• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 11, 2020

    Person who hit my car is dodging his insurance. What happens if he keeps ignoring them? Insurance

    Person who hit my car is dodging his insurance. What happens if he keeps ignoring them? Insurance

    Person who hit my car is dodging his insurance. What happens if he keeps ignoring them?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    A very old man who couldn't hear me even wearing 2 hearing aids was driving a huge truck with a cap and wheelchair lift completely blocking his rear view. I was 100% backed out of a parking spot, which I have a photo to prove, when he started backing out and hit the rear quarter panel of my car. He insisted I hit him despite the evidence of our cars positions, and said he never heard my horn (he couldn't even hear me asking if I heard it, I had to mime beeping before he said "oh did you beep at me?").

    He gave me his insurance but they said he has not responded to any of their voicemails, emails, or mail. They said they have to wait 30 days for him to answer, which I'm fine with.

    What happens at the end of the 30 days if he just ignores them? I assume they will just deny the claim which infuriates me. I just got denied coverage from a different carrier for "too many claims in the last 3 years" which are all no-fault, 1 when I hit a coyote running across the road and 3 for glass (AZ $0 deductible glass policy bc it's very common).

    submitted by /u/jaya9581
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    [CA/Farmers] Arbitrator did not rule in either party's favor - does it sound I would fair better through small claims court?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    I was backed out of a parking spot when the person parked behind me (diagonal spots) began backing up as well. It seemed pretty cut and dry; I was already out of the spot, I stopped and honked when I noticed them begin to back up, there was a witness, and I had a dashcam to back up my statement. My insurance ruled in my favor pretty quickly and began to go after the other insurance.

    They were able to get half of my deductible and half of the rental car amount from the other insurance. It went to arbitration for the rest. I just received the decision which said the arbitrator did not rule in either party's favor and that I could pursue the rest of the amount through small claims court. I definitely don't feel like it was 50/50, and it seems like everyone agreed, but this whole process has me doubting myself which sucks. I guess I'm just looking for some opinions or advice.

    submitted by /u/notjustboysfun
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    Friend borrowed car - who pays for damage?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    My friend borrowed my car and scraped up the side - some moderate scratches and a dent. The car is still driveable and during the pandemic I won't be going to a mechanic any time soon. The friend is willing to pay to fix the car when I do end up getting it done.

    I don't want to go through my car insurance as I'm assuming this will count as "at fault" incident for me and I don't want my insurance costs to go up. Could my friend use their car insurance to pay for the damage to my car, or will I need to ask them to pay out of pocket costs for whatever the cost to fix it will be?

    submitted by /u/gimmeanswersreddit
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    Virtual Exam the Institutes

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    Gearing up to take my CPCU 540 virtually, and wondering if anyone has any pointers? If you've taken virtual exams, were they considerably harder than a typical Prometric exam? Did you treat them as if they were open book?

    submitted by /u/xdsredditor
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    I came out of the grocery store and somebody parked their car so close to mine that their bumper knocked mine out of place

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    I had to go to work so i didn't wait around for them to finish grocery shopping but i got a lot of pictures of the incident and their license plate. Will i be able to get compensated since i didn't wait for them?

    submitted by /u/saaaige
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    How do you delegate office tasks for insurance agency? Located in SC

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    How do you split service related items between 2 employees? Have one do things such as claims/ rewrites and then have another do specialized tasks as well? How's your office set up?

    submitted by /u/i-love-my-kitty
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    Car was t-boned in a parking lot. This happened Friday of last week.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    I had to wait until Monday of this week for the police report. I took the day off of work and called them around noon after collecting the police report. The person who hit me ran a stop sign and admitted to it. It's now almost Thur and I don't have any direction. The appraiser checked my car out on Tuesday morning. The damage caused the top of my right passenger door to be ajar about one inch. I've already gone out of my way once to protect my car during a tropical storm. We are due for more incliment weather tonight. I'm going to try and lay some plastic over the door but.. the TLDR is..:

    TLDR; How much hastle am I supposed to go through during an non-fault accident to prevent internal water damage to my vehicle when I was hit 6 days ago and their insurance hasn't approved me yet?

    Edit: USA, Massachusetts per the bot.

    submitted by /u/SJMoore86
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    Anybody know a company that offers standalone umbrella coverage?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    We don't like our new home/auto provider and want to avoid hitching up a new policy to them; some things occurred after binding that have turned us off from future business dealings. My previous umbrella carrier is dropping me because of the change. It would be a major hassle to full-blown change companies again right now, not to mention possibly damage our credit and screw up our escrow being so quick on the heels of the transition. Old provider was GEICO, new provider is AAA, looking to avoid both, and we are located in Pennsylvania. I also tried calling American Modern who is usually my go-to for odds and ends (we have a complex portfolio), but they don't service umbrella policies. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Kintsukuroi85
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    Dog bite claim, need new home insurance

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    San Diego, CA

    Last fall one(boxer/pit) of our 4 dogs bit someone. We reported the bite to our insurance company since the person called an ambulance and was transported for care. According to the police who responded to the shit show, the bite just broke the skin. No claim was actually filed/no pay out was given. We didn't even get a notice to quarantine our dog... We got a letter now saying we're being dropped when our policy expires next month due to bite history. I did some quote shopping and got a really good quote. I have not reported the bite history to this company, and we still have the dog in question. I do know they did not offer animal liability against pits, german shepards and rotties. My question is, should I be upfront and report the bite history to any insurance company we go with in the future? Can I omit that fact since the biting dog isn't covered anyway?

    submitted by /u/cocoachik1
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    Auto Accident & Repair from a Body Shop

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm looking for auto repair advice. I recently got into a car accident because another driver veered into my lane, probably distracted. They veered in once, and I gave them a warning honk, and then two blocks later, they made impact with my vehicle. I filed a claim with the driver's auto insurance, and I just received a preliminary estimate on how much the insurance company is willing to pay to repair my car. The insurance company wrote me and said that often, body shops will require further repairs and can ask for more money from the insurance company.

    Are there certain body shops that are recommended over others? What should I watch out for (in order to not be up-sold for unnecessary sales propositions)? Are there things I should communicate to the insurance company to squeeze every last penny out of the claim? Any stories you would like to share? Thanks

    submitted by /u/collinscreen
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    Determining sum insured of stock

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    What is the method that is usually used to determine how much stock should be insured (the total sum insured of stock) in a warehouse? What are the data needed to determine the limit of liability of a warehouse for the stock only? As the amount of stock in a warehouse always changes depending on how much stock goes in and goes out of the warehouse per month and they do not remain constant. I'm talking especially in the context where a warehouse stock includes different kind of finished all with different price values. I live in Asia, but I am interested to know what other methods are available in other countries as well.

    submitted by /u/Yeni77
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    Charged 1.1k for ambulance ride after accident?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:52 PM PDT


    I just received an invoice for an ambulance ride after a not-at-fault accident and I'm confused as to why this happened. They said they did not receive a response from the car insurance but I also have health insurance (medicaid). What the hell is going on? They sent me a form to attach my insurance information with it but I thought I already provided it?

    What the hell is going on? If I provide them my health insurance will I still be required to pay by the due date of 6/23?

    Also: I live in Nevada.

    submitted by /u/Arc1ZD
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    Question about a complicated circumstance

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    So I was rear ended by a guy with usaa insurance. Called and filed a claim sent usaa pics of my vehicle and got it quoted by their specialist for about 1700$ in damage. The deposit the money into my bank account and I drop my car off, well I get a call from body shop telling me they see damage has been done to electrical features (automatic lift gate was malfunctioning, parking assist alert coming on, etc) and sent it to the dealer to be fixed and said usaa said they would cover it. Picked it up three weeks later the body shop shows me a 3,000$ in total bill from the repairs after leaving dealer and said they would just send to usaa to pay them. How does this work do I just send back the money to usaa that they gave me or what? I'm new to this

    submitted by /u/itsgoftheie
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    car insurance USAA, how much do you guys pay monthly?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    i have a 2005 ford focus sedan 143K miles, still running pretty good. i am moving out from my parents house and they're giving me all my bills. i saw on the site that i could get USAA as my insurance since my grandpa was in the navy and my dad's been a member since forever. i saw that he pays for all 3 cars (brand new honda, used chevy, and mine) for about $70+ but it's different every month... i wonder why?

    anyway, i'm pretty new with all this so if anyone could please help me?

    submitted by /u/strawberrypopsies
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    The other driver and I have same insurance company.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    After the accident, both adjusters gave no fault to both drivers since there is no video evidence. Does this happen often especially with both driver with same insurance? Confused as reading online, there is 50/50? Why didnt they settle on 50/50?

    submitted by /u/br90st
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    Traffic Law Question

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    I already know that it's legal to make a left turn or u-turn across a set of solid double yellow lines, but is it legal to do a 3 point turn or a "K" turn in the same situation?

    If so, can you help me cite a law or traffic code that says or implies so? I'm in California. This is imperative in whether or not I'll win an insurance battle in an accident I was involved in.


    submitted by /u/IamKingFire
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    I have a question on Homeowners Insurance

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    I am currently applying for homeowners insurance and received a policy which I agreed with, but was sent some special requirement documents to complete. Everything is pretty much self explanatory except a clause of "coinsurance of 80%", anybody know what that is? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Question4unu
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    [Health] Question about preventative services that should be covered under ACA insurance

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    Located in NC, purchased insurance from BCBS of NC through the ACA marketplace. As a woman, my Pap smears (screening for cervical cancer) are supposed to be covered, correct? I always get a separate bill from the lab that reads the results, though. Am I misunderstanding something? Like, is the visit itself to collect the sample covered but the lab screening is not? Or do different levels of coverage apply?

    Basically, should I question this bill?

    submitted by /u/maybekindaodd
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    Sewer line backed up but sewer line backup coverage doesn’t cover fixing the line. (State Farm)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    We just bought our house a year ago and opted to add $30k sewer backup coverage incase the sewer line in this old house went to crap.

    Well, over the weekend it did.

    Over the phone, the State Farm adjuster said that the sewer backup coverage only covers damage inside the home and won't actually pay to fix the issue.

    My policy doesn't explicitly break out the definition of the coverage. It just says, "Backup of sewer or drain".

    Do I have any recourse here?

    submitted by /u/Happyman05
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    What causes insurance companies to deny claims? what kind of claims can full coverage insurance still deny?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    This is a hypothetical question, I thought if people paid for full coverage insurance, that it would cover any type of claim, regardless of whether or not the insured is at fault.

    for example, if it's raining and the insured is doing maybe 5 over and they somehow crash and end up only damaging their vehicle, will a claim like this be denied? no other parties involved and the insured is the only one to blame?

    I was told by my insurance agent that he's seen claims get denied when the insured was speeding over the limit and had no seatbelts on. (can't people also just lie about this stuff? to what extent do insurance companies investigate claims?)

    I want to know how much peace of mind insurance can honestly offer, or do they truly try to find any small reason to deny claims?

    submitted by /u/FTorrez81
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    First time buying insurance - but covered before...

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    I'm looking into purchasing an insurance policy for the first time. Up until now, I have been covered by my parents' insurance (as an "other driver"). When I'm going through the applications for a quote on the different insurance sites, they'll ask, "Do you currently have car insurance?" And, I mean, technically yes, technically no. How should I answer this?

    submitted by /u/wawa_luigi
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    How to branch out as a Consultant and what to charge?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Hi All - I've been a Commercial Insurance Agent for 20+ years, specializing in construction and large property holdings. It's been mentioned to me several times that I should be a consultant. I'm currently a Risk Manager and I need to get out of my current position because it's no longer fulfilling. I'm also the AM managing the largest book in the agency consisting of only large construction accounts, Captive Programs, etc. in addition to being the in house Risk Manager advising insured's on Loss Control measures, Managing their Experience MODs, giving seminars, etc. I also handle bonds with another person in the agency. I'm wearing too many hats and not being compensated for them all as I should be (also, as many out there like myself, I'm just being taking advantage of for my knowledge and being taken for granted). My struggle is that I have no idea where to begin on deciding what to charge for my time as a consultant. I know many consultants in the industry but due to the incestuous nature of insurance, I can't ask any of them for fear they will tip off my current employer. Are there any consultants out there who could offer some advice on how to get started and pricing? I'd even love to attend a "class" or such that would help if there are any. As an alternative, I would enjoying teaching CE full time. I have great presentation skills and design and present all the seminars for my agency on Risk Management subjects. Thanks for taking the time to read!

    submitted by /u/SharpySwords
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    Rear ended

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Got rear ended in a parking lot yesterday, I got no injury, minorish damage, got estimated a new trunk and bumper-cover same-day from an insurance approved shop. The other persons truck took no damage (of course). Got all of their info and gave it to my insurance. How long does it usually take the other parties insurance to cover the damage for my car if they already admitted fault. I have the urge to get it fixed, but don't want to pay.

    submitted by /u/WinrarChickenDinrar
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    i side swiped someone

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Hey whats the best way to resolve this issue.

    my deductible is 500$ and i told the person i was at fault.

    should i just pay my deductible and have my insurance fix his truck?

    how much roughly will my insurance go up

    submitted by /u/DesertBoy310
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    Crashed my moms car & I’m not on insurance. What do I do?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    It was my fault. I can manage the repairs to my car. But the other guy's is $4700 for some dents and an exhaust on a Mercedes C300. My moms insurance is cheap and shitty. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/aram1229
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