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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    Business How DuPont may avoid paying to clean up a toxic 'forever chemical'

    Business How DuPont may avoid paying to clean up a toxic 'forever chemical'

    How DuPont may avoid paying to clean up a toxic 'forever chemical'

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:10 AM PST

    UK Moves Closer To Big Four Accountancy Breakup

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:37 PM PST

    Why Are Famous Online Businesses Like Uber and Amazon Going Back to the Physical World?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:33 PM PST

    Steve Jobs ‘Crazy Ones’

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:15 PM PST

    "Back office" for employees

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:47 PM PST

    Once, during a conversation, one of my clients, for whom I was conducting a strategic session, complained to me about the head of department, a subordinate who had been "working as a back office for the employees".

    That case is quite common. Over the entire period of my managing career, I've often seen such people, and now I often see them at professional trainings. Such managers often complain about their subordinates; they say that they set tasks for them, but they always come with questions, unable to work independently, not realizing that the problem is in them, not in their subordinates.

    It is rather useless to send such employees to regular management trainings, telling them about the methods of "delegation". The problem is not in a lack of knowledge. The problem is of psychological nature, and its names are fear and uncertainty. As for misunderstanding of their role as managers, it is just a consequence. All this is worsened by the fact that many managers are proud of their shortcomings. For example, they work many hours: first for their subordinates, and then for themselves, and consider themselves a kind of heroes. But if a person feels like a hero, he or she is not ready to learn. Why someone should be learning if he or she is already perfect?

    Simple things are often helpful. At training, I sometimes directly tell such people that they are incompetent leaders. Listening to this is offensive and unpleasant, so I do not say it directly in their faces, so as not to cause a strong defense reaction that blocks the working of the human mind. I'm just describing the image of such a "leader", asking the members of the group to get to know themselves honestly about it, and then explaining how bad it is. Many then come up and confess in private that they have understood and accepted the idea.

    In other cases, it is helpful to play a game in which a member of the group is put in a situation from which he or she cannot come out with credit without starting to share a big task or a project with subordinates. If a person is forced to overcome his or her fear, there is a chance that in the future, he or she will be able to overcome it again.

    But one cannot shut one's eyes to the fact that much depends on the position of the leader. When I was CEO myself, I tried to communicate to my subordinates that I take their excessive working efforts and a relaxed performance by their subordinates as a clear evidence of their managerial weakness. Training of top managers will be even more effective if the company creates a management style that does not favor such weaknesses.

    submitted by /u/sbiryulin
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    Energy storage projects reach ‘investment-grade’ with esVolta’s $140 million debt facility

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:02 PM PST

    Found this infographic on Linkedin - who are the world's most innovative economies.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:34 AM PST

    Scaling business with an abundance mindset

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:37 PM PST

    Have you scaled your business beyond yourself? What in your psychology shifted to allow that growth?

    I read so many posts of people who are just grinding and only working hard.

    What systems did you put into place to remove yourself from the business equation?

    submitted by /u/WalrusPiggy
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    How much prior knowledge do you need for a Master's in Business Analytics?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:09 PM PST

    I am a Political Science undergraduate and I took my electives in Economics, Data Science and Business. Due to that I will be admitted for a Master's in Economic and Business Analytics. Do you think it will be hard for me, succeeding in this Program without majoring in Economics or Business? I don't need excellent grades, just want to make sure that this Master is doable for me.

    The program consists of basic courses in Economics, Business and Analytic Methods (Econometrics, Data Mining etc). After that you can specialize in a few areas and I guess I would go for Analytic Methods and Digital Economy.

    submitted by /u/kaisermax6020
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    The Four-Stage Impacts of the Coronavirus

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:18 PM PST

    My Prediction For Ecommerce Business (aka Thoughts While Working)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:52 AM PST


    These are like shower thoughts but in reality they are "desk thoughts"...going into deep thoughts while working.

    I started Ecommerce almost a decade ago but only started selling on Amazon back in 2014. When one of our clients from my Digital Marketing Agency needed to have their products online. They've been a toy manufacturer for over 75 years based in NY and never had their online store. They had distributors and had old school mentality and strategy.

    Within a month on Amazon, they were up $30K. Definitely caught my interest.

    Ecommerce has changed tremendously. Different platforms changed as well.

    Moving at a speed of light for the 3 different areas; Manufacturers, Marketplace and Platform (Shopify is in the lead right now).

    With Amazon FBA coaching and youtube influencers, ecommerce was now the new buzzword replacing "info products".

    The name of the game is to to always be moving. Fail FAST. Meaning to implement quickly and make a move like a ninja. FAST but SWIFT. So if you're in the game, you kind of expect the changes on everything.

    When I started on Amazon, Reviews on Amazon were easy. You can scale that. Those who took advantage had 1000's of reviews in no time. Sure some Sellers were affected eventually...and lost some reviews BUT they kept most. I was on the first Amazing Selling Machine (ASM) group. At that time, there were only 700 of us. Now it has grown to thousands and they are probably up to ASM 9 or 10 maybe even more. I've seen my colleagues and close friends hit the $1M/monthly mark. People that were in my table at different masterminds hitting crazy numbers now. Look at Dr. Tobias. The humble beginnings.

    My best year was $1.4M just on my own sales and not including my clients or with partners. I keep those separate. The figure sounds better if you say a year instead of per monthly.

    So here are my tips:

    - Make sure you are controlling your brand. Dropshipping? have that as a side hustle only. One change and you're out. Wholesale? same thing...

    Private Label? You control your own destiny here. Make sure you are not just on Amazon since none of the buyers are yours. They belong to AMZ. Make sure you have your own ecommerce store like on Shopify.

    - The reason why on Shopify. They are making this ONE MOVE. And will be a force competing with Amazon. They have custom DOMAINS for Sellers. Advantage: Shopify over Amazon. They are investing over a $1 Billion on this and I predict this will be a huge advantage.


    HERE's MY PREDICTION... and it's already been talked about and discussed 6 months ago. But not really mainstream yet.

    My prediction is that Shopify will have their own marketplace for Shoppers. Since they are starting the fulfillment centers already and I predict they will get this right eventually and adding more. All of our Custom Domains for our ecommerce stores are really stored on their MyShopify.com domain.. all they need to do is have a Search Site the way you see on Amazon.com now. The difference is that once you pick the product after using keywords on their search bar (just like Amazon), the cart/checkout is actually at that Seller's store/domain. It's all integrated seamlessly.

    Now Shopify will have more revenue due to ADS. Now they will have Shopify ADS. The Sellers will now have HUGE EYEBALLS and Traffic from Shopify as OTHERS are shopping on the same marketplace as you. You are now leveraging Shopify traffic and all you have to do is gain organic traffic by optimizing for your KEYWORDS.

    You better start on those REVIEWS for your Shopify store. Hahahahaa.

    Another Plus for Shopify is that they have online and offline real merchants using their (Point of Sale) POS system.

    Come Second place is WALMART PLUS. which competes with Amazon Prime. They are doing the same thing to compete with Amazon. They actually have the best scenario to compete since they already have so many stores around the world. But their management and marketing team is not up to par. They are even buggy now with Walmart.com marketplace for 3rd party sellers.

    So those are my thoughts. Make a move like NINJA.

    To OUR success.

    submitted by /u/digitalstarship
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    How to select a sponsorship opportunity?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:04 PM PST

    Hello folks. I have been running a digital marketing agency for about 2 years now and things have been going well.

    As a potential next step, I have begun to look at various sponsorship opportunities around. I'm leaning more towards sponsors a sports team at the high school level; either a girls' basketball team or a boys' football team. Maybe even both.

    To those of you experienced on the topic, my questions are as follow:

    1. What are some majors things I should look for when talking sponsorship with a high school?
    2. What are some potential red flags?
    3. Does it matter where the school is located? Meaning if my business is based out of CT, would it make sense for me to sponsor a high school in OR? Why(not)?
    submitted by /u/nemo24_7
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    What do you think of Peter Drucker's theory?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:35 PM PST

    He's a very high-rated author. I skimmed The Effective Executive and I just find nothing new. Though it may be new at the time. I am not saying they are much wrong, there are just many more advanced theories now. And his ideas are just ubiquitous, like 7 Habits, Get Things Done, and numerous management books. I have got most of his theories else where before. Though I am not sure, since I didn't read it carefully.

    I don't think Drucker is worth reading anymore, or put it in another way, there are many better options to read.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/dspjm
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    Tips for business when you have idle cash/side hustles

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:37 PM PST

    Hey guys, I have been reading a lot of advice on earning money online, and supplementing my income through investing.

    I wanted to get some feedback on an income earning idea that I had after seeing the https://outlet.finance mobile app. There are a ton of ways to make side income, or some sort of extra passive income.

    I feel like Outlet can be applied to a lot, no matter what type of business or hustle you run. I earn like 6% backing these loans and can withdraw at any point in time. Its all about making extra money.

    Another great tip is doing a delaware c corp and filling out your 83-b. This can save you potentially millions once you have that billion dollar exit.

    You can use stripes atlas to do this. Some VCs will only invest in Delaware C corps.

    The main strategy I had in mind with Outlet that has been working lately is taking some of my stock portfolio and putting in out their platform. With the bear market incoming, a flat 6% rate sounds good enough to put my money to wait for a reentry.

    Pretty sure they are giving away $1 to new users as well.

    submitted by /u/nerd2017
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    What business books are you reading right now?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:23 PM PST

    Simple question. My queue of books to stay ahead is dwindling and I'm curious what others are reading right now.

    submitted by /u/ifeelhome
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    Does anyone know of an organisation that has a good work-life balance for a case study?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:52 AM PST

    Mainly one that's been created in the past 10 years? Asking for a friend (literally).

    submitted by /u/habibiwithadream
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    Future of remote work in the light of Coronavirus outbreak

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:37 AM PST

    It may be, that this virus might accelerate trend of pushing remote work further into mainstream due to quarantine measures etc., which probably would force new companies to embrace remote workmode, even if partially.

    Does anybody observing something of this kind in the workplaces?

    submitted by /u/petburi
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    Is the Madrid protocol nessecary?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:41 AM PST

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