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    Friday, October 11, 2019

    Personal Finance Weekend Discussion and Victory Thread for the week of October 11, 2019

    Personal Finance Weekend Discussion and Victory Thread for the week of October 11, 2019

    Weekend Discussion and Victory Thread for the week of October 11, 2019

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:04 PM PDT

    If you need help, please check the PF Wiki to see if your question might be answered there.

    This thread is for personal finance questions, discussions, and sharing your success stories:

    1. Please make a top-level comment if you want to ask a question! Also, please don't downvote "moronic" questions! If you have not received your answer within 24 hours, please feel free to start a discussion.

    2. Make a top-level comment if you want to share something positive regarding your personal finances!

    A big thank you to the many PFers who take time to answer other people's questions!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Used car prices are up 75% since 2010. Meanwhile, new car prices have risen only 25%. Is the advice to buy used as valid as it used to be?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:01 AM PDT


    It's classic personal finance advice to say buy a reliable used car over a new one if you want to make a wise investment. New cars plummet in value as soon as you pull off the lot.

    Is it still holding true? I've been saving to buy a used car in cash, but I've definitely noticed that prices are much higher than in the past. If you factor in the risks of paying serious costs if your used car breaks down, at what point is buying new the smart investment?

    submitted by /u/Fuck_A_Suck
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    Has anyone bought a manufactured home and is it worth it in the long term?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:18 AM PDT

    I've always kind of been bad at looking very far ahead, but I've been thinking about the future a lot. I'm a 19f, single with cats, and planning to stay childfree. I don't want to live in an apartment all my life but I don't think I'd want to own a house, as they're typically a bit bigger than what I'd need, and expensive. Right now I'm living with my mom, paying a bit of rent each month and buying my own food, ect for the most part.

    Some advice from people who might've been in a similar situation world be appreciated… I just feel having more of an idea of something to work towards will help me

    submitted by /u/raidragun
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    In a big catch-22 with my car. Can't afford to get it fixed; can't sell because I still owe several thousand.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:26 AM PDT

    Hopefully this is the correct sub. Some info: I pay $135/month for my car on a 60 month loan. Still have about 36-37 months on it. And roughly $4,500. Need car since I work on the other side of my city, can't work from home, and need to get my kid to babysitter and back. I also lead a weekly comedy meetup that runs at night as well as perform a couple of times a month.

    Last month, my car stalled out on me. I took it to one shop who wasn't able to diagnose or fix it. So I took it to the dealer. Ended up being electric/computer related. In addition, they had to clear out the fuel line as I guess E85 had somehow gotten in there. That cost about $1,350 total. Three days later, my car stalled out the same exact way again. So I took it back to the dealer and this time it was the intake boot, or something similar. I was pretty upset and was able to get the dealer to cover half of the labor and repair. So that only cost me about $120.

    So now, about a week later, my car is acting up again. I already spent all my money (as well as take up new debt via $500 credit card) getting my car fixed. I don't even have the money at the moment to get it diagnosed, much less fixed. Car is outside of warranty as it recently passed 150,000 miles.

    I've been thinking about just selling it or trading it in to get a new car, but best case scenario, my car gets maybe $1,000 if I trade it in which leaves me with over $3,000 left on the loan. So I can't trade it in. And rolling it into another loan will take it past what I'm able to afford each month.

    At this point, I'm stuck and have no clue what to do. I can't get a second credit card. A loan is just going to compound on the problem, and I can't afford to get the car fixed which means I'll still be paying on a car I can't drive.

    Apologies for the rant. Thank you for reading. Any advice would be helpful.

    Edit: To clarify, this time around, my car isn't doing the same thing as before. Now it is jerking/hesitating while driving. No DTC lights are coming up though.

    submitted by /u/danimalforlife
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    Large company offered voluntary separation deals to employees. Should I consider it?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:56 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm hoping to get a little insight here. My company, a very large US financial firm that has over 30,000 domestic employees, offered its employees voluntary separation deals. Basically, they'll lay you off if you volunteer.

    I'm 4 years out of college and have been here since interning my senior year. The company has been going through massive changes. They are explaining to us that this is for the people who may not like the change and wish to pursue other options. Verizon did something similar and there are articles about it.

    Idc about the change, I actually like it, and I really like my job so I don't particularly think I want to take it. However, I would be naive not to realize that this program means a whole lot of other stuff is happening behind the scenes.

    They send everyone in the company who was eligible (like 25,000 people) customized letters that were put together using some calcs. Basically they offered me 13 weeks severance pay, $3k bonus, COBRA for 12 months and assistance from their consulting partner to help me find a new job. I would separate officially in February. I work in IT, in a high demand field. While I think I can find another job at comparable, if not more pay I do worry they couldn't match the benefits.

    Any advice on whether or not I should request this separation? Does something like this mean big, messy things are only to follow? Companies (at least in my state) have to register at least ahead of time with the state if there will be layoffs and I did not see my company on their.



    Basically the number one thing I realized is that this program was not geared towards my demo. If I applied to do it I'm thinking I will be denied and I'd have to stay.

    Second, I realized they wouldn't pay out vacation days. That is about $11k for me right there. Also, the bonus pay out is an average of my 3 bonuses. This March, bc of my recent promotion, my bonus will be much higher. I'm thinking even if bonuses take a hit for this and I get the low side I'm still looking at $7k (if things continue as normal I'm looking at $12k bonus).

    So basically, if I stay and let them lay me off or I resign after March then I get the vacation pay out and my bonus which is $18-$23k. The payout the offered is worth $17k.

    I'm staying until March at least. I know I will have to jump ship eventually but I will do it on my own terms when I get the offer I really want! Thanks again everyone!

    submitted by /u/HuhLolol
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    Friend moved across the country and the house she had set up to rent was fraudulent. She's now homeless with three kids, mom, two siblings and husband. We need help!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:45 PM PDT

    Hey y'all. I'm hoping you can lend my friend a hand or some options on what to do next. She's got three kids of her own, and she's taking care of her mother, who's a stroke survivor, and her two siblings who are mentally ill.

    She had a home set up to rent, but upon reaching Vermont, from California, discovered the person wasn't doing things legallly. The bank wouldn't send the payment, thankfully. But she's now stuck on her ass.

    Her husband got a job there and is working, but she's struggling to find a place to rent. What are her options? Is there a legal route that can help? They don't qualify for any sort of government assistance, so that's out. She just needs help finding a proper place for everyone.

    Can anyone like shove us the right direction? She's so stressed out. I feel terrible and don't know how to help.

    EDIT for more info: her grandmother is gloating about calling all the local renters and telling them not to rent to her, because she's 'crazy'. Let's just say, there's a reason she left California. They don't have contact right now and things have gotten severe since she left.

    She thought she found another place to rent, but discovered the damn house was missing windows. In Vermont. On the precipice of winter. There was also a hole in the floor on the second story.

    submitted by /u/DemonicSippyCup
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    What is the benefit of an HSA?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    I sincerely apologize if this is an ignorant question, but I would like help understanding the benefit of an HSA.

    We have high deductible insurance. Company pays 100% for that coverage. We have $1500/$3000 if that makes sense. Once we meet that, insurance pays 70%.

    We always pay out of pocket for our visits/tests/medications 100% of the in network costs. Our insurance pays 100% of all preventive care.

    I was looking at our open enrollment package and was reading about the health savings account, but I cannot understand the financial benefit of that.

    Thank you in advance.

    EDIT: I'm overwhelmed with all of this information. I feel like a real doofus for not seeing the tax side of this. We are very frugal and live on a strict budget bc both myself and one of my children have significant health needs and costs. We've just adjusted our lives over the years to accommodate the cost of said needs. We always meet our deductible within a few months. We just put a certain amount aside for medical costs. In addition, any tax benefit would be a major plus. We have 3 jobs (sometimes 4) between the 2 of us and taxes are always a hit or miss depending on our income for the year. I'm sincerely grateful for all the information.

    submitted by /u/LaaLaaTelechubby
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    My last company which I left 1.5 years ago just funded a contribution to my old 401k

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    Their financial departments were a train wreck and I left after 9 months because of it.

    Who do I report this to?

    submitted by /u/Comicalacimoc
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    I’m about to go from earning 33,000 a year to 56000, how much will my life actually change ?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:10 PM PDT

    So yeah like the title says . I am struggling and living paycheck to paycheck on my current salary. I finally decided to take the plunge and go into teaching and that will be my starting salary.

    I've never made this much in my life (poor artist ) closest was 45k way back like ten years ago . It's hard to imagine that I won't be living paycheck . Or will I still be ? Is 56000 an ok living ?

    For my monthly bills right now: rent is 500, utilities 200, vet bill 700 (for the next four months then it's paid off) , then stuff like gas and groceries

    I don't currently have a car and use one of my dads extras . With the money I am hoping / praying I can make enough to save for a car and also move somewhere on my own. Right now the rent I pay is to my dad for a bedroom in his house .

    Also IF this is enough money to get ahead any tips on some good money saving apps or techniques ?

    Overall my hope and prayer is that I won't have to wonder how hungry I'm gonna be from now until paycheck and hoping my family leaves unwanted left overs in the fridge for me to finish off .

    My financial goals aren't much atm. Mostly not be hungry. Be living independently. Fix my credit. And build a big savings for rainy days . Willing to work a second job outside of teaching too. I get summers off paid and might work at my current position while I'm off from teaching .

    Any tips or feedback is really welcomed. Thank you.


    Btw I'm not trying to ask if I can party in Ibiza w this income change, I am just wondering if I'm responsible enough could I finally be able to save and get ahead ?! No matter what each month some unforeseen expense comes up and slams me . I'm sick of living paycheck to paycheck .

    submitted by /u/BNmakesmeacatlady
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    Do I leverage a job offer (poached) with current employer?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:00 AM PDT

    I'm a civil engineer and do pretty complex groundwater modeling projects for contaminated nuclear sites. I've been working with a client for about 2 years now on a project that is just finishing up. My client called my cell phone this morning and said they would love to offer me a position at their company.

    I would never take it. I can't think of any reason I would take it, not even if they offered me an exorbitant amount of money. I love my current lifestyle. I can bike to work (I don't even own a car), and for this job I'd have to commute an hour each way every day. Female engineers make up half of my small office, including my badass boss, which has turned out to be invaluable to me as a young female engineer. The other company doesn't have a SINGLE WOMAN who works there. It is an office of 50-60 men and I feel "on guard" the entire time I'm there. I just can't be myself when I'm there and it's draining to be putting on a performance every day. I also like the variety of work that I have in my current job, whereas that job I would only focus on one line of work.

    Anyway, my main question is, what are my next steps? Should I meet with the new company and see what they actually have to offer? I also want to stay in their good graces for even if I don't join them because I'd like to still have them as a client.

    However, a huge part of me wants to tell my current boss about this. If only so she gets another external indicator of my worth as an employee. But should I wait to see what they have to offer $-wise and then mention that to her in hopes of a larger raise (we all get raises in February)? I don't want her to think that I even entertained taking this job because a huge part of our relationship is how much we value working with each other and it would pain me if she thought I questioned that.


    submitted by /u/exwhyzed00
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    Just wanted to reiterate the actual cost of buying a mobile home (inspired by the trending post of buying one)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:22 PM PDT

    Mobile homes are a very poor financial investment for the reasons below, which I've copied and pasted from the original post about mobile homes. I also work for a Mobile Home Lender.

    "Most lenders will not finance a mobile home, so you'll be limited to very few lenders, therefore you'll be stuck with a subpar interest rate due to the risk. Anywhere from 6-10% (yes it's that high). You'll pay 125%+ the cost of the home in just interest alone, AND will be stuck with a relatively high principal/interest payment for what you're getting.

    A quick run of the numbers: a 100,000 mobile home @ 8% APR for 30 years will get you a monthly payment of 733.76. That same house @ 3% is 421.60 NOT counting insurance and property taxes. That 5% difference in rate is a 312.16 dollar difference on payment, AND a total interest savings of 112,377.60 over 30 years.

    But how much house could you buy with a 733.76 monthly pmt? A $174,041 house at 3%. That is incredibly significant. You're essentially buying more house while paying significantly less interest, too.

    And from strictly an investment perspective, absolutely not either. Mobile homes depreciate drastically. A 30 year mobile home might not even fetch 20k. So you've paid a total of $264,153.60 total for a $100,000 principal at 8% tied to a home valued at $20,000 when it's all said and done. It's a lose lose situation for the buyer"

    To reiterate this, here's a other real life example: I'm currently at work, viewing a contract for a mobile home. The APR is 10% at a 360 month term. The amount financed is roughly 40,000. The finance charge is more than double, at a whopping 86,000. Basically you're paying 86,000 extra to buy a 40,000 home, that depreciates in value. You're home will barely be worth 5,000 in 30 years.

    I encourage everyone on this sub to seriously weigh the costs of buying a mobile home. Unless you own property yourself and can afford a MODULAR home, you do not need to buy one. You would be better off renting if I'm being completely honest.

    submitted by /u/NotBen_2
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    Is it unprofessional to ask for a raise after 6 weeks at a job?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:16 PM PDT

    Hey guys! So I work part-time( between 13-30 hours) in the adventure industry and am a full time student.

    When I started I knew I was being underpaid, but it was in a great location for me, and more convenient than my old job. But when I started, I realized I had a special skill they needed and I'm a bit more developed then a lot of the older employees because of my previous training. I make about $1.50 less than them because the starting hourly wage was higher back when they were hired.

    I'm doing really well and getting praise from my managers and the owner, as well as the customers who speak well about me to my employers. I have put my skill and prior knowledge to good use and have built up their entire training system they use to the next level.

    Right now I'm making $13.50 and I want to ask for a $2.50 raise to $16. My question is, do I stick it out and wait 6 months to really prove my worth or should I bring up my merit and accomplishments now and ask for a raise based on how I've been doing?

    Thanks for reading guys I appreciate it :)

    submitted by /u/realcaptainfap
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    May have overfunded my 401K

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:54 PM PDT

    I had not been paying enough attention to financial matters and I just realized that for 2018 it appears I put about $24,000 in my 401K as "pre-tax elective deferrals" (this is not including the "employer match" contributions). I am well under 50 so it seems this is way over the limit of $18,000. I only have the one 401K so I had thought my employer or the financial company would know if I was going over the limit and they would not let it happen.

    It is a profit sharing 401K which apparently had a much higher limit of $55,000 for 2018 but I am thinking since my own "pre tax contribution" was still over 18K I am still in trouble? They will not answer my questions on email and I'm not going to be able to even try calling until Monday lunch so I am just wondering if anyone has an idea about this.

    I read that "if the entire deferral is allowed to stay in the plan, the plan may not be a qualified plan." So what does this mean exactly? Worst case scenario, by my lack of attention in putting too much money in this thing, I have made the whole plan invalid and my money and everyone else's is forfeit and I am fired? I am sure it is not that (I hope) but I am just worried. I am sure at absolute the minimum I am out $360 (6% of the extra $6000) but can I expect in addition to this a bunch more fees and fines and legal trouble? Thanks...

    submitted by /u/annoyingparents
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    What should I make sure to include in my budget?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:59 PM PDT

    I am moving to a new city soon and am trying to make a budget. I know a lot of things in a budget, but what should I make sure to factor in? Also are their certain percentages I should stick to? For example I know for rent you should try it to exceed 30% of income. Any other rules? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/GreenBlueRed2
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    Late on estimated quarterly tax payments

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:25 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I know this has been asked a bunch of times, but I'm very financially illiterate, and I just want to make sure I'm not messing this up so I'm gonna be annoying and ask.

    I quit a W-2 job last winter (2018) and changed careers, and became self-employed in February 2019 (freelance contractor with a company). I made like $8500 last year as a W-2 employee. But this year as a freelancer, it's been growing rapidly, but I think I'll end up making $80,000+.

    I work a ton every single day and am very scatterbrained, so I paid one estimated tax payment in April for $2000, and then completely forgot about them until today. Should I just make a giant payment to the IRS of like $25,000 tomorrow to lessen my penalty for missing these other payments? (I don't have time to touch the money I've made, so it wouldn't be a problem). Or do I get that exception because my first estimated tax payment in April will have covered the taxes for last year's income?

    I live in Washington state btw.

    Thank you for your help, and sorry again for asking a redundant question. I'm gonna also schedule an appointment with a CPA next week to sort my life out better so this doesn't happen again next year.

    submitted by /u/milkbun33
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    Error by student loan servicer might cost me a financial hardship?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:04 AM PDT

    Copy of my complaint to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:

    I recently decided to increase my student loan payment with XXXXX to pay it off sooner. When I reviewed my payment history (attached) online today (10/10/2019) I realized none of my previous payments were being applied to principal. I called XXXXX and discussed this issue with XXXX. He was very helpful and understanding but unable to remedy the situation. He admit (on a recorded line) many times that the loan was originally incorrectly input into their system and I should have had larger payments which at the very least covered the interest; that's right, the payments didn't even cover the interest! These payments began 4 years ago on 10/21/2016. XXXXX's solution was re-calculate (not the right term) my loan and divide the payments by the remaining 20 periods which increased my monthly payment from $55.70 to $1,043.75 (attached). I did not request this even though the e-mail from XXXX (attached) says I did (again they recorded the phone calls). That's obviously an unreasonable ask and leaves them without any fault, even though this entire situation was their admitted mistake.

    Thoughts? Advice? There's no way I can cover the new payment. I did look into refinancing and would be able to go that route but it would cost me an additional $1,000 over the life of the loan. Sure doesn't seem like I should be the one making concessions here...

    submitted by /u/TarkatanAccountant
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    Fiancée’s credit score dropped 70 points due to 27 dollar bill. Anything she can do?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    Fiancée just found out her credit score dropped 70 points because a 27 dollar bill went to collections. She was unaware of the bill as it was getting sent to an old address. Is there anything she can do to appeal it?

    submitted by /u/trojanwarmsensations
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    What electrical work should I include in a repair request?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    Hey y'all,

    Just got my inspections back on an older home (built 1928) that I am in escrow for. As expected, it needs a fair amount of electrical work to bring everything up to code. I just want to gauge what requests might seem frivolous.

    Like I could install the smoke detectors and CO detectors myself, right? Is knob and tube replacement is also something I should pay for myself down the road? What about grounding outlets? Do I really need to have plugs every 4' of countertop?

    It's about $8,254 total for me to update everything to code, which I could handle over time. I am also considering, lowering my down payment to better handle some of the repairs immediately myself; is that advisable? I'm getting the house for a little under appraisal value and it has real potential. Any advice is appreciated!

    edit: wording

    submitted by /u/lilflatbush17
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    IRS Refund of Penalty Charge

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    I received a letter and a check for $210+interest from the IRS for a refund of a penalty charge. I filed my taxes with Turbotax and don't remember paying a penalty. The check looks legitimate but I'm skeptical. Is it safe to deposit?

    submitted by /u/may_ask_questions
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    I need dental work constantly. What can I do?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:59 PM PDT

    I've always had bad teeth. Constant cavities, chipping and the like. I brush and floss twice a day. Regardless I need dental work every at least every 6 months. I'm not the person that only needs a cleaning. I always need work done on my teeth. Is the edp dental plan worth it? Or other insurance options? In live in New York. I don't need dental hygiene advice. My dental hygiene is immaculate.

    submitted by /u/cocoxoxo1729372
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    Can my apartment complex change my apartment?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    I just got an email saying that my apartment was "too vacant" (university housing) and that they would be moving me to a different unit. I live with one other roommate, and two of the rooms in the apartment are vacant. This has not been a problem before this point, as I have been the only tenant who has stayed for longer than a year.

    I have not requested a change nor do I want one. I have been in the same apartment for 3 years, and plan on staying the lease out because I am starting a new job in 3 days. The email, which was sent today, states that room arrangements will be finalized on the 14th of October, the day I start my job.

    What can I do to stay in my apartment? I'm not looking to move anywhere during the stressful transition into my new job. I understand they want to "consolidate leases" by filling up empty rooms, but I am not willing to move.

    submitted by /u/Youareaharrywizard
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    Fiance co-signed student loan with old friend a while ago, and this is causing some problems.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:14 PM PDT

    Hello All,

    My fiance helped one of her collage friends by co-signing a student loan a few years ago, and recently found out that her friend had missed a payment. We are worried that this will affect her credit score.

    Can she removed herself from the loan? If possible what would this process be like?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/kbonkn
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    Is Merrill Edge a good choice?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    Hey! I'm in my 20s and would like to start investing some money in stocks and options. I'm trying to make an informed decision between different brokers, and I saw the recent announcement from Schwab and others about $0 trades, but what about spreads? Are they widening them to offset the lost revenue from trading fees? The main reason why I'm looking at Merrill is because I have my checking/saving at BofA. I found out that with them I would qualify to have enough free trades per month anyway, and I like the vast research materials. That said, I don't feel it's the right choice overall since Merrill isn't that popular (for some reason I may be overlooking). If you use this broker, what are its pros/cons in your opinion? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/patbobbie
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    Contributing to investment account for adult siblings — options?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:40 PM PDT


    I (24f) have two younger sisters (both 19f). I just really started making a decent income and would like to set aside some money for them in an investment account (like ~$25 a month for each of them). Is there an easy way to do this? Or would it just be best to open a regular savings account and transfer it over to them when they've graduated college?


    submitted by /u/JawnValJawn
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    20 year old, looking to buy a brand new Honda. Need advice!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:21 PM PDT

    Hi everyone from Personal Finances. Long time lurker here who has always read this reddit, but never needed it myself until now! I am 20 year old who is still living with his parents. (Roast me as much as you want.) I own a 2006 civic which I payed cash but as of late my mother's vehicle has broken down and it's quite rough sharing my vehicle while working a job. So I decided to give my 06 civic to my mom, it's very reliable, with only 170000km on it (105000 miles), and she does not work so will have a car to drive around with. So let's get to why I am here, I am interested in purchasing a brand new vehicle. A vehicle in mind I have is the 2019 Honda Civic Sedan, Touring trim. I always have been with Honda due to their reliability that has been boasted since I can even remember, and all I can say it has been quite durable for me.

    Anyways, I work for the government. I won't get into details on what the job entices, but I bring home 2,100$ CAD after taxes on average, 2,000$ minimum. I have a cell phone bill which is 100$, internet bill which is 50$ and that's honestly about it. I have a few other expenses which I would consider luxuries.. (luxuries as these are not needed and purely off greed) I do not pay rent at my parent's house, they don't want to take any money from me unfortunately. (Trust me, I know, I am quite grateful each and every day towards my parents for letting me live without rent.) I am expecting a full-time job, with benefits and pension and all the good stuff in the next 2-3 years which will also come with an increase in salary. In knowing I have no bills, that I currently have no rent to pay yet, and my job is steady and salary is rising. I believe it would be the best time in my life to get a brand new vehicle, since moving out and such is not an option yet since I don't have the means to necessarily do so and I currently have no bills as of yet.

    I do not have bad credit, but do not have good credit... I have just started out with a cash-back credit card about 5-6 months ago, which I use to pay my phone & internet bill currently to steadily build my credit. I have no idea on my current credit score, which is not ideal when financing a vehicle but my grandfather, which I don't know his credit score, seems from what he tells me to be in quite a good position credit score wise, and said would have no trouble in co-signing my car loan, which tells me would dramatically reduce my APR on my loan. All in all, here is the car and all the details concerning the vehicle. 2019 CIVIC SEDAN TOURING Would it be better to get a loan from my credit union, or from Honda themselves? I wonder if that 0,99% APR is legit, or once I get to the dealers they'll try to swindle me a skyrocket APR.. I would like your honest opinion.

    I hope anyone can be of any help to me, it would be greatly appreciated. I hope each and every one of you have a marvelous day.

    Cheers! DetectiveF0X. :-)

    submitted by /u/DetectiveF0X
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