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    Tuesday, October 8, 2019

    Wellness program incentives/surcharge limits Insurance

    Wellness program incentives/surcharge limits Insurance

    Wellness program incentives/surcharge limits

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 05:00 AM PDT

    Not sure if this belong here or in /r/LegalAdvice, so I'll post here for now and if this needs to be posted there let me know!

    So it's open enrollment season. I just got my packet for work and there are two things I noticed on the health insurance that weren't explained to me when I hired on: One is a performance based incentive for those who participated in the wellness program and achieved their goals for the year, and two is a surcharge for those who did NOT participate in the wellness program at all.

    The incentive is appx. 24.8% of the lowest employee-only premium, and the surcharge is appx. 33% of the lowest employee-only premium (neither number is exactly a round number of anything, so I'm not sure how they were calculated). With this, effectively a person who participates AND meets their goals is paying nearly half the premium as someone who didn't participate.

    I was under the impression that the EEOC's interpretation of federal law is that while performance-based incentives can be whatever, any participation-based incentives and surcharges can be no more than 30% of the premium.

    Looking in to it, this seems to be a bit in flux at the moment due to a recent lawsuit... but it's not clear to me if this 30% rule is still in effect...? The premise of the lawsuit was that 30% was too much so I can't expect that it'll go higher, but I can't tell.

    So a few questions:

    • 1) What is the max surcharge allowed on premiums for participation-based wellness programs?
    • 2) Are there exceptions that I need to be aware of that may mean these rules don't apply?
    • 3) If I suspect this program is in violation, who do I report it to? Obviously I would prefer this to be anonymous since having a job and getting a paycheck is pretty cool.

    edit: fixed some typos

    submitted by /u/DaveSauce0
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    Car “taken” in a breach of trust and came back damaged....insurance concerns?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    What happened was is I went to the hospital and my car was left with someone I thought was my friend. This friend was supposed to bring my car back and said it was taken by a cousin. The police didn't treat the vehicle as stolen, but as a "breach of trust" where they basically would not do anything until I made a long series of calls for a week and then the car was tracked down. Took the car for an estimate and there is $6k worth of damage. What should I be aware of when I report this to insurance?

    submitted by /u/Lizzos_Husband
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    Can we exclude teen from a specific vehicle in UT

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:03 AM PDT

    My teen son graduated high school, and is not currently planning on attending college or moving out. We will lose his good student discount on our auto insurance policy at the next renewal. We pay a lot for our auto insurance, despite having no tickets, no accident history, good credit and bundling. I was told that part of the reason for the high cost is that we have a young driver that has access to a sports car. My husband is the primary driver of the "sports car", and since it has a manual transmission my son isn't capable of driving it even if my husband would let him. Son has his own vehicle, and will occasionally use mine. I asked my current insurance carrier if we could exclude our son from that specific vehicle, or alternatively put my husband and his car on a separate policy. I was told that they do not allow for either scenario. Does anyone know of a UT or national carrier that might allow this? I priced out putting our son on his own policy and the cost was astronomical, so that isn't an option.

    submitted by /u/mom2hfason
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    Long Term Disability and Critical Illness.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    Can anyone explain to me how they work together? LTD is standard at the company but Critical Illness is optional. Is Critical Illness a necessity? This is for a young person just entering the workforce.

    submitted by /u/capercanuck1
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    55, divorced with 2 children...Need insurance advice

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    I'm currently employed and make a decent living. I'm interested in coverage of some kind that will ensure that if I am killed or disabled, my home can be paid for and my kids taken care of.

    I currently have no insurance other than standard health, auto and home.

    Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/dragger2k
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    Insurance when Renting a Commercial Space as an Individual (NYC)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:21 PM PDT

    I have a landlord in Brooklyn that is willing to let my volunteer group use her vacant commercial space for a few months. We don't have a business entity, but she is requesting us to have insurance with her listed on it before we can use it. Is there a way that we can insure the property through an individual and on a monthly basis? Thank you for any assistance!

    submitted by /u/kellicanpelican
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    Moving back to America with Autistic daughter. (Ma)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:58 PM PDT

    I have lived overseas in Japan for most of my adult life and plan to move back to the States mainly so my daughter can get better help dealing with her autism. She is high functioning and has a very high IQ, but she has very high anxieties and other aspects that makes life difficult for her. Getting her to wake up and go to school is a challenge. My parents live in a nice house in the suburbs, but are up there in age. They really should be in an assisted living, but if I return they can probably live in the house for the next few years, providing their health stays the same. They don't want to live in assisted living or a nursing home even though they have plenty of money to do so. This is the second reason for coming home.

    Coming from a country with national health insurance, I am quite clueless about what is available. (We will live in Massachusetts) Basic health care is good and cheap in Japan, but what is available for mental health is very lacking.

    I probably will not be able to have a full time job until my daughter is able to adjust to America. My wife wasn't able to work for the past few years because she was dealing with her. I will have the support of my parents and I have a few years of my yearly salary in the bank.

    What are my options for insurance and will I be able to get some disability benefits for my daughter? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/frenchosaka
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    At Faults insurer is stating that they pay state property damage before me.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:28 PM PDT

    I was rear-ended the other day, stopped at a crosswalk waiting for people to cross. The other driver locked up his break swerved smashed my passenger side rear and hopped up on a curb and took out a crosswalk sign.

    Spoke to the other drivers insurance today and they told me at most they would pay out is $10k and that the pay for the state property damage first before they would pay me with what's left over.

    Is this right? What if the property damage is $9950 does that mean they'll only give me $50 to fix my car( which is well above that).

    Everyone I have talked to has never heard of this and honestly I've never really had to deal with accident claims myself.

    They have Progressive and I live in NY if that matters.

    submitted by /u/TheDonFather421
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    TX Total Loss Claim

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:38 PM PDT

    Hello! I am looking for some advice. My family and I were recently involved in an accident that resulted in a total loss of our vehicle. I filed a claim with my insurance and the other party's insurance. Their insurance is waiting on the accident report but my insurance has already returned my claim amount.

    Looking at the four vehicle comps they used to establish the value, I noticed that they used the listing price for three of the comp vehicles. All of the listing dates are 2-3 months old and have no verified sales price. Currently, there are two comparable vehicles (same trim package) listed within a 200-mile radius. I believe the comps should be based on current listing or more recent sales.

    I believe my insurance (Progressive) undervalued my vehicle and would like to counter. How do I present a strong case for the value of my vehicle based on current prices?

    Does anyone have experience with Progressive claims?

    I am waiting for the accident report before I can move forward with a claim against her insurance.

    Background on the accident:

    We were essentially ran off the road by another driver. We were about to cross a bridge and she came into our lane (she was trying to squeeze in front of us and pass. I honked and went on to the shoulder as she came further into our lane.

    Had to get back on the road due to the approaching creek, as I did not have enough runway to stop before driving down the 10-foot fall. Got back on the road at 55-60? And fishtailed into the cement wall (front driver-side impact). That "ping-ponged" us across left/right lane into the right wall (front passenger side). Still had enough momentum to bounce us back into the left lane perfectly aligned with traffic.

    submitted by /u/steeltendon
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    Is there any way to get coverage for colonoscopy?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 02:41 PM PDT

    My fiancé (28) has a family history of colon cancer. His brother died at 33 from it, another brother (40) just found out he has polyps and two of his uncles on the the other side of his family have colon cancer. His insurance is saying they won't cover for people under 50 unless the doctor finds polyps in him which is quite the gamble for us. The major concern being of course is that he may have this early like his brother that died and therefore wouldn't make it to 50. Is there any way to get insurance to cover this because of the familial history? They're claiming it's considered a routine check up for people over 50 and not for people his age because it's rare and there's no way we can afford this out of pocket. It just isn't sitting quite right with me. Thank you for taking the time to read this any information would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/gotfiftyproblems
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    Book Recommendations?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:42 PM PDT

    Im training to become a Property insurance adjuster and I've already learned Xactimate but have little construction experience so I'm looking for a book that will help give me some more experience in that area! Does anyone have any good recommendations?

    submitted by /u/QuiksMarketing
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    False hit & run claim against me

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    I just want to start off with I'm new to all this insurance/accident report stuff, so forgive me if I come off as ignorant.

    Quick Backstory: My father let me have his truck as my first vehicle and I've been driving it for around a year now.

    My father received a call, about a week ago, from his insurance company stating that his truck was involved in an accident around 2pm on September 7, 2019. We denied everything because I have no recollection of any collision and I have proof that I was working from 11:59pm-5:20pm. All they said was I rear ended a car in a parking lot. I immediately sent photo proof to our insurance company.

    Fast forward to today, I received a letter from the other party's insurance requesting payment and insurance information. In the letter, they stated, "Our investigation shows that you are responsible for the loss, so we'll request reimbursement from you after we pay our policy holder." We called the other party's insurance and we gave them our story. They said a witness saw the truck reverse and hit the rear end of the car. They tried to flag me down but I took off and they marked it ass a hit and run. Also, now they claimed that this incident took place around 4pm. Their insurance said we can disregard the letter because they finally did come in contact with our insurance. Finally, they said they already payed the other party money to repair the vehicle.

    This is obviously a false claim. As previously stated, I'm all new to this and would appreciate any advice.

    Questions: 1. Are they're any other courses of action I should take? 2. Will I be able to sue the other party for false claims? 3. Will this be on my record?

    submitted by /u/SneakyKicks_
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    If I have nothing on my DMV profile saying I *have* had tickets and had to take a class in the last 5 years do I need to put that when I'm looking for career insurance?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:29 PM PDT

    I have had to take a class and license was suspended over 3 years ago but it's not showing that on the DMV site. I live in Georgia of it matters.

    submitted by /u/Nateddog21
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    How can I get a job as a claims adjuster?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    I'm about to graduate in the Spring with a finance degree. I have a 3.4 GPA graduating Cum Laude, but have no insurance experience. Will I have a tough time getting a job as a claims adjuster? What can I do to put my foot in in the door?

    submitted by /u/nav2423
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    Insurance policy rescinded after an accident, sticking me with the bill because of unlisted non-relative

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    I got my first car and insurance with National General, while buying my car from a dealership. While signing up for the insurance, I remember my broker asking me about my boyfriend, how long we live together, and telling me that I should act as though he paid all the bills and that I just contributed to food or something.

    Not long after buying my car, I scraped the side of someone's parked car, breaking their side mirror in the process. When I filed the claim, National general realized that my boyfriend wasn't listed as a driver or excluded. As a result they had to investigate and reassess my contract, and then a couple weeks later called me and canceled on me the very same day. (I thought in California they had to give you a thirty day notice?) They rescinded the contract and said that it was as if the contract had never existed and that they would not be covering my accident. The company is probably using material misrepresentation to cover their asses.

    I don't see this fight as being winnable for me because I initialed next to a Box that said I disclosed all parties 14 and older, thinking that I had, but it turns out my broker hadn't listed my boyfriend. This has definitely been a lesson in reviewing contracts carefully, but after being at the dealership for 5 hours straight, I think we can all empathize with wanting to initial and leave.

    Again I'd like to stress the fact that my broker asked how long I had been living with my boyfriend and had made up a situation which I didn't really understand, presumably so that he would not have to be added to my contract.

    What I want to know now is what to do from here, Am I it going to be hearing from the not at fault drivers lawyers soon? Do I now have to pay this out of the pocket? Do I have to contact the person's car who I hit and tell them what happened to my insurance? Can my insurance really just refuse to cover me? I feel as though they failed to do a thorough investigation because they called the office but did not speak to my broker directly. Whoever they did reach gave them the generic answer they were looking for, which is that they always ask applicants if they have people 14 years or older living with them. You know what, I'm sure they did! However, my broker failed to add my boyfriend as that other person in my household, and I have no idea what to do now.

    EDIT: Boyfriend does not ever drive my car, as he already has and is insured on his own vehicle. I already got new insurance with progressive.

    submitted by /u/BasicB3tty
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    Rear ended collision - How to proceed?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    A few days back, I was involved in a rear-ended collision in NJ. The other driver who hit me accepted fault and his insurance has accepted it too. They are going to send an agent today to do damage inspection.

    The following are the details until now:

    • They accepted fault
    • Both of our insurances are from the same company
    • None of our insurances covers rental
    • Their liability is $5000, so they mentioned apart from that if there are additional costs like rental from my side then they can't help me
    • I am waiting to talk to them about the diminished value claim after this first inspection

    I would like to know what I can do from here. My wish list is if they can cover for a rental for the time my car is fixed and maybe a diminished value check.

    Edit 1: The inspection just hap[pened and it's estimated $2,700 in repairs.

    Edit 2: Thanks for the valuable responses guys!

    PS: This is my first Reddit post. Feel free to suggest changes/ask questions.

    submitted by /u/aloks09
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    At what point can I not go with my insurance claim? UK

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    Hi Recently I had a burst pipe in my bathroom it flooded the floor and kitchens ceiling/wall. Resulting in a £60 plumber call out and £350 electric installation replacement. I rang the insurance company(as I've thought the damage will be much greater once it dries out), an assessor from a flooding company called rainbow came around left two drying machines (at that point he didn't know if the ceiling will just need repainting or if the plasterboards will need replacing) . He came a week later, collected the machines and said the walls/celling just need repainting. Thus i have rang insurance and informed them that it is ineffective for me to go with the claim and pay £500 excess just to get it back. Also I would have to get 2 redecorating quotes where I could do it myself. The insurance company has just replied to me that I have to go with the claim since the flooding assessor came around. My question is, Do I really have to ? I haven't signed anything , just made phone calls Thanks

    submitted by /u/VAL1112
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    Triple covered, but no one wants to be the primary

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    Help very much needed!


    My 3 insurance plans will cover dr. visits, specialists, the outpatient procedures to a point, etc. But they are going around in a circle saying 'not it' to pay for anything.

    I am a nearly 25F. Still on my parents insurance, Regence, because I can be for another year. I've had that one for 12 years now.

    In the last 2 years I have started my career and gotten insured through my job, Premera. My husband gained his own employer insurance 1 year ago and I was added on to it, also Premera.

    Unfortunately I have IBS and have had a colonoscopy and endoscopy in the last year. Insurance will cover it. However, all 3 are fighting to NOT be the primary. They have readjusted EVERY doctor visit I have had in the last year (an unfortunate amount) and have left me on the hook for all the charges now owed. I have had to pay the bulk myself to avoid collections, but the hospital bill for the outpatient procedures is way more than i can afford.

    How do I figure out this mess? Who is primary, secondary, and tertiary? How can I get them to stop readjusting previous claims? How do I prevent this fiasco in the future?

    submitted by /u/cannibalcockatiel
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    Anyone quit Family Heritage with an advance balance?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    I'll try to keep this short...but they got me. I was unemployed in a new place and they recruited me to work for them. I fell for their "statistics" of median salaries and sales tactics...I was scared I'd be unemployed forever, and they spoke about challenges and wondered if I had what it took and before I knew it, I put an iPad and all the new clothes on my credit card and agreed to go to the week of intensive training.

    All it was was intense stress and so much manipulation OR failure. I do not want to make money that way. I took time off and now I've found a solid job with a great salary. But I have so many cards from all the gas, and software for my iPad, etc that I've racked up...in almost 2 months, they just posted the "statement" and I owe them almost $1500 from training and advances that didn't even cover gas.

    I'm reading my contract and trying to figure out how this is going to be paid back...how they're going to try and charge me. If they'll expect it in a lump sum, because that's not happening. If they'll pursue legal action, if I just quit. I haven't spoken with them in weeks and I'm wondering if I just continue to ignore it, would it be better to let them terminate the contract? There's no penalty...either party can terminate at any time. I'm an independent contractor so I'm responsible for everything...it is so hard. I know for a fact that some make so much money doing this—they're on my team, but it's not for me and I don't know how to get out of this and I need a plan. Any advice would help.

    Tl;dr I may be responsible for paying back advances if I terminate my contract. Should I drag it out and let them terminate? And what happens if I don't pay back as an independent contractor?

    submitted by /u/legitmlm
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    Was rear ended, State farm accepted 85% liability?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    I was sitting stationary at a red light with my blinker on and was rear ended. The police report reflects this, yet state farm told me they're "85% liable for the accident"

    How is that possible? Am I missing something? Should I have known that I was going to get rear ended?

    submitted by /u/Oceanvisions
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    Rental Coverage TX

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    On Sept. 7th, I was hit by a driver who ran a stop sign. I tried filing a claim through their insurance (Mercury), who started to give me the run around. So I filed a claim through my insurance (Geico), my rental Coverage is 35 a day/1051 max. The vehicle was taken to the collision center. Here's where the story gets interesting, my vehicle is a 2019 GMC Sierra, the collision center can't get the part (bed side) that they need due to the GM-UAW strike. There are no parts being made or stocked as the strike continues. I am coming up on my 30th day about to hit my Max coverage on the rental. Is there anything that can be done so that I don't have to pay out of pocket for a rental until my car gets fixed?

    submitted by /u/throwaway7182620642
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    Term Life Confusion

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    51m PA - I'm in the market for term insurance and am not sure how to proceed. I'm looking for around $500k for 20 yrs but thinking 30 yrs might be the safer option - although I'm not sure I can afford that.

    I have the option to get group-term through work and am using that rate as comparison to going with a private carrier.

    I spent some time on the phone being interviewed by HealthIQ recently and they said they could offer me the 'standard rate' and listed about 5 other companies. The lowest was BannerLife for 20 yrs at $149 a month.

    I recall the 30 yr term was around $250 a month which seems pretty expensive. I could afford it - I just don't know that this is a good deal and hate the OOP expense.

    My rate through work is about $20 per $100k of coverage so $500k would cost me about $100/mo if I just increase the coverage versus going private.

    I do know that as I age my rates will increase if I go this option - I saw a reference chart but don't recall what the numbers were. I just know the cost of buying through work will constantly increase as I age. I also have no intention of working until I'm 70 or 80 so I know the work option will probably disappear when I leave work.

    I have some questions regarding my choices:

    • Will my rates increase with private as I age? Or will it always be $149/mo as long as the policy is kept current?
    • What are the benefits to going with a private carrier versus workplace insurance?
    • What happens *if I get older and think I need to extend the policy? Can it be converted at some point to 30 year policy? Would it just be easier to opt for 30 when choosing a policy?
    • What if I go with the private carrier and decide later that I don't want it - or that I found a better deal - can policies be canceled easily without penalty?
    • What happens if I approach the end of the term and I'm healthy? Will everything I paid into it be lost? Is there some way to convert without losing?

    Thanks in advance. I know next to nothing about insurance and really appreciate any guidance.

    submitted by /u/vmedianet
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    MI Auto-Insurance Policy challenging no-fault claim

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:03 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm having some trouble dealing with my claim in a Michigan no-fault auto insurance incident. My insurance policy is not mine - it's a deceased relative's.

    The sparknotes is that I hurt my knee pretty badly ~7 years ago in a car accident. Before the accident, I was a healthy, 20-ish yo male. At the time, I got PT and hobbled around a bit, feeling not quite right, until 2 years later, when I got an arthroscopy. The arthroscopy resulted in improvement to where I could walk and even jog short distances, but I still wasn't back to playing sports or anything. I wanted to get back to that, but work was busy and life in general got in the way. The insurance paid for this treatment (the official diagnosis was chondromalaisa - which basically means cartilage damage)

    Fastforward to this summer, my knee flared up again. There was no major incident - I started biking ~4 miles 2ish times a week. I decided to open up my claim again and went to see the doctor, and he agreed with me that the pain I was having was like an outcome of my chondromalaisa. Cartilage damage is really difficult to truly heal and this is likely a lifelong thing I will have to manage. My work now is a little more relaxed and I'm able to take the time I need to get my knee looked at more thoroughly.

    However the insurance adjuster I'm dealing with now, is refusing to accept that the chondromalaisa is a result of the accident. She has latched on to the fact that the layman's for chondromalaisa is runner's knee (because runners often get it ... not because it exclusively happens to runners. the WebMD page explicitly says that trauma can cause chondromalasia) and insists that I overexerted myself running and that this is a new issue that is not a result of the accident. I have repeatedly emphasized to her that I didn't engage in any kind of running (though as a youngish male, I should be able to). She keeps stonewalling me, and I don't know how I can "prove" it to her that my injury is accident-related.

    What are my next steps here? She offered me a settlement (didn't give a dollar amount yet) but I'm not prepared to take a settlement when this is likely a lifelong thing I'll have to deal with. Should I talk to a lawyer?

    She mentioned scheduling an independent medical exam, but my bills are coming in and the way she's responding (she says MI law gives her 30 days to respond to email) it's gonna take a while before I can go get the IME. I'm pretty confident that a reasonably impartial doctor will agree with me, but I'm afraid that insurance companies pick doctors who help them deny claims.

    Any advice or help with next steps would be really appreciated.

    submitted by /u/mkaziz
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    I fucked up bad.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    Long story short, I got a dui the other night and crashed my car. I was released from jail last night and I'm debating if I should confess to my insurance company so I can start a claim for the damage... but I know this will jack up my premium way up.

    Idk how bad the damage might be, but I suspect they'll total it. I feel like they'll find out about the dui anyway so it's just a matter of time before my rate goes up.

    I'm not sure what to do, I've never had more than a speeding ticket and made a horrible mistake that I'm going to pay years for.

    My deductible is 500 for collision and comprehensive and have been with my insurance company since 2012. I'm just trying to mitigate my costs at this point, any advise for me reddit?

    submitted by /u/donegoofed104
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    Windshield Claims & Raising Premiums?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Will making a claim for a cracked windshield (from a rock on highway) make my insurance premiums go up?

    I have State Farm now and i have free glass with them on my policy. We are buying a home and found Nationwide to be the best home insurance for our area. It is better to bundle home and auto with Nationwide but they do not have a "free" glass option. Glass would fall under the comprehensive which would be $100 deductible. The cost of the two insurances are +- $5. but i save over $100 a year on home by bundling. Living in Colorado, windshields get broken quite often and just concerned that a claim with Nationwide will raise my premiums.

    submitted by /u/spartyon11
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