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    Tuesday, October 15, 2019

    $80,000+ in 5 years I'm done!!!!! Student Loans

    $80,000+ in 5 years I'm done!!!!! Student Loans

    $80,000+ in 5 years I'm done!!!!!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 11:20 PM PDT

    It took 5 years but i paid off a $76,500 original balance! 39k private (9%), 36k federal.

    Graduated in December 2013, began paying on a 10-year plan in July 2014.

    I think my starting salary was 64k at the time. I refinanced the private loans with Sofi on a 5-year plan at a variable interest rate (4-8%) and began paying $1160 a month towards all the loans.

    By July 2018, my salary had increased to $105k and my debt was around $35k. I began just making extra payments and throwing literally everything at it. Finished off the private loan in February 2019, and continued to throw everything i could at the federal loan. Sent in the last payment today.

    All this time, I've lived with roommates in high cost of living cities and had no parental help, managed to have a lot of fun, and do a fair bit of traveling as well. Where i sacrificed was in not buying stuff. Clothes, electronics, etc. simple minimalist life.

    I can't believe i did it in a little over 5 years, it felt much longer because all i could think of was getting that balance to zero. Just trying to tell anyone chugging away at it, it's simple math, figure out the math, decide what sacrifices you need to make keep your head down and you'll get there. Wishing you strength in our fight, my fellow travelers!

    submitted by /u/mc-powzinho
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    Figured out a way to pay down my loans?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:18 PM PDT

    I have several student loans: 3 sallie mae, 2 discover, 1 great lakes (federal), and 1 other federal loan. The total sum of monthly payments with all those loans is a little bit over $2,100/month. It's hard to pay more than the minimum because the amount of monthly payments I have. I don't want to be paying the minimum for years and years to come. So I think I came up with an idea to reduce my monthly payments..

    I'm looking to put all my loans in forebearance, therefor having $0/month payments for however long. Then I would take all the payments I would be making (plus more) and put it all into one loan at a time. If i did this for a few months - I could eliminate all my sallie mae and discover loans - leaving me with about $1,200.00 in monthly payments (maybe a little more bc of interest accruing on my federal loans). Does this sound like a good idea? Too me it sounds like a great idea but maybe there's something I'm missing...what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/mtg51188
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    Looking to re-fi my FSL

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:03 PM PDT

    I'm looking to refinance as I will be out of work for maybe a year or two (having a baby and staying home) Total of $6495.82 remaining, here is the breakdown:

    2479.14 Direct Subsidized Stafford @3.4% fixed

    1363.95 Direct Unsubsidized Stafford @6.8% fixed

    2652.73 Direct Unsubsidized Stafford @6.8% fixed

    The 6.8 seems awfully high and I'm looking for something where I can just refinance the whole amount. I'm sure I have way better credit now than I did when I originally opened this loan around 9 years ago.

    I have tried Credible and not sure what's up with that site but it just keeps telling me to consider a personal loan, which is not what I was looking to do.

    Any suggestions or helpful ideas would be appreciated!

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/angelinabobina312
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    Navient account is "expired" but loans still have a balance! Happening to anyone else?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    This is a hilarious situation. Essentially, I can no longer log in to my Navient account, ever time I try to log in it fails. If I try to reset my password, I get a "Information Not Recognized" error. If I try to register a new account, Information not Recognize!

    I reached out to Navient on multiple platforms. First they told me, hhey we fixed this, it works now! It didn't! Then they told me that my account expired due to a glitch! I am truly baffled that this is even possible.

    The only good news is that my autopay appears to still be connected, so at least I'm paying my loans, but honestly this is ridiculous! I can't even see how much balance I have left and these guys can't do anything for me.

    What I find even most remarkable though, is that I couldn't find any information about other people having the same problem. It can't just be me, right?

    submitted by /u/wordsmatteror_w_e
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    Question About Undergraduate Loan Repayment Grace Period and Graduate School

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 11:46 PM PDT

    I am currently a graduate student at the same school I went to undergrad for. I graduated undergrad with full-time status in May 2017. I am in the start of my third year of grad school and currently on an internship. I have several Stafford loans from undergrad, most of which are subsidized. I also have a separate Perkins loan.

    Last year when I checked my loan servicer account page, I saw that my first payment date (and thus my grace period start date) had been extended out to 2023. I didn't think much of it at the time, I figured it was because I went directly to graduate school. I checked again in March of this year, and that was still the case.

    However, I logged in yesterday and saw that my grace period now ends in November 2019, with my first payment due in December! What is weird is that I don't have any correspondence from my loan servicer on this. I was never even notified that my grace period had begun. I have looked through all of my emails and all the pages on my servicer's website and all I have are quarterly updates, none of which mention repayment dates or the grace period. I only caught this because I received a mail notice from the other servicer that is in charge of the Perkins loan.

    I am finishing my MS this semester and plan on transitioning right into the PhD program at my same school in, so I will be a full time student come January. I am just curious/panicked as to why the date moved up so drastically, especially with the main servicer not notifying me? I plan on contacting my loan servicers this week, but I am really at a loss right now and was just looking for some advice.

    submitted by /u/buddy54_72
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    Great Lakes just sent me an email notification of my payment due.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 11:13 PM PDT

    I was approved for deferment trough May 2021, but they are asking me to start paying next month. How is this possible ? Why didn't I get my any noti about my deferment ? Have any of you gone trough this ?

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/arova_ed
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    Navient & Parent Plus Loan

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:07 PM PDT

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone has been through this or could help out. When I applied for college, the college I went to was partnered with Navient and suggested my mom take out a private plus loan since I was 18 without a credit score. I've graduated in May and I've been working for months on trying to figure out how to lower the monthly cost and to change it to my name. They just keep saying "no" when I tried emailing them. Their website also kept coming up with errors messages when I tried to change the repayment plan. I emailed them the issues but they didn't answer me and just went into a sales pitch of repayment plans. I called them and they said it'll take 3 months to change the repayment plan. Weird because it only took Great Lakes 2 weeks with my federal loans... I also know a lot of people that had parent plus loans and they were able to move it over to their name (a lot of paper work but not impossible). I've been looking into changing my loans to either Great Lakes to have it all in one or have it be with my bank since my bank offers a low interest rate. I guess my question is, is this normal? I feel totally clueless with this and it's so frustrating when you can't get the answers from the source. Thanks in advance! Edit: also just want add that I don't know why the school recommended that we have 2 separate providers but we were dumb and just listened 🤷🏻‍♀️

    submitted by /u/YellElleBelle
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    Would like an explanation on student loans and refinancing and my options!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    Hello, I realize that I should have looked into this earlier and planned ahead. I did not. I have 1 more month before I'm out of the grace period. I have a total of about $114,000 in student loans. I've heard about refinancing student loans to be a great option to consolidate everything into one and get a better interest rate. I've heard and read a bit about SoFi and Earnest. I would like to know what other potential options I may have for repaying my student loans and getting better rates? I would also like if someone can explain a bit more about capitalization of interest? I have an idea of what it is, and what occurs? I believe that my interest on my loans will be capitalized at the end of grace period. Or if someone could direct me to where I can look into more detail about this information, it would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you! :)

    submitted by /u/Orangesrorange
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    Looking for ideas to pay off $20k loan faster (without going totally broke)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:45 PM PDT

    Currently, I have exactly $20,000 in student loans at 5% interest rate through FedLoan Servicing (PHEAA). I make regular payments of $200-250 per month (it's really all I can afford right now). Is there anything else I can or should be doing to pay this off quicker? Just looking for any advice/feedback.

    submitted by /u/honeymoleman
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    Paying off University Debt

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:50 PM PDT

    I currently owe my previous university $11,000 and need to pay that off for my transcripts to be released so that I can transfer to a new school. Can I take out student loans to pay off the money I already owe to my original school?

    submitted by /u/hopefulexplorer
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    no credit no cosigner student loans?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    asking for my roommate, not myself. She doesnt have a cosigner and she asked everyone she could and no one will help her. she also has no credit. she doesnt have any federal loans offered to her. does she have any other options besides leaving for spring semester? thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/Hvvjvk
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    I have a bunch of FSLs, will I have to make a bunch of separate payment or can I just make one?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    I have 16 separate loans -- will I need to make 16 separate payments or can I just make one?

    submitted by /u/ISO_Answers1
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    Delinquent 90 days. Never received billing statements or late payment notification.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I would like to get some advice regarding my situation. Before I begin, I want to say that I am in no way absolving myself of any accountability. I should have been more proactive in this situation that I'll explain below.

    Around 2016, I took out two loans to cover my living expenses during my undergraduate career. I graduated in June of 2017, and I didn't start repaying my loans until about six months later when my grace period was over. I was paying for about three months until I had my loans deferred as I enrolled in a credential program for teaching. Every time I had a bill due, I would receive a billing statement email from my lender (OSLA). Once I deferred my loans, I stopped receiving those emails. The credential program took about 1.5 years from beginning to end, so I graduated from that in late May of this year.

    When I graduated from my credential program, I had forgotten to check the status of my loan because I hadn't received any billing statements. So to me, no billing statement email = no need to repay student loans yet. I had received only account summary emails. The last account summary email I got was last month in September. And in that letter, it states:

    "Dear phega, We value you as a borrower, and want to make sure that you're prepared to begin repaying your student loans when the time comes. . . If you have any student loans in repayment, we will send a billing statement three weeks before your due date."

    Last week on October 8th, I got a voicemail from OSLA regarding an "important matter." I went home and checked my account online. I had three late payments! Which meant a 90-day delinquency. I checked my inbox to find that OSLA had sent my delinquency situation to all the major credit bureaus. I checked my inbox to see maybe they sent billing statements to my account online? But nothing. No billing statements except for the ones I was paying before I started my program.

    This sucks so hard because I have never made a late payment, and now my credit score will drop by a significant amount. Do you think I stand a chance to try to get my delinquency reversed, or do you think there's no point in doing so?

    submitted by /u/phega
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    When refinancing, should I list my loans one at a time, or altogether?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:12 PM PDT

    I've currently got three private student loans juggling around in my wheelhouse totalling to $41k, and have been rejected because, well, I don't make that in a year. Should I be listing all three combined when a site is asking for how much I'm looking to refinance, or just go for one at a time? Individually they're $10k, $10k, and $20k

    submitted by /u/Dissim0n
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    How does refinancing work?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:42 AM PDT

    Kind of a stupid question. I just refinanced my loans and was able to get a good rate. My question though, is what happens next? Does the refinance company give me a check to pay off my loans to the original lender? Do they pay them directly?

    submitted by /u/clumsysocks
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    Wanting to refinance Sallie Mae - DTI Question

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    I have a private Sallie Mae loan for about 5K that I want to refinance. First, I borrowed when my credit was awful, so my interest rate is at 11.8%. I also had to get a cosigner. Now my credit is good and I want to refinance to get a lower rate and get the cosigner off.

    Here's my dilemma: I am worried I won't get approved because my DTI will be over the limit because of my other federal student loans. My fed. student loans are upwards of 200K (professional degree) so if they use the actual payments due, it puts me just over a 50-50 DTI (I have rent and a car payment. Small CC balance).

    Does anyone have any advice or anecdotes about this? Is it even worth trying to refinance, or just bite the bullet and throw all my money to pay that sucker down ASAP?

    submitted by /u/Metal_Inquisition
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    Easy way to track rates?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    I'm looking for an easy way to track rate changes of multiple student loan providers? I'm trying to track and analyze and pin-point a good time to get a student loan. I know there are aggregate sites out there but was hoping to find a way to get an alert when one of these big companies change their rate. I know there must be a way to do that other than going to each site. How can I get an alert in my email or text or something to know when their rates change? Hope you can help! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/silvasilba
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    Wondering if there are any options we should look at for the rest of these student loans?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    First off, forgive me if this comes off ignorant, but I admittedly don't know much about student loans. I went to tech school and paid as I went so I came out with no debt. However, my wife went to 4-year university and got private loans (which we just finished paying off!) and federal loans.

    Now that the private are paid off (had 10-11% interest rates) we are looking to be more aggressive towards the federal (about 3.5%-4.4% interest rates) above just the minimum payments. Total balance is about $23K between 4 unsubsidized and 1 subsidized loan.

    First possibly silly question is, are there any beneficial repayment/forgiveness options we should look into? She wasn't in education or anything, just a business degree. The plan is to pay what we can extra, but I am just making sure there isn't anything out there we should be taking advantage of.

    Second, at this point what is best to start paying first, the highest balance or the highest interest rate, or spread between all loans?

    Really appreciate any advice!


    submitted by /u/Thinkeriz3D_Design
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    Being harassed by edsouth/aes

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    Hi guys, Recently I've been receiving emails and calls at home and work to the point of distraction from some company that Ed south hired to 'assist you with your student loans.'

    They asked for no identifying information, just tried to verify my name only. In return they were able to verify my DOB, account number, balance and last six months of payment amounts to me. This one lady started off trying to talk payment plans and forgiveness but ended up talking down to me about how long it was taking to pay off my loans and surely if I wasn't on income based repayment that I could afford to pay more than the minimum. Another guy had my recent large payment I'd made and started insinuating that I was hiding money and could afford to pay more. In all cases they redirected me to my servicers website to make an additional payment to 'help with interests.'

    The emails are frequent, invasive and all have info that they were hired by edsouth but are not edsouth, but have all of my info from edsouth.

    Who do I report this to? Surely this is a violation.

    Edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/SpontaneousNubs
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