• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    Legal Advice Boss is requiring employees to delete LinkedIn account

    Legal Advice Boss is requiring employees to delete LinkedIn account

    Boss is requiring employees to delete LinkedIn account

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 05:48 AM PST

    Boss is forcing all employees to permanently delete their LinkedIn accounts. He's threatening to terminate anyone who does not comply with this new policy. He's adding it to the company handbook and to new hire offer letters. He's offering a monetary bonus to anyone that voluntarily shows proof of account deletion.
    He says he feels that employees that have these accounts are cheating on him. He recently lost an employee and blames LinkedIn.

    What legal protections do employees that do not comply have? If terminated based on refusal, is there any legal recourse the employee can take?

    This is in the US in a Right to Work state.

    submitted by /u/LinkedOutJob
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    Lousiana - Employer has mandatory meetings that are not "on the clock". How can we get compensated?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Employer has started mandatory meetings where employees are required to sign in and attend for appr. 20 minutes before they officially clock in. So basically we're working for free at the beginning of each shift.

    Supervision/other employees have warned us not to go to HR about this as to not "rock the boat" or "be made an example of". So basically we've been threatened to not report this. There is no union here.

    What can we do to get paid for these meeting times without being punished?

    submitted by /u/penguo01
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    Arby’s still hasn’t sent my W2 and is dicking around with me about it. The same people I reported for wage theft.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:18 AM PST

    I worked for Arby's for about a month in between better jobs last year. I still haven't received my W2. I called corporate, they said "someone will contact you" but that was three days ago and nobody has. No email, mail, phone call, nothing. Still don't have my W2.

    Called the store, the franchise owner said "maybe you didn't work here long enough to need one, I dunno, call corporate".

    No idiot, that's not how taxes work. This is the same manager who I had to report to the state labor board for wage theft, he was falsely reporting my (and three others') hours worked because he was pissed at losing his bonus the year before. He stole $156 from me this way which I did get back, and he also told me I'm no longer welcome in his store.

    Now they're fucking around with me getting my W2? What can be done?

    I walked off the job in the middle of my shift, could that have affected anything?

    submitted by /u/Zzyzzy_Zzyzzyson
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    [Illinois] A member of management at my workplace got a hold of my private medical information and used it to belittle me to other employees behind my back

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:04 AM PST

    In 2018 I had a medical procedure done that required a month off of work. HR required me to have my doctor fill out FMLA forms and turn them in before the procedure, which I did with the expectation (although not having been told as much) that only HR and maybe upper management would have access to the form and the medical information contained therein. I turned in the paperwork by hand because I knew the fax machine was accessible by all of HR, upper and lower management, about 20 other various employees, and could be peeked at by anyone having a discussion with HR, interviewing for a job, or having new hire orientation as they walked past it.

    Because I did not want anyone at work knowing what the procedure was, I told everyone who asked why I was going on leave of absence that I was having a different, completely unrelated surgery. I did not post about it on social media aside from a glib remark that I survived surgery, and nobody who I told the actual nature of the procedure to knew then or knows now anyone related to my company.

    Today a coworker mentioned the procedure to me, and when I asked how he knew about it he told me that a lower-level manager that I never really got along with told him and a group of other people about it and proceeded to belittle me about it and my breakup with a same-sex partner the year before. In the intervening time he has said things to me that I thought were insensitive but did not seem to be malicious so much as a display of his lack of intelligence, and the comments did not give away that he knew the actual nature of my procedure. However, in light of this new information it seems like many of those things could have been covertly malicious. I do not have detailed records of these comments, like I would if I thought they were malicious before now.

    While this matter bears more investigation and questioning of people related before I take any other action, I would like to know:

    1. Is HR legally responsible for keeping information like this from members of management who do not need to know?
    2. Did HR violate any laws either through failing to safeguard my information from snooping, allowing this manager access to my FMLA paperwork, or actually telling him the contents of it?
    3. Does the manager revealing this information to other coworkers violate any privacy laws?
    4. Does the manager using this information to belittle me constitute harassment? (please see the edit at the bottom for a little additional context)

    Just to be clear: I am not looking to sue anyone. I don't want to get involved in a protracted legal battle with a company who can afford to throw ten thousand times as much money as I can at lawyers to draw it out until I get bankrupted. Should my questioning lead to any conclusive evidence that this all happened, I intend to report what I know to corporate HR and allow them to handle the matter internally. My company has particularly unreliable HR that's really good at the "do as little as possible to keep from getting sued" approach to HR. There have been a number of cases coworkers have told me about where things that weren't illegal but were in clear violation of company policy were simply swept under the rug, so I do not believe they will be inclined to do much - if anything - if no laws were violated.

    Edit: For some further context on the harassment side of things, the reason I told people I had a different procedure than I actually did was because the actual procedure involved my genitals. Which means that this manager was discussing my genitals with other employees.

    submitted by /u/theletterh6times
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    Can I Evict My Sons Girlfriend From My House? (Kentucky)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:03 AM PST

    My son's girlfriend moved into my house about 2 years ago. The terms of her living here were:

    • She would pay Electric and Water.
    • She would clean up the kitchen.
    • She would clean up after the cats.

    Unfortunately she has failed to do any of those things. Since she moved in.

    We never signed any paper work saying she can live here.

    Do I have to go through the same eviction process?

    submitted by /u/xWhatDoIDox
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    My mom just received an $80,000 medical bill.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    **update: this is in New Jersey.

    I know that the Healthcare system is the US is pretty messed up and expensive, so my title may not really grab anyone's attention. I just feel so awful for my mom, so I thought I'd try to seek advice and options on her behalf.

    About 2.5 years ago, she had to have emergency gull bladder surgery. She was in an incredible amount of pain, went to the doctor, and the scans or whatever test they did showed that her gull bladder was full of stones. They immediately started to give her something for the excruciating pain, and she was sedated for about 2 days on heavy duty painkillers in the emergency room until a doctor was provided to her. I visited her, and she wasn't like loopy, but she definitely wasn't in her right mind.

    Anyways, she has the surgery. At some point prior, she signed papers for the surgery, and they explained that the only doctor available was out-of-network. She literally couldn't refuse because: a) it was the only guy available at the time b) she was in so much pain. She was, however, half-sedated and not in her completely right mind while signing these papers.

    Fast forward, she just received an $80,000 medical bill. Her insurance only agreed to pay $1100 towards the surgery since the doctor was out-of-network. She's obviously depressed. She's almost to retirement age, and she can't pay $80,000 without giving up a lot of her retirement funds. She's going to call the doctor to see if she can negotiate. She thinks the doctor jacked up the price to give himself negotiation room. If he's unwilling to settle for a reasonable price (20,000 is her limit) , she said that she's going to look into an attorney.

    My question is:

    -what are her options? -does she have any leverage in this situation? -would hiring an attorney be extremely helpful? -what happens if she just pays $100 a month if she can't get the price down? Can the hospital or doctor sue her?

    Thank you in advance for reading this! I'd be more than happy to provide extra details if needed.

    submitted by /u/badbvtch
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    My Dad just passed away and I have no idea what to do next...

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Some back ground information: When my sister (37) and me (34) were younger about 10ish years ago, my parents divorced. My Father remarried. Yesterday, my father and his wife passed away in a car accident. The house that they shared together was solely in my Father's name. He also listed both my sister and I as sole beneficiaries after he passed and instructed us to sell the house. Because his wife also passed, her children from another marriage are also involved (they are 19 and 22) they were never adopted by my father. I have no idea what I should do. We can't get in touch with his job (they aren't open on the weekend) so we can contact life insurance, therefore I don't think we can start making funeral arrangements. The children of his wife are unable to meet us at his house ( we don't have a key, they do) until tomorrow so we aren't able to search for any documents that could help us. They insisted on being there while we search because they need the same documents for their mother ( I don't want to go into too much detail but her kids have a valid reason as to why they can't be at the house until tomorrow). Everyone is grieving. I have never dealt with anything like this before as fortunately my mother and my wife are very much still alive. Do we need a lawyer? What's the first step that we take? How do we deal with going to the house and finding documents, etc? I'm at a loss. And having to deal with all of this and grieve is mixing up my mind. I'm also worried about my job. Will I have to use PTO to take care of my family? Does the state of Georgia have paid FMLA for loss of a parent? I'm sorry it seems I'm asking a lot. If someone can point me in the right direction it would be beyond helpful. Thank you all for any and all advice. Hug your loved ones.

    submitted by /u/Shernan85
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    Can I sue the State of Virginia for 28 years worth of mistakes they refuse to fix?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:15 PM PST

    It's just getting ridiculous at this point... I've been a physical Male since birth.

    My birth certificate has always said female, Ive paid for a new one around 6 times over the years Everytime my mom would call (minor) they would assure it will be fixed (it wasn't) etc.. after I was 18 I went to the Social Security office myself when I needed replacement documents my parents had misplaced. I informed them of the birth certificate issue there and was also assured it would be issued correctly. Nope.

    Called again, paid $20 2 years later and let them know of the issue. All my other documents say male, including my driver's license and guess what Female again.

    This week I had to renew my license and I got the REAL ID along with it which includes bringing in all your identifying information again.

    Even though my old license says M and all my information and my look, voice etc. otherwise is Male the girl at the DMV made a joke about it and was like I guess your a female now in the states eyes.

    She even mentioned "what do you need to do go show them your junk or something" I'll admit I laughed along with her but I thought she was joking.

    Nope paid $42 for the new license and Real ID and guess what shows up in the mail today.

    My new License, and now I'm Female on it too.

    Honestly it's just insanely frustrating, I have no idea what problems this may cause me in my future because I am 100% Male and in the states eyes on paper I'm a Female. I'm to the point where I'm done arguing with them & spending money and I'm wondering if I have any legal recourse here as that may be the only way to finally get things right.


    submitted by /u/DOPE_AS_FUCK_COOK
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    Two weeks from closing on my first home and the seller files for bankruptcy.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    Fairly straight forward, I'm buying my first home and about 2 weeks from closing, I find out the seller has filed for bankruptcy. (I don't know which type whether it is 7 or 13 yet, also I am in VA if that makes a difference) My realtor didn't sugar coat anything and said I could walk away now if I wanted to, however I really like the home and I would hate to lose it. On top of this, I have already put money down towards deposits, inspections and appraisals.

    Any advice would be good but some general questions of mine are: -What are my rights as the home buyer, like has the contract been voided since the seller is bankrupt or does it still hold any validity? -If a bank forecloses on the property, will they honor the contract. Also how long does foreclosure take? -If all else fails, can I sue the seller to get the money I will lose because he did not disclose his financial situation to the selling agent?

    submitted by /u/Skookmehgooch
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    Is it illegal to smoke while children are in the house in the state of Pennsylvania

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:02 AM PST

    My stepdad regularly smokes, he smokes these things called cigarillos and he might smoke and/or sell pot. I cant prove the latter, (though I saw a jar of what might be pot a few weeks ago which I took a picture of) but the former can be very easily proven just by smelling him or searching his trash can. He usually smokes inside the house, and there are usually four children inside the house (a 15 year old, a 12 year old, a 9 year old, and a 2 year old) he's smoking or very recently finished smoking as I type this, and only the former 2 are inside the house at the moment (I'm the 15 year old) basically, is what he is doing illegal in Pennsylvsnia?

    submitted by /u/TEMTEM2004
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    I had the cops called on me for suspicious activity and they said DSS would have to get involved because I have a kid

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:51 AM PST

    I think I got the Flair wrong but I'm sure DSS involved CPS if it's a kid (I might be wrong I'm new to this)

    Hi all, my wife called me crying and basically 3 cops showed up at the door and asked if she had called them (she said no) then they said they got an anonymous tip about suspicious activity going on in our apartment. They wanted to come in and basically ransack our place to look for stuff. We didn't have anything but she wasn't going to let them in (our son just fell asleep and he's 1year old and we have loud dogs that bark for strangers and my wife has a lot of anxiety around police) They left and came back and said they were there specifically because of me. They knew where and specifically what my job was and then they said "well we need to put eyes on the child because of the report" so then they said they'd have to get DSS involved. This is really left field and honestly I'm really shocked because I'm not even doing ANYTHING.

    I have a reason to believe that it's a person who I just stopped talking to. My only reasoning behind this is because the officer said it's most likely someone who is mad at your husband (words from the officer to my wife)

    I'm really confused why someone would involve themselves in my life when I don't do anything and I take great care of my son.

    My main question is what can I do? I don't want anything to happen to my child but there is no concrete evidence that I've done anything other than what someone said. Is there anyway I can find out who reported me? Can I press charges against them for defamation?

    Any help would be appreciated and I am living in NC if that helps.

    submitted by /u/Zacharysea
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    My mom is being sued for a car accident that wasn't her fault 3 years after the accident.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:47 AM PST

    This is a lot to type up but basically my mom was taking my little sister to school one morning and this guy pulled out in front of her and she t-boned him. She had the right of way and he pulled out right in front of her from stop sign, it was not a 4 way stop and she had the right of way. The car was totalled and My sister got a head injury. My mom is lower income and it was the first car she ever bought brand new and she had just finished paying off a couple years prior. It was clearly the guys fault but none of us thought to take pictures. We're in california if that makes a difference.

    We ended up seeing the police report and it was fucked. According to it my mom was somehow at fault even though she had the right of way and it had my sister listed as the driver for some some reason. My mom tried contesting the police report as there was no way she could have been at fault, went as high up as she could with the police dept but no one was willing to hear her out. Because of the report his insurance would not pay, but neither would her insurance as they didn't see her as being at fault. I had a second car at the time so I was able to help her until she found a decent cheap car but she never received anything from insurance. It's been 3 years and we kind of thought it was done and we were trying to move on from it. My mom calls me last night and tells me she's been served and the guys is now suing for some bullshit amount of money like 250,000.00, for time lost, bodily injury, ect. I saw him when I went to pick my mom up and he seemed like he walked away fine. My sister on the other hand sustained a head injury and suffered possible neurological damage. We're all lost, we have no idea where to go from here. It's probably irrelevant but My mom is 60 and works as maid at a hotel, there's no way she would ever be able to pay without this devastating her. If anyone has any advice or or direction I would appreciate it, we've never really had experience in being sued so we're not sure what to do.

    submitted by /u/DontStartUnbelieving
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    My friend is too dangerous to own a gun and something needs to be done - but I want to protect my own safety

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:59 AM PST

    I have a friend who has become increasingly and increasingly enticed by these online hate communities that preach jewish conspiracies and hating of all blacks. He has like 4 assault rifles two shotguns a bunch of hand guns, a full tac vest. He's strapped to his teeth. his room mate is also my friend and its just getting worse. For instance, there was one case of corona virus in our state - and he went and bought like 6 months supply of food, and urged my friend (his room mate) to not go out to eat at all. He is EXTREMELY paranoid. He goes on sites like voat that are just filled with alt-right trolls who don't care about anything besides preaching fake history, Nazism, and racism.

    We're not mental health professionals - we don't know if this is the result of a worsening condition or if this is something caused culturally? My friend says he seems to be getting worse though. He has all the signs of someone who is like actually very paranoid and believes his delusions, he DOES believe his delusions. This wouldn't be such a problem if he didn't own so many assault rifles. Im unsure if he's just going deeper and deeper into a psychosis?

    What should we do? If we alert the authorities and they section him, he will be further convinced down the rabbit hole of his delusions. and honestly idk if there wouldn't be a shoot out if cops came and tried to take his guns. But we're basically afraid that its basically gonna be like "he's okay until one day he's not". Im basically so terrified at this point that I try and say racist shit to him when i see him to make him think i'm on his side. He claims to only try to change peoples minds via argumentation like online or in person. open them up to "the jewish question" - but its like how long until he does something?

    What should we do? What can we do?

    submitted by /u/ineedhelp123345678
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    [MD] Can anything happen to me from a chargeback?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:57 AM PST

    I paid someone $1300 to modify some headlights to my car. When the first negotiation was made I was told about one week turnaround before I got them back. This was important to me because I can't drive my car without it. So I was able to borrow a car from someone for a week while these got worked on. Long story short, it took about 1 month before he finally got them out. When I received them the quality of the lights was POOR. They were so bad I did not put them on my car. I talked to the guy and he said he would fix them. So I sent them back to him. ANOTHER MONTH goes by before he finally gets them back out to me. This time when I got them they were even worse than the first time I got them. At this point no way was I going to ship them back to him. What I have is worse than when I sent them to him.

    Based on the previous conversations with him it seemed like he was not going to offer a refund or partial refund for the issues. So instead I contacted my bank and told them the story and they initiated a dispute against him. Today he messaged me and said I will be hearing from his lawyer. Can he do anything about this?

    submitted by /u/quicktdyquestion
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    [Ohio] Ex girlfriend is making up lies to keep me away from my daughter.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:14 PM PST

    My ex girlfriend and I split a few days ago. I caught her cheating. She punched me, spat on me and my daughter as I was holding her and I left. After I left and drove to my mothers house a whole state away, I got a call the next day from the local police department saying there was a warrant out for my arrest for domestic violence. I did not strike her or do anything, I also did not go to the police when she did that stuff because I did not want her to get arrested. But I did leave and go to my mothers house to get away from the situation. She told me as I was leaving, that I would never see my daughter again. My daughter is one year old. I have hired an attorney for this domestic violence nonsense, and I am turning myself in on Monday to the court. I know if I am found guilty of domestic violence I will probably will never see my child again and it will ruin my life. What in the hell can I do? My life is in complete shambles.

    submitted by /u/MadLad51
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    HOA enforced on rental without being specified on lease.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Can a landlord force rules listed on a homeowner's agreement even though it was not specified in the lease? No where in our lease does it mention that my roommate and I will have to abide by the HOA nor did they even mention anything about the HOA or its rules when we signed. For some background all of this started over parking due to my roommate and I parking occupying visitor parking. Both of us drive trucks so neither of us can fit in the garage or our covered parking. In our lease there is no specifications on parking either. Now our landlord is threatening to tow our vehicles due to breaking the HOA rules even though we never were told about them (which they specify we should have been made aware of them when we signed our lease). Are they allowed to even due something like that? Please help Edit: To clarify I'm located in the US. Virginia to be exact

    submitted by /u/Liquid_arousal
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    (TX) I made an off hand joke about drugs and now my University is putting my feet in the fire.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:53 PM PST

    I'm a Post Doc at a large university in Texas. 3 weeks ago out at a research site off campus, I offered to drive another graduate student back to campus so that the school vehicle would be less crowded. On our way back the student started to complain about allergies and their sinuses being closed up. I offered them some Zyrtec and Afrin that I keep with me for my allergies witch they took. When I handed them the Afrin I said that "I'm sorry it's used and been up my nose before but then again so has half the cocaine in Colombia". I thought this was a pretty funny comment, they did not laugh.

    The next week I got called into our version of HR and was asked to take a drug test (urine). When I asked why the administrator said they got a tip I was using drugs. I took the test and nothing came up. A few days later I was called into a department meeting and presented with the accusation that I was using cocaine. Despite the drug test being negative and my explanation that my off hand bad joke had caused this situation I was referred to the campus PD department where I was asked to take another drug test and was questioned. This was an underhanded tactic as I was told that in order to make the negative officiall I had to deal with campus PD. I took the test and it came out negative and was let go.

    I have just received an email from my department that requests that I take another drug test this time more intrusive and that I was not to enter the lab and to stay off campus until the test has been completed. My question is this. If I have a lawyer contact them with the results of the last 2 test can I force them to stop this? I will pass the blood test and any other test they want but this is really stressing me out and I have been unofficially suspended from work until this is over. I am an employee of the university and dependent on my income from my work and by not going into the lab I'm jeopardizing my position. What is the best legal way to end this? I am clean, I made joke, they are taking this too far.

    Additional information: I really REALLY hate needles and blood tests. I get faint and vomit when I have to have blood work done. This is why I don't want to get a blood test.

    submitted by /u/SPECTRE-Agent-No-13
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    A business I worked for is refusing to pay me claiming I never worked for them

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:49 AM PST

    I worked for a 501c3 nonprofit business in the mountains of North Carolina. I was awarded their fellowship position for the fall 2018 and spring 2019. I completed several assigned tasks for both semesters including supervising a high school student for their senior project. I also worked for them as a camp counselor in the summer 2019.

    The stipend for one semester of fellowship work was to be $2500.00 plus room and board on site. The summer work was to be $1000.00. This business never made me fill out paperwork and everything was verbal agreements. (I do have proof of completion of the various projects) In total they owe me $6000.00.

    Now the business is saying that they dont owe me any money, and that i never worked for them or recieved a fellowship from them (their Instagram and facebook posts show otherwise specifically naming me fellow) and are ignoring me.

    I believe they took advantage of me. What can I do to fight this?

    submitted by /u/Garnetking
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    [Virginia] Executor of estate of relative is refusing to ever distribute money to me as a beneficiary, can I get them removed from their position?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:24 PM PST

    A family member of mine, I'll call him "W" is the executor of the estate of another member of our family, I'll refer to as "M". I am a beneficiary to M's estate at 1/6 portion of all cash in the estate upon M's death. M is still living.

    W has been the agent/trustee/executor of M's estate since M was declared incompetent many years ago. W is allowed to give cash gifts. When W does this, he gives an equitable cash amount to each beneficiary.

    Two years ago, W gave me a cash gift that no one else got, all other beneficiaries declined to accept their cash gift because they didn't understand the tax implications of accepting the amount of the cash gift. I did my research and was comfortable with the tax implications and took my gift. When one other beneficiary declined, the rest thought they were legally not allowed to accept their gifts, so they didn't really decline as much as they thought they couldn't accept. W is mad at me because I accepted and kept the money, but W did not get their portion because they thought they weren't allowed to accept it if others declined.

    This year W made a cash gift to 3 of the 4 beneficiaries, excluding me. I asked if he would be sending a check and when they asked if I thought I was entitled to an equitable distribution, I said yes. My reasoning being and past issues do not affect future distributions. I have a acceptance (that W wrote and signed) of my gift 2 years ago that makes no mention of it affecting any future distributions. I will also point out that the estate Attorney for M told him to distribute money to all beneficiaries this year. W was not told to exclude me.

    W put, in writing, that they will be sending me no further checks. This implies to me that even in the event of M's death, W will not uphold the duties placed upon them with the POA and family trust to distribute money to me as a lawful beneficiary.

    My question is, is this action of refusing to uphold their future duties sufficient evidence to have them removed as the estate executor? Both the POA and Trust specifically say that if the executor is unwilling or unable to perform their duties "for any reason" they can be replaced.

    submitted by /u/GroverWeaveland
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    Tenants not leaving and not paying rent

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:01 AM PST

    San Jose, CA

    My tenants are 2 months late in rent and this is the second time this happens. Last time they caught up on rent and I gave them a second chance. Now they did it again and I asked them to make plans to leave but they have not left nor paid rent in 2 months. I don't know what I can do to get them to leave?

    submitted by /u/cirejabroni
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    Apartment complex hasn't updated their housing

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:40 PM PST

    I moved into a place but there's only wifi from the front desk at extremely high prices for the most awful internet. I was looking to get internet and the only isp that would do it without a contract is spectrum. I tried calling them and they said my location is a hotel. Turns out my landlord has not updated to apartment complex as it used to be an extended stay hotel but changed to an apartment complex. I've been calling and asking her but she is never there in her office and won't respond to me.

    I just want her to update the type of housing so I can get Spectrum for my apartment unit as they won't let me until the landlord does.

    submitted by /u/ineedwaifai
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    Ex-wife used my income to get financing approved for a car

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:40 AM PST

    Rhode Island - I am using a throw away account because family knows my account. I only just made this discovery, and have not spoken to anyone yet. I am probably gonna get caught anyway from this post, because it would be hard to describe the situation without putting enough info. I have contacted my lawyer and am waiting for a call back, But here it goes...

    Background - My Ex-wife and I divorced and I moved out around ten years ago. 5 years after I moved out she was having problems paying her bills and was going to lose the house, so I moved out of my place and am renting a room from her. Easy choice, we have a young son I get to see everyday, and her and I are on amicable terms. We have a lease, and everything between us is legally on the up and up. She owned the house before we got married, and I have no ownership, nor have I ever had, over this house. Her name is on everything. I had a lawyer involved because I am retired and collect social security, which pays child support, so I made sure there would be no problems with me moving back in, and there is no problem as long as I am only paying her my rent. Everything was setup between us as it would be a landlord and tenant.

    About 6 months ago she financed a new car for 17k at $300 a month, and it has been nothing but problems. She was getting some push back about one of the repairs, so asked me to look through her paperwork and see what could be done. So I took a look and when I got to the financing paperwork I saw that she is claiming to make $3,600 a month, $1,500 more than what I know she does. Her income included partial disability pay, her part time min wage job, my rent and child support. The total of this is around $2,100-2,200, giving her the benefit of the doubt because she does work extra when she is allowed to. However, she works part time for the school department, and doesn't get a pay check during the summer which drops her monthly income by about $500 a month for those three months. With her bills and expenses there is no way she could afford this. The mortgage alone is half of her monthly pay.

    Then I saw she also used my military discount (didn't even know you could use that when financing), and after doing some quick math I realized that she included my retirement pay in with her monthly income. I did not sign any document, did not even know she got the car until I saw it in the driveway. My name is not anywhere on any of the documents either, unless there is something she kept hidden. She doesn't know my social security number either as that type of information is kept under lock and key. Maybe she got into my mail... I don't know...

    She did need a car, and was out looking for something cheap... I am thinking what happened is she got talked into something while at the dealership and when her monthly income fell below what she would need to be approved for financing on something that expensive (she had a bankruptcy many years ago, and later has added credit card debt that went into collections just before I moved back in), I'm thinking maybe the sales person told her to add my total income, or maybe she led them to believe we were still married. I'm not sure how because I was never involved in any of this, but yet she was able to get my military discount which, while I don't mind it for the occasional purchase at Lowes, is another matter all together for financing a car. I don't even know how much of a discount there was because all it says is "Military Discount Applied". We were only married for 7 years... been divorced for almost ten, technically she shouldn't be using it at all and she has never served in the military, and I keep my ID on me at all times.

    So I guess my questions are: What is my liability here as far as her claiming my monthly income as her own? Will the fact she was able to use my military discount make it look like I approved something even without knowledge this happened? How far will this information go as far as reporting thru different government agencies? Should I start looking for another place to live? Above all... how is this going to effect our ability to care for our son? What is the dealerships responsibility in all of this? Am I being overly paranoid?

    I am afraid this might look like some kind of social security fraud when it comes to the child support, on top of falsifying information to get financing for a car. When we setup our lease agreement my lawyer was very clear on keeping our income separate because I still get my full benefits, but she gets the child support directly from social security on my behalf.

    Thanks for your help and I hope you all have a great day!

    Edit - added location

    submitted by /u/ImprobableCommenter
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