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    Saturday, October 17, 2020

    I just want to tell him, “stop applying! You sound like a pain in the butt to work with...” Entrepreneur

    I just want to tell him, “stop applying! You sound like a pain in the butt to work with...” Entrepreneur

    I just want to tell him, “stop applying! You sound like a pain in the butt to work with...”

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    This guy keeps applying for positions at my business. We have multiple positions open and he does have a relevant degree. But... he's not for us. All postings say do not call or text. He texts before I even see his resume: "Hi. I'm David. I have this, this and this. Due to my extensive, deep knowledge and experience, I expect the full $70/hour. I can only work remotely, expect a full schedule to my availability, and first choice on clients. What are the next steps?" I usually just pass over applications I'm not interested in but... he keeps popping up! So I have told him he's not a good fit... I don't think he gets it. really... I just want to say "you sound like a pain in the butt."

    submitted by /u/DuchessCDM
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    All "Entrepreneur/Hustle" online communities do more harm than good.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    Now, don't get wrong, I've posted here a lot. It's nice sometimes having people post questions and I realize I see something they might not be considering, and I get to provide insight that's otherwise useless to 99% of the people I know in real life. It can be nice feeling like we're all in this together, just trying to make a buck or two. It's exciting seeing all the odd and quirky ways some random people managed to make $10,000 in a couple of months. Stuff you swear you could have done if you were just opportunistic enough.

    However, that's just the surface of what these communities really are. It's what they're envisioned to be: places for entrepreneurs to support entrepreneurs.

    Except it hardly ever is.

    Having frequented this and several other "communities" for the past few years, I look back and realize just how unhealthy it has been on my own professional journey. Let's run through a few reasons why.

    First - they're not helpful. Just aren't. You come in hoping to ask a question about something super specific you've been dealing with, and either you get 1-2 comment replies or a deluge of useless quips about things that don't address your core problem. It's not even the responding people's fault all the time - it's often that if the OP knew how to very clearly articulate the problem and ALL of the variables related to it, they'd just answer their own question.

    Second - more often than not you're actually the customer not the community member. This takes multiple forms, but it always involves you being tricked into thinking it's not the case. They post completely vapid and useless guides that somehow get upvoted 200+ times. Stuff that doesn't help anybody in particular, but it does sound like a neat no-nonsense business write up. "But how am I a customer? They didn't even link to anything!" Well, were you one of the several people that clicked their username and ended up on their site through that? Maybe, maybe not. But there's always a site in the background somewhere. And on that site, their goal is to give advise to you and make you their customer. Buy their guide.

    Or, and I've seen this one a lot - they post a website asking for commentary. But the website happens to be extremely targeted towards the business management community. Graphic design, coding, app design, SEO, a CRM tool, a sales funneling tool, etc.. They're not really looking for advice. They want some free highly-targeted clicks. They want the "wow, neat, I could probably use this for ____" to happen.

    And it's really hard for us to prove, verifiably, that something is actually just self promotion. So it will always be around.

    Third - the legitimate advise is rarely actionable in your specific situation. No it doesn't matter what a power washer does to drum up return business when you've got a cash flow issue at your graphic design firm. No, what one person does for their SEO won't translate very well to what you need. Yes, there are some universal concepts in businesses, but those can be boiled down into a quick checklist. The rest is super nuanced shit that only applies in your very specific scenario.

    Fourth - and finally, the most egregious problem: You feel like you're somehow doing something good. Like you're making progress by reading about all the cool businessy stuff people are doing. It's like living vicariously through the success of others. You'll feel like a LOT more is happening than really is with your venture. But don't be fooled. Posting/reading forums counts for 0% progress towards your goals. You'd be better off actually relaxing with a video game or reading a book or looking at memes and videos than reading business advice or asking questions that are better suited for a simple google search.

    Even me - this post is a colossal waste of time that could be better spent actually doing something. But I genuinely feel some people in here simply need to hear it.. And I also just feel like I need to say it so I can try and take my own advice and get on with actually making progress.

    Believe me when I say, I know a lot of business owners and CEOs in real life. Not one of them spends any percentage of their time hanging around online entrepreneur subreddits or forums or joining random whatsapp groups with "likeminded 18 year old hustlers". Sure they might not be the next innovative app designers, but they're making money just fine, living life, and not worrying about the bullshit problems of every other business owner on the internet.

    So before you get trapped and watch a year of inaction pass you by, look up from the computer/phone. Step away from the talking-about-talking communities. If you want to read about the journeys of other business owners, head on down to Barns n Noble.

    Just don't waste all your time - Focus on ACTION and yourself for a while.

    submitted by /u/effyochicken
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    Does anybody else feel extremely incompetent

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    I have a friend who's a data scientist for a major tech company. He knows so much about finance, analytics, entrepreneurship, funding, etc that I (a college dropout) feel massively incompetent after talking to him.

    I've been preparing to launch my own business, but I have a lot of doubts about my knowledge and ability. Do you relate? And how do you overcome that feeling?

    submitted by /u/JihoonsMom
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    Startup Help

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is the right place to make this post, but I've been looking for ways to start making money and I decided I'd try to get some outside advice first.

    While I don't really have any prior experience, I've recently become interested in the idea of building my own source(s) of income. I've been doing a lot of thinking/research lately, and I just don't think I have the mindset for being tied down to a 9-5 job in my future. My passions/hobbies include music, gaming, writing, and I'm also very interested in the prospect of starting a media company, as in podcasting and video creating.

    The thing is, I'm a complete novice in the realm of business and even finance in general. If anyone has any ideas on what would be smart ways to start going down this path, or at the very least, if anyone could point me to where I could find more advice on this subject, I would love to hear it. I'm still really young, I only just started college, so I figured it is wise to start thinking about these things now. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/BenjiMac24
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    I found a manufacturer, but I don't know how to sell

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    I found a really niche item (on Aliexpress) I wanted to brand and sell through a shopify through dropshipping. However the item itself has a lot of cons, so I decided to talk to the manufacturer if changes can be applied. He seemed very opened to ideas and is already working with custom items with other brands.

    Now, since dropshipping is no longer an option, how do I approach this type of online sales? Does anyone have any experience with something similar?

    submitted by /u/baychev
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    PSA for Entrepreneurs not making enough sales

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Many, many, many online entrepreneurs are failing at email marketing - are you one of them?

    I've been a part of this community for quite some time now. Many of your simply suck at closing sales and for your business to thrive - you need to make sales.

    IMHO, you need to drastically improve your email marketing game.

    1. Build your audience and cultivate trust

    If you're not offering honest value in return for your users' email addresses - you're leaving a lot of cash on the table. To build your audience, you have to first give value. Offer a free eBook, podcast, video, infographic, workout guide... whatever it is you're selling, make a free version and give it away - in return for your users' email address.

    Once you begin to build an audience of people with an interest in your niche... give more value.

    By building a relationship and cultivating trust. Without trust, you'll never ever, ever turn a prospect into an avid fan and your "business" will fail. I've been there. It sucks.

    2. Tell a story

    Thousands of stories have been passed down from generation to generation for millennia. The entertainment industry is worth BILLIONS of dollars. The world's biggest religions are built with stories at their core.


    Because stories build relationship, emotion and trust. Humans are hard-wired to gravitate towards incredible storytellers. By telling personal stories, you will inevitably build trust and relationships with your prospects and you will convert a large portion into paying and AVID fans of yours.

    3. Problems pay your bills

    By solving problems, you will pay your bills - and then some. Without solving a problem, your product or service will not be bought. To the person in pain, a vitamin is a waste. To the person in pain, a painkiller is a no brainer. Make sure you are crafting your product to be a major painkiller for your customers.

    Having built trust and a relationship with your prospects, via email, you are destined for success. Your words will matter. Your trustworthiness will pay dividends. You will make sales and you will succeed when you give value and build trust.

    4. Close with URGENCY

    Finally, you must close with URGENCY. Without urgency, you won't be motivated to do anything - and neither will your customers. You will simply "put it off" for another day and perhaps forget. If your customers do this, you will be left feeling exhausted and deflated. You won't get any sales and you will likely give up.

    HOW I hear you cry, do you create urgency?

    Well, everybody has their own method, but here's a good place to get started:

    • Day 1 - Give free value (eBook, podcast, video, workout plan etc.)
    • Day 2 - Tell a personal story about how you once faced the same problems your customers are likely to have.
    • Day 3 - Build excitement and tell you audience about a product you are about to "launch"
    • Day 4 - Tell your audience the "launch date" is tomorrow but you offer an early bird discount of say 10% if you buy today
    • Day 5 - The big launch date! Tell your audience where to go to buy your product
    • Day 6 - Remind your audience to go buy your product, your offer disappears forever on day 8
    • Day 7 - Tomorrow is the deadline. Your audience can't buy your product once your launch finishes.
    • Day 8 - Final chance to buy your product
    • Day 8, an hour before closing - Give your audience that "The train is leaving the station" feeling
    • Day 9 - Tell your audience that they have missed the opportunity to buy your product

    Day 9 is SUPER important for any future launches you do. The people in your audience who "left it too late" won't be so quick to do that next time around.

    Final thoughts

    Be clear. Be professional. Be honest. Nobody is ever born a marketing genius and you don't have to feel as though you suck just because you "only" made a sale or two. You need to celebrate your successes. You need to remember your mistakes. But above all else, build trust.

    Disclaimer: I do offer my services as a Fiverr freelancer if you want to make your email marketing easy and profitable - just shoot me a PM.

    submitted by /u/bananatoastie
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    Opportunity to grow 50x tomorrow, but no clue how to take advantage of this oppurtunity.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    A bit click baity, but damn near true. I am a one man team with little resources. I have grown my little company nicely over the last 4 years, and have come out of Covid ready to expand soon, but I now have an opportunity for nearly unlimited locations with favorable terms. I barely have enough cash to open my 2nd location next month and I am finally training my first manager. How the hell could I ever pull off even 1/4 of this opportunity?

    ** Edit - This is a Brick and Mortar entertainment biz**

    **2nd Edit for more info - As far as money, all normal avenues have been exhausted getting to where I am now which is awesome. I am very happy where I am, but I would be an idiot for not atleast looking into other options for this.

    submitted by /u/NewbieMcRedditson
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    Early Stage coaches and consultants market research

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Hi guys I'm looking to talk to some early stage coaches or consultants purely for market research, no sales pitch I promise. If your happy to have a informal chat please let me know in the comments and I'll send you a message to arrange. Thanks 😊

    submitted by /u/divyagib
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    Do you do email marketing for product advertisements?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    I hear people advertise on banner ads or social media but what about email advertisement of retail products (like clothing)?

    Is it a thing?

    submitted by /u/azhan15
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    Did you become an entrepreneur cause u had an idea? or you are an entrepreneur that came up with an idea?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    The title might sound confusing. So I'll explain what I mean by this question.

    Did you end up being an entrepreneur because one day an idea or opportunity came to you and you said I wonder If I can make this work, and subsequently you became an entrepreneur?


    You already had decided that you wanted to be an entrepreneur and then started brainstorming ideas and then found the right one for you?

    submitted by /u/don-p1etro
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    What are you working on this weekend?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Name of the project with description, Stack used, Country where you are working, Country where your users are

    submitted by /u/danonino80
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    Seeking to sell my business

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    I've been running a business on Amazon that has grown to about $5500 CAD in profit per month, almost fully automated. The business also has its own storefront website but 99% of the business comes from Amazon.

    I feel like it has come for me to sell it as I want to use the lump sum I receive to move on to other things and I need guidance as to where to find buyers for it and what that process would look like- how would I give them details of the business without giving them the magic formula that they could just set up their own shop and compete with me.

    Second part of the equation is that these are regulated products (HAZMAT), would that increase the price of the business as the barrier to entry for competitors is higher than something like a selfie stick or would it decrease the price of the business as it's an extra bureaucratic hurdle? And what sort of price multiple can I expect at $5500/month?

    submitted by /u/pacman385
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    Brand Name ideas?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    I'm starting a service arbitrage business around graphic design focusing on the real estate market. I initially thought of the brand StudioZero. It sounds edgy but I don't know if it will appeal to the real estate market? I like studio zero ad a general independent design studio with no niche in mind, but from my understanding I should focus on a niche and dominate it. Thoughts? TY!!

    submitted by /u/dak1b2006
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    Super Soft T-shirts

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    I'm looking for super soft T-shirt bulk companies. I've got a logo I want on a t-shirt to sell as well as my business sales, but I want it to be super soft. Companies that do other stuff(hoodies, stickers, masks, etc) and do out of the ordinary work (glow in the dark, tie dye, etc) I would be interested in as well. Thank you! ☺️

    submitted by /u/DragonGamerBL
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    Any ideas ?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I'm 18 and I was looking for a business model that wouldn't require any capital I could work on for alittle until I have enough capital to work on a more profitable business

    submitted by /u/donedone124
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    Alternatives to Facebook for older female audience?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    My main customers are 50+ women (in the UK), I've been using FB ads pretty successfully however have hit a stump when trying to think of other potential channels, Adwords doesn't really work too well (very expensive CPA) and Bing has too low traffic. Anybody on here with similar experience have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/charliegv
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    Ramon Abbos's only mistake was not knowing when to stop.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    If you don't know who Ramon Abbos is, google him. Basically he is a "real estate mogul" who got all of his money by robbing real estate firms blind.

    So, here is why Ramon Abbos got caught. His business didn't really exist, and he got his money coming from a sort of welfare state mentality. What he should have done were 8 good robberies and used it to purchase up real estate, and then use that money to cycle through more and more flips until he had his own firm.

    He probably could have had the same exact result, but he was lazy and useless and his only skill was scamming people.

    If you're going to rob people, do it to raise capital, know when to stop and then make your operation happen for fucks sake.

    Now, am I endorsing robbery and theft? NO.

    But if you gotta raise capital, do what you gotta do.

    submitted by /u/Rough_Rate_6849
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    Is there any expert in exporting Agroforestry goods?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Hi. I'm starting up my new exporting B2B business mainly in agroforestry goods produced/harvested in Asia. But there are so many options and products. This COVID-19 is such a risky situation so I want to be careful in choosing the right products that would have high chance of having buyers. Does anyone could help me to get some ideas of what products might be the best to start and which market might interested. Thank in advance.

    submitted by /u/Naterito
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    I Built New Habits by Taking Advantage of Existing Ones

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    It's no secret that habit building can be hard. I'm constantly experimenting with ways to make adoption of better habits a little more seamless for myself. And then, I was introduced to a concept called habit stacking.

    Habit Stacking follows the principle that it's always easier to practice new habits by attaching them to the tail-end of an existing one. This is formula that you have to bear in mind:

    After [CURRENT HABIT],

    I will [NEW Habit]

    You're essentially taking your willpower out of the equation by following a routine of practices, and can even have stacks on top of stack, If you prefer. It leveraged the power of using a routine to add on new habits and follow it through muscle memory. For example:

    After I wake up in the morning, I meditate for 15 minute.

    After I meditate for 15 minutes, I workout for an hour.

    After I workout for an hour, I handle email and other tasks.

    This has even been discussed by James Clear in his bestseller Atomic Habits and explains that this is a great way of tapping into the way that our neurons and brain in programmed. I explain this in depth here with examples - https://youtu.be/7yTQPPW3cQE. Hopefully the habit stack might be the answer that you're looking for if you want to build habits that you can stick to.

    submitted by /u/BladeV-Cash
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    Car Maintenance Subscription Service

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    I just thought of this business idea, and am wondering what you guys think of it. The main premise of the business is pretty obvious by the title. Essentially, I want to make a business surrounding an at-home car maintenance subscription. Everything would be done over app/website (I have a background in tech so I can do this myself). Customers would simply register in the app or website, and pay a flat fee per month. With this, they would get monthly checkups, where car technicians would come to their car, do everything needed, and simply leave. Theres no need for the customer to do/say anything as everything is logged onto the company database for the customer to see and/or approve. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/UpperVaca
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    Buying a company car

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Im looking to buy my first truck ( pickup) for my Company and not quite sure how to do this which channels to follow im in montreal canada if that helps

    submitted by /u/younggodless
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    Looking for feedback on a movie recommendation site I helped build - import Netflix or IMDB and get instant recommendations that don't just push their originals

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:53 PM PDT


    I helped build Autum because we were frustrated that services either promoted their originals too much or just didn't have good personalized recommendations. We just launched today so check it out and let me know what you think! There are a lot of movie and tv recommendation sites out there so we tried to do something a little different.

    On Autum you can:

    • Import your Netflix and IMDB data with a chrome extension (more services coming soon)
    • Or Pick from a selection of titles to jump start your experience
    • Filter by the streaming services you subscribe to (or share!)
    • Toggle between a few different recommendation types

    We view our tools as helping YOU pull in your data, so you control it, so you can export your data at any time with the click of a button, and delete it from our servers just as fast.

    Really looking forward to your feedback and happy watching!

    submitted by /u/amccaleb
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    Recommendations for finding a developer?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    It will be fora chrome extension and a aggregator website.

    submitted by /u/sfsdc
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