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    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Legal Advice (Update) My bank put my account under another account and refused to fix it or refund the money

    Legal Advice (Update) My bank put my account under another account and refused to fix it or refund the money

    (Update) My bank put my account under another account and refused to fix it or refund the money

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:05 AM PST

    Link to original: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/d5p1oh/my_bank_put_my_account_under_another_account_and/

    I submitted an OCC complaint against my bank the same day I posted, about 2 weeks later the bank called me and asked me what day works for me and I would be meeting their National Enterprise Financial Crimes Director himself at my local branch or if I did not want to come in they would come to my house even after business hours.

    The next week I go in and meet him, he does nothing but apologizes for about 20 minutes and tells me they will immediately cut me a check and or give me cash for the missing funds that were transferred to the "mistakenly approved parent account". I quote that phrase because he said it exactly like that about 20 times.

    I tell him great, I'll take cash since I have already opened a new account elsewhere and do not intend to continue to use their services since it took me reporting them to a government agency before they did anything at all to fix the situation that was clearly their fault.

    He tells me that's fine and he understands but he just needs me to sign a "small document" saying the situation has been remedied to my satisfaction, the "small document" is about 20 pages of stuff that I understand about half of but I can kind of see it's basically me saying that I am being refunded the money and I can take no legal action against them, can not talk about it and cannot tell anyone their mistake. Also that I must remove all "public postings, mentions, anything negative about the bank from any online reviews or websites publically accessible". Seems they found my reddit post.

    He tells me that I cannot receive my money unless I sign this. I tell him definitely not since I cannot understand half of this and I leave without my money. So I once again file another OCC complaint online and call in to speak to someone. They tell me this is being escalated and to wait to hear from them, about a week later the bank is once again calling me for a meeting. I tell them I want nothing except a check mailed to my address on record and to leave me alone otherwise.

    After a few calls a check finally showed up, for the full amount that was transferred to the parent account. Thanks LA for telling me about the OCC (The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency). They take complaints seriously and it's what it took to finally get this whole thing resolved.

    submitted by /u/iamgoingshai
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    My professor didn’t show up to my final exam that I had to take early due to military obligations, then failed me for the class. I am back from my duties and she won’t let me take the exam. Help?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:44 PM PST

    TL:DR is pretty much same as the title.

    Okay so I apologize ahead of time as this might be a little long, but there is quite a bit of context for this. I won't be using any names or identifiers for obvious reasons.

    So I'm currently a student at university pursuing my Bachelors degree. It's a smaller college in the eastern part of the state, but it's my dad's alma mater and I get a fair amount of scholarships which is great. (This is kinda important for later.)

    I was put into a sociology gen ed course during the spring semester and I loved the class. The professor was awesome, a retired police officer who took up teaching and is trying to get her doctorate at a different university on the other side of the state.

    I enlisted into the Army National Guard back in February and was given a ship date for basic training at the end of April. This happened to be roughly 3 weeks before the final exams. I coordinated with my veteran's affairs representative and made sure all of my professors knew I would be leaving early, and that I would need to take my tests ahead of time. This professor was laid back, and agreed to let me test early and set a date and time.

    Well, said date comes around and I go to take the final... and she didn't show. I came to her the next class session and she said she would just email me the test and I could submit it that way. I sent her an email a few days later to see when she would be sending it to me and never got a response. Sent a follow up to that email, no response. Sent a third email saying that my ship date was coming up in a few days and I still really needed to test. Again, no response. At this point, I couldn't do anything as I had to ship, so I left for basic combat training.

    During training, you have almost 0 contact with the outside world, aside from letters. The environment is pretty stressful on its own. About halfway through the 9 week training, I get a letter from my father - it was my report card; she had failed me for the class. I had a B in that class up until I left and only ever missed class with an excuse. I was appalled. I coordinated with one of my drill sergeants who just so happened to be taking college courses while being on active duty, and he let me have my phone for a short time to call the university. I spoke to the department head and explained the situation, and they granted me an "incomplete" grade and told me I could take the exam when I returned. This conversation was around May.

    Fast forward a few months to mid September and I had completed BCT and AIT successfully. (Yay!) I returned to school almost a month late, but had worked out an agreement with my professors for missed work. All of this was made aware to the university. Upon my return, I found out that my GPA had dropped low enough to cause me to lose my scholarships because of that one class. I immediately reached out to my professor to try and take the test, but again got no response. Sadly the previous VA rep had moved schools, so I had to explain everything to the new guy who was more than happy to help.

    My boyfriend happened to be taking her classes and let me know her office hours, and so I stopped by but she was never there. I eventually had to go in and confront her face to face after one of her classes. I told her that all I needed to do was take the test, but I just needed to know the topic of the test and asked for a week to study in preparation. (I had rented the textbook and had to return it so I no longer had it.) She told me that it wasn't her responsibility to inform me of what the test was on, and I told her that it was her responsibility to give me the test when she agreed on originally but because she never did, we were in this situation. Both of us were getting frustrated and she wasn't budging so I left.

    I also ran it by one of my military science professors who has been a huge mentor for me throughout college so far. He told me to compile all physical evidence I had of communications between her and I, and between the department and the VA rep. I did all of this, printed out copies, and even had me write a transcript of the conversation we had in her classroom and organized everything by date. He told me he was going to run it up the chain of command and to the head of leadership for the program and see if we could take it to the Dean of Students.

    It has since sat on the desk of head professor of the program, and I haven't heard of any improvement despite asking about it. It's been over 8 months since I was originally scheduled to take the exam, and I have done everything I was supposed to as a student and still the situation has not been resolved. I'm honestly at a loss. What should I do?

    Edit: For clarification, I go to university in the US

    submitted by /u/lieutenant_dan118
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    TX. Mother received 7 missed calls, and one VM trying to contact me about my private pregnancy. Legally what can I do? Furious.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:28 PM PST

    20,F. Me and my mother are on the same insurance policy, three weeks ago I went into my doctors office to refill my annual birth control, and found out I was indeed pregnant. I paid out of pocket for this (they don't offer to cover it anyway), and this was private information. I recently terminated via medical pill, for health reasons. again, privately and out of my own pocket and made it clear this was not for anyone else to know.

    The voice message starts off saying they are form our insurance and are looking for me because they want to be there for me during this important time. And they leave a callback number which when called ends up being from another insurance company in TX. When called it asks for the number they called (my MOTHERS) and the name of the person they were trying to reach. it goes on about saying they can help with my PREGNANCY and wants to ask a few questions regarding my PREGNANCY. My mother can easily do the same form her phone (if she hasn't already) How do I legally approach this for responsibility??

    I have called my insurance and they said it was just a "robo call" and that it has nothing to do with my pregnancy and that they would have no way to know that information. (FALSE, After calling the number they left back..)

    I'm so angry and in tears, I want whoever is responsible for this to be held so, but I don't even know where to start or what I can do. Someone please help me!

    Edit : Thank you so much for everyone's support in trying to figure this out, it sucks that this likely isn't a HIPPA violation because it just feels very wrong. I wanted to clarify a few things:

    I paid entirely out of pocket for the doctors initial visit for my pregnancy test and to refill my birth control, not a copay, I informed the doctor right away I could not be keeping the child and that this needed to be private, especially from my mother

    I went to a separate clinic for my procedure that had me check off that I wanted everything to be private, I never even showed them an INS card, just straight money from my bank. Did not ask or get any financial assistance for the cost of this. I never left my mothers number for any type of emergency contact.

    I did pickup a prescription the doctor of the planned parenthood type place wrote me from the clinic, but it was for ibuprofin and an anti nausea medication similar to what car sick people get.

    Me and my mother are on a policy together, she is the policy holder- but I have my own separate contact information and am 20, so i'm very confused still on why they called my mother.

    The second insurance company that left their information I have zero affiliation with which makes me feel like my actual insurance had to of given this information to them.

    submitted by /u/stopfeeding_yourdog
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    Plasma donation center won’t release my bloodwork to me or my doctor.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:05 AM PST

    I donated plasma and they ran blood work on it to make sure it's safe to give to patients. They told me there was an abnormality on it. But they were very vague and told me to see my doctor. Which I did. My doctor wants to see the bloodwork to find out more information about what's going on. He doesn't know what bloodwork to run or who to refer me to without more info. The plasma center refuses to give me or my doctor the bloodwork. They said they're not legally obligated to do so. Am I wrong in thinking that I have a legal right to my own medical files? How do I go about getting my records from them?

    submitted by /u/denny_crane_
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    Sister was raped on a date, a "special jury" decided the case was not worth pursuing and we were told it is over

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:37 PM PST

    A few months ago while on a date with a boy she met, my sister was raped. He wanted to have sex, she didnt. She said no, he said "you know you want it." When she came home, she was crying and told us everything. We know where he goes to college and we reported it to the police.

    After a couple months of giving testimony, we were told that the case was presented to a "selected special jury" who decides what to pursue. They apparently decided it was not worth pursuing and our case has been dropped. On the phone we were told there was no next step and it was over. The town we live in (moved to Mississippi a year ago) is very preppy and spoiled. The person on the phone told us that if they pursued the case, it would go in the newspaper, and we think the publicity is one reason they want to ignore it.

    What do we do? This isn't over. My sister is scared to leave the house. Justice has to be found one way or another.

    submitted by /u/Legalthrowaway814
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    My property management company is trying to charge me $50 to pay rent with a money order

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:33 AM PST


    So here's my lease concerning rent and the notice they gave me. I disagreed with them but they assure me it is legal because of the clause in the second picture stating they can request payment in any method they specify. I tried to play nice and use their stupid paynearme app and have been turned away at every CVS because it isn't working. I work 50hrs a week and have a daughter in the NICU for the past two months, and I just want to pay my rent and not deal with stupid bs. I've always paid my rent early every month, up to a month in advance. Is this legal for them to try and do when it says in my lease I can pay with a money order and there is 0 mention of a processing fee? Thank you

    Edit; the printed notice about the 50$ money order processing fee was a printed notice put on my door 2 months after signing the lease and moving in. It was not in the lease or said when I signed it. They changed their policy down the road

    Edit: i am in San Antonio, Texas

    submitted by /u/danesz
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    I live on a dirt road on a non-county maintained road (blue sign). We pay a $200 HOA fee to maintain the road. HOA president suddenly announced he will maintain the road himself. Now the road is all collapsing and has damaged my car. Can I legally do anything?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    Hi folks. I live on a dirt road near a big lake in FL. The road isn't maintained by the county so it's up to the people living on the road to keep it maintained. We (the people living on the road) pay the HOA $200 to have the road professionally maintained. Key word: professionally.

    Now, in FL it rains. A lot. The road either gets potholes or "washboarding" where a bunch of ridges are formed. The company that the HOA president (Mr P) hired scrapes the top of the road, which is only a temporary fix. Recently, Mr P fired the company and has been looking for another company.

    We hadn't had our road maintained in a couple months, so the road was getting really bad. All of a sudden, we get a message over our Nextdoor board that Mr P is renting heavy equipment and doing the job by himself, with no exceptions.

    Now comes last week, when he begins working on the road. He spreads dirt all over the road to fill in stuff and scrapes it all in, pushing it. In the process, he digs deep gouges in the road and essentially makes a huge mess.

    Currently, someone is building a home on a plot of land, so the heavy equipment coming down our road isn't helping its condition. On Friday I was coming home from class when part of the road crumbled in and as I ran over it. It damaged the underside of my car, which caused it to start leaking oil. I drive back home and tell my parents, who then confront Mr P. He essentially tells them that I should watch how I'm driving and that his job on the road was the best that anyone had ever done. He says he will keep taking the $200 HOA fee to do it himself.

    Is there legally anything I can do to solve our issue? Not just the car, but the mess of the only road we have in and out. I feel like it's only a matter of time before someone gets injured by a sudden sinkhole. It doesn't take much rain to tear our road apart.

    submitted by /u/KasperAura
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    [FL] My employer has a policy preventing employees from discussing their wages/hours with each other. I filed a complaint with the NLRB and they called me today for a statement. I had no idea my name would be given with the charge so I told her to withdraw my statements. Am I still protected?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:43 AM PST

    This is a giant mess so I'm sorry if this is confusing. I'm also on mobile so please excuse formatting.

    I filed an online charge on the NLRB's website and they just called me today for a formal statement. I asked the investigating attorney if the employer would be presented with my name and accusation and she told me they most likely will be receiving a letter in the mail either today or tomorrow with the allegations and my name and information on it.

    I told her I no longer wish to proceed because I thought it would be anonymous and I don't want to be fired or anything. She told me I'd be protected against retaliation and I told her I'd rather not risk my job so I told her to cancel it and withdrew my statement she said that was fine but the letter was already in the mail.

    My question is, since I did not proceed with the charge and my employer will already (or soon) know that I reported them, am I still protected against retaliation or am I screwed?

    Also, if I deny to my employer that it was me who submitted the charge, can I get in legal trouble for denying the fact that it was me who accused them?

    I know retaliating against an employee in a case like this is illegal but plenty of things are illegal and people still do them so I'm very scared and don't want to lose my job right now.

    My plan was that once my employer receives the letter they'll more than likely call me into my boss's office for a meeting and at that point I plan on denying that it was me who submitted that charge and telling them something like "somebody is using my name to try to get me in trouble. I have no idea what this is." I'm panicking and I don't know what to do at this point, I almost want to intercept the mail and throw out the letter before anyone realizes what I've done. Please help. :(

    submitted by /u/PumpkinMacchiato
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    Diply used an image of me and my partner for a clickbait article, family member found us.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:54 AM PST


    Hi, me nor my partner have ever used Diply, but we were informed that our photo was used on an article in which the text below insinuated that one of us had recently been cheating on someone, one of those 'juicy secret you heard about' clickbait articles. It's stressed us out because they actually linked to my partners instagram as the picture source, causing a family member who should not have been able to see or contact us to find us and do so.

    What can I do in regards to this and does anyone know who to contact at Diply about it?

    Thank you very much for the help!

    submitted by /u/TCPC1
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    My youngest daughter was sexually assaulted while in her mothers care. What are my options for custody and what do I do next? TX

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:22 PM PST

    My youngest daughter (almost 2) was sexually assaulted. I picked them (my oldest daughter as well) up Friday for my holiday visit and I noticed my youngest daughter was terrified of baths. As soon as I turned the water on she immediately started screaming and grabbing her privates. She screamed the entire time I gave her a shower and only calmed down about 20 minutes after her shower.

    She did this Saturday and Sunday as well, so this morning I dropped my oldest daughter off with a babysitter and took my youngest to the ER. We were there until 5 taking tests. They preformed a SANE Exam and determined sexual assault. A police report was immediately filed, and CPS has been informed as well and are probably launching an investigation soon.

    Now I personally believe it's my baby mommas boyfriend, I have no hard proof that it's him. On Sunday I'm supposed to give them back via custody court order so I'm wondering if I can file for emergency custody with CPS, or how I'd do that in the first place, and if successful I need to know how I can have child support stopped so I can use that money towards my girls.

    I'm sorry for the book, I'm just kinda dazed from this experience and after being seething all day it takes its toll. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Location: TX

    submitted by /u/JadedHedgehog
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    Received a ticket for having trash in front of my apartment building due to homeless slashing the bags for cans

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:57 AM PST

    -Tuesday's are trash days in my neighborhood (Boston). -The protocol is leave your bags in the designated spot along side the road for the trash guys to take care of. -I put the bags out on my way to work in the morning, around 8am -By 10am when the trash guys usually come, the bags are torn apart by homeless looking for cans/bottles/redeemables -We get hit with tickets for having trash scattered everywhere as a result

    What's my best course of action here?

    Definitely appealing the ticket but I'm want to waste as little time as possible with the court system. This is the second time this has happened.

    Edit: Boston, MA

    submitted by /u/Omoney69
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    I (24M) am in a custody battle today with my soon to be ex wife (27F). Two weeks prior she came to my friends apartment with my daughter (4F) and her son (8M) and assaulted me and my friend and was arrested. How does the pending assault charges affect my chance at custody?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:23 AM PST

    As the title states. I don't know the exact charges but I believe it was assault and or domestic violence and in Fresno, CA. I have video evidence recording not the attack but the conversation leading up to it of her being belligerent and not wanting to leave and making remarks such as "I have nothing to lose" and "I'm going to start shit and make your life a living hell, your family life a living hell" I suppose my question is, how does this and the case she has against my friend affect my chances at custody? My daughter and step son were present at the time and she was arrested and I received a temporary restraining and custody order for a week which already expired.

    Edit: I found out after court she is facing PC273.5(A) Corporal injury on spouse or co-inhabitant Felony for me And PC242 Battery for my friend And the DA picked up the charges and filed two CPOs against her on our behalf. But not for our daughter. The exception of communication is dropping and picking her up.

    submitted by /u/Endoi
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    [WA] husband (29) refusing to sign divorce papers

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:26 AM PST

    Husband and I split in August. I purchased the necessary legal documents from divorce writer so I could have us both sign and file in Lincoln county. In Washington, I can mail in the divorce in that county and receive the decree in 90 days. We have no kids, no shares assets, not even a joint account. I sent my husband the paperwork in September through priority mail, ensuring I'd have a confirmation the documents were delivered. He's holding them hostage so I'm wondering if my proof of sending priority mail is enough to continue to file through the mail since he's been made aware and has been given a few months to sign but is refusing to do so.

    Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/JewelloftheNile
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    can CPS make me go back to my abusive mother after she’s out of jail? (16 Tx,US)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:35 AM PST

    she gets out soon and it's either her or foster care and frankly i'd prefer homelessness over her. the courts are aware she was abusive yet they said their goal is "reunification". is there a legal argument i can make for myself so that i'm not forced to go back to her?

    submitted by /u/nunyabeezwaxe
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    My stepmother wants me to sign a quitclaim deed (Alabama)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:08 AM PST

    My (m21) stepmother (f60) wants me to sign a quitclaim deed to relinquish my portion of the house that I inherited from my recently passed father. Just as some context my stepmother has always been emotionally abusive towards me in private and she did legally adopt me. She plans on selling the house and I feel it is right that I get my portion of the proceeds of the sale. I go to university full-time and live on campus. She threatened to cut any money that she gives me for groceries and to disable my phone service (She paid for both to allow me to focus on school full-time) among other petty threats to attempt to leverage me to sign the quitclaim.

    Now the selling realtor is sending me a 'General Residential Contract' to e-sign which states:

    LOAN CLOSING COSTS AND PREPAID ITEMS: Seller agrees to pay up to $8,000 of Buyer's loan closing costs and/or prepaid expenses excluding Seller's half of the settlement fee and title insurance cost. Buyer shall promptly deliver to Real Estate Agent for Buyer, if any, a copy of all Loan Estimate(s) and Closing Disclosure(s) upon receipt.

    My stepmother has yet to digitally sign it (which worries me) and I by no means have the ability to pay $8,000.

    How can I ensure that I am getting my portion of the proceeds and am I going to have to pay the closing costs or is that split between the sellers? Both me and my stepmother are listed as the sellers on said contract. The realtor has also told me that the closing will most likely fall through if I do not sign the contract. Any advice helps!

    submitted by /u/ALQuitClaimThrowaway
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    Friend got fired after her employer looked at her bank transactions

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:56 PM PST

    Location: Indiana

    My friend was sick last week and called in to work before her 9am shift. In the afternoon, her family had an impromptu day trip out of town and basically forced her to go along. She didn't want to go, but they assured her it would be an easy trip. Most of it was just sitting in a car, then going to eat, then back home.

    She got back to work and was fired. Turns out, she works for a bank. Her employer went through her bank account and saw she had transactions in a nearby town on the day she called in sick. They said if she was well enough to travel, she was well enough to work.

    Is this legal? Just because they're a bank doesn't make it okay, right?

    Edit: Added my state

    submitted by /u/moneybagz8877
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    My boss recently implemented a pre pay plan for the week where I pay him back half of it?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:47 AM PST

    My boss has done a few questionable things since I've worked for him. It's a small business in NYC. I work as a private contractor, so he doesn't take taxes out for me. Recently, he offered to let me do some work over the holidays and I agreed. But when he explained how I would be paid I got a little nervous. The way he explains it is "you'll be prepaid for 10 hours this week. Half the hours on the project are paid and half you can pay back" I tried to ask for a better explanation and instead he sort of back pedaled. Can anyone tell me if this makes sense to them? Is this something that's a regular practice. What does it even mean? Is it legal to work for 10 hours even over the holidays and have to pay back 5? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Sloppydrugwhore
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    I was never charged for a sofa I had delivered to my house. I have called 2 dozen times and no resolution. What are my obligations here?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:38 AM PST

    I ordered a couch online from a large furniture store. It said delivery in 1 to 2 weeks. I didn't hear from them until 2 weeks had passed, after I had already emailed them several times asking what was going on. My last email to them was asking what their refund and return policy was, and 5 days had passed with no response. Then I got and confirmed the scheduled delivery text, and later that day they responded saying they would initiate a refund and I immediately said NO I already took the day off work. Never heard back via email, so the night before the scheduled delivery I called customer service and they said no refund was initiated and the couch was coming whether I liked it or not. I said okay.

    Next day I get the couch. Its damaged (stained), delivery did not include what they said it did (help moving it into place) but I let it go because it was such an ordeal. Then the day after that I see the pending transaction was gone and funds were part of my available balance again.

    I called repeatedly to try and pay for it and was literally hung up on or left on hold for over an hour each time. Finally I got a manager from the local store to take my card info and he promised to take care of it. It has now been a full week. He said I would be charged within days and someone would be sent to clean the sofa by Saturday. Its now Tuesday and no one has contacted me and there are no pending transactions on my debit card. I also offered to let them come get their sofa, as I cannot physically move it but do not want to be sued for unjust enrichment.

    The manager is now dodging my calls. What am I obligated to do in this situation? Just let $800 sit in my checking account for eternity and hope they process the payment?

    To top it all off, my bank confirmed the reversal of the transaction was done over a week before I first emailed them! So this is not my fault at all. I have put so many hours into trying to do the right thing, if they do sue me will the judge just let me show up with the payment? All I want to do is pay for this freaking couch and move on.

    Insert football phone joke here.

    Edit: I am in NH.

    submitted by /u/MeowyChristmas23
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    My cousin (an ilegal immigrant) may have abandoned her toddler at my house.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:03 PM PST

    This is a throwaway account.

    I (34F) am from Honduras and I lived there until I was 17 years old. I came to America because I enrolled in an American University and I ended up staying here because I got a job offer, and I finally became a citizen when I was 27 years old (in 2012).

    So, this April a cousin from my dad's side contacted me via facebook. She told me she was coming to Florida and she wanted to know if she could stay at my house for a few days while she found a job and place to stay. I almost said no, I haven't seen this cousin since my dad's funeral in 1998 and it would feel like letting a stranger sleep in my house. Besides my house is super tiny, one bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen and living room. It's barely big enough for me to live alone. The cherry on top was that it was implied she was coming here illegally (Her actual words were "por vereda" which everyone knows it means illegally).

    I ended up saying yes because I thought it would be no harm for her to stay at my house a couple of days and I would feel guilty if she ended up sleeping on the streets.

    When she showed up in my house she was with her 11 months old baby. I was baffled because she never mentioned a baby, but whatever, I'm good with kids and she is only supposed to stay for a few days, a couple of weeks top.

    She ended up staying for months, and she never seem to get a job. The only two reasons why I didn't kick her out sooner were because I would feel bad for the baby and because even though she never even tried to get a job, at least she voluntarily did all the houseshores. And I'm super lazy, so I was comfortable with someone else doing the houseshores.

    The thing is, even though she did all the house shores, there is a limit, and she has been here for six months and she is not even trying to get a job. So I talked to her a couple of weeks ago and I told her that she needed to move out before Dec 1st. So, this friday (Nov22, 2019) she send me a super long text while I was at work saying she was moving out with her boyfriend (I didn't even know she had a boyfriend) and that she was leaving her daughther (now 17 months old) with me because I am a citizen and I have a job and I would do a better job taking care of her. I tried calling her but she didn't pick up her phone.

    I though it was some sort of joke, but when I came home I found her daughther alone in the house. Yes, she left a 17 months old alone in the house for a few hours. I waited for her to come back for her daughter but it's been three days and she is not picking up her phone, she deleted her facebook account and she doesn't seem to be coming back.

    And now I'm stuck with a baby that is not mine that was brought here illegally and I don't know what to do.

    I thought about calling the police, but since the baby is here illegally and I had my cousin here for six months despite knowing she didn't had papers I'm afraid I'm going to get in troubles. But I also don't know what will happen to the girl if I call the police, I'm fond of the girl and I don't know what is going to happen to her.

    Should I call the police?

    What should I do?

    Am I in troubles?

    submitted by /u/vondilover
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    Florida - Can my husband's employer take his PTO while forcing him to work on call?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:23 AM PST

    My husband's employer has a mandatory 'corporate shutdown' around the holidays - all salaried employees (of which my husband is one) have 8 PTO hours automatically deducted for each workday that would occur the week of Christmas and New Year's Day.

    My husband's manager has informed him that he will be on call from December 23rd to December 29th, but 32 hours of PTO for that week will still be deducted (Christmas day is a paid holiday and so does not count against PTO). Manager's explanation is that 'hopefully' he won't have to do any work, but he is expected to be at home waiting and ready in case an emergency does arise. No other compensation is being offered.

    Can the company legally take his PTO while requiring he be available to work at a moment's notice?

    submitted by /u/Clumsy_Chica
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    Can I be fired for sending my W9 form from my work email to school email?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:14 AM PST

    Hi all. I'm not sure if this the right place to post this. I'm new to this.

    So, I have a full time job and I am also currently seeking my Masters degree. The school asked for me to fill out a W9 form, requesting my ssn. I wanted to do this quickly, so I stupidly filled out the form on my work computer and then I wanted it for my personal records, so I sent it from my work email to my school email.

    Looking back, yes I know this is incredibly stupid and I shouldn't have done it. I know. People make mistakes.

    This morning I got an email from my employers DLP group, saying that they would contact me if they found that I shouldn't have communicated the info.

    My question is, can they fire me because I sent my personal data to my school account? Are there any legal reasons or law where they must fire me?

    Edit: I live in Ohio.

    submitted by /u/alwaysfreakinstress
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    Sexually Assaulted at Work.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:37 AM PST

    I am a 23 female working at a chain restaurant as a bartender

    Two weeks ago, a male coworker came in intoxicated and taunted me while i was working. When i ignored his comments he came behind the bar and kissed me on the neck without my consent.

    I pushed him away and he told me to stop being so serious and requested free alcohol. After this I told a manager and she said something would be done about it. I was taken off the bartending friday shift for two fridays while he remained.

    I feel as if i was punished for his actions.

    I emailed corporate and they made me feel like i was making a big deal saying "sexual harassment is a life changing word". And then referred me back to my General Manager.

    I have a meeting with the general manager tomorrow.

    If nothing is done what can i do about this? I work in Texas

    submitted by /u/zzzz3636
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