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    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    Impact on Mental Health with Insurance jobs Insurance

    Impact on Mental Health with Insurance jobs Insurance

    Impact on Mental Health with Insurance jobs

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Hi, I was considering a career in Insurance but I've noticed a few times on this sub people saying that Insurance jobs, particularly Claims, is tough on mental health/is a soul-sucking job.

    What exactly about claims makes it that? Is it just a demanding job or is it depressing/bad things happening to customers? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/SecretButterscotch2
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    Can I take out car insurance on a car I do not own?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    I am going to be a full-time graduate student this fall and my parents have offered to finance a car for me. The car is going to be in their name since they are financing it, not in mine, but I am going to be the one driving it. The deal is that I pay for the car insurance. Can I take out a policy in my name if I am not the owner of the car? Will I be able to get my own policy separate from them? Since I am a student, I will not have a job, will car insurance companies require a cosigner or anything like that?

    I am located in Texas and I am 22, so rates are high.

    submitted by /u/rusalochkaa
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    Help with Cancelling State Farm Auto and Life Insurance Please!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Hi, I hope this is the proper place to ask for advice for this. I am trying to help my SO cancel their Auto and Life Insurance policies through StateFarm, thus far they have made it a nightmare to do so. We are young and not well-versed in the world of insurance so this is all new to us, and so we would highly appreciate some advice. I apologize for the lengthy post and thank you ahead of time for your time.

    To be brief we have moved from CA to TX and decided to switch her insurance from StateFarm to Geico... I initiated this process over 1 month ago and future-dated the Geico policy to start on the last day of her StateFarm billing cycle. All went well with Geico and the policy has be instated, however, on the StateFarm end they haven been extremely cryptic in providing us with instructions and materials to cancel the policy. We asked them to cancel both policies (which were initially bundled) almost a full month prior to the end of the billing cycle. 3 times we called and each time they said they have canceled both policies, yet we saw no change to the polices online...Each time the rep informed us that the previous person had not actually properly canceled it and said they would take care of it instead. After the 3rd time of this occurring we noticed no change on the website to her bill/policy. We got in contact with the assistant to her personal agent (who has been exceedingly difficult to reach) and explained to her the situation... She yet again reported that all 3 previous reps had not actually cancelled either policy, she said she would cancel the auto for us but the life policy required signed documentation at an office location, even though due to COVID-19 (at-least in CA) there were no offices open to do-so. She said in the meantime she would suspend all payments and find out more information on how to cancel the life policy possibly online...

    A couple weeks pass and we move to Texas, with no update from the assistant we call once again. She reports to us the auto policy has been cancelled yet we have not received a written notice of such and the billing statement continues to increase in price (unpaid due to the suspended payments), we tried doing this all way ahead of time so that we would not have to pay insurance we no longer were using, but due to their endless ineptitude and professionalism we fear they have dragged this out without actually canceling either policy and adding more charges to our bill. Finally after endless pestering on our part the assistant sends us a form: " Cash Surrender/Termination Request", used to cancel the remaining policies. She ignored all questions asking for the previous written notice of the auto insurance she claimed to have cancelled and their website is so cryptic we are unsure if this form is for both auto and life or just life insurance. Furthermore, this form asks for an acct # and routing # to pay outstanding balance. Yet these charges include months billing cycles post-dating our original cancellation request and they also include a charge for a "policy change", that I believe to be the un-bundling of life and auto insurance discount. We certainly do not plan on paying for this but we are unsure of how to proceed and what scope of power they hold over us? If you have read thus far I again thank you for your time, any wisdom would be much appreciated. I fear this is either pure ineptitude/lack of care, or an attempt to get more money out of us, this is our first time cancelling insurance so we have little to reference. Please let me know what may be our best course of action and what power they hold over us to perhaps force us to pay this outstanding balance. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Sir-DrProfessor
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    I am a dependent & just was laid off. I’m under my moms health insurance but in October I turn 26. I will be cut off. I’m looking into marketplace insurance plans. Should I apply now or wait until I’m 26? If I have no job by then will I be eligible for Medicaid?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Well I was laid off & I'm 25 years old still under my moms insurance for now. But when I turn 26 I will be cut off. Hoping I have a job by then. If i don't which I have no clue when my job will rehire... or any job out there will hire me.

    I was looking into marketplace insurance & most likely my mom will pay it which really sucks. But it is what it is. When should I look into it? Should I apply now or wait until I lose coverage in October.

    I'm seeing a dental plan I do like & I haven't seen a insurance plan I like yet. My primary doctors aren't on there & id have to go back to my crappy ex doctor because he accepts all types of insurance (he is the only one who figured out I had a cyst though so I guess he's good).

    Also if I apply now would I qualify for Medicaid? Should I even bother with Medicaid?

    I'm in Georgia.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/readyheartsx
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    DCPD and TPL

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Question on when these coverages would apply:

    If I was to crash into someone's vehicle and it is totally my fault, would my TPL coverage pay the claim for the damage to the other person's vehicle? in the same situation, wouldn't that other persons DCPD coverage pay them? I am confused about when TPL covers a claim vs. when DCPD covers a claim. I am likely thinking about it all wrong but it seems like the person who gets crashed into could be covered two times.

    submitted by /u/piraterobertson
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    Experience with the Institutes' Virtual Exams?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    I am one test away from completing my AINS designation. I was suppose to take API 28 exam at a proctored location, but the Institutes moved it to virtual examination due to COVID-19. I am most likely going to just take it at home rather than reschedule it when the exam centers open back up, but I wanted to see if anyone else took the virtual exam and what was their experience with it. Did you feel like it was harder than proctored exam or the same? Is there anything specific you'd recommend to watch out for?

    submitted by /u/_batwman_
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    What is the term for when an insurance company doesn't have to pay out because damage happened at such a large-scale that the insurance companies would go out of business? Typically caused by things like hurricanes, earthquakes, or other natural disasters

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    Los Angeles: pedestrian damages car

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    I mistook another car for mine and when I tried to open the trunk, the panel with the handle came off (guess I don't know my own strength!). Actually, I suspect it might have already been damaged and just glued back into place, but I left a note anyway.

    What is the procedure in a situation like this where a pedestrian accidentally damages a car by bumping into it or the like?

    submitted by /u/RandomDigitalSponge
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    Elderly Grandparents - Bad Medicare Plan - TX

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    My elderly grandparents(69,70) signed up for a Medicare Supplement Plan earlier this year. They were excited because it had a $0 premium and only a $2500 deductible. The plan kicked in on 5/1. This morning my grandmother stood up and her knee "popped." So they immediately called an orthopedic surgeon to get an appointment. Whatadayaknow, the surgeon does not take their "insurance." The surgeon is luckily a family friend and has agreed to comp it so they are going to the appointment this afternoon. While that is great, if she needs surgery, it will not be covered. They canceled the Medicare Supplement plan this morning because they called, I kid you not, 84 doctors. Not a single one took the insurance. There is a 30-day waiting window of cancelation, so the policy won't end until 30 days from now.

    I know a great deal about regular health insurance but I don't know much about Medicare/Medicare Supplements. My grandmother claims that they will just go back to "regular medicare" after the 30 days.


    Amerigroup Amerivantage Classic HMO - Its a part C plan

    It is likely she will need surgery. What should they do to get better coverage/plans? What are their options?

    submitted by /u/HunterDonahue
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    Car insurance advice

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm in PA and have had Erie for car insurance since I've started driving. I've compared prices elsewhere and just haven't changed companies because I'm afraid I'm making a mistake. Provided I keep my coverage the same, is it advisable to change to Progressive, State Farm or Geico if they offer considerable savings? Should I compare on my own or is a broker worth using?

    submitted by /u/Raven71618
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    Minor auto accident. Both backed into each other, my car sustained less damage but will cost more to repair. Should I let insurance handle this?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    In Tennessee

    Both of us backed into each other and her bumper slightly fell off but could probably be pushed back in and it had more dents and scratches, mine had some scratches and small dents but to repair it I will have to replace the bumper which will be more expensive than hers because my car is more expensive. She will also have to replace her bumper.

    Don't really deal with accidents often or know the best course of action so I'm not sure if contacting insurance would be the smarter thing with raising the rate or just getting it fixed.

    I was stupid and both of us were in a hurry and did not contact police or get witnesses but exchanged numbers.

    submitted by /u/lsiunl
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    Monthly car insurance payments

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    Do any of you guys think paying monthly car insurance payments kind of sucks especially right now with the virus and the fact that we are not even driving our cars?

    Located in Texas in the United States.

    submitted by /u/youngkilog
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    Does Geico’s Mechanical Breakdown Insurance cover the infotainment system?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    If the DVD/Blu-ray player breaks on my new van, can I file a MBI claim?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Flagil_Reinhumps
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    Hello Guys! I’m going to pursue my CII level 3. Any recommendations or tips?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    AAA vs insurance roadside assistance benefits?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    My current roadside assistance that I have covers everything AAA has except the coverage for missing keys. Their max towing range is 20 miles compared to 5 miles for AAA's basic towing but I recently had my car break down and had to wait almost 2 hours for the tow truck to arrive despite being in a big city's metro area.

    AAA I see also covers you if you're in a rental car or someone else's car. Also my insurance roadside assistance is not nationwide and only covers certain states. Would it be worth it to get AAA in my case?

    submitted by /u/mirrorsouth
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    Fire Damaged Fallen Tree California

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    We had a tree come down and cause damage to our roof and the facade of the house. There had been some light snow and no wind. Insurance decided without viewing the property that the snow was the cause. However we believe it could have been fire damage. The base and roots of the tree were damaged during the Camp Fire in 2018. This matters as it would fall under the 2018 claim. We still have the debris and the roots show scorch marks and there are literal pieces of charcoaled wood in the hole where the tree had been standing. I'm thinking about hiring an Arborist to come out and give me his opinion. Any thoughts? If the tree fell because of fire damage would I be compensated for the tree? As insurance opened another claim how hard will it be to close and add to the older (fire) claim?

    Thanks everyone.

    submitted by /u/iodine_red
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    So many people have several months worth of auto insurance payments to catch up, what is your insurance company doing to help you with the bill?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Not-at-Fault Car Accident which resulted in Knee Surgery. How to calculate Pain and Suffering?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I was involved in a car accident in Ohio that resulted in going to the ER and then needing knee surgery days after. So far the other insurance company has accepted liability and they had a $100k per person bodily injury policy. I've not yet spoke with the insurance in regards to my bodily injury claim but am in process of settling property damage claim.

    The insurance company told me I can have my medical bills billed directly to them however at this time I'm billing thru my personal medical insurance. Is this advised for Ohio? I've read that this would be in my best interest.

    My Patellar Tendon ruptured and my Patella had fractured in 2. My understanding is I will need physical therapy and will not be able to drive for at least 6 weeks. My 5 year old was with me but did not sustain any injuries.

    I am stuck in a knee stabilizer for awhile. I am stuck on the couch for awhile. I am unable to attend work. Income is lost. Life-long scar. I have numbness weeks later that may never return feeling. Sleeping can become difficult as well as caring for myself. Caring for my two children and tending the house now falls 100% on my wifes responsibility along with her 40 hour week job. Wife and family members have had to use vacation days at their employment to assist with responsibilities and care. I'm missing most of the summer and have limited summers with my daughters. I missed my daughers preschool graduation. Was hoping to teach my oldest how to swim and ride a bike this summer.

    The property damage, missed wages, etc are pretty straight forward but I'm wondering what I should expect for pain and suffering? Obviously I will not settle until I believe I am offered fair compensation and that cannot be determined until I fully know the extent of my injury. I plan to wait until I am completely finished with treatment and know the extent of my injuries as well as future complications.

    I have contacted a few lawyers however am holding out on hiring one for the time being. I will hire a lawyer if the settlement becomes difficult or they are unwilling to compensate fairly.

    submitted by /u/DatShytBeeCray
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    Any detriment to waiting to get a no-fault repair done off-the-books?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Hey all quick q, a neighbor scratched my car up pretty bad but left his phone #. He will probably offer to pay for the damage and I think off-the-books would be okay. however I know people are strapped for cash in general right now, and I don't mind driving around with the damage for a while. am I putting myself in any sort of liability by waiting to get the damages fixed, like if the insurance companies end up needing to get involved?

    submitted by /u/icelittle
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    Worth reporting minor car damage (not at fault)?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    An old lady hit my bumper while she was parking. I was sitting parked perfectly in a marked space with the engine off waiting for someone. Then she went and bumped another car while trying to park. The damage to my car is minor but cosmetically annoying - a few scratches, the integrated plastic clip for the bumper broke off so it's not fully secure, which matters since this is a Subaru and I take it off road occasionally. I'm not sure if fully repairing this might be somewhat involved due to how car parts come as a whole package, or whether it will be pretty minor. Will I get dinged on my insurance premium for reporting this and trying to get her insurance to cover it? Will even asking the question to my insurance (Geico) get logged as a negative on my record? I'm in California.

    FWIW this bumper previously took similar damage from a different old lady in a different parking lot. Don't get me started on whether these people should be allowed to drive.

    submitted by /u/262plussome
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    Do I need these Homeowners Insurance Coverages?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to make sure I get the right homeowners coverage. Here's some information:

    1. I live in Pittsburgh, PA, where there's not a lot of earthquakes, but there's fracking going on in surrounding areas.
    2. My house is on a hill and I have a sump pump. No water issues since I moved in 3 years ago, but there's a hill that runs towards the house.
    3. I don't think I am on a flood plain, but I'm not sure.

    The coverages I'm not sure of are:



    -Sink Hole

    -Sump Pump backup

    I just hear horror stories about people that lose everything because of some crazy random thing that happens and then they are screwed. I want to make sure I'm covered in case some major event happens that would cost too much money to fix.

    Anyone that can help, thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/fobreezee
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    Will a body kit and alloy wheels increase my insurance much?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    I got a new car, but the bumper was damaged by the previous owner, instead of a stock bumper I could get an aftermarket body kit for cheaper and it looks better.

    Also the wheels are damaged so I'm considering new alloys.

    I'm only really replacing damaged parts however I'm a young driver.

    I know a lot of people don't declare their modifications but I also know a friend who's insurer refused to cover him after an accident due to modifications and he's in quite a lot of debt.

    What do you think ?

    I have no intention of touching the engine as its perfect.

    UK, Wales

    submitted by /u/LJamH
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    Is Uninsured/Underinsured motorist a coverage that is worth the premium?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    I currently have an auto policy with Allstate but wanted to reach out and gain insight from other people as well. Is Uninsured/Underinsured a coverage worth the premium? If I were to get into an accident and the other party is considered at fault but doesn't have any insurance at all and I don't have the coverage,, Allstate wouldn't pay out the cost to repair my vehicle and bodily injury if I have comprehensive and collision coverages on my vehicle? Wouldn't they do a subrogation on the other party that is considered at fault? The coverage just seems a little ambiguous to me, but I appreciate any and all information.

    Also, I am asking in the Colorado region by the way if that helps.

    submitted by /u/Iortiz3355
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    Just interviewed for benefits associates position. What do I need to know for my second interview?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    FYI I'm a recent grad as of May 2020 with a BA in sociology. I have ZERO experience in insurance and just got through the phone call interview.

    The next email is gonna be over webcam and I know its going to be situational but idk what to expect. Are there any resources I can use to learn more about insurance?

    P.S. my position will be working with client service teams along with some admin stuff.

    I'm in Southern California

    submitted by /u/muses_
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    Looters steal $2.4 million in Rolex watched from NYC store

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    I don't understand why they would have those in the store. Any property of theft policies exclude damage caused by riots or civil insurrection. No claims will ever be paid related to these riots.


    submitted by /u/yeg__realtor
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