• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    Legal Advice [NC] Aunt and uncle opened a $17,000 car loan in my name without my knowledge.

    Legal Advice [NC] Aunt and uncle opened a $17,000 car loan in my name without my knowledge.

    [NC] Aunt and uncle opened a $17,000 car loan in my name without my knowledge.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    The title pretty much sums it up. My grandparents were my primary caretakers until I turned 18, I'm 22 now. My aunt and uncle have been helping my grandparents for years with their finances and they probably have access to all of my personal information.

    I found out today my aunt and uncle (based on the address of the account) opened up a car loan in July 2018 and have paid it late several times. It's now two months late and I got a call from the bank asking me to voluntarily return the car before it's 90 days late and a repossession won't go on my record.

    I verified it wasn't a scam by calling the bank back at the number on their website and I know my aunt/uncle did get a new car last summer. When I tried asking them about it by phone, it was all denials. My uncle has spent time in jail in the past for theft but this rises to a completely new level for him. What do I need to do to get rid of this?

    submitted by /u/giantprobs
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    [TX] My apartment complex in a college town was advertised as a "gated community". In the last 3 months I've lived here, the gates have never been closed and now a resident has been robbed at gunpoint on site. Is there anything we can do?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 12:34 AM PDT


    Most of the info is in the title. My complex specifically advertises itself as a gated community, has 2 entrance gates and a guard booth between them. Since I moved in in august I have NEVER seen the gates closed or a guard/employee posted in the booth, despite many emails warning that after the first month the gates would be closed and a permit would be required to enter.

    I had this exact same issue at my last apartment and it bothered me, but I had so many other issues with it it was comparatively NBD.

    Now one of the residents of my complex has alerted everybody that a few nights ago he was robbed at gunpoint outside his building. Another resident said that this new no-closing the gate activity is relatively new (within the last 6 months) and hes never felt more unsafe than now. And to clarify, we're talking "random dude with a gun wandering the complex" mugging not "weird guy he knew went crazy and pointed a gun at him" mugging.

    The question really boils down to this, if a complex advertises itself as a "gated community" (this is still on their website on the main page), do they actually have any requirements in terms of actually USING the gates?

    EDIT: apparently multiple people have already began their crusade against the complex, as they just sent an email out to everyone claiming the gates will be closing every night starting tonight

    submitted by /u/Poppy-Sinclair
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    [WV] My neighbors have come onto my property and cut down nearly a dozen old growth trees and hauled off the timber.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    This has happened in central West Virginia. I went for a walk on my property today and noticed some tree tops laying on the ground. At first I assumed wind damage, but when I got closer almost a dozen trees have been cut down, de-limbed, and the trunks drug out to an adjoining property. Based on the tracks left in the mud it appears they used a farm tractor. I just built a house on the property last fall and had the property lines surveyed then so the whole line is marked with pink ribbons. I do not have posted signs up however. What can I do to recover losses? Who should I contact? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/morohtar
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    Can I legally quit the Army before boot camp?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    I'm sorry if this post doesn't belong here, I'm not sure where it goes, I figured this one was most fitting.

    So I joined the Army a few months ago. I'm a highschool senior so I wouldn't be leaving for Basic Training until June. I've already swore in though. I am located in Idaho, United States.

    I have realized over the past few weeks that I do not want to do this. I am not physically in the right shape for this, during future soldier training every week, I am the last at everything. But I also got to thinking. I do not want to be seperated from my family. In fact I want to start my own family. Which can be difficult especially for females in the military.

    This is not just cold feet. I am sure I do not want this. I don't think I ever really wanted to. I was just convinced I did. The recruiters get so pushy and it all happened so fast that I barely had time to process what exactly I was doing.

    Can I still get out or is it too late? What does the procedure look like? How do I bring this up to my recruiter, who honestly has been amazing with me?

    submitted by /u/carpetsofa38
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    Breeder is demanding that i bring my dog to the other side of the country so they can breed it, or I will be fined 15,000$ and the dog will be taken from us. Problem is when i got the dog it was already spayed.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:07 PM PDT

    My ex wife got a German Shepard puppy from a Breeder out in Vancouver when I lived there roughly 2 years ago. We ended up going through a bad time and ended up divorcing a year later. I ended up moving out east to Toronto, to be closer to my family and friends. I will be honest the dog was a gift to me, and i didn't know anything really about the breeders contract.

    Last week i got a letter forwarded to me from the old address from the breeder, basically saying: "We need to breed your dog, so please contact us at this Number, so we can determine a time when you can hand the dog over to us". The big confusion is that as far as i know the dog was spayed when i received her.

    I ended up calling and was basically told that the contract contains the following:

    • I am to hand over the dog for purposes of breeding when and wherever required by the breeder.
    • I am responsible for all expenses related to presenting the dog at the specified date and time of the breeding.
    • The kennel will take ownership of my dog during the process. (She confirmed that apparently they take the dog for entire time it is pregnant?)
    • Any puppies belong to the breeder, and i have no claims over them.
    • If i fail to adhere to any of the above rules i owe the breeder 15,000$ and they can take the dog from me.

    When i told them that our dog was spayed the person on the phone started calling me an idiot, and became quite distressed. I explained how i received it as a gift, and as far as i know it was spayed. She accused me of violating our contract, and they will be forced to take legal action to recoup the cost of the dog.

    I was told i am to present the dog to them at latest by November 1st or they will be forced to take legal action. I called my vet and confirmed with him that she is definitely spayed. Not wanting to take a chance i went to another vet and she confirmed that yes my dog is spayed as apparently it has a spay marking.

    My ex wife ended up moving back to Korea, the last time i checked so i am kinda confused. I don't have any sort of paperwork aside from the initial file for the dog, i am assuming my ex wife kept that paperwork.

    I cannot afford to fly out to the west coast, and i refuse to give up my dog. Can i ignore this?

    submitted by /u/DogHelpPlease2212
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    How can I press charges against a minor?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    So my friends brother (13) used my debit card info to buy over 500 dollars worth of digital bs (xbox) and his parents aren't doing anything to settle this issue. What can I do? Los Angeles, California. This happened about a month or 2 ago.

    submitted by /u/Baconopolis
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    I have reason to believe that a guy who used to go to my high school is in possession of and distributing CP, and is engaged to a child. what should i do? [ON, CA]

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    Throwaway for obvious reasons. This all took place in eastern Ontario, Canada. So, there's this guy who I used to go to high school with, we'll call him B. I had the unfortunate pleasure of knowing B throughout high school and he was, to be blunt, a rich, arrogant, obnoxious asshole. I tried to avoid him as much as possible and blocked him as soon as I graduated. recently though one of my friends showed me what he had been up to recently. Well as it turns out, B was engaged to be married to a 14 year old. At the time i thought he was exaggerating or it was a joke cause he just mentioned it in passing, but I looked B up on Facebook afterwards and lo and behold his relationship status was set to engaged with S who was indeed a 14 year old child. So now I'm rightfully concerned with this situation so I decide to contact him myself so that i could see the situation for myself before making too many assumptions. I unblocked him and thankfully he still had the same number.

    and then this is where everything just shits the bed.

    So B answers and he just outright said that he was engaged but he was hesitant when I asked her age. After a little prodding (admittedly to get a rise out of him, sue me) he admitted that she was 14. I pretty much laughed in his face and hung up and blocked him, pretty much forgetting about it. A couple of days later I get a message on Hangouts from B saying that he wanted to talk to me. The more he wrote the more concerned I got as I realized he was being more than serious with this. He proceeded to text me very explicit descriptions of him having sex with her and just trying to justify his relationship with laws (which did not actually prove his point). After I stopped answering him he called me and just when I thought that this couldn't get any worse he lays this on me. He says that S's parents know about their relationship and that they approve of it but won't let them marry until she's 18. He also says that he first hit on her (his words not mine) when he was 17 and she was thirteen. He also used the word grooming when describing their relationship.

    So after that lovely call, S's sister, L, put up a Snapchat story with a photo of B & S saying "If anyone in [LOCATION] sees my sister with him call me... he took my sister this morning at 5:47". S has since returned and is fine to my knowledge. Yesterday, one of my friends who also knows B contacted me saying that B told him that he was in possession of S's nudes (and therefore child pornography) and that he has shared them with people (distributing child pornography). So since that incident I'm really concerned. I thought about contacting the police but B said that the police had already talked to him and they laughed it off, the anonymous report form on my local PD website doesn't have an option for this situation so idk where I should go with this, or how to stop this from continuing (especially since he's distributing CP)

    Since the parents are aware of the situation I'm not sure legally who I can go to to get S out of this situation. I wanna help her sister in stopping him any advice would be appreciated.

    tl;dr B is engaged to a 14 year old and is in possession of child pornography which he has been distributing

    link to all images / proof

    submitted by /u/BisApedo
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    Bed bugs at daycare [pennsylvania]

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    I just found out that there are bed bugs at my child's room at day care. Apparently they were first noticed last week, but I was only notified today. I know bed bugs are nothing to mess around with and had I known this, I would have been putting everything coming home from daycare into the dryer on hot. But since I didn't know, I'm concerned we may have brought some home. Are they legally required to tell us about bed bugs in the room once they find them? The way I found out was not from the center itself, but from an employee, and only after I pressed for an explanation about a room closure. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/poinsley
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    My Brother wants to be euthanized because he has terminal cancer. I'n not sure of the legal ramifications or how to go about it legally.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    I honestly barely know how to type this, but i'll do my best. My brother is 29 and has terminal lung cancer. He has 4-6 months at the most. He has declined any and all treatment and has stated that he would rather be euthanized than be in a "living hell" for the next 6 months.

    This post isn't about the legality of stopping him. He has been very clear about it and we have all come to terms with it (this was all about 3 weeks ago). He has a wife and 3 kids.

    He looked it up and saw that it is legal in Canada and Belgium and wants to fly there to have it done. At this point, I would do anything for my brother while he goes through this and I want to know how this works legally. Does he have to be a citizen of that country to do it? How does this work with his life insurance? Is this a crime at all?

    This may not be the right sub, I'm not sure, but we don't understand if this is legal or how it works.

    Any advice on convincing him to not do it won't work. We have tried for weeks. He is dead set on it. It is horrible, but he won't change his mind.

    I appreciate it guys

    EDIT: We live in Idaho if that matters

    submitted by /u/hotNbutterycopporn
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    I just found out that legally my apartment isn’t a apartment??

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:31 AM PDT

    Sorry if the title is worded weird but that's exactly what I was told by USPS. I posted this in u/aptliving as well. If there's a more fitting sub please let me know

    I've lived in my apartment for almost 2 years and the ENTIRE time I've been having such a huge issue with getting my mail. I just found out from the manager at the post office that my apartment is not registered with the city of signal hill so it doesn't show up in their database which is why my mail immediately gets returned.

    I can't even get a P.O. Box because technically I don't have an address. I've been speaking to my landlord about this from day 1 and they refuse to deal with the issue.

    I'm in California and I know legally they have to provide tenants with a safe and easy way to access our mail. Can I withhold my rent till this is fixed? I'm not sure what I could do to force them to register my apartment but any advice or any lawyer services (if this situation calls for one) would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: thanks for the advice everyone! My apartment is legally a garage according to city hall lol I'll be looking into legal options.

    submitted by /u/Urikalynn_
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    Renting an older house. Found 200+ dead birds in the chimney. Need to know my options.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:28 PM PDT

    Georgia. United States.

    So we've been renting this old House for about 1.5 years. Very quirky house. We're newlyweds so this is kind of our first adventure into living together so all of the little problems like the mold, the bathroom that has a shower where the bathroom closet used to be was kind of endearing at first. We even renewed after one year because we didn't want to think about having to move. Anyway over the last 3 or 4 months the house is kind of falling apart. We have a sump pump that pumps water from under the house that is constantly breaking down, we have to run a dehumidifier sometimes 12 hours a day just to make it tolerable and keep the mold down, and all of the little quirks are now becoming bigger problems. Anyway, long story short, we had an issue where we felt like a large number of birds had gotten stuck in our chimney. We had a cold snap and it's not out of the realm of possibility for some birds to take refuge. so we didn't think much of it however after about a week we started to smell some pretty bad stuff through the wall in our fireplace. The chimney is cosmetic nowadays because it's completely closed off at the bottom save for a propane flame. So there's a piece of sheet metal above our fireplace and then on the other side of the sheet metal is a long chimney. we call the maintenance folks on Sunday and they tell us they can't get anybody out to take a look at it until Monday. Exterminator shows up says it's definitely something dead inside of our chimney. Okay so then the property company then sends a maintenance man to pry open the sheet metal with a crowbar to remove said dead bird. what I thought was three or four dead birds turned into dozens and dozens. Poor guy was rolling dead birds out into a box. There must have been two hundred. The smell will never leave my nose. It is the most ungodly, rancid, cheesy meat odor. There is a ridiculous amount of bird matter in our living room and obviously we can't live in this place anymore. I'm not saying that as a preconceived conclusion, I'm saying that there's no way they're going to be able to clean up the smell and get all of those extra birds that they couldn't reach sitting in the top portion of the chimney out in a reasonable amount of time. the landlord doesn't really understand how bad it is, and said that they will clean it up in a few days. She seems to think we can be let out of the lease if she can convince the owner but says that the owner is not responsible for anything. I talked to my renter's insurance carrier and they aren't helping me because apparently this doesn't fall under the peril emergency. we have an open bedroom that doesn't have a door so our sheets, our bed, are pillows are completely ruined with the smell this bird matter. Our couches, our carpet, everything. We need a place to stay probably for at least the next two weeks, and I want out of my lease because I don't feel like this house is habitable anymore. What do I need to do and what are my options?

    1) I have taken pictures of the birds and videos of everything.

    2) I also took pictures of the mold and a few other quirky things that are questionable in terms of health and safety.

    3) I'm guessing the only reason we only recently smelled the birds is because they all entered the chimney at roughly the same time to escape the winter months and that is how they all got caught in the chimney. There is no grate on top of our chimney. We are a very sanitary couple.

    Picture of birds: https://i.imgur.com/MtUgczK.jpg

    submitted by /u/dadsvhscollection
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    Got hit by drunk driver, all law enforcement involved either didn't keep a report or kept an inaccurate report.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    Okay so about 2 weeks ago my wife and I were heading home from a wedding with a friend after dark.

    I was driving on a two lane highway. Someone coming the opposite direction veered into our lane and I narrowly avoided a head on collision.

    His driver's side hit ours and ripped off our side mirror and crumpled the entire drivers side of our car. It ripped off the door handles and partially peeled back the driver's side door also flattened the back tire. We have to replace the front and back bumper, both doors, side panel, tire, and the windshield was cracked. Basically costs 9k and car is worth at most 5k. Needless to say we are lucky to be alive.

    The guy that hit us kept going but eventually came back. Multiple people stopped to see if we were okay. No injuries in either vehicle.

    Highway Patrol (HP), Police department (PD) and sheriffs department (SD) all came on scene. I didn't get a chance to ask for the other drivers info because the HP took him away to give him a sobriety test and he failed, was arrested and taken away. The PD officer took our info and talked with us while I replaced our tire so we could leave. I know I messed up by not taking pictures of the other guys car but we were all in shock and only asked the PD guy for the other drivers info. He said he couldn't discuss an ongoing investigation but it would be in the report. My wife asked the officer for his name and he said "Mathew" so she said "Mathew what?" and he said "of blank PD".

    I get the spare tire on and we determine the car can get us home. At this point I assume the PD officer has given the case number or whatever we needed to my wife and we head out. (another stupid mistake on my part but like I said I was in shock.)

    We get home and realize we don't have any freaking info about anything. I call the PD the next day and they can't find an accident report. They finally do but it is listed as a "fleeing the scene" and doesn't have any ones info. But the report says they only assisted and the HP were heading the accident. So she tells me to call HP.

    I call HP and they have no record of anything happening on that road on that date and tell me it may take 1 to 2 weeks for the report to show up. Irritating but understandable.

    It has now been a little over 2 weeks. I call HP and they tell me they have nothing. Not a damn note or anything for an accident on that road for that day. HP lady is baffled, but suggests I call SD to see if they have any info. So I call SD and they have more info than both of the other departments but still not much. She can see the make of both cars, that the other driver was arrested for a DUI, the road the accident occurred on, the time, and she says they only assisted HP, just like PD said. Also she thinks she has 2 badge numbers of the HP officers.

    So I call back HP to see if that info will help. HP lady tells me that the badge numbers aren't in their system and she still can't find anything on our accident. She says to call back PD and see if they know anything else and to call HP back tomorrow and she will try and find someone who can help. PD doesn't know anything new except the name of a PD officer who was on scene but not Mathew and she says she will leave him my info so he can call me and try to help but he doesn't work again until Friday.

    We don't know wtf to do at this point. I don't know if i should contact a lawyer or somebody else because it's now been almost 3 weeks and we still have a messed up car and no more info than we did before. PLEASE HELP!

    TLDR: got hit by drunk driver, totaled our car and didn't get his info. Need his insurance info but Highway patrol, Police, and sheriff have no idea who the guy was despite him being arrested for a DUI.

    submitted by /u/2inHard
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    My used car was towed by police after I just bought it and paid registration/smog fees. They said it's being returned to its "original owner." Is there any way I can recover any amount of money from this?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:42 PM PDT

    As the title says I purchased a used 95 Honda Civic for 800 on offerup from some guy around the 30th of September, we'll just call this guy Henry. I was pretty skeptical at first but after looking up the license plate and VIN number it showed no history of theft or anything like that so I felt a little better about it. Henry showed me legit paperwork (bill of sale, he had paid 50 dollars on the registration) and even showed me his ID. Everything looked good to me so I made the purchase. A few weeks later I head to the DMV and paid $206 to get it registered under me and my father's name (he helped pay), and there was no issue there, they just told me to get it smogged so I did that for around $72. Now fast forward to last night I am informed by police that the car HAD been reported stolen and that it was being filtered down through several people and ended up with me. The officer then told me it was going to be returned to its original owner. I asked if I could get in contact with them to maybe at LEAST recover the registration and smog but no dice. All of Henry's paperwork, my registration, and smog receipt were in the glove box when it was towed. I have no idea where to begin, I feel like an absolute fool. Any advice, Reddit? Thank you all so much in advance.

    Edit: This is in Merced, California

    submitted by /u/XantosRane
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    My cousin (3yr) tried to touch his dad's girlfriends daughter.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:14 AM PDT

    And when asked about it, he said that his older brother (6yr) and my daughter (5yr) touched each other's privates. I asked my daughter about it and she cried and said the 6yr old was talking about how my daughter doesn't have a "weiner" and it escalated into him and the 3 year old "poking" the outside of my daughter's vagina. She said she "poked" their weiners with her finger. The 6yr old has repeatedly talked about what a "dick" is and got in trouble before for looking up sex on YouTube. His mother blames my daughter for everything and i don't doubt she took park in it because they're children and curious. But, his mother has gone to the police department and made some kind of report. Now i have to take my daughter to some place to let a counselor(?) Talk to her and I'm guessing she has to be looked at by a doctor. What steps do I need to take? What do I need to be prepared for? Do I need to contact my lawyer? This is in NC

    submitted by /u/ItJustIs121
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    [TX] What can I do if my legal rights are being violated concerning being processed and released?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    On Friday someone at my job filed a complaint that my boyfriend was parked outside of my job, waiting for me. The cops arrived, ran his information, and ended up arresting him for a warrant issued by another county in the state concerning a rental camera that was supposedly not returned. He had no prior knowledge of said warrant. He did not receive any notification of legal action being taken against him or a summons to come to court. We had spent the previous week making sure that everything was taken care of concerning his record because he had just got a new job and needed to get a valid ID/license.

    On the same day that he was arrested, he stood before a judge who set his bond. Both parties signed the necessary paperwork, but his bond never reflected in the system. It remained "0.00", so I was unable to pay it. I called the county bondsman where he is and was told that because it was an out of county warrant, the county who issued it would have to set his bond. They took my contact information and said they were going to call/pull his jail card. I never received a call back at any point, and I called each day since his arrest. Realizing that this process wasn't working, I called the county that issued the warrant to see if I could figure out what the delay was. I was told that he did not have a warrant. Even when I look him up in their system, there is nothing to be found.

    I gave all of this information to the place where he is being held and they seemed confused. They placed me on hold and said they were going to try to pull his jail card again. I waited on the phone for 40 minutes, only for them to disconnect the call. Any calls placed after this point were not answered.

    I was told that, without bond, he would have to remain there for the 10-14 days allotted to the issuing county to come claim him. Since the issuing county is claiming that he does not have a warrant, I feel like no action will be taken. I know that he could just wait it out, but I am concerned for his well being, being a black man in a Texas jail, as well as him losing this new job. I am unable to afford a lawyer to assist in this issue, so I am relying on any advice or aid I can get from the online community. If anyone can offer me some insight, it would be greatly appreciated it.

    submitted by /u/SoakedInTheSauce
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    Drunk dad threatens my 16 year old daughter who is in the hospital.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    So a little back story, my daughter was in a major car accident a week ago and is currently in the hospital recovering from surgery and going through rehab. During this time she's been even more irritable and snippy with everyone then she normally is. She's had attitude issues her mother and I have been working on for some time now but the accident seems to have brought out the worst of it.

    Now enter my parents. They offered to help us out since my wife was also in the accident and I'm currently the only one working to support the family. During this time my daughter had said some snarky off hand comments to my parents, and I scolded her for that and made her apologize to them. My parents responded by not only rejecting the apology but berating her for over an hour over the phone and cussing her out. They call me afterwards and I can hear them slurring their words as i know they've been drinking heavily. They then threaten to call the cops and CPS on my daughter and "have her committed to an institution", because "she's out of control!" We have an argument over the phone which I hang up on because I honestly don't need this and neither does my wife or daughter. They then proceed to call my wife over and over while she's trying to rest in the next hospital over and when she answers they scream at her until she hangs up in tears, they then spam call my mother in law who doesn't even bother to answer the calls and they do this the rest of the night until we all have to turn our phones off.

    My question is, what can I do here? My parents both have had a long history of anger issues and drinking problems, so much so, that the majority of family and friends no longer contact them. I've tried to keep somewhat of a relationship going here, but threatening my daughter was the last line for me. Is there anything I can do?

    Edit: we are in Florida.

    submitted by /u/wolf156
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    Resturant refuses to pay overtime even after investigation.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 01:44 PM PDT

    (TX) So ive worked at this small family-owned restaurant for about a year. From my very first check I knew something wasn't quite right, from not writing in our hours, to 0 overtime pay after having definitely pulled over 55 hours a week. Every week. Finally we get a visit from OSHA/ whoever deals with this, and I thought things would get better. After their departure or boss sits down for a meeting and tells us once we hit 40 hours to clock out and give him our time cards. He said he'd write in the overtime and they pay us cash under the table. I still have a problem with this because I can see no justification for doing things the wrong way unless you aren't paying us correctly.

    submitted by /u/Andy_Boy57
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    Can I report a daycare that accepts unvaccinated children and lies to other parents about this?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:39 PM PDT

    I just found this out. My younger sister works at a daycare and the woman who owns it is unbelievably irresponsible for a number of reasons. However, her own children are unvaccinated and she lies to parents, people who drop their children as young as 4 months old off, about this. She also accepts a few YOUNG babies who are unvaccinated and then mixes them with the older children who are also unvaccinated. I am located in Oregon.

    When I say she lies to these parents, I mean a few have asked her bluntly if she's vaccinated her children and she says she has. This is not true. There is also apparently one mother who is a doctor of some sort and asked if she required children accepted into the daycare to follow vaccination protocols, and she lied and said that she did. She has multiple toddlers and her own 5 and 3 year old children running around unvaccinated.

    What can I do?

    Edit: clarification and grammar

    submitted by /u/velociraptorbreath
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    Missouri Workers Compensation: I fell out a plane.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    I was a baggage handler at the local airport, worked for Delta Global Services. At the time I was 58, alrrady retired from a successful career for different company and, had a good retirement from that. Didnt need the money from this job, but I was allowed to fly for 100% FREE. I was handling the luggage in the belly of the plane, another worker turns on a conveyer belt, I fall 20ft on my head.

    Immedetly, and to this day - six years later-, I cant do the things I used to do. I cant play basketball, Cant lift weights. I cant do things a regular 64yo man can do. I cant look up (with my neck) for more than 10 seconds without getting dizzy. I can only stand for ~15m before getting dizzy. Before the accident I was as strong and athletic as a 58yo man could be. Since the accident I feel like I'm 80... I cant even play 18 holes of golf (WITH cart) and not get dizzy... My condition is getting worse as time goes on.

    I've been deemed 15% disabled. They want me to settle for 14k. But, there is an addendum that has this part:

    "According to 42 C.F.R. §411.46, a lump-sum compromise settlement is a settlement that "forecloses the possibility of future payments of workers' compensation benefits." That regulation and MIM §3407.7 and MCM §2370.7 also provide that a lump-sum compromise settlement is a "settlement which provides less in total compensation than the individual would have received if the claim has not been compromised." See MIM §3407.1(E) and MCM §2370.1 for the definition of "lump-sum compromise settlement" as it is used in MIM §3407.7 and MCM §2307.7. Employee is receiving less in total compensation than he/she would receive if this claim was not settled on a compromise and is foreclosing any future possibility of future medical payments. Therefore, by definition, this is a lump-sum compromise settlement."

    NAL- but I googled "42 cfr 411.46" and it seems to be a law that is there to keep the "burden of my accident off medicare" by saying if I have future medical issues related to the accident, medicare will NOT pay AND the burden of proof is on ME to prove future issues are not related to the accident. The addendum goes on to say Delta wont pay either and 14k is the most I'll ever to be able to get out of it, even if future medical issues crop uo.

    I've called 15 lawyers in my town. Nobody in town is willing to talk to me and give me legal advice because I'm too far along in the case. I just need advice on the settlement. My only thing is 1) I want to be sure I am eligible for Medicare still. 2) I want to be sure I can relitigate my case if things get worse 3) I'm willing to accept less cash rewards if I retain the rights to #1 and #2. 4) #1 is not negotiable, #2 is. Amy advice on how to achieve these would be helpful.

    In Missouri. Thanks for reading. Joy, love, and happiness.

    submitted by /u/thro2a2ay22
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    Jail Not Providing Medical Treatment

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:04 PM PDT

    There's a guy in a county jail in California that isn't receiving adequate medical treatment for swelling near his tooth. My husband said the guy isn't able to eat or drink and he's complaining about breathing problems. The swelling is severe.

    The guy told the nurses and they keep telling him to let them know if it gets worse. I feel like they're just going to let this guy suffer for the rest of his life (not sure how much time he's facing).

    Is there anything I can do or suggest to my husband to suggest to that guy?

    Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit.

    Edit: I suggested that the guy bring it up with his attorney and the attorney, who is a public defender, isn't doing anything.

    Edit 2: The swelling is from his cheek bone to the other side of his face. My husband said it makes his double chin look like three chins.

    submitted by /u/TheRedBus
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    (TX) I work for a business owned by the same person who owns a complimentary business next door that I work shifts at occasionally, my overtime is separate for each but I still get one w2

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    I tried searching for the answers but this situation seems too unique and all the keywords lead to different questions. So while I mainly work at the first business (convenience store) close to 40 hours a week, but I work next door a few shifts a week at the restaurant owned by same person. I get paid say 10 bucks an hour when I work as a cashier at either place but when I work as a server I get say 3 an hour. I don't get overtime if I work 40 hours at the main and 20 at the restaurant, but I do if I work 60 hours at the main.

    They are separate LLCs but me and the restaurant employees get our check from the same checking account, usually from the restaurant but sometimes from the store (sometimes one account doesn't have enough, idk about owners financial finagling but she balances them and supposedly separates everything after the fact). When I get my check the my stub has the hours counted separately (like 12 hours place A x $10, 6 hours place B x $10, and 5 hours place B x $3) then added together and taxed for one check. I asked and I will be receiving one w2 from the main job only for all hours worked. I understand the pay rate difference for the server job but is it legal to not give overtime when I'm getting paid only by the same business for all hours and only have one w2?

    This is a little complicated ik that's why I haven't found good answers yet, so if I need to clarify anything let me know

    submitted by /u/kylebro23
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    [Texas] Sexual Assault, and High School Does Nothing

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    Obligatory not my situation

    So, a friend of mine was getting begged for sex by her classmate, and not only did he continue, but after asking her in person after school if she would be willing to have sex with him, he groped her breasts and began masturbating on her and she froze out of sheer panic. After getting the courage to report it, she and the boy were suspended during their investigation because the school argued it was consensual since she didn't say no during the sexual assault. Their argument is that "messages confirmed their sexual relationship" despite her denying his previous advances. During their investigation, they (2 males, principal and officer) even blocked her father from being present during her second questioning and began questioning her about sex where she again froze.

    What can my friend do in this situation?

    submitted by /u/BehemothBeelzebub
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    [AZ] Got hurt at work and received worker's compensation, but also failed school because of my injury.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:39 PM PDT


    I am in a little bit of an issue and don't know how to proceed. I was injured at work about a month ago and they have been paying for all my medical bills and giving me 2/3rds of what I used to make. In the process of the accident that left me unable to walk for 4 weeks, I ended up failing 2 classes because I was not able to do them. After financial aid paying for $2,000 of classes, they requested a return of funds and now I'm left paying that and any future classes I want to take. Is my job liable at all that I failed because I was not able to do my school work and now I have to pay for the classes I failed and the retakes? I'm looking at $4,000 for that now and only then will financial aid start covering classes after I pay $4,000 on my own for the failed ones and retakes.

    submitted by /u/guitarfanatic24
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    Can my landlord force my roommates and I to sign a new lease, two months into a year long lease? [Boston, MA]

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:11 PM PDT

    My landlord has asked my roommates and I to sign a joint and several liability lease for "insurance purposes", which would void our individual leases. I don't think that's fair of him to ask, and I don't want to sign it. Can he evict me for refusing to sign the new lease?

    Backstory: We moved in September 1st, 2019 and the lease ends August 31st, 2020. The landlord individually found all four tenants to rent each bedroom. We all signed individual leases and we all pay different monthly rents for our bedrooms. None of us knew one another prior to moving into the apartment.

    I feel that it is unfair for the landlord to ask us to sign a joint and several liability lease which would void our individual leases. I don't know my roommates that well and I do not want to be liable if one of them does not pay their rent or causes damages to the property. I also think it's unfair of the landlord to have been able to charge us at higher rent prices under the individual leases and have us not reap the benefits and security of the individual lease.

    What should I do?

    submitted by /u/heidic6
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