial, and after 30 minutes I ask if they want to continue.

    The hour should then be paid by bank transfer or PayPal after the course (there is of course a risk that I don't get paid but I guess I have to take that risk).

    Instead of asking 25€/hour for about any task I would be ready to ask 15€/hour considering all the time I gain because of not driving somewhere and zero preparation needed.

    15€ would then be a bargain for them and still be acceptable for me, now I ask myself how to be sure they'll be returning customers, maybe by asking them to engage in at least 1 course a week for that price?

    I could also make another ad for homework corrections etc.. but with another username and rate otherwise it would get too confusing.

    submitted by /u/Pierrlebe
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    Top 5 ways people advertise on /r/entreprenship without you flagging it as spam

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    /r/entrepreneur is full of consumers, investors, business owners, and people who can help you with your business. Naturally, you'll want to tell this community about your business as there is surely someone here who has the potential to push your business forward. Name dropping, however, is essentially prohibited on /r/entrepreneur. Doing this with little context will get your comments/posts deleted and might earn you a ban. Despite this, some people are clever enough to work around the rules. Their posts are thinly veiled attempts at advertising their businesses and yet, they sometimes get hundreds of upvotes.

    For your benefit and entertainment, I've compiled the top 5 ways people advertise their business on this sub while flying under the radar.

    1) The sob story

    People write a post that focuses on the failures of their business. They tell people what they've tried, where they've failed, and how they're about to give up despite the fact that they've got the best product in the world (as per them). People will offfer encouraging words, advice, and some clicks to the site that the OP has linked.

    2) The long post

    It seems that posts that are over 10,000 words are somehow exempt from the 'no self promition' rule on this sub. The first 5,000 words are generally enough to bore those who would normally flag content as spam. At the end of the post, the OP will discretely plug his or her business and provide a link to it's website.

    3) The multiple businesses

    The OP will plug multiple related businesses in a post. Since the post isn't focused on one business, it's assumed that the OP isn't promoting anything.

    4) The switcheroo

    If OP wants to market to the community, he or she may pretend that they want to give something to the community rather than take something from it (i.e. money, clicks, etc). For example, someone may say that they are looking to partner with X type of individual and has reached out to the group with this opportunity.

    5) The commenter

    Using a throwaway account, the OP may post a question about a problem that his or her business solves. With a corporate account (or another throw away), the OP will swoop in and reply with an answer and a link to their site. Posts are less likely to be marked as spam and OP looks like a hero as he/she is providing solutions rather than unsolicited spam.

    Have a great day!

    submitted by /u/pagesmack
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    Web usage was growing at 2300 per year ~ Jeff Bezos

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    The Jeff Bezos interview is interesting, the fact that web usage was growing at 2300 per year was a telling sign that there is an incredible business opportunity to be made here. There was fertile market growing very fast. It was for entrepreneurs to plant their seed.


    What markets are we seeing incredible growth today?

    submitted by /u/w_ayne_
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    Built Chrome extension to add notes/comments to web pages. Ideas for use cases?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Friend and I built a Chrome extension that enables you to add notes/comments to any web page (and do so together with your teams/friends). Idea originated from the desire to help companies manage information and preserve context/conversations/information about a web page on the web page itself so it is easy to find and never gets lost.

    We haven't seen this use case resonate much with potential customers. We believe this is primarily because, though not great for long term preservation/documentation of information, Slack is pretty good for conversations and thus likely the best spot for most communication to take place in (including that about web pages).

    Are there any use cases you think this tool would be particularly useful for? Separately, if you think this tool could be useful for you/your team/group of friends and are interested in trying it out, let us know - we are happy to get you set up with it.

    submitted by /u/benitocamelas
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    What's a perfect resource to learn scaling and management?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've been working towards my business for a while now and understand that the hardest part is scaling your efforts.

    Finding the right people, then making them stay, getting the best out of them, and keeping the business independent of you (essentially setting up systems and processes).

    I would really appreciate if you guys can share something to help a fellow starter get out of this dilemma!

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/ninadpathak
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    Feedback on sustainable newsletter idea

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    I'm looking for feedback on a project I started recently.

    A few weeks ago I started a free newsletter called Sustained Growth, which breaks down sustainable business trends and cool up-and-coming companies. The idea was born out of my frustration that many people still see sustainability and commercial success as mutually exclusive, which is not the case. One article per week, straight to you inbox. Links to example articles in the comments for those interested (don't want to spam).

    Not trying self promote here, but rather gauge people's opinion on the idea before deciding whether to ramp it up. I feel this is a great community to gain feedback from because i) entrepreneurs fit my target audience, and ii) some of you may have experience running similar newsletters/blogs:

    - Would this (free) newsletter be something you would subscribe to? If not, why?

    - If so, are there any particular topics would you like to see featured? Any particular companies?

    - Do you currently subscribe to any similar publications?

    Thank you in advance - and any other constructive feedback that you could offer would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/LBerg_SG
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    How do you handle customs, duties and taxes? (Dropshipping)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    I wonder if someone could explain how they personally handle customs, duties and taxes when they dropship to different countries. It's an area that I'm struggling to find comprehensive information on but I'm aware it could set me back if I don't fully know what I'm getting myself into.

    submitted by /u/olmyster911
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    Fundraising Tips

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    If you are working with investors, I recorded a conversation with a veteran CEO that had two big takeaways for me.

    1. Who is your lead?? Finding a lead investor is the most important thing during fundraising.
    2. Traction is a substitute for track record.

    Happy to provide the link to conversation if anyone is interested. Trying to be careful not to violate self-promotion rules.

    submitted by /u/tom_at_blacksmith
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    In search of investor

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    Recently I have been given an opportunity to takeover a 30 year old business from a retiring couple. This business has been very successful and has the option of growing even further.

    Currently, the business is generating a yearly revenue of over 250k, even reaching over 300k over the last three years. While so, also achieving just over 50k in profits each year.

    As of now, I am searching for an investor willing to help with the financial toll of anywhere between 20-40k (which can be further discussed if interested) to gain a portion of the companies stock.

    As of now everything is ready to go, and all that is needed is for me to purchase the existing stock and equipment withing the premises which is where the 20-40k is being requested.

    If you would like more information feel free to PM me.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Mysterious_Zeith
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    Best books for customer service training?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    I'm looking for resources that are less theoretical, and more hands on, in a shop setting. Anything that focuses on how to do things the right way in specific situations, how to effectively manage Karens/Tuckers, etc. would be great.

    submitted by /u/chriseastvedt
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    How much accounting do I need to know to run an ecommerce business?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    Do I need to understand accounting in depth or just learn bookkeeping? What are some good resources to learn what I need to know?

    submitted by /u/cinnabun8145
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    Where can I get feedback for my product?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    I know it's a silly question but I've just joined my friend in helping him develop a web application that helps people filter out negativity/inappropriate content from social media (here).

    We need feedback but are unsure of how we can get it. The obvious answer is just to launch the product to our target customers, however we feel that we're a bit embarrassed by the product's design and we're nervous about the idea of creating a bad first impression for our product.

    Do you think we're overthinking things? If not, then is there some sort of web service/website that you can pay for product testers?

    Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/bigpappabelly
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    First Time Large Deal

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I am a student in the UK and have a one time deal going through worth at most- £10,000. I do not have a registered company but I am interested to know how I should handle this. I feel like I need to do more than simply accepting a bank transfer? How can I draw up proof of transaction etc. without any form of registered company. Also I presume, even though £10,000 would not be profit, this would all contribute to my personal income allowance for the year? Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/csid1234
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    How to expand a traditional Wholesale Business?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Particularly a traditional brick-and-mortar wholesale store?It seems that both the producers and retailers have a lot of opportunities, but not the wholesalers.Location is a limiting factor. A major metropolitan city has a wholesaler of a particular product and oftentimes that would be his/her area of operations.

    Do you have any tips, experience or know of any good cases?Or maybe could help gain a new perspective on the subject?Would be curious to hear!

    In my particular case, my family has a traditional brick-and-mortar wholesale shop, specialising in all kinds of women's underwear (are we in a sexy business?). The big brands are taking the market, so I want to somehow help my mother. As above, it seems that the potential market is within a certain radius. Going into retail or online isn't really possible. Our market is mainly small shop owners in little towns, where the big brands are not interested in growing sales. Are we basically in a very constrained market?

    Many thanks for all your input!

    submitted by /u/egg_zolt
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    Checklist creation and management SaaS

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    We have developed a checklist management software. One can create recurring (monthly, quarterly & yearly) and non-recurring checklist and manage them. Within each checklist, you can add scheduler (Email, SMS and automated Call scheduler), upload and download widgets. We can add more widgets anytime as per the requirements.

    You can manage all the checklist created by adding the labels, filtering them by labels, filtering them by team member who is working on that checklist and much more.

    We developed this for one vertical and we are getting good response. I feel that this product can be used in Real Estate with some tweaks to manage leads, documents, etc. And can be sell as a SaaS product.

    I am looking for someone domain expert in real estate, who can consult and advise us to tweak the product as per the industry requirements. Take the first version to market and then go on iterating the product as we receive the feedback. He can be Domain Knowledge Partner.

    If interested, please DM me and I should send you the product link.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/mahavirjain
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    Do I need a co-founder?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I have been working on a venture since April in the B2B 'Learning and Development' space.

    We have won some traction, but it has become clear the real demand was coming from a slightly iterated version of our model.

    I work in sales, and I am certain this is something I could sell.

    My co-founder, who I work brilliantly with, is less interested in changing course and would rather start another venture from scratch.

    This strikes me as falling at the first hurdle, but I value her expertise and the fact she brought a complementary skillset to the table (she is detail/process orientated when I am more 'big picture').

    Do I try and forge ahead alone, or find a co-founder to support my skillset?

    submitted by /u/Elephant-and-Castle
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