• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    Interview Question: Which describes you better and WHY: 1) I love to win 2) I hate to lose Sales and Selling

    Interview Question: Which describes you better and WHY: 1) I love to win 2) I hate to lose Sales and Selling

    Interview Question: Which describes you better and WHY: 1) I love to win 2) I hate to lose

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    I've heard great perspectives from both sides, but it's often asked in sports scenarios (I.e. NFL combine interviews) - I'm interested to hear what you as a sales rep would say, or what you as a sales manager would like to hear. Would you be honest? Would you say what you thought the 'right' answer is? Thanks for the perspectives everyone, hope this is a good one.

    submitted by /u/TurchDaddy
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    Nepotism common in a start-up environment?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    I work at a SaaS (Sales) company in a smaller city. My direct team consists of 50 or so members. Certain members have connections with managers and our VP, as they knew each other prior to working together and might be considered as personal friends.

    These certain members seem to get a little more cushion and get to fly under the radar compared to others.

    Good example is that we just went through some lay-offs recently and "Bob" who was in the office an hour before everyone, 2x'ing everyone's activities, and closing a decent amount, got laid off over "Jim" who does the bare minimum and does not close dollars, but has been with the company for 4 years and is friends with his manager and our VP.

    Just curious how others would deal with this situation/environment and if it is common among start-ups or companies in smaller offices/cities.

    submitted by /u/botalwaysints
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    Additional Income

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Do any of you sell/recruit for another company other thank your primary position?

    I'm in sales for a liquor distributor and in this industry there are a lot of days where you're home early on Thursdays and WFH Friday's. I see my top customers each week, average 110% of goal while being a top performer on KPI's and focus brands so as far as performance there are no issues.

    My question is do any of you do sales for another company or recruit on the side? Long story short I was a recruiter when I first graduated college and stayed friendly with my boss, before COVID19 we talked about me recruiting part time and once the virus hit I was designated to work from home and finished most of my sales calls/call backs by 1:00 - 2:00 PM some days even earlier. I called him and started recruiting in my free time, last week I got got someone a job and once they start I'll see 20% of the $18,000 fee ($3600).

    This feels like a no brainer, I won't be telling my current employer about this and I don't see how it ever comes up.

    submitted by /u/JollyGreeneGiants
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    Have you ever sold something that goes against your core values or beliefs?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    In the past week I've seen a lot of people expressing their views on LinkedIn, "the professional network." It got me thinking about when we choose to speak up, and what issues are "safe" to speak about.

    Typically in professional settings, it's seen as counter-productive to talk about the issues in our society. As a salesperson, you don't want to alienate your client. If your views aren't congruent, you could be risking a sale.

    Several years ago, I sold IT consulting to a US based petroleum company. They told me that part of their budgeting consideration was based on the price of oil—if oil prices were to drop then they'd have to slash budgets and might not proceed with the engagement. Oil prices were stable when I sold the consulting, so everything went forward and I collected my commission. I know the fossil fuel industry is doing severe damage to our planet and I don't want to do anything to help that, but ultimately I decided it was more important to hit my quota than to take a stance.

    What does it take for you to leave money on the table? Or, how do you justify making a sale when you know it goes against your core values or beliefs?

    submitted by /u/retep-noskcire
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    Just a really interesting case of the importance of follow up

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:39 AM PDT

    Part of my role is to mentor/train sales professionals. Now in this case we have two sales reps.

    Rep A in the last 12 months signed 109 contracts Rep B in the last 12 months has signed 91 contracts

    Now our sales admin do a fair bit of work to keep the sales rep away from busy work, however things do fall through the cracks and as the saying goes "The person that cares most about your customer, is you" also to note, their revenue numbers are almost the same per contract, Rep B does have a lead in this area

    Rep A is very half-assed in his follow up. In his eyes its the job of the sales admin to do everything. Rep B believes its important to take care of your customers and as the sales rep your job is to ensure a successful deployment.

    Rep A is routinely dealing with chargebacks, cuts in the margin, and has significantly more cancelations and back outs then-Rep B.

    Rep B has very high penetration of our extra services division and a significantly higher commission per deal as a result. Rep B says each time he touches a customer of his, his goal is to see if we can't "add more value" aka sell more product. In addition Rep B finds gaps, or things that our processing department has dropped and reminds them, and those issues get resolved before they become major issues. In addition Rep, B customer score him very highly on surveys and this in turn boosts his earing by getting him customer service bonuses.

    In terms of gross compensation, Rep B will earn 27% more then Rep A with 17% fewer customers.

    Just an interesting observation I made, and I did share this with Rep A in the effort to encourage him to stop forgetting about his customers.

    submitted by /u/PJExpat
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    What are things you wish you knew when you started compared to what you know now?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    How can I record my sale reps calls?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    Hope everyone is doing well during all of this!

    I started a small company and recently was looking to hire a few inside sales reps. The work is all remote, and I was wondering if you guys new of any apps/softwares I could use to record the calls my reps make? I know Avaya, but I just don't have enough employees to make it worth it.

    Thanks again!

    submitted by /u/itsdavybaby
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    Need to pick your minds! Help with a pitch

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    So I just landed my first sales job and it is walking business to business and trying to see if they need an app. I'm pretty nervous for the face to face any advice or tips for face to face sales? What's your experiences? Any good sales pitches or advice!

    Here's mine!

    I walk in with a pamphlet and say hey how are you doing sorry to bug you! Can I leave this pamphlet here! I work for a technology company and we decide apps for small businesses like yours! The apps are the new trend and all your customers are always on your phone! So you can send them push notifications or have a loyalty program with your app! Thanks for your time

    submitted by /u/kjmas34
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    Am I wrong for feeling wronged?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    I want to start with saying I've only worked retail sales so I'm trying to gain perspective from voices outside of my industry.

    Basically I've lost my position due to the pandemic. I've been in the top department for a year now and have been offered to come back to a lesser one due to my average sales per hour over the course of 2019 not qualifying to continue being in my department.

    That I understand to a degree, I started off doing pretty well but from Aug-Oct my sales slowed down and I was missing my quota until I received a warning to improve during November. I actually did to the point where just before the pandemic hit I was one of the highest selling employees so far YTD and had recieved a glowing review from my supervisor noting my improvement.

    My issue that I'm stuck on is that there are employees who started after me that were brought back to my department who I've sold more than or equal to. Our numbers have always been in the open and month to month, week to week I've maintained much better numbers than others but due to the averages of my year vs some who're only there for 1/2 months my numbers still average lower. And my numbers YTD aren't considered in this average.

    I understand that I didn't perform well enough for parts of the year but I feel like I was given a chance to improve and I did. Alongside that the pure numbers on a day to day basis tell a very different story. I brought this up when I was offered the other position but it was dismissed.

    I didn't accept it as not only would I be making much less money I also have no motivation to work somewhere where I feel like my efforts have gone unappreciated. This does leave me frustrated as I'm going to have to try and find a new job during probably the worst time to be unemployed.

    But I'm left also wondering if this is typical for sales and if my bias towards myself is blinding me. Maybe I just didn't improve enough in the time I had.

    submitted by /u/Amazing-Steak
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    Certification courses particularly in sales domain

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Hi I am working as Business development executive. Wanted to know about some certification, which can be done in this domain only, apart for digital marketing. Plus I am not an engineer, so I have no coding experience.

    submitted by /u/YouKnowwho111000
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    What's the best source to find out about companies recieving VC funding that are in the IT Sector and B2B?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    What is the best website where I can find the latest companies receiving VC funding that are in the IT sector and in the B2B space?

    submitted by /u/SellingWhileBrown
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    Outlook Tips/Hacks

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    For anyone who doesn't have the benefit of a specific sales platform and had to use default applications. What tips for outreach or productivity do you guys have for Outlook? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/MiracleDealer
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    Just landed am interview for a sales coaching job, but have been out of training for about 5 years. Who are the big guns in sales today? Anything I can read or watch to get back into today's sales world?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Title says it all. Who do you like? Who do you listen to?

    submitted by /u/ZacharyBall
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    BDR - Account Executive: Tips for success

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I work within the Martech industry and will be making the transition from Senior BDR to an Inside Account Exec in the next couple of months.

    I'd like to know what successful strategies you guys put in place to create your target list of accounts? I've started a trial with Crunchbase and it's proven helpful so far. Can you think of any other resources I should be leveraging?

    What's an ideal number of accounts for a target list? I want a number that's manageable but also don't want to be left dry if I fail to break into them. Currently, I'm assigned to 120 accounts with the AE I'm working with and it's proving a struggle to get regular coverage.

    What should I be demanding from my company's marketing team to help me nurture and engage new accounts?

    What assurances should I be looking for regarding inbounds? Ramp-up? Targets?

    The last few guys who made the transition from BDR- AE didn't last long. I'm definitely more hardworking than them but I want to be smart and successful about the way I manage my accounts so any bits of advice you're able to share would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/HeadWish8
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    How is commission usually structured with 'X-as-a-service', where you sign them for a few months or years for a service instead of selling them a unit of product?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Best CRM for lead gen/follow ups for prospects/customers/clients various sales cycles

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    What CRMs or lead/pipeline tracking software do you like or dislike and why?

    I am still looking to find one that works best for me but haven't come across it yet. Something that is front and center telling me where in the sales cycle I am with the various contacts and how much longer I have to go to complete it(based on data I put in and my estimation). My CRM has tasks/followup as an afterthought and has too many steps involved so I literally don't use it in that capacity and instead keep up with it on my email calendar/notebook.

    I'm honestly at the point where I want to create it because what I'm envisioning, I'd definitely use and feel it would be very impactful.

    submitted by /u/Escapethesuck
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    How to prepare the perfect product demo

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    I have written a guide on how to prepare for software sales demos with potential clients. Being deliberate in my preparation has been the main factor in significantly improving the quality and consistency of my demos.


    My demo preparation checklist:

    • Know your audience - research the company and attendees
    • Ask Questions in Advance - send an email asking for main pain point, tailor the demo around that
    • Craft user stories - before looking at features, create users and stories to follow in the demo
    • Write a demo script - colour code your demo script with actions you need to take and key talking points
    • Do I need demo slides? Get some basic slides together
    • Demo Data - Spend some time building believable demo data
    • Know your weaknesses - have an answer for the questions you know you will be asked
    submitted by /u/lukencode
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    Pointers to set up a sales process

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I have a chance to redesign our current sales process. Currently its a mix of Linkedin prospecting and each sales person on its own. We want to redesign the process so that there is less dependency on sales person per se and lot of tasks are automated.

    Need your tips and ideas.


    submitted by /u/Iuntieknots
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    Questions for people that work at US Cellular

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    • How many hours a week do you work?
    • What is your hourly rate?
    • How much do you make in commission per month?
    submitted by /u/strongerthenbefore20
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    Base or OTE when considering rent??

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Hey team, just wanted to get some outside perspective. You know how they say you should only spend up to 30% of your income on rent? Do you guys base that off of just your base? OTE? Somewhere in between?

    It's tough to gauge for traditional SaaS reps where 50% of our income is so variable...

    submitted by /u/turtles_up
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    Help on making sure prospects show up on meetings

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I run lead generation agency for real Estate agents. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm wondering if anyone could do me a small favor. A bit of info about my situation. My main prospect method is cold calling. I've been able to set some zoom meetings with prospects. But I'm noticing a pattern where I would send prospects a confirmation text or just call the day before, but some prospects won't respond from it. Then, on the day of meeting. They just won't show up.

    My confirmation text usually goes like this.

    "Hi _, its _, I'm spending some time putting together all the info I want to show you for our discussion tommorow at 10 am, and I'm just about finish with it."

    "I'm wondering if you could do me a small favor by confirming a couple of details with me."

    ( I ask a couple of questions about their median price and main service areas)

    (After getting the answers, I say)

    "Thank you for confirming. Will there be a reason that might cause you to reschedule our meeting tommorow?

    (Wait for answer, then is say, "have a good day. I'll see you then.")

    1. What should I do everyone? Just today, I had set a 2nd meeting with a prospect for 9am. She even suggested a time and day to meet again. But I ended up waiting for 20-30 mins to a no show.

    2. Also, how can I stay strong mentally when situations like this happen?

    3. What should be my next approach to reach out prospects who didn't show on our scheduled meetings?

    A part of me wants to believe that I can still reach out and land a meeting. But I just want to thread carefully and not annoy prospects and burn the bridge. Who knows maybe down the line they'll be more receptive.

    Any advice will help.

    submitted by /u/fikzta
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    How to Ask for the Meeting

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Hi everyone - I'm new to sales working as an SDR for a massive software company. Part of my role is to contact existing customers and look to set appointments for the Account Managers of our larger accounts. It's not particularly daunting calling prospects as they are already using our software, I'm just a little unsure how to ask convincingly and have them agree to a meeting with their AM.

    Can anyone advise me on how best to do this?

    submitted by /u/awhled
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    How to move to SAAS

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    Hello team,

    I have been working in sales for the past 10 years already. Mostly I worked in the entertainment industry, and as you can imagine, we are not living good times at this moment. I've been an account manager for a manufacturer with b2b business and quite successful in prospecting and acquiring new distributors. It was a very demanding industry, where you visit end customers during the day, and you have to go to dinners and bars until very late in the evening. I was quite good and it helped that I loved my job. It helped me grow my social skills, and making a contact from cold to warm was a piece of cake.

    Unfortunantly I do not see the industry getting back on track for the next year and half, two years. We live from people being together and in tight spaces.

    I have a university degree in International Relations, speak spanish, portuguese, some dutch and english, and I am very confortable with technology. I have been doing my best to try and find SAAS sales jobs, but most of them ask for 5 to 10 years experience. I am 39 years old, willing to do what I need to do, but how to start? Do you have any hints you can support me with?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/jmiguelcmoreira
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