• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    Stocks - You have to put all your money into 5 stocks and hold it for 10 years, what are you buying and why?

    Stocks - You have to put all your money into 5 stocks and hold it for 10 years, what are you buying and why?

    You have to put all your money into 5 stocks and hold it for 10 years, what are you buying and why?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    It's Sunday so gonna make some discussion. On Monday you have to liquidate everything and put all your money equally into 5 stocks and can't sell or buy any new stocks for 10 years. What are you buying?

    Hard mode: no ETFs

    Harder mode: explain your answers

    submitted by /u/7thAccountDontDelete
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    is r/stocks to be protected?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    Bloomberg claimed that r/stocks is a primary source of information for wallstreet.

    If this is the case - and Bloomberg, by publishing it, made r/stocks more important - it is to be expected, that influencers and other groups of interest will try to use r/stocks as a marketing platform for mediocre investments to be hyped.

    Is this seen to be seen as a long term danger to the value of r/stocks or did it happen all the time, and there is nothing to fear about and no action required. Whats your opinion?

    submitted by /u/asciimo71
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    Lost track of some stocks 30 years ago. How do I get them back?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Bought some Coca-Cola stocks for my brother as a gift when we were kids. They were sending dividend checks to our house for a couple years and then the family split up and we all moved to different parts of the country (Canada). I lost track of the stock certificates 20 years ago. Does anyone know the best way to get the stock info updated so that I can either get the dividends or sell them?

    submitted by /u/Zomblovr
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    J.P. Morgan Chase is Being Subsidized by the Government, So After Booking $14 Billion in Trading Revenue During America's Worst GDP Quarter in its 244 Year History, Is It Finally Time That They Start Sharing Some of These Profits..?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    In the 2nd quarter of 2020, JPM shocked the market by posting record trading revenue. Yes, record, like never before had the bank ever posted that much revenue from trading in its entire operating history!

    Way to go JP!!

    But in the midst of a global pandemic and an economic shutdown of the likes the world had never seen, how is it even possible for any company, in any sector for that matter, to be breaking performance records? 2nd quarter 2020 was quite literally the worst GDP quarter in American history, and up to 95% of the country was under some form of a lockdown order. At the time, analysts were even going so far as to compare the unemployment rate to what was seen during not just the Great Recession, but the Great Depression itself!

    How is that possible?!

    Well, JPM isn't just your average company. They enjoy a unique, and exclusive relationship with the FRBNY, where, in addition to the right to borrow exorbitant sums of money at bargain level interest rates that practically nobody else has access to, the mega-bank also gets to act as the second largest shareholder of its respective district bank, giving the bank direct influence over who sits on the board of its federal reserve branch, which in the case of JPM, is the FRBNY, the largest CB branch in America, representing 55% of all CB banking assets in the country! Read more

    But here's an even better question, one that most people are probably secretly wondering to themselves, but few usually care enough ask..

    Is this even fair?

    Technically those profits were the direct result of unprecedented central bank stimulus programs, so why should JPM's shareholders be allowed to collect such massive government subsidized profit without being obligated to give any of this money back? $14 billion is a huge sum of money to be making while the rest of the world suffers. Shouldn't there be some kind of cap, or limit put into place for situations just like this? It's not they're doing anything spectacular with these government subsidized profits anyways, evidenced in a recent report from Bloomberg which showed that starting in 2017, the 4 largest banks returned $1.26 to shareholders over a period of 3 years for every $1.00 that they earned in net income — either in the form of share buybacks or dividends.

    The federal reserve act requires that excess profits earned through the collection of interest on loans are to be returned back to the federal government, so maybe it's time that we start applying a similar approach to these mega-banks, and finally begin forcing these TBTF financial institutions to share some of these monstrous profits with the general public.

    Is that really so much to ask at this point?

    On top of all of this, lawsuits have even revealed that in addition to being granted the right to collect such mind-boggling government subsidized profits without having to give any of this money back, these massive corporations are also working together behind closed doors under the guise of front organizations for the purpose of conspiring to block competition. Yes, they will even go so far as to band together to block companies from accessing key financial services — the very same financial services that are technically only available through them..

    Yes, so even if you do — somehow, someway — manage to get your foot in the door at this exclusive, secret club, apparently it doesn't even matter what you have to offer sometimes, because they may just wake up on the wrong side of the bed one day and just decide to block you anyways!!

    Go figure!

    But of course, if it ever comes to the point where one of these massive, gov subsidized multi-national banking organizations believes that it is more profitable to simply rip you off rather than do their jobs and take actual risk, have fun trying to sue them for the damages. Just ask $COOP investors how long they've been waiting on their settlement. Or better yet, the teams of high powered lawyers that allegedly meet in secret on an annualized basis to devise schemes so they can combat all of the pissed off companies and people that are constantly filing lawsuits against them!

    Yes, they get together in secret — their lawyers — so you can rest assured that the chances of you being treated fairly are most likely slim to none, especially if you happen to be unfortunate enough to be one of their customers, because if that's the case, then expect to be automatically stripped of the right to a fair trial, forced into mandatory arbitration, and assessed by FINRA — the self-regulator that they openly admit to owning and controlling.

    You can't make this stuff up!!

    One could even go so far as to argue that it is these very relationships that are providing the foundation for the alarming gap between the rich and the poor in the United States. If a small handful of entrenched financial institutions can just simply, at the wave of a wand, subsidize their margins, and their losses, at what point do they cease to be simply 'private corporations', and more like extensions of government.

    submitted by /u/interestingstuff6
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    Almost 60, unemployed what funds to put money into for 10 years until retirement UK based

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Ta account. I need advice for my parent. She's currently unemployed but has been long term unemployed due to redundancy then (and still) studying I feel like she's been studying my whole life has two degrees already but whatever. I have tried to get her to find work but she wants a very specific job

    To the point unemployed and I believe she has minimal savings what fund can I suggest she regularly put the extra money she does have?

    I am planning to convince her to set up an account at Christmas and one of my gifts would be a lump sum to the investment account.


    submitted by /u/AKneesNotOkay
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    Looking for growth stocks

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I have been looking for days for some good growth stocks but I can't find one that I truly like so I'd like to know your thoughts. If you would have to choose only one growth stock to keep for a lifetime, what would it be and why?

    submitted by /u/gatretor
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    Weekend holds

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Can you see stock price changes over the weekend? And if not, how does one determine whether to hold a stock over the weekends or not. Also how do you know to sell it on Monday first hour or to hold it?

    submitted by /u/NimbleTortle
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    How big part of Microsofts business is Xbox?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    I believe the Xbox will take major market shares from playstaition this generation if Sony doesn't up their game with their PSNow service.
    However is that enough to justify buying Microsoft? If it's over 25% of their business I'd say yes but iam not sure otherwise. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/denzo81
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    Miner $VALE in talks with $TSLA

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Miner Vale in talks with Tesla, EV sector for Canada nickel: executive

    We might see a huge spike like $PLL (Piedmont Lithium) if TSLA actually awarded VALE a huge contract!


    submitted by /u/WallStreetPharmD
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    Does market really expect stimulus to come?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    I have seen enough politics and stock market cycle in my lifetime to realize when they try to sell BS to the public.

    I'm not claiming to be an expert, but wanted to share my thoughts as a commoner. Disclaimer: I hate politics influencing the market but here we are.

    Why I think stimulus may not be coming- With the last stretch of elections, democrats are not going to give Trump any reason to rejuvenate his base and support. We all know if stimulus is negotiated he is going to celebrate as win and print his face on every single checks which simply is not a good strategy so close to elections for his opposition.

    Meanwhile Republicans will do anything in their power to make sure their supreme court nominee is appointed. This will be their only priority before the elections not stimulus.

    However news about both parties will continue their "talks and negotiations" will continue to drive market optimism. Both parties will agree to this arrangement for as long as they can.

    With the holiday season coming up, I think travel industry will see an increased traffic and public confidence will improve especially if Trump has successfully recovered with no adverse effects to special cocktails of drugs formulated by Regeneron. Covid vaccine delivery timeline will also generate optimism.

    How will market react? I have no idea, probably best to have a strategy in place to minimize your risk if it falls drastically. I think the market will recover post election ( no matter who wins), if and only if covid cases do not increase. Below is the link of market performance under all past presidents.


    If your stock portfolio hinges on arrival on stimulus , I would advise to proceed with caution.

    submitted by /u/Mrdwight101
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    Here is my 100% ETF Portfolio - Good, Bad, any thoughts please?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    ETF Percentage Category

    VOO 25% Entire Market

    QQQ 15% Top 100 NASDAQ

    VGT 10% Tech

    XLV 10% Healthcare

    XLY 10% Consumer Disc.

    VUG 10% Growth

    ICLN 5% Clean Energy

    XLC 5% Communica tion

    SOXX 5% Semiconductors

    SKYY 5% Cloud Computing

    submitted by /u/Himaonlinestore
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    Momentus (MNTS) is going public

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    New to trading, but was wondering what generally happens when a company goes public like this.

    Is it a mad rush from the bell on the first available day to buy stock and is it generally a good idea to get in as quickly as possible if you like the company?

    Also, how do you know what the shares will be priced at?

    submitted by /u/ajollygoodyarn
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    Question about selling covered calls

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Sorry but i'm very new to this strategy and have been watching youtube vids to get an understanding of this, which explains the general idea very well.... but doesn't answer very specific "what if" questions that pop up while watching them.

    For example, if I have 100 shares that are currently @ $100 market value, which is a total value of $10,000...i write a covered call to sell, can i put the strike price at something ridiculous like $200/share to expire in 1week or 30 days?...because I don't want to sell it (and its guaranteed to not sell) and let it expire because I just want to collect the premium?

    Is this there any negative side effects to this that i'm not understanding? Youtube videos do not explain these "what if" scenarios. Sorry for my basic knowledge. So I can basically do this infinitely and just have steady stream of income?

    2nd question is what determines the premium that i'm going to collect? not sure if its the strike price, the current market value of the stock, or some sort of combination, can i type in whatever premium i want to collect in a certain range?

    submitted by /u/code4109
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    Top Marijuana stocks for October 2020

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    The marijuana industry is made up of companies that either support or are engaged in the research, development, distribution, and sale of medical and recreational marijuana. Cannabis has begun to gain wider acceptance and has been legalized in a growing number of nations, states, and other jurisdictions for recreational, medicinal and other uses. Some of the biggest companies in the marijuana industry include Canopy Growth Corp. (CGC), Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACB), and Tilray Inc. (TLRY). Many big marijuana companies have continued to post sizable net losses as they focus on investing in equipment to speed up revenue growth, which remains strong despite the pandemic-spurred economic downturn.

    submitted by /u/JesikaGold
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    Fellow Solar sector investors are you holding long or looking for a sell point?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I'm pretty torn up here. I've already blundered a few times by selling a $26 JKS call and $70 ENPH call too early, as well as dumping SPWR shares at $10. I love the sector, but feel like I might have overextended myself and don't want to get burned if solar crashes.

    Currently have long positions in ENPH, JKS, ICLN, CSIQ, and RUN. Gains are solid, but I made the mistake of falling into the euphoria and buying some more ENPH and RUN near their ATH.

    The recent runup has been pretty insane and I understand the market has recently been operating under the probability of not only a Biden win, but a Dem Senate as well, if you follow the polls and prediction markets. This can obviously change in the next 3 weeks and I could see a selloff if it looks like Trump and his crew are trending up.

    Into the very long-term, I still love solar and believe most of these stocks will grow, but I'm worried about having so much of my portfolio (50ish%) locked up in the sector if prices crash and take several years to recover. Obviously I have FOMO as well if these keep running up. I'm leaning towards continuing to hold, but have been toying around with the idea of selling a bit.

    So what are you guys doing? Any strategies to stay invested for further growth, but protect against a huge correction? Still buying more? Or maybe just not worrying about it and planning to hold forever?

    submitted by /u/DarkStar668
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    When is the best time to buy a clean energy ETF?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    My parents are looking to invest some money into the stock market. I like to invest, but I rather short term investing. I'm thinking, the best time for them to buy would be close to the elections, or around the time they count votes, and hold off for a day if Trump is winning/wins the election, to buy at a cheaper price. Is this the right strategy, or should I get them to buy now? (Now being within the week, once their cash settles)

    submitted by /u/RowanHarley
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    Any opinions on JPM post-Dimon leadership and company stability and growth?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    The 2008 Financial Crisis broke and bent several financial giants but Dimon protected JPM very well against the hard times. I personally believe that Dimon is the greatest head of JPM. But with his step-down coming soon, how do you think JPM will do afterwards with new leadership?

    submitted by /u/JustCantGoTitsUp
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    Is Interactive Brokers a good idea?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    Looking to transfer my 401k and IRAs to Interactive Brokers and manage and grow my portfolios there.

    If I'm not very active, will I incur inactivity fees?

    Can margin loans be used for anything or only IBKR trades?

    submitted by /u/okryea
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    How to access Ant IPO in Canada

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:45 PM PDT


    I am in Canada and pretty new at stock trading. I am already investing through my TFSA on Can/US stocks. I am very interested in the upcoming Ant IPO and was wondering if anyone knew how I could have access to it from Canada.

    submitted by /u/JayEsMac
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    What are your unpopular predictions for the market in the next few months?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Interest rates are going to remain at 0 until 2023 so many will opt to leave their money in the market rather than say a savings account with a bank. Stimmy talks have been postponed till after the election (market didn't really seem to care that much) and it appears like trump is doing fine after getting covid. With so much going on this year (and all the further economic damage that will continue next year), what are your unpopular/wild predictions for what will happen these coming months?

    My predictions:

    • Regardless of who wins, electric vehicles will remain hot throughout the end of the year and into early 2021 as well. The EV "bubble" should pop at some point early next year.

    • A March like crash will not happen, the feds have made it clear they will keep the market propped up for a while (the after effects of all the printing in a few years will not be good in my opinion). I do believe that when we get even more cases this winter there will be some paranoia as people start worrying that countries aren't controlling the virus .

    • Any kind of civil unrest post elections will have minimal effect on the market (just like the market didn't care about the June protests)

    • Weed stocks will rally again as more and more states legalize it to generate tax money.

    submitted by /u/juliusseizures282
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    Need to Reallocate VUG trust

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I just took over my trust fund which is all VUG and now comprises 60 percent of my combined portfolio.

    My portfolio roughly

    VUG 62.5%

    Tesla 20% (down from 36% a month ago on a 700% combined with Altria sale used to buy BABA VIR SPCE)

    BABA 5% (bought on an off over the years, honestly should be WAY more valuable and will put more in if I can find anything I think will grow higher than 20% per year but with its market cap I see it's annual growth limited to 20% for the next few years even though it should have a PE like Amazon)

    VIR 5%

    SPCE 5%

    Jetblue 13$ Call Options for 2022 2.5% (bought in March at the drop)


    I'm looking to split Tesla into my EV sub portfolio with even split between Luminar, Tesla and Nio as I think Tesla may have long term potential but Nio and Luminar would have more short term growth room to catch up.


    But I need some more ones that are a good deal now to replace some VUG. TWST was planned but I didn't get control of it until its recent climb and so I had to choose between it and VIR at the time.


    I was doing options in March and made money on Mesa and latam but have since only done a bit of options (VIR)

    submitted by /u/germanwannabe123
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    Tips on doing research for stocks to buy?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    I have a general understanding of some of ratios and what they mean, but how do you actually decide whether xyz stock would be a good investment, without doing like 50 hours of research? Is there a way to get a general summation of the business? It's all a little overwhelming tbh.

    Any general tips on research?

    submitted by /u/theakatsuki23
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