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    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    Personal Finance Someone withdrew 1000 dollars from my bank account. I called my bank what do I need to do now?

    Personal Finance Someone withdrew 1000 dollars from my bank account. I called my bank what do I need to do now?

    Someone withdrew 1000 dollars from my bank account. I called my bank what do I need to do now?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:00 PM PST

    The bank is disputing the charge and refunding me, but what else do I need to do to secure my account?

    Update: so it turns out I had some old checks at my parents house, my mother uses the same bank as I do. She asked my dad to pay a bill for her from her account, he grabbed my account info instead of hers and here we are. At least I've updated all my passwords and tightened my security!

    submitted by /u/MedalofHodor
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    Am I dumb for dumping $1000 into my student loan debt every month instead of investing?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:53 AM PST

    Hello PF,

    I am a 25 year old who makes $45,000 pretax. I graduated with about $33,000 in student loan debt and I have managed to whittle it down to about $10k over the past 4 years.

    More recently, the last 2 years, I have been dropping $1000 every month on my loans to try to get rid of them as soon as possible, but I have been neglecting savings and investments so I can get rid of this debt. Is this a good idea? I would like to have all of my student loans paid off before the end of 2020 and then I can take that extra $1000 and put it towards savings and investments. I want to know if I am making the right move financially.

    I have 0 debt other than the student loans. Car is paid off and I always pay my credit card bills completely each month.

    In Betterment, have about $3000 in savings, $1100 in an investment account, and about $6000 in an IRA which was a rolled over 401k from my previous employer.

    I also have a $3600 simple IRA through fidelity that my current employer matches 3% on. I do not have any other savings or depositing to these accounts.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Butch1234
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    Have $15K saved. Buy a car in cash for $10K or put a down payment on a duplex and house hack?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:58 PM PST

    Edit: wow, there is a serious divergence of insightful opinions here. Was expecting a more unified response that maybe I was just overlooking in my situation. Nonetheless, thank you for all the thoughtful responses and friendly support!

    32 years old in MCOL area with solid IT job of 7 years.

    Salary: $80K

    Net monthly income: $3600

    Leftover after rent and bills: $1000

    Roth IRA, HSA, employer 401K match all maxed

    $15K in savings. Assume my mortgage would be the same as what I'm paying currently to rent.

    Have a leased Lexus and I'm handing back the keys in June when the lease ends (which will free up $600 in extra cash flow per month). I'm also living in an apartment and the lease ends in July.

    Scenario 1) I can go out and buy a $10K Toyota in cash and have $5K as a small emergency fund while I build it back up using the extra cash flow. Sign apt lease for another year while I build up my savings again to put down on a house/duplex later.

    Scenario 2) I can take that $10/15K and put it down on a duplex now and house hack. Build equity and have a home secured for the future. Eventually buy another home and rent out the 2nd part of the duplex I was formerly living in for cash flow and extra equity.


    Thoughts on each scenario:

    Scenario 1 - I'll have a paid off reliable car for years to come and increased cash flow to build the e-fund up faster. But the downside is that I continue to rent.

    Scenario 2 - an FHA loan allows me to put $10K down to secure a home (another $5k in savings for maintenance), build equity and create extra cash flow in the process. Downside is I wouldn't have much for a down payment on a car so I'll be paying a higher monthly payment and have a car that is not close to being paid off.

    What would you guys do in my circumstance?

    submitted by /u/DS_Gen50
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    Almost 30 years old with $10k in credit card debt, $7k in personal loans, and am earning $35k a year with no savings or emergency fund and I don't know where to start

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:53 AM PST

    Credit Card Debt: $10,202

    Capital One: both cards have an interest rate of 25 percent

    - Quicksilver: $964.82 - $25 is the minimum payment

    Payment due on 3rd of every month

    - Platinum: $599.16 - $25 is the minimum payment

    Payment due on 19th of every month

    Discover: Currently at 0 percent interest, and the 23 percent will kick in by 2021

    - $7,974.54 - $160 is the minumum payment

    Payment is due on the 28th of every month

    Suntrust: Currently at 18 percent interest

    - $664 - $20 is the minimum payment

    Payment due on 3rd of every month

    Personal Loans:


    1. $1,777.72 - $81 is the minimum payment

    Payment is due on the 15th of every month

    1. $629.61 - $50 is the minimum payment

    Payment is due on the 15th of every month


    Rent: $655 due on the 1st of the month

    Electric: $60-$70 a month and payments are due on the 31st

    Food: $196 a paycheck is placed into a food account

    Cellphone: $62 and it is due on the 5th of every month

    Gas: $60 a month

    Gym: $65 a month between two gyms payments are due on the 5th of every month

    Car note: $270 and due on the 14th

    Car insurance: $116 and due on the 30th of every month

    Salary: $1481 bi weekly so around $2900 a month

    Education: Bachelors in Sociology

    Job: Clinical Research Coordinator earning $50k a year

    I need to start game planning on how I can fix this, I used to have about $14k in credit card debt and made some strides paying off $3k. But with this current situation, I really have no clue on where to start or how to fix this.

    submitted by /u/PadThai42
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    I grew up relatively poor but am about to walk into a six figure salary (USD) job. I don't think I'm mentally ready to have this money and not spend it immediately... How do I stop the urge given my background?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:04 PM PST

    I was terminated illegally and won my NLRB case. I have tax questions.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:17 PM PST

    I was fired illegally and won my case. The NLRB awarded me backpay and front pay, which is taxed.

    However, the NLRB also awarded me reimbursement for any expenses related to this illegal firing (traveling for interviews, hotels, moving expenses).

    The company wants to issue me a 1099 for the reimbursement of these expenses. The NLRB asserts that these expenses should NOT be taxed.

    What should I be getting instead of a 1099? I've searched online and I can't find anything about what tax form I should receive instead. When I told the NLRB, they asked me what I should get instead of a 1099.

    Am I wrong thinking that if I get a 1099, then I must report that as income, and I must pay taxes? But, the NLRB is saying I shouldn't be taxed on that invome.

    I don't know what tax form to request now.

    submitted by /u/UIhomelessAPIGuy
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    My sister opened a card in my name and its ruined my credit score

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:51 PM PST

    I dont know what to do. A couple months ago my sister opened up cards with the apple store, one in her name and in my name and said that it would not bill me, or do anything with my credit score. I told her I didnt want it and she ended up taking it. Anyway, fastforward a bit to now, my sister has currently gone off the rails and used that card to its limit (I think) and I dont think shes making any payments on it. I'm not currently in contact with her because shes being unreasonable. I don't know what to do. She has the card, and I have a feeling that if I call the card company and tell the the truth about what's going on, that she could possibly go to jail. What should I do? I really dont want my credit score to be completely ruined.

    submitted by /u/canthinkofonenow
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    Credit card company says I’m deceased, need advice.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:08 PM PST

    Sorry if this turns out to be a long story. Started getting my credit card declined so I called Citibank. They told my I had been listed as deceased and my account is in probate. I spoke with their probate department and told them I'm not dead, they said they can't fix my account becase there are multiple names associated with my SSN. So I called all three credit bureaus and all three said there were not multiple names associated with my SSN. They had no idea what Citi is talking about.

    At this point I'm getting very irate and call Citibank's probate dept back. I ask where on earth they're getting that I'm dead and that there's multiple names associated with ssn. The lady then says that my wife called them and told them I died (100% false) and reiterated that there are multiple names associated with my ssn. I tell her not according to equifax, experian and transunion so where are they seeing that. She couldn't answer me.

    She then says my only option is to send them a copy of my drivers license, my ssn card, and a letter from the social security administration stating I am who I say and not dead. I say they didn't need any documentation to list me as dead so why should I go through the trouble of proving I'm alive? She then tells me if I don't do it, they will report me as dead to the credit bureaus, ruin my credit, I'll be denied health care coverage, and a whole lot of other nasty consequences I've forgotten.

    What do I do?

    submitted by /u/sjwsgonnasjw
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    Recommend Me a Cash Back Credit Card: No Annual Fee

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:08 PM PST

    Background: I'm a college student in my 20s and my spending doesn't often go over 500/mo. I currently have a BofA Platinum Plus card that has a hard limit of 1000. This was due to the way the account was set up, my cosigner assigned a credit limit to my card. Now, I can't pay anything over that limit which has been a pain in certain situations (tuition, laptop, etc).

    I want a catch all credit card. I don't like to switch cards to maximize rewards but rather a card that makes it convenient for me to buy anything and everything. Most of my purchases I would attribute it to online shopping, with restaurants being second.

    Hence, the two cards I'm thinking of are the Capital Double Cash card and the Capital One Quiksilver card. The CDC has 1% on purchase and 1% on paying but I heard there were changes that makes this card less ideal now (like price matching changes)? On the other hand, the Quiksilver gives 1.5% but also has no foreign transaction fees which is attractive to me.

    I'm not sure if any other cards fit what I need or if I'm missing anything in my analysis. I'd be grateful for your recommendations to which card fits me better. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/HentaiBae
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    Past employer will not send out W-2

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:11 PM PST

    I was laid off back in November of last year along with ten others. Since December I've tried calling the owner of our company about potential work coming for 2020. I got no response. A couple of the employees tried calling the owner and again, no response. Well now it's tax season and none of us have received a response, we don't know where our boss is, none of us have received our W-2 either. What's the best course of action so I can file my taxes?

    submitted by /u/valancealot
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    How to make the most of $60K currently sitting in a trust

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:08 AM PST

    Hey PF, 27 y.o. here - I presently have a trust that was generated by a deceased family member about 20 years ago. It paid for my college, and for the past 6 years I've been exclusively using it to max out my Roth IRA.

    With $60K left in it, I'm wondering if I should be doing anything else with it. It generates about 1% of interest per year. Living in NYC with a low-ish salary, I only make enough to cover my living expenses with no additional savings or 401K contributions. The trust money is all I really have to "play" with. (I have a $10K emergency savings fund that I don't touch as well).

    I'm considering holding onto $50K or so for a house or car payment down the line, but I'd like to know if there is a better spot than the trust to hold this sum while I wait for that day to come. Very open to any insight you can offer. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/followups
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    20 yrs old, have $13k saved up and $2000 in my emergency fund. I’m almost at my savings goal of $15k and need advice on how to proceed. Do I start saving for retirement now or should I focus on more short-term needs? Am I getting ahead of myself?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:51 AM PST

    Hi everybody!!

    As it said in the title, I have $13k in my savings and am almost at my goal of $15k. This goal is the amount I need to pay off my junior/senior year of my bachelors degree. I am about to enter my junior year and wanted to have this beforehand so I didn't have to worry about paying for tuition/books for the rest of my degree.

    I plan on being at my goal within the next three months, by May the latest.

    My question is.... Of course I want to keep putting money into a readily-available savings for my eventual graduate degree, but now that I don't have to worry about debt for my bachelors, I feel like I can start putting some money into a retirement account so it can grow. I hate just seeing the amount stay stagnant, but I needed this $15k to be accessible for school.

    Is now the time to start saving for retirement or should I put that money towards an account to buy a house after school, or keep putting money into my bank savings account the way I have been?

    Right now I have about $6500 left on my car loan and that is the only debt I have. Now that I don't have to worry too much about my degree for the next two years, I want to aggressively pay that off as soon as possible.

    For my savings account, I put a minimum of $500 in a month, sometimes $700 to $1000 if I have the money, but $500 is always set.

    I make an average of $2000 (sometimes a bit more) a month working full time and my expenses average at about $1085, $1585 if I include what I want to save. I am a full time student, and my next two years of school might be more demanding and require me to work a little less.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/cosmiccanis
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    W2 cameback from one of my jobs, says i made 25% more than i actually did.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:02 PM PST

    for about 8 months a year i work in outdoor education. I compared my last paycheck of the year to my w2 and my w2 says i made way more than i actually did. (I grossed 15 k according to my last check, w2 says its 21k) The company changed from a non profit to a corporation and switch payroll companies.

    I notified my supervisor about the discrepancy now im waiting to hear back. Is. There anything you should be doing in the meantime?

    submitted by /u/goldenriverguide
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    Should I contribute to my employer 401k even though they don’t match?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:13 AM PST

    My employer doesn't have a match in place for 401k currently. I also have a IRA Roth with vanguard. Not really sure what I should do here as I'm not sure of the benefits. Any help would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/horvatcheyenne
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    Cashier's Check Stolen; how worried should I be?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:25 PM PST

    Hey Reddit,

    So I pay my rent every month with a cashier's check, as it's one of the only ways my landlord receives them. I drop it off through the mail slot of the office in our gated complex. I did so the other day, as I have for many years, but apparently someone somehow got into the office and stole a number of the envelopes, including mine and my friends' who live next door to me.

    I went to my credit union and had them put a stop payment on it. They returned my money and issued me a new one so I can pay my rent. That's all taken care of.

    My concern is that there is nothing my credit union can do about the one that's out there. My landlord takes cash as well, so she thinks someone stole the envelopes thinking some of them might have cash. Apparently it's pretty rare to steal cashier's checks... Technically it's guaranteed money only to the recipient, but I'm wondering if I should be worried at all about someone forging their name onto my check.

    Am I being reasonable with my concerns, and is there anything I can do about it?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/piratey_goodness
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    I don’t know how to get a house in my area

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:24 PM PST

    I make 42k my soon to be fiancée makes ~26k. We live in an area where the median house price is over $350,000. We recently had our first child and need our own place to live, but I'm afraid of wasting thousands renting an apartment. We are with her mom as we get used to having a baby and save to move out.

    I guess I'm just looking for advice on how we can afford something in such an expensive market, my income is about as high as it's going to get without picking up side work and not having a degree, my girlfriends may seem low but she works in healthcare and gets great benefits for our family.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ChampionsWrath
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    What are some reasons my credit card application could be denied for?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:30 PM PST

    I'm 22 years old. I've had a car loan for the past 3 years and never had a late payment while paying extra on the principal. I also have an Amazon Prime Credit Card that I've had for the past 5 or 6 months, and haven't missed a payment on that either always paid it off in full.

    I just applied for the PNC Cash Card last night because it has a higher cash back rating for Gas and Food than my Amazon card. After I applied I was instantly denied.

    According to Vantage score my credit score is at 723 right now. The only bad things on my report are 4 hard inquires from a credit union about an auto loan that I never followed through with. Three of those inquires are from the same date. My credit usages ranges from 10-20% on my 1500 limit.

    Are those hard inquires the only thing that got me denied, or are there other reasons I'm over looking?

    submitted by /u/BrainlessCrusader
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    Employer credit check

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:45 PM PST

    I have a high credit utilization rate, 15k. Never missed a payment and no derogatory language. If I apply to a top bulge bracket bank and get the job will my <600 credit score and high debt utilization zero my chances of getting the job ?

    submitted by /u/throwawayequityy
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    Is 40k enough for a single person with no kids to make a decent living in a mid sized city?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:57 PM PST

    And is it worth it to get a job I wouldn't like to make 60k or should I make 40k with a job I would like? I'm trying to make some choices about future careers and college and would really appreciate some advice!

    Edit: either way I wouldn't have debt from student loans if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/2pfrannce
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    Question About Providing a Copy of a Seller's Agreement to My Brother for Tax Purposes

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:29 AM PST

    I was the executor of my parents' estate and sold their home in Texas. The proceeds of the sale were split evenly four ways, and there is no doubt as to that. The amounts given out were $27,000 each and the house sold for $108,000.

    My brother is asking me to give him a copy of the seller's agreement of the house, which lists the total sale price and such. He says he needs it to file his taxes, but I have never heard of such a requirement. Can anyone shed any light on this?

    If this is not the right place to ask, I apologize.

    Edit to Add: He says a CPA told him he needs it to file his taxes.

    submitted by /u/BrilliantLie1
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    Need an abscess drained, but don’t have insurance. Estimates?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:51 PM PST

    Currently a 21 year old college student with no money and no insurance. Back has been killing me with a bump, and the only thing holding me back from getting it checked out is money; don't have any insurance at the moment. I was wondering if anyone had an experience on how much Walk-In Clinics charge for something like this. I'm just overwhelmed at the moment and don't know if I'm asking in the right place. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Reconghost43
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    Should I pay off all my student loan debt?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:12 PM PST

    Currently, I have about $7K in student loans that I really want to pay off.

    For the past 3 years, I live at home with my parents and don't need to pay for rent and utilities. I generally save my money and either put it in a savings account, Roth IRAs, or use it to invest.

    My main reason for this is that I plan on moving out in a couple months once I finish my CPA. I want to be debt free and not need to worry about this as an expenses.

    Is this a good idea?

    submitted by /u/giddy23
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    A seemingly unique situation.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:59 PM PST

    Hello everyone. I am from NJ, but in 2019, "moved out" of parents house and worked 2 seperate jobs in Oregon. They were both outdoor jobs so sometimes we were dispatched into the woods for weeks at a time so I decided screw it I will live out of my car vetween dispatches meaning no address. Towards end of the season I met a dude who was cool and asked if I could use his address to out in file for my job for easier mailing of checks and so the w2 had an address to go to. So we did that.

    So for the entire 2019 calendar year I only worked in Oregon, not NJ.

    My question is, can I filed my taxes with his address at all or would that spell trouble for him and his taxes? I never paid him any rent and am not on the lease or anything but it is the only address I can see using. But not if it causes problems for him or me.

    Lastly, worst case if I file with my address as my NJ address which I have not lived in for over a year That seems problematic too as there is literally no way I could have been living there and working in Oregon as well. And thus I should not have to oay those NJ state taxes either since I literally was not living there. But you giys are the experts. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Practical-Chart
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    Savings on lower middle class?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:49 PM PST

    I make about $2400 a month and I have 2500 in the bank right now and it's taken me 5 months to get there. How can I save up money for a house or a new car? Seems like it'll take a decade to start really investing for my future or to better my current standing.

    submitted by /u/tloke00
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