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    Tuesday, October 15, 2019

    Startups Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Startups Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:08 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's Support Thread. Please refer to the below suggested formats to get the most out of this thread.

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    HIRING Company Name and URL: Job Title/Role: Employment Type: [Intern] [Contract] [Part Time] [Full Time] [Remote] Job Description/Responsibilities: Necessary Skills and Experience: Requested, but not necessary Skills and Experience: Job Compensation: Willing to Relocate New Hire: [yes] [no] Job Listing URL: Additional Comments:

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    Do not forget to explore the /r/startups discord. We have many relevant channels to seek support, post job listings, share for hire offers, and share resources. You can also find more support using instant chat on the /r/startups discord.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    What's the startup environment in Seattle like compared to Bay Area and/or Austin?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    Bay Area from what I understand has plenty of money and talent, and would bet on unicorn pie in the sky ideas, whereas Austin plays it safe on existing money making small businesses. Where does Seattle stand? How big is the tech scene in general in Seattle? I know there are several major headquarter, but the city itself seems pretty small and not a whole lot around the area.


    submitted by /u/datarainfall
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    Startup Equity Split Dilemma - Fairness is my goal - Help?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:36 PM PDT


    So I'm about to embark on a new venture, and needed some advice regarding the equity split. I have a partner who has been in the industry on the manufacturing side for a few years. As for myself I have a background in the business services industry (licensing, compliance). We're coming together to pursue a agriculture venture together. I'll provide the details as clearly as possible:

    Partner 1(Her)

    - Founder/Owner of Manufacturing company and brings retail/product experience and sales/distribution networks to the table

    - Just opened first retail store as well so technically is running two different companies in two different spaces along the supply chain.

    - Zero capital investment into our new venture

    - Impossible to be 100% there time wise because of the two other businesses. Theoretically at least 33%, and at most lets say 50-60% since others are established.

    Partner 2 (Me)

    - Worked in the B2B space and have access to Capital, High level CEO Advisory via networks etc.

    - Experience in Startup Consulting, Real Estate Development & Finance

    - I'm putting up 100% of the capital as a loan

    - Will put in 100% of time into this business solely.


    Industry is in Cannabis - We were both going to pursue cultivation on our own, until we decided to partner with each other. We both had separate partners, but we've decided to work with each other instead.

    Currently the discussion last landed on 50/50 - but the reality is that my lawyers, accountants and PE friends are noting it doesn't make sense, which I agree. I genuinely recognize the value in working with who she is as a person, and the experience she's bringing to the table. I know she has access to distribution & market knowledge that hedges the risk of starting the business. But my family is putting all the skin in the game, regardless if it's a loan that will be theoretically paid back. Let's just say for now, its a 15%-20% high interest loan. Technically the value of the business is zero because theres no income. But based on very conservative numbers, we are projected to make 2x - 3x back in the first year in gross revenues - but still purely speculative.

    Reality is, because it's my family's funds, I'm bearing two layers of risk. First as a business partner, and 2nd, as a creditor since depending on the incorporated structure, I am limited to what I can recoup as a "creditor".

    Question: 1) Anything else I'm not recognizing in this recognition of risk?

    Question 2) What seems like a fair equity split? Honestly, all I really care about is being fair. Not trying to be greedy, but rather protected and recognize the value of the two layers of risk I'm bearing. Some have noted 70/30 or 65/35 but I know that won't sit well with her since she also decided to choose me over her other investors. But with me, she gets a fully invested partner vs just access to capital.

    Any advice would be really appreciated!

    submitted by /u/lgcystudios
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    What is your opinion about Chinese money?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:16 PM PDT

    So, a bit of a context here, me and my team are developing video games, won't go in details as its considered marketing and not the right place.

    while doing research, I came across Tencent as publisher, a Chinese multinational conglomerate that invests heavily in video games even if the studio/company has never published something in the past.

    While they, as a publishing company don't force a lot monetization mechanics (i.e. Lootboxes and pay-to-win mechanics), there are a lot of reports that say Tencent sells user information to the Chinese government.

    Benefits for taking Tencent money is that they invest a lot more than any western publisher to a indie studio, and they are the bridge between west companies to a billion people marketplace.

    Even tho Tencent is heavily investing in the west and have invested in big gaming companies, but as well as in hollywood and so on, people still have mixed opinions about it.

    I want to know what is your thoughts regarding to them

    submitted by /u/BTEK9
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    Can any of you recommend any good resources for launching a physical product or building the first prototype?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:54 PM PDT

    I have a computer science background and the device I'm thinking of wouldn't be very complicated. Just low power Bluetooth with a sensor and power source. Just wondering if there are any resources that other people have utilized for building a first prototype.

    Any other advice would be appreciated too. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/action_nick
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    Actively Think and Plan for Consumer Data and Security

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    With all the brands and companies talking about keeping 'consumer experience' or 'mobile' as their go-to "{Insert trendy keyword} first" approach. I honestly don't understand how most companies don't think of 'security' as one of the essential pieces of the puzzle first? Nothing trumps data security.

    It takes years to build consumer trust with businesses and a single moment of security lapse can ruin it.

    Don't get me wrong; many enterprises do have the bench strength that caters to security. However, most of the start-ups in their rush to launch a product either end up doing a shoddy job with security or don't even have it on their agenda in the first place.

    For reference, think of all the IoT, Smart Devices, or the Entrepreneur-next-door providing a tech-based solution to everyday challenges - How many of these companies talk about safeguards in place to protect consumer data? The consumer assumes that their data is safe.

    At a strategic level, it is the responsibility of the C-suite and Founders to ensure basic alignment; then having someone in the team (or even an external consultant) proactively thinking about these scenarios with appropriate responses. And remember you don't need to be a specialist to just start thinking about security.

    Security is not limited to the technology team - so get involved.

    At a basic level [Do keep in mind that I am not a security specialist and am merely stating my point of view]:

    1. Think of all the data that is needed and how you plan to use it?
    2. How will this data be created [either shared by the consumer or automated system events]
    3. How will you store this data?
    4. Who in your team needs access to it? What specific information might they need?
    5. Create the initial user-groups based on your response to point 4
    6. Work with your technology team and deploy the feasible safeguards (data capture, encryption, storage, access control, etc.)
    7. Lastly, if you have the budget, then consult with an external cyber-security specialist on your specific use case.

    My singular purpose here is to have everyone actively think of consumer data and what it means for their business - something that has been at the top of my mind for a long time now.

    submitted by /u/sidsurana
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    Financially burned by startups, but enjoy the startup work culture too much. Where to go?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    After going remote for five years and working at several small businesses including startups, going back to work 40 hours a week at an office would be too much of a culture shock for me. I have gotten too accustomed to using coffee shops as a working space where everyone minds their own business.

    However I've been 0 for 2 in my startup jobs so far. One was a failure to launch and the other laid me off after two years (they were tanking in sales) and five years later they seem to be in a holding pattern with a similar no. of employees but not much revenue growth. They were both bootstrapped with founders' own money and one of them didn't even divulge information on funding or equity with me.

    Do I continue looking for startup jobs since I will find slow-paced corporate office environment too jarring? I had a good interview with one large company that says they have a smaller team in the department they're hiring for (so it will feel more familiar) but they won't budge on any possible chance for working some hours remotely, so that was a deal-breaker for me. If I were to go back to the office, they would need to have a semi-remote culture, just allowing people to come into the office for meetings or other more important times.

    submitted by /u/ccricers
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    How do I know my idea is a startup & how can I work to pursue its development

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:26 PM PDT

    Recently I've come up with a neat idea that I'd like to work to develop. I have had trouble finding others who can work towards the goal effectively and contribute what is necessary. I feel like I need a mentor of some sort to figure out the best steps to take? I've done some market research and am in the process of making a landing page to share my idea. Please let me know if any other details that would help me out,, thank you so much! -B

    submitted by /u/Expatac
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    What should I do

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    I've had a really good app idea, but I have no coding experience. However, I am good at graphic design. Currently, I am working on a prototype in adobe XD and I want to either hire somebody to code the app, server, and all the hard stuff, or have someone take 49% of the business and I take 51%. I've never started a business/company and have no clue what I'm doing, so how do I get a patent/copyright and is my 49-51 idea good? I prob sound really stupid but thank you if you help :)

    submitted by /u/zj38
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    Best way to construct an MVP

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm in the process of launching an IOS app. I am nearly done with the UI/UX portion, I am now wondering what the smartest and leanest next step to take to assembling my design assets and converting them to an MVP to display to investors.

    Does anyone have any experience with hiring an outsourcing team? How will my app be protected and what precautions should be taken? Or, can I mock-up my design assets as a demo to show investors? What other options should I consider Any information is greatly appreciated! Thank you.

    submitted by /u/jaredcodes
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    Advice for someone moving from larger startups and companies to a startup of 6.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:04 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm a marketing manager with about 9 years of experience growing larger organisations (600-3000 staff). Ive made the call to jump into a smaller startup of 6 with one year of pretty decent business.

    I'm comfortable with wearing many hats (I've been the first hire in a country, for an international business) and working long hours. But I'm sure this is going to be a wilder experience.

    What should I know joining a pretty well funded startup of 6 as a product marketing manager?

    submitted by /u/everysundae
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    CMV - I don't agree with "Ideas are worthless, execution is everything"

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    I used to believe the statement is true, because it makes sense on paper. However, I think its complete garage.

    I think having the right idea is equally if not, more important than the execution. Why? Because if you have an idea that is a good fit for your skillset, you won't find the execution that challenging. Plus if you're passionate about the idea, you'll have more energy to tackle challenges. The right idea simply means an opportunity that you see you can exploit.

    Whereas if you have great execution but an idea that is beyond what you can conceptualize, you won't be able to call the shots.

    I think the statement "Ideas are worthless, execution is everything" is a complete bullshit that has been regurgitated too many times. This is the type of shit someone like Gary Vee would say to hype up "wantentrepreneurs". He's such a tool.

    There's a million business ideas out there, that very well can be successful. The challenge is figuring out which opportunity to pursue because everything else follows.

    submitted by /u/frustratedstudent96
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    Neighbour Watch App

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:10 AM PDT

    One of the many reasons I love social media is because I'm able to get news exactly as it happens, but sometimes there is so much info and all I want is to be aware of what I happening close to me. The closest I could come to this is the use of hashtags and Facebook groups but nothing to do with distance.

    I have created an application that pulls posts of users who nearby.
    The idea looked good in theory but when I completed it the absorption and consumption is slow, currently, I have less than 100 users and 50 posts. The app has been in the play store for one month.

    Right now I am not worried about monetizing the application but gaining users.

    I will appreacite any marketing tip I can get and if want to go through the app I share the play store link

    submitted by /u/omwomi
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    Finding a business idea & startup/company type

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:08 AM PDT

    Hey guys, through this post i would love to hear experiences from entrepeneurs who started a business in the past or still do have one now.

    I am in my early 20s and more excited than ever to start a business. Still doesnt know what industry and how but I would like to know how did you find your business idea since I am struggling to find mine.

    submitted by /u/annnaccount
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    Has anyone here actually had to relocate their company to where they received funding from?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:04 AM PDT

    I would like to know what the process was like. Did they "force" you to move to where they were located? How did your personal situation handle it? Like affording your own food, gas, housing etc.

    Is it ideal to move your company to where you can get funding or search for another firm?

    submitted by /u/Clubpenguinfeen
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    So, I have an idea, what next?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:34 AM PDT

    I feel dumb asking this, but anyway...

    After all these years of coming up with ridiculous ideas, I finally got an idea that could actually work. So, where do I start?

    What I'm expecting from this post is..

    Stories of how you and your partners started working towards your startup?

    How to make a plan? Some good books or any other sources that guides toward building a startup?

    Anything you think that might help me.

    Thank you in advance..

    submitted by /u/darwin_vinci7
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