• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 24, 2020

    Legal Advice Employer raised money on my behalf. Never received proceeds. Now laid off.

    Legal Advice Employer raised money on my behalf. Never received proceeds. Now laid off.

    Employer raised money on my behalf. Never received proceeds. Now laid off.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    My employer held a fundraiser on my behalf last fall when I had a major medical issue. They solicited from a lot of my contacts, that were not aware of my condition. This forced me to disclose to people that I would not normally care to do so.

    I told my employer that I did not like the idea, but did not resist.

    I did not receive any of the proceeds, even though owner promised several times to get it to me. Also of note, the total he told me that was raised has decreased over time.

    Yesterday I was laid off. Still, no proceeds disbursed to me.

    What legal recourse can I take?

    Edit: NC, USA

    Edit 2: thank you all so much for the responses. I appreciate you taking the time to assist me.

    I shared this post with a close friend, and they said that I should include the following info:

    I notified my employer on Friday that my condition has returned. (My treatment team and insurance company are trying to figure out which risk is greater; to treat in hospital, or to wait until the current crisis subsides. ) Laid off on Monday, and found out today that a part time has been promoted to full time and is doing my former responsibilities.

    I did not have health insurance through my employer. I was one of approximately 15 - 20 employees.

    Again, thank you.

    submitted by /u/03242020
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    Is Tyson Foods liable for destroying my yard/driveway with their 18-wheeler?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    This isn't the first time they've done this.

    We have about 30+ acres, and unfortunately there's a few Tyson Chicken houses adjacent to us. This piece of land USED to be attached to ours, long before we owned it. Both properties have direct access from the highway — ours has a large sign out front at the end of the driveway (1000ft drive) right on the Hwy frontage. Around the curve of the road, maybe a mile down (prob less) is the access/driveway to the chicken houses, with a standard Tyson Chicken House sign by the road.

    Like I said, they've done this before — each time it happens in the middle of the night, and we are awoken to the loud sounds of a big rig trying to turn around. One time was particularly bad because instead of crates of chickens on the trailer, this one had some portable bathrooms on it. And in the scramble of them trying to backup out of our driveway, they flung the most vile smelling shit all over our lawn.

    We complained. Someone came out and kicked over the ruts in the lawn and sprinkled some saw dust, and that was that. I thought they should've done more but we were new in town and while we're a seriously minor "competitor" of theirs (we raise chickens humanely), we didn't wanna become a target.

    This morning I was awoken, yet again, by a huge truck spinning out in our soaking wet yard/driveway. Oh yeah, it's been raining non-stop for about two weeks now.

    I go outside to see my partner trying to help this guy backup, shining lights (it's pitch black out) to direct him. I go in and make coffee, come back out and the guy is running around, shouting and cursing at my husband, calling this "a huge clusterfuck of a situation" and completely unapologetic about his role. Yelled about how there should be a sign, that the gps said he could go down this road. Eventually it was clear he wasn't getting out, so we moved all the stuff that is blocking the path that used to be functional (when the properties were still connected), unchained & opened the gate.

    I looked around at my lawn in the light of day just awhile ago and I'm just so pissed off I wanna scream. I realize people make mistakes. But when a giant, BILLION dollar corporation repeatedly makes the same mistake to some nobody like me, causing property damage in some instances but mostly just a huge disruption and inconvenience to us, at what point is enough enough?

    Maybe it's just the cabin-fever, and all the talk of another corporate bailout while the rest of us just deal with it, but I'm so sick of corporate greed and I feel I am owed something. I am not one to sue or to seek an egregious compensation. But would it be so much to ask them to fix my lawn and my driveway?? Like for real? Not just some guy in a Tyson pickup to spread grass seed on the huge muddy ruts?

    I figure I should just ask y'all what you think. Thoughts? Thank you in advance for reading this all and I hope I gave enough info.

    I also have photos of today's incident, as well as the one with all the stinky poo. Though, the pics don't really capture the smell. It was seriously repulsive.

    submitted by /u/tyson-throwaway
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    My friend is a suit maker for Furries and she’s having some trouble with one client.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    So my friend lives in NC, and has been having trouble with one of her clients. She's a fursuit maker for Furries and the like, so it's a good job and she makes money quite well. She has it stated in her contract and TOS that if you commission her, there will be no refunds or return available since she needs that money for gas, supplies, etc.

    Here's where the thing starts. She got a commission from a kid who only paid half of what she asked for, and he is demanding he be put in first in line in front of everyone else she was working on. She stated that this wasn't possible as she's already working on multiples people's suits and that he has to wait until her queue changes. He's not having that, and is currently having his parents and friends go at her for not making his fursuit head in time (he only paid $190usd of $330). She's now having him treat her like she's the bad guy and is trying to get a refund. She's clearly stated that her TOS states otherwise and she can't give him a refund. And of course now this kid is trying to call police and having his parents file suit for fraud.

    She's given them multiple WIP's (works in progress) photos of the suit head being made, and she is still being mocked and teased, threatened and abused online for not having this suit done for him. Is there any way she can file for a "No Contact" order against this person, and can she also file harassment charges against his family?

    Thank you guys for reading this. I'll post updates later.

    submitted by /u/WendiWendigo
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    Company told me they would pay me a relocation bonus to move across country and then didn’t pay

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    I moved from Indiana to Texas with a promise of $2,300 for relocation (which I have in writing), but is refusing to pay, and are now cutting all of our pay. Is there anything that I can do?

    submitted by /u/Shattered620
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    [IN] My previous landlord only paid me half of my security deposit back, and is now claiming that with the Corona lock down, they are not obligated to pay me the rest of it back. What are my legal options during this time?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    Hello. I moved out of my old apartment on Feburary 11th. I received a security deposit refund of only half of what the ledger claimed I was owed. I had to fight with them tooth and nail to get them to admit they shorted me, but they did finally admit they shorted me. I have emails to prove they admitted as such.

    In the state of Indiana a landlord has 45 days to refund your security deposit which in my case would be March 29th. I have been in contact with them for the time being, and they assured me that I would receive the other half of my deposit.

    However, I sent them an email yesterday asking when can I expect my other half of the deposit back because I need it to pay rent at my current place since I am currently without a job thanks to Corona. They emailed me back saying that with the current state of emergency, they are not obligated to pay me my other half until it is lifted. I cannot think that is legal since tenants are still obligated to pay rent during this time.

    What legal avenue can I pursue to ensure that I get paid the money I am rightfully owed? I have saved every email and I have in writing the property manager stating that they do in fact owe me more money. I am desperate for that cash and I genuinely believe they are just trying to screw me out of cash yet again. The amount owed is far less than what it would be worth going to small claims court over, and I believe the courts are shut down. Is there any place I can call or file a complaint to get them to fork over the cash or have them face legal consequences? They have been absolute slum lords and I'm tired of them screwing me over.

    submitted by /u/--Feminem--
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    LandLord expects me to paint...?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    I Live in Monroe county Florida. I'm moving out of an apartment I've been in for 2 and 1/2 years. My lease was up and I choose not to resign a new one. The apartment is in pretty good condition and needs very little to be ready for the next renter (IMO).

    The property manager told me over the phone she expects it to be clean (of course) and painted.

    I'm under the impression that's above and beyond. I've speckled any holes I see but that's all just normal wear and tear.

    Does anyone have a good resource I can use to see what the normal expectation is ?

    submitted by /u/kwLeo
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    Wife and I received subpoena to establish paternity from 3rd party(FL)(NY)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Some details are purposefully vague

    Wife and I have been married for over 10 years. While we were living in NY, she had an affair which resulted in a child being born. This was brought to my attention and we immediately had a prenatal paternity test done. I am not the biological father of the child. I was present during the child's birth and am listed as the father of the child on the birth certificate. We are still together and have raised the child together. The 3rd party tried to sue for paternity which was thrown out by the judge(NY) since we were(still are) married at the time of the child's conception.

    5 or so years later, we now reside in FL and both, my wife and I, received lawsuit docs from the 3rd party to establish paternity, custody and everything else. Apparently, the 3rd party now resides in FL.

    We would love advice/resources on how to proceed as we have only 20 days to respond.


    submitted by /u/Needyhelpy0101
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    Going through a divorce with a drug-addict soon-to-be-ex-wife and she won't stop contacting me, violating my restraining order

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:12 AM PDT


    My wife and I split up in November and in December, she overdosed on heroin in front of my children. I gave her a chance to handle things outside of the legal system, but she would not listen to reason, so I took her to court to make it official. We had court in January, when the judge granted me sole custody and a restraining order until our second hearing, which was scheduled for March 19th, and ended up getting cancelled due to coronavirus.

    At 1am March 19th, my ex-wife came to my house (violation), left a bunch of packages for the kids and a letter for me, wherein she threatened me twice (2 violations) and claimed she will not be cooperating with court (violation.) My roommates and I called the police, and as we were on the phone, the ex-wife drove by in front of the house (violation.) We installed security cameras and have been in touch with the police, documenting and reporting each violation. Since thursday, she has texted me 3 times, each of which being more desperate than the last (3 violations) and has driven by the house again at least twice (2 violations.) I do not have her physical address or her license plate number, so all I can do is just file reports to the policeman I have been dealing with as they happen. Is there something else I can do? I'm afraid she is going to show up here and do something crazy and traumatize the kids. All I wanted was for her to get her shit together and stop doing drugs, but she flatly refuses to do any of that and I don't know what else to do about it.

    submitted by /u/spaceman_slim
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    Tenant quoting CA 1947.3

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Our new tenants signed a lease yesterday and paid a deposit. Their bank canceled the electronic payment in the middle of the night, and so we do not hold any of their money. Meanwhile about 22 other redflag/unusual interactions have gone on during the application process and so my husband tried to let them know it's just not going to work out. Renter (who is finishing law school) basically says, "nope, we're moving in on April 3, we'll see you with deposit and rent money that day." Do we have to honor the lease?

    submitted by /u/nickel559
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    Shared competator's COVID 19 compensation policy the employee group chat. I'm now being called into the office at the end of my shift. Should I be worried? (CA, USA)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    As a retail employee, most companies have come up with a compensation policy for their workers during the COVID 19 pandemic, except ours. We had a conference call today and compensation was barely touched on. Instead they focused on earlier start times in order to get more product in the stores and to avoid the crowds. After the call got in touch with an employee from a competing company and they gladly shared their compensstion policy with me and I gathered some of the bullet points and threw them into our group chat. A few minutes later a shitstorm starts in the chat and I get a text from an upset supervisor calling me into the office at the end of my day. Should I be worried here?

    submitted by /u/vmart10
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    I'm on h1b and my employer promises to start the Green Card process the first day I join, can I ask them to add it to the contract?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    I'm changing an employer and would like to make the start of Green Card processing the first day I join part of the contract. Is it appropriate?

    US, California

    submitted by /u/krinart
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    (USA-MI) Salary Exempt Employee Random Furlough

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Just wanted to say thank you to all the experts here giving advice in these complex times.

    I work for a automotive parts supplier in Michigan. All our customer's plants are down so our plants also shutdown and laidoff all hourly workers. In effort to save money, my employer also sent notifications that they were furloughing all employees Friday this week, Thursday/Friday next week, and beyond that was indeterminate. The problem is that they're still expecting us to pick up the work from the furloughed days (e.g. work the normal 50+ hours, but just get paid for 4 days this week and 3 days next week). I'm an exempt employee, and will not be going below the $35,568 mentioned in the COVID-19 FAQ. I know this is not as bad as others here, and I may be looking a gift horse in the mouth, but this doesn't seem right. Based on https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/70-flsa-furloughs seems that they need to either:

    1. Classify us as Non-Exempt employees (and pay overtime)
    2. Make a "long-term" change to our salary rate
    3. Furlough for the entire week (not a day or two here or there)

    A coworker brought this up with HR and their response was "We already consulted a lawyer and this is the path were taking".

    Any suggestions? Should we just accept it and hopefully get 3-days backpay?

    submitted by /u/mi_auto_throwaway
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    Girlfriends ex husband holds their son ransom for $750 to pay "his electric bill."

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    Court ordered he gets 2 hour visitations. She had a verbal agreement to let him have son on weekends.

    Pandemic breaks out, husband threatens to keep kid. Demands she pay him $750 for electric bill. He forces her to go to his house and they discuss payment. He forces her to bank and lets her have kid for $250.

    She filed a police report, supposedly they told her jts a civil matter.

    Shes my gf but..

    I dont know what to believe at this point. Couldnt she say he was holding him for ransom?

    submitted by /u/bondbond82
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    Car isn't running and I have no money to fix it. Landlord is forcing me to move it because it's just "sitting in MY driveway.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    So my car has had multiple problems. But now the starter went out on top of the radiator and transmission. I just paid it off a year ago and don't want to get rid of it. It's been sitting in my driveway for about 3 months because I have no money (about 1,000 dollars to fix it) And NOW with the COVID outbreak I have no work and definitely can't fix my car. So of course my landlord picks this time to tell me I NEED to move my car because it's just sitting there.

    Can he legally do that? Im paying my rent, the parking space in front is mine. I absolutely am not going to spend 1000 dollars during this pandemic to fix a car I do not need right at this moment in time. What are my options?

    Im in Los Angeles, CA

    submitted by /u/Throwaway_5813
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    I am being counter-sued in small claims court. I don't have a lawyer and need advice on my plan of action from here out.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    The situation: I was working as a night auditor at a hotel and was also the bartender for a few hours until close. I am on camera drinking shots with a guest and serving girls I knew after hours. I discussed giving them money for bottles I used, but they said they would take $100 out of my check and they actually took $200 out of my paycheck and fired me the next day. I filed a claim after and investigation by the labor board found they were not allowed to do so. Now they have counter-sued on the grounds that I gave away free drinks, over served a guest, and putting the hotel in danger of losing their license and fines. The amount I am asking for is the money from the check and the court fee. They want like $1300.

    What should I expect from here? I have to answer the counter-suit and not sure if there's any guidelines. If anybody could take the time to give me any advice or insight that would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/lvl99_Snorlax
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    Los Angeles: Landlord living/sheltering in place on property in detached garage. Not legal dwelling.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    So my landlord inherited a large house. She has converted the main house into 3 separate units and has two other units in the back. At least two of these units are unregistered including mine. When I moved in I was told my landlord did not live there, just stopped in from time to time.

    This is not the case, she's essentially homeless, a prostitute, drug dealer, and lives and deals drugs out of the detached garage on the property. She's constantly around, with her cronies. She uses addicts to do work for her. Now, she's started renting the unit downstairs to one of them, so because she's "hooked them up" she's always in there, smoking cigarettes, inside and then turning on the vent which blows the smoke into my unit. (Because this place was renovated by a crackhead). They're partying till 6AM almost every night too.

    I've already had the city come out and do an inspection, they've said I don't have to pay rent and that she needs to pay me to relocate. They had a final inspection scheduled yesterday but since corona everything is paused.

    Still, now her and her friends are all "self isolating" on the property.

    I feel like wtf, we pay rent, we ACTUALLY live here and now she's acting like she literally owns the place, which she does, but she doesn't LEGALLY live here. It's bothersome, she's rude, they are illegally building structures as we speak, building an outdoor shower to go with her outdoor toilet right by my front door so she can live out of the garage and still be clean.

    I feel like my peace of mind and space is being invaded. She should not be living on the property. She shouldn't be sheltering in place here, or allowing her friends to do so. I feel helpless at this point considering everything's on lockdown. The only thing I can imagine doing is calling the police for a disturbance. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/MicTailor
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    (NY) I put off executing my mom’s will and now everything is falling apart

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    My mom passed away from cancer three years ago. It was sudden in the sense that we had every belief that she would survive the illness, but her condition quickly took a turn for the worse. A week or two before she died she made a quick will leaving her house to me and naming me executor of her will. She had no life insurance or anything like that.

    When she died I completely panicked. One thought I had was that if the mortgage company knew she died and that she'd left the house to me, they would make inquiries about my ability to pay the mortgage, realize I was a teenager with no money, and immediately take the house because they have no agreement with me. I'm still not sure if that's actually something they can do.

    My second thought was that my mother is still technically married to my father. They separated over a decade ago, lived apart and basically never saw each other but my mom never pushed for divorce because my father was mentally unstable/physically abusive and she thought the divorce process would escalate his behavior. She also feared she would have to sell the house. She bought the house long before she met him, but didn't have a prenup. I do believe this was a legal separation because he was ordered to pay child support (he never consistently did though). Everyone in my moms family can testify to his abuse and he recently made the local newspaper for stabbing someone. Would that matter in court?

    For these two reasons my immediate thought was that I have to be financially stable and get a lawyer before I try to get the house in my name, or I risked losing it. I also just had no idea what to do without a lawyer (I still don't?) which I couldn't afford. I just started working and paying the bills without telling any company that my mother passed away. My plan was to graduate from school and get a stable job, then consult a lawyer and go through the whole process. All of my mother's family knows that this is my plan and supports it.

    In retrospect this was very very stupid. Because the mortgage isn't in my name, I can only pay and can't discuss anything. I just got a letter saying the mortgage company discovered there's over 10k worth in old "county taxes" on the house and starting in May the mortgage is going up by 1k. I just got laid off due to COVID and even if I hadn't, I don't have that kind of money. I live paycheck to paycheck and often have to let one bill be late to pay another.

    I graduate from college this semester and have a job offer lined up starting in September that would make more than enough money to pay for everything, including an increased mortgage. Everything was finally coming together and it's all falling apart right before I made it. This house has so much sentimental value for me. It represents my mother to me.

    Right now the only option I see is to actually move through with the inheritance process and hope that helps somehow.

    My questions are: a) can the bank take the house because I'm broke and not the person they gave the loan to? b) can my father successfully dispute the will when they were legally separated for over a decade? c) will I get in legal trouble for waiting this long to do everything d) after legally inheriting the house, will I be fully responsible for all back taxes accrued when my mom was alive

    submitted by /u/throwawaycuzimscrwd
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    Former employer embezzled Cobra checks

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I live in TX where Cobra checks have to be paid to your former employer. My employer pocketed all but the first check and now I am receiving bills for medical services rendered during the time where I thought I had coverage. One amounts to 1600 dollars. My question is: does pursuing this legally make sense, or will I spend time and money with no hope of reward.

    Tl dr: Former employer embezzled Cobra checks, should I sue?

    submitted by /u/psams1
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    [USA-FL] Manager threaten to have me arrested for not coming into work since I am part of a "critical vendor"

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Location USA Florida.

    My city has been shut down. I am at risk of COVID-19. I reported it to management, and I was still assigned a route, I contacted my manager about being in self quarantine, and was told to do my job or she would send the police to arrest me for refusing to provide a critical service during a national emergency. Is this BS or does it have any merit?

    I count and stock make-up, greeting cards and phones and do nothing with any medical supplies.

    I am not provided with any form of protections that I do not buy myself, and am not offered any health insurance.

    Edit: I have sent an email to the HR department about this and about being in self quarantine, and I am waiting for a response. The company has over 500 employees.

    submitted by /u/reddit_1a
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    FMLA and paid sick leave if business is closed down

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    My work is subject to the new FMLA and paid sick leave changes. Today they put out additional information that neither of those options is available if they choose or are made to shutdown due to Covid-19.

    Is this true? I can't find a clear answer. I know people have been filing for unemployment due to layoffs, but will they be eligible for the new provisions as well?

    Edit for additional information. I am in Kansas working for an essential business.

    submitted by /u/nuhuhstillnotme
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    Kicked out of my place to live with only get 20 minute notice

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Was kicked out of my house by parrents was told i have 20 minutes to leave or he was going to get violent This happened less than 24 hours from when my city is going on lockup

    submitted by /u/Jonez47x
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    My Bank Accidentally Leaked the Regional Wealth Management Client List

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Yesterday my bank's wealth management team sent out an email to its regional wealth management clients. The sender of the email pasted everyone's email into the TO field before sending, instead of BCCing the message to everyone. The wealth management division is separate from the bank's regular financial advisory practice, and being a client implies you've got a fair amount of money. My email address makes it obvious who I am, as do many of the other email addresses listed. I know a number of names on the list who I would not have known otherwise, and a number of people (who I would not have wanted to know I have a wealth management account) on the list know who I am.

    My wealth advisor apologized for the situation after I called to complain, but as far as I know has not taken any other action.

    The bank that did this is a nationally known bank, the branch of the bank that did this is located in Iowa, and most of the clients involved live in Iowa or Illinois.

    I'm pretty steamed about this, but I'm not sure if this rises to the level of illegality or is something that I can file a complaint with FINRA or the Iowa Insurance Division (who I think regulates financial advisory services in Iowa) about. Do I have any recourse here? Is there anyone outside of the bank I can file a complaint with?

    submitted by /u/Muckminster
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