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    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    What are the best paths to selling adult products online? small business

    What are the best paths to selling adult products online? small business

    What are the best paths to selling adult products online?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:47 PM PST

    Getting straight to the point, I sell adult artwork and other merchandise that I produce or pay to produce for many artists around the world. I'm doing this mainly from a storage site to just host the images and other products, and have people use a form to sign to do purchases that way. Like an order form.

    I want to upgrade to a full site. I want to have a way for people to log in, if possible, to make a gate for the adult content and the SFW content, since I do sell that as well, and also some more objectionable content that may not be legal in many European countries, but is legal in the US. I want it to have a paypal payment gate, and I want to have a cart system for items.

    I know there's various options, such as E-Junkie and many of the more known site-creating businesses out there, but I'd like to hear maybe some of the not as well known options. I really want to set this up to be low monthly cost (if possible), and fairly cheap to do right now that would have all the things I want. If not, at least a place to sell what I can right now, like E-Junkie.

    Does anyone here have any suggestions on what I should do?

    submitted by /u/Equestrium
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    How to get Failure to File Penalty Removed?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:18 AM PST

    I posted this over in r/personalfinance and they suggested that I post here.

    I have an S Corporation and am required to file annually. I filed my 2018 woefully late. In November, 2019. I marked it as the final return and I am going back to being a sole proprietorship. I'm being charged an $1,800 late filing penalty. I need to put forth a gallant effort to get the fines waived or reduced. $1,800 is a lot of money that I don't have. What is the best way to plead my case?

    Edit: I on the IRS website reading about the first time penalty abatement. I received a failure to file penalty for my 2017 return but my accountant had done everything right and submitted everything on time. So I sent in my proof to the IRS. I received a letter back a month or so later saying that they had applied the penalty abatement and this would be my only one. I thought that really sucked at the time because I hadn't done anything wrong and I didn't want an abatement. I wanted them to verify that they received the tax return as they should have. There wasn't a way to appeal their decision so I let it go.

    Edit 2: Don't know if it matters but the late return I filed was for 0 because I operated as a sole proprietorship that year.

    submitted by /u/LittleBoiFound
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    Accounting Issues due to Passing of business owner (my grandfather)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:44 AM PST

    Good morning all, hope you're well!

    My grandfather is on his final few days, metastatic cancer is a real bitch..

    He owns a small IT business that employees family and friends, and I agreed to take over the accounting work of the business. I'm an accounting major at university, so I have a bit of knowledge... I'm just not perfect. It's baptism by fire almost ahaha

    My question is the following:

    Given that the business is compromised of selling inventory and services, would you recommend that I continue in my grandfather's shoes and do a good portion of the work by hand? And the transfers through a banking app?

    I'm considering using QuickBooks or Wave to be more efficient, as well as paying my bills and sending invoices there as well.


    Thanks again in advance for any help/advice provided, I'm really new to doing such functions of a business (other employees have no knowledge/ability to do the accounting work)!!

    All the best!


    submitted by /u/GoldenBella
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    Large Shipper - Working with USPS for package pickups at certain time?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:02 AM PST

    Hi! I recently posted a similar query in the USPS sub, but figured someone here may be able to offer their view from the other side of the equation (a business owner).

    We're an e-commerce seller and the second-largest shipper in our area: we send out, at a minimum, 2500 packages a month (and up to 7500) every month of the year (it's anywhere from 100-500 a day, six days a week).

    That's a lot of stuff to load up in a van and take to the post office (which is, admittedly, pretty close).

    The local PostMaster hasn't, thus far, been exceedingly helpful (not as helpful as I think they should be given the amount of business we send their way), and offered only a pickup during our regularly-scheduled delivery (which, the last two days, didn't actually come/happen). I'm not sure if they don't realize what they have (and what they stand to lose), or if they don't care, or something else.

    I've been told having one of the "Collection Route" people come by may be a better option, but I'm worried even they won't have room in their little Jeep (for starters).

    I'd like the pickup to happen before 1PM, for finishers (we like to go home when we've packed all the orders, and that's always by 1-2PM at the latest; we don't want to hang out and twiddle thumbs until 4:30).

    Since we're the second-largest shipper in our area, I'd like to try and negotiate this early daily pickup, but I don't want to alienate the PostMaster in the process.

    I do want to have a good bargaining position, and in the letter we write them I'm wondering how pushy I should be: should I mention, for instance, the possibility of contracting with FedEx or DHL or someone else for pickup/delivery of the larger parcels (the smaller stuff (First-Class) would probably still need to go USPS, but maybe not)? It's actually a possibility to relocate a town over where the taxes would be lower and the smaller PO may be more enthusiastic about working with us. Should I mention that?

    Basically, I'd like them to realize that there's a real possibility of losing a LOT of business if they won't work with us and we can find someone who will, but I also need to balance this against not wanting to tick the PostMaster off, since we may have to keep using the local USPS for some time (depending on how the alternatives shake out).

    Alternatively, can any large shippers out there toss out info about how they work this kind of thing? I suspect a lot of large shippers run 9-5 operations, though, so their solutions may not work for us.

    If I get absolutely nowhere, should I consider escalating this and going over the local PostMaster's head? That would be an absolute last resort, but one I can't take off the table. Who would that even be?

    Thanks for your time! I know have problems with self-editing. ;)

    submitted by /u/ChuckS3
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    Squeezing my way into my dad's hotel business which has 100% oversight by the GM and 0% accountability. This is the wild west so be prepared.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:35 PM PST

    Hi, for context I'm 25 years old and have moved to a tier 2 city in India.

    When my dad made a good bit of money abroad he invested it into this property which is in a popular hill station. It's a property 40 rooms strong with 25 staff.

    He never looked after the business himself instead he spent his time abroad working (he had a set of restaurants). In the early days of our hotel business: all oversight was given to my grandfather, the Managing Director, and the GM. Later my grandfather retired and several GMs came and went. Some left because they didn't get along with the staff while others left because they defrauded the business. Ofcourse, we can't prove that they committed fraud but we are sure. (Other staff members that earlier quit have told us)

    Primarily we work with cash and we don't have a property management system, so cash skimming at the Front Desk is a possible risk. Not updating guest registers because there is no accountability from the night audit. (We work with old school keys)

    So is inventory theft within House Keeping and F&B. There are no segregation of duties between staff that order, receive, and distribute inventory.

    And I think the largest chunk of cash that goes missing is during renovations that we do on our rooms. We have quite a few rooms that have had iron pipes fitted which have rusted and has now created leakages within our rooms. Renovation projects are quite large in cost. We think that the GM has handpicked contractors and has inflated the invoices from the contractor.

    It's not only me that thinks that the staff is crooked.

    My mom and dad have heard many instances from old staff telling us that the GM in our hotel has another hotel of his own down the road. In fact inventory and expenses from our business furnishes his. We've asked him if it's true that he has a business nearby. He outright denies it. I know for a fact that the hotel down the road belongs to him. With a simple google search on his whatsapp number I found that it's a contact number for the other hotel.

    Not only that, but we have ample space for a shop downstairs which was our laundromat. It was leased out the past few years, but recently we found out that there are new owners for the business. One of these drug dealing guys that worked in Maintenance in our hotel is now renting the property from us. He pays us in rent 20k INR a month, but get this we pay him back each month an equivalent of his rent (or more!) for laundry services such as cleaning our bedsheets etc.

    Not only that, but he also is operating a taxi underneath our hotel focused on our guests.

    So get this...

    This guy who once offered me drugs, is a high school drop out, and has no real experience in operating the finances/accounts of a business yet is still: 1) managing a 2 man laundromat, while 2) running a taxi that he never drives, and 3) receiving a salary from us for being a Maintenance guy!

    This hotel is the definition of the wild west. Cowboys are running wild. People are overnight becoming rich on our dime.

    Fraud wouldn't have been possible had my parents been more involved with their business. They never check reports, they're just happy with the cash they get each month. If you ask the GM to produce a cash flow statement, balance sheet or income statement; his face turns red and instead he forwards me a sales journal and expense sheet for the month.

    Now after all of this, I want to tell you that I want to enter my business. It's lucrative and I can maintain my previous lifestyle (European) while being close to my parents. I just really don't know what the first step should be.

    I'd appreciate it if someone can read through this and give me some advice. I'm not willing to sell or lease the business as yet because honestly I don't know what the business is really worth. I'd like to get an idea before making any decision.

    P.S. my background: Bachelors in Finance and Accounting ,Data Analytics experience ,Lived and worked most of my life in EU

    submitted by /u/hyh3lium
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    NEW CONNECT Services

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:25 AM PST

    In this era of advancement and ever-changing technology there exists a marvelous and an innovative company by the name of New Connect Global Resources Limited .It serves its services widely and vastly ranging from web design, mobile apps development, Business Development and Research, Web development training and Branding consultancy etc,.Web development and mobile app development are the leading services they provide of which i have personally tried and loved it.They can help you grow your business through a creative web development service they provide much efficiently and feasibly.Similarly nowadays mobile Apps have become a part and parcel of our lives and NEW CONNECT services are here to help you build one.Apps are the dominant source of digital interactions and are kind of 24/7 available in the palm of your hand.Other expertise and services NEW CONNECT provides is a business consultancy that proves highly worthy for developing a healthy mindset and a necessary skill to develop strategies for running a long term business in a rewarding manner.They can also help you in the branding of your company in much technical way so it can become much presentable and lovable.If you want to build a strong and successful brand NEW CONNECT is the highly recommended choice.All in all NEW CONNECT services has been a life changing experience for me and proved to be highly fruitful.I would recommend its services any day! Cheers! https://newconnectng.com/mobile-apps-development/

    submitted by /u/hasee_noobra12
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    I work for a small company in the hunting/tactical industry that hosts a podcast on Youtube. What are some ways that we can grow our watch time on our episodes?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:08 PM PST

    For context, we do also film and edit the podcasts and have posts scheduled for every two weeks.

    Currently our average views are 4404.5 with an avg watch time of 246.5 hrs (avg view duration: 10:19)*

    *Watch time and view duration are weighed heavily on one video because of that video performing better in those categories, though the same video has only garnered roughly half the views of our most viewed videos of the same approximate length.

    Any feedback/tips would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Throwaway5653295
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    Little small business help

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:56 PM PST

    I'm looking to buy a bunch of small jewelry type stuff in bulk. I'm talking 100-200 pcs of items such as:

    • good luck charms
    • keychains
    • magnets
    • rings
    • small purses/wallets
    • bracelets
    • car charms

    (Anything that you'd find in a gift shop) every gift shop I go to has the same type of stuff and I can tell they buy this stuff in bulk and resell for a lot more... I need to know where they get it. I sell stuff on an online shop. I've tried looking at wholesale websites but the ones I've seen are expensive.. the only thing I've been successful with is items from Wish but they don't have a lot of what I'm looking for either.

    submitted by /u/yubea19
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    Customer database for marketing

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:14 AM PST

    Hello guys,

    I just want to know how do you guys store your customer email or contact to send them deals or coupons on holiday or weekend?

    Also do you guys use referral program for your small business?

    submitted by /u/techstudent001
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    Need advice on launch marketing strategy

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:07 PM PST

    Hi folks,

    I have recently launched a travel consulting business that focuses on building custom itineraries and providing concierge services. This is specifically for Dubai and the rest of the United Arab Emirates. I charge consulting fees for each trip that is curated, hence this is a premium service and different from a travel agency that makes commissions and bakes their margins in to the overall trip fare.

    I have been considering a launch strategy to boost the social media pages and traffic on the website. I wanted to offer 1 free ticket to Dubai + free consulting with on-the-ground concierge services to 1 lucky winner who shares the social media pages.

    I am wondering if this is a good strategy or not? My concern is that I might just get people to like and follow, but that may not necessarily lead to engagement in the future. Also, I am not sure if I will attract the correct demography i.e. luxury travelers. But then again, this is a great way to get a lot of eyeballs on the website and start building a fan base.

    Please let me know what are your thoughts on this strategy.

    submitted by /u/crypt05
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    Is there a electronic tool for clients to send laborers tips?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:48 PM PST

    We are in the home service industry, and our laborers perform work at peoples homes. Sometimes, when clients are home, they voluntarily give a cash tip to the 3 person team that's there. For the clients that are home, I would guess this happens 5% of the time.

    Is there a tool, that we can include on our electronic invoices, that links to a platform that gives the clients the option to tip the laborers?

    submitted by /u/UnidentifiedTarget
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    Looking for a Mac app to quickly show dates in the future at specific intervals

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:11 PM PST

    This is a tricky one and an hour of searching has left me stumped. In my office myself and staff need to quickly know when 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 weeks is from today.

    We have been creating a sticky note that is left on the desk or computer every few days so we can quickly glance at it for scheduling purposes and aren't constantly counting out the weeks when we book clients.

    I'm looking for an app, widget or toolbar extension of some kind (we use Firefox as a browser) that will quickly tell us this info. Right now the sticky note is setup (provided today is Feb 7:

    8 weeks April 2
    10 weeks April 17
    12 weeks May 1

    Any help would be appreciated, it's just annoying to write this down every day or every 3 days and would help productivity.

    submitted by /u/Mike_From_GO
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    First Year Small Business - IT service and Consultations - Tax Questions

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:11 PM PST

    Hey Guys,

    So I just recently started an IT Service and Management Company for Small Business. This will be my first year with profit and I have done about $8,000.00 gross this year. I'm an LLC and I am the only owner of the company. I'm looking for advice on filing my taxes. Should I go to a CPA, if so what is a good price to shoot for and what is to much. Should I just use something like Turbotax? Also what are some tax thing I should make sure that I account for? Like any deductions and other things that you found out about after doing this for a couple years. I have no employees at this time. I can answer questions if you have them.

    submitted by /u/CriminalReborn
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    Promoted Post Denial on IG

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:43 PM PST

    Hello all! I've been searching for a solution to this issue and wondered if anyone had any insight. The tattoo parlor I work for has run into issues promoting work by our artists. We are attempting to promote posts and have gotten denied almost 20 times now. We've read through the guidelines to promoting a post to be sure we weren't violating any terms, but we can't seem to pin down why we can't get a promotion approved.

    For some background; our artists here specialize in photo realism. We thought maybe we were getting flagged as copyright infringement for our artists' pop culture portrait work (celebrity/character portraits), but we also got denied for a portrait that an artist did of a client's dog as well as a photo of our shop and our logo. We just can't seem to detect a pattern.


    Does anyone else have issues promoting their service-based business on Instagram?

    submitted by /u/cibrochill
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    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:28 PM PST

    My 1st web site I build in 1995 with notepad for TV selling business. If interested I can share web archive snapshot.

    Colorado based code and design team, helped hundreds of businesses to gain their online presence.

    VIEW PORTFOLIO https://ablaka.com/portfolio/

    REQUEST SERVICE https://ablaka.com/quote-request/

    OUR SPECIALS https://ablaka.com/special-packages

    submitted by /u/violatordead
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    How to account for Inventory acquired before the start date of a small business?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:37 PM PST

    I have tried searching for an answer but couldn't find any relevant results, so please bear with me!

    I've had a small, hobby 'business' for about 2 years now, fabricating knick-knacks using a CNC router and laser cutter (mostly selling to friends + friends of friends). Well just last month I finally registered a Single-Member LLC, and now I'm trying to figure out for tax purposes next year, how to account for all the inventory I've bought over the last several years, before my business officially existed. My understanding is that inventory is persistent year-to-year and adjustments are made end of year, but also that business starts off with zero inventory.

    Also, do I need to account for the equipment I have, when I bought it for personal projects 2 years ago, but now will be using solely for my new business?

    submitted by /u/SteelTopaz
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    Inventory valuation challenge

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:29 PM PST

    TL:DR: Buying a retail business with antiquated POS/Inventory system (DOS based running on an computer built in the late 90s) and need to come up with an accurate inventory value estimate before we close.

    I am in the process of purchasing an almost 40 year old retail business (~$3M/yr revenue). As I've been working with the owner, it has become very apparent that the inventory information in his POS system is absolute garbage. The challenge I face is that they resell over 300 brands of product with >20,000 SKUs and have no meaningful way to know what inventory is on hand, cost, age, etc. The reports that the staff runs are essentially worthless other than to know what brands they carry and potentially what inventory they have (I've found product from the mid 90s in the warehouse).

    I know that my first point of action after close is to replace this system with something modern and bar code capable with analytics and other integration that will enable us to take the business from the 90s to the 2020s and beyond. But it isn't going to happen before then.

    However, without worrying about the future, I need to worry about how to get to a reasonable estimate of what the inventory on hand is worth for my bank before we close. We've (the current staff, owner, and I) have tried performing a physical inventory, the problem we face is that to update the current system, one of 2 people on staff have to go line by line through each vendor (supplier) and product and adjust the number to what we counted or zero out the line all the while the business is open selling and receiving product.

    My bank requires the owner and I certify that the inventory value meets or exceed the purchase price. My concern is that the owner, who is in his 70s, is blinded to his mental math, biases, and antiquated POS system's valuation of inventory and think it exceeds the purchase price by 40-80%. Because of this he wants me to take an additional promissory note on the additional value. I don't think the value is there and don't have a good way to defend my position. So I need to figure out how to resolve this.

    For those interested, my purchase offer was based on 4x SDE (Sellers discretionary earnings) as an asset only purchase however there is a clause about the inventory allowing this to be adjusted. So I need to figure this out so we can get it done right and I don't over pay for the inventory because of an archaic system.

    submitted by /u/IdahoGuy95
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    Making the most of a chamber of commerce

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:46 AM PST

    Hello all, I've just become a member of my local chamber of commerce. How would you recommend making the most of it?

    submitted by /u/ftetech
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    Would you mind filling out a survey for retail business owners/managers?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:47 PM PST

    Throwaway account for this project.

    If you own or manage a retail business of any kind - would you mind helping me do some research about software usage (it's specifically about marketing and analytics tools). I know these feedback posts are lame, especially when they vaguely ask "what problems can I solve for you?" but the form should be easy to fill out (18 questions and you can skip some) and I really appreciate it. Thanks!


    submitted by /u/throwawayacct17598
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    General contractors license? How to apply? WA State

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:40 PM PST

    Hi, I have landscaping business and we need our contractor's license. I have a general liability insurance policy already, but need a $12,000 surety bond. I called to get a bond, and they let me know that I would have to apply to get the contractor's license before I could get a bond, so they would know how to word the bond. However, the state website seems to indicate I need a bond before I can apply for the contractor's license. We already have our business license, and I asked her if she meant that - but she said no, the contractor's license.

    So, how do I apply for a contractor's license before I even have a bond? I'm so confused! I'm in Washington State. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/rexallia
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    Need suggestions launching an energy drink company in Latin America

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:43 PM PST

    20/M thinking about starting an energy drink company in a country in Latin America with my older brother. I'm specifically considering energy shots. I know the gist of what goes into energy shot formulations, and I have access to many business people via family. I'm confident I can execute branding and marketing as well as the actual product. However I don't know where to start looking to manufacture samples. I've tried looking on Alibaba but they're mainly carbonated energy drinks manufacturers.

    I'm at step 1 right now and would like suggestions on where to find manufacturers and would appreciate any other suggestions you might have. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/diodany
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    Employer vs Employee contributions to solo 401k as sole prop?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:32 AM PST

    I opened up an i401k at Vanguard end of last year and need to make my 2019 contributions. I'm self-employed, so it looks like I'm allowed to contribute up to $59k, consisting of up to $19k "employee" contributions while the rest are "employer" contributions. Do these actually affect where and how I'm making the contributions, or should I be contributing everything through the employer account that's managing the 401k (through the Small Business portal)? I don't see any way to contribute from my personal vanguard account.

    submitted by /u/MR_Weiner
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    How Would you spend your marketing budget if you’re an online company that sells a product consumers will only buy once in their lifetime?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:18 AM PST

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