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    Monday, October 28, 2019

    How long until credit report reflects a refinanced loan? Currently showing double Student Loans

    How long until credit report reflects a refinanced loan? Currently showing double Student Loans

    How long until credit report reflects a refinanced loan? Currently showing double

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    How long for the old company (Discover) to show $0 owed on my credit report after I refinanced a loan with Earnest? It's been roughly one month and the Earnest loan has shown up, so now my credit karma is reflecting twice the amount I actually owe

    submitted by /u/GS_Trader
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    Curious what my options are

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:36 AM PDT

    I realize I really should've done something earlier in the semester but got lazy and here we are. So here's my current situation. I'm currently enrolled and living on campus, it's my freshman year. I filled out my FAFSA early during my senior year and got a Pell Grant, a couple state/school scholarships, as well as the usual subsidized and unsubsidized loans, being 3500 and 2000 respectively. I took both, and after everything still owe around $1400 for this semester and I imagine it'll be around the same next semester. What's my best option to get extra money to pay this off? I'm sure it'll probably be a loan, which I've accepted at this point, but I just don't know where to start.

    submitted by /u/ToasterOFun
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    Trying to help my daughter refinance student loans but she keeps getting denied - I am willing to cosign

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    My daughter graduated in May and is working full-time as a dental hygienist. Her deferment on her loans is over in December and she has three Sallie Mae loans totaling about $37K with high interest rates that I'm thinking would be best to try to refinance so she can handle the payments and save on interest over the long haul. She also has three fed loans that she'll leave as is and just pay on them.

    We've tried Sofi, Splash and one other (can't remember the 3rd one right now) and all three have denied her. I am willing to cosign this refinance and I have very good credit but there is no where on the loan app online that even asks about a co-signer. How do we move forward and get her Sallie Mae loans refinanced?

    submitted by /u/Timbodeener
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    Federal loans in different payment plans?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    Hi. I have 6 student loans. They are all federal. 4 of those loans are in REPAYE. The other 2 are in IBR. It has been this way for a few years now. Originally all 6 were in IBR - but when Repaye come out i wanted to switch. (about 3 years ago)

    When i was put into these plans I was told 2 things:

    1. I will only be paying a total of 10% of my discretionary income - (which is the repaye rate, as opposed to the IBR rate)

    2. The two loans that are in IBR are not eligible for repaye.

    I sort of took my loan servicer at their word - also because this issue proves near impossible to research via google - but based on recent events with them I am reconsidering my trust.

    Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with this situation? Is it really true that as long as one loan is in Repaye you pay 10% on all loans - even IBR? If that was true - it likely would have made more since to switch only one loan to Repaye to avoid capitialization on the other three.

    When is a borrower not eligible for Repaye but is for IBR? I can figure it out - I thought the purpose of repaye was to be pretty much all inclusive for direct loans.

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/methusela6
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    Teacher loan forgiveness question (5 consecutive years)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    I'm hoping someone here can help me out with this... I'm eligible for the $5,000 student loan forgiveness for teaching for 5 consecutive years. I have my paperwork filled out and ready to send, but I have federal direct loans through two providers, Navient and Mohela. Which do I send the paperwork to? Or does it go to both and they figure out which loans to forgive?

    submitted by /u/mentaltentacles
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    Stupid Idea?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    Not sure how bad this is. Graduated this year. Blah blah blah student debt of course. I have a job pays alright for me being entry and stuff. But I still had some extra time. So I started applying for random scholarships. Got like 3 of them and accept them. They processed through my university and the money is already in my bank account. I'm thinking about throwing the money at my loans, unless they find out I didn't use the money for so and so there's no real harm right? I could literally play off half my loan rn with this scholarship money.

    submitted by /u/Swailo
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    I need serious help deciding on a student loan.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 12:45 PM PDT

    So heres my situation: Unfortunately I had my FAFSA removed and am getting no financial aid as of now, nor am I eligible for federal loans, so i'm forced to look at private loans. Im looking for obviously a relatively low APR for a small $5000 loan. I dont know a lot about loans or how to go about them, so I dont really know where to start. Im also looking to start repaying my loans a few months after my anticipated graduation date (not paying while going to school). My bank is wells fargo so as of right now I may be going with them, but what are some other viable student loan companies that may be better than them?

    submitted by /u/Apocalypsezz
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    REPAYE Interest Capitalization?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    Hi folks - anyone know how this works? Let's say $100k was covered by the government in interest subsidy during life of loan. Does that $100k get capitalized at loan forgiveness time and essentially added to the amount that is forgiven (thus adding to the tax bomb)?

    submitted by /u/GoalRoad
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    Student loan audit experience - GL capitalizing interest from 3 years back.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    Does anyone have experience with student loan amounts being changed pursuant to an audit?

    My lender just added about 40K to principle based on a "correction" for something that they should have allegedly done 4 years ago.

    I cannot confirm or deny yet whether their change was a correct one or not.

    Ideally I would be able to contest their change.

    To add color - it appears as if they are claiming they should have capitalized about 40k in interest but never did so.

    submitted by /u/methusela6
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    Student loan deferment was approved but then “revoked” after quitting job and going back to school. Options?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm positing this for a friend who doesn't have Reddit but isn't getting nowhere talking to Sallie Mae. Would appreciate all your advice!

    So, she graduated with roughly $30,000 in private student loan debt and another $10,000 in federal. She graduated and received a job paying roughly $40,000/year in a fairly LCOL of living area but was on an income based repayment. All is well as of now.

    This gets messy however, when she gets into a grad school program that's in Europe (which is free) but she needs to take out a loan for living expenses of roughly $12k per year (still cheaper than paying tuition and living America). She takes these out as private non-student loans because according to her the student loan lenders she tried to use wouldn't lend to her due to her school not being in accredited in America (this probably should have been red flag number one). Not sure the details here but she kept getting denied for student loans and as a result, took out personal loans which are now being paid back currently with no deferment options.

    For her $30k in student loans from Sallie Mae she filled out the form for apply for deferment, quits her job, and goes to start school. Her account was in deferment with no payments for 3 months. Last month Sallie Mae notified her that she actually doesn't qualify for deferment because her school isn't accredited by them / in USA / in whatever they use. They want payment for the 3 months she didn't pay when her account was in "fake" deferment or whatever you want to call it. She called back multiple times, asked for supervisors, etc to no avail. They wouldn't budge on the deferment decision or put her on a payment plan she can afford for the previous payments she missed.

    So now she's an unemployed grad student, paying pack private loans and now has to pay back her student loans. She can only legally work 20 hours / week based on her visa and she starts a $20/hour work study in a month. Does she have any options with sallie mae on the basis that she was "approved" for deferment for a few months and made her decisions based on that? If not, what's the best course of action in terms of getting caught up with all these payments assuming she has no outside assistance?

    submitted by /u/redditnewhi
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    Advice on whether to refinance federal consolidated loans

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    As the title suggests, I am considering refinancing my federal loans (paid off private loan years ago). My main goals are: i) to lower my overall interest rate, and ii) maintain a good credit score for a potential move in a couple of months. My apologies if the answer is obvious.

    I currently have two federal consolidated loans with an aggregate balance of $17k at 5.75% (held at Navient at the moment). My salary is $75k, with a potential salary increase of another couple of thousand dollars at the end of the year, and I think the position is stable. My credit score according to CreditKarma is 789.

    I did some minimal research (on NerdWallet) and obtained the following quoted fixed rates for five year terms:

    • SoFi - 4.42%
    • Earnest - 4.43%
    • Education Loan Finance - 4.34%

    These were the lowest three rates using the NerdWallet tool/app/page/whatever. If I decide to pursue refinancing, then I will be obtaining quotes from additional lenders and calling as well for additional clarity, sign up offers and maybe better rates (?).

    Regarding the second goal, I rent ($1800/month) my own place in the Big Apple and my lease is up in January. Barring an unreasonable rent increase, I'm likely to stay another year, but being someone who tries to consider worst case scenarios, I want to be sure that if I do refinance now and need to move in January, that the hard pull on my credit history won't have too adverse of an effect on my score so that it would make it harder for me to rent a place and obtain a 0% APR credit card (to help offset moving costs).

    Thanks in advance for considering the above and for your advice/comments!

    Edit: Just wanted to add that I understand that by refinancing, I would give up federal benefits such as IBR, forgiveness, deferment and forbearance.

    submitted by /u/c0707primeom
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    With all the talk of canceling student loan debt...what about us who toiled and eventually paid part or whole of our loans off?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:16 PM PDT

    It would have been nice for the government to take the burden off people who can't make minimum payments that are astronomical or help our those who are unemployed or under-employed.

    But what about us who "got lucky" but really had to prioritize our student loans over everything to make sure it didn't hold us back any further.

    What about us who had to slept in cars or damp basements because we knew taking out 10k a year in loans to live in an on-campus dorm would eventually be 50k in debt?

    It seems a bit unfair, in general, that those kids who partied it up while they lived in dorms left college with 100k debt for that debt to be canceled. Meanwhile those of us who worked 2 jobs during college and lived off campus left college with 50k debt and busted our ass to pay it off and never missed a payment.

    Or was it that we had the work ethic of the real world instilled in us in college days and made us the successful people we are?

    Isn't that what college is about? Or did many live in a neverland bubble?

    Frankly, I'd like my 50k back, plus interest.


    submitted by /u/throwawayRLL
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    Should I file FAFSA as an independent or dependent? Also should I file taxes?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:22 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone:

    I'm trying to determine the best way to fill out my FAFSA - either as an independent or dependent of my parents.

    I'm filing this for my 6th/ final undergrad year at a public university, I will be 23 when the upcoming academic year starts & graduating at 24. I do not live at home/ rely much financially on family, but have been filing my FAFSA as a dependent up until now. My expected family contribution is usually close to $0 and I qualify for the Pell grant, Federal work study and other supplemental grants. However, I worked at an internship and earned about 13k, my total earnings this year (from part time jobs + internship) amount to about 16k. I also think age 23 is the last year I can be a dependent. So my questions:

    • Should I file taxes for my internship income? Do I need to file taxes to submit the FAFSA as an independent student?
    • Is it better to file the FAFSA as an independent or dependent based on my situation? Which option is likely to get more aid?

    Ultimately I need to ensure i will still qualify for the pell grant, federal work study and other supplemental grants that usually comprise my aid package.

    - Really would appreciate any pointers at all. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Parapurp
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    Is there any way i can get a school loan early?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:31 AM PDT

    I got kicked out of my house and i think im going to be homeless for a while if i cant get any funds up expeditiously ..is there any way i can get my loan early or anything like that?

    submitted by /u/MrSmallFromArkansas
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