• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 31, 2019

    Spent 8k for a website and a year later was given a half ass, unfinished, not even what I asked for, word press page. small business

    Spent 8k for a website and a year later was given a half ass, unfinished, not even what I asked for, word press page. small business

    Spent 8k for a website and a year later was given a half ass, unfinished, not even what I asked for, word press page.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:00 PM PDT

    As the title states, I got scammed by a "web developer" friend I have known for 10 years. He drug me along for a year and kept making empty promises and excuses.

    I finally pushed the right buttons last week and a few days later he "unveiled" the most obvious cookie cutter template page that he spent maybe a total of 3 days trying to create.

    I immediately asked him to send me invoices for all of his work, as there has never been more than a hand shake deal in place.

    What should I do? Is it even worth me taking him to court over this? I knew in my gut he couldn't handle this project, but he talked himself up and acted like he was all on board to develop this concept I had.

    I'm frustrated and feel like there's probably nothing I can do about the time or money wasted at this point.

    submitted by /u/chucks97ss
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    Update: WTF Capital One? Closing my Spark Visa account...

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    Update to this post.

    Original letter from Capital One.

    Spark card commercial

    Hey guys. Thank you all for the help and advice on this matter. I have contacted Capital One and wasn't given any second chances and received very little additional information. The guy I spoke with did agree that it likely could be the spending at wholesale clubs (Costco) that the letter was talking about as having a high-cost to Cap1.

    I asked if I could have contact info or speak to somebody higher up that could take a closer look and he said no. I told him it was pretty messed up that they advertise to use this card on everything and that they are canceling my card for doing just that. He repeated that they weren't making money with my high cost spending. I asked why I wasn't warned and that I couldn't find anywhere in their policies not to use their card at Costco or wholesale clubs, he had no answer. I asked if they could do another review at a later date after I stopped using the card at Costco and he said no.

    For me, I want the card for all our random accounts we use it for, not Costco. I can switch what we use at Costco no problem, but all our other expenses that my employees use the card for will be a major disruption.

    I mentioned their advertising multiple times. Their commercials say to use the card on everything and that you can use the cashback on advertising, healthcare and benefits for your employees. I do all of this with our cashback. He basically said I'm outta luck there is nothing I can do.

    He was nice and just doing his job but not having the ability to get to a higher person was annoying. He said he would send my feedback to somebody higher. I still think what they are doing is wrong. I'm sure I can use twitter and email to try and get to higher decision makers. Or cause a big stink on social media. Either way, still pissed here on vacation...

    submitted by /u/airplanedad
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    Business opportunity.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:04 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I currently own and operate a medium size business in one of western european countries.

    Company's profile - PVC/alluminium windows and doors.

    Product quality is high. We mainly work with VEKA profiles, and often ship our products abroad, to western Europe. Reason of that is price, it is much cheaper to produce it here.

    The main problem is - my luck of motivation. So to brighten things up i came up with an idea, if someone is willing to help me out with business, any way - advice, software, investment, buying parts of business - happy to hear you out.

    submitted by /u/Nyakitos
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    PayPal closed for high risk

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:12 AM PDT

    I sell an online course about digital marketing and how to start an agency. PayPal have just sent an email saying there is excessive risk doing business and so I am ineligible to use PayPal. I've had no chargebacks ever, and don't do any illegal activity.

    Is there anything I can do?

    Are there any alternatives?

    submitted by /u/axmxddjd
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    Advice needed: Looking for a print on demand dropshipping service for books with WooCommerce integration

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:12 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I have recently set up a webshop to sell my various products. I want to automate it and use print on demand dropshipping (POD-DS). I use WooCommerce so naturally I want a simple plugin so I can get on with other things.

    I have written a book (The Meaning of Life & How to do the Dishes) and I want to publish it using POD-DS, again with Woocommerce integration.

    Does anyone have a good suggestion as to which service/company/app I should look at?

    I found printify.com, but they don't publish books.

    My current printer, pumbo.nl, is based in The Netherlands. It has WooCommerce integration (though they charge EUR 99.- for it). They only cover The Netherlands and the EU. If I want to sell to other countries the shipping cost would become prohibitively expensive.

    My preference would thus be a single POD-DS platform which prints everything, including books, with WooCommerce integration which optimizes pricing, shipping (and thus printing location) so I can just upload the files and sell across the world (and be able to properly launch my book).

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Timothy_J_Stamm
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    Top 10 Features of Nodejs Development

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:04 AM PDT

    Node.js is an open-source runtime JavaScript engine on the V8 JS Google Chrome engine. It does an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that delivers its lightweight and efficient E-commerce applications.

    Node Js is one of the leading JavaScript platforms for building an e-commerce applicationon the server-side in a real-time manner.

    Here are some important features of Nodejs Development

    Non-Blocking Thread Execution: Gain the Enormous Speed

    Non-blocking means, we can execute the code simultaneously without waiting for the end of the first level execution. The execution performs under the stack method. This conception makes node js extremely rapid and proficient.


    Node js is a non-blocking which means that all the functions deleted to that even loop and executed in a multi-thread that is handled by node js run time. Node js executes on a different core.


    Node js is cross-platform significance it works on various platforms like Windows, and Linux. Node js developed with the proper structure can be packaged into an performable containing all its own dependencies.

    Build & Compile: Importance of Faster development Environment

    The main reason for node js is to build easy because it uses JavaScript as its main language to build web applications. Node js has decrease the complexity by performing 30ms to run the code.


    It is object-oriented that frameworks like Coffee Script and TypeScript solved these issues but came as a bolt-on for those who seriously cared about coding standards.

    Synchronous Code Execution

    The synchronous method in node js mostly used in the blocked operation Non-blocking code execution is conceptually more difficult to code than code that runs in a straight line because we contain lot of code hanging around waiting for asynchronous events to return.

    Open Source package on NPM (Node Package Manager)

    NPM is the heart of Node Js. The Node community is huge and the number of tolerant open-source projects accessible to assist you save time is mind-boggling.

    Create both SASS, Service and Desktop Platforms

    Node Js offers Software as a service (SaaS) is a software model in which a third-party provider hosts applications and creates them available to customers over the Internet.

    In a cloud web application, there was a pretty demand for node js to be used for desktop applications.

    Front-end and Back-end Developers using the Same Language

    The front-end development code interacts with the back-end server to pull out the data on the front end UI side.

    The Back-end application directly interacts with the database via an application programming interface (API), which pulls, saves, or changes data.

    Having the backend and frontend skillsets merged, buts the brightest minds working together instead of pulling in different directions.

    Sockets and two-way Data Binding

    The two-way data binding is request and response. The clients asked a request to the server, the server responds to clients simultaneously. If one user changes some data, all the other users can be updated in milliseconds. NodeJS was the first to do it well and still does it better than any other framework.

    If you want to build an eCommerce application with Node Js? Then, Hire Webnexs Node Js development team.

    For more information, [sales@webnexs.com](mailto:sales@webnexs.com)

    submitted by /u/NandiniRamachandran
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    Help Modernizing a 70 y/o Small Business

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    Hey Everyone! This is my first post in this subreddit (and I honestly didn't ever anticipate posting here before a couple of weeks ago). Some background info: I'm in my mid 20's and went through school to work in the non-profit sector, and it's where I've been the past 6-7 years. Recently I was laid off and an opportunity was available to step away from the non-profit world for a season and help with the family business. Here's the situation with that...3 Generations ago this Tree Trimming business was started in a fairly large city by Great-Great Grandpa, then my grandpa took it over, then a couple of years ago my parents took it over who are barely 40 and own their own separate business (So they know the dynamics and modern tech). In the 2 years since they have taken it over, they have been busier than any other time in their lives, and the business has been thriving. Here's where I come in, Nothing about the business has changed in 70 years, and my parents don't have the time to do it, so I'm jumping in to do it.

    The business has never solicited in 70 years, and that's something my Grandparents were proud of. Essentially the idea that the business was of such quality they never had to make an outbound call, advertise, or do anything because customers came to them. Which has worked, even now with zero solicitation or marketing they are booked 7 weeks out. So one piece of the puzzle is I need to get started on marketing. What are the easiest inroads for marketing? What's the cheapest? Most effective? (Specifically for a service business that would be different than what I am familiar with in the non-profit world).

    Another nightmare I am dealing with is every single customer is logged on a sheet of paper that has not changed in any way, shape, or form in 70 years. I've been in CRM the past few years, so I'm getting the business updated in that sense as well with a CRM, getting their accounting off of physical paper, etc...No joke, they have about 20 storage boxes full of papers. (Kill me).

    All that to say, I'm going to browse this subreddit a lot, but are there any quick tips, services, or anything else you could recommend to get this already thriving business into the 21st century to grow more.

    Some things I'm currently trying to work through: Getting them to a modern CC Processing service (they have 5% transaction fee and it's not web-based so no email receipts, anyone know a good service?) Getting their yelp set up, is there a way to drive reviews to their page?

    submitted by /u/TheSaintSeth
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    B2B Meetings

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:36 AM PDT

    First Time Entrepreneur With Limitations?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    I would appreciate some input and discussion on how to start a business, and what business I should start, as a first-timer. Last year I took a class on Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, and it seemed very interesting to me. I'm finding it very difficult to obtain a job lately, and everyone I know is strongly encouraging me to start my own business. But I have no experience, I don't know what to do or where to start. But I don't want to start with some grandiose idea for my first attempt. I'd like to start with something proven and straightforward that will give me some experience in what it takes to maintain a business. So what do you suggest?

    Without going into too much detail, my flexibility is extremely limited: I'm in a position where I have very little startup capital, no income, no partners, no place to store any products or equipment, and am not willing/able to go to customers residence.

    What I have to work with: I'm an IT professional with 12+ years of experience, so work involving tech or work that requires technical know-how is no issue for me. I own a Toyota Prius, which counts as some storage space and mobility. I have maybe $1,500 that I could use to start/promote a business, if there is solid potential to start earning an income.

    submitted by /u/SpyrosKat
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    Can't believe how far behind I am.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    I operate a creative service based small business which I started myself almost 2 years ago. Back then, I would have been begging for more clients and work. Fast forward to today and I'm buried with a ~3 month backlog and insurmountable anxiety.

    Until now, I've operated myself handling literally every aspect of my business on my own. I've recently hired a few contractors but am finding that they are sometimes more trouble than they are worth since there is so much time involved in training them or redoing tasks that they were unable to complete up to the standard I've set forth for my clients. They are also costing me money and I'm having to redo a lot of work. This is just an experience based niche and I cannot find anyone local that has any.

    I'm really struggling with this and there are honestly days where I'm ready to give up on my business because it is constant stress and is destroying my life. I always wanted to make six figures on my own steam but now that I've done it, I seriously miss making $40k a year for 1/100th of the responsibility.

    Does anyone have any suggestions with how to deal with this backlog? So far, hiring help hasn't been enough and has been incredibly difficult because I'm in such a specialty niche. I've also considered turning away work but that creates another huge issue because most of my clients will not come back to me if I turn them away. Basically, I either say yes or lose them. I've already lost a number of them permanently by telling them I'm too backed up to work with them right now.

    I'm really struggling here and need a hail mary. Anyone else been here? Would be great to know I'm not alone. Didn't think scaling my business would be this difficult and somehow thought I could keep things in my comfort zone indefinitely. It seems I either have to grow or perish now.

    submitted by /u/equinox-ps
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    Recommendations for Payroll Company for Short Term Employees

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:56 PM PDT

    My business hires a lot of people just for a day or two, at the end of the year we could have around 30 employees who just worked for a day or two. Only two employees are full time.

    My current payroll company is closing down and I'm just wondering if anyone has recommendation for one that would be affordable given my situation.

    submitted by /u/swoofswoofles
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    Starting my own tax preparation business. I have some questions related to websites and cloud storage.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:36 AM PDT

    In general, the only thing I have as of now is the proper licensing, and a facebook page.

    I don't have a website, and I don't have a separate business phone.

    I was encouraged by a friend in a similar industry to get a website operational as soon as possible.

    She also recommended G suite (Google's line of business products).

    This is very overwhelming for me. Would I sign up for g suite first, then get a domain? Or vice-versa?

    How do you do your email through your domain? Do you have it forwarded from the businesses domain to a personal gmail account?

    Any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/thistimearound62
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    How do I exit this partnership gracefully?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    Three years ago a friend of mine, whom I consider a savvy businessman and a solid marketer, brought an idea for a niche B2B service to me. The idea isn't original, with a small number of similar services on the market and doesn't hold any patentable concepts. The implementation is highly technical, requiring knowledge in the areas of data science, machine learning and systems architecture, which I am an expert in. He pitched this as "if you build it, I will sell it" and we discussed at length that for the service to be successful, it would need thousands of users, to which he said should be no issue at all since it's a very easy service to pitch. We created an LLC in which we are equal partners. I had the prototype built in a month and within 3 months we had a solid feature-rich website ready so sign up customers. Alas, 3 years, 1500+ hours and a sizable hosting bill, we have ~100 customers, half of which were signed up by me by either a word of mouth or a web chat. Not to discredit my partner, he did try marketing the product and even worked on a few large deals, but none of them materialized. I feel like in the early stages he tried hard, but all of his efforts were fruitless, which is particularly surprising since he already operates in our niche and has oodles of connections. He simply failed to get to the decision marker, every time. As time went on, his efforts started to resemble sporadic moves rather than calculated decisions. To put the above into monetary value, my T&M cost is roughly $150K while the business produced by my partner is barely $5K.

    After running some reports, I reached out via email to a few stagnant leads in our system and managed to convert them into customers. We're talking about maybe an hour's of work here. After some soul searching, I realized that I can double down and start marketing this myself, which will require further investment of my time and possibly money into the business. I have the luxury of time and resources, wheres my partner is too busy running his other business. We had a conversation about this today and I brought up the fact that he hasn't held up his end of the deal and we need to part ways. Since his sweat equity is barely quantifiable and his monetary investment is limited to a few trips to trade shows, there's very little he has a claim to. He was furious, insisting that he owns 50% and that's what it is. I tried reasoning that at this point any further investment into the business from my end isn't justified and I need to cut my losses. I am also willing to take over the business, set him up as an affiliate and reassign all the business brought by him to his account and pay him commission. He can continue signing up new business as well. Somehow, that got him even angrier, as he "would not be kicked out from a business he created." I also offered him to acquire my investment of the business, but he has neither the funds not the understanding of the technology to do this.

    I believe that I can grow this business to what it should have become by now. I am not willing to hand over the software I developed to a guy who doesn't know what's under the hood and it's difficult for me abandon the result of 3 years of work. How do I structure this exit?

    submitted by /u/ub3rn3d1n3ss
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    Hiring Employee Handbook Help

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:39 PM PDT

    What factors would influence you to hire a 3rd party to create an employee handbook for you?

    submitted by /u/tshirtguy2000
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    Is Wix really that bad?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    I own a small business and have been using WordPress for about decade. I know how to use the software well enough, but I no longer have the desire nor time to tinker much with the website. With WordPress I have to login every once in a while to run updates, change plugins if and when developers abandon them, and generally spend more time and effort than I care to anymore.

    I am looking for a website builder that is easy to use, can make changes easily and quickly, and something which will not tank my SEO too much.

    Wix seems like a good solution from the little bit I've tinkered with it, but after doing some search on feedback it seems as though it was generally disliked on here at least as of several years ago. Is Wix a decent solution today?

    Pretty much all I need is a simple one page website with a little bit about my company, a contact form, and a link to accept online payments.

    If there are other better solutions please let me know.

    submitted by /u/CrankyPhoneMan
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    growing to reach 5 year goal OR quarterly goal?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    People will try to reach annual or quarterly goal which is what is needed for survival. Some are look at long term goals that specifically build up assets, positioning, competitive advantage. Should people think like amazon and care more about long term competing while also staying alive?

    submitted by /u/jesus_ismexican
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    PayPal sent a 1099K that accounted for 29k of new income that QuickBooks did not pick up in 2017

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    My wife and I have a business and so we use QuickBooks to sync PayPal and Shopify into one form to submit to the IRS during tax season. The IRS has connected with us and stated that during our 2017 tax return, we did not account for 29K of income which was not represented in QuickBooks.

    We checked today and QuickBooks still does not show the additional 29K in extra income that PayPal is stating we have. Have there been cases where either PayPal doubled on their end and then sent their 1099K? Or that PayPal never sent QuickBooks that information to click over?

    submitted by /u/BlainetheMono19
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    How can i grow my family business?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:52 PM PDT

    I work at my fathers local flooring company in Washington State. It has been a little over a year now that i have been with him and business has been great but, i want to be more of use and bring in more clients. We have 4 salespeople including me but to be honest word of mouth has been the biggest thing in the growth of the company and most of the clients we work with are because my father has built the clientele over his 30 years of laying floors. Is word of mouth always the case for you guys as well? has anyone tried any form of advertising that really was worth it? i have been looking at getting started with facebook ads, from the classes i have taken it seems like one of the best options especially since it lets you get so detailed in who you target compared to Google and our target market is there it seems like since all the millenials have moved on to Instagram and snap chat and have left FB to older people. Also, we work with a ton of high end real estate that can open the doors for us and set up a meeting in their office buildings for us to come in and offer our services to the rest of the agents. I want to take this business next level and go from 400k a month to 600+. (Obviously hopefully much higher in the future) What has worked the best for you and your companies? I appreciate anyone taking the time out of their day to read and reply to this.

    submitted by /u/MB4ACES
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    Need help starting trucking company

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:35 PM PDT

    Need help starting a trucking company

    I'm in the process of trying to start a trucking company and really need an investor or someone that can help me get a business loan to get my business started. I'm trying to crowd fund to raise money, but that's not really getting me anywhere. I have a solid business plan and over 5 years of experience running this type of company for someone. As soon as I started running their company the profits increased. I know how to negotiate good rates and what places to stay out of so there isn't any wasted time on finding loads. It's always been a dream of mine to start this business and I just feel like I'm hitting a dead end with every approach I take. I have money to put into it myself but I'm trying to find investors or get a loan so I can start it off the way it needs to be ran. If anyone is interested in angel investing or can help out with a loan please message me. I'm trying to raise approx 100k to get this business going. The approach I'm taking with 100k I'll be able to get 2 trucks and trailers on the road and with the way I plan on running it each truck would be profiting 140-150k a year and that's after all bills are paid and drivers are paid. I'll also be using my first 2 trucks to eventually pay for more trucks and continue growing the fleet. If I find an investor they'll profit more off the company each month as the profits increase. I really need someone to give me a shot with this because I know I can make this business successful. Trucking is a 700 billion dollar industry and is what drives our economy, there will always be more freight needing to be moved than there will be truckers.

    submitted by /u/wolf957
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    Who do you use as your E&O insurance provider and how has your experience with them been?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    Leaving money on the table. Suggestions for maximizing my rent?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster. Ive been able to fulfill my dream of owning a martial arts studio and things are working out. I've been in business for over three years. Things are working out but I've realized I'm leaving money on the table. Because I work primarily with kids our hours of operation are from 2pm-10pm. However, We pay a pretty high rent for the location and I'd like to maximize it. I want to get the studio running in the morning but something independent of myself as this is the time I do the extra things for the business (picking up uniforms, emails etc). Ideally, I would sub lease the space for fitness related business so I can generate passive income without having to working 14 hour days.

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I should go about doing this? Where would I even begin to look for someone that would want a space and offer like mine? Suggestions are welcome as anything out side of martial arts are not my forte! Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/sensei-25
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    How to get better exchange rate as a Canadian?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:54 PM PDT

    Backstory: I am a Canadian who is paying my vendor in US funds. Currently doing transactions via credit card. The rate fluctuates around 1.35-1.36. There has to be a way to pay my guy but with lower rates. Does anyone have any experience in a situation like this?

    submitted by /u/smegma_blaster
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    I am Designing and Developing Websites and Online shops for business !

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:49 PM PDT

    Hi, I am a designing and developing Websites and Online shops ( Ecommerce stores) for your business. I am currently an IT student and this is my part-time job. I have been designing websites mostly as part of my studies but I also have made a couple of them for some clients that I found here on Reddit. If you're interested about getting your business a website or an online shop, then please PM me and we can talk more.

    submitted by /u/BoostedAnimalYT
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    What business can I start with a bunch of networking equipment?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    I have a few servers, switches, racks, etc. from a previous business so was thinking about setting up a small business to utilize these assets.

    Any ideas other than web hosting?

    submitted by /u/poipoimccoy
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