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    Saturday, October 19, 2019

    Legal Advice Can a school legally harass our family. UK.

    Legal Advice Can a school legally harass our family. UK.

    Can a school legally harass our family. UK.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:01 AM PDT

    my son started his new secondary school this year. He had one morning off for a hospital appointment and one full day off for an illness. On both occasion a school van with the school logo turns up at our home asking why he's not at school despite the fact we made the school aware at the start of the day via the correct methods the school requests. Yet still they send out the staff in a fully logoed school van. It's clearly an intimidating tactic to make parents deal pressured to send children to school. I don't agree with this but see how it could work when parents don't contact the school to explain the child's abscence.

    I have told them they are not welcome to enter my garden or come to my door anymore and gave told them should they come to my home again I will contact police as it's clearly harrasment due to being 2 or more unsolicited visits.

    The head teacher has spoke to the local authority and replied saying they don't care what I say and they will continue to use the same absence policy. My question is can they legally do this? I have not signed any forms saying I agree to this when my son joined this s

    submitted by /u/Dave8901
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    I’m Somali US citizen being held hostage in Somali by my family

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    I'm 19 years olds I was born in Kismayo but I was raised in San Diego California. Both of my mom and dad live in Kismayo Somalia. My grandma and my uncles and aunts all conspired against. Told me your going to go to Kismayo to connect with your mom and dad. The arranged a trip were me and my grandma would go for 2 months then we would be back. The first week I was there they locked me up in this place they call a cultural rehabilitation center but in reality it's a fucked up prison were they beat you with a broom if u don't memorize the Quran. I was locked in there for 6 months. I came to Kismayo January 2019 and I'm still here they told this were I'm going to stay now. At least till I get married and have kids. I finally got my phone privileges back. I already contacted the us embassy in Kenya they basically can't do anything besides cut my a ticket and email the Kismayo airport. It's to risky I don't want to do I'm being watched everyday. Both of my parents are horrible They always talk shit about me. I don't know want to do. Is there anyway I can get out Somalia?

    submitted by /u/kalid234
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    Parents want to go on a vacation to sudan(where they were both born and raised) and i think they are planning to leave me there

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    I think they are catching on that i no longer want to be muslim even though im still in the closet. So is there anything i can do? We're all U.S. citizens

    Edit: im 16 born in the U.S, ive been to sudan before only when i wad really young

    submitted by /u/theadors-third-cuz
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    Currently Being Committed Against My Will to Psychiatric Care after Visiting Campus Clincian about Anxiety Medication. Currently in ER, Soon to be Transferred to Inpatient Care where My Phone will be Taken From Me.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:06 AM PDT

    The last 12 hours have been surreal. I am a college student in Boston, Massachusetts. I have been struggling with general anxiety and depressive symptoms since coming to college. I have taken and continue taking variety of measures including biweekly meeting with an on-campus counselor, group therapy, and self-care tools.

    With midterms, I found my anxiety and depression interfering with my work more I could handle. I have been asking my on campus counselor for a consulation on medication for weeks, but because of how disgustingly overflooded system, she told me I would only be able to see someone in early November (this is when I asked in late September). I ask other resources for help and I am told that seeing an urgent care counselor on campus and expaining how immediately I need to get help with medication can help expediate this process.

    Come this Friday afternoon at 5PM, I check-in at urgent care. It takes an hour for the on-call clinician to arrive, and by that time the nurse tells me that another 3-5 people have checked in to see someone.

    The urgent care counselor spends no more than 10-15 minutes with me. During this short time, I try to explain literally 2 years of mental health history as well as the nuance of what I was experiencing most recently. When asked if I have ever had suicidal ideation, I tell them I actually do have intrusive thoughts on occasion, but it is usually very easy for me to brush off. I described however that last night I felt compelled to look into reddit threads on r/suicidewatch and r/suicidebereavement. When he asked me to explain more in depth what I had read, I mentioned a thread about a student who had hung themselves with a electrical cord and the perspective of their friends who found them. Reading stories like that help me rationalize how violent and terrible the reality of suicide actually is and makes it a lot easier to see these thoughts as the irrational momentary escapist fantasies they are. I know in my deepest core that while I entertain these suicidal thoughts, I know truly that I would never seriously kill myself.

    Unfortunately, this is where things start to completely spiral out of control. This urgent care counselor leaves the room and disappears for 20 minutes. When he gets back he informs me he is going to have me take an ambulance to a nearby hospital for emergency evaluation and possible admittance. I tell him this is not something I am comfortable and that it was an extremely unnecessary escalation. (I was also worried since I don't know how the finances of this works out for me as I am a low income student) He says I have no choice as he is placing me under "Section 12". After some wait where nothing more is explained to me about Section 12 (I had to google it to actually understand what its meant to do), I am escorted from my campus hospital in an ambulance with an actual brigade of 5-6 emergency responders and police.

    HERE IS MY BIGGEST POINT OF CONCERN. On the way to the hospital for emergency evaluation, I am taking to one of the ER responders trying to just stay composed and take in everything that was happening, she says "Just so this goes easier for my report later. We were told that the campus clinic recieved a call from your dorm last night (meaning Thursday night) where they were informed about you threatening to commit suicide. They mentioned something about the use of electrocution." I immediately stop her there, I said no that is absolutely not what is happening nor was that what I told my urgent care provider. There was no phone call from my dorm about an attempted suicide. There was no attempted suicide or threat to commit suicide. I cannot understand where this idea of electrocution came from, besides the counselor misconstruing the example with the electrical cord from earlier.

    I since have arrived at a local emergency care and spoken to an registration facilitator, ER nurse, and the psychiatrist on duty at this hospital I was transferred to. I tried to explain in more detail the context of everything I had told the counselor who placed me under Section 12. I tell them this initial report about a late night call and electrocution is just completely untrue. She says she will check, continues to ask more questions and eventually tells me I am being placed into impatient psychiatric care, with or without my consent as extension through Section 12.

    I ask her more into what this means. I will be in involuntary care from 3 up to 7 days. I will be in a "secured" area with someone checking in on me every 10–5 minutes. My phone will be taken to limited access, but I can write down numbers and make phone calls through a provided phone. Limited visitation hours. I will be given daily counseling with a psychiatrist and medication from there.

    It is definitely true that I have issues with anxiety and depression that needs professional help. Help which I have personally sought out and understand is in my best interest. I know how serious and how insidious mental health issues can be, and I feel educated to understand my level of risk where I would know if I needed to voluntarily commit myself for example. I feel I am being made to feel crazy. I cannot comprehend how I am being asked to stay for up to 7 days without consent.

    I am at a loss for words how within 6 hours, I have gone from a student needing medication consultation to being stripped of my freedom, my clothes, and contact with the outside world at the word of a counselor who spoke to me for 10 minutes.

    I have been contacting my family (who are overseas and cannot help directly) and furiously googling to understand my situation. This passage from Massachusetts Law Section 12 looks relevant.

    "Upon admission of a person under the provisions of this subsection, the facility shall inform the person that it shall, upon such person's request, notify the committee for public counsel services of the name and location of the person admitted. Said committee for public counsel services shall forthwith appoint an attorney who shall meet with the person. If the appointed attorney determines that the person voluntarily and knowingly waives the right to be represented, or is presently represented or will be represented by another attorney, the appointed attorney shall so notify said committee for public counsel services, which shall withdraw the appointment.

    Any person admitted under the provisions of this subsection, who has reason to believe that such admission is the result of an abuse or misuse of the provisions of this subsection, may request, or request through counsel an emergency hearing in the district court in whose jurisdiction the facility is located, and unless a delay is requested by the person or through counsel, the district court shall hold such hearing on the day the request is filed with the court or not later than the next business day."

    I was not told about my right to attorney. I was not offered chance to defend my ability to refuse admittance.

    I am currnetly sitting in ER wing of a local hospital still. I am waiting for a bed at another facility so I may be transferred and begin treatment.

    My questions are the following:

    How long are they actually allows to keep me for? I have been in emegency care for 8 hours already. I overheard a nurse mention how beds may not even open up till Monday. Will I be waiting this entire weekend through to next week in an ER room with people genuinely screaming and yelling down the hall?

    How do I talk to someone about what is going on with this application of Section 12? I am completely shocked that this is how little they need to put me in a room with security guards paroling me. By this standard, half the rest of my school and more than half of reddit should be admitted against their will.

    I appreciate all your time and advice.

    submitted by /u/throwaway1238383484
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    [FL] Leasing office gave no written notice to enter my home and when maintenance entered my home they left the door open, letting my dog and my rabbit out. My dog is nowhere to be found and my rabbit was found attacked by stray cat. What are my options?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    Our dog and our Rabbit escapes when maintenance came in to do a monthly spray of the apartment. I came home and found that my door was unlocked. The dog is gone he has a tag and everything and no one gave me a call and my rabbit is in the hospital fighting for his life and now I want the leasing office to be responsible for the cost of the dog and the medical bills for the bunny and the cost of the rabbit if he dies.

    We are also looking to break our lease possibly without penalty because they screwed up and cost us more money than the cost of rent. I have complained not to put rat poison in the house because we have animals. (We do not have a rat problem.) Our dog ingested rat poison during our lease and we are still fighting to get the vet bills for that paid. They continue to barge in numerous times without notice.

    What are my legal options? I want my bills paid and out of the lease.

    submitted by /u/Zalulu02
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    Someone is spying on women in the restroom at my workplace.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    Virginia USA. My company (A) and another company (B), owned by same parent company, share a building including restroom facilities. The restroom for female employees has three stalls. There is a woman working for company B that peeps through the gaps between stalls to watch people using the toilet. Her excuse for spying on people using the toilet is to "check if they are on their phones". She has done this to at least four people within a week -- those are just the ones I know of, from company A. No idea if she's done this to her own coworkers. She is not a coworker of ours and she is not even a manager in company B, so she has no authority to tell anyone to get off their phone even if she saw them on it. We do not believe this is her true reasoning.

    Someone has informed company A's HR of this problem and yet she continues to look at people through the stall. Nothing has changed.

    If she continues to spy on people after HR does nothing, what actions should the victims take here? Complain to HR/management again, or take it higher to the parent company? I do not believe our HR and company B's HR are connected, they are two different companies and function independently. They only share ownership.

    Is this considered sexual harassment, and if so, is there room to press charges if this behavior persists despite warnings?

    submitted by /u/BurningSanders
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    My old boss is telling people I’m on meth

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:42 AM PDT

    I was an apprentice butcher for 11 months, but the field wasn't for me and I wasn't enjoying anything about it. My boss understood I wasn't picking it up, so the decision to part ways was mutual. Fast-forward 3 months, my former college and I are doing a gym session and he casually brings up that my boss has been telling people that he's heard I'm on meth. I'm just wondering if there's anything I can do about this or anything I should do. I'm very unaware of how I should proceed. In South Australia, Australia

    submitted by /u/just_a_random_kid
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    My landlord is too comfortable.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 02:28 PM PDT

    So today I was sitting on my couch with my S/O and we thought we heard a knock on the back door. Next thing we know our landlord is in our home without any sort of permission after just knocking one time. The reason? The maintenance men are working on the boilers and she asked us to turn our heat on to check that its working. Is this allowed?

    In another instance she came over to drop off a key and when I opened the door she just walked right in. She's very...invasive and now I'm worried she might intrude when I'm away. Is this all okay? Am I overreacting?

    Edit: this is in Denver, CO

    submitted by /u/dezz-the-artist
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    Putting local children stealing packages on blast

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:43 PM PDT

    Yesterday, I caught four middle schoolers stealing a package off my porch on camera. Am I legally allowed in NYC to post a flyer of their faces to warn my neighbors/scare them into returning it?

    submitted by /u/Legendoftbag
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    Daughter’s first grade class has a troubled / violent student. Concerned about daughter’s safety. [TX]

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    My daughter is in public school and there is a student that has violent outbursts in the classroom. She will throw chairs, Turn over desks, etc.

    The school has put the teachers though special training to deal with her. They will evacuate the classroom and then the school resource officer, teacher and her old kindergarten teacher will come in the deal with her.

    We've had discussions with the principal and she basically said there isn't much she can do. The teacher of her class just quit unexpectedly on Friday due to "stress from the classroom". She is a tenured teacher so I can't help but think this student had a part in her quitting.

    I'm upset about the distraction of the student and the safety of my daughter/other students. Can I force to have my daughter (or the other student) change classrooms?

    submitted by /u/GasLOLHAHA
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    Can An Inheritance Trust Executor Sell Assets to Trustees at Discount?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    This executor is liquidating the estate so it can be distributed to the heirs. Each heir is receiving inheritance as a percentage of the estate. The executor is offering heirs to trade inheritance for assets at a discount. For example, heirs could buy a car from the estate valued at 20k in exchange for 15k of inheritance. This seems shady to me as all the other heirs are giving up a portion of their inheritance to grant these discounts. People who don't want these material assets are loosing out.

    submitted by /u/bursttransmission
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    My neighbor keeps dumping their trash in my bin.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    Since I moved in a year ago, my neighbor has been dumping massive trashbags in my bin. I have asked them repeatedly not to use my bin. There is even a "no dumping sign" with threat of fine maybe 20 feet away. Can I threaten them with any kind of legal suit? Would a call to the police do anything? They are also small time drug dealers and I worry about retaliation.

    Edit: USA

    Edit 2: there's no place for a lock on the bin.

    submitted by /u/smkrauss90
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    Caught neighbour keying cars, what should we do?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:39 PM PDT

    My buddy caught his neighbour keying cars parked in front of their shared building complex on a public street. I personally had my car keyed here about a month a go, and it seems every car I walk by has when I'm there has too.

    We had a hunch that it was someone on the street close to his building pissed that they could not park on the street in front of their own building as it is often full. Today in broad day light he said he heard the distinct sound of someones car being keyed out his living room Window. He looks and its his upstairs neighbour who is about 70. When he went outside the car out front had just been keyed, fresh paint dust in all. Upon checking the neighbours car, his car has no key marks unlike most other cars on the street. He didn't confront him yet.

    What should we do? I want to report him but don't think anything will get done.

    submitted by /u/thaDON93
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    Can I record someone else in my own home when I'm not there?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    This is in NYC.

    My landlord is selling the apartment that I'm currently a tenant in. My lease gives me the right to continue occupying the apartment for the remainder of the lease regardless of this situation. While my landlord's real estate agent will try to keep viewings to hours that I'm around like on weekends and weeknights, he may be conducting viewings during the workday.

    I'm not completely comfortable with having strangers inside my apartment but I understand that it may be necessary to sell the apartment. While I do want it to get sold quickly so I don't have to deal with this mess, this is my home and I want to live comfortably. Also, I'm not getting any discounted rent or any other compensation to accommodate these viewings.

    I was thinking of buying one of those nanny cams and setting it up in my apartment during the viewings. Am I in the right to do this?

    submitted by /u/SucksAtDriving
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    Hit a parked car & left a note - is that all I need to do?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:14 AM PDT

    Hit a car parked on the street while backing out of a driveway while working about 45 minutes ago. The damage is a couple of large scratches on the drivers side. I left a note with my name & phone number and said "I have insurance, please call me.". I have bad anxiety & currently am sitting here wondering if I needed to do anything else? I live in North Dakota

    submitted by /u/Wendy_Clear
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    girlfriend's parents had her sign a power of attorney document - should i be worried

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:22 PM PDT

    My girlfriend (19) has less than stellar parents. Generally just very controlling people. We are both on break from uni right now and her parents told her she had to do a document signing. It was a document solidifying their power of attorney. First in line is her dad, then her mom and uncle.

    My understanding is though that next of kin automatical have power of attorney unless a spouse is involved. So why sign a document to solidify something that is already automatic? Also is it normal to sign that for a child ASAP? Also apparently she felt very rushed. Her mother was like "we already told you what it was, why do you need to read it?" There was a lawyer there of course who confirmed that it was for POA but also didn't encourage her to read it. I just generally don't trust her parents and am... worried.

    Another thing I am considering though: This document would take precedent once she is married, so her spouse would not be able to make decisions unless this is changed. My girlfriend and I are lesbians and her parents aren't too keen on that. I'm worried that they're counting on us or any future partner she has not overturning this POA document because they don't quite approve of the whole lesbian thing.

    Am I overreacting? Should we be worried? Or is this all run of the mill and I'm just anxious because I dont trust her parents?

    EDIT - we are in North Carolina

    submitted by /u/ficusmoon
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    Can a business owner in Georgia pool employee tips and force it to be used only for ordering food?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    I manage a business that regularly gets tips which average out to about $200-$300 a month. There aren't a lot of employees (10ish usually) and the majority of the staff would rather get the tips as a semi-regular bonus as opposed to being forced to only use the pooled tips for food as this system tends to be used excessively by some employees and others don't get a chance to use it often if ever. The only reason we've ever heard about why this happens is the employer gets points on his company Amex.

    My question is, can an employer mandate how tips are used in Georgia? If not, what can I do to encourage him to let the employees do what they wish with the tips? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/PartypantsPete
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    Threatening To Get Kicked Out Of Apartment Same Day By Landlord After Paying On Time For 6 Months - Long Island

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 09:48 AM PDT


    I've been a tenant in a basement apartment for over 6 months now. There was no lease or contract signed. I have been a good tenant and paid my rent on time up until the past two weeks. I told them I lost my job and have been struggling and I would get them the rent, but now they're threatening to kick me out today if I don't have the last week's and this week's rent today. I have texts showing I've paid my rent on time since I moved in this April. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/whoyouwannabehuggin
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    Apartment Charging a Fee to Receive Packages. How is this legal? ARIZONA

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:52 PM PDT

    My apartment building installed a "package concierge" so basically you have to pay a yearly fee to receive your mail packages. I used to be able to pick them up at the office. I told the manager that this was tatamount to extortion. She told me to have my packages delivered to my work if I didn't like it.

    How is this legal?

    submitted by /u/rickyspanish12345
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    Father withholding property that I own from me. Cops got involved. Texas. What should I do?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:20 PM PDT

    Hello! First time posting here so apologies if something isn't right.

    For added context, I'm a 22 year old male in Texas.

    About two months ago, I voluntarily gave my expensive computer and computer equipment to my father to let him hold on to so that I could focus on my college, worth a total of about $1100 - $1300. I bought all the equipment with my own money. It has been about two months since then and I have done very well in my studies, so I decided that I would talk to my father and tell him that I will be taking my property back. After all, paid and built it myself. Once I sat down and told him at the family house, he became extremely angry. He then physically prevented me from retrieving my property by grabbing it himself and physically ramming me of the way, claiming that he was going to break it or hide it.

    After he rammed me, I tried to defend myself and my property. It got physical. My girlfriend called the cops and they came and put me in handcuffs and detained me inside a cop car. My father, who physically touched me first, was not. Was talked to by the cop about how 'teens are too attached to their electronics' and that I was lucky that I had a cop like him. I told the cop that I bought all the computer equipment myself, and even built it myself. Cop said he 'couldn't prove who owned it' so I 'wasn't allowed to retrieve it'.

    Long story short my father and I were both only ticketed for "Assault C FV" and my girlfriend was free to go inside the house and grab my phone and wallet but not my computer stuff. I wasn't allowed inside. Cop told me that if my father and I come to an agreement the judge might throw out the charges, or I can take my father to small claims court. So as of right now, my father will not let me retrieve my property. My girlfriend managed to record audio of most of the argument/ensuring scuffle, so I have that if that helps.

    I just want my things back. From the very beginning. How should I go about doing this? Small claims court? Stolen property? Does the cops getting involved mean I can't go and retrieve it myself now? What should I even do in the court if we don't come to an agreement?

    submitted by /u/SirRovert
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    Best route in breaking a lease due to secondhand smoke (Boston, MA)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:27 PM PDT

    For background, my boyfriend and I have lived in this "luxury" apartment building for about 4 months. It is a 100% "smoke-free" building and every tenant is required to sign a no-smoking addendum in their lease. Secondhand smoke is a huge problem for us here, I'm a 100% P&T disabled vet while my boyfriend is a chronic asthmatic requiring multiple medications to control symptoms. While the secondhand smoke aggravates most of my conditions, there is no direct evidence I can show in court proving such harm has been done - and same for my boyfriend, he just has asthma medication prescriptions he takes. There are 0 "no-smoking" signs in the entire complex - including the elevators. The building is staffed and there are employees present most hours of the day. I have taken pictures of people actively smoking on their balconies and submitted it to management twice - they apparently "talked" to them about it but they continue to smoke. Management promised the first time we wrote them that they would send out an email and post signs; they even acknowledged the photo of our neighbor actively smoking and did nothing. A month later and there was no change. Matter of fact, a dude across the courtyard is ripping on his bong as I write this.

    Last week, I submitted a 30 day intent to vacate due to the landlord's negligence in curing these issues; it's all just a big health hazard. Not to mention, the landlord is not conducive in fixing the problem even though they advertise the building as "smoke-free". The building manager replied and told us we can't break our lease and that if we leave we'd be responsible for the remaining lease. Instead of handling this himself, the manager passed the issue to his assistant manager, who then had us meet with a leasing agent, which made no sense but we figured they'd allow us to transfer to another unit away from balconies. We met with them this morning and they told us they'd be happy to transfer us to another unit but we would have to pay back concessions ($8600) and pay the transfer fee (~$5000). They even explained how we'd be responsible for the remainder of the lease (~9 mo x $4400/mo) if we chose to just leave. MA has no statewide law prohibiting smoking but the City of Boston does, I just can't find the exact law. We are desperately trying to get out of this apartment without having to pay through the nose in ridiculous charges, not to mention the possibility of an eviction being filed if we "abandon" the unit. What are our options? Can this be handled without an attorney?

    submitted by /u/_ollllo_
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    Can I file a restraining order?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    I think I need to file a restraining order.

    I'm 18 years old, I live in the state of Illinois ,and I have PTSD because I was raped in 4th grade by another 4th grade boy. He's also 18 now, and I found out yesterday that he has a job working at my old high school. I'm genuinely concerned for the safety of each and every student he encounters. My little brother is also a student there.

    I've heard that this man has been creeping out all of the other students. He walks up to groups of students and awkwardly forces himself into their conversations (usually he tries to be the alpha male by physically one-upping other, than which is gross because they're mostly 15 year olds), but yesterday he physically pulled my 15-year-old brother towards him by grabbing onto his shirt sleeve as he was walking by. He said he wanted to talk to my brother. My brother visibly didn't want to talk to him, which is why he was walking away and ignoring him.

    My brother doesn't know I was raped, and I don't have any physical evidence to prove I was raped. I do know that one of my friends was also raped by the same person in the 4th grade. I also think there are other people I don't know about.

    I'm concerned for my brother's safety. The person who raped me is now a very large man who doesn't take no for an answer.

    Should I discuss it with the school? Is there enough evidence for a restraining order? What do you recommend?

    Serious answers only, please. I'm sorry that makes me sound uptight, but I'm going through a lot. I didn't want to have to relive this again. Thank you internet.

    submitted by /u/AnyAdvice4me
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    Husband committing unemployment fraud

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    So like the title says, my husband is actively committing unemployment fraud. He files for unemployment even though he is back to work, so we've been receiving unemployment checks despite the fact he has a job. He knows he will get caught & have to pay it back eventually but doesn't seem to care. I only found this out because we just got a letter saying he owes $800 for overpaid unemployment from last year, so this is not the first time he has done this. #wtf

    As his wife, what should I do? How can I protect myself legally and financially?

    submitted by /u/Tig_Ole_Bitties
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    [MI] Was "Banned" From An Arcade for 'Winning Too Many Tickets'. Did NOTHING Illegal. Won't Give Me My Money Back or Item Which I Redeemed For.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:11 AM PDT

    I had been going to a certain arcade consistently for about 16 months. They have been offering prizes for a set amount of tickets. There have been several games in which I am skilled at and can win jackpots enough to get those prizes.

    The fiasco of this was the fact that their card system began to have problems, and showed me different card values for the three locations. I usually check to see how many tickets I have from each location. Normally a proper card system would be able to show me all of the tickets for that company total for all of the locations. This specific arcade did NOT. I, along with a friend, found out that the card did not link up, and that there were different ticket values at all of the locations which had a card system. Either way, I found out that I had different ticket amounts in the three locations.

    On Thursday, September 19, 2019, I went to the first location (will called it Location A) and turned in many card sets to give me 8,000 tickets. In addition, I played my favorite game - Bean Bag Toss - and won a considerable amount there, so I left Canton with 92,000 tickets. I went to a second location (Location B), and played a few games of Quik Drop. I checked my card and saw that I had 61,000 tickets, so I was a little elated. I instantly redeemed 50,000 of the 61,000 tickets for a Nintendo Switch. They took down my phone number, and I was on my way. I went back to Location A and saw that my 92,000 tickets were still there. Which meant that I had won different ticket amounts at different locations. (In all honesty, I had been to BOTH locations and I - along with my friend - asked why they were all different ticket amounts at different locations, and they said they would deal with it - yet that was MONTHS before all of this even happen, probably around May or June of 2019, so I went with the different ticket amounts at different locations). Nonetheless, I went back to Location A and redeemed for a PS4 Pro.

    Everything was fine, until September 26 happened. I go to a third location (Location C) and was about to load $100 on my card to play again. Suddenly the employee said that my card was locked. I wondered how. And even the employee saw that I had 63,000 tickets on my card. Think about it. There were STILL 63,000 and I redeemed for a Switch AND a PS4 Pro? So I blew it off and thought maybe there was some type of error that happened. So I get another card and put $100 on it. Everything was fine.

    I called the corporate office on September 27, asking about the issue about that specific card. They said they would give me a week. All good. Good thing I got the other card. I took a break from that company and went to the other arcades.

    On Thursday, October 3, I go back to Location C. The employee saw me again, asking me if I got my card straightened out from Corporate. I said no, and he told me that I would usually hear from them on a Friday. So I was hoping to get back in action. So I go to my main game - Bean Bag Toss - whoa. they changed the settings from 750 of a jackpot to 500? They raised the score up, and you only get 19 seconds instead of 22? I played, got a few jackpots, and the left IMMEDIATELY. I got to Location A an hour later, and what do you know… the jackpot got changed from 500 to 400?! Well… this was different. I had a feeling like… well, I know why they changed it. They must have tracked my history and figured it out, and did that to those two locations.

    Then comes the day of infamy - Friday, October 4. I get a call and they tell me, "We want you not to come to our facilities anymore". We get into a long chat about why and such. It was 15 minutes each session. But nonetheless, I was literally devastated.

    There were some things which should NOT have come out of their mouths. Yes, I got the Switches, but did it matter what I did with them? They claim that the arcade is a "place to have fun and not just for people to get prizes and sell them". Well to be honest what right do you have to ban people because they win prizes? As a paying customer I should have been respected to win the prizes. I could have respected just the lowering of the jackpots on the games and all but the outright ban? That said something. I did not tamper with any of the machines or games to win the tickets, nor did I 'exploit' the system. That's not something I do. There was an error on the system which was given light to the managers - not just by me - but by my friend - MONTHS beforehand, and nothing was done. That's their fault, and their card company.

    The card company supposedly did this investigation while my card is locked, yet why did the employee at Location C tell me that I still have 63,000 tickets left on the card on September 26? It did not make sense at all.

    I was told that they were "not going to press charges".... come again? First off, charges of what? Fraud? If they even thought of that, they would have a massive lawsuit on their hands. It took them months to fix an already disorganized system, and all of a sudden they "suspected fraudulent activity"? If their card system was fixed in JUNE this would not have happened.

    This next one infuriated me. They told me they were not going to tell the other places that I "abused their system". First off, I don't think they don't have a right to. If they did, I hope the others blow them off. I had only focused on their arcades because it was fun to me and that I could win there. I guess after their decision I guess I never have to see a certain area again.

    Lastly, their "Zero Tolerance" Policy is poppycock. Yeah, sure, I know what they really have a zero tolerance for… people who can win a lot of tickets. It was clear on their mind when they talked about 'their arcade is for fun and not for selling stuff', and seeing when I saw the jackpots lowered on October 3. I know what their "zero tolerance" REALLY is for.

    What I believe is that this was a discriminatory practice done by this place, and since they made their decision, I will make my own. I will be making charge-backs for ALL of the money I have spent from July until September. If I can't use the unused credits I have, I want ALL of my money back. Plain and simple. I may also pull forward into telling other people about this place and such, which will be told on all of my social media networks. I have zero tolerance for persecuting what I do with my tickets. I do not heed to predatory actions like that. I know I will not head to their locations again (and will start referring that NO ONE goes there anymore).

    One of my charge-backs was denied. I still have not got any of my money back yet. I feel like they may also have cancelled the ordering of the Nintendo Switch which I redeemed for at Location B on September 19. I am pondering my next course of action. What should I do since I feel they probably cancelled my prize redemption, and that my charge-backs were denied? Am I still entitled to the prize? Should I take action against this company?

    submitted by /u/Fourteen-Crosstown
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