• Breaking News

    Friday, August 14, 2020

    Legal Advice (TN) Is it arson if I burn down a building that I own?

    Legal Advice (TN) Is it arson if I burn down a building that I own?

    (TN) Is it arson if I burn down a building that I own?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    I just inherited my father's farm. It has a barn where my father used to spend time away from us drinking and yelling. Also it's where he would bring me and my siblings to give us beatings and lock us up for the night when he was mad at us. My brother and I want to burn down the barn with some of my father's possessions inside to relieve ourselves of the memories. Can we pour gasoline and set the barn on fire or would it be arson? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/lgldvcthrw
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    Dad stole my phone, claims he's holding it as "evidence" (I'm well into my 20's)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    (In Minnesota) My father has a phone I purchased. We are involved in a legal dispute over the legal guardianship of my adult brother, who has developmental disabilities, and who has a non-parental legal guardian. I had let my brother use the phone. The phone was confiscated by my father. I told him to return my property to me, but he is now saying he won't because it is evidence in the guardianship case.

    So, how do I go about getting my phone back? My dad is a lawyer, and claims he can hold the phone as evidence. Even if this were true, I don't think he can officially serve as a lawyer on this case because he is directly involved as an "interested party" who is objecting to the replacement of my brother's legal guardian (who is a shill for my father, who is wildly ill-equipped to take care of my brother).

    Do I call the police?

    Evidence I have that the phone belongs to me and is in his possession:

    - receipt for the phone and records of bill payment

    - email from the legal guardian specifically referencing this phone as belonging to my brother's brother

    - recorded phone call in which my father refuses to return my cell phone

    submitted by /u/IWantALittlePrivacy
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    My ex boyfriend has opened two (as I can tell) Twitter account under my name.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Sometimes he's pretending to be me. He's making accusations that I have been stealing money from him, spreading diseases and posting an arrest charge that was dismissed...never gone to court. This charge was from me defending my home and daughter from him. It's coming up first on Google search. He won't stop. He allegedly saw a truck parked behind my car and slashed the tire. That's when the emails and posts went up. We've been apart for over a year. He's not come up with any single piece of evidence against me. He did this in 2019..the same thing and now again after the tire incident. I can't get a job because his damaging page is first on the search. My daughter and her friends can see this as well. What can I do for this to stop? Texas

    submitted by /u/twingytwirl
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    Cop damaged my pistol and searched me without consent today when I informed him of my weapon and concealed carry license. Do I have any options here?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    Texas. I was pulled over for going 4 above the speed limit. Cop asked if I had any weapons so I answered truthfully. Things then eacalated FAST. He forced open my door, pulled me out, put my hands on the top of the car and searched me. He removed my pistol and threw it out of our reach, damaging it as it landed.

    I was then cuffed behind my back and he asked if there were any other weapons. I wanted to lie after watching him throw my pistol onto the concrete but I don't know if I am allowed. So I said yes. He asked where and I tried to ask if it mattered given that I'm now cuffed. He proceeded to search the car and found my AR15 which he checked was clear and safe. He left it in my trunk thankfully.

    I remained cuffed while he gave me the ticket and explained it. He then uncuffed me, gave me the paperwork and told me to retrieve my pistol. He then left.

    My main question is whether I can sue for the damage to my pistol from it being thrown onto, then sliding across concrete?

    But also was this an illegal search and can I press charges against the cop?

    Finally I would also like to know if I am allowed to not tell a cop I have a weapon or if I can stay silent?

    Thanks in advance <3

    submitted by /u/Glarghl01010
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    I have been double paying rent for a lease overlap and recently found out that the old unit is being completely renovated/gutted. Can I get rent money back for when renovations started? In Boston

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    The title mostly sums up the situation, but here's a bit more context.

    My roommate and I moved out of the old apartment on 6/1 when the lease is up 9/1. We contacted the management company to see if we could mutually end the lease since they may want to renovate in time for the 9/1 lease cycle (they recently renovated a unit across the hall from ours). They said no, so we proceeded to move out and have been paying rent since we couldn't get out of the lease.
    We've been occasionally checking in on the old unit for mail and found out last week that the unit has been completely gutted for renovations. Surely the landlord can't take rent and also renovate the whole unit right?

    I wasn't able to find anything clear regarding these laws. Is the unit considered abandoned so the landlord can renovate it even though we've been paying rent? Or are we entitled our rent and security deposit back? Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bostontenanthrowaway
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    Can my company force our employees to leave and work for another company and then deny unemployment if we choose not to?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    We have a weird situation going on at our company. A lot of the IT staff (myself not included in this, so I am asking on their behalf) are being outsourced. They are being given offers by the outsourcing company, though they do not appear to be equivalent to their current pay and benefits. If the employees choose not to accept the offer, I am told that they are not offering a severance package (which is something they have traditionally always offered when letting someone go). Matter of fact, they went as far as to say that if they do not accept the offer, it is the equivalent of quitting, and that they will also not qualify for unemployment benefits. In most senses, it seems as if our company is attempting to work with the consulting firm to "lock the employees into a deal". I realize they have complete control over what they do with a severance package, but is it actually legal for them to decline unemployment benefits and/or claim that the employees actually "quit"?

    EDIT: State is Massachusetts, but we have employees affected by this in both Connecticut and Rhode Island.

    submitted by /u/xyeLz
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    Crazed landlord with a gun

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    TL;DR at the end. Washington state. My fiancé (M30) and I (M33) have been renting out the second floor of a four story home from our friend (F60) for the past year. She lives in the top two levels but is frequently out of town, so we care for her cat and property during those times. We are not on an official lease and agreed to pay $1,500 a month, cash for rent.

    We were warned by several people that she can have wild mood swings at times, but we decided to live there anyways. It was been a great place to live up until recently. She has become a raging alcoholic and verbally abusive towards her family members. One evening about a month ago she was lashing out at her niece in a terrible way and my fiancé stood up for her niece. Ever since then she has been sending angry and deranged text messages to him. She also recently purchased a hand gun and during the 4th of July, she was very drunk, took out the gun, and waved it around which scared us. Monday night, she came home at midnight from a 10 day trip. She was yelling and screaming "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU FIANCÉ" my fiancé wasn't home at the time and it scared the shit out of me because she wouldn't stop. Her kitchen is above our bedroom and she was jumping up and down, throwing, slamming, and yelling. Then she started blasting music and would sing/emphasize the lyrics of songs that were gun related. It really scared me because she owns a gun and she was clearly drunk or on something. I snuck out of the house and ran for my life. We haven't gone back to the house since. She has sent aggressive texts since then. We want to get our belongings but are afraid to go back there. My fiancé thinks we should get a police escort, but since we are not on a lease and it's her home, would they even be able to help us?

    TLDR: Washington state. Crazy landlady with a gun who lives above us makes us scared to be in our house. We are trying to move out but don't feel safe. We are not on a lease and have been paying her cash each month for rent. Can we get a police escort or is there a better way to safely gather our personal belongings?

    submitted by /u/ting-ting
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    Welfare checks as a form of harassment.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Location GA, person calling in the checks is from FL.

    Does anyone know any information on what I can do about someone calling the cops and sending them to my house all the time with them living in another state. I have a restraining order. They were served the first one for 30 days until we went to court. They didn't show up for court so they weren't served the second one, (also because they left the state) but from GA understanding they was still served so they have to abide by it until they know for sure or not if the restraining order was extended or not. I have tried contacting FL on this. They can't serve papers to someone from another state without a physical address for them. Obviously I don't know where they are. I have constantly told the police it's false reports, but they are still being sent to my home. I called the sheriffs office, but they are not really sure so they are trying to find out for me. They said they could possibly do misuse of 911, but with them being in another state they don't know how it would stop them from doing so. The restraining order also doesn't say anything about harassment through welfare checks. I had the cops knocking on my door at 4 am to make sure me and my family were okay because apparently I have a hit on me, or someone is hurting me and I need help.

    No, it's not true, but this is what I am dealing with. Hoping someone has a similar situation, and can help me out. I really need it. My kids don't need the cops coming to my house at any hour and being woke up, although we are thankful for them doing their jobs, and checking up on us.

    submitted by /u/seratiahthenoble
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    Seller let someone move in to home before closing

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    This is in Virginia:

    Seller had moved their stuff out of the home after accepting our offer. We are now less than two weeks away from closing and I just found out that they let a friend "layover" (is that even a thing) at the home. So someone else is living there now. My concern is that worst case scenario there is no legal agreement with this friend and come closing day this friend decides he's not moving.

    They own the home and it is theirs to do as they wish, I get that and hopefully the person is taking care of the place. But I can't help but feel a little upset by the situation. Like I bought a new car and the dealer let someone else put a few hundred miles on it before letting me have it.

    Just wanted to get any thoughts/suggestions. I've spoken to our realtor and said the deal was off if the person has not vacated the premises prior to closing. Anything else we should do?

    submitted by /u/JackOfAllCode
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    I got a smart camera and caught the neighbor throwing their dog shit in front of our house. What are my options?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Every few days or so, I'd come home to my beautiful family after a long day of work only to be greeted by a bag of dog shit sitting on our front porch.

    This started about 2-3 months ago, and happens multiple times a week. A lot of the times, the dog shit would be found technically on "public property" as they would strategically throw it right outside our driveway where the sidewalk is.

    I finally got tired of it and ordered a smart camera and set it up in a discreet spot immediately after receiving it.

    Few days later, I catch the man in question on film.

    Just in case, it wasn't the same person I kept watch of the activity and he comes and throws his bag of dog shit again 2 days later.

    It's not like his dog poops in front of our home and he leaves it there. The man clearly holds on to the bag and waits to pass by our home to plant it.

    We live in a pretty large neighborhood so I'm not sure what house he lives in. I've never seen him before to be honest.

    I'm tired of cleaning after this guy and I'm not sure what my options are with the evidence I've captured.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/pleasantlyplumpy
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    Wife has been verbally abusing my 16 year old stepson. Is there a way to divorce my wife and take my stepson legally?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    I live in Arizona.My wife hates that my son is gay and has been treating him like trash. I'm ready to divorce her but I'm not sure if there is anyway legally for me to take my stepson with me. Advice?

    submitted by /u/ThisIsATossAway1
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    Wells Fargo Stole My Car

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I haven't ever posted here so let me know if I'm violating any rules, but I'm hoping for a little bit of advice.

    I woke up this morning, went outside to go to work, and found that my car was no longer in the parking lot of my apartment complex. After canceling everything I had planned for work today (which was extremely inconvenient), I called the police to report my car stolen. The police let me know that according to their records, my car was repossessed by Wells Fargo at 3 in the morning.

    Here's the fun part: my car loan isn't through Wells Fargo. I have never banked through Wells Fargo. I have never had contact with a single person who works for Wells Fargo. So I called them, and unsurprisingly, there is absolutely no trace of me in their system. I then called the bank who I ACTUALLY use for my car loan, and they told me that I have never missed a payment (which I already knew) and that they did NOT move to repossess my car. They had absolutely no idea why this happened and suggested I call the police back for more info.

    I then called the police again, who directed me to an impound lot, who directed me to another impound lot, who directed me to a repo company. The repo company took my info and told me that my name wasn't associated with the car that they allegedly repossessed, which I told them was completely unsurprising as they OBVIOUSLY HAD THE WRONG VEHICLE, and then they told me that they couldn't give me any more info because my name wasn't attached to the allegedly repossessed car, and told me to call Wells Fargo. I pointed out politely but somewhat... loudly, that I can't just call Wells Fargo and demand information about any car that they may or may not have tried to repossess in my area, particularly because the repo company wouldn't give me any info about the car that was actually the target of the repossession. They finally put me through to their contact at Wells Fargo, who took my name, VIN, and phone number and told me she'd figure this out today. She confirmed to me that there is no record of me affiliated with Wells Fargo. She also has not gotten back to me, and I'm skeptical that she will.

    Does anyone have any recommendations for how to proceed? I'm about to enter Day 2 of not having a car, and I'm not sure if I should go to my actual bank who my loan is with, my insurance company, the police, or a lawyer. I don't have a load of cash on hand to pay a lawyer, so I'm trying to avoid too many upfront costs, particularly because this issue does not seem to be even remotely my fault. I am in Indiana, if that makes a difference.

    UPDATE: I spoke with a lawyer and took his advice to call my actual lender and encourage them to deal with it since it's still their car as I haven't paid it off. They called the repo agency and must have threatened them with the force of a thousand lawyers, because when I called the repo agency after that, they had a whole team of people on WF's ass about sending instructions for getting my car back to me, and they're currently looking into getting me a rental car for the time being.

    Here's a weird thing: WF sent the repo company my VIN and the make, model, and location of my car, but the name WF had on file for that VIN wasn't mine. There was a comment on here earlier that was deleted for violating the rules, but I think he had it right - someone in the sketchy-as-fuck apartment complex I live in probably copied my VIN off my car and called WF with that and my approximate address, claiming to own the car and wanting to use it as collateral for a loan. WF then either didn't bother checking the title and repossessed the car when they defaulted on the loan, or they didn't get the title in the requested timeframe and decided that the appropriate response was to take the car without doing a title search. Both the repo company and I are waiting on WF's official explanation, but the repo company just took the car that WF told them to take.

    Thank you everyone who told me to lawyer up and call my actual lender. I'm now able to threaten WF and the repo company with my lender's lawyers, my insurance company's lawyers, and my own lawyer, which has really streamlined the process (shocking, right?)

    Fingers crossed that they sort this out soon and get me a rental car, otherwise it's lawsuit time. Oh, and for everyone referring to me as "he", I'm actually female lol.

    submitted by /u/jjbrews
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    Body shop is charging me taxes for money I received for my totalled car.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    I live in Florida and I had a car accident about a month ago. The first thing I did was to contact the insurance company. As it wasn't my fault at the time of the accident the other driver's insurance was set to pay all the damages. My car was wrecked so I took to a "friend" of the family body shop. The car isn't supposed to be touched until the insurance adjuster looks into the car and gives a price. That took two weeks and the insurance declared on my favor and wrote me a check in my behalf worth my car's money, which I am happy about it.

    Now, the car is gone (it was paid fully so I sold it as junk), and I have a new car. However the body shop wants me to pay them the taxes for the money I received from the insurance, stating that it was because of the body shop I received that money and that at the end of the year, they need to pay those taxes for the cars that were on the shop and were paid by the insurance. I know that maybe the only item that needs to be charged is storage fees, however they need to charge those to the insurance, and I find ridiculous they pay taxes (or me), for money they never got.

    I just want to know if this is true or they're trying to scam me for money they couldn't get from the insurance company.

    submitted by /u/safestdriverever
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    So my step brother moved in how do I get him to leave

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    My step brother moved in with a verbal agreement that there would be no drinking in my home and that he would pay $83 for each week he lives here to help with bills. Well it's been 3 weeks and he has been beinge drinking in my home punich walls starting two fires and damaging his own property. He hasn't paid anything since the first week he lived here. I live in Missouri and called the cops. But they said they couldn't do anything because he pays bills, but I'm worried if he doesn't leave soon he will seriously hurt someone. He punched my mom yesterday. What can I do? Does he have to be evicted? Or do I need to do something else because it's not a physical contract?

    submitted by /u/Cherrypelt
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    Lady Keeps coming to my lawn to take pictures. What will get her to leave me alone?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Not me but a friend

    My friend lives in an area with an HOA. His parents have lived there for a long time and it's a rather nice house so he still lives there. The HOA were formed long after they had bought the house, and as such they cannot do anything to them. However they are constantly trying to fine them and a criminalize them.

    Recently a lady has been coming ever other day walking onto the driveway and taking pictures of everything she can find. My friend went out and told her to leave but she refused saying she was part of the HOA. After threatening to call the cops she left. That was 2 months ago. (She doesn't wear a mask.)

    This has happened a ton of times and he has actually called the police but they didn't do much but tell her off. She came crawling back again and my friend is losing his mind. He vented to me about it and asked me what to do. I told him about citizens arrest but I don't know much and what I know is from passing.

    The question is, what's the most he can do without taking her to court. (He'll do it if he has to but really doesn't wanna do anything too big.)

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayYardLady
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    [MI] Wife was arrested and beaten by the cops so hard that she was hospitalized

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    As title.

    Wife (AA) was arrested, and when they got her to the station, they beat her hard enough to put her in the hospital. She is currently in the hospital, and there is an officer there with her.

    Entire department is white, she is black.

    What can I do to protect her? What is the next steps?

    Edit: I only know because I got an anonymous call. I am not being allowed to see her.

    submitted by /u/GokuMizuno
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    Ex got picked up on charge from years ago she couldn’t have done because was hospitalized at the time. [IL]

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    So my ex reached out to me to get her out. She was actually with me two years ago when this hospitalization happened. I checked Judici and my social media history and five days prior to the first entry she was indeed in the hospital and they kept her for two weeks.

    She told me that she thinks her sister may have done it and given the cops her info instead because her sister likely had warrants. Anyways if I am nice and bond her out then should we go request her medical records from the hospital to prove that? She has a public defender but she doesn't know if he is getting that info because she said he barely talked to her.

    This is an ex, I just don't want her to go down for something I know she couldn't have done if it happened while she was indeed hospitalized. I could see the system screwing her in small county IL. She was on a locked down mental health ward when they say she was caught with under 5 grams of meth then sent the summons to her old address on file so failure to appear.

    submitted by /u/bailquestionIL
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    My boyfriend signed a NDA for a interview, didn’t get hired, and now the company is using his idea and is offering to send him $500 as a “thank you.”

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    My bf interviewed for a very small agency and was put through multiple interview rounds. For the final round, he was asked to sign a NDA that included giving the company rights to his IP. He was assigned developing a presentation for an actual client and coming up with a campaign including a name. The company CEOs appeared to love him and the campaign name. He was shocked when they called late that night and said he didn't get the job. They said he didn't have the right experience, which seemed off given the nature of his experience was clear from his resume.

    Flash forward to today, months later, and they emailed saying they are launching the campaign for the client tomorrow and are using his campaign name. They want to give him $500 as a "thank you."

    The whole interview process and him not getting the job felt off to me at the time. I even questioned if this was a real attempt to hire or just to get ideas. It appears (from what we can tell through LinkedIn) that no one has the position that he interviewed for.

    So my question is this, given that he signed a NDA, does he have any leverage? Is the $500 a nice gesture or an attempt to foreclose a lawsuit? Might he be able to ask for more? The campaign is for a major retail brand.

    We reside in NYC, though have been living in NJ during the pandemic and he interviewed from NJ remotely. I don't know where the company is based but the CEOs live in CA.

    Any advice for this situation?

    submitted by /u/hungry_cat_is_hungry
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    My teacher is refusing to accommodate me due to my disability.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I am considered a disability student in Ga. I have had paper work from doctors submitted to my school and the school approved me to have accommodations for classes to have them online.

    My teacher is refusing to comply and told me "if he can risk his life coming to class so can I." The dean of the school hasn't handled the situation and said we must come to an agreement ourself. I have already missed a week of class due to him not allowing me to attend class online.

    Here is the letter provided by disability service

    The above named student has provided documentation to the Accessibility Student Services Program that entitles him or her to the following accommodations. Federal law requires that we provide reasonable adjustments to accommodate the needs of students with disabilities where such adjustments are necessary to provide equality of educational access. DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THE STUDENT'S DISABILITY.

    The Accessibility Student Services Program recommends the following academic accommodations:

     Allow Student Remote Participation At all times, use professional judgment. Accommodations are effective upon reception to the appropriate faculty or staff member. Accommodations are not retroactive.

    If my professors dose not accommodate what are my legal options.

    submitted by /u/sharemiles
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    My (17M) dad wants custody of me, I don’t want to be in his custody. Is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Live in Canada.

    Dad isn't the greatest person, and is basically going to win the case because of financial reasons.

    submitted by /u/poiuy90987
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    Alaska DUI blowing 0.00

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    My friend was arrested last night and charged with a DUI even though she blew a 0.00 at the station. The reason they are charging her is because she failed the field sobriety test where you have to recite the alphabet starting at one letter and stopping at another, and she went past the letter she was supposed to stop at. Since she blew a 0.00 shouldn't that be all that matters?

    submitted by /u/Akveritas0842
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    One person, 60+ people. IA

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    Greetings! A forewarning, this is going to be long and a bit of a jumble including potential employment law, potential medical malpractice, dependency issues, and healthcare law. I'm confused on what my best recourse will be, but please bear with me. This is a throwaway, since my main has identifiers that could link me back to this post (and pose HIPAA issues).

    I am 26 yr/o freshly certified CNA, working at an assisted living facility in IA.

    I only recently started this job, and have been a CNA for less than a month. Prior to this job, I have gained a med manager certification (able to give medication to a group of 15 or less), but I have been med delegated by our residing nurse (I am able to give medication to groups who are more than 15+ people, equivalent to a medication aide). I work later in the evenings, and we have been experiencing a severe employee overturn due to COVID-19, among other things, to the point where there are only 5 of us revolving during any given shift. We are underpaid, and our pay has been inconsistent, to the point where some of us have been missing 30+ hours on our paystubs. This has sparked a lot of resentment between the employees and manager.

    We have 60+ residents, most of them are memory care. However, the few who are not have begun to pick up on the fact that we are severely understaffed at any given time, and can not deliver on many (reasonable) expectations, such as being able to go outside and socialize during the evenings, as this requires supervision.

    When we are understaffed, things begin to run late, such as meal times and medication times. This can be dangerous, as some residents are on medications that can react with each other or need to be taken with food, and it makes it hard to time things such as pain management, blood thinners, etc. Being a medication manager before this, I recognize the dangers in this, and my nurse does as well.

    Last night, I was the only person on the floor for the majority of an 8+ hour shift due to three call-ins. I started at 2 pm, and ended up finishing at midnight (I had to stay an extra two hours to finish all the medication and paperwork associated with it). During the course of that time, the GM, and my nurse were present until about 5:00pm before leaving, and the only other qualified staff member who showed up, didn't come in until 9:00pm (overnight shift!). During this time, narcotics were also dispensed and counted for by myself(!).

    I was left alone for four hours, to give medication and care to 60+ people. Not only does this include giving medication, but making sure people are toileted, clean, and generally cared for and fed! My GM did not help me, and sat around and watched for the three hours they were there! Many medications were late, many were refused because it was 11pm and many residents were asleep by this point.

    I am worried about the welfare of my residents, as these conditions violate resident rights, patient rights, AND state mandated ratio. This has not been a one-off experience for me, this situation has happened more than once in the 2 month span that I have been working here. My coworker who did come in said that me being there alone was illegal and unacceptable! I have tried speaking to the GM about how unacceptable this is, but all they have done is attempted to placate me by telling me they're hiring more people, but this doesn't fix anything in the present.

    As a mandatory reporter, should I be reporting the conditions here? Should I be contacting the state about what's going on here?

    (TL;DR, left alone on the floor for 8+ hours, 60+ people to care for, late medications/refusals, and potential neglect of residents while lazy GM sits on their ass and does nothing to rectify the situation.)

    Also: I have been looking at new jobs, before anyone makes the comment about abandoning ship.

    submitted by /u/theonly1there
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    Basic question, quick reply please. I just found child porn on the porn site I use. I wanted to report it but they ask for my email. Is there any way linking myself to it could get me in trouble?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    I feel sick and definitely just saw something illegal. I don't think any adults were involved, based on the image it looks like kids filming themselves. I even feel dirty for clicking on it but I wanted to report it. It asked for my email but I really don't want to be linked to it. Is there any way I could get in trouble?

    It's currently sitting in a browser tab and I just want it to get rid of it.

    submitted by /u/coconutfi
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