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    Monday, June 1, 2020

    Daily Advice Thread - All basic help or advice questions must be posted here. Investing

    Daily Advice Thread - All basic help or advice questions must be posted here. Investing

    Daily Advice Thread - All basic help or advice questions must be posted here.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    If your question is "I have $10,000, what do I do?" or other "advice for my personal situation" questions. If you are going to ask how to invest you should include relevant information, such as the following:

    • How old are you?
    • Are you employed/making income? How much?
    • What are your objectives with this money? (buy a house? Retirement savings?)
    • What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know its 100% safe?)
    • What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors?)
    • Any other assets? House paid off? Cars? Expensive significant other?
    • What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs?
    • Any big debts?
    • Any other relevant financial information will be useful to give you a proper answer.

    Please consider consulting our FAQ first - https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/wiki/faq

    Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. You should strongly consider seeing a registered financial rep before making any financial decisions!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Investment firm Cowen estimated that Uber Eats was losing $3.36 on every order and would continue to lose money on every order for the next five years.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:36 AM PDT


    At first, the COVID-19 pandemic seemed like a perfect fit for food delivery apps. Restaurants in states with lockdown orders now depend completely on delivery and takeout, while public health authorities are telling consumers to stay indoors. The big four consumer-facing delivery apps—Grubhub, Uber Eats, Postmates, and DoorDash—offer a convenient solution for both parties, accelerating the move to the tech-centric, gig-economy-powered Delivery World of tomorrow.

    It hasn't quite worked out that way.

    Instead, some consumers are walking away from delivery apps, restaurants are struggling to make delivery sustainable, and there's potentially a bigger problem even a captive consumer base hasn't solved.

    "Their current models don't really work," said Dan Fleischmann, a vice president at Kitchen Fund, a venture capital firm that invests in food startups. "It just doesn't really work for anyone. It doesn't work for the restaurant. It doesn't work for the third-party delivery provider."

    Even Before the Pandemic, Things Weren't Looking Great In August 2019, analysts from the investment firm Cowen estimated that Uber Eats was losing $3.36 on every order and would continue to lose money on every order for the next five years. Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi acknowledged that Uber Eats is not yet profitable in an email to employees in March after its parent company laid off more than 3,700 employees. "While Eats growth is accelerating, the business today doesn't come close to covering our expenses," he wrote. When asked about the profitability of Uber Eats, Uber spokesperson Sarah Abboud referred The Markup to the company's 2020 first quarter earnings report.

    submitted by /u/forfunzi
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    Civil Unrest: What will be the impact on markets?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    Surprisingly havent seen discussion on this topic

    There are going to be alot of businesses impacted and I imagine the US will have to pay some form of stimulus to counteract all the damage.

    What do you think will happen?

    submitted by /u/can_wien07
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    Newbie here: earned my first salary and would like to invest around $5k

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    So after having saved some money from my first job, I'd like to invest it rather than have it spoil and be devalued on my bank account.

    I literally have no clue of where to even begin. I've heard of Vanguard, Betterment or e-Toro but I just don't know where to place my money and what is going to be the most profitable.

    I'd say I have around $5k I can invest today and every month I'll have around $500 I can invest.

    What would you guys recommend?

    I know it's frustrating to see this kind of newbie post but we all gotta start somewhere :)


    submitted by /u/Davh92
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    Any precious metals investors know what's going on with platinum?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    Of the four precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium), gold is the highest it's been in 10 years, silver has recovered its price from before the crash, palladium is drooping but is still higher than where it was at the start of 2020, and then there's platinum that is barely above its 10 year low.

    Given that platinum is conventionally ranked above gold, any precious metals experts know what's causing the difference in performance?

    submitted by /u/adayofjoy
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    Who are going to be the long-term beneficiaries from COVID?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    I believe that COVID is accelerating many changes that would have already happened, such as increased remote work. I would now like to start investing in many of these industries. Some of my thoughts include:

    1. Increased use of VR
    2. Increased telehealth
    3. Increased video conferencing
    4. Real Estate in smaller / more rural / cheaper areas
    5. At home work stations
    6. Drone delivery (if more people are living in rural areas)

    What are some ways to capitalize on these trends in the public markets if these are correct? Facebook obviously for obvious but are there other public companies that that stand to benefit. I think Microsoft Teams and Google Meet will ultimately kill Zoom and Slack so don't want to go there. I'm sure i'm missing a ton here, but wanted to get a conversation started.

    submitted by /u/rockwood15
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    Best strategy to buy/sell stocks with a 8 to 5 job?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    I recently got hired for a regular 8 to 5 job. I used to work a job that had 24 hour on 48 off. How is it possible to buy and sell stocks with a 8 to 5 schedule. Is it best to do a good till cancelled limit order order or what?

    submitted by /u/ElectricOne55
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    Recommend books for learning how to analyze a stock on your own?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Any other book recommendations for beginners would be awesome as well

    submitted by /u/alex346g4
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    Small cap cloud computing ETFs

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    What do you think of the small cap cloud computing sector ? I was looking at WCLD ETF in the US and see massive growth potential. Thoughts

    submitted by /u/Shaun8030
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    5/31/2020: Weekly Wrap-Up and What to Expect

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    As we expected, we heard a string of positive news regarding COVID and society. Reopening has been successful with the help of government relief and additional players joining in the effort to develop COVID vaccines and treatments. Riots around the U.S. have led to volatility, but will not likely have long-term effects on the economy. Here are the details:

    1. Novavax (NVAX) starts P1 COVID vaccine trial and Merck (MRK) announce development of two vaccines and one treatment. At the beginning of the week, two biopharma companies announced progress in the fight against COVID, with NVAX starting a P1 trial and MRK initiating vaccine and drug development. These two companies are only the latest to announced positive development against COVID. Merck, well known for their production of penicillin to help keep soldiers healthy to win WWII, is now taking on another war, the COVID pandemic.
    2. General consensus seems to say, "the worse is over", as economies have demonstrated successful reopenings to-date. Now that all states but New Jersey have plans of reopening, signs of economic life are re-emerging. Spending on hotels, restaurants, and flights have started picking up. "If this is the only wave [of coronavirus], it looks like we've bottomed out and the normalization process has begun," said Beth Ann Bovino, U.S. chief economist at S&P Global Ratings.
    3. However, COVID relief has been so great that the U.S. government is considering financial incentives for people to go back to work. A new study by the University of Chicago show that two-thirds (68%) of jobless workers may earn more money from their state unemployment insurance plus the $600 weekly supplement from the federal government than they would have on the job. In fact, one in every five eligible workers would receive benefits that were double their lost earnings. Because benefits are so great, the U.S. government is worried that citizens may be disincentivized to go back to work. As a result, the Trump administration is considering a $450 per week bonus to return to work on top of wages.
    4. Furthermore, riots across the U.S. after the tragic death of George Floyd demonstrate instability across the U.S. and is a wild card for the market. Protests over the tragic death of George Floyd in Minnesota, New York, etc. have resulted in violence, arson, and looting. Political and cultural instability never benefits the economy, especially as it's recovering from the devastating COVID blow. However, instability like this in the U.S. generally ends after a week or two once citizens turn from protest to discussion that hopefully results in a permanent societal change for the better.

    Even with protests across the U.S., economic recovery from COVID continues, fueled by medical advancements and successful reopenings. WX Capital believes the riots will contribute to volatility in the near-term as we saw in the last few days of trading last week. However, over a longer period, we believe that economic recovery will be sure and steady. Our investments in companies hit hardest by COVID is now starting to return well. Furthermore, we've lined up our portfolio with biotech companies with high-likelihood catalysts which will help us maintain our above-market returns. As usual, don't ever hesitate to reach out with questions!

    submitted by /u/boccherini-trader
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    Understanding return and risk - a simulator of the university of Mannheim

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    the following link features an interactive tool that might improve the understand risk and return distributions over short and long time horizons for starting investors:


    It has been built by economists from the university of Mannheim, Germany, in order to increase public understanding. And thanks to Gerd Kommer who listed the simulator in his latest book.

    Edit: FAQ on the data and model used for the simulation: http://simulator.behavioral-finance.de/#!/faq/true

    submitted by /u/sardonic-dynamite
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    What one piece of advice would you give to all the newbies flocking into the market?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Is Booming Bulls Academy Fraud?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    I am interested in learning stock market trading and I came across https://www.boomingbulls.com and then I followed them on Instagram and found that the results were more than just amazing, but it seems like something is not right, everyone is earning and that is when I decided to bring this up here.

    submitted by /u/animeshansh
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    33M, Married, Making 160k/year. How much money should I invest?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:59 AM PDT


    I've been following the thread for a while and I want to get your advice on how much money I should start investing. (This is a new account just because I think it's better this way)

    I am 33M, married. My wife and I are salary-people, making ~160k/year total and we live in Asia; our jobs are quite stable, and we trust each other wholeheartedly.

    Expense wise: Our lifestyle can be considered dirt-cheap (including rent, we are spending ~2k/month, mostly eat at home, take public transport, we travel quite often but never really spend much)

    Balance sheet wise: we invest so far only in real-estate and we have around 100k invested in real-estate asset, cash & equivalents is 150k.

    My plan is to DCA into a low cost index like VOO (50%) and VUG (25%) and maybe safe-stock like MSFT/APPL (25%).

    Base on the information above: how much would you advise me to invest with the available cash and with monthly salary?

    submitted by /u/NormalJoe42
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    Is it time to go long on esport stocks ?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    So #GMBL and #AESE are the ones I have my eyes on they exploded last week with some serious gains. I am thinking about loading up and going long starting tomorrow depending on what the market is doing. However I am worried that I am to late to the party. After such huge gains I feel there will Be significant pullbacks. I do think esports has a bright future as well as online gambling I am looking for long term growth. What's y'all opinions ? Can they continue to soar ? Or pump and dump

    submitted by /u/Captkirk91
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    Will a second "COVID dip" come? Why are the markets "booming"?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    When this crisis was starting, I went into it with the notion of "slow dip with high negative amplitude with varying speed of recovery over 2-5 years".

    I thought-"perfect opportunity to buy low/the dip". Yet the dip lasted only couple of weeks really. Markets are booming, certain stocks have already reached their pre-crisis highs or gone higher etc.

    Yet millions of people around the world are jobless and thrown into poverty, who knows how many business shut down permanently or have been set back a lot, nothing still works really, second wave will probably hit in autumn-winter (potentially even harder if history is a teacher as they say), cure/vaccine nowhere in sight. Yet markets are going up up up like it's just another day on Wall Street.

    Is it a case of US/global government(s) printing a lot of money, do investors know that a vaccine is coming, do investors think people and jobs aren't really needed to make a profit, is it peak of a bubble or what?

    submitted by /u/LegatusDivinae
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    Investing in new nuclear tech

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    I came across copenhagen atomics on funderbeam and it does sound really promising. They have developed components for a molten salt nuclear reactor which is safer and produces much less waste then gen 3 reactors. On top it can burn nuclear waste from gen 3 reactors.
    There are like 20 similar companies on the world and they seem to be the furthest right now, even bill gates is financing tech like that.


    Check them out folks

    submitted by /u/5nickers
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    Does anyone use Firstrade?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    Hi r/investing,

    Non-US trader here. Limited options available to me where I reside, but Firstrade is one (amongst International Brokers, Saxo Bank, Swissquote, etc). I am currently moving away from Saxo Bank (due to high fees) and considering Firstrade or Interactive Brokers.

    My curiosity was peaked with their zero commission structure, which is hard to find outside the US. The application process was easy, and the UI for both web and mobile is very straightforward (albeit basic). Still, ease of use is important to me. Their offering is fairly limited, but I stick to US equities and ETFs anyway, so no bother there.

    I wanted to hear about your experiences: the good, the bad, the ugly. I read somewhere that the withdrawal process is complicated, lengthy, and costly. It apparently involves forms and can cost up to $50 per withdrawal for international wire transfers.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Johnny_Yukon
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    Price of Gold in future ?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    Please share your thoughts on the direction of gold price for the next few years ... I have been hearing with the pandemic , the economic situation caused by it and the current political situation it is bound to increase ...

    submitted by /u/prodev321
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    Small investment and rights issue

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    Ive invested a small amount(around 500) into Whitbread some time ago and now they are raising capital by releasing new shares. Problem is the broker fee of participation, which is 50 eur. Normally, with reasonable amount invested, I would just take the offer, but considering the sum of money it makes little sense for me to pay 50eur fee.

    Question is, whats the best course of action?

    submitted by /u/Truthhhurts
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    Xetra low volume ETF

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am planning to stick to an ETF and make monthly investments. The listed below tickers, are for the same ETF of iShares, only on different exchanges. It is obvious that the one listed on LSE has higher volume. But its not sold in euros, I prefer to buy them in EUR. The reason for this is that my domestic currency is BGN and its tied to EUR (I am not loosing anything when converting) therefore for me its better to buy stocks listed in euro.

    Would it be harder for me to capitalize a stock with lower volume?

    Is SRX8.DE less attractive than CSPX.L ? Isnt it the same ETF?

    SXR8.DE - Avg. Volume91,027

    CSPX.L - Avg. Volume354,490

    submitted by /u/necroholda
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    Semi conductor etf

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    I'm wondering if it is worth investing in soxx or smh.

    I'm currently splitting my potfolio between qqq, spyg, arkw, vgt, fdn. Basically high in tech.

    I'm wondering if I should diversify into semi conductor or add more in position to fdn(internet related company)

    submitted by /u/Mvewtcc
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    The real second wave - Trump not reelected

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    It's been really popular lately to cry wolf about the second wave of infections which will crush the markets. This will not happen because every country is closely monitoring infections and because part of this risk is still priced in.

    The real fear I have of a market drop is Trump not being reelected. Beleive me, the market would not like that.

    I thought this was unlikely until this week. But now with Biden ahead and the Chinese trade war poised to continue, Trump's voting base is getting hurt (financially). And that's not to mention the pain in the oil industry or the local and international backlash from the way protests are being handled.

    I was quite bullish on his reelection with the stock market bounce. But if the real economy doesn't improve and fuel is added to the fire with protests and trade war, the man will not be reelected and our calls our fucked.

    submitted by /u/tellg1291
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    TD Ameritrade Cash Alternatives

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    I've been a trader for just under two months, making a few trades but just recently I sold a stock and instead of the money being available to trade, it went to cash alternatives. Now through my 5 minutes of googling I found out the money will settle in 3 days and all will be good. But I was wondering why it happened to this trade specifically and not my other trades? Some things to note about this trade: I was using money that I just put into the account like maybe a day ago, also I used substantially more money than my previous trades. Does some of these factor in to why my money went into cash alternatives?

    submitted by /u/kid_az
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