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    Friday, August 30, 2019

    Tips for getting over cold calling anxiety? small business

    Tips for getting over cold calling anxiety? small business

    Tips for getting over cold calling anxiety?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 03:02 PM PDT

    I started a business this year and had some luck with google ads for a while but that has since slowed down despite increasing ad spend. I'm at the point where I just need to start cold calling places myself to save money but I am having a hard time conquering the anxiety behind it. I know some of you here have been in the same boat, maybe you can share some ways you were able to beat it?

    submitted by /u/rzasloff91
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    Running a small Hotel Business ?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2019 01:57 AM PDT

    Has anyone got any advice / tips on how to successfully run a small Hotel Business (15 rooms) .

    I am looking for a Hotel Feasibility report , Room types , Facilities to improve hotel ratings, extra services/ room amenities ?

    Any Advice is appreciated .

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/GoldieTwit
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    Need To Incorporate In Country With Lowest Tax Liability. Tech/Media Company w/ Remote Employees

    Posted: 30 Aug 2019 04:04 AM PDT

    Have a company in tech/media space with 30-50 employees and no front office. Where do I incorporate for the lowest tax liability. I'm not American so I prefer if my worldwide income is not taxed and maybe something in the Bahamas so I can do my exit Visa trips efficiently while living in FL. I understand S-Corps allow for pass-through taxation but I would like to reduce the Tax liability to $0. I'm hoping to get some input before I approach an attorney.

    Edit: I will re-incorporate in the US when I have 200 employees but it has to be in a low tax haven while I slog my arse off.

    submitted by /u/BulgeBracketTrader
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    Need Advice. I think I really screwed up.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 08:06 PM PDT

    I started a small B2B business last year (a SaaS providing niche operations management services), and I'm a one-man show right now.

    It's only me, and I'm on active duty in the military. I've been worried that businesses will be concerned about those two things - who wants to trust their business to a single developer who has a full-time job - so I've been vague about these two aspects.

    I'm looking to advertise in an industry magazine, and spoke on the phone today with the editor. We chatted for a bit, and while I told him that it's just me at the moment, I'm afraid it came across that I'm no longer in the military and I did nothing to dissuade that line of reasoning.

    Now the editor wants to chat again tomorrow for an interview to write an article on the business. I didn't outright lie about anything, but I recognize that I left the wrong impression about my additional employment outside of this business, and it's something that may well come up in the article and something pretty easy to figure out on, say, LinkedIn.

    How should I approach this? I feel like by omitting the information, I've been disingenuous, and I while I don't want an article to outright say that I'm in the military while running this business, I don't want to do any more harm by keeping this from the editor. I just don't know how exactly to broach this. Any advice or ass-chewing is welcome.

    submitted by /u/micasaaz
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    Looking for a Virtual Office in NYC

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 02:31 PM PDT

    Looking to start a SB in NYC and have been researching some different services for a virtual office. I think it's important to have a real physical office address that clients can look up and/or mail to. Any good services out there people are fans of?

    submitted by /u/champsancho
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    Best business for quality of life?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 10:09 PM PDT

    A bit of background, I have never started a business and have never had a real job. My career has consisted of dropping out of school and investing in speculative assets. The investing has supported us for the past couple years and has allowed us to acquire land to build a homestead. I have looked in to homestead business ideas such as market gardening, micro greens, mushrooms, herbs blends but have not seriously pursued anything yet. My problem is a general lack of purpose in life and years of essentially doing nothing. I've read the books and listened to the stories here and on podcasts and it seems like the type of people who build businesses have a level of drive that is completely foreign to me. The hunger that drives them isn't there when there's money in the bank, plus money isn't the real reason I want this. I want a business that produces the best quality of life and purpose for my family and me while relatively easy to pursue. I have a wife and two kids who would be eager to help build something but I don't know how to get myself out of the rut I'm in to make it happen. Would really appreciate any suggestions!

    submitted by /u/A45zztr
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    Opening takeout/delivery sushi business, can the takeout menu simply be a piece of printed out paper made into a trifold?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    Food speaks for itself. Don't have the budget to spend $5000 to make a fancy new menu. Was thinking of going simple like Chinese takeout places and using trifold regular white paper. Instead of the special-made glossed paper that takeout menus usually are. The most popular sushi bar people go to in this area has a menu that's a simple Word document lining the items with absolutely no pictures of food. Would it appear trashy to the customer?

    submitted by /u/pinpuku
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    We automated a client’s business and reduced his number of employees on payroll from 5 to 1.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2019 02:45 AM PDT

    Three weeks back we had the opportunity of meeting few offline business owners at a local event. We met one particular business owner who had recently inherited his father's drugs and medical equipment wholesale business. Upon further discussion he disclosed to us that he hated it. The business apparently was heavily dependent on low skilled yet permanent employees and how they needed constant supervision thus there was not a single day that he could take off.

    We were looking for leads and this looked like a perfect opportunity for us to implement automation in an offline/non-internet business where automation is usually not so popular.

    We sat down and he explained us his entire work flow-

    1. His business had a total of 900+ regular clients who were usually store owners and retailers that were spread across the state.
    2. Out of which 400+ placed orders on a daily basis through emails and calls.
    3. When every time someone placed an order, an employee of his would check the inventory software to check live inventory status of the drugs and if it was available or not and then send an order confirmation / cancellation mail to the store owner.
    4. After sending the confirmation they would print the invoice and pass it on to the warehouse where the order was packed and shipped.

    The issues-

    1. He had 5 employees to handle the order requests and even when a single of them remained absent, he used to lose business.
    2. Checking each order and confirming/cancelling them used to take about 30 minutes where a cancellation sometimes used to lead to bad reputation among the store owners.

    The solution-

    1. We understood that all of the 5 employees only had one major function, that is to read emails from store owners and then check the stock status in the software and confirm or cancel the order, this happened because the store was unable to see the livestock status of the wholesaler himself. So we wrote a python script to read and extract all the inventory from the software and update it in live to a google sheet.
    2. Now store owners with whom the google sheet was shared could view the live inventory and order accordingly.
    3. We also wrote a script to download all the order mails, read and save the order list (customer and corresponding date wise) in another sheet. Now all it required was one employee to check the google sheet and prepare the invoice to pass on to the warehouse. Thus reducing the number of employees required to handle the orders to 1.

    We deployed the system and within 5 days he had removed 4 of his employees forever. It costed him $900 to save $1000 every month and to bring efficiency into his business. Here is a wireframe of the system that we deployed for him.

    So does a business always need to be under stress so as to adopt automation? Doesn't have to be. Any business looking for efficiency and lower operating expenses should look into automating the workflow. Often offline and non-internet companies underestimate what automation can do for them like in this case, it brought back freedom to the business owner. :)

    submitted by /u/SwabhimanBaral
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    Small partnership accounting question ...

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 10:41 PM PDT

    I currently run a sole proprietorship, and am familiar with general accounting and US taxes, etc. Soon I am starting a partnership with two others, though, and am wondering something ...

    There will be some nominal fees to get the company started, around the tune of $2,000. I plan to cover these fees myself. Our capital accounts will have equity added to them based on the P&L of the company; but how can I draw out the money for the $2,000 invested? As it stands, my equity account is always going to be more than theirs by $2,000, since we will be equal partners. Is the only time I will be able to draw this out when we decide to close the company and sell its assets? Or is there a way I can get the $2,000 sooner?

    I was thinking that we an possibly set it up so the company gives me a "gift" of $2,000, but this will also simultaneously cut into my profits for that month ... any ideas for this?

    Also, how do we determine how much we can draw from our equity accounts? Obviously we want to keep some money in the company's bank account for the operation of the business. Is this just an agreement we will set out in our operating agreement?

    Thank you for any advice on this.

    submitted by /u/avalanchecohen3
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    Blanket Discounts

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    When you create a discount for vets, first responders, employees of certain businesses, etc. how do you filter that? If I create a discount for all employees at a local non profit how do I prevent other people from claiming to work for them? You have to create some level of proof but I'd imagine there's a better alternative than making them bring in a special card. Any ideas or advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SanguTik
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    Language issues

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 08:26 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I regularly have issues with people's sign up that have no clue about the English language. All the documentary, contracts are in English, this regularly causes issues with people's that not speak English but sign up anyway because they want my product.

    Generally speaking, almost all of them will not get it, but refusing someone the chance because of a language issue would be kind of cruel, how do you deal with issues resulting of this ? Especially in disputes?

    submitted by /u/Swingfish12
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    Where do small, local companies send press releases?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 08:11 PM PDT

    Are they even worth sending if you don't have immediate contact with media outlets? Spamming it doesn't feel right but what do I know? I'm very new to all this.

    submitted by /u/cammibap
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    How do I learn to start and own multiple businesses?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    I want to eventually start and own multiple businesses but I don't know if I need to get an MBA or just start one first. I think I am a good entrepreneur and I am starting an IT business with a friend of mine but I want to learn the core skills that will help me with any business I start. What experience have you done or people you know have done that have given them the most success? What should I focus on doing? Self study? Going back to school?

    submitted by /u/wcc7902
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    What would YOU do?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 03:38 PM PDT

    Friend owns a small business. He has much better paying job. He asked me to run. Told me it did 220k in sales & had 9k in profit for the year. Anything I can do above that I can keep. I figured NP.
    I look at the books, they actually did 90k in sales and they lost 10k, which he admitted to floating to cover payroll. Fast forward 20 months, we are doing 25k a month in sales (6 net profit). I have an idea that can explode the business, adding 2-10k to a store. I also plan to open a second store in 35 days. Staff of 2.5. I have a second expansion idea for the business. It WILL add 1-5k a month in profit, per store.

    Owner is 100% hands off. I do accounting, banking, inventory. I have never worked less than 55hours a week, average 65, yet I pay myself for 45 hours of work. I told him for me to do all these new things, I want 30% ownership. He was appalled. Called me entitled. I told him entitled is thinking I'm owed something. I am only focused on what I want going forward. He said we will work it out.

    I know him 20 years. He will not sign anything over to me unless I threaten to leave. Threatening to leave will ruin our friendship. If I leave so does our only tech (who has many better paying options). The business goes under. He is on the hook for lease.

    If I stay, I'm his bitch, building a business that will do 400k next year, with potential to double that, but projects safely at 500k. (I make 28k). I'm thinking of signing lease on new place in my name, starting new business with my branching ideas. The one idea is pretty solid, semi tested, and could be scaled across the nation.

    I have enough saving to run one month. I might be able to borrow from friends/sell my stuff to make it two. True sink or swim situation. What would you do?

    submitted by /u/swm4urlife
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    How can I compete against Craigslist people?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    I'm opening a cleaning service and I'm looking at ads on Craigslist. It will be impossible to compete against them. They are charging 1/3 of what I plan to charge.

    What is causing potential customers to choose me and not them ? Also how can I sway customers from calling in and saying, "well I saw an ad on Craigslist and they were only charging $30. Why are you charging $90?"

    submitted by /u/trev3795
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    Do people assume you are ‘rich’ because you own a small business?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 06:35 AM PDT

    I am often amused/frustrated by people lumping me in with the 'elite' class despite earning an income comparable to many professionals meanwhile serving debt that would keep many people up at night.

    submitted by /u/angrymountie
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    Struggling to Find Sweater Manufacturer/Producer

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 03:07 PM PDT

    My wife and I are in the early stages of starting a brand that sells high quality sweaters and we'd like to have them stitched with designs of our choice. We know of other company's that have sweaters like that, but we can't seem to find any companies we can talk to and give them our ideas, have a back and forth and get a quote. Ideally, we'd love to see different sweaters, styles, etc and make a decision on what we want based on that.

    Any recommendations on this?

    submitted by /u/spydervenom
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    Less expensive alternative to certified mail?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 06:33 PM PDT

    I work for a small startup and have recently realized how much postage is costing our company. We have a need to send certified letters to people to prove we tried to reach out to them. Basically all we need is some sort of proof they received our letter. Is there a less expensive option than certified mail with an electronic return receipt costing $5.60 a pop?

    submitted by /u/kynahhh
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    How to have/keep positive morale?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    In a small business setting how do you make sure peoples voices are heard and have good retention? And what are some negative signs to look out for?

    submitted by /u/KSIChancho
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    Want to revamp my handyman business after 3 months.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    So I started a handyman company dealing with VRBOs in a ski resort town. I started my LLC ((last name) Handyman and Landscaping LLC) did all the insurance, licenses, and paperwork to be a legal handyman and started working. Problem is I have come to hate the name I picked and narrowed down the scope of work I do. I will eventually just do remodels, general contracting, and am droping the landscapping. How do I go about renaming my company and all my legal documents to something that fits my scope of work better?

    I have been working in this line of work for a while and primarily get business through word of mouth so most people really just know my name and not my company name.

    submitted by /u/rendragmuab
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    In store sales signage

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    Basically, we are having a sale on our windows and cabinetry and need an effective yet inexpensive way of posting it throughout our two stores. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what they found to be effective? I have checked out vistaprint, and table tents and postcard sized glossy cards look decent for the cost, but I'm looking to impress the owner with something he'd love.

    submitted by /u/Pavrik_Yzerstrom
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    LLC Question

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    Hope you are having a great week so far and getting ready for the weekend. I have a few questions about LCC and wanted to see if any can help me. It would be even better if someone can ELI5.

    - I read that in my state (NY) if I register an LLC in Delaware or Nevada or outside the sate, I have to still register here and basically pay double taxation. True?

    - If I have an LLC and get a job but want to get paid as a contractor (so that the company pays the LCC) how would I pay myself? Do I need an accounting program?

    - With the previous scenario, if I want to pay myself a specific amount and then get a distribution for my wife since she is in the LLC, can I do that? or pay her the rest?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/gabrod
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    Best CRM with QB integration? Sales rep advice!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    Hope to pick these amazing and helpful brains! Thank you in advance! We manufacture (b2b with 10% e-commerce 1.4 annual) and have commission-based reps and some territory we cover ourselves. We use Quick books.

    1. What is the best application to track sales and leads? Our main goal is to identify low performance areas so we can gently nudge our reps and also track our own leads for key accounts and territory we cover ourselves.

    2. We currently use MailChimp to mass email both b2b and d2c customers but maybe the CRM program would have something better? Open rate is around 8%. We also made a list of leads (10k) we have yet to utilize because keeping track seems daunting!

    3. Speaking of reps anybody have a good way to set sales goals for reps? We have never been able to figure that out. Expanded product line has seen sales rise nearly 30% this ytd but nothing is moving the needle in low performance territories- some with 0 sales.

    submitted by /u/clemonlimes
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