• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Last minute miracle to hit target! Sales and Selling

    Last minute miracle to hit target! Sales and Selling

    Last minute miracle to hit target!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:26 AM PST

    So I've been at 69.97% the past few weeks and need to be at a minimum of 70% for a commission payout this month. I've been hassling this client to pay their dues and they finally just said they won't have the money till next month (doesn't help me). I had stopped in 4 times and called/emailed multiple solutions to get them to be able to pay to no avail.

    Randomly this morning the client emailed me and said they were approved a credit limit increase on their company card in order to pay! I had almost given up as tomorrow everyone leaves and is essentially the end of payments from November.

    Keep at it everyone! There is always hope!

    submitted by /u/loonydan42
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    dude, Loom is fantastic

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PST

    I've used videos in my sales for years, and it's such a bitch uploading to youtube and making it unlisted then trying to get them to open a hyperlink. Also if you want to add your face (which I feel helps a ton) you have to use a video editor. Whole thing takes for ever.

    In comes Loom, and you do it all from a chrome extension. You get the face, the video, everything. Also you can insert as a thumbnail into gmail. I make the first second a screenshot of their website and my face, so they know this shit is personal.

    Also it tells you if they viewed it.

    If you aren't using Loom for prospecting, take a few seconds to check it out. I just started using today but after a few hours it's fantastic.

    submitted by /u/AnneStaz
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    I exceeded our company goal and hit bonus!!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:45 AM PST

    Just wanted to brag to a group who would appreciate it; doesn't feel like the sort of thing I can talk with my friends or family about but, WOO! I hit bonus this month and absolutely crushed our target. This is usually a slower time of year for my industry but, I have been staying consistent and making it a point to not miss any incoming calls and it has paid off!

    So glad I found this sub, great trove of motivation and tips.

    Hope you are all having a great week! Cheers.

    submitted by /u/Swartswood77
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    Free sales webinars

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:59 AM PST

    Working in SaaS over the last 10 years, I have gained a ton of growth from an organization called SalesHacker... great podcasts, webinars, etc... They host a yearly "virtual" summit where they bring B2B sales experts from different parts of the world to present. It's always terrible timing (4th quarter) and this year is no exception.


    Highly recommend you find a few of these that look attractive to you - register for them - and whether you watch them live or listen to recording - take the opportunity to grow your sales acumen.

    submitted by /u/SimSimSalabimmm
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    Starting FIRST Sales Job In Food Company Tomorrow, TIPS or HELP

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:06 AM PST

    Hi, so I have 3 years of customer service experience working in banks etc. But never selling a product to someone, the closest I've got was perhaps up selling an upgrade on an account to a customer. The company is a large food company, relatively new who is looking to take the UK market by storm. Having no sales experience and not knowing what to expect, Ive been told I'll be out in my local area to shops etc. To start to try sell to them Any tips, helpful books or podcasts u guys may recommend?? Thanks

    submitted by /u/aran0909
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    Helicopter Sales

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST

    I am currently in sales, selling insurance. I may however have an opportunity to start selling helicopters. I was wondering if any of you have experience in the world of helicopter sales or aircraft sales in general and would be willing to tell me about it. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/RustyFriswald
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    Sales Managers: What are you getting your reps for Xmas?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Trying to avoid another year of buying everyone a bottle of bourbon. Any creative/practical ideas for gifts for your reps? Currently have 8 direct reports so not looking to spend more than $40/rep.

    submitted by /u/Skrilmaufive
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    To the salespeople, you are awesome!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    To the sales people - a true story!

    More than a decade years ago, I was working for a telecom software company. We had the yearly company meeting in a big hall, and there were probably close to 200 employees attending the event. I would say majority of them were 'techies' (from product development, customer services, QA etc).

    Different company leaders went to the stage and presented their business area/function in front of the audience.

    Then the VP of Sales went to the stage, and before he started his presentation, he asked a question from the audience (mostly techies):

    "How many of you think sales is important?" (I believe he was probably expecting a large number of people to raise their hands)

    Unfortunately, only 4 to 5 people including me from this large gathering raised their hands to the shock, horror and apparent disappointment of the VP of Sales.

    How could that be?

    Didn't they know:

    • Sales is the engine of growth for the company?
    • Without sales people' tireless efforts, sales funnels will dry out? Consequently, leaving the tech guys out of projects and work?

    Before the 'work/project' comes to techies, someone in sales has already done the hard work of bringing that project/client to your company. So for the techies, projects just come from 'somewhere', and naive belief that they will keep coming for ever. Not really!

    Without the efforts of sales champion at your company, a consulting project from a client could have went to another company or a customer might have bought the product from your competitor even if your product was superior.

    Just a top notch product or service is not enough specially in the B2B world. Sales stars at your company need to sell that product/service as a nicely wrapped solution that matches the clients specific needs in its own industry.

    So next time, you see the sales stars at your company, give them high fives for the new deals they have won and be friends with them. You will learn and start to appreciate the 'other' side of business as well.

    To the sales people, you are awesome!

    Originally published at:


    submitted by /u/AxsarHQ
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    New-ish BDR at an M&A Firm -- Any advice? [More Information Within]

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Hey folks,

    4 months ago I joined a M&A firm in western Canada. So far so good as I've been fairly successful in signing new clients and marketing the clients we already have. Boss was quite happy, got the 4/5 across the board treatment during my evaluation. This place is very, very sink or swim. Almost zero training or support and a horrible CRM. Database to work with is quite substantial though, so I'm happy with that.

    I was wondering if anyone here has any real experience in this field. There's a lot of sales advice information on the internet but a lot of it doesn't quite apply to my workweek. A toaster salesman sells the same type of toaster every day, whereas I have to find new people to let me sell their toaster, but it's not a toaster this time. It's a skateboard, and tomorrow it's a hula hoop. If you get my reasoning. Then I have to find people who want to buy -insert thing here-, constant moving targets, lots of lawyers/accountants.

    The real TL;DR is that I'm hungry to find ways to improve myself in this sales sector, but it's hard to find information that pertains to M&A specifically.

    Some Ideas

    -- Is it intelligent to use Linkedin? I could see someone seeing a connection request from an M&A guy being the same as painting a "for sale" sign on his business. But I'm certain this is 90% overthinking.

    -- My CRM is... bad. Two minutes to put the necessary information into it PER CALL type bad. Is there something or some software that I could use that would mitigate that nightmare? I'm very capable of making 150 calls a day, but I find 50-60 of those potential calls are eaten up by a sluggish CRM.

    -- Are there any books or audio books that would be recommended for my role? I've seen some recommended before but as much as there's bleed-over from selling a toaster or SaaS, I've felt a disconnect from a lot of the advice in the "normal" books.

    I'm basically just looking for some insight and/or direction on personal growth in this sales sector. So any advice at all is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Gregolo
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    Need Advice from Experienced, Successful Sales Pros

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:36 AM PST

    Hi, All,

    I'm new here so please be kind if I'm not posting correctly, etc. I have been in sales at the same company for close to a decade (my only sales job) and have an interview approaching with a new firm, which seems to be a formality as I've been told in so many words that I'm the top pick. Like most in sales, I'm mainly money motivated, but the time has come to fly the nest. If I am to be hired by the new firm, I will be leaving tens of thousands of commission and bonus with my current employer and it will obviously take a minute to build a new book of business and receive additional income outside of my salary.

    Can I negotiate the money I would be leaving on the table into the offer from the new firm? If so, how do I go about doing this? Just to give some background, I have been in sales for years (only at my current company which is why I need help), i have been a top producer for the length of my employment at my current firm, and I am in the most senior sales position within my company. The new gig would allow for a significant increase in my quality of life due to working remotely and the more sophisticated technology I would be selling, so I want this job, but I want to eat and not worry about money while I'm getting on my feet at the new firm.

    Any advice you all could relay about how to negotiate the money I would be leaving would be so appreciated.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/kittybee_10
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    Best cold call services/technology for a single rep

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:26 AM PST


    I work for a company selling B2B industrial automation equipment. My company has inside support that makes cold calls on our behalf and the expectation is I'm in the field cold calling in person. The problem is my cold caller is not dedicated and calls for a group, so they are not getting as much dials in as i would like. I make calls myself every morning, but only get through 20-30 before I need to hit the field.

    I would like to pay a service or utilize technology to increase my call volume and pipeline. I will still continue to call myself, but I want it to be constant throughout the day while I'm in the field. The idea would be to book more appointments....

    The catch is, I don't need or want my company to know I am using a service. Is there any options? Anyone have success using a service or a specific technology to increase volume and touches?


    submitted by /u/forgotTolookUp
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    How do you stay motivated and disciplined?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:57 AM PST

    Just wanted to start a thread to get strategies and inspiration for discipline and motivation, especially as the grind of the holidays descends upon us

    submitted by /u/boodlesnarp
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    Xmas Gifts for Customers

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:24 AM PST

    Hey I am looking to buy some a gift for my top 5 customers any idea.

    submitted by /u/rpaz12345
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    Enforce CRM usage

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:53 AM PST

    Hey everyone

    I am struggling with tracking opportunities and my sales funnel, in general, from our CRM.

    I believe this is due to the fact that our Sales team is not diligently updating sales cycle stages/company property fields, etc. Even though I have requested from them to do so a couple of times.

    Did anyone experience the same thing? How do you recommend I go about enforcing this? Any help would be highly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/itguru1990
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    Online sales training

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:29 AM PST

    I would prefer a video style course, but I am looking for professional well done sales training course. I am trying to chance my career to some type of b2b sales. I see a lot of courses online but I don't know anyone who has taken them, Any constructive advise would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TheSpeedyTaco
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    Would it be unprofessional for me to ask the company that just hired me to cover travel expenses before a trip rather than me pay for it and then reimbursing me afterwards?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:52 PM PST

    I just got hired to a new company and they are planning to send me to another state for the one week training course. Unfortunately, they wanted me to pay for all the expenses (flight, hotel, car rental/Uber, food) and then reimburse me afterwards.

    The problem is, I don't have the money to pay for the expenses up front (I'm just getting back on my feet). My father thinks I shouldn't take the job and stick with my current position. But the jump in pay I'm getting at this new job is too great (20-30k more).

    Would it be inappropriate or unprofessional for me to message HR and ask if the company cover the costs upfront for me?

    Here is the message:

    Greetings (name),

    In light of our new employment relationship, as well as, my financial circumstances, I would stipulate that (company) provide travel arrangements and cover travel expenses. This request is well within the norms of usual and customary expectations for a new employee.

    Thank you, (My name)

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ssummerwind
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    Micro-managing Sales Boss, need help

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:38 AM PST

    Hi r/sales! Glad to make my first post here and I'll get down to it.

    I started my first sales job at an advertising company less than a month ago. It's a small company and our platform has only been in the market for less than 5 years, but we get by thanks to some big clients. We sell print and digital advertisements to businesses.

    Anyway, I was trained for a week, and after that, I inherited the accounts database of my area and got down to work on setting appointments. For B2B sales, setting appointments is REALLY HARD since it's hard to get a hold of the time of managers, VPs and CEOs, so a confirmed meeting on its own already feels likea win for a rookie like myself. After I set my meetings, I was surprised to learn that the President (not the manager) would be tagging along with me. I thought nothing of this at first since I understand that I was still new and needed some guidance.

    However, instead of me presenting and building a relationship with my client, my BOSS did everything, from PRESENTATION to conversation. I was basically just kind of a tag-along, quiet third wheel who watches him talk. Again, I saw this as a learning opportunity at first since I was new, and observed closely his pitches.

    5-7 meetings later and more than three weeks in, my boss IS STILL TAGGING ALONG after I worked very hard to set appointments, thinking it would be my chance to sell and build my skills. And YES, HE STILL DOES ALL THE TALKING. I'm basically like a secretary, someone who sells the concept over the phone, emails and sets meetings, only to ride along with him and watch this old man say the same stuff over and over again.

    On the rare occassion he cannot come, he assigns a colleague to come along with me. Fortunately for me, those colleagues understand my thirst and let me do a part in presenting.

    Although he is hardworking and a good salesman, my boss is not well-liked in my office, he likes pointing out the wrong things you do, throwing you under the bus, repeating the same stuff all over again, he wants you to update him minutes after a meeting, and worst of all, no one likes him coming to their presentation since he monopolizes the discussion. In short, he is a micro-manager, an awful one.

    I do not want to quit my job early because I love sales and want to keep on learning, but how can I approach this uncomfortable situation as I am now reaching my breaking point? I am normally a very patient person but this is not what I expected from the job.

    PS: Thanks for letting me get this off my chest!

    submitted by /u/koofern
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    How do you know if the reps are actually out for a "meeting"?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:07 AM PST

    If a sales rep you don't trust suddenly comes up with a meeting... Do you really care to find out if there really is a meeting ? If yes how would you find out without micromanaging things or making sales reps feel like they are not trusted ?

    submitted by /u/anami123
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    B2B sales etiquette question.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:27 AM PST


    I have a question over whether what's happening is standard practice within B2B sales.

    I work for a large company and I've reached out to a X company for a product we are interested in. We've got the the pitch and arranged a follow up after Christmas.

    Now, apparently the sales director from X has been passing my contact to another company which reached out via LinkedIn to offer out of scope services. After declining via message, they've seen the message and called me to push their services again.

    On the one hand, I understand everyone is doing their job and trying to make a living but, on the other, I'm quite annoyed since X never asked me if I was ok with them passing on my details.

    Is this normal? And what would you do?

    submitted by /u/StenyLiv
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    EOY rush - Getting clients to sign before end of year

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:04 AM PST

    With the end up the year upon us, I'm curious about tactics you all use to get people to sign before EOY as opposed to letting them slip into next year. Besides discounts, what are some best practices? What are your rebuttals when someone tries to push the sale into the following year?

    submitted by /u/FrankSkapopolous
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    Ring Central and other services

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:35 AM PST

    What are some other top tier providers in this area? MY company is getting pretty fucking sick of ring central and all it's issues which include:

    1) Calls not going out, you might just sit in limbo waiting for up to a minute before your call goes through.

    2) Calls not going out to certain numbers, at all. Not because blocked, just ring never getting out of it's own network for it. The number is valid and easily dialed elsewhere.

    3) Inbound calls getting disconnected on first ring or sent straight to VM.

    4) Inbound calls getting disconnected as soon as they get picked up.

    A host of other issues.

    I'm told RC is best in class. Google fucking hangouts works better.

    What are my other options?

    submitted by /u/ghostoutlaw
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    Has age impacted you in interviews?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:14 PM PST

    A little context: I'm 25. I have just under 5 years of B2B sales experience, half of those being in an enterprise role selling security products with an average price of $100k - $150k. Quota has been $1M & $1.5M for the last 2 years, which I've surpassed 200% both years. 90% hunting.

    Last two interviews: These have been for enterprise AE roles with 100-150 target accounts. Selling similar security products. I'd say a bit of a step up in terms of contract sizes: around $500k, some in the $1m-$2m range.

    Here's what I've ran into: Made it through 5 remote interview/presentations for each role. They decide to fly me out for an on-site, so I give them my info for flights such as DOB. Once I met with them, they both brought up my age. One asked "If I've even had to face any hardships in my life." They threw out every objection possible, which I appropriately handled, and even received feedback that they've never seen someone handle them like that. The other one made the comment that "I'm much wiser than even I know.."

    Ultimately they circled back with me to let me know it wasn't the right time.

    Curious to hear if anyone else has handled this type of situation & what kind of advice you may have.

    submitted by /u/Its-my-birthname
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    Negotiating a Saas independent sales contract. Is a retainer possible?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:57 PM PST

    So I've been in talks with a Saas company for literally a year. They offer POS/inventory tracking for a very specific and limited market. The solution is currently unproven in the market and I would be building from scratch.

    What I bring to the table is access to decision makers who trust me and will take my meetings. I am not being provided with leads. The sales cycle for a product like this could be long and not every client is in a position to buy as some may have just recently switched systems and would take time before another switch.

    The contract includes shares IF the company goes public, (a BIG if) and I have no issue with the commission structure as there are multiple ways to earn and residuals built in.

    However in the contract there is an expectation to hit a quota within 90 days or have a plan to hit that if the goal goes unmet. Having generated some word of mouth interest I know that there is hesitation to be "the first" and most clients would like to see the solution in action over signing on to be the guinea pig.

    Considering the timing, going into year end and the holidays I know that 90 days can go quick and I would be taking on a risk to put time and energy into a product with a complex sales cycle.

    Over the past year I have stayed in close contact with this company, providing insight into the market, generating word of mouth interest, and identifying weaknesses with their competitors. They have finally provided me with a contract, but I would only feel comfortable signing on if there was a retainer in place.

    I know a retainer fee for a contract outside sales rep is unconventional, but I feel this specific situation warrants it. Would I be coming out of left field to try to negotiate a retainer fee for this work? Any advice is much appreciated.

    TL;DR Got offered an independent outside sales contract for an unproven product, with a complex sales cycle in a market that I have very valuable contacts and a trusted reputation in. Am I crazy for wanting to negotiate a retainer fee for the first 90 days?

    submitted by /u/702lady420
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    Guide to relationship selling? (LinkedIn)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:53 PM PST

    Is there anyone or any book with a guide to relationship selling? I need to use relationship selling on LinkedIn. How can I do so?

    submitted by /u/VisionAerial310
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