• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 1, 2020

    Legal Advice My baby has suffered severe brain damage as a result of meningitis diagnosed too late. She was seen by 4 physicians. One being her PC Dr. who rushed us back to the ER only to be sent home again. (WA)

    Legal Advice My baby has suffered severe brain damage as a result of meningitis diagnosed too late. She was seen by 4 physicians. One being her PC Dr. who rushed us back to the ER only to be sent home again. (WA)

    My baby has suffered severe brain damage as a result of meningitis diagnosed too late. She was seen by 4 physicians. One being her PC Dr. who rushed us back to the ER only to be sent home again. (WA)

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:43 PM PST

    My 5 month old was brought to urgent care Feb 15th because her temp reached 102 during the night. Tylenol brought it down for hours. The Dr. sent us home with Tylenol. By Monday morning her temp was reaching 104 a few hours after Tylenol wore off. Tylenol was still working though. We brought her to the ER Mon. Feb 17th. They swabbed her and did a chest X-ray. She was diagnosed with RSV and bronchiolitis. Her lungs sounded perfect, her oxygen was at 100, she didn't have a cough or snot, no trouble breathing. We were sent home with Tylenol and told to get her checked on Wednesday Feb. 19th with baby's Dr. Her temp was going down with Tylenol and staying down for a few hours all day Tuesday. We were told this was normal for RSV at the ER despite showing no other symptoms of the RSV affecting her body. We brought her to our clinic to see her Dr. in the morning on Wed. Feb 15th her temp got up to 104 that morning before we arrived but the tylenol brought it down to 100 by the time we arrived at the clinic. Her dr. was concerned, she thought something was wrong yet they didn't have the facilities to do any testing she rushed us to the ER and sent notes and called them to let them know we were coming. The ER was busy when we arrived. We were triaged then seen in the lobby. The dr asked us what our Dr was worried about and said she didn't see any of those things. She said that she would look at the notes our dr sent and she told us that despite showing no symptoms of the RSV besides the fever that it was in fact the RSV that was making her temp spike. She never came back, a nurse administered Tylenol and let us know we can wait and have her temp checked again. We did. Her temp was going down. We were sent home. Wednesday night was the same. Throughout the night I noticed baby was getting fussier and having difficulties eating (breastfed) by Thursday morning Feb. 20th I decided that the ER Drs must have missed something and that I was done trusting them we were going to drive back to the ER. I checked baby's soft spot before we got in the car to find that it was bulging. We called an ambulance and were rushed back to the ER. Baby looked at me for the last time as the gurney was rolled into the ER and started having her first seizure. From that point on it is a blur. We are still in the PICU. They thought the Meningitis was textbook and normal and we were sent back to the normal pediatric floor for one night and her seizures started again by the time the MRI was done she had already suffered a severe brain injury. I don't know if it's important to note that we live an hour away from the ER and they were aware of that when treating us. That's why we decided to call the ambulance instead of drive ourselves on Thursday.

    submitted by /u/Lululubba2019
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    CPS is trying to get my friend killed.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Location: Ohio. My best friend is a minor (as am I.) she is an upperclassmen in high school, and for as long as she can remember, there has been abuse at home. She has never known her mother, and lives with her father, over 18 brother, and grandmother. They all contribute to abusing her in any way imaginable. She has not been ready to come forward about it for some time. She told my mother and I about it over 3 years ago. We encouraged her to come forward about it, but if she wasn't ready, to just gather as much evidence as possible. She has videos, pictures (one of when her brother was maliciously choking her), recordings, everything. She was finally ready to make her statement on a recent Friday. After four long hours, the caseworker on duty at the time had told her to stay with us for the weekend, because she told them her father would kill her if she went home. The following Monday, her permanent caseworker had come to the decision to put her back into the home, because of school. The caseworker was supposed to be there when we dropped her off at home. She was going to ask her if she could stay with another friend (we do not live in the same county). The caseworker never came, so she had to go into her house. The caseworker is trying to make this an open and shut case. They have thrown out every bit of evidence my friend has given authorities and the first caseworker. They are taking only her father's words into consideration. My friend had called her caseworker multiple times during open hours before we dropped her off at her house, saying that she fears for her life. The caseworker never answered. They are now trying to spin this as my friend is troubled because her mother left her at a young age. They are going to try to medicate her. She has been talking to her school counselor, and they want to help in any way possible, but there's only so much to be done if CPS does not want to do their job. My question is, what is our/my friends next step? The overall goal is to get her to live with my mother and I. Is CPS doing anything illegal we could file a lawsuit for? Would the legal system be less likely to allow her to stay with my mother and I because we are in another county? Will they even do anything given her age? We are so lost as to what to do next. ••• Thank you for the award! ••• Edit: many are telling me to contact CPS. If CPS is already involved and are NOT doing their job, what would that do? Would that assign her a new caseworker, (possibly) make them take the case more seriously, or anything else? I am also being told about the child abuse hotline. What would/could they do? It is truly seeming like CPS is working against my friend, and we don't think that asking them for help will really do anything.

    submitted by /u/nanamaribooth
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    Brothers girlfriend is a paralegal and posts on Snapchat various documents of clients information

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:11 AM PST

    The title kinda explains the bulk of the situation. My brothers girlfriend works for a law firm as a paralegal and deals with various documents of people like house titles and what not.

    She tends to post on her Snapchat quite frequently bits and pieces of documents she's working with making comments about someone's wealth and other personal information.

    Recently she sent a snap to my sister a picture of a document related to my great grandma and her son, my uncle. My mom has seen the image and is wondering what the legal repercussions of this are and is the image evidence enough for legal action?

    Edit: the bot said location is important, this is in North Carolina

    submitted by /u/SonicBJP
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    Wrongful Parking Ticket, Now Told I have "Exhausted My Appeal Opportunities" - Philadelphia, PA

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Almost a year ago, I paid my meter and went to a doctor's appointment. I took a picture of the meter for my own reference. The metadata shows the time I took the photo. My after-visit summary has the time I left my appointment (~20 minutes before the meter expired). I came back to find that I had been ticketed for not paying my meter only minutes after I left. I felt that I had strong evidence for the ticket being wrongfully given, so I immediately appealed with my evidence through the Parking Authority website.

    I heard nothing for months. I then received a letter saying that my appeal had been rejected due to insufficient evidence. I was given the option of asking to appeal in court. I was pretty ticked off at this point and requested the court date. I figured that the ticket would be waived if the officer didn't show. And if he did show, I had strong evidence in my favor.

    More months passed. I got a letter from the city the other day. I figured it was my hearing date. Instead, the letter says I never showed up for my appeal hearing and after "careful evaluation" of the evidence, they found that I still need to pay the ticket! I never got any letter or call about an appeal hearing date, which I find quite interesting. I had no problems receiving their other letters, but the one with the hearing date somehow disappeared? Very interesting.

    The letter states that I have "exhausted my appeal opportunities with the City's adjudicatory process". I can file with the Philadelphia Court of Common pleas by presenting the letter to the Office of Judicial Records.

    My questions are: 1) Has anyone done this? If so, what is the process? I tried reading other parking ticket issues people in this city have had but did not find a similar situation. 2) Does this letter have to be presented in person? 3) And what other legal options do I have at this point, if any?

    The ticket is not a huge amount, but I wanted to get it dismissed despite the time sink. I am livid at this point. It's the principle of the matter. I did nothing wrong. I paid the meter and now I have to pay for this undeserved parking ticket? I feel like the city is scamming people out of money since they know it makes more sense to pay it than fight it.

    submitted by /u/PhillyPhrustrated
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    My mother’s holding me trapped!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:53 AM PST

    I'm about to turn 17 and my adopted mother kicked me out. And now I'm living with a friend. I haven't done drivers Ed and it's all payed for but my adopted mother will not give me my SSC or a copy of my date of my birth certificate. You need be able to have all that in order to do drivers ed. What are my rights at seventeen to get what I need without getting emancipated and being adopted?

    submitted by /u/AreoD
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    My manager set an attendance policy in place that feels incredibly wrong.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:39 AM PST

    I'm not unionized but the best category I could think of was labor law. Mobile so I'm sorry for the formatting.

    The other day I called out of my shift, albeit a little late, at work because I wasn't feeling well. I never call out and there was somebody to cover me so this really shouldn't have been an issue. However, the day I returned I found an attendance policy posted on the wall that was signed by two out of my four managers, that my general manager had put up.

    The attendance policy stated some normal things about immediate termination for no call/no show, but past that it is incredibly shady.

    It states that "anyone who calls out of their shift without a physicians note or shows up late will be paid minimum wage with NO gratuities (tips) added to their paycheck for that pay period."

    Addressing the paycheck thing, we work for minimum wage plus tips. We make $9.5 an hour with tips. The regular minimum wage is higher (11.5). When I confronted my manager he told me that he was referring to the 9.5 tipped wage in the policy, and that he would remove all tips. Call me out if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure this is highly illegal. You cannot remove a workers tips if you're not making up for the difference, also all of that tip money would be going directly to him. (probably around $100 a week)

    As for the doctors note thing, in Colorado, as far as I am aware, you do not need a doctor's note unless you have been absent for three consecutive days.

    I have loved this job for the amount of time I've been here, however, it is the restaurant business and I'm maybe one wrong look away from quitting. I don't know what to do, and I'd like some advice on how to approach this situation.

    submitted by /u/EliRayne
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    My ex girlfriend moved out of our apt in December and said that she will sue me if I move out

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:12 PM PST

    My now ex girlfriend whom was living with me in different homes since 2017 broke up with me in December and moved in with her parents. We moved into our current apt in March 2019.

    She told me she would be removing her name from the lease. The landlord said they would discuss it. I neglected to follow up with my landlord and apparently she's been on the lease since. The lease is over in Aug.

    She keeps coming back. Originally it was to remove her stuff. She said she'd give me the keys when she was done. All her stuff and even some of the shared stuff of ours she took and is gone. She never gave me back the keys. She would often show up randomly over the last few months and refuse to leave. I was also told I am not allowed to change the locks.

    I got a recent opportunity to pursue a dream and move to Europe, and I told my ex that I think I will do it. She started freaking out and stated she is taking me to civil court because I will be financially screwing her over.

    She also sent a long text to my landlord about it whom texted me and asked me what is going on and if I want to remove her from the lease and that I need to put the old locks back on the door (I never changed them).

    Can she sue me for moving out?

    submitted by /u/BlackoutRetro
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    Had my wedding today.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:18 PM PST

    Had my wedding today. Everything was nearly perfect. After the wedding, my mother was attempting to walk from the reception area to the violinist because she still needed to pay him the second half of his money. As she was walking from the reception area, she tripped and fell down an unmarked handicapped ramp with no guard rails or indication of a slope. She ended up breaking her arm and pelvis in two spots. I took photos of the area just in case. I'm not interested in a "big payday" for my mother, I'm worried about just the hospital bills and such. Should we attain a lawyer or would we be wasting our time?

    submitted by /u/treyami14
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    Former Employer sent an account under my name to a debt collector for money they never paid and tanked my credit score

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:46 AM PST

    Please help, I am at my wit's end.

    I enrolled in a class at an local uni in Fall 2018 and I intended to use my tuition benefit from my former employer to pay for it. I completed all of the paperwork and saw the fine print that basically provided all of the terms and conditions for the benefit, including that you have to stay with the company for one year following disbursement of the funds, otherwise you have to pay the money for the benefit back to them.

    Long story short, I ended up dropping the class (within the allotted 2 week add drop period) and didn't think anything of it. This would be September 2018. I ended up leaving my former company in January of 2019 and, of course, they attempted to garnish my wages in my last paycheck for some of the tuition benefit amount. It took a few hours of calling around to resolve this issue. I called the uni and confirmed that 1. I was never charged for the class (because I dropped it) and 2. They never processed (nor had they ever received) payment from my former employer for it. I took that back to my former employer and the apologetically wrote me a check for the garnished wages. All is well.

    Fast forward to the new year and I'm getting phone calls from people claiming to be debt collectors - calling from "credit management company." They leave non-descript voicemails, never saying who they're calling for so I assume that they're scammers trying to steal my identity and ignore them. I keep a very close eye on all of my debts and I am up to date on all of my payments with an "exceptional" payment history so I was pretty certain they were fraudulent. They were not.

    A couple of days ago, I get a notification that my Experian credit score has changed. I check and see that it has dropped 61 points over night. I also see that a "delinquent" account has appeared on my credit from the very same "credit management company" that had been calling. The descriptor for the account was "Tuition Benefit" from my old employer for the exact amount of the class I would have taken in the Fall of 2018. The account was apparently opened in December of 2019.

    I do have plans to call all parties involved, the uni, my former employer and the debt collectors but if anyone has any advice about this, I'd be glad to hear it.

    submitted by /u/cyren-
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    Woman adopting animals just to surrender them to SPCA

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:57 PM PST

    I'm a volunteer at a local SPCA, and I've been dealing with a young woman in her mid 20s surrendering an excessive amount of dogs to our location here in central PA. She has already been added to our DNA list (Do Not Adopt) due to issues in the past with not taking care of animals.

    After she became a face I recognized I looked her up on FB and found out she is consistently adopting dogs from people trying to rehome their pets only to surrender them sometimes hours after getting them.

    Yesterday, she came in to surrender a young male pit bull, less than a year old, for "behavior issues" because he peed in the house. After spinning some bullshit story about how the dog was "obviously abused" because he peed in the house, she didn't want him anymore. After we accepted the dog, I did some digging on FB and found that she drove 2 1/2 hours out of town to get the dog, and surrendered him less than 12 hours later.

    She is consistently screwing dogs out of a real home by adopting them (even when other people show interest in taking them to make a part of their family) just to turn around and surrender them. I'm not talking once or twice, she has done this more than 20 times in the last six months. I don't understand at all what she is getting out of this. I have exhausted everything I can do from the SPCAs perspective. I've put her name on the DNA list and shared this information with the other local SPCAs, but now that she is traveling hours away to continue this behavior, I don't know what else I can do. Is there anything I can report to the police in this situation? Or is she not breaking any laws?

    submitted by /u/Eye_See_Red666
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    My Mom Was Taken Away By Police, Can This Affect Me?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:17 AM PST

    17 - Male California

    Long story short, years ago my mom had the cops called on her because she was making a big scene, (shes bot right in the head + alcohol and drugs) and the police came to take her away and saw me in her care. (My dad and mom are separated so I visit my mom on the weekends/holidays but live with my dad fully) I went back to my dads house that day. Then social workers questioning me and investigating everything. I dont know exactly what happened but i couldnt see my mom for a while and i believe the social worker gave us/her a warning.

    Now today she and a neighbor were going to a party and she was mad about something stupid. I stayed at home she said she will be back later. Later the neighbor comes back home crying and tells me that my mom snapped and started beating her in the face. The police were called and my mom was taken away.

    Thats what she told me. Now im questioning if 1. Does this affect me? Considering what happened previously and since im currently visiting her (I wasn't there when the beating happened i was at home) 2. What will happen to her? 3. What should i do from here on?

    Im currently home alone and i dont know how long she'll be attained nor dont know what to do. Any advice will help.

    Edit: I do believe she was under the influence of drugs and alcohol

    submitted by /u/cowgomoocow
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    [NH][MA][USA] Received dog from someone who needed it rehoused. After a week with us, previous owner wants dog back. What are my rights?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:27 AM PST

    My wife had received a dog from a woman who had her friend post on Facebook that they needed someone to take their dog since they could no longer care for them.

    After some time of texting and calling back and forth my wife and the original owner agreed to meet up to exchange ownership of dog.

    A over a week has passed and now the previous owner wants the dog back.

    What legal rights do I have?

    Facts: There was no exchange of cash for ownership.

    We have text messages conversations of the interacting between her and my wife about the exchange of the dog.

    At time of exchange original owner stated they could not find paper work of registration and medical history and said they would send it to us later. Now she is saying she will use said paperwork to show proof of ownership.

    Original owner lived in one state (MA), we live in a neighboring state (NH) how does that affect the situation legally? (USA)

    Original owner asked to come visit dog to see how dog was doing. Wife and I agreed it was okay. During visit she stated dog is ours now and she does not intend to take him back. The following day after leaving she said she changed her mind via text.

    We are currently waiting on new rabies shot and neutering paperwork from vet to register dog under our home and name. Currently still registered in previous state with previous owner.

    She said she would take us to court if need be to get dog back, what would the outcome be?

    If more information is needed please let me know.

    submitted by /u/Giuse86
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    NIV given, landlord/property management unresponsive

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:46 PM PST

    Will try to summarize as clearly as possible. Without detailing all the previous issues it is important to note that the current landlord of my apartment complex is the 4th in less than 2 years. She is never in the on-site office, despite living above it. I work and commute and am gone most days but every business day I've been home, the office has hardly been open. My apartment is directly across from the leasing office and I am always on the lookout for her, whether it's just her leaving her apartment or her actually working. I've seen her in there less than 10 times. An example of past issues: Once I locked myself out of my apartment on a Sunday; I called every number including the emergency line, emailed, and text. Luckily I was able to get in through a window because no one EVER contacted me back through any method. Not even the next day, or in the months since.

    On to the issue at hand.

    I'm a renter in San Diego, CA. My boyfriend, active duty-military, and I are both on our lease. We have lived here for 1 year and 9 months. Due to his current assignment, we are needing to break our lease 3 months early - we have military documentation with both of our names outlining the need to terminate our lease. My boyfriend is currently out of the country, so I am handling our entire move on our own.

    Jan 27: I stopped in our on-site property managers office (let's call her J) and let her know that we would be needing to move. This was the first time I had seen her there all month, because insurance inspectors were coming that day. I asked if it was just standard 30-days notice, and said it will either be March or April, but I would give notice as soon as possible.

    Feb 10: I dropped off a written NIV and provided our move out date, along with the military documentation. Despite the fact I dropped this during the posted business hours, J was not in the office. I provided 40 days notice, as the intended move out date is Mar 20.

    Feb 14: I emailed the office because no one ever made contact with me regarding my NIV; I included the same documents I had dropped off. Several hours later I received an email from J stating that she had received the NIV and "will be in contact for future documents needing signed" (??)

    Feb 24: I again reached out through email because I still had not received any information regarding March prorate, move-out procedures, or my security deposit.

    Feb 26: I found and emailed the property management group that owns/oversees our property requesting follow up. I forwarded the email chain I had with J and made it clear that I received no information and no one is ever on site to discuss in person or available to answer the phone.

    Feb 27, 3am: I receive an email from J stating she would be calling me "tomorrow" to answer any remaining questions (which, was all of them). I responded with my work and cell number and notified her that I would be at work all day over the next 3 days (sales at end of month, so 12 hour days).

    Feb 28, 9pm: I emailed J and the property management group again outlining what was happening and that I had never received a call from her despite her saying she would do so. The property management group has also been unresponsive.

    It's now March 1st. I move out in 19 days. I haven't paid the March prorate, because no one has given me any info. At this point, I am just going to proceed with moving out, letting them take the prorate out of the security deposit, giving my forwarding address, and detailing all this in a final email.

    As far as I am concerned I did everything on my part to make this a smooth and legal transaction and I'm at a loss of what to do now besides just move out. My concern is obviously that they will attempt legal action of some sort or withhold the entire security deposit (which, after my estimate of the prorate, would leave ~$500 so nothing crazy).

    Any input/thoughts/experience on this and any additional steps I should take? Or what kind of repercussions may take place?

    submitted by /u/taysyl
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    My dad, who is disabled and lives in another country, called me over the phone to record his last wishes / will. I don't think this is legally binding - How can I help him?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:28 AM PST

    I live in Georgia and my dad lives in Central America (Panama).

    My dad has had several strokes and is not able to write a document or do a lot of activities of daily living on his own. Yesterday he sent me an image of his name and signature and asked me to print it out and write his will on the piece of paper. I wrote what he asked but I'm afraid this won't be legally binding and am hoping someone has advice on what I can do to help him make sure his wishes are seen to.

    One of the reasons he is asking me to do this is that my family in Panama is very Catholic, and my father and I are not. He wants to be cremated and does not want a Catholic funeral, and he does not trust his family in Panama to respect these wishes.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/thE_best_cookies
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    City of Newnan Georgia Tickets

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:07 PM PST

    Hi! I need a little legal advice. I'm wondering what's going to happen and if I need an attorney.

    About 6 years ago, I received a ticket for not changing lanes when an emergency vehicle was on the side of the road. I called the City of Newnan and was told the ticket was $500. I bought a money order and mailed it in.

    Two years go by and I get pulled over for an expired tag. The police officer tells me that my license is suspended because I never went to court for the earlier ticket. He also said my insurance had expired. It had but I didn't know it. This was in May and my debit card had been stolen in February. I thought I had changed the information for everyone who did an automatic debit but had missed the insurance company.

    To be honest, the cop did me a huge favor. It was better to find out that way then to find out after an accident. He wrote me a ticket for no insurance and one for expired tags and let me go.

    At this particular time, I was having a really rough financial time. My apartment rent had gone from $800 to 1400 per month, and I was being hauled into court every other month for eviction. My parents stepped in and bought a home, about two hours from Newnan and moved me there. Needless to say, I didn't go to court for those two tickets and still had the first one outstanding.

    I'm almost out of my financial hole and am making plans this year to deal with these tickets. There's one for not changing lanes for an emergency vehicle, one for no insurance, and one for expired tags. What should I expect? How much should I expect to pay? Is it better to hire an attorney?

    I ask about the attorney because after the last set of tickets I was arrested for driving on a suspended license. When I went to court, the Athens city attorney met with me and worked out a deal so I suspect that's what will happen in Newnan too.

    Also, I do currently have insurance and a current tag on the car.

    submitted by /u/Fun_Winter
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    [URGENT] Parents [60] have no plans in place when they die for my brother [30] who legally has no capacity

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:40 PM PST

    Quick background: My brother has Aspergers, Dyspraxia and servere OCD. He lives with my parents (who are his appointed guardians). He has no outside contact with anyone exsept from me (sister 29) and my partner. He relies 100% on other people (parents, me) as he is not well. He has not left the property for over 2 years.

    Situation: I have desperately been asking my parents to show/tell me my brothers information or the plan they have for him for when they die. However for years they kept telling me to 'dont worry about it, we have it sorted'.... Untill tonight where my mum let slip that they have literally no plans in place for my brother.

    What the hell do I do? I love my brother, and have said to both of them that I will support my brother but I do need a plan. So that I can set stuff up and that when the worse happens, I know exactly what to do for him and where to go. To not only make it easier for me but more fucking importantly my brother can still have what is best for him.

    Any advice or any thing I can do legally so there can be somthing in place for him. Edit: We live in the UK

    submitted by /u/JuilenJane
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    Need some help, an emergency..

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:10 AM PST

    Really freaking out right now, I got an email from a hacker demanding money or else they will release compromising photos of me and that my laptop is infected. The thing is I never looked at porn on my laptop ever however I'm afraid to call their bluff. Please help what can I do. They threaten to send photos to family members and coworkers.

    submitted by /u/EfficientJuggernaut
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    Conference cancelled because of coronavirus. Is there anyway to get my flight tickets refunded?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:51 AM PST

    I'm a graduate student studying video game programming. A few months back, my classmates and I bought tickets to Game Developers Conference (GDC). It was supposed to be March 16-21 in San Francisco.

    Sadly, they have now cancelled GDC, or rather "postponed till the summer" because of the coronavirus. SF is also under a state of emergency because of the coronavirus.

    GDC is refunding the ticket prices. We are now trying to get our airbnb and airline tickets refunded.

    We called the airline (Alaska Air) and they can only give us credit back and it has to be used before December of this year. That doesn't really help us at all since we're all graduate students that won't be flying anywhere else anytime soon.

    Is there anyway to get a refund since SF is under a state of emergency and all the warnings going on about the coronavirus?

    Edit: a word

    submitted by /u/SloanTheSloth
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    Undoing Home Title Transfer?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:03 AM PST

    My mother got an offer to take over the mortgage payments of a home owned by a family friend. Said party was in an urgent bind to offload this house because of financial and personal health struggles. Unfortunately, my mother agreed to pay them some amount and transfer the title of the home to us with the understanding that she would cover the remaining mortgage payments left on the house. However, this agreement was said without being fully informed about the state of the house nor having access to the mortgage payment records.

    She never signed anything herself but it was a General Warranty Deed with our names on it and that document was signed by the previous home owners. The lawyer has submitted the title paperwork to the city to change property ownership in the name of my mother and I already. Now, we are wondering what are our options are....can we transfer the title back to them at all? If not, we are now exploring not giving any additional money to the previous home owner.

    Having rented all our lives, my mother and I were ill equipped with how to figure out if this was a deal worth going for. Despite the many red flags, my mom saw this as her first real chance of being a homeowner because of her immigration status that makes her ineligible for bank loans. Despite advice to do a home inspection and time to do more research about the process, my mother and I met with the home owner, a lawyer, and all of a sudden had a general warranty deed paperwork placed in front of us. Some typos needed to be fixed but they ended up calling my mom to finalize the paperwork and submit it to the city. Before the call she received to submit, I was about to prepare to tell my mom that this was not a good deal and we lacked basic information about the property and mortgage.

    We still don't even have access to the mortgage online account, and my mom has only paid 40% of the amount she had said she's give to the previous owner. The previous home owner gave my mom one paper mortgage statement after the title paperwork was sent to the city which confirmed the mortgage payment (showing what appears to be the absolute minimal principal being paid off up to this point).

    Although my mom had seen the house before and knew it would need some repairs, the latest tenants that vacated the property left the house in need of major repairs. The home owners of course pressured me to not do a home inspection before agreeing to transfer the title because they knew it wouldn't pass. They said after renovations, the home could sell closer to the neighborhood median value.

    Currently, the mortgage is under the previous home owners name. We know significant improvements would need to occur before this house could get refinanced under my name should I try to get a home loan. That was one option I thought of since my credit score is better than that of the previous home owners based on the 6% interest rate (again basic info disclosed to us only after being presented with the title transfer paperwork).

    I told my mom the house needs too many costly repairs and that the money she had agreed to give the owner would be a waste and unfair given the state of the house. They also never signed a contract so I told her she is not under any legal obligation to give them the money. That $10K amount was obviously not based in the worth of the house (appraised at $74K with $72K left to pay off) and is just not a fair deal for us.

    I have advised my mom that we need to explore options to give back the title. Is there any process for us to do that and what would that look like? I have told my mom If they keep the $ already given to them and we pay for whatever paperwork, that may be our best option to consider.

    If we can't reverse course and given that there was no signed contract, outside of angering the other party, are we legally OK to not pay them anything? It seems that we'd have to continue making mortgage payments in their name for the time being and I am curious about any repercussions I should be aware of.

    Any input appreciated. Location: Houston, TX.

    submitted by /u/pdna789
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    Questions regarding divorcing transient person in Florida who doesn't want to sign. I'm so lost, can you help?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:47 AM PST

    I'm 23. Married in 2017. I have been separated from my husband since June of 2019. I have no idea where he is; and before I lost contact he told me he would die before signing divorce papers. We have no property or children. I've been sitting for two hours now trying to figure out what exactly I need to get my divorce.

    submitted by /u/Opposumfart
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    Estranged father passed away, he owned several residential properties and left it all to me. I am way over my head here and i have no idea how to handle this.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Me and my father have been estranged for around 5 years, i wanted to go to university and study engineering, instead he wanted me to help him manage his various investments/properties. We had a very bad falling out due to that and some other issues. I ended up moving to BC for university, while he stayed in Ontario.

    Three weeks ago he passed away suddenly from a stroke, and last week i was informed that he had willed everything to me. I was given a bunch of information and paperwork by the estate lawyer, who then more or less showed me the door, and told me i needed to contact my fathers "business" lawyer for information regarding the business.

    Said person says he hasn't worked with my father in over 4+ years, and seemed to imply there was some sort of bad blood, and didn't seem to want to help me.

    Our house is a mess, and his office is just boxes of random paperwork. I was able to get in touch with the landlord of one of the buildings my father owns who then put me in touch with the "operations coordinator", i explained the situation however he just said he handled organization and maintenance of the properties, and everything was done through my father. He is also quite upset as apparently no one is being paid right now??

    I contacted my universities legal services, who said this was way over their head and told me to find a law firm for businesses locally. The law firm i met on Thursday asked me a dozen+ questions (i didn't have answers for anything) during the 30 minute consultation, then recommended that i go back to estate lawyer and get answers. Estate lawyer has not responded to any of my calls.

    I feel like i am going to have a mental breakdown and i don't know how to handle this, it is way beyond my knowledge and understanding.

    Furthermore I am in my final year of university and supposed to graduate in June, i have an excellent job lined up for me on the condition i graduate. Can i unmake this my responsibility?

    submitted by /u/LegalQuestion2891
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    Collection agency letter for "owed" taxes. Illinois ICAA

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:07 AM PST

    First I am aware the state of Illinois was/is attempting to collect taxes from me.

    I received a letter from a debt collector. Letter states that they are attempting to collect individual taxes that I allegedly owe. In the letter they state I owe them my IL tax debt and an additional amount for their "agency fee" and that the debts amount will vary depending on how soon I pay. From what I gather the ICAA prohibits this. Is this legal?

    Edit: for clarity their letter implies they are working on behalf of Illinois to collect taxes but in the same letter they claim to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt.

    submitted by /u/mind_repair_tech
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    Needing to get custody immediately for my daughters. Mother has abandoned us and has found freedom in drugs again.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:06 PM PST

    From Ohio

    I'm going to attempt to keep this as short as possible however the story is a bit long.

    My fiancé of 3 years, decided to up and leave our family and everything else behind for her constant need of attention of others and her meth addiction. She has had struggles in the past which I had thought we had overcome and gotten past but it is now to my understanding that she only got better at hiding it. I've been told now that she has been cheating on me this entire time of us being together, in our family home along with doing drugs.

    I've already called the police and filed a report so that they are aware of the situation. Tomorrow, Monday morning I plan to go to the courthouse to file for emergency custody.

    My question is where it gets a little tricky and it's making me a bit uneasy. Our youngest, I'm on her birth certificate. Our oldest, I am not. I met their mother when she was 3 months pregnant for our oldest. I had planned to adopt after we got married later this year but as you know now isn't going to happen.

    What types of trouble am I going to run into with getting custody with our oldest, is adoption still in the picture? I don't want to lose my daughter. She's almost two years old and I'm all she's ever had.

    submitted by /u/itsmeeejoe
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    My girlfriend’s car is insured, but I do not personally have car insurance: am I legally allowed to drive it? (NV)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:00 PM PST

    Was in an accident a few months ago and after totaling my car, I cancelled my insurance. Haven't done any driving really since, but was looking to take a trip here soon and would have to do some driving. Do I need to get my own insurance or am I legal to drive her car?

    submitted by /u/thealexjones69
    [link] [comments]

    1 comment:

    1. You should see how my pal Wesley Virgin's story starts in this SHOCKING and controversial video.

      As a matter of fact, Wesley was in the military-and shortly after leaving-he unveiled hidden, "mind control" secrets that the government and others used to get whatever they want.

      THESE are the EXACT same tactics many celebrities (notably those who "became famous out of nowhere") and elite business people used to become wealthy and successful.

      You've heard that you use only 10% of your brain.

      That's mostly because the majority of your BRAINPOWER is UNCONSCIOUS.

      Maybe that thought has even occurred INSIDE your own mind... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's mind seven years back, while driving a non-registered, trash bucket of a car without a license and with $3 on his banking card.

      "I'm very frustrated with living paycheck to paycheck! Why can't I turn myself successful?"

      You've taken part in those conversations, ain't it so?

      Your very own success story is waiting to be written. You need to start believing in YOURSELF.

      Watch Wesley Virgin's Video Now!
