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    Tuesday, October 8, 2019

    Startups Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Startups Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:08 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's Support Thread. Please refer to the below suggested formats to get the most out of this thread.

    Need Support?

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    Job Provider?

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    HIRING Company Name and URL: Job Title/Role: Employment Type: [Intern] [Contract] [Part Time] [Full Time] [Remote] Job Description/Responsibilities: Necessary Skills and Experience: Requested, but not necessary Skills and Experience: Job Compensation: Willing to Relocate New Hire: [yes] [no] Job Listing URL: Additional Comments:

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    Do not forget to explore the /r/startups discord. We have many relevant channels to seek support, post job listings, share for hire offers, and share resources. You can also find more support using instant chat on the /r/startups discord.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The time to launch my startup is getting ever so close, and it's causing me crippling anxiety.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:19 PM PDT

    Unsure whether to post this here or a more self-help oriented subreddit. If this post was inappropriate here, let me know and I'll delete it.

    I went from not knowing how to code a single line of frontend or backend, to being a full stack developer with an almost ready cross-platform app in ~9 months, and a mobile website in development.

    Between the programming, getting administrative papers ready, getting ready for marketing, presenting my project to others

    and then

    being a student at a university, working on student projects, advancing my career in scientific research, writing my scientific article to publish it in a journal...

    It feels like I'm living a split life.

    On the one hand I've put so much effort in creating the app, I'm getting mostly great feedback from others on the general idea and its application, and I feel I have a real chance of getting traction.

    On the other hand, I've put so much effort in my scientific career and education, building a network in that field, trying to publish my work, that I feel it'd be a mistake to leave all of that behind.

    Yet I'll need to make a decision at some point.

    Working on the startup has been becoming more overwhelming lately as I've been trying to push the MVP out the door by mid November (probably won't happen, but it's my goal).

    And then I'll need to market it. And track how many people use it. And analyze how they use it. And see retention rate. See why people are dropping off. Add a list of features to it to make the app competitive with the rest of the market, and have it be 'self-inclusive'. I'll need to hire people to help me and pay them with equity, and contact investors for money. Because I'm a broke college student.

    It's literally scary. Cripplingly so.

    The closer I get to releasing it, the scarier it gets. I'm excited, but terrified, if that makes sense.

    Ideally I'd like to continue being a student until I land my first large investment (>$500k). But with heaps of work on both sides of the fence, I really can't see how that'll be possible.

    I need to be working right now, but can't do so. I'm just anxious about progressing. I want time to stop dead in its tracks and give me some headroom to think this through.

    I've thought this through, several times. It's a dilemma with no correct answer. Formally, the correct answer is to follow the drawn path: graduate university, finish specialization, find a stable job.

    I never liked these 'cookie cutter' paths.

    I mean, its gotten so bad that whenever I start up VS code, thoughts of 'And then what' haunt me. This is especially bad whenever I cross fundamental implementation goals, and need to transition to other stuff. Right now I just finished profile creation (publishable state), and need to implement websockets in frontend (backend's done), and finding the courage to start doing it is difficult. The app's almost fucking done. If I laser focused for 48 more hours, I could probably ship it by Friday. But I'm having trouble getting into "the state". Usually I meditate and feel better. That hasn't been working lately though.

    There's probably some burn out in this as well. I've been working over 14 hours a day on average for the past 9 months trying to balance all aspects of my life. It's been working OK, but my fuse's running out. I took a total of 0 days of vacations in the past year, and the last weekend that I didn't work on was over a year ago. Making matters worse, shadowing for 24h shifts wrecks any motivation, will, and energy I might've had and replaces it with pure tiredness for the next few days. I guess there's admitting that I'm tired as shit, which is why I've been feeling like shit lately.

    I'm also scared the app will bring my financial demise. I currently rely on Google to provide maps access, and queries cost me money. So do signing up/in (message cost), and the AWS servers. I was also able to discuss with a few people regarding the app. Regular people find the idea brilliant. I've also discussed it with advisors in my university's entrepreneurial program, and one person trashed it saying it could never break even (it's a social network type app). That worries me, for no reason other than the way they felt probably reflects how investors would feel about my app; social networks hardly make any money. I'm maybe slightly oblivious to the number of existing social networks that claim to be special, there's probably thousands of them, and mine will start out in that overcrowded sea. Despite me not wanting to make money per se, if I wanted the app to take off and be a leader in its class, I will need investment money.

    If I didn't have people who told me they find my idea and its implementation brilliant, I probably would've stopped working on it.

    I don't know, I hoped to feel better after having typed this out... I don't.

    I guess if I allocated my time better I might feel slightly better about this whole ordeal. I've been betting too hard on the startup doing well lately, it's feeling as if I'm putting all my eggs in one basket. Maybe I should divvy up my time between my two lives more evenly, and the app would be ready whenever it's ready. Stop pushing for that November timeline, and maybe go for a Feb release instead. Then I'll release the app and just make my decisions right then and there wrt how well it does in market. Some people will always be doubtful of its success, and I'll only really know how well it does when I have the number right in front of me, and am talking to investors.

    How did you deal with the stress of leaving out your previous job / studies to pursue the startup?

    submitted by /u/something_memory
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    Have you ever paid for an introduction to an investor?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:48 PM PDT

    Someone wants to make an introduction for us to an interested investor. If successful they want a cut of the investment. To me this seems a bit underhand, so I'm willing to forgo it and now I know who the investor is even try my own introduction. My partner, I think, considering it though. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/xhatsux
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    As a startup employee, would you accept equity in exchange for part of your salary?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:49 AM PDT

    A few years ago I accepted to work for a startup that offered me a market rate salary, but since they didn't have the funds to pay it in full the asked me and other employees to reduce our salaries by ~30% in exchange for stock options (Virtual shares actually). These shares were subject to a 1 year cliff, 4-year vesting period and good leaver/bad leaver rules.

    5 years on, I decided to move on due to financial reasons and I'm in the position where not all shares are vested, and so I'm basically giving up quite a lot of my investment. In fact, if they do ever exit, I would still not get back any more that 50-60% of my investment (salary I gave up).

    Would you have accepted such an offer? Or did I make a terrible mistake?

    submitted by /u/Mustered-io
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    Is the NewChip Startup Accelorator Legit?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:14 AM PDT

    I just got accepted into the NewChip startup pre-seed accelerator, and they've told me that they've given me an 80% scholarship because their investor network/corporate sponsor was fronting most of the cost. After this, I would have to pay a $749 deposit and the rest of the monthly payments of $375 broken into 6 months. They had reached out to me 2 weeks ago and I had an interview the other week with one of their members who had been with them only a month and my spidey senses were tingling. Has anyone heard of them before or their success rate? They claim to be an equity-free accelerator.

    edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/conuigbo
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    Where do you find pre-seed startups as a technical person?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    I'm curious where do y'all generally look for potential founders looking for a technical cofounder or maybe a first dev hire? (Leaning more towards tech cofounder)

    I'm a developer of many years who's worked for startups for a while but they've mostly been Series A, minimum. I'd love to try to find one that is more risky for a bigger payout but at the same time I don't want to also just pair up with idea people who haven't gotten anywhere. Interested mostly in companies who've shown traction but now need a serious tech person to start building their product.

    submitted by /u/enkayperiod
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    Double Your Startup Profits in 100 Days

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:34 AM PDT

    "if you cannot measure it, you cannot can not manage it"


    Digital marketing is about avoiding stupid mistakes NOT being a creative genius


    It's about making consistent incremental improvements in your digital marketing KPIs


    It's about cycling through these 7 Key Performance


    Indicators (KPIs) and making a 10% improvement each time you visit each one


    If you do, you will double your profits in a 100 day period


    Each little win builds on the last


    The compound effect magnifies your results


    After you have completed one cycle you will have doubled your profits


    Here are the 7 Levers to monitor so you can leverage your performance



    Lever #1: Landing Page Visitors (LPV):

    - Most founders believe they need more traffic to their landing page. They don't.

    - They actually need more quality-traffic-that-convers.

    - Quality over quantity every time.

    - Monitor the 'Cost Per Visitor' to your landing page from each channel

    - Keep an eye on how well traffic from each channel converts.

    - Be happy to pay more for LPVs that convert better


    °°3 Ways you could you boost performance by 10%

    - Increase Ad spend on quality traffic that converts while cutting underperforming channels

    - Run a re-marketing campaign on Facebook/Google

    - Run a Funnel Focus Branding Campaign to build trust and authority


    Lever #2: Optins (MQL):

    - These are Marketing Qualified Leads who give up their email address or mobile number in order to download a FREE report.

    - They may also have signed up for 21 Day Challenge or an Exploratory Call from a social media post.

    - Monitor the percentage of LPVs who do this and the Cost Per Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)


    °°3 Ways you could you boost performance by 10%

    - Optimise your landing page copy and images

    - Test and optimise different Ad Copy

    - A/B Test Landing Pages.


    Lever #3: Sales Qualified Lead (SQL):

    - These are Sales Qualified Leads who visited your checkout page or who booked a call with you

    - Monitor the percentage of MQLs who become SQLs and the cost per SQL


    °°3 Ways you could you boost performance by 10%

    - Run a re-marketing campaign to your cart abandon traffic

    - Run a Funnel Focus Branding Campaign

    - Run email campaign


    Lever #4: Conversions (% SQL to Clients):

    - These are the SQL who buy your product or service

    - Monitor the percentage of SQLs who become customers and the cost per customer (CPA)


    °°3 Ways you could you boost performance by 10%

    - Ask the SQLs who not buy for feedback

    - Ask the SQLs who buy for feedback

    - Give your sales team more training


    Lever #5: Average Value per sale:

    - What is the average value of each individual sale you make over a 12 month period ?


    3 Ways you could you boost performance by 10%

    - Add a series of up-sells, down-sells and cross-sells just like McDonalds

    - Read "Predictably Irrational" by Dan Ariely

    - Test different price points


    Lever #6: Lifetime Customer Value (LTV):

    - The average number of transactions a client makes in a year

    - Never allow clients to buy less than they need in terms of quality or quantity or Frequency

    - The easiest prospect to sell to is a previous client


    °°3 Ways you could you boost performance by 10%

    - Never allow them to buy less than they need in terms of quality or quantity or frequency

    - Remember the 80/20 Rule. 20% of your clients are ready to buy more from you

    - Add a High ticket product or service


    Lever #7: Run a tight ship

    - How do you keep the most cash in your business?

    - Don't ignore your overheads and the other costs of doing business.

    - Margins make every dollar earned go further. Cut out costs


    °°3 Ways you could you boost performance by 10%

    - Get on the phone. Speak to suppliers. Have you got the best rebate in place?

    - Shop around for better offers for the same or better service

    - Develop clearer systems and increase efficiency



    Monthly Marketing Brainstorm

    - Brainstorm more ways that you can lever more 10% wins.

    - Incentivise the team to continually look for wins.

    - Pick the best idea then take action


    Take action

    - Make this an action item now and cycle through the process in the next 100 days.

    - Give yourself 4 to 6 hours per week per lever starting with the low hanging fruit and working backwards or forwards as the case may be


    First time, you'll stumble


    Second time, you'll reach the goals


    After that your cycle gains will be smaller, but the process will become ingrained


    Got any more ideas to add?


    Comment below

    submitted by /u/roryramsden
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    A startup is trying to get me to apply to a Content Marketing Manager position, but I've only ever been a freelance copywriter. What questions am I going to forget to ask the hiring manager?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:39 PM PDT

    Hey! I've been a freelance copywriter basically since I got out of college, have done well for myself, and have built the life I dreamed of. However, the only company I ever thought to myself, "Hmm, I'd consider going full-time for them", reached out today and asked me to apply for a Content Manager Position.

    I'm considering it... cautiously.

    Going to full-time employment would be a big adjustment, especially since I'd be moving from Texas to Berkeley, CA - and I could really use some help on what I need to ask the hiring manager when we speak (because, well, I've never gone through this process before).

    Things I'm extra concerned about:

    • When to bring up salary?
    • Cost of living difference
    • Other questions I wouldn't think to ask with a freelance background

    Can you help me, Reddit fam?

    submitted by /u/Hooblah2u2
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    I have an idea for an IOT iOS app and I’m not sure where to go from here

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    My startup is in a very early stage, it's not even a startup, more like a concept that will be built up. I'll be spending this week creating a more detailed description. With this, I'm hoping to get a group together. I'm not so experienced in swift & iOS app development so I'd like to get a few people together who can work with that aspect of it. Other than that, I'd like to know if there are any other ways I should go about this for such a new idea? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Expatac
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    How to ask your target audience to answer a business idea validation survey?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    I have a short online survey that can help me to understand the demand for my business idea. I am going to have a 1 on 1 conversation with my target audience and ask them to answer this survey. How can I ask total strangers to spend their time on my survey?

    submitted by /u/f1xxmAn
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    How can I create something that pays the my employees more in comparison to the other companies currently working in the area.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:53 AM PDT

    Healthcare assistants are those that look after the elderly. Carers in the U.K. I'd like to know how I can pay them more money, most earn the minimum wage , £8:00 some earn higher £12:00. I'd like to pay £25:00. In my head I think it's pretty easy, all I need to do is cut the managerial wages and freelance or use tech for the finances. However, I have not seen an example of this. I want to pay the carers more because our society needs more carers, because of the ageing population.

    Any examples of cutting the wages of the top and not expecting any personal returns but ensuring that the workers gets lots of money... would be great.

    submitted by /u/iknowicanbewhatiwant
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