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    Sunday, May 10, 2020

    The From 10 to 14,000 Subscribers Guy is Misleading You. Entrepreneur

    The From 10 to 14,000 Subscribers Guy is Misleading You. Entrepreneur

    The From 10 to 14,000 Subscribers Guy is Misleading You.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    He didn't rely on keyword research, he was getting the standard number of views that any unoptimized channel would get until he posted one of his videos on a finance subreddit and it went viral. The channel had no views before, and its getting no views after.

    Big Edit Here, I was Wrong. They did rely on keyword research for their website.
    They wrote or bought SEO content for their website, posted it around, optimized it and managed to get it to a pretty high rank (which is quite difficult and or expensive, congrats on that btw its not easy). They included their videos on those SEO pages guaranteeing views. AND ALSO they went viral posting things on reddit whenever possible. This is a GOOD strategy, and hard to pull off. But the numbers don't add up so im still convinced its the viral spike that had the biggest effect.

    What he actually did to succeed [edit](in combination with the above):

    1. pick a subreddit thats is relevant enough to your video
    2. title your video in a way that would be appealing to the subreddit
    3. post your video and pray it doesnt get removed before it can get traction

    Heres a link to the analytics to prove this: https://imgur.com/4zLfcGY

    **They went viral, thats all.**Before this happened, they only had 100 subscribers.

    "The content, which I then posted on reddit went viral (5k upvotes)."

    My question is: Why are you misleading people to thinking that your keyword research was responsible for anything other than the standard few views here and there?

    I suspect its because he wants to ride the wave as long as possible, and who could blame him, and also because he wants to convert his accidental success into authority to tell other people how to do it. Its some more Internet Entrepreneurs Making Money Teaching Other People To Be Internet Entrepreneurs Bullshit.

    Please just be honest. One thing I hate about the whole entrepreneurship community is that the most successful entrepreneurs hide their secrets and the most vocal ones are promoting some agenda.

    Edit, response from original poster:

    I'm not sure what else I can say or do... I'm not trying to mislead the community. I just wanted to share our success story.


    You know, we may just be having a miscommunication, which sucks. Im not trying to be malicious. But anyway heres my response:

    Heres the problem: you haven't been mentioning the significance this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/f2pguq/i_convinced_my_dad_he_sold_cars_for_42_years_to/

    This post is significant because it is from 2 months ago, which is the point at which your analytics start to turn up. With the limited information we have its not possible to determine whether the views you are getting come from SEO keyword research (which would be awesome) or if they are a result of going viral on a subreddit which would then lead to an increase in views across the channel due to the rise in watch time, subs, algorithm stuff (which would suck because thats way harder to emulate).

    The information that is actually important and useful to people would be the following:Before your video went viral:

    You had been posting your videos and links several times in

    r/todayilearned 3-4 times (posting your own blog links as TIL)

    r/askcarsales in comments

    r/usedcars in comments

    r/carbuying in comments

    r/personal finance (only this one went viral)

    This is clearly part of your strategy and is the one of the most valuable keys to your success and you don't talk about it at all. If its a winning strategy then its a winning strategy, you just kept posting until something went viral, great, Thats something we can try to.

    Another Method that you are using: You write an SEO optimized article based on your keyword research, and then you stick your youtube video in there. Its not magic, a certain number of people will reach your page depending on your rank, and the majority will watch a part of your video. But again, to not mention this strategy that you're using is kind of weird to me.

    Lastly, I could be wrong, Ive read your post a couple times but i may have missed something, but this is what ive parsed so far.

    I just think it sucks that the information that may actually be useful falls through the cracks.

    Just a little further research, They are ranking for a few high-volume keywords, and their youtube videos are on those pages for example:This page: Here is ranked #11 for the keyword "what happens to unsold cars" which has a monthly search volume of 5,376. They might be getting a couple thousands of views per month on this one page alone.

    My brain is tired now but u get the point. The above ^^^ is the actual useful information. This post has become a mess. Im sorry.

    submitted by /u/OGChamploo
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    None of my friends think outside the box and it really depresses me

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    I LOVE talking about new ways to make money. It's all I think about. My financial freedom, books I can read to improve myself. None of my friends care about that at all. They want to follow in the footsteps of their fathers who are poor and want stability.

    The irony is the one dude that I relate to tries to sell me on MLM and it's just so depressing. I wish I could talk to like minded folks about exchanging ideas instead of coming off as radical and my ideas being too risky for my boomer peers.

    submitted by /u/Bodacious_Dad_Bod
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    Entrepreneurs who could not afford to fail. Tell us your story of how you made it happen?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    Friends, relatives looking down on you waiting for your downfall. Losing money and not sure if your business is going to make it. Laughed at and discouraged. Co-founder going rogue.

    And anything else you wanna add, I wanna hear your story of struggle and how you made it out.

    submitted by /u/tournaket
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    Help Growing Newsletter - Giveaway Not Effective

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    I started a newsletter geared toward guys that sends a mixture of gaming, girls, and weed three times per week (www.thenewyorkslimes.com)

    I know it's crude, but I wanted to create a light-hearted, and substance-free (lol) newsletter that couldn't possibly cause any stress. One that guys would be obsessed with.

    It has been up and running for a month, and I am trying to find ways to accelerate subscriber growth even further. I ran a product giveaway in which all you had to do was get a few friends to subscribe in order to enter, but almost no one entered to win. Does anyone have experience with this? I'm very surprised and am wondering if it's unique to our campaign, or if you have to have A TON of subscribers in order to see any kind of significant take-up rate.

    Any advice on growing the list from someone experienced in email marketing would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/hockeyskier96
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    Was in process of purchasing a business, Covid hit and has changed everything while making the future much more uncertain. How to determine a change in value if any from our original agreement? Details below, any advice is welcome.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    Let me give some details I am A current business owner and came across an opportunity to purchase a motorcycle/ATV dealership. The brands are Kawasaki, Polaris and Suzuki. Deal includes some preowned inventory truck, parts accessories etc. roughly $100,000 of actual hard assets, there is no real estate going with it we would be renting at a very reasonable price for the next three years. Anyway the deal we made was to purchase the dealership for $600,000, we're putting $200,000 cash down and the owner is financing the rest to us at 5% for 10 years. Part of this process is getting approved by these manufacturers for floor plan which is the inventory that we sell. we have good credit and I have a partner who also has experience in this field so no issues. It has taken a long time though, this has been going on for months and months and the person selling us the business I know is very frustrated because he wanted this to be over and done with by now. In the meantime the virus has hit and changed everything, my partner and I both agree that we need to sit down with him and look at this deal again considering unemployment rate the economy projections over the next few years etc. The person selling us the business actually called me yesterday and leaned into me telling me that we need to have this done by July 1 this is ridiculous, a lot of the delays were not our fault by the way. Polaris had someone working on our Buy sell agreement and unfortunately the person quit and was never reassigned. Our deal sat for over 100 days with no one touching it. Anyway to boil it down things are different now, what type of price adjustment would be fair and what type of data could reinforce our position? By the way he has to know all of this, he's aware of what's going on his other dealership could not even be open for over six weeks and not retail units. They were allowed to be up in for service only, this would've absolutely killed us if we had gotten in and had to be close for over a month. We are in the Northeast by the way. Any advice , comments are welcome. Would love to hear what some of you think

    submitted by /u/fastedzo
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    Does going to university actually help? (Long)

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Recently me and my friend sent applications to university, subject is computer engineering. We already got accepted and I have friends saying how pointless it is and then I have others that are going to university them selves. I have been asking managers I have either worked with or I met while getting experience, all of which said that it's definitely worth. I think especially now when a lot of people are losing their jobs and it's hard to find work it would be better to continue studying and invest in my future. I'm just afraid that it might not give me much because middle school didn't give me nearly any knowledge (I finished studying logistics). I'm also struggling with money because all I have earned goes into repairing my car. However Im 70% convinced that I want to go to university. I just wanted to know your guy's opinion.

    submitted by /u/AngryOne118
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    “Chef’s Table” is easily one of the most inspiring TV series for entrepreneurs.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if anyone else has enjoyed this Netflix series, but I think it captures some of the best stories of entrepreneurship out there.

    There are countless business lessons to be learned from the award-winning chefs who are profiled, from leading teams to balancing life and work. My biggest takeaway is that building a brand—personal or business—requires risk.

    The restaurants on "Chef's Table" are often booked months out for reservations. People travel from all around the world to eat their food. They represent the apex of what a business can become in one of the most competitive industries, but they only achieved that level of notoriety because their leaders experimented with dishes, techniques, and experiences easily could have failed. And many of these experiments take place over decades-long careers.

    None of the chefs were rookie line cooks who one day just rolled out of bed one day, jotted down a award-winning menu and then basked in critics' praise. This show is a frequent reminder to myself that you have to place a lot of bets over time and fail a lot to discover what works.

    submitted by /u/wearehumanpowered
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    Side hustle business ideas for active duty military personnel?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    I'm 21, in the canadian armed forces

    Looking to start up a side business that can be achievable on spare time ie mobile car detailing, poop scooping, gardening, landscaping. Or dog training (I have a pretty solid background in dog training)

    I have no specific skills that translate directly into a business but open to ideas I can put money towards to learn? I'm a very hands on type of person.

    Any ideas or skills I could learn to start up? I considered mobile car detailing but startup seems to cost around 20k which is quite a bit for a side hustle. The other mentioned is very seasonal I'd like something I could potentially do year round. Even if I have to learn some specific skills first.

    Any suggestions? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Aphotic81
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    I bought YouTube subscribers and documented and analyzed the results

    Posted: 10 May 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    So if you read the articles or watch videos, everyone says not to buy subscribers. If you go to Fiverr or look at certain places on Reddit sometimes though, you can get a completely different picture. There are a plethora of people on Fiverr with 5 star reviews who say they can increase your view counts, subscriber counts, whatever you want. So what happens if you actually use them?

    They Will Produce Short Term Results

    If you don't do anything at all to peel back the curtain and you only judge these guys based on a few days' to a weeks' worth of performance, they will provide exactly what they say. If they say they'll get you 100 subscribers for $15, they will. Your view counts will go up, people will like and comment on the videos too. If you keep paying them, you'll never even notice an issue.

    It's The Definition of a Ponzi Scheme

    Like for Like is the biggest tactic. There are entire websites devoted to it. Using tactics like these, anyone who wants to can keep up the Ponzi scheme. Let's look at the Like for Like tactic. Basically, you subscribe to say 30 channels, and in response 30 people subscribe to your channel. Over a one or two day period of time, this is fantastic. 28 of them will be gone within 2 days though and the other two will never interact with your page. If you keep pumping someone's channel with these types of subscribers though and constantly replenish the ones that unsubscribe with new ones, you can keep that little scheme running for a long time.

    It's Really Easy To Spot Differences Between Paid and Organic YouTube Traffic

    This initially surprised me when I noticed it but it makes total sense. I begin this specific analysis at 17:40 into the video. There was a post made here yesterday that I thought actually made a good reference point to highlight what I noticed with this data.

    If you're interested in seeing the analysis or really interested in seeing just how easy it is to manipulate YouTube related numbers period, you should check out my video. After making it, I take literally anything anyone posts about their YouTube metrics with a grain of salt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OFPPzK6Yh0

    submitted by /u/Bodywithoutorgans18
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    As a college student, what’s the best way I can fund an entrepreneurship idea?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Shark Tank/Dragons Den aside, what's a real way I can help fund a certain huge idea I have? Take into account that I'm a university student and no idea whatsoever about programming, but knowledgeable about marketing and business overall.

    Idea is around 30-50 thousand USD to startup.

    submitted by /u/kudarose
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    Clover & Square Equipment

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    I am helping a small Pizza Restaurant in town that has stepped up for First Responders around Covid. He is looking to switch from Clover to Square. Does anybody know if he can use the Clover Printers with Square? He would like to avoid purchasing new ones from Square.


    submitted by /u/StopHamelTime
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    California DBA for LLC?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    I'm setting up a few small ecommerce site and just filed for an LLC under one parent name. Do I have to file a DBA under the LLC for each child-store? There's DBA/Fictitious name filing for each county (Los Angeles, Sacramento, etc..) so I'm not entirely sure how to make that determination or if I even need to. All business transaction would be under the parent's name, except each store front is under their own branding.

    submitted by /u/aupperk24
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    Soda Company

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:11 PM PDT

     Hello all, I'm curious about the soda industry. What are the steps a person would take to bring a flavor from concept to actual product? Would you recommend purchasing equipment and supplies to bottle or having a company handle those parts of the process? I know some factors to consider are logistics of getting the supplies to manufacturer, getting the product to buyers and warehousing. I'm happy trying to sell directly to stores, I live in a big city so there are a lot of small grocery stores that may be interested in the product. 

    I'd like to consult someone but I don't want to have them run off with my ideas for products. Is there anyway to minimize that from happening?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/citycyclist247
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    Simple matchmaking app - which database & authentication services to use?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Hi guys

    Looking to build a simple matchmaking app for a niche sport. Which database & authentication services should I use?

    For example, the app should:

    -Allow you to log in

    -Find nearby players with similar rating (which is stored in your database)

    Is Firebase really the way to go or are there alternatives?

    Kind regards

    submitted by /u/jhoodbossb
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    What is the greatest entrepreneurial advice you’ve ever received?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    Comment please

    submitted by /u/alyssaj76
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    Drive in theater?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Do you guys feel a drive in theater would be a good business to get into now? With COVID19 changing everything about crowd gatherings, I feel drive ins may be making a comeback.


    submitted by /u/Vaalz1
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    I am 16 and I want to build a blog website.Need some help and advices

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Hi.I have so much free time during this period and I want to build a blog and this way I can make some pocket money and get into the business word.I already have the coding skills so I can build the entire website by myself but I have some questions:

    Which are the most effective and cheapest ways of promovationg my website after it is done?

    Is this a good idea to make some passive income?Or there is too much competition already?

    Is there anyone who did something like thay ever before?Can you guys give me advices?

    submitted by /u/vld4k
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    Looking for recommendations to get custom brand stickers.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    A lot of good brands ship nice stickers that have their logo and brand on it. Wondering if anyone has any recommendations to. get these made and created for my own brand.

    submitted by /u/burugaz
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    Fear of time

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Guys i don't know if I'm crazy or something, but everyday i wake up i have a pressure on my mind, a though that makes me think that i have to do it at all costs and every day that passes i feel like my idea is becoming outdated.

    it drives me crazy that nearly everyday i just stay all night working on it, i really fear the time.

    what about you guys? have anyone had this happening to them?

    submitted by /u/Chaddinki99
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    Scaling and Market Analysis - counseling center

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    I have a 2 year old private practice(counseling center- individuals, couples, families) consisting of 5 clinicians with multiple specialties and a part-time receptionist. Were private pay only. We're ranking really well on Google for a lot of keywords for our area and we have a ton of solid reviews which has helped out tremendously. I'm getting to a point where I don't see clients and I've really only had to maintain the business and I'm looking at opening up a new location but with my background in Psychology, I have no idea how to scale or do a market analysis of where the highest need is. I feel like my business model is pretty strong and we've nailed down our target demographic. I'd like to find a place where there are fewer other practices and a high need but do I base that need off of search results alone? Any insight would be great!

    I don't have any mentors. I just turned 31 and I'm really trying to think big picture and eventual exit strategy. Ive tried two separate consultants who charged an arm and a leg and they didn't give me anything I didn't already know. Most of them are people who have been in this profession for a while who prey on people who want to stop working at community agencies.

    submitted by /u/Xravi
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    Adblock is on 700M mobile devices, 200M desktops worldwide. It has been 10 years, no real monetization in sight. Not even an effort on user side (fee for service), nor on the publisher side (fee sneak your ad in). What are these guys up to?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    It has been 10 years since AdBlock came around and they are on 700M mobile devices , 200M desktops ....it seems to me these guys have no real plan, except for maybe ruining the ad publishing business.

    They could monetize by asking having people pay....or publisher pay to sneak their ad in, yet they don't.

    I just don't get it. What are these guys up to? Do they do this for ideological purposes?

    submitted by /u/AjaxFC1900
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    Call logs

    Posted: 10 May 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    Does anyone have an online service (preferably free) that they use to take phone messages, orders, etc. Need it to be easy to use, accessible for everyone in our office (5 people) not looking for anything too complicated.

    submitted by /u/mbelluz
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    How Long where you in sales before you decided to go the entrepreneur route?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Asking for some advice on sales and marketing. I've been studying sales since I was 19 and got a job in sales a year later. Fast forward to now 26 I've had a few different sales roles from indoor sales, telemarketing, cold calls, warm calls, door to door, and b2b. Each one that I've noticed had different ways of marketing. I feel like I might be ready for the leap but I also am not sure on what to sell.

    What made it click for you?

    submitted by /u/Skate414ever
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    Do I really have to wait 60 days from when I bought my domain to switch from squarespace to shopify?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Sorry if this isn't the right sub to post this in. I just started a local business and want to get an e-commerce store going. Started a month on the advanced business plan with squarespace, but been getting pissed off at some limitations of building the site (I'm a total noob btw).

    Wanted to switch to shopify, but I only paid for my domain through squarespace about 2 weeks ago and read I have to wait 60 days. Anybody have experience with this?

    submitted by /u/PESbwah69
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