• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Hi there, so I rear ended a guy doing 5km per hour 3 years ago and he has recently decided to sue me for bodily harm 🙄 Anyways I just recieved an email from my insurance adjuster. Insurance

    Hi there, so I rear ended a guy doing 5km per hour 3 years ago and he has recently decided to sue me for bodily harm �� Anyways I just recieved an email from my insurance adjuster. Insurance

    Hi there, so I rear ended a guy doing 5km per hour 3 years ago and he has recently decided to sue me for bodily harm �� Anyways I just recieved an email from my insurance adjuster.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    The email ends with:

    We have completed a thorough investigation of your claim, and have reviewed all of the details provided to us by you and the other party/parties involved. Based on the information developed, it has been determined that your policy will respond on the basis of 100% liability in this case.

    I was just wondering what this means exactly? It's late evening here right now so I am unable to contact my agent to clarify and I'm a bit nervous. Any info would help.

    Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/Kernalburger
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    Hit a parked car in December. Something doesnt seem right about the bill.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    So, a little context. My girlfriend backed into a parked car in our apartment complex in December. Police came, did a report, she only caused a small dent in his car. Damage was quoted around $200-$300. The other car was double parked with a motorcycle in front of it, which also got knocked over. I dont think the police addes that into their assesment since it was double parked. Im not sure.

    Another thing to mention is my girlfriend did not have insurance at the time. Somehow, she was found not at fault.

    Anyways, come 3 months later, we get a bill for $7000 from USAA. $5000 for repairs and $2100 for a rental. Which seems like.. a lot for a small dent. Now, I see this car we hit every day. He has since gotten 4 new tires, a brand new paint job, and Im sure other things I cant openly see.

    The night of the accident, the guy mentioned that he already had some things to get repaired and that it wasnt a big deal.

    Now, I highly doubt his 1997 jeep is even worth $7000, so Im wondering if he claimed all of his old damages against us, insurance paid it, and now were getting that bill.

    If someone could help shed some light on what we should do, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    EDIT: Thanks for all of the replies. Ill definitely contact USAA, get a breakdown, and just go from there. Hopefully theyre willing to do a payment plan of some sort. $7000 is way out of my ball park. Thanks again everyone.

    submitted by /u/_Soupp
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    Pregnant and on Medicare, make too much for Medicaid

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    I'm in Maryland. I've been on Medicare for mental health issues since 2015. Back when I was single, I qualified for Medicare, Medicaid, and Extra Help because of my income. I got married in 2017. The Medicaid and Extra Help was cut off about a year ago due to my husband's income. (We currently have a household of 3, not including this pregnancy) He makes $5800 a month before taxes, but only takes home $3600 a month after taxes. I also work part time and make $400 a month before taxes, and recieve $798 a month in SSDI (before Medicare premium is taken out). Because Medicaid goes by the gross amount, we make to much for me to get Medicaid even though I am pregnant and on disability. Right now I only have original Medicare, which pays for 80% of my medical costs assuming they will cover them. I'm in my 7th month of pregnancy. So far, Medicare has been terrible at covering my high risk pregnancy expenses and routinely denies procedures. I am overwhelmed with medical bills and copays from expensive doctor visits in addition to our regular debts and bills. I am due to have a C-section in May and dread the final bill. (However, once the baby is born he will go on my husband's insurance provider from work, Cigna.) I have looked into Medicare Advantage plans and Medigap, but my premiums would be pretty high because I'm only 30. I'm stuck and not sure what to do here. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/thosebabyblues
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    Lease turn in due soon, repair damage or get paid out? Uncertain of best option / timeframe

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:08 PM PDT


    • My car was involved in a hit and run on November 22, 2019.
    • Police were called to the scene and their report found other party at fault.
    • The other parties insurance just denied my claim this week. Ugh...
    • Running out of time, I've contacted my own insurance company.

    I didn't want to have to do this given the police findings, but my hands feel tied. Now uncertain of which option to take:

    1. Get it fixed at a Geico authorized shop, just in time for the turn in. Have a rental car for a week or so. Hope BMW is happy with the repairs.
    2. Avoid the hassle of having it fixed and have a Geico inspector take a look at the damage and cut me a check? (or would it go to BMW Financial given the lease? is this a simple process or drawn out? Keeping in mind the turn-in is less than a month away)

    I've waited 4 months and was hoping the other company would pay for the repair. Now I just want the simplest solution given the car has to be turned in soon. On the surface, seems easiest to just have Geico and BMW deal with the money + repair situation... unless it's not that simple.

    Any thoughts on which option to choose would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/_amillionsuns
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    FMLA, disability, health insurance

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    Hi! A family member of mine recently had a stroke last week and he's not in a state to be able to deal with insurance and claims, so I've been trying to figure out how things work since he can't work at this time. There's been FMLA and short term disability claims submitted, and from what I can gather - FMLA will protect his job up to 12 weeks and short term disability will continue his pay. Is that correct? Does that mean his company has the ability to let him go after the FMLA period? Also, will he be able to keep his health insurance active while he's on medical leave? I've been calling around all day and keep getting the run around. I'm unclear of all the details so I'm wondering if anyone else can provide details if they have been through the same. I'm in WA state.

    submitted by /u/kittymonster1
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    Personal injury case statute of limitation expires tomorrow - please help!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    Hi - I totally forgot about an open PI case where I was rear ended by an at-fault driver.

    CA statute of limitation stipulates 2 years from date of accident, which is tomorrow, March 25.

    An offer was made, and I'd like to accept this amount before we're outside of the 2 year mark.

    1) As long as I accept the offer by tomorrow, am I good? It didn't expire by effectively today, correct?
    2) Is there a way to extend the two years out for some additional time given the current virus crisis?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/maddyessie1
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    New motorcyclist

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Hello, so I'm a new motorcycle rider in Los Angeles. I recently got my Class C AND Class M1 driving permit. However I've been having problems trying to find motorcycle insurance because they keep asking for an actual valid drivers license. Some told me they are able to insure me if I am able to get my license within 30 days. What happens if I don't get my license within 30 days? Will they ask for verification? Will there be a penalty of some sorts if I don't get it within that time? Everything is pushed back currently because of the whole virus situation so even if I wanted to I would still have to wait months for an appointment. Also, what if I insure it under my moms insurance? The motorcycle is registered to me so I don't know how that would work. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't cover me.

    submitted by /u/Peet0longo
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    Can someone please help me ID this insurance provider?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    All I got from the driver that hit my parked car was this snapshot that has policy ID but I forgot the name of the provider


    submitted by /u/razzledazzled
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    Getting a Second Job with Insurance - Will That Info Be Relayed Back to First Job?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    I work at Company A that provides insurance benefits. I am getting a second job at Company B. That company also provides benefits through the same insurance company that Company A provides them through. I would like to keep these jobs separate for personal reasons, though if necessary I can disclose them. My question is there any way for that info to make its way back to Company A? I am also wondering if I should be listing Company B's insurance as a Secondary insurance, and if that would make any difference to this.

    Also, just to answer a few questions,

    1. I will not be working simultaneous hours. Company A's handbook requires I be available "during working hours", which will be.

    2. These are remote positions as a software developer, and as such, I can pretty much set my own hours.

    3. Company B actually contracts me to Company C, so everything is for them. My insurance and paycheck simply say "Company B" on them.

    submitted by /u/_Dapper__Dan__Man_
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    Car insurance question please

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    So, I was in a wreck on February 19. The other driver was turning left when I was going straight and hit my driver side door. The other driver had insurance, and also got a ticket from a police officer at the scene for failure to yield.

    I thought it was pretty cut and dried that it was their fault so I called my insurance to report but they recommended going through the other persons insurance. I did, and in the meantime I got a rental car because my car is not drivable.

    Three weeks in the other insurance company still hadn't made a liability decision so I went ahead and filed with my insurance and had my car towed to a body shop to be repaired. My deductible is $800 but I do not have rental car coverage which would be all out of pocket. So far I have paid $700 for the rental.

    I finally got the decision from the other insurance company today—denial based on unlisted driver. The person driving was the insureds daughter who does not live w him. I live in Louisiana and I had thought insurance had to cover unless the person stole the car, which wasn't the case here. They said his insurance had "stipulations" which barred coverage but could not tell me specifics.

    So. I'm unsure what to do. I am now on the hook for $1500 for a car accident that I was not at fault for, where the other driver had insurance. Please advise! That is a lot of money for me, especially w my husbands job being reduced.

    submitted by /u/reddit_or_not
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    Can I just stop making payments? (NJ)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Been in quarantine for two weeks, don't plan on driving for a long time. Should I stop making payments, cancel my policy, or change to a dirt cheap policy and then change back to my expensive policy later?

    submitted by /u/KubrickSalinger
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    Was in a nasty car accident yesterday and wanted to get some thoughts on whether or not I'd be likely to be deemed 100% at fault?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    I'm in Canada btw, I'm trying to find fault determination documents for my province (Alberta) but can't. I found some for a few others and they are the same, and based on them I'm not sure where the collision falls under.

    I was driving along a two lane street heading south on the left most lane. As I'm approaching an intersection (no traffic lights or signs, other than for the east /west lanes which have stop signs) I decide to turn left. In oncoming there is another car going to turn left as well in the adjacent lane to mine. In the curb lane I see a small car go straight past the intersection. With fewer drivers on the road due to covid 19, I can see there are no other cars in either lane besides the one also waiting to turn left (I was looking at both oncoming lanes traffic before approaching the intersection as well, I'm approaching 84th avenue and I'm looking at the traffic as far ahead as 83rd avenue) that would be at an unsafe distance. Seeing no cars, I turn left onto essentially a side road, and when I'm already into the intersection with my car in front of both lanes a large truck hits me and causes my car to swerve onto landscaping of an apartment complex. The truck did not swerve, as the truck was still facing straight north in the curb lane. The other driver sent me video he took showing the position of our cars after the accident. He received damage only on the front driver side of his car, my damage was focused on the passenger side door.

    I know that generally speaking left turn drivers are almost always deemed at fault. But reading the documents I'm not sure what scenario this falls under. Here are the two that might apply (again not for my province, but the info is the same for two separate provinces so it might be similar across Canada)

    Automobiles travelling in opposite directions 14 (1) This Section applies to an incident in which automobile A collides with automobile B, and the automobiles are travelling in opposite directions and in adjacent lanes.

     (5) If the incident occurs when automobile B turns left into the path of automobile A, then: (a) the driver of automobile A is not at fault for the incident; (b) the driver of automobile B is 100% at fault for the incident. 

    keep in mind we were not in adjacent lanes - I was in the left most lane for heading south, he was in the curb or right most lane heading north, meaning we had one lane between us.

    Then the other one:

    Automobiles in intersection without traffic signals or signs 15 (1) This Section applies to an incident in which automobile A collides with automobile B at an intersection that does not have traffic signals or traffic signs. (2) If automobile A enters the intersection before automobile B, then: (a) the driver of automobile A is not at fault for the incident; (b) the driver of automobile B is 100% at fault for the incident.

     (3) If automobiles A and B enter the intersection at the same time and automobile A is to the right of automobile B when in the intersection, then: (a) the driver of automobile A is not at fault for the incident; (b) the driver of automobile B is 100% at fault for the incident. (4) If it cannot be determined whether automobile A or B entered the intersection first, then the driver of each automobile is 50% at fault for the incident. 

    So really, I was turning left (first scenario) but it was also an unmarked intersection (scenario b) and I had entered into heading east into the avenue before he entered into the intersection. I the second option I actually have no idea if I'm auto A or B as there were no pictures to show examples (there were for other ones)

    Of course I'll be speaking more with my insurance, but does anyone have an idea of what path insurance would likely take for trying to determine fault if my scenario does not cleanly fit one over the other? Does the second option also include turning or travelling opposite directions?

    I've never been in an accident at fault (was in one where the other driver ran a stop sign) so hopefully that would reduce how much the premium increases but I'm also hoping that insurance tries to look into it more rather than just say I'm at fault just because I was turning left. And there were witnesses, one a driver in front of the truck and one outside a house right on that avenue. Personally my gut feeling is that the truck driver was speeding which is why he ended up hitting me so suddenly and the limit on that street is 50km/hr while I would have been going maybe 10-15km/hr while turning. But then again I don't really know how much damage a truck can cause if it's going 50km/hr and striking someone going 10-15km. So he would be going (if not speeding) about 30mph, me 6-9mph.

    Anyways I was just interested in seeing if anyone had some opinions on this, if there's anything specific I should bring up with my insurance. Police report was already filed as well and I have a copy to share if needed.

    submitted by /u/ana30671
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    (VA) Negotiation deduction required?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    2 single drivers in auto accident, one admits fault and ticketed (not me) Both drivers file property claims with own full coverage insurance Not at fault driver (me) vehicle deemed total loss

    Present day...... I'm negotiating the value of my vehicle with my provider, and have provided appropriate documentation with examples of comparables. Insurance agrees on value but is requiring a 5% deduction for standard negotiations with auto dealer. Is there a way to fight that? Normally I use the negotiations to work in warranty credit or extra features..

    submitted by /u/StarPooValley
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    Car Insurance Second Opinion- Wait 6 Months? Other Options?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Sorry, I am really burning up finance Reddits lately with questions.

    Today I followed up with a new car insurance carrier, and they said they couldn't underwrite until July due to an accident.

    My teenager was licensed in September and got into what looked to be a minor fender bender in January. Other party sustained $700 of damage. After approving an estimate, two weeks later, our insurer (Flo) came back and said the damage was actually nearly 4x as much as it originally was quoted and totaled the car. Took over a month to settle, which is the norm.

    Our policy went up from a little over $150 a month to a little under $500 a month. Other major insurers are more expensive, some by several hundred dollars.

    I got an initial quote for around $250, but then the insurer said to try again in July after six months have passed.

    In addition to my son's January incident, insurers are reporting a second accident in late 2016. I was not in an accident, but I did knock over a motorcycle and it damaged the mirror. $15K damage. No damage to the car I was driving.

    It does not seem there is any way this caused $15K damage they're citing. Presumably there's nothing I can do about that, but it just seems so bizarre. I have personally never been in an accident (absent the motorcycle mirror) and have no violations or tickets. Aside from the fender bender, my son's driving record is also clean.

    Anyway, is there any other way to stay insured for less than the less than $500 a month? (I also had to rent a car for 7 weeks while Flo took time settling.) All in all this has been very expensive. I looked into the per-mile new insurance but it's not available in New York.

    Any hail mary approaches appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/smartlypretty
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    Looking for some advice on Supplemental Insurance

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Thanks in advance for any help you can lend my husband and I on this, we are not exceptionally savvy when it comes to insurance.

    My husband and I both work for ourselves, freelance contractors. We purchase our own health insurance every year and in 2014 we started purchasing supplemental insurance in the event that either of us were hurt or struck with illness that would prevent us from working. We have Dental, Indemnity, Critical Illness, Accident Support, Cancer, and Vision supplemental plans from Surebridge, The Chesapeake Life Insurance Company.

    With the recent down time I've had I starting doing some personal finance checks and balances and dug into these plans to see if they are worth it, if we have the correct coverage for our needs still, etc. It was so long ago that we started them that I can't really remember why we chose this company or these plans specifically. We use the dental and vision once a year and set and forget the rest type of thing because neither of us has had any serious accidents or catastrophic health issues in the last 6 years.

    Upon digging into it I found a scary amount of negative reviews on the company. The theme of most of the reviews is: this place is a joke, they are a scam, they don't pay claims ever, they are a terrible terrible company. We have never had any issues but again we have never filed a claim in the last six years. Normally I would assume insurance companies can rack up a lot of negative reviews but this was overwhelming and the content in the reviews was all really horrible situations.

    Have any of your ever heard of Surebridge or the Chesapeake Life Insurance Company? Would it be in our best interest to switch providers? We are located in Western PA, can anyone suggest some trusted supplemental insurance providers in the area? We currently pay $138 a month total, for those plans for my husband and I. The only update to our situation in the last 6 years is 3 years ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease, which can be considered a pre-exisiting condition. But I do not require any medication or hospital visits, it is managed well with dietary changes. Also would be interested in looking into adding some kind of maternity leave coverage/plan if available. Not pregnant, but it maybe something that comes up in the next year or two and obviously I have no paid leave through an employer.

    Just looking for some insider advice as to whether we are wasting money on supplemental in general or specifically with this company. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/LeeseTheMeese
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    Tree removal

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    If a tree fell and damaged my fence and my plants/ shrubs. If i called to get it removed today and then contacted my insurance company would they still cover the removal and reimburse me or do i need to file a claim before getting it removed

    submitted by /u/brap123_
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    My mother is stuck in Canada because of the COVID while visiting my sister. Insurance company is refusing to extend her coverage for more days

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    My mother was supposed to be visiting my sister between March 1 and April 12. Her flight got cancelled and our airport is closed so she is stuck.

    My sister called the insurance company to buy more days but they refused. The insurance company is Blue Cross Canada.

    Is there anything that we can do? We can't leave her without insurance.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/postdoc
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    Help getting health insurance

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Hello all, I am a 26 y/o college student. I live in Alabama and I work at Walgreens making around $700 a month or $8800 a year before taxes. I have tried to apply for insurance through the healthcare marketplace but the cheapest plan was around $320 a month which doesn't leave me enough for rent or utilities. I looked into getting Medicaid but I don't qualify since I am not a parent, pregnant, and have no disabilities.

    I need to get insurance. I recently had to goto the hospital and ran up $2,000 in MRIs and x-rays after discovering I had a slipped disc and a stress fracture in my spine. I haven't been able to pay the minimum amount and they sent me to collections who have opened a suit against me and has begun suing me for the bill. I try calling them and leaving messages but they don't ever respond to me. I received a letter by a cop saying that the collections agency is suing me in court. I don't have anything in savings. The hospital has denied my request for lowering my bill. I don't know what to do anymore. Please give me some sort of advice. I can't seem to qualify for insurance and I feel like my only option right now is to file for bankruptcy. I don't have anything like a car or home in my own name. The car is still registered to my parents and I rent a trailer.

    submitted by /u/BlackWidowSpider
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    Anyone else having trouble writing new P&C business with the uncertainty of Covid-19?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Just coming here cause misery loves company. My pipeline has completely fallen apart since this virus got a hold on people... anyone have some good talk paths for overcoming the uncertainty objection... hope everyone else is doing better than I have these last two weeks!

    submitted by /u/MingusDeDingus
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    Might COVID-19 cause a soft market?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    I work in the London insurance market.

    The last year has seen the market harden and rates rise. Companies and Syndicates have been withdrawing from the market, allowing those still operating to push up prices, reduce limits and increase deductibles.

    With COVID-19 having a major impact on client's businesses and the general economy I have seen two factors that may stop the market hardening:

    1) Client insurance managers have too much on with this virus and so less are looking to take policies to tender. They are looking to renew with the incumbent insurer. In that situation can an insurer really push for rate and maintain a credible reputation with the client and brokers?

    2) More significantly, base rates are being cut. As we saw following 2008, a cut to the base rate affects the performance of many investments and makes the insurance market's return on equity rate look attractive. Might we see more capital flowing into insurers, which would cause a softer market?

    submitted by /u/C_arpet
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