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    Sunday, March 22, 2020

    Stock Market - Futures tripped hit the limit down trigger

    Stock Market - Futures tripped hit the limit down trigger

    Futures tripped hit the limit down trigger

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    BigBear0083's Real-time Stock Tracking Google Spreadsheet (Now Editable!)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    “When the time comes to buy, you won’t want to” ~ Walter Deemers

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    15 year finance industry veteran, 2x finance degrees... I'm buying heavily right now. Currently at 1.2 beta, moving to 1.5 over coming weeks.

    The stock market precedes the economy; the current decline in stock indices is preceding the expected decline in economic growth (GDP). Since the stock market and the economy are slightly out of phase, it's not uncommon for the stock market to begin rebounding as the economic data worsens.

    The reason I'm posting this is, if you see that the market is down 30% now, it's easy to think "wow it's really going to go down in 2,3,4, etc months when this hits unemployment, GDP slows down, etc" but the reality is the market is reflecting that future data now, so it may be strongly rebounding just as economic data is at its worst.

    Great example is 2009, the US economy was in shambles but the S&P finished the year up 26%. Yes it had a lot of room to run (-37% in 2008). 1987, a rapid market collapse similar to 2020, finished the year positive 5.25%.

    Stay strong my brothers and sisters.

    "At the bottom, stocks will be cheap and no one will care." -Bob Farrell

    submitted by /u/___this_guy
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    Who is riding through the market? I am

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    At the highs my stocks were worth about $1m. I'm on a 50/50 international US split with most of the US in blue chip dividend stocks with a heavily weight to consumer staples.

    International is in VXUS which is literally at 2009 lows right now and even worse when you account for inflation. Absolutely in the dumps. Yields about 4.5% right now. Crazy.

    How bad will this get? Who knows but I'm riding through with dividend reinvestment turned on.

    I've lost a lot so far but I'm riding or dying through this market.

    submitted by /u/bluechip_accumulator
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    15,000 cases in New York State

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    CNBC just issued an article not too long ago saying that New York State now has over 15,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases, more than France and South Korea. This is getting worse by the minute, and the total was confirmed by Governor Cuomo.

    submitted by /u/thenewredditguy99
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    I am losing my shirt and stressing for my life

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Here am I...

    I saved up al my funds and through out the year 2019 and 2020 I invested all the funds I saved up and deposited it in 3 bulk deposits.

    Everything was going great, I just invested in broad Ishares ETF's...

    And now it feels like everything is going to hell, I want from 'if this keeps up for 3 or 4 more years I will be able to live of my earnings to... will this shit go to zero by the end of 2020?

    Jezus christ guys, I know I am not alone. But this is facemelting rough

    submitted by /u/ICSigns
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    Why are futures moving?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    I'm not sure why Dow futures are moving, despite futures having hit the 5% limit down total at the top of the session. Did someone forget to shut down the trading?

    submitted by /u/thenewredditguy99
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    Muni Bonds in today’s market

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    In your opinion, would it be better to stay put with federal and state tax free Muni Bonds aka Franklin Templeton ( despite the long forecast of low interest rates ) or sell some Muni's and buy into the Stock market?

    The issue I am having is I like not paying federal and state taxes on the Muni Bond gains but if I jump into the stock market and I see profits I will be taxed on those profits.

    Before the virus my Muni investment was doing good, steady gains, safe, tax free plus tax free dividends, I was able able to cash out of the muni and not be taxed on the gains. There seems to be much more risk and tax liability in the stock market. Expert advice of those who invest with both are greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/CoolTomatoh
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    ASX about to become a real shit show after the government announced last night.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Only 20 mins in already a steep fall.

    I guess this is where the real discounts begin.

    Hold onto your essential jobs like your life depends on it if you haven't lost your job yet peeps.

    submitted by /u/Kaylani711911
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    Tax loss harvesting with VTSAX

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Here is the situation in after tax account:

    Around 22.6k value in VTSAX, with loss of 2,300

    I was considering exchanging fund to VLCAX to tax loss harvest, has anyone done anything like this? Or any specific fund?

    Also I contributed 6k to Roth IRA this month which is invested into VTSAX, and plan to leave that in that fund. Should this interfere with wash sale since it's in Roth IRA?


    submitted by /u/mvp6349
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    S&P 500

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:18 AM PDT


    I found this chart and it shows a bounce to 2500 with a dive down to about 1800. Is this possible?

    I think we would be in huge trouble if it ranks to 1800. We could hit lower than that if unemployment numbers are released and are higher than expected.

    This could however be a good point to buy in.

    submitted by /u/TrickOrange
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    Could Companies have a Sustainability Rating?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    There would be new Stock market Eco-Rating NGOs that would check if scrutinized companies are doing efforts for minimizing pollution and using recyclable materials, optimizing their waste efficiency and sustainable-symbiotic relations with the world and human beings(and it's employees) and also paying the respective taxes (or at least comparative World/local updated infographics on the taxes they are paying).

    The NGO's/eco Rating Companies would look detailedly and unbiasedly at how a company is either taking advantage of the world's resources and destroying the planet's ecosystem or is actually having a sustainable growth by giving something in return, like planting trees or donating money to NGOs or managing its waste well or having Eco\healthy symbiotic relations with other companies/people/Governments and create an overall eco-rating with more detailed live info graphs and ratings on waste management/waste production, eco-and-healthy-symbiotic relationships with society and resource consumption/sustainable growth graphs and ratings.

    The companies can (or are obliged*) to give truthful data to the Eco Rating Companies, which will also check if the numbers given are accurate. Of course this has tons of specifics and rating graphs that vary for each type of company that are backed by scrutinized scientific studies.There would be incentives for Well Rated companies and Badly Rated companies could go bankrupt if they don't change their behavior!

    In the food industry, the Health of humans would be taken into consideration, Ex:Organic Farms would have better rating than Monsanto or Food production companies with lots of E's and chemicals on the composition of the food's ingredients.

    Pharmaceutical companies Health Rating would drop if lot's of patients die from side effects or if they are monopolizing the market. There could be also a World/National Resource management Live Graph(combination of a lot of different resources graph) that would take into consideration All of the Raw Materials Available and the companies that are exploiting them.

    What do you think, constructively?

    How could we specifically improve the planet's ecosystem and human health and well-being with different types of Rating/info/Graphs about specific Companies and Countries/regions?

    How could the companies you invest be scrutinized by this new rating, in detail?

    How could also these new NGO Sustainability Rating Organizations take place without fear of backlashing from the Rated companies if they expose or "whistleblow" a companies' lack of sustainable growth or violation of the Agreements,without margin for corruption (also scrutinization of scientific studies and people and ONGs that back up the ratings), in accordance to The Human Rights Act (or an updated one) and the Paris Agreement and maybe a new one for national\global Resource Management Sharing?

    These New Ratings would also have some awkward things like How could we Eco-Rate a Military company on the welfare of a nation? On the basis that it's acting solely on the defense of individuals and not killing innocents on occupied territories?

    I think This Eco-Ratings can improve mankind tremendously,if done well.

    submitted by /u/DreamyWonder
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    Episode 15: Should I Sell During This Bear Market? (Dividend Investing)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    As a Dividend Investor, is this the time to sell during the Bear Market as companies begin to slash or freeze their Dividends?

    In this video I go over my strategy as it pertains to investing in Dividend Stocks during this Market sell off and how I am going to be approaching dividend cuts in the near future. I discuss Boeing as well as Ford, Exon, and other companies who have or are expected to cut or suspend their dividends and what I plan to do when I start to see the stocks in my portfolio doing the same thing.

    Aside from that I go over the crazy week in the market and how it looks like tomorrow is going to be yet again another down day for the market. I also go over the proposed Democratic House bill as it pertains to the economy and explain what I like and what worries me in the proposal. As always though I will continue to preach Dollar Cost Averaging regardless of how the market plays out. If you enjoy my content please feel free to Subscribe and like the video to help reach others who may be wondering just what to do in such a volatile market like this.


    submitted by /u/dontfaulkup28
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    Canadian investor here: is it worth it to buy American stocks since the CAD is so weak against the USD

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Maybe I'm not seeing the money making abilities of Canadian based stocks and companies (please enlighten me if I'm wrong, I wanna be wrong on this one).

    Buying US stocks is so incredibly expensive and I can't do much with my money.

    Is it better just to go for ETFs that hold USA companies and whatever industries?

    submitted by /u/idma
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    Please help a beginner that's fresh into the stock market -- Especially during this Corona Craze!!!!

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Hey fellow reddit people.

    I'm fairly new to the stock market and am just understanding basic market terms / vocab / processes. I've got a question for those more experienced than me w/ the current market if anyone can help.

    My position -- I've got roughly 8-10k of creditcard debt that I'm paying off, though I've got low payments and I have roughly 800-1,400 a month roughly spendable after all of my expenses / liabilities / bills are paid off.

    I also have around 1000 in the moment I'm considering in investing due to the recent drop. I obviously know my position isn't perfect in life to start investing this as I have some other debts to pay, but my company is still up and running and i'm working from home so the market isn't killing me financially, and hopefully won't thankfully.

    I'm looking to invest this in stocks that have had the most drops that I think will bounce back. I know it sounds like a long shot for it to work perfectly well, but stocks suck as Norwegian Cruise Lines / AMC / Royal Caribbean / Carnival / Air lines as well --- Each of these have seemed to have dropped to near 20-30% of what they were in february.

    My plan is to kind of wait until they hit a bottom of near bottom again as they did last Wednesday 3/18, and then start investing as much as I can in these and similar companies. Then I plan to continue investing over the next few months to build my portfolio and continue this, rather than work on paying down my debt due to this change in the economy that I believe I can benefit more in.

    If all goes well I'd imaging I would wait anywhere from 6 months to 2-3 years for the market to bounce back and then sell to collect my profit.

    CAN ANYONE TELL ME IF I'M CRAZY OR IF THIS SEEMS SEMI LOGICAL? I feel like the mad scientist that hopes and thinks this can help me out in my position in life financially and give me a downpayment on a house in a few years if not more, and hopefully by then I learn a lot more and only invest better. I appreciate any advice, words of wisdom, and answers greatly. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Wingz974
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    Thoughts on LSPD

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Just curious how you guys feel about LSPD. With things the way they are LSPD has taken a huge hit. Once we come out of this IMO this should have a decent bounce back. Anyone have an opinion on why it would be a bad idea ?

    submitted by /u/PizzaPeaceParty
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    market stats

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    I'm sure many traders are running market stats. I currently don't have a system to explore things like this:

    Anyone got a back test on the spoos ending the week on/near lows and how the following open and low of the next week plays out?

    The Dow seems even weaker (Dow and S&P both below 200 week sma), while the Nasdaq not nearly as so.

    submitted by /u/ja_trader
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    3 Reasons Why There Will be a Recession in 2020

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Hello investors! Whether you're up to date of what's been going on or not, I will give you a brief explanation of what's happening in the stock market.

    - We've been in a bull market for the past 11 years.

    - Out of nowhere, the coronavirus originated in Wuhan in early January 2020.

    - The Wuhan Health Commission basically knew that the virus was very contagious immediately but kept it under wraps.

    - Before you know it, everybody from all over the world starts to get infected.

    - Fears begin to escalate, investors start to panic, and markets start to take HUGE losses.

    And now, we're here.

    With the number of cases increasing, countries are quarantining themselves, schools and institutions where groups of people gather are now shut down, and grocery stores are completely empty. Fears are at all-time highs, but could it be all in vain? Everybody is afraid to even leave their house in fear that they'll get the virus, which leads to less stimulation in the economy, and consumer spending supports 70% of the economy.

    On top of that, we're already experiencing our first layoffs in the United States. If things continue like this or even get worse, this recession is pretty much inevitable (in my opinion). With all this happening in just a matter of a couple of months, it's like the perfect storm. Of course, the virus was the catalyst to it, but you also have the oil war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, as well as interest rates being reduced.

    Here are the reasons:


    A black swan event is an extremely rare event that is beyond what is normally expected, and they are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact, and the fact that they cannot be predicted beforehand. See, it was always believed that all swans were white, and that black swans did not exist. Sure enough, that all changed in 1697 when Dutch explorers became the first Europeans to ever see a black swan, where they're located in Western Australia. Judging by this situation going on in the world right now, this is definitely a black swan event that could turn into catastrophic losses, causing a recession. Some may argue that it already is.


    The Inverted Yield Curve is an indicator that has predicted the past 7 recessions, including the DotCom Bubble and the Great Recession. Basically, when this yield inverts, markets are basically suggesting that outlook for the short term will have a greater return than the outlook for the long term.

    These "yields" are 2 year and 10-year bonds. When a 2-year bond has a higher rate than a 10-year bond, then it is a sign that outlook in the future is very uncertain. In August 2019, the yield curve inverted. It's only a matter of time that the IYC will have predicted the past 8 recessions.


    The first signs of recessions are already appearing. Layoffs have already begun, the Federal Reserve has already cut interest rates twice in March, already reaching sub-zero levels. At this rate, we could possibly see NEGATIVE interest rates. On top of that, the Fed is trying to stimulate the economy by injecting almost 2 TRILLION dollars into markets.

    Sometimes, a recession is what we need. We have been in a bull market for nearly 11 years, it can't go up forever. The best thing to do at this point is to dollar cost average for all of your investments. When something is on sale, do you panic or buy it? What are your thoughts? Do you think this will be an ordinary downturn in the economy, or could it be much worse than the Great Depression? Let's start a discussion!

    TLDR; I explain everything in this video here

    submitted by /u/ramjaz
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    Long term view - to sell and buy in later?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, curious to get your thoughts. I am playing the market long term. I plan on holding for another 30 years. I am currently in index funds. I don't see a bottom to the market in sight. Does it make sense to sell and then buy back that amount later to accumulate more shares? Or would you recommend holding, and continuing to buy to get the average cost down?

    Disclaimer: I fully understand that if I sold, the market could sharply increase and I screw myself.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/faygo850
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    Inverse Volatility During Market Crash

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I am new to the world of investing but I think I have discovered an almost sure-fire way to make money. However, I think that this will only work if I do it right now, and I wanted to get your opinions on it before doing it. I'll just jump right into it:

    VIX is known as the fear index, or volatility index. It goes up when large amounts of volatility is present in the market. At a time like now, with the coronavirus effects crashing the markets, there is unprecedented volatility - the only time VIX was this high in the past 20 years was during the 2008 crash.

    Click here to see an image of the past 20 years of VIX - https://imgur.com/a/LHpJci3

    Observing the behavior of VIX over the past 20 years, we can see that it does not perform at all like a stock - it doesn't go up or down over time, but rather tends to fluctuate around a "baseline" price of $10 - $30 throughout the entire past 20 years, occasionally seeing huge spikes up every now and then during big market crashes like this one.

    Currently, VIX is at $66. It has already gone up a tremendous amount in the past month, so it is too late to take advantage of it's INCLINE. However, I believe that it is the PERFECT time to take advantage of it's inevitable DECLINE. If you look at VIX over the past 20 years, you can see that it always returned back to it's "baseline" of around $10 - $30, even after the 2008 crash.

    I plan to short VIX right now, at this moment in time, using an inverse VIX instrument - some of the most commonly used ones are SVXY, ZIV and EXIV. By doing so, I should be nearly-guaranteed to make a profit (unless I'm missing something) because every time that VIX spiked over the last 20 years, it ALWAYS returned to baseline.

    What do you guys think of this strategy? Am I overlooking an important detail? Very curious to hear your thoughts on this

    submitted by /u/PoolsOfJizz
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    Your best books/ resources to learn about Stocks/Investing.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    I'm a stock noob and I wanted to learn all the techniques and essentials of how to get involved but I wanted to learn a more detail oriented way to get involved and profit. I know the basics about equities and things but I wanted to know the best book or ways you learned to get involved in things like spreads and day trading to maximize your income from investing.

    submitted by /u/UsersDoProgram
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