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    Saturday, October 19, 2019

    Accident that I was never involved with Insurance

    Accident that I was never involved with Insurance

    Accident that I was never involved with

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    So my next door neighbor keep saying that we backed up into her car but we never did and I was even out of the country at that time of the accident. They saw my scratch from my car and they think that it was from an accident but it was actually from the garage. And yesterday, we got a mail from the lawyer that says we have 10 days to dispute. Should I get a lawyer also and do car inspection or something like that so I can show that we didn't hit the car? I have I-94 (arrival and departure form) that says I was out of the country at that moment.

    Also, day after that thing occurred, two policemen came in and told my wife that it's not our fault or anything and no police reports were made.

    If anyone can help me, that would be great. We really don't want to pay $5k for something that we didn't.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Seventeenlife17
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    Renting a room to someone with a dog

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:11 PM PDT

    I own a house and have my own HO3 policy, however I do not have pets and my insurance did ask about that originally.

    I am going to be renting a room to a friend who has a dog (not considered a dangerous breed, no behavioral issues) and he has his own renters policy. I will still live in the house and his rent is month to month since he may not be here long.

    Do I need to inform my insurance company that a dog will be living at the house if it isn't mine? And if something were to happen, would I be liable (I don't imagine my insurance would cover it since it isn't my dog), or would his take care of it? Just trying to be proactive in case.

    submitted by /u/ExcellentShow8
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    If I designate my car as business use, am I covered? (DoorDash driver)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:44 PM PDT

    For those who don't know, DoorDash drivers pick up food from restaurants and deliver to customers. That's it. No people. A Progressive agent told me over the phone that all I have to do to make sure I'm covered while working is designate my car for business use on my personal policy. Is this true? I thought we had to get commercial insurance. Designating as business use only added $30 to my monthly quote. I don't currently have a policy with Progressive, I'm shopping around, as I just found out my current insurance doesn't cover me.

    DoorDash has an insurance policy for drivers, but it's liability-only. My car is financed, and if I'm at fault for an accident, I don't want to be on the hook for payments with no car to show for it. I made a similar post in r/doordash and got no useful answers. Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/motelcoconut
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    Am I paying too much for car insurance?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:29 AM PDT

    I'm 16 and I'm under my parents insurance (State Farm) I have full coverage for my 2008 Chevy cobalt and usually I pay $165 which I've been told is a bit much. All of a sudden I'm told by them that my insurance for this month is $348 which is absolutely ridiculous because I wasn't in an accident and nothing has changed so that leads me to believe my own parents are trying to scam me. Any insight on what I should do next would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/juulius_seizures_
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    Moving out of state car insurance question

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 02:20 AM PDT

    I am moving to Michigan soon for work.

    I am curious to know if I would be able to insure and register a car in my name if the loan for it is under my mom's name in NY.

    So, my mom finances a car in NY, I am moving to Michigan and want to take that car with me. What is the best course of action?

    submitted by /u/whambamthankyoupamm
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    Auto insurance messed up and compared my totaled vehicle to itself, and then offered me even less. Please advise.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    I bought a used car and two weeks later it was T-boned. Their insurance accepted full liability and is totaling it.

    They did a valuation of my car, and they messed up because one of the "comparable vehicles" they used WAS my car. Same VIN and dealership. However, they said the adjusted value of my car was $1500 less than the list price, and then their actual valuation was even lower. WTF sort of math are they doing??

    It looks like this:

    • Comp vehicle 1 (my car) List price: $16000

    • Adjusted comparable value: $14,400

    • Final valuation: $14,000

    Where did that $2000 go? I owned the vehicle for two weeks and put less than 1000 miles on it.

    I paid $15,500 for the vehicle because I am friends with someone at the dealership. I need that amount as the value of my car, not $14,400 and certainly not $14,000. When I ask how my vehicle is worth so much less than I paid for it two weeks prior, they say "dealership fees" and sort of wave their hands and say they can't do anything else.

    I feel like I caught them arbitrarily devaluing my car red handed. I just want to be made whole so I can buy the same car again. They looked at 21 comp cars, and all of them were 2-3 thousand more than what they are offering, so what they are offering isn't the market rate.

    I feel like I caught them lying but still feel powerless. I have a receipt for what I paid, but they don't care. Do I escalate beyond my adjuster to his boss? How do I get them to budge?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/BullionCube
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    Insurance is not paying body shop's estimate. Am I on the hook for the difference?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 09:24 PM PDT

    My car's tires and rims got stolen a few weeks ago, and the thieves left it propped up on milk crates, causing body damage in addition to the theft.

    To get supplemental repairs done, I took it in to a body shop that was listed as one of State Farm's authorized Select Service shops. They gave me an estimate and assured me that they had State Farm's approval, then went ahead and made the repairs and returned my car to me.

    Now, however, I'm seeing on my account that State Farm is paying them about $3,000 less than their original estimate, and I'm worried that I'm going to be on the hook for the difference. The sense I'm getting is that the body shop did not submit their estimate to State Farm until after they had already made the repairs, as an estimate from the shop was not uploaded to my claim account until they day I picked up my car. In retrospect, this seems like a breach of process by the body shop, since I'd assume that they'd want to have insurance adjusters inspect the car if there was a dispute.

    Do I have any recourse if the shop tries to bill me for the difference? I have an email from the body shop with their original estimate, in which they explicitly say that they have State Farm approval for the repairs. I have not been contacted by the shop yet, but I want to make sure that I'm prepared in the event that something does happen.

    submitted by /u/insthrow1212
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    car insurance moving out of state policy

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:13 PM PDT

    plannning on moving out of state by Dec but i'm not sure if my insurance premiun will decrease dramatically or do i have to search for another provider

    south florida

    Infinity Iinsurance

    policy : 3 cars , 280 $ /m

    under my step dad name ( has a CDL and is cheaper )

    submitted by /u/jbourne7
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    Can my insurance pay for massages?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 05:24 AM PDT

    How to get medical insurance to pay for massages?

    Any of you guys managed to do this or knows how to? :) I don't need referrals for specialists with my insurance.

    I was thinking if I made an appointment with a Chiropractor, but I don't really need a chiropractic massage. I have pain in my shoulder/knees, not my back or spine. Was hoping to get a massage using my insurance, weekly for a small copay or possibly nothing.

    I have UHC Oxford Freedom PPO as my insurance.

    submitted by /u/warjar101
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    What does travel insurance typically consider "routine dental care"?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:33 AM PDT

    I'm abroad, and will be for the next 6 months but have developed what feels more and more like an infection in my gums. I know the travel insurance I have covers up to $500 for dental emergencies, but I'm not sure what they consider routine dental care because routine wasn't one of the words clearly defined in the nice little glossary they have. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/KewlBeh
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    I was involved in an accident (my fault, even though it wasn't) and they settled

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    This is the letter I got from my insurance (what does this mean?)

    I'm writing about the liability claim that BITCH filed against your policy as a result of the accident on April 05, 2016. We'd like you to know that we have:  Settled the bodily injury claim. We're required to let you know that based on our liability decision, we will not pursue collection of any damages you sustained, including your deductible, if applicable. Therefore, we surrender (to you) our rights to pursue collection, or reimbursement, of any damages you sustained, including your deductible. If you have any questions about this letter or wish to discuss this claim further, please call me and refer to the claim number above.

    submitted by /u/SaddamsKnuckles
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    Tear out and replace clause in my homeowners

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    TL;DR: I think I'm covered by a clause to gain access to sewage pipes under my house. My insurance says no.

    I have determined, through a camera, that the cast iron sewer pipe under my slab foundation house is corroded. I was able to see tree roots coming through in one area, and a large hole in another area. In the large hole, the plumber and I saw a cockroach scurry by the hole. Under the pipe, not in the pipe. I have this recorded.

    So, I made a claim. Not for the pipes to be repaired. The policy is very clear about not covering the cost of repairing the pipes. I accept that. But one plumber clued me in that many insurance companies will cover the cost to dig under the house to access the pipes to remove/replace/repair.

    In my policy, I found the following information in a section about water:

    We cover the cost of tearing out and replacing that part of the dwelling structure necessary to repair the system or appliance, except. >>deleted section about not covering foundation repair.<<

    Further, in the section of what is covered in the dwelling, it says "materials and supplies located on or next to the residence premises used to construct, alter or repair the dwelling or other structures on the resident premises." is covered.

    On their side of the argument is, in the section "Building property we do not cover," they say "Land, no matter where it is located, including land on which the dwelling is located.

    In "additional property losses we do not cover," I see the statement that "Planning, Construction or Maintenance, meaning faulty, inadequate or defective... followed by a long list of things under this umbrella. None of which are related to gaining access to where I need to make repairs.

    What I am asking is, from this information, do you feel that I am covered for the cost of accessing the pipes to replace them? The digging of the holes and tunneling underneath my house to replace the pipes.

    The way I'm seeing it is that "tearing out and replacing." means digging into and under the house to access areas that need repair.

    Your perspective?

    edited to fix formatting

    submitted by /u/HughJasshole
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    Diminished Value Claim

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    Hey All. I got rear-ended this past weekend, and am currently dealing with insurance company and working with the body shop on the repair process. I stumbled across this thread and wanted some insight into filing a diminished value claim. Both parties were luckily okay, both have AllState and reside in Texas. Additional information below

    - Was rear-ended in bumper to bumper traffic, the at-fault party wasn't paying attention to traffic ahead and rear-ended me going about 30. My vehicle is a 2018 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab "Custom" with 16k miles (Was bought new 11/2018), his car (what was left) late 2000's Kia. I only have the preliminary estimate which is roughly 10K in damages, but that could definitely go higher. I've reached out to Allstate and they have assigned me to someone who will reach out and discuss next steps. My questions are below.

    - What research/information should I have ready for when this meeting occurs? Assuming I would need to review similar vehicles for sale around my area and use that as a baseline for its before-wreck value. Then once the repairs are done get it valued at its current worth after the wreck and compare the loss?

    - Has anyone dealt with Allstate, in Texas, with DV claims? I'm expecting this to be a rough go, but this is unknown territory and am not sure what to really expect.

    - What would be fair amount to expect from this?

    Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/Atlas2164
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    Baby on the way

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    So I'm 22 and have a baby on the way with my gf, been together for 6 years. I have really good insurance but my gf on the other hand doesn't have as good of a plan as I do. Is it possible to have my insurance cover the prenatal visits and other things needed leading up to the birth. We're not married and live in California.

    submitted by /u/nsanidad
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    Is pleading guilty for a traffic ticket in my case worth it?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 04:50 PM PDT

    My premium is 410 with Geico. I drive a beater and heavily use it for work. Every day I earn about 100 with the car after expenses. I go to school as well. What do you say?

    submitted by /u/uliwonks
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    Term Life Insurance

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 04:30 PM PDT

    Need help finding term life insurance for myself with pre existing health conditions that isn't a no exam policy.

    In the United States and Tennessee.

    submitted by /u/PropaneSalesMen
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    Does the AU Designation (Associate in Commercial Underwriting) Matter?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:44 PM PDT


    I commonly here about the CPCU being the premier designation to pursue, but what kind of value does the AU provide an insurance professional, specifically an underwriter? Assuming the individual does NOT ever acquire the CPCU.

    If the AU is the only designation I pursue/acquire, how much and how exactly will it set me apart from other insurance professionals that don't have any designations, or that don't have an underwriting specific one? Does it provide a lot of value on it's own, or is it more of a supporting designation that's just nice to have to enhance a resume beyond something like the CPCU?

    I was strongly considering just completing the AU (possibly the AU-M), then just being done with designations for awhile. Pursuing a career in commercial lines underwriting with the goal of eventually being in underwriting management.


    submitted by /u/darthrevan22
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    Confusing auto insurance situation question.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    Hi there! I just recently moved from Colorado to Michigan, and my mom gave me her car to drive. The title is in my mom's name and she is still paying a loan on it, so the car is registered and insured in Colorado, which is where she resides. I am wondering if it is legal to drive the car in Michigan. Do I need to get a separate insurance plan? Can I even do that if the car is registered in a different state? Once the car is paid off we are going to transfer the title to me and get it the car registered here, but in the mean time I'm terrified to drive for fear of getting in an accident and having shit hit the fan. The car is estimated to be paid off in February. I am insured with State Farm if that helps. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/awayithrowthis1110
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    Medical claim question.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but a friend pf mine is having a problem with a medical claim. I actually am a medical biller for a chiropractic office,so i have a pretty good knowledge of how insurance works and claims should be paid but am kind of stumped how how it should be handled.

    She went to Walgreens and got a birth control prescription filled. Walgreens billed an insurance that is no longer active for her (Aetna) instead of her new active insurance. Aetna ended up paying the claim, even though they shouldn't have, and have now sent my friend a $500 bill.

    So in my experience, if a termed insurance pays for a claim thwy are not responsible for, that termed insuance requests a refund from the office that they paid (in this case Aetna requests from Walgreens) then Walgreens would send a bill to my friend, my friend would then be like we'll, here's my new insurance, Walgreens would rebill the new insurance, they would pay and that would be rhe end of it. But Aetna is threatening to send my friend ro collections over this and saying that she has to pay them.

    I suggested calling Aetna again and talking to a manager and explaining the situation, cause a lot of the claims adjusters that you get on the phone have minimal knowledge of what the actual correct steps are. Is there something else she can do? Can she like file a complaint or something? It just sounds to me like Aetna is being lazy and just trying to get reimbursement from the easiest source. They should have just denied the claim.

    Any help in the matter is much appreciated! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/korr919
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    Can I start my Insurance Early??

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    Got my insurance renewal coming up in the 25th, and therefore my 1st yr NCD, this month (7 days away) I'm looking to purchase a car this weekend and would like to insure it so I can drive it asap.

    Can I start a new policy stating that I have 1 yrs NCD tomorrow, even though my insurance runs out on the 25th? It's just a week's difference but are they that picky?

    Any help is much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/walshy273
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    Medicaid and Opt Out Stipend?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    Hi, I have a family of 5, and we are on the Oregon Health Plan. Recently my husband was promoted at his work and his employer will now offer health insurance. We still qualify for Oregon Health Plan based on income even with his raise. He declined their insurance since we have OHP, but they want to offer him a medical stipend in lieu of providing insurance. (200 a month). I can't find any information about it, so I am wondering if he can accept the stipend? It seems like this would be for if we are paying for other insurance, which we are not. I'm also unsure if we need to accept it and give it to OHP. Can he accept it? Should he ask his employer not to give it to him? Does he need to accept and pay OHP? Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/InsuranceTAW
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