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    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    Personal Finance Is it appropriate to give 1 week notice?

    Personal Finance Is it appropriate to give 1 week notice?

    Is it appropriate to give 1 week notice?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    So, to make a long story short, I started a new job in February and thought it was going to propel my career forward. Three months later, Ive discovered my boss is very verbally abusive toward their employees and it's taking a toll on my mental health and productivity. I have a few interviews lined up but I wanted to know if it's appropriate to give short notice. My mental and physical health is suffering pretty heavily because of this. any thoughts or recommendations would be great, thanks in advance.

    Edit: I'm also worried about leaving my job given the current economy and environment.

    submitted by /u/Exotic_Highway
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    My husbands mom sold her retirement dividend stocks a couple weeks ago for gold/silver without any other income.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    A financial advisor built a portfolio for her to live off of with monthly dividend payments. She was getting around $2800 a month after taxes in income and only needed $2000 to live the rest was reinvested back into the stocks each month. She does not qualify for social security and didn't know that selling the stocks would mean she would not be paid she just freaked out when the balance fell by half then looked into ways to preserve wealth. I looked through the account history and it looks like she owned O, KBWY, SRET, and SPHD. No matter how I weight those funds I cant get the monthly payments to where they were before now. She has just over $500k cash in her brokerage account after I sold the precious metals ETF. Shes 72 years old and healthy but was a stay at home mom so not much in work experience. She has some credit card debt that takes about $300 a month a car payment of $480 and a mortgage with only 4 years left at $770. I tried calling the advisor she used before but he said he will not work with clients under $1 million net worth.

    submitted by /u/Revolutionary-Driver
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    Frontier (telecommunication) made a hard inquiry on my credit without authorization, is there anything I can do about this?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Basically, I got a notification from Credit Karma that Frontier made a new inquiry for my credit report, yet I have never even spoken or done anything with this company and yet they are making a pull on my credit report, is there anything I can do to stop this from impacting my score/preventing false information from plaguing my credit report?

    Edit: I have placed a credit freeze with the 3 major bureaus as well as the smaller ones and followed the Identity Theft section in the wiki. I have contacted Frontier support and as I figured, there was no real answer other than that they have to go higher up with it, so who knows how long that will take. Thanks for all the responses, when everything gets sorted out I'll come back and let you know the outcomes.

    submitted by /u/nflash3
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    Still haven’t received unemployment

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    I started filing early March and have yet to receive a single payment. I'm just curious to know if anybody else has had a similar experience or if you have received payment. I'm living ok off savings but I'm concerned I will never see this money and will burn through my savings before I can return to work.

    Edit: I live in Ohio

    submitted by /u/TurtleGang4L
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    Almost a Scam Victim

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Thank you to everyone on r/personalfinance!

    After dinner tonight I noticed I had a Venmo notification telling me I was paid $730 by someone I didn't know and they sent me a request asking for it back.

    My wife, my friends, everyone I talked to about it thought it all sounded reasonable and would have sent it back... If it wasn't for you good people of reddit, I probably would be out $730 right now.

    Thanks again everyone!

    UPDATE: Venmo contacted me and said the sender reported that they sent the money by mistake, so they were taking the money back - although the money was probably never there to begin with. Just for those concerned that people might actually make a mistake and send money to the wrong person - and as many people here have already said - don't give in and let Venmo handle this on their end.

    submitted by /u/mrbigsnake888
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    Someone fraudulently opened a CC in my name. I’m 99% sure it was a family member.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I pulled my credit report for the first time this week to see someone opened a JC Penny's CC in my name 05/03/2016, only to close it 05/09/2016. From what I can tell, it looks like whoever it was made on time payments for several months - I'm assuming maybe they made one big purchase and then paid it off?

    I'm pretty certain it was a family member. It wouldn't make sense for someone to steal my identity and then proceed to make on-time payments and only open one account to never try again. I can't think of anyone else that would just have all of my information.

    I called JCP CC services and filed a fraud complaint. They confirmed the account was opened in a store, meaning whoever it was would have had to have an ID. They also registered the account to my address at the time and phone number. No email was listed.

    I opened an investigation with TransUnion. Is there anything else I should be doing? Does it make more sense that it would be a loved one who opened the account than a complete stranger? Feeling really uneasy about all of this.

    submitted by /u/thetreesandthebees
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    My roommate refuses to pay rent, even though his name is still on the lease.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    Hi all! So my roommate moved out of our apartment (just two of us) temporarily around mid-march because he wanted to be closer to his parents. The agreement was that he would still pay his share of the rent. I find out on May 9th (8 days after rent is due btw) that he is $400 short and will not be paying rent anymore after that.

    After a very heated discussion, he blocked me and will not even pay what he has for rent this month. I have found someone willing to move in June 1st, but that doesn't really solve my problem this month. What legal recourse do I have here? Can anyone give me any helpful information here? I'll provide more details if need be. Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/ik177u69
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    I’m absolutely HORRIBLE with money and don’t know where to start, it’s effecting me very negatively

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    I am 25 and have no concept of budgeting or saving. Even when earning $1600 a month net pay with my total bills only totaling $500 a month, I still lived paycheck to paycheck and saved nothing. I've always lived with family because of my money management skills. I honestly couldn't tell you where my money went..

    I now find myself desperately wanting to live in my own but I know I never will unless I shape up. I will be starting a new job with an income of about $1800 a month net pay, possibly more considering I will also be working a 2nd part time job.

    Where do I start? How do I do this? I have $0 to my name. I want to save enough to move out, live on my own. I would have car insurance but no car payment, I usually eat $300 a month in food and things like phone, gym, Netflix etc total roughly to $100.

    How can I learn to budget and save so I can finally improve my quality of life? How much should I be looking to spend on rent? I should note I spend most time at home Vs going out so I'm ok with spending more on my homing vs leisure.

    submitted by /u/Typical_Connection
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    Are home warranties worth it?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    If I can get a home warranty for around $300 a year as they claim isn't it worth it?

    submitted by /u/joefish515
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    Cancer treatment cleaned me out. How can I rebuild my money?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Hi this is my first post on here! I'm 25 in the NYC Metro area. Last October I was diagnosed with Leukemia. I underwent a bone marrow transplant to treat it and I'm currently recovering. I used a GoFundMe and my savings to pay for my treatment but that money's all gone.

    I have a Senior Analyst role at a big consulting firm and I went back to working part time and remotely. The job has great benefits and pays me pretty well. I get about $800 every two weeks working part time and then $2000 every two weeks working full time (starting in July). I don't have a lot of expenses:

    • Student Loans = $371 / month
    • Rent = $500 / month (I moved in with my parents after I got sick and this is how I help them run the house)
    • Rent = $1500 (one time expense for the last month of my NYC apartment)
    • Credit Card - $200/month

    I was dumb before I got sick and never set up a 401k or a retirement fund of any kind. Frankly, when I tried setting it up the first time I got VERY overwhelmed and never bothered again. I don't know anything about them.

    I just have no idea how to handle rebuilding myself. Once COVID blows over I'd like to return to the city, but I don't want to go back until I'm more financially secure. In sum, I want to rebuild some savings and start saving for retirement for some peace of mind.

    submitted by /u/JimRug
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    17k in CC Debt, low credit score, no income, and I need to find a new place.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    Long story short, I grew up poor. Then I ran into some money (~15k) a few years ago. And surprise surprise, I've since managed to turn that into 17k of CC debt. I have no savings. My checking account has ~$200 left from the stimulus package.

    My credit score is now 623.

    I have no source of income currently as I've been placed on furlough (I worked in food service), though I'm actively seeking out jobs that won't jeopardize my health (I have asthma and would rather not risk COVID exposure). I'm also finally setting aside my ego and applying for uninsurance.

    My roommate wants to move out at the end of our lease (July 1st), so now I'm in a bit of a pickle. I don't have any friends or acquaintances I feel comfortable living with, so I'll have to rely on my own source of income (none) and my own credit score (terrible) in finding a new place. I'll also have to come up with money for a move-in fee/security deposit, a U-Haul or movers (I do not have a car), etc. I'll need at least $2,000 to make this happen (I am expecting rent to be $600-800).


    • Most places are looking for a score of 650+. According to CreditKarma, I'd have to pay off about $3,000 to make this happen. Is this as unrealistic as it seems?

    • Is it worthwhile to consolidate my CC debt, even though it'd create a new account and likely be a similar or worse APR with my Credit Score?

    • Will asking to defer CC payments hurt in the long run, considering the interest is still applied every month?

    • Is cancelling health insurance a viable option? I currently pay $250/mo.

    • Any other advice or things I may not have considered? I am doing my best to become more fiscally responsible but I feel a lot of pressure and I'm at my wit's end.

    submitted by /u/RoboSnack
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    Roth IRA, Charles Schwab, 24 years old, overwhelmed and confused

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    I know this question has been asked a million times over (very sorry in advance), but I wanted to post in case anything has changed.

    I'm a 24 year old (25 in September) about to open a Roth IRA with Schwab and have about 3k to put into it at the moment.

    I know that once the money goes through into the account, I have to choose things to invest in.

    I've heard a lot about target date funds. This seems right up my alley, as I'm looking at this account as a set and forget. I want to maximize my earnings without really having to do anything except load the money and keep buying into the same stocks.

    What would be the best move(s) for me? Also, any future advice? Right now, I'm not making a ton, and am putting most of my paycheck towards my student loans, car loan, and bills, but I hope to clear the debt in the next few years, and move into higher paying jobs as well.

    If you're still here, thank you for reading through, and I appreciate any advice you have!

    submitted by /u/sbanc
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    Just got a bill from a hospitalization from 2018, but I paid up to my out of pocket max in 2018, so how did I get this bill? Help!

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    I was hospitalized for a week in September of 2018. Over the coming months after getting out of the hospital, I received numerous bills/letters/etc from my insurance company/the hospital and I paid everything immediately. Considering the cost of healthcare in the US, these amounts were way higher than my out of pocket maximum pocket maximum, so I ended up paying that much (I believe it was $3500) and all my deductibles, etc. I had some more procedures in November and December, and they were all covered 100% because I had hit that out of pocket maximum.

    Fast forward 20 months and I just received a bill for $303.20 from the hospital for my hospitalization in 2018. The bill isn't like any other bill I've gotten from them, because the "adjustments", "patient payments", and "amount due" columns are all blank all the way down the bill, and then the last line item is "adjustments and payments" which reads: Adjustments: -$4362.80 Patient payments: -$200.00 Charges: - $4866.00 Amount due: $303.20

    I called the hospital and they said that this bill was generated because my insurance company (blue cross blue shield) had just reprocessed the bill on 05/02/20 and adjusted what they were paying, so I was responsible for the difference that that's why I got the bill.

    I already paid my out of pocket maximum in 2018, so how can I be billed more for services that occurred in 2018? If the insurance company is denying to pay the full amount for specific line items, why are the line items "adjustments", "patient payments", and "amount due" all blank? I've read online that it isn't uncommon for someone to get a bill a year or so later than a hospitalization, but this is almost two years, which I find completely absurd. I know that debts can still be collected for years (5 years?) but from what I understand this isn't an old debt I owe, it's a new debt due to the hospital or insurance company changing what was paid, which just seems so fishy to me. Like as if I sold you a car 20 months ago and now today I'm changing the price, if that makes sense.

    Do I have any recourse in fighting this, or am I just stuck paying out? I've been furloughed at work with no timeline for coming back, so every penny counts right now. I already tried to talk to the hospital about it, and they only help their financial department offered was to set me up with a 12 month payment plan.

    Any advice for how to deal with this would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Holtzmanator
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    Not sure what I should be doing now? No debt but want to go back to school, NHSC?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    I am a 27 year old female, no debt making 48k a year. I am unhappy in my field (public health) and decided that spending 80k for an MPH wouldn't be worth it for the job prospects. I am interested in a healthcare career (MD/DO, PA, nurse-midwife) and am terrified of the debt. I am in a relationship with a great partner who has no student loans either.

    Retirement - 6k in my employer 403b

    Savings- 8k in one account, 2k in another

    credit score- high 700s, close to 800

    I pretty much only spend my money on eating at restaurants and the occasional vacation. I am content with my salary- no real complaints, but I know I should probably get a side hustle/invest/create passive income. I only have 1 credit card and I fully pay it off each month. I have been thinking about getting a travel card but was denied the Chase Sapphire because I didn't have ENOUGH credit cards and have been scared to apply for anything else since.

    I am wondering if anyone can provide insight on how I can put myself in a better financial situation for when I go back to school? I have considered NHSC for school, but I am unsure because a lot of people end up in places they don't want to be in and are miserable. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/agirl113
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    Why can companies and businesses get interest free loans, but not average citizens?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Can someone explain this to me? Why do companies get low interest loans, yet when people buy a house, they still have to pay interest? I know its not the same thing but why is that?

    submitted by /u/Nathan7154
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    5% deposit on a house or save an extra three years for a 10%? (UK)

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Background: my girlfriend and I are saving for a deposit on a house. We're currently renting, and saving around £350 each a month for the deposit. We aim to save just shy of £8k a year in total. I'm pretty new to how mortgages work exactly, so please bear with me.

    My question is, is it better to try and get a 5% deposit on a house, put up with the poor interest rate during the initial term, and then remortgage; or wait an extra few years until we have enough for a 10% deposit?

    My thinking is that the £11k we spend a year on rent could be going towards paying off the mortgage early... that seems obvious to me. Are there any downsides to this that I should be aware of? I know the interest rate is poor on 5% deposit mortgages, but if you can remortgage after 2-5 years anyway, why don't more people do that? Or is there something I'm missing?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/DrHH14
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    My roommate abandoned our apartment. Didn't pay rent, caused damages. Need advice on what to do next.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I am in a pretty bad situation right now and I am looking for advice about whether I should stay in this two bedroom apartment and find another roommate, or if I should move to a one bedroom apartment in June.

    What happened with my roommate: She moved out last week, didn't pay rent for May, and has left over $1500 in damages to the master. The full story is posted here and here.

    I am paying her half of the rent today and I understand I have to pay for the damages to the master. I intend to take this matter to small claims, but it looks like it could take years to recover the money. In the meantime, I need help deciding what I should do.

    Option 1: My leasing office is working with me, thankfully. They are not charging late fees and they are giving me the option to transfer to a one bedroom apartment. They are also giving me the option to break up the $1500 into 12 payments if I move to a one bedroom and sign a new 12 month lease. The one bedroom apartment costs $1150/m (before utilities). If I take this option, I will $1275/m over the next year. I would also need to pack and hire movers (I'm on the 4th floor and the only one bedroom they have is on the 3rd floor of a different building).

    Option 2: Stay in the two bedroom and find another roommate. This unit costs $1475/m (before utilities) total, which I am paying by myself for May. With a roommate, I only pay $737.5/m in rent. I still have to pay $1500 to have the bedroom repaired, which can be broken up into 12 payments. However, I can't have a new roommate move into the master bedroom until it's repaired. The carpet needs to be replaced, walls re-painted, and the bathroom counters need to be re-surfaced. The apartment manager doesn't know how quickly they will be able to get this done, or if their vendors are able to do work in an occupied apartment due to COVID-19. If they can't do it, I have to find a way to make that bedroom livable on my own... and I don't think I can. Finding a new roommate also puts me at risk for this to happen again. This roommate was the second roommate to abandon the apartment with out notice in the last 9 months. The roommate before had a mental break down and went to live with family. While this is understandable, I still got screwed paying his half of the rent for a month.

    I am a full time student and I will graduate in May of next year. At that point, I will either be going on to grad school or I'll be working full time in my new career. Right now, I work for the university part time making $13/hr. I can't work more than 30 hours a week as a full time student, and realistically, I can't work more than 20 hours a week with out compromising my performance in class. I am supplementing my income with scholarships, grants, and student loans. I'm on SNAP and Medicaid as well. I budget every dollar in 6-month increments to align with financial aid disbursements in January and August. It's barely enough to cover CoL.

    TL;DR: Roommate abandoned the lease and now I have to pay $1500 to have her bedroom repaired before I can find a new roommate. I am also paying double rent until the room is repaired. The apartment manager is offering to let me transfer to a one bedroom which will cost $400/m more than splitting a two bedroom with a roommate. I'm full time student barely making ends meet. Should I stay in the two bedroom and find a roommate if/when the repairs are made or move to the one bedroom?

    submitted by /u/Pink_Graptopetalum
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    15 year or 30 year mortgage

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    I've been renting for 5 years since I've been out of college and just accepted a new job back in my hometown where I'm looking to put down some roots.

    I'm looking to buy a starter home and not a forever home. I would probably aim to stay in it for 5 years or so and then upgrade.

    Should I get a 15 year or 30 year mortgage? I've got an excellent credit score: 786 I believe.

    submitted by /u/tiger1191
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    What are some financial rules when living with your parents beyond your 20s?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    I'm 29 years old and I still live with my parents. Currently I live in one of the most expensive cities in the world (NYC).

    One of the reasons why I haven't made a jump in renting in NYC is due to the sheer expense it costs in all of the boroughs. Plus, I value my privacy and I do not want roommates in any form (also I just don't get along with people period).

    I graduated from college and I currently work at a job making slightly above minimum wage. I can barely help my family financially when it comes to paying them rent but I've managed to save up to 23K.

    Right now, my biggest plan is to find a LCOL city that I can live in on my own without roommates. I have a couple of cities I've wanted to move to; Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Salt Lake City, Memphis.

    But I'm worried about my lack of experience and career path. Also, my family wants me to stay within NYC but there's no financial route I can realistically see that will allow me to live independently. Basically, I'm paying rent and also paying down my student loans.

    But I feel like I'm missing out on necessary experience becoming an adult by continuing to live with my parents. They're not supportive of me moving out and I'm wondering what official rules people set for themselves when living with their family?

    submitted by /u/AcademicPreparation6
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    Best credit card for credit in the upper 600s?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    Working on improving my score and possibly getting rewards for using a credit card for personal expenses that would otherwise be paid with a bank account or debit, and the card paid off in full every month. I don't use credit cards and avoid consumer debt, just wanting to improve my score. There's a dizzying array of cards out there, any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/hippothunder
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    Pro bono orthodontist?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:15 PM PDT


    I apologize if this is not the right place to post this. I was wondering if anyone on here knows if orthodontists can or do pro bono work? I live in Southern Oregon and recently became a foster parent. My child is very self-conscious about their teeth, and I completely understand as I had similar issues as a kid and teen.

    My experience was awful and I had ideations of extremely harmful actions for a very long time due to being uncomfortable in my own skin and other's words. Fortunately, I ended up getting orthodontia from my pediatric dentist for a short amount of time as he and my parents deemed it "unnecessary." Likewise, my child does not "need" orthodontia, but I can relate to how awful she may feel.

    Her insurance through the state does not cover it. Any suggestions? Should we call around? Start a GoFundMe?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/AlcatK
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    Collections debt pay off

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Hi! I've read through so many posts and have been inspired to climb out of the nasty hole of debt. With COVID I've been isolated and saving so much money I didn't know I could save, which has been amazing fro my credit score already having paid off credit card debt.

    However, I have a credit card that went to collections about 3 years ago that I would like to pay to have deleted (I believe that's what I've read about).

    When I tried to find the owner of this debt it led me to calling a collections agency who said they don't own it anymore but wouldn't tell me who does.

    How do I pay this off/find out who owns it?? What steps should I be taking to prepare to pay it? Is there anything I shouldn't say on the phone when I do get in contact. I can pay it in full if needed but is that required?

    Thanks so much I'm advanced!

    submitted by /u/Pookieb13
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    Is it safe for me to give out my bank account number?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    If someone with malicious intent were to know my bank account number can they do anything with it?

    submitted by /u/throwaway73568
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    Called collections agency for my Grandma, concerned they might come after me now

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I hope you are all healthy and happy, tldr at bottom

    So my grandma had a small debt that went to collections, that she supposedly settled already, from what she tells me. She got a letter from some agency, saying if she paid a certain amount by a certain date, that the debt would be settled. She ended up sending the amount in the mail, and got the post office to stamp something for her proving she sent it on the day she did. Only problem is she sent it like 2 days late.

    Now a seemingly different firm sent her a letter recently saying they were going to take it to court. I told her it was probably because she sent it 2 days late. Anyway, I told her I wanted to help her out for mothers day and see if I could figure anything out.

    I called the number on the letter, and told this lady that I was calling for my grandma, and wanted to know why the debt isnt settled yet. She asked me my name, and I gave her my first name. Then she said that in order for her to talk about the debt with me, my grandma needed to give her permission. So i gave the phone to my grandma, she gave them the last 4 of her social, and her name. Then they asked her for my name again. I motioned to her to not give them my last name but she said it anyway by mistake (shes 80 years old, not as fast as she used to be I guess, she apologized though). Then I grabbed the phone from her and asked the lady for any information. Then she kept telling me the conversation was being recorded, and kept asking me for my social security number. Alarm bells were going off in my head. I hung up without giving her any more information of mine.

    My concern is, was she trying to somehow attach me to the account, so they could go after me for the money in the event my grandma couldnt pay? The only information of mine they have is my first and last name (for all they know its fake), they do not have my address, social, dob, or anything else besides knowing im related to my grandma. I dont think I can help my grandma with this at all, she should get an attorney right?

    TLDR: Called collections agency for my grandma to try and figure out what is going on. They were shady the whole time and I hung up without learning anything useful. They have my first and last name, and nothing else. Should I be worried about them coming after me for the money? Should my grandma hire an attorney?


    submitted by /u/throwaway_eatworms
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