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    Monday, June 1, 2020

    A petition: Covid-19 Economic Response: Cancel Student Loans by Executive Order. Student Loans

    A petition: Covid-19 Economic Response: Cancel Student Loans by Executive Order. Student Loans

    A petition: Covid-19 Economic Response: Cancel Student Loans by Executive Order.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Update: apparently this website is a scam, and I'm sorry I didn't realize this before. Looking for other options (apparently the whitehouse petition website is best option but not seeing a petition specifically on this matter) please share if you know of one.


    Find it here: http://chng.it/rrF8ndPRDx

    Trillions could be injected into the economy with no tax money needed, and nothing added to the national debt.
    President Trump needs new ways to stimulate the economy. He has no great options left. The Fed Funds Rate is essentially zero. Tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy- including the $1.6 million stimulus recently given to 43,000 millionaires- won't help those who need it. Additional direct payments to the citizens will be expensive. Suspending interest and deferring payments on student does very little. Every conceivable spending/stimulus plan will undoubtedly require either more tax money, or will increase the national debt. ...EXCEPT CANCELLING STUDENT LOANS BY EXECUTIVE ORDER. The President could issue an executive order cancelling all of the student loans that the federal government holds- about 85% of all student debt. Nothing would be added to the national debt, and no tax appropriation would be needed. This is- by far- the least expensive, and most expedient way to inject trillions into the economy. Even before the Covid-19 crisis, this was a FAILED lending system: 55 million borrowers and cosigners are struggling under $1.8 Trillion in debt (up from only $175 billion in 2000). Over $100 Billion in interest alone is being sucked out of the economy every year. The default rate for 2004 borrowers is 40%, and borrowing has tripled since that time. According to the recently resigned Chief Operating Officer of the lending program, 80% of all borrowers will never be able to repay their loans.
    Unlike all other loans in this country, student loans have been stripped of fundamental consumer protections like bankruptcy rights, statutes of limitations, and others. Without these protections, student loans have been weaponized against the very citizens they were supposed to help.
    The Result: Lives and livelihoods are being wrecked en masse. Young people aren't getting married, starting families, businesses or buying homes. Older people are being forced to cash in their retirements. Families are being torn apart. People are fleeing the country. Some are even committing suicide. This is not right. This was never right.
    Analysts have predicted that cancelling student loans will increase GDP by about $100 billion for the next ten years, but they do not take into account the borrowing capacity (and thus spending) that such a move would free up. This would be another $1 Trillion injected into the economy in the near and medium term. Some experts even believe that debt cancellation is the only way to avoid a depression!

    The President should seize this opportunity, and push the reset button on this FAILED, BIG-GOVERNMENT lending system!

    Rest assured, the taxpayers will be fine. The federal government has been profiting wildly on this lending system for ten years running. Many years of White House Budget data confirm that the Department of Education is- astonishingly- even making a profit on defaulted loans! While no one can say with accuracy how much of the $1.5 Trillion in outstanding federal loans is interest vs. principal, it is likely that the former is significantly larger than the latter. So on balance, the taxpayer should more-than break even on such a move. Bureaucrats, lobbyists, and other defenders of the lending system in and around the Department of Education will surely protest such a move, but 40 million citizens who are being crushed under the weight of these predatory loans will cheer, and the economy will flourish. When President Lyndon Johnson signed the Higher Education Act in 1965, he declared that student loans would be "free of interest". President Trump decried the fact that the government was making so much profit on the loans. The President should create a far more efficient higher education financing system that doesn't wreck the citizens, hyper-inflate the price of college, and enable a national threat such as what the Department of Education has become. This is an historic opportunity for the President to cure a recession, drain the swamp, create a better higher education financing system, and strongly endear himself to tens of millions of voters who would otherwise have, by and large, opposed him this coming November

    submitted by /u/kitangerine
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    Any one else having issues with Heartland ECSI loading right now?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    The website is taking a horrendously long time to load and no matter how long I wait it gives me the following error:

    heartland.ecsi.net says

    The system is not available. Please try again later

    I need to give my monthly payment by the 1st so I'm a bit panicky.

    submitted by /u/demonyn
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    help me make the smart move

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I have about 50k in school loans from attending school 2008-2012. Half of those were tied up in a discharge review for a school that was found to commit fraud. I received word last week that my application was denied. I am not going to fight it because I knew it was a possibility - they say that you had to start at the school 2 months after I started to qualify (I don't understand why 2 months makes a difference, but it does apparently). To be fair, I got what I needed from the school and went on to have a career because of the education I received. The interest that accumulated on the loans since I applied (3-4 years ago) is supposed to be discharged. None of this has shown up on my account yet, but I assume it is in process.Anyway, I have been working for a non-profit since 2012 and am working on getting qualified for PSLF. I pay on IBR plans., which in the last few years have been nearly nothing per month because I am a single mom. The issue is that I have a few loans that won't qualify for PSLF. I am now trying to decide if it's worth consolidating these loans so that they will qualify, or if I should just work to pay them off. I am not well-versed on how interest works and all that, so I am not sure what to do. These loans that do not qualify total about $15,000 and range in interest rates from 5.6% to 6.8%. I expect to be able to pay off about $10k total in loans in the next 6-8 months due to a sum of money that I will be receiving.

    I am not sure what other info might be helpful, but I would appreciate any input into the situation!

    edit: Just thought to add that I have not been making regular payments the entire time I was employed. When I applied for the fraud discharge, they placed an administrative forbearance on ALL of my loans. I left it there for like a year or two before realizing that I should have requested it to be removed so that my minimum payments would count. I then had to fight them on this nearly every other month because they would reapply the admin forbearance. I am currently unsure how many qualifying payments I have actually made, but it's probably less than 15.

    submitted by /u/jennpdx1
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    Loans for earning an online degree (US based) while living in other countries?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    There are a few countries I am interested in living in (after Covid-19 is handled) that have a much lower cost of living than the US. I also want to earn a college degree from the US.

    Would it be possible/legal to do this? I've heard some people say their loans paid for all the classes/materials and also gave $500-$1000 in living expenses. In the right countries I could cover most of my living expenses, without working. I could get school done way faster than living in the US

    submitted by /u/bibimbapdroptop
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    OSLA due dates

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    I'm new to this whole student loans thing, so I'm confused with OSLA's system.

    I have a balance of 5,500$. My past dues, current dues, and paid amount are all 0$. However, my due date says January 11, 2021. Is the whole 5,500 due then or is that just when I need to start making monthly payments?

    submitted by /u/jmh0403
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    Refinancing - Need a few months of income or offer letter works?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    So I graduated this month from my MBA program and I have private loans that I took out to pay for school. I want to take advantage of the low rates and refinance these private loans to lower rates. The question is:

    1. Should I wait to refinance after a couple pay stubs (I start my job this month) or will the offer letter and June start date work just fine? (Will be using lenders such as Commonbond, SoFi, Earnest)
    submitted by /u/Cubsfan2390
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    FAFSA Which parent should I list info for?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    My parents are divorce and I live with my mother, but my father makes a quarter of her income. If I list his info, will that help me receive more aid? Could any problems arise out of it as I don't live with him but my mom instead?

    submitted by /u/dirtydog24
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    6 month grace period is about to end but I’m starting summer school tomorrow.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I was supposed to graduate in December 19, but I ended up not getting the grades I needed in some courses. So I'm retaking the 3 classes I need to this summer. Is there a way I can get my grace period extended since I'm re-enrolled now? I didn't apply for any FA or anything so I'm gonna be paying this semester out of pocket😓.

    submitted by /u/GuddaTrojan
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    Advice for college tuition

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I am an incoming freshman at UCSB and I have a couple questions. So I received zero financial aid from them and zero grants from the California. My parents are only able to pay for a little portion of it, and with the tuition and living costs exceeding $100,000 I have no idea how I'm going to afford college. Besides loans and scholarships, do you guys have any advice that you could give me. Thanks!


    submitted by /u/hwcjustin
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    How to determine my state of legal residence?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    I go to grad school abroad. My parents moved from state A to state B a few months ago. I'm trying to renew my FAFSA and unsure of which state I would list as my legal residence. My parents now live full time in state B with no ties to state A, but my drivers license is still from state A, I'm registered to vote in state A, etc. etc. so I'm unsure of which state to list as my legal residence?

    submitted by /u/loanzfordayz
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    Questions about loan rehabilitation application form

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    1. Line 1 asks for "your employment income." Is it asking for gross or post-deduction income?

    2. Line 15 asks for "necessary insurance." Do I enter my health/dental/vision/etc insurance costs even though they're deducted straight from my gross pay?

    submitted by /u/renry_hollins
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    How can a UK citizen get a student loan to study in America?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:14 AM PDT


    My name is Callum, I'm currently 17 and living in the UK. I'm going to give a little back story on me, feel free to skip past it. When I was a kid, I was sick for 4 years and I didn't go to school. At the time, the school I was meant to be attending was were academic and was seen as a very good school to attend. Every week, the school would come knocking on my door asking why I wasn't attending and were asking for doctors notes. They would literately come and peer through my windows and try and force me into school. I was finally diagnosed with Crohn's disease, and then got the treatment I needed. I then moved to another school, and dropped back one year. I started of at school well, I attended classes and I was achieving B+'s in most of my classes. I was quite shy at first as I had not had communication with people for so long, but after about 6 months I discovered friends and parties. For the final two years of high school I went out every day and night, I hardly attended classes and did no studying for my final exams. I came out of high school, somehow passing with C's. After high school, I had no idea what to do, my dad said it would be good to get into a trade so I went to college to become an electrician. I was meant to be finishing the first year of my course around this time, but corona virus has stopped that. The course has been merged together with next years, but due to my condition I have a weak immune system and won't be able to attend till there's a vaccine which will be a very long time by now. If I started College next year, I would be 3 years behind. My old friends would be in their second year of university and all I have are some shitty high school grades.

    It's been a life long dream of mine to move to America. I recently started researching it and discovered how hard it is to move and get a visa. I've found the only way for me to move would be do go there on a F-1 Visa then hopefully obtain a H1-B after I had graduated. I would go to community college for two years then transfer to a 4-Year to complete a bachelors degree. However, it's very expensive for international students. I did the calculations and I was looking at just under $200k for the four years, this is including accommodation, food etc. Does anyone have any knowledge on how I could achieve this? I'm not sure if this makes any difference, but my dad is quite wealthy. He's currently retired but has over £1mil in investments and has money coming in from them every-month. Maybe he could possibly take the loan out in his name and I pay for it?

    I understand that this is a huge amount of money, and education is far cheaper in the UK. Please only comment if you have any actual solutions to my problem. I've visited California many times and fell in love with the place, it might sound stupid but where I currently live doesn't feel right or even home. I don't have any interests in moving anywhere other than there and if there's any chance or hope of moving I'm going to try and take it. If you have any concerns regarding the cost of my medical insurance, the person who manufacturers my drug offers a careplan where they pay for all the out of pocket costs of the drug and that's the bulk of the bill anyways. I've spoke to many American citizens who are on the same medication and have the same illness as me and it costs them $200 a month for insurance.

    All help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/callumwood999
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